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Past Life Regression: A Warning And Explanation

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Past life regression has been in the beginner section meditation in the JoS, since back in 2005, many people who entered the JoS were already coming from places with occult background and spiritual knowledge [much of it corrupted] and therefore this made it a popular meditation to want to attempt.

Most people who go into spirituality, that is the first task they want to achieve. Except of setting things on fire or something with Pyrokinesis after two weeks.

And that's really great of course. Yet it's always a good idea to properly go towards a goal to actually make it happen.

I have decided to move this meditation to another category [there will be two more categories other than power meditation], and any related practices that will be added on the JoS in next upcoming updates will be rife filled with actual methods of discovering soul wounds, abilities or powers stemming from past lifetimes and how to properly work with these.

The above, as one can see, is not really "power meditation". Meditations that increase power should be called power meditations. The first primary thing Spiritual Satanists need and have needed in the past to survive, was that we needed [and we will need even more] power. They have their place.

But there is a lot more into this, and it's going to be beautiful for many.

Now, since many people are not mentally mature, alongside other things, doing only power meditation while one's mind, attention and so on remains small, can increase power a lot, yet people can be derailed on their understanding. A little pushing by the enemy and other psychological factors, and some go off the rails. If one keeps advancing, they tend to return, but not always.

Many Spiritual Satanists have suffered considerably by increasing exponentially a level of power with zero knowledge on how to utilize this level, causing the effect of owning a formula and not knowing how to drive it.

However, I have to describe the reality in regards to this meditation and how "past life regression" really can affect someone.

Before this, I have to be specific that yes, remembering one's past lifetimes, working spiritually to fix past lifetime woes, all these matters are core in fixing and uplifting the soul or overcoming obstacles in this lifetime. Yet the points where this is possible and the major way this can be achieved will be explained here.

First and foremost, past life regression is not the only way to know about your past life or derive the most crucial information needed for your advancement. In reality, the past life regression meditation is only a small drop in the sea of other meditations and techniques one can use to find out about their past life issues in order to rectify their soul.

Now, most people who want to do this and are beginners, are naively going into a route that is most likely certain to cause self deception. Many are asking to see something they are not yet ready to see. 90% of this is psychological, and stems from the lower aspects of the mind which prompt people to deception.

The above can only be overcome by serious meditators. And by serious, I mean this. It can take decades for people to understand some self deceptions. Alongside everything, good old real world, tends to prove a lot of these things by default. In the self deceptive states, people always avoid interactions with others, since this might unveil deception through doubt.

To give an example of how pointless this can be in beginners, I will explain. Oftentimes I have been hearing from people that they "saw" that they were with the Gods and wanting to specifically know the details. Sure, one's soul could have been.

The soul however, and our heart, is not really seeking these past "answers", but indeed the soul is moving towards it's development onward [because the soul is moving towards the future]. In this lifetime, in simple words. In this sense, the wholeness of feeling of understanding, does not arise by looking at the past, but by acting in the present and the future.

All your present and past accumulated wrong dynamics, karmic dross and anything else, is reflected in your natal chart and life of this lifetime. By correcting these, you are correcting the past directly. This involves soul meditation on your soul which is...you. It has always been you.

What has remained with you here, and is still here from "these times"?

That you love the Gods and you again, in this lifetime, want to be with them, wanting to advance, and your own soul. That is the important thing. The details about this are not what is going to solve your primary longing, but indeed, just walking this path again in this lifetime.

Oftentimes, people who are emotionally or otherwise deficient in this lifetime, when they embark in meditations to look in their past lives and so on, will not see the Truth, but rather will see things of a possibly dubious nature. The reality and illusion here can be mixed. These illusions can reflect present day deficiencies in the soul, or they might even be real.

Lots of New Agers and other idiots self lie themselves to oblivion. Regardless it's humanely impossible for me to explain the vastness of true advancement versus nonsense pseudo-advancement. To this I have to say only one thing: Power, Wisdom, Influence etc, these are proofs - not bogus claims by people.

Most people when they do regression, they tend to always think they were someone else, such as Alexander the Great, how every Native American was Montezuma, the list goes for any person and whatever grand personality. Rarely you will hear the contrary and the lesser and more imaginative the people, the worse this will get.

This is of course prevailing among the New Age crowd and other weak people too. As we are more enlightend and walk a better path than them, it's a good opportunity to stray from the necessity of extreme deception.

You don't need grand deceptions to advance. Believe whatever you want indeed. If you do not meditate, and don't prove anything, or have any actual powers, or whatever - you are nothing. You can believe you are everyone, as any man and woman in this planet is entitled to a self deceptive "truth" that is filled with falsehood.

Only the powerful will rise above this.

At the point we are now with popular human delusions, many also will see that they are Superman or other things which are mere compensations of emotional shortages in this lifetime.

The above is the straight up fact on this. Anyone can feel free to deny this of course. Life will answer for this long after I have.

I've lost track of how many "angels" and other people I have read the thoughts of online. Some even claim they are "Gods" or "Satan", or whatever else, John the Baptist. This situation is prevalent in many people getting into spirituality. Poor meditation, poor discipline, even worse "guides", lead to this nonsense.

