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Support your cause and your family in the Gods


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2018
Satan's Empire
Hello family,

I am writing this lines to point out something very important that deals with increasing the Power of Satan and the Gods here on Satan's Kingdom, our one and only home Earth.

Satanism and Satan deal and stand for the common people, Satan and our Gods accept us as we are. Even if we are poor and broken, we are accepted. To live our religioun we need only ourselves. Satan doesn't promote poverty and to give all your money away, for some kikes at the top to grow richer and richer, just so the gentiles grow poorer and poorer. Enemy programms are there to strip the population their power, (Be it fininancial power, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom or Spiritual Powers and Gifts), and to keep them for a selected few at the top.

Satanism is the very opposite! Satanism promotes Knowledge, Wisdom, Natural Principles, Science, Spirituality, Becoming Rich and becoming independed, in other Words, Satanism places all kinds of POWERS to US - The Common people.

All Satan wants and needs is our honest, actual and MATERIAL WORK!
Satan and our Gods want us to fight the Enemy, to WORK and fight for the advancement of Satanism, for the very reason to EXPAND the Kingdom of Satan here on earth.

For building temples one needs the material capacities to start with, then you also need visions, ideas which manifest in the physical, and those who do the actual hard work and manifest the ideas. Each and every of those mentioned aspects are essential in the manifestion of a cause.

For the actual hard work to be possible, we as a group need visions and material capacities. Right now it is the case that HighPriest HoodedCobra does basiacally each and every of those above mentioned aspects.

Satan, Azazel, Baal-Zebulon, Lady Astarte and our Gods tell him their will and visions, for HP to manifest them. He manages many projects (Of which most are not even aware that they exist), many JoS Translation projects, he Hosts the Forums, Any and all Sites associated with the JoS, obviously has to be there for OUR PEOPLE (Because he is basically the ONLY HP we have left here!), write Sermons and explanations, he gets a ton a Mails each day, he also needs time for his material duties of his own life, some empowerment and time for his own advancement and so much more of what I am also not aware. And then he also has to make sure the material aspects and capacities for the JoS suffice, basiacally he pays everything out of his own pocket, if money from the donations is not enough. This is hard fact and just a logical conclusion.

I have never seen how HighPriest HoodedCobra drew that to our attention, or how he asked for financial support, or how he told anyone that he has the hardest job, he just shuts up and does what has to be done, because he is the only one who can do what he is doing right now.
The Joy Of Satan has no wish granting Dschinnis, which generate Money and/or Servers, Domains, Sites etc. The Joy of Satan is based on hard and actual labour, just so the common people get the treasure of very valuable wisdom and knowledge, served on a silver plate, with no effort whatsoever.. while other people in the back have worked hard and much for it and also sacrified so much for it.

We need actual Hard work and financial power for the EXPANSION of Satan's Kingdom!

All those awesome ongoing projects, translations, but also everything that is already existing needs to be maintained and everything requires Time, Energy, Work and Money.

Just how many spend money for things they do not need each month?
20 Dollars for the gym I am never visiting here, and 15 Dollars for a contract I am not even needing there, a game I am not even playing, and so on.

How about we all donate each and every month something to the Joy Of Satan, so we make sure the Joy Of Satan maintains forever here on this earth, not only this but also to EXPAND the Kingdom Of Satan, with all of our awesome ongoing projects, which are manifesting right now, which however, also require money and maintainance?

Donate what ever you can, each month. Even if you think 10 Dollars or even 5 Dollars do not make this big difference, but it REALLY DOES!
If we all throw a fraction of our own wealth to the JoS, we guarantee the existiance of this wonderful place forever.
We have over 70k Users here, and some times there are even 200 guests and 7 registered users here, which means that we have MANY Lurkers and people who are of Satan and with the Joy of Satan but do not post anything here.
If even just 10k people donate 5 Dollars each month, this would mean that the Joy of Satan has 50k Dollars (!!!) For the EXPANSION OF SATAN'S EMPIRE!

The enemy is very scared to see the Joy of Satan being materially wealthy.

Again, every Donation is not to make HighPriest richer, it is purely there to pay for all the Projects and Maintain the ONLY PLACE OF SATAN and also to EXPAND Satan's Kingdom.

If we all work together, we can build a bigger, stronger, more beautiful and richer Temple than just leave the building to very few who sacrifice so much for it. We are ALL SATANISTS, so let us all build Satan's Kingdom together, on to Satan'sa era we go!