Since many people are not initiated and/or hardly meditate, they perpetuate all sorts of lies in regards to finding about "past lives", leading many people who are already very weak and/or unacknowledged, into even more mistakes.

This generally comes from people who have done nothing in this lifetime, and many of these imaginations are compensations to compensate for emotional shortages within the soul. In a sense, that is only an extension of imagination present to ideolize other things, and even worse, an inner tendency of people to place their mind anywhere, but be nowhere present near to the observed level.

For those who have "been someone" in a past life, I will not get on your experience, but rather explain what was my own case in regards to all this. The major discovery I had after about a very long time of extremely consistent, hardworking, and very pointed meditation is this: You don't need to know the nonsensical details about past lifetimes.

Before you say I am trying to dissuade you, I will also mention this additionally: Plato, Aristotle and others have mentioned the same about this subject. What did they mean?

That you must focus on this life. YOU ARE WHO YOU WERE ALWAYS. That is a big relief to know but this understanding will arise after at least "some" meditation, or at least meditation knowledge. That should relieve everyone. And yes, all your existence is stored somewhere too, in a level of your soul, which will eventually be understood and reached if you keep meditating.

The important aspect is to advance now, not to give yourself ever stranger theories.

In fact, in early stages of development, you are only setting up yourself to be lied to. What you "were" back then, you already "are" now again, and anything you need is already present here with yourself. The reflections of karmic situations reflecting from this level back then, to your life today, remain in many ways the same. The knowledge you had before is already there, and meditation and purely by spiritual advancement, you will be given this information.

But by this time you will "know" most of this information for absolute real, most of this information will mean nothing to you. By mean nothing, I mean that you will already be on the appointed path of advancement that is the core issue here, rather than seek self importance or self deprecation points like you are in social media.

Yet, this information tends to come out progressively and by the time you will know many important things about "yourself", these won't matter anymore more than the rectifications of these things will matter [since these are in the past].

At a higher point of advancement where delusion is not necessary for one to feel better, you will see and experience who or what you "were", not as part of compensating for inner or external failure, but simply because you will need to continue on the path that you have been set upon and advance further.

Something to keep in mind strongly is this: You are indeed the very same person you was in your soul, back then and now. The changes between lifetimes can be minor. All one's focus should be, is to solve your issues that arise in THIS lifetime, and this will reverberate in all your past lifetimes. Due to the law of energies, these already are present where you are today.

In effect, as times and aeons change, and society changes, different ways of negative or other blocks may manifest. As humanity moves towards an advanced level, external life will change, but all issues residing in a soul will remain.

On a final note, one must remember this: In every practicing spiritual individual, who will take the path of Spiritual Satanism seriously, you will discover your own Godlike powers and your personal potential spiritually and otherwise, towards the Godhead. You don't need to be "anyone" else to succeed in this.

All you need is yourself, to meditate, and to heal your soul. The key to greatness is already in there. You don't need to be anyone else, but your own self.

Before closing this, I also want to mention something. Yes, the enemy does curse, and many may have had a "better" lifetime before, or others will have a "better" after. These imprints remain on the soul and they can resurface and so on. In the closeby future, the portion of curses that is on Spiritual Satanists as a whole [the striking majority is Satanic Souls and therefore has lived lifetimes and advanced before], will be lifted.

After this lifting, the souls are going to "breathe" better and you will feel free-er in your path. Regardless, the so called "karma" and work each soul has to do, remains an individual task. We can accelerate things, but this can never replace the work that needs to be done.

One must come into terms that one can control their mind and take control of this life to the best of their ability, and work towards becoming a God. This is the important and the holy subject we are bringing forth here. In the mind of this wise individual who has grasped it, lies that delay one will be looked upon either with contempt or be understood as useless.

The above occurs in time - but remember this; In this lifetime, as physics say, we are living on the "arrow of time". The arrow of time goes forward, not backward. 6 months wasted on you telling your internet friends about whatever, are 6 months wasted from developing true power.

We are all riding this arrow straight into time. Live your life, exist and advance. Do your most beautiful work on your soul and life now.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Absolutely amazing!! Thank you very much for that info. I look forward to the new updates. Do you know when the JOS site will be updated? Also this is off topic HP Hooded Cobra but the 40 day new meditation for beginners has chakra spinning. Most prepped can’t even still see there chakras after meditating for over a year. That might discourage some people if it says easy chakra spinning and all they see is black. I have had a lot of questions to some things and it sounds like you are kicking ass and dialing some things in for us. This works would not be the same without you!!! Thank you Sir for all you do. Another question is are we going to ever get a live chat platform where we would be able to ask a HP some questions? That would be amazing. We all need to donate as much money as we can so our HP can help us instead of whatever job they have to do. I start work again soon and I plan on donating quit a bit.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As we are more enlightend and walk a better path than them, it's a good opportunity to stray from the necessity of extreme deception.

You don't need grand deceptions to advance. Believe whatever you want indeed. If you do not meditate, and don't prove anything, or have any actual powers, or whatever - you are nothing. You can believe you are everyone, as any man and woman in this planet is entitled to a self deceptive "truth" that is filled with falsehood.

Only the powerful will rise above this.

Before coming into Satanism, I was deep into my own world, to the point of extreme maladaptive daydreaming. But after getting a reality check through Satanism, my attitude became more of a logistician as the years went by.

Since I was connected to the enemy via astral strands and made by enemy dross from the past few days, (it has mellowed down last night) I know which are my own thoughts and which isn't.

Someone will ask, "How does it feel like, especially when the enemy is panicking and losing?"

Oh, it's terrible. Really terrible.

I can describe it as being trapped in a Sunday xtian mass, while trying to stay awake in order not to become brainwashed.

Or trying to study while someone constantly blabbers in your ear just so you could get distracted.

I've heard snide comments from them astrally, even thoughts that try and make me become more "arrogant" at my experiences in the astral, and it really tested my patience.

Being self-deluded is not fun. If this is how the enemy thinks or the ones who are still having a hard time overcoming this phase, then I hope they will soon take matters in their own hands and study, as well as meditate. This will clear away in time.
You hit the nail on the head as always, Cobra. People in general spend too much time thinking about themselves and get into a stilted position with everyone else. When I started as a teenager I had the idea that I was to be big and special because I was big and special, and I pretty much didn't advance at all for the first four or five year at all because of that. As soon as I stopped thinking about how great I could be, I started to actually develop into the person I am.

I believe I have felt this "lifting" coming on, like dipping my toes into a new life where everything finally makes sense again.
This was so helpful and full of insight! I have never to this point purposfully seriously delved into past life regression meditations specifically for the reason i might be deluded. I have mentioned this before once or twice in other posts on other threads, but it came instinctive to me to focus on cleaning and freeing the soul workings before doing any serious empowerment or past life regressions for the sake of avoiding empowering my own dross, or manifesting something that isnt real or in other words, illusions. Sadly this has happend to me in some cases which has made me take a few steps back.

Why try to light up a windshield from the indside if the outside is full of dirt and grime? There will be nothing to see, no clear path but the dirt.

I have talked to and seen many testamonies of "advanced SS" who have slipped up or gone insane because of being to impatient with wanting to properly clean and quickly wanting to start empowerment. What we see and feel if we open enough can very well be influenced and interpereted or misinterpereted rather, through what we are deprived of, our hang ups, phobias and doubts, and emotions in general. And trust me, If it doesn't at least tear jerk you pretty good, it can very well get you hurt in general or be a great hindrance. Alot of people don't want to hear if they are actually believing lies or something that isn't there because it tells them they are wrong and it makes them feel like they somehow loose progress when the opposite is actually true. You can't know there is a problem untill you see for yourself and understand the error in your perceptions.

I also very much agree and like what is said about past life regression in general here, as nothing can be done about the past. Knowing about ourselves in the present is even better as our souls will always be what we have always been. Studying ones birth chart is very useful in trying to understand the karma and issues the soul still has and what workings need to be done to fix them. This is basically akin to studying a blueprint for an engine that needs to be tuned up and fixed. you need to see what parts arent working right and know how to read the blueprint. Your chart is a blueprint of your soul so study it well. I look at mine many many times and still i find a new piece of information almost everytime and it has taught me much, on top of learning alot about astrology in general.

Speaking of which, just hours ago i was wondering about a vibe of a pattern i picked up that could indeed be a very deep seated karmic issue in my chart. If this is true i do not know. With that being said I anxiously await the updates about the mediations that will greatly aid in the healings of soul wounds.

I actually had something quite profound happen last night. And analyzing it and studying my chart i think i might have found something what could have very well been a very deep soul wound. A few nights ago i reached out to Father Satan because i felt alone. In tears, I basically told him how i felt about everything i felt so awful about. One of those things was me expressing how unworthy i felt of a partner for various reasons.

Hours later suddenly somethings about myself dawned on me. Then i went to sleep. The next night which was the last, I awoke from a dream. I realized i just dreamt that i had two children with blue eyes. I felt very close to them and was telling the boy that a quarter of him came from some of the most ancient white tribes on earth. This told me that my partner was of my mothers subrace(im med/germanic). What disturbed me however was the father was nowhere to be found. and i didnt know what that meant. At the end of the dream it was during yuletime and the boy was giving me a present. A day before the dream i had realized that my mother gave me the genotype for blue eyes that is dormant in my genetics. If i had children I could pass than on! This is beautiful because it is one of the hallmark traits of many of our Gods, the nordic ones specifically.

But here it comes: im terrified of childbirth and rasing children for many reasons, fear of abandonment being one. I actually realized just today it even has its own term-Tokophobia.

I have noticed that i have several placements in my chart that deter me from wanting children, that seem to indicate my children would have issues with their dad, not to mention my chart says i can attract abusive mates, but i also have another scary placement that says i can be an abusive parent, or at least too protective. at worst, this planet in this particular house brings a deep fear of having children, or even cribdeath or death during childbirth.