Hail Satan!
Henu the Great said:
NinRick said:
(Because he is basically the ONLY HP we have left here!)
Man, you totally left Shannon out. She deserves credit too.

Other than that, yes, I do agree about the donations.

Yes, Shannon deserves Credit this is true. However, as for NOW, we only have Cobra, and of course other advanced Satanists, like VoiceofEnki, NakedPluto, Lydia and more.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Could you provide the Address where donations in form of BitCoin should go to, please?

Oh and one thing I forgot to mention, as far as I am aware of, the Joy of Satan only acceps donations in form of BitCoin now, due to severe financial damage that came from Paypal and the enemy.
HP. Cobra truly deserves to be crowned to immortality and experience his wishes on a continuum basis. He is extremely valuable, kind, and sensible. A true leader and warrior. It is to be stated that we need to sustain him, protect him, and hope we enjoy our existence besides this unique soul without ending.

May He and the Clergy be blessed, also our family and every SS as well, here or in the shadows.
NinRick said:
Could you provide the Address where donations in form of BitCoin should go to, please?

Oh and one thing I forgot to mention, as far as I am aware of, the Joy of Satan only acceps donations in form of BitCoin now, due to severe financial damage that came from Paypal and the enemy.

The Bitcoin wallet address for JoS donations can be found on the donation page of the JoS. Which is linked at the top of the front page, in green text.
NakedPluto said:
HP. Cobra truly deserves to be crowned to immortality and experience his wishes on a continuum basis. He is extremely valuable, kind, and sensible. A true leader and warrior. It is to be stated that we need to sustain him, protect him, and hope we enjoy our existence besides this unique soul without ending.

May He and the Clergy be blessed, also our family and every SS as well, here or in the shadows.

Very true, he is our Most Valuable Player. We must secure him financially and support him, so he may may be the Strong Pillar of Satan's house forever.
So we all should extend our helping hand, even if this is just as little as a little bit of money, or work, it does help if we all unite.
VoiceofEnki said:
NinRick said:
Could you provide the Address where donations in form of BitCoin should go to, please?

Oh and one thing I forgot to mention, as far as I am aware of, the Joy of Satan only acceps donations in form of BitCoin now, due to severe financial damage that came from Paypal and the enemy.

The Bitcoin wallet address for JoS donations can be found on the donation page of the JoS. Which is linked at the top of the front page, in green text.

thank you for making that clear!
NinRick said:
Yes, Shannon deserves Credit this is true. However, as for NOW, we only have Cobra, and of course other advanced Satanists, like VoiceofEnki, NakedPluto, Lydia and more.
There are legions more, and...

Maxine was left out, I made that mistake too here, then I realized, wait, She is not gone..!

But in the physical, HC666 is the absolute leader at the moment.
Henu the Great said:
NinRick said:
Yes, Shannon deserves Credit this is true. However, as for NOW, we only have Cobra, and of course other advanced Satanists, like VoiceofEnki, NakedPluto, Lydia and more.
There are legions more, and...

Maxine was left out, I made that mistake too here, then I realized, wait, She is not gone..!

But in the physical, HC666 is the absolute leader at the moment.

Of course Maxine is a living legend and the Joy of Satan is her legacy for humanity!!
Ok I don't know how to use Bitcoin but I will see if I can donate something at the end of the month to his Bitcoin account.
This is a good point, sometimes I'm living on such a fast pace that its easy to forget that none of this would ever be possible without the unimaginable amount of work of some individuals. Not to mention the tremendous amount of spiritual work in ones self in order to be able to perceive clear messages from the Gods. Mostly for the benefit of all of humanity. We are all indeed lucky to be here under the guidance of such humble and caring people.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I have been postponing getting into bitcoin , I will see to it and donate what I can every month.
You are right, if we all combine our efforts we can definitely take some weight off of our most loved High Priest Hooded Cobra and others of the Clergy who operate in the shadows. As well as further improving the expansion of the JoS.
NinRick said:
Hello family,

I am writing this lines to point out something very important that deals with increasing the Power of Satan and the Gods here on Satan's Kingdom, our one and only home Earth.

Satanism and Satan deal and stand for the common people, Satan and our Gods accept us as we are. Even if we are poor and broken, we are accepted. To live our religioun we need only ourselves. Satan doesn't promote poverty and to give all your money away, for some kikes at the top to grow richer and richer, just so the gentiles grow poorer and poorer. Enemy programms are there to strip the population their power, (Be it fininancial power, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom or Spiritual Powers and Gifts), and to keep them for a selected few at the top.