Everysince my before puberty i always told myself i didnt want kids. But that dream did something to me, and made me happy and sad at the same time. I had a similar one years ago that i will never forget. That my brother produced me a nice and a nephew that were twins (probably geminis which wouldnt suprise me as the first child always takes after the zodiac or element of the father almost in ascendant or sun), and they had blue eyes and blonde hair...i had this dream when i was barely 18.

I think this is something my chart is telling me about that connects to something deep. I was getting vibes that this could very well have something to do with a past life or something that happend, and i sure didnt need to do a past life regression for it...the map of my soul is right here. Its who iv'e always been. Because if circumstances were different i dont think i would be so afraid.

Soul wounds often go much deeper than people know, and oftentimes superfical workings don't cut it. I again look forward to those meditations.
onemage619 said:
Absolutely amazing!! Thank you very much for that info. I look forward to the new updates. Do you know when the JOS site will be updated? Also this is off topic HP Hooded Cobra but the 40 day new meditation for beginners has chakra spinning. Most people can’t even still see there chakras after meditating for over a year. That might discourage some people if it says easy chakra spinning and all they see is black. I have had a lot of questions to some things, and it sounds like you are kicking ass and dialing some things in for us. This world would not be the same without you!!! Thank you Sir for all you do. Another question is are we going to ever get a live chat platform where we would be able to ask a HP some questions? That would be amazing. We all need to donate as much money as we can so our HP can help us instead of whatever job they have to do. I start work again soon and I plan on donating quit a bit.

This sermon reminded me a lot of another one that talked about "self-deception", I remember my beginnings when I wanted to know my past lives thinking that this way something would give sense to my present, however I didn't even have experience in trance, so what I did was just meditate, I noticed that aspects of my life improved thanks to applying sorcery, this made me forget completely about my obsession with the past, I usually use an email to invite Spanish speaking people to spiritual Satanism and one day I received a response from a guy who claimed to be the reincarnation of "Hernan Cortes", the guy was telling me that he freed all of us Aztecs and Mayas from years of oppression and sacrifices, this situation made me reflect on how we deceive ourselves to feel important, and not accept that our current life is like a reflection of our past lives, now I know that there are many evidences that Hernan Cortes could have been a Jew, so anyone who tells me that he was "Hernán Cortes" in his past life I take him as just a liar.

Another situation I went through was when another person told me to be "Moctezuma Xocoyotzin", then I answered him: well if you were that person you must have some power and riches as well as a strong leadership, the subject only answered denying that he did not have any of those gifts, more people in future messages kept saying they were "Moctezuma" then I realized again that self-deception is only to feel special with themselves, since they do not accept who they really are.

Anyway, I have not yet done my complete past life regression, I have only seen the tip of everything I was, and it is clear in my graph that I was not someone so important, I just want to keep moving forward in this life, from time to time I keep talking in my sleep a language that I do not know is what worries me too much as well as a mark on my face related to a pyramid in Mexico, I am sure I was not someone so important, but I am also sure that I was in past lives working spiritually :,) for the following reasons:

In the first regression I did I failed, so I decided to vibrate the rune ÖDHAL for 40 days with an affirmation that would help me, and what I saw after those 40 days was an ouroboros of quetzalcoatl and a wall carved with different mudras, I investigated more the word "KUKULKAN" and beyond its meaning of feathered serpent, kukulkan=Kukulchon, which means "exchange of coiled one and the other in the points (Chakras of the spine), again proving that it is true that the Mexican gods have supported us for centuries, I am satisfied because I found even more things than I expected : ,)

I found about 20 sources of information thanks to the ouroboros of my vision:

Mudra of Maya knowledge:

A meditating Maya carving at the entrance of Chichenitza:

There are many allegories due to misinterpretations in the codices, for example there is a carving in which you see a Maya being stripped of his head by many more Maya, this was interpreted as a flaying and sacrifice, however the meaning beyond is that it symbolizes how a teacher teaches to strip ignorance (symbolized in the head) so that the divine energy is released, kukulkan.


You told me one day to stop having doubts and move forward, and that's what I'm going to do.
To clarify I mean to say that I believe reversing those curses will really kick off Part 2 to our war against the enemy. Satan showed me that I would be empowered soon and should prepare for it, I believe this is why.
I am very much looking forward to the coming knowledge you will be sharing, HP.

The enemy really robbed us from our Satanic birthright: knowledge of spirituality and how to actually utilize meditation.

Most people here are blindly winging it until they can get a bit of guidance here and there from the Gods, or piece a few things together correctly and make legit advancement (and legit spiritual healing).

Great sermon btw :)
Excellent sermon, I am very thankful for all the work you have been doing rearranging things in the light of new knowledge of how everything works or does not work. It's only natural that things keep changing and evolving as life in this path is of constant discovery, learning and understanding.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All you need is yourself, to meditate, and to heal your soul. The key to greatness is already in there. You don't need to be anyone else, but your own self.

Absolutely on point and it was what changed everything for me. After I understood this through Astrology. I'm sure I'm still on a very basic level of understanding, but I'm also sure that following this new path I recently discovered, I will achieve great things. I already have achieved more than I have ever had in my life. In regards to self knowledge and improvement.
onemage619 said:
Absolutely amazing!! Thank you very much for that info. I look forward to the new updates. Do you know when the JOS site will be updated? Also this is off topic HP Hooded Cobra but the 40 day new meditation for beginners has chakra spinning. Most prepped can’t even still see there chakras after meditating for over a year. That might discourage some people if it says easy chakra spinning and all they see is black. I have had a lot of questions to some things and it sounds like you are kicking ass and dialing some things in for us. This works would not be the same without you!!! Thank you Sir for all you do. Another question is are we going to ever get a live chat platform where we would be able to ask a HP some questions? That would be amazing. We all need to donate as much money as we can so our HP can help us instead of whatever job they have to do. I start work again soon and I plan on donating quit a bit.

Do you realize how naive and dangerous this is? Does the enemy seem like a joke to you? The infiltrators and traitors an opportunity like this awaits, and I'm not just referring to the jews.

If you want to communicate privately and do business with the High Priests and the Gods, you must advance and do so spiritually and in the Astral. There is no need to despair or give up as this is our path. Obviously, Internet has its value too but I think you get my point.
Interesting, I have always wanted to do Past Life Meditation to see what is happening in past and what can be learned from it. I never thought of myself as great or that in my past, I was great, even if I want to believe that. But I do occasionally perceive myself as great, sitting on a throne, watching me and encourage me to keep going. It is almost like this "great me" is my soul, fully empowered and changing me for the better. I felt motivated and encouraged to do something productive or think deeply about issues and how they can be solved in a better way, etc. This being does not feel like it is future me, but neither is it past or present. It feels like it always has been there, it does not feel any different from me yet it is better in nearly every way. Like I never changed yet every single trait of me got better and improved. Like it is Necrorifter 2.0 but it is still Necrorifter. He and I are greatness, but we are still us and no one else. Every step I take, I feel closer to reach my potential of what I know to be full. Perhaps when I reach my full potential, I will only realize there is more to my potential and that stop post of full potential just move on. Of course, there are still many steps where I stop to figure out what is the next steps and even step back and undo what I have work on and so I have to step forward again either in the same way or a different way. It felt like I did more step back than forwarding overall. But I did notice that amount of step back I did in any time interval now and past then, are shorter and shorter. Perhaps someday I will reach a point where I did more steps forward than not.

I still wish for accountability or someone to work with as that tends to be the greatest source of motivation and know that there is someone who relied on me and watches me cause me to want to put in my full effort than to pass off as a lazy and uncaring person.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have decided to move this meditation to another category [there will be two more categories other than power meditation], and any related practices that will be added on the JoS in next upcoming updates will be rife filled with actual methods of discovering soul wounds, abilities or powers stemming from past lifetimes and how to properly work with these.

The above, as one can see, is not really "power meditation". Meditations that increase power should be called power meditations. The first primary thing Spiritual Satanists need and have needed in the past to survive, was that we needed [and we will need even more] power. They have their place.

Yes, Good! This needs to be corrected.

My biggest issue with meditation that I can form is "What is meditation?". In other words you describe Power Meditation the act of working on power i.e. a source of energy for example a Chakra mantra or Runic mantra or breathing in energy.

My biggest issue over the years is trying to understand meditation in a sense of what is known as "Mindfulness". Mindfulness is a form of void. In reality a friend of mines described it quite well similar to this buddhist website(it might buddhist but he keeps the spiel down, he teaches meditation in a buddhist fashion for helping people non of that Nirvana dissolving bullshit).https://www.wildmind.org/ One of the few buddhist sites I've seen that teaches meditation with a paint coat of buddhism i.e. very mild merely explanation like Priti(energetic buildup of sensory information sensing of "electrical" properties of the body)

Basically Mindfulness = The ability to hone in on sensory information hidden from the bodies consciousness to induce a physical-mental-spiritual phenomena in which you calm your mind by occupying the activity with a sensations of the body such as heartbeat, breathing, or sensory information.

Void = The act of consciously or passively halting the thought process to induce a state of pure mental calmness and mental voidedness, in which the person has stopped thinking.

Another mental meditation which makes me wonder is:

Single-pointed concentration = the ability to focus or even hyper focus to such a degree only one thought occupies the person. Mostly used in "concentration" of images i.e. yantras to induce some effect. Another use is focus on a chakra or power meditation aspect to produce more thought power(witchcraft) into said property. For example I'm sure a single-pointed concentration expert can clean his aura more deeply than a person who is sitting there trying to clean whom is early on in his efforts(i.e. newer person)

I believe void needs to be rectified because many believe not thinking = dead or dying or non-existence. When in fact some people have stated to me that your mental faculties on imagination/visualization are heightened and there is also a factor of falling or inducing a trance varying from a light(but firm) closed-eye alpha state to deep levels such as I like to call it ultimate Alpha the state of being at maximum Alpha learnedness just sitting on the portal doorway to Theta and Delta.