Satanism is the very opposite! Satanism promotes Knowledge, Wisdom, Natural Principles, Science, Spirituality, Becoming Rich and becoming independed, in other Words, Satanism places all kinds of POWERS to US - The Common people.

All Satan wants and needs is our honest, actual and MATERIAL WORK!
Satan and our Gods want us to fight the Enemy, to WORK and fight for the advancement of Satanism, for the very reason to EXPAND the Kingdom of Satan here on earth.

For building temples one needs the material capacities to start with, then you also need visions, ideas which manifest in the physical, and those who do the actual hard work and manifest the ideas. Each and every of those mentioned aspects are essential in the manifestion of a cause.

For the actual hard work to be possible, we as a group need visions and material capacities. Right now it is the case that HighPriest HoodedCobra does basiacally each and every of those above mentioned aspects.

Satan, Azazel, Baal-Zebulon, Lady Astarte and our Gods tell him their will and visions, for HP to manifest them. He manages many projects (Of which most are not even aware that they exist), many JoS Translation projects, he Hosts the Forums, Any and all Sites associated with the JoS, obviously has to be there for OUR PEOPLE (Because he is basically the ONLY HP we have left here!), write Sermons and explanations, he gets a ton a Mails each day, he also needs time for his material duties of his own life, some empowerment and time for his own advancement and so much more of what I am also not aware. And then he also has to make sure the material aspects and capacities for the JoS suffice, basiacally he pays everything out of his own pocket, if money from the donations is not enough. This is hard fact and just a logical conclusion.

I have never seen how HighPriest HoodedCobra drew that to our attention, or how he asked for financial support, or how he told anyone that he has the hardest job, he just shuts up and does what has to be done, because he is the only one who can do what he is doing right now.
The Joy Of Satan has no wish granting Dschinnis, which generate Money and/or Servers, Domains, Sites etc. The Joy of Satan is based on hard and actual labour, just so the common people get the treasure of very valuable wisdom and knowledge, served on a silver plate, with no effort whatsoever.. while other people in the back have worked hard and much for it and also sacrified so much for it.

We need actual Hard work and financial power for the EXPANSION of Satan's Kingdom!

All those awesome ongoing projects, translations, but also everything that is already existing needs to be maintained and everything requires Time, Energy, Work and Money.

Just how many spend money for things they do not need each month?
20 Dollars for the gym I am never visiting here, and 15 Dollars for a contract I am not even needing there, a game I am not even playing, and so on.

How about we all donate each and every month something to the Joy Of Satan, so we make sure the Joy Of Satan maintains forever here on this earth, not only this but also to EXPAND the Kingdom Of Satan, with all of our awesome ongoing projects, which are manifesting right now, which however, also require money and maintainance?

Donate what ever you can, each month. Even if you think 10 Dollars or even 5 Dollars do not make this big difference, but it REALLY DOES!
If we all throw a fraction of our own wealth to the JoS, we guarantee the existiance of this wonderful place forever.
We have over 70k Users here, and some times there are even 200 guests and 7 registered users here, which means that we have MANY Lurkers and people who are of Satan and with the Joy of Satan but do not post anything here.
If even just 10k people donate 5 Dollars each month, this would mean that the Joy of Satan has 50k Dollars (!!!) For the EXPANSION OF SATAN'S EMPIRE!

The enemy is very scared to see the Joy of Satan being materially wealthy.

Again, every Donation is not to make HighPriest richer, it is purely there to pay for all the Projects and Maintain the ONLY PLACE OF SATAN and also to EXPAND Satan's Kingdom.

If we all work together, we can build a bigger, stronger, more beautiful and richer Temple than just leave the building to very few who sacrifice so much for it. We are ALL SATANISTS, so let us all build Satan's Kingdom together, on to Satan'sa era we go!

Hail Satan!

Great post, this is very true. Sometimes we take things for granted and we don't realize that in order for us to be able to have some things, someone else is putting much effort.
Our path is about unity, and unity means to support by any means our family.
Why don't we sell advertisement space on JoS and the forums? :lol:

I am more than happy to donate regularly and will set something up. Just need to familiarise myself with Bitcoin. Thanks for the reminder.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ok I don't know how to use Bitcoin but I will see if I can donate something at the end of the month to his Bitcoin account.