Power meditation is simply the act of working on the soul to empower it. Even Cleaning/Protection IS power meditation as your sloughing off past(more so with mantra especially high rep levels 40-80-111-216), present(the current about negative energy/ies), and future(as you clean and protect less gunk comes in from the environment or others).

But Mindfulness/Void should be in the category of importance in being non-power meditation. I believe many people fail to become better Satanists lacking in mental control, void/trance/mindfulness.

I think a combination of void, trance, mindfulness training is needed by a lot of people. I even recall some people mention a grounding effect from said properties. Reminds me on yoga how they mention the grounding since your working spiritually but with the physical vessel. And also in P.M.R. = Progressive Muscle Relaxation.

It be kinda nice of we can get high, medium, and low level definitions on meditations and separation of meditation. As some of it is power, some falling into simple meditation, and others a combination of the two. But then there is the other factor of combining meditation such as Yantra-Asana as with certain Yoga schools.

Or for example another thought is it possible to perform yoga while in a trance. Does the functions of Yoga coincide with Trance. I'm sure some people can more physically while not breaking the trance similar to people having surgeries while in a trance and not feeling anything.

So in essence this is good. I think JoS emphasis Power Meditation a bit too much. Not in a negative way but in a way of describing almost magickal constructs of development. I think we need more level headed people I think people who focus on grounding, cleaning, protecting, void, mindfulness, and trance with a light foray into power meditation are probably the best Earthly like purveyors of spirituality. I'm aware there is such a thing as over-grounding but that's not as bad as over-energized. IF anything some people probably need more grounding than they can possibly induce through their daily sessions.
This is so helpful! Thank you for posting it...

I had actually been quite deluded about this... I always thought that... well, I am not "me", because of blockages and such from current and past lifetimes.

I do believe that blockages, or other serious hangups can seriously affect a person to the point of extreme self-delusion (I wanted to have a sex change because I hated my gender - and that was because of the way I died in a past life). But still, these things will be figured out by doing munka or other meditations to HEAL yourself of THESE issues. If you try to heal it, a memory may come, showing you the source of it. And even if a memory doesn't come, your soul will still heal by overcoming whatever energies have tied into your soul because of whatever bad experiences.

The thing is, I thought I was still not "me" entirely... but I understand now that this is not true. I've done so much work to myself regarding my past lives, it's only foolish to think otherwise. I know who I am.

What you wrote about the soul heading towards the future, and that we as well should physically head towards it (to advance our souls)... It really hit a nail for me. :) And that we are who we always were...

Thank you very much.

Reading your latest two posts made me feel very good and peaceful.
Let's keep up the incredible work!!! We will be victorious.
This past life regression is most appealing because since you are weak in this life, you hope you find out you were someone great(er) in the past and thus delude yourself even more, that you are strong, instead of the weakling you are

This is also somewhat normal and it resembles most as one with no experience to relationships sort of romanticizes how he would treat his girlfriend like a queen and bring her flowers and stuff and how she would think only of him and be amazed at how great he truly is

And then the real stuff of relationship happens and one has to live with double shortcomings his own and his partner's and then to go through all sort of hardships like job, peer pressure, taking care of the household and all sorts of other issues like health, money, emotional outbreaks and so forth and so on. And if you add a child further down the road all these doubles in difficulty.

Yes, the core idea of love and romance remains, but it must be doubled by sheer will and effort and true understanding and desire to fix the relationship and grasp the dynamics that hold it together, it's like 5-10% romance and 90% hard work

I had experienced this naivety so to speak, but right now I couldn't care less if I was a Chinese farmer eating rice and drinking some wine on holidays :))

At the core, this also seems like taking the easy path versus taking the hard road. What I can say from experience, is that one should not run away from pain, but towards it. I know it is counterintuitive but is the best advice I can give. Not to seek pain like a masochist, but to welcome it as it is a great teacher. Whatever seems easy and too good to be true, it usually is.

And even if you were a great one like Napoleon, maybe you should think more about why you ended up in exile than of what a great ruler you once were.

Thank you HP!
Awe! 🙏 I needed to hear this and now! I have much work to do here and plenty of healing, and problems to over come and look at. And move on!!🔥🙏 Indeed !!! This is going to help me TREMENDOUSLY!!!🐍🔥 Thank you!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!💗 I am prepared for this course. And ready to see what I can do to improve myself. And learn. Finding out about my past and making a change in habits and looking at it all with a different approach and a new and better prospective. Hail Satan!!! 😃🐍🔥🙏 Thank you for sharing this!!!
This sounds right, for that meditation to be moved to a different section. It also seems that some individuals who are beginners will just like a certain celeb/actor/musician etc. so they do the past life regression and fall into deception/their mind tricks them into thinking they were that person in a past life and/or they just tell people they were so and so in a past life to try and impress others and then they might take it so far as acting like that celeb and etc. they need to learn to accept themselves, learn themselves and develop themselves.
If someone wants to find strength and pride in their past then they should go all the way back to the root where the most strength lies. We are all creations of Satan. That fact alone should be more than enough to make us all feel special and important. That fact should fill us with light and hope for ourselves, and be an overflowing well of pride for all of us. In all of our lifetimes this has been true. We are Father Satan's creations. We are glorious, we are strong, we are proud. The light and darkness of creation and the power of the planets flows through all of us. There's almost nothing we can't do or manifest if we desire it and we reach for it with the power of our souls and the knowledge given to us. We are unstoppable forces of nature on our highest level.

So take pride in yourselves. For you have something the jews will never have... a future.
How does one know if they lived only this time/one being a new fresh soul?

And the only use besides the points you mentioned, would be discovering things like a fortune, one did hide in a former lifetime, but I think something like this did not happen often in peoples former lives. With Crypto the problem of loosing money and not be able to reach it again in a nother lifetime should be over, if the regression are clear enouth.

BTW Great Sermon.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great sermon and very anticipating. I'm excited and thankful for the knowledge coming.

So when you say a lot of people grow exponentially in power but not wisdom is this true with the current selection of JOS meditation? I only ask because I truly feel with what the JOS offers right now I have had clarity, understanding, and wisdom I've never had before.
Very motivating...
To think that something could happen to you makes me sad and thoughtful, I have seen many civilizations under attack disappear because of losing their leaders but one thing is for sure, and that is that no matter what happens, your will and the will of the gods will continue in all of us for many generations, you are a great person, thank you for everything and for your time invested in every satanist.....

Hail Satan.
Thanks for this post you have cleared my mind for some things but above all you have strengthened the thought that ... All of us here should not be anyone but ourselves, really you can learn many things from others but we should value our self by thinking : how I would have, what I would have liked, what would be best for me, ect :ugeek:
I never understood (until now) why blatant non-advanced people cared so much about past life regression especially when they weren't even in intermediate level and would tell me that I should do it.l with an excited expression on their face. I'm very grounded so even if I was the "king of Mexico" at one point that doesn't change the fact that I'm from the slums and a second class citizen in this life. Then again all these people were always out of shape and not mentally stable and it's no wonder why they needed to delude themselves and also why they're not around anymore.

The only reason I recently looked at my past was to understand my Chart better and to see what I need to be doing in this life. ( I did by looking at my South and North node). Even when I did this it wasn't like I felt "fulfilled" because I knew I still have to put in work for it to mean anything at least.

For the most part I always went along with things as how you describe one should.

I only know one SS that told me about their past life and is doing hard work for the forums right now but everyone else i can't say the same.
Only thing necessary to get known is "your past-life was an SS or not?", at least for me. My clairvoyance and clairauidence is weak, really weak. I never got a result from regressions. But my energy limit is very high, I don't remember no even once I said "That energy is too much for me!" even when I was doing 111x repeat of Sanskrit mantras for every chakra when I was beginner. My only worry about past lives is this. "Will it be an obstacle on my way to godhood or will not." I hope someday I'll find the answer, hopingly positive one.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you always for your guidance, this came in a timely manner as usual lol. 💀

Hail Cobra!
onemage619 said:
Absolutely amazing!! Thank you very much for that info. I look forward to the new updates. Do you know when the JOS site will be updated? Also this is off topic HP Hooded Cobra but the 40 day new meditation for beginners has chakra spinning. Most prepped can’t even still see there chakras after meditating for over a year. That might discourage some people if it says easy chakra spinning and all they see is black. I have had a lot of questions to some things and it sounds like you are kicking ass and dialing some things in for us. This works would not be the same without you!!! Thank you Sir for all you do. Another question is are we going to ever get a live chat platform where we would be able to ask a HP some questions? That would be amazing. We all need to donate as much money as we can so our HP can help us instead of whatever job they have to do. I start work again soon and I plan on donating quit a bit.

Not seeing things has to do with not having enough light in the soul and/or not focusing properly. There are meditations that add light in the beginner programme. There are also meditations for focus (void meditation). Either of them is not being done properly. Most likely both, as you need focus for everything in meditation.

Lastly, there is no need to see when spinning your chakra. Seeing may come later. Focusing on feeling, which in meditation is usually a LOT more important than seeing anything at all. Feeling always comes first, seeing later. This is because feeling is a spiritual, feminine aspect; while seeing related more to the physical and the masculine aspect.
I belive that there are signs of how someone was in the past lives in their behaviour when they're little, and that if they've been an advanced soul, that could be seen in how rapidly they learn things up to, let's say, 4 or 5 years old.

I think this because, while some children start talking at around 2 years and a half old to 3 yo, some start sooner, some even later, and this shows the correlation between their brain and body and how the body responds to their own impulses. I was already riciting poems at 1yo, so everyone's different. Also how soon they start walking, and their attitude towards anything shows a lot, how they play with toys, what toys they prefer, their attitude towards animals, or other children, or even towards the things they own, like clothing (for example I would start crying if my clothes were getting dirty), these all may be a mirror to how they've been in the past lives if I'm right. For example a relative of mine, which is almost 7 now, asks a lot of questions, just as I did (this is notable because these brought me to satanism so could be the case for him), and a lot are ones most adults can't respond to, and when his mom asked him why he's interested in these kind of things (such as about Universe, underground, deep seas) he said that "I'm interested in what I cannot see but I know it's there". So this indicates he might have been an intellectual or even a satanist his past lives. So if I am right, it will so be quite simple to ask your parents or older siblings how you've been when you were little and analyse that, making correlations, and maybe asking for the help of a Demon. Could it be like that? If yes, how can you look for potential blockages in your younger self?
I am so ready to find out just how much power I have, however I am having a bit of trouble trying to unlock the power I hold within, I am trying to get stronger not only for myself also because I'm tired of the dark lord "hail him" asking me when we meet once a month for tea and talk when am I going to do something about the power hungry vampire inside my body, its almost funny really I mean no disrespect in anyway but wen I give him my same tired answer he almost sounds concerned and just a bit annoyed so with that I found this site also with that what is the first meditation that I would have to start with if any or do I just jump in, I would but I like to be cautious.
LadyStyx said:
I am so ready to find out just how much power I have, however I am having a bit of trouble trying to unlock the power I hold within, I am trying to get stronger not only for myself also because I'm tired of the dark lord "hail him" asking me when we meet once a month for tea and talk when am I going to do something about the power hungry vampire inside my body, its almost funny really I mean no disrespect in anyway but wen I give him my same tired answer he almost sounds concerned and just a bit annoyed so with that I found this site also with that what is the first meditation that I would have to start with if any or do I just jump in, I would but I like to be cautious.
Are you being a clown on purpose? Or do you not realize it? Most people like you are doing it on purpose. Just wondering if I have to waste any time trying to help you, or if your only intention is just to be a clown.
Becoming a god takes time,but their are lessons one can learn from the past an history aswell,take your time an learn, one does not master telekinesis in a day but when you do,you will treasure your new ability,
Ol argedco luciftias said:
LadyStyx said:
I am so ready to find out just how much power I have, however I am having a bit of trouble trying to unlock the power I hold within, I am trying to get stronger not only for myself also because I'm tired of the dark lord "hail him" asking me when we meet once a month for tea and talk when am I going to do something about the power hungry vampire inside my body, its almost funny really I mean no disrespect in anyway but wen I give him my same tired answer he almost sounds concerned and just a bit annoyed so with that I found this site also with that what is the first meditation that I would have to start with if any or do I just jump in, I would but I like to be cautious.
Are you being a clown on purpose? Or do you not realize it? Most people like you are doing it on purpose. Just wondering if I have to waste any time trying to help you, or if your only intention is just to be a clown.

I can assure you that I am not trying to be a clown, nor am I doing it on purpose, I don't want to waist anyone's time or my own for that matter, if I wasn't serious I wouldn't have tried to apply or made a post
Immortal said:
This past life regression is most appealing because since you are weak in this life, you hope you find out you were someone great(er) in the past and thus delude yourself even more, that you are strong, instead of the weakling you are

This is also somewhat normal and it resembles most as one with no experience to relationships sort of romanticizes how he would treat his girlfriend like a queen and bring her flowers and stuff and how she would think only of him and be amazed at how great he truly is

And then the real stuff of relationship happens and one has to live with double shortcomings his own and his partner's and then to go through all sort of hardships like job, peer pressure, taking care of the household and all sorts of other issues like health, money, emotional outbreaks and so forth and so on. And if you add a child further down the road all these doubles in difficulty.

Yes, the core idea of love and romance remains, but it must be doubled by sheer will and effort and true understanding and desire to fix the relationship and grasp the dynamics that hold it together, it's like 5-10% romance and 90% hard work

I had experienced this naivety so to speak, but right now I couldn't care less if I was a Chinese farmer eating rice and drinking some wine on holidays :))

At the core, this also seems like taking the easy path versus taking the hard road. What I can say from experience, is that one should not run away from pain, but towards it. I know it is counterintuitive but is the best advice I can give. Not to seek pain like a masochist, but to welcome it as it is a great teacher. Whatever seems easy and too good to be true, it usually is.

And even if you were a great one like Napoleon, maybe you should think more about why you ended up in exile than of what a great ruler you once were.

Thank you HP!

I think humanity is or was in the end stages of enslavement. So there isn't a lot of opportunity for many people. Most of the original members of this site at least if not all of them were the elite class in the ancient times I am guessing. Not a lot of people on here are really high up today. That really doesn't appear to translate to anything today.

So a person could have been great in the past and not be much today. I wanted to say this.

So this is more a statement against the Jewish system. Than a truth. A lot of people that are weak now probably were way better off in past lives even if they were not anyone people might know of today.

So there is some disconnect with peoples past lives and the material today apparently due to Jewish something.

For me personally the most recent past life I can remember a little I was not really greatly better off than I am now. The rest of it I don't know to be honest I haven't gotten that far yet only little flashes so I can say and remember some stuff but none of it tells me who I was in any of those lives. I may do the past life regression thing when ready I would like to work on some other stuff first.

People should still work to get better no matter who they were though.
The other thing if someone does figure out one of the people they were I wouldn't say it on the groups. It is not really that hard for the enemy to curse someone through cursing an image or representation of that person in their past life. Just be general if you want to talk about it.

This is an interesting topic.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