1) create an account on a platform that sells Bitcoins, like Binance.

2) send money from your bankaccount to your Binance-Account

3) Buy BTC

4) send some BTC to the JoS and keep some for yourself

5) hodl. =P

BitCoin will most likely rise, so you will most likely also benefit from getting into it.
gnome said:
Why don't we sell advertisement space on JoS and the forums? :lol:

I suppose this was meant in jest, but in case you are serious, obviously we will not give space of our Satanic temple to the promotion of any kind of unrelated things, be that a product, a group of people or an idea, whatever.

The Joy of Satan absolutely never sells out to anything regardless of the amount of money offered, even if billions. As selling out would destroy fundamentally our sovereignty and the entire basis upon which we exist, which is to restore the balance of power on this world and use power to stand above the rest of the world, to dictate the course of the future and change the enemy's intended destiny of the Earth with our metaphysical means as the foundation.

The money we require does come to us one way or another. It always has, however it has not been easy so far, especially on those who have invested great wealth into this to support the existence and growth of the Joy of Satan.

However, the Joy of Satan has never taken the easy way out on anything. We fight the impossible battle to it's ultimate victory for our side and we stop at nothing, never capitulate and do not let anything stand in our way.

Any people in positions of importance are also entirely impossible to bribe for any quantity of money in any way whatsoever.

If one is not, then they will not be placed in positions of importance at any point in time.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
I suppose this was meant in jest

Yes! Although perhaps in bad taste, sorry. I did not expect this to be taken seriously.

I am very much against personal analytics, big data and the algorithms used to manipulate entire demographics.

I would be very disappointed, and surprised if JoS went down this route.
gnome said:
Why don't we sell advertisement space on JoS and the forums? :lol:

I am more than happy to donate regularly and will set something up. Just need to familiarise myself with Bitcoin. Thanks for the reminder.

This place is for Satan and his Satanists only, let this place be pure satanic, and different that the others.
If we all support the JoS this is not necessary anyways
gnome said:
VoiceofEnki said:
I suppose this was meant in jest
Yes! Although perhaps in bad taste, sorry. I did not expect this to be taken seriously.

Don't worry, I wasn't personally offended, and I understood it wasn't meant seriously, however I wanted to clarify this anyway since some people may really take this seriously or wonder why we don't do such a thing (I don't expect SS to think so, but perhaps others, so the JoS stance on this does need to be clear).
NinRick said:

I've gone with Kraken as I already had an account used before for XMR - I've added funds to my account and bought BTC. Now, when trying to "withdraw" to the JoS wallet, it takes a flat fee of 0.00015 BTC which is around £7/$10 currently. I intend to make regular donations so don't want this to be taken from my donation every time.

I know I can set up a wallet to withdraw all my funds and only pay the flat fee once, and have the ability to send elsewhere with minimal fees. Is there anything else I should know? What wallets are recommended?
gnome said:
NinRick said:

I've gone with Kraken as I already had an account used before for XMR - I've added funds to my account and bought BTC. Now, when trying to "withdraw" to the JoS wallet, it takes a flat fee of 0.00015 BTC which is around £7/$10 currently. I intend to make regular donations so don't want this to be taken from my donation every time.

I know I can set up a wallet to withdraw all my funds and only pay the flat fee once, and have the ability to send elsewhere with minimal fees. Is there anything else I should know? What wallets are recommended?

Trust wallet is a good app one can use for this. It takes only minuscule fees and ultimately is completely anonymous after the purchase has been made (it's safe to donate to the JoS through this). They have many different crypto options as well besides BTC if one is interested in this.
VoiceofEnki said:
Trust wallet is a good app one can use for this. It takes only minuscule fees and ultimately is completely anonymous after the purchase has been made (it's safe to donate to the JoS through this). They have many different crypto options as well besides BTC if one is interested in this.

Thanks, I'll check it out
VoiceofEnki said:
Trust wallet is a good app one can use for this. It takes only minuscule fees and ultimately is completely anonymous after the purchase has been made (it's safe to donate to the JoS through this). They have many different crypto options as well besides BTC if one is interested in this.

Does this allow you to send BTC to other bitcoin addresses too? I.E. Can I make donations to JoS using Trust Wallet? It looks like a good all in one app. It's not clear on their website.

Henu the Great said:
Guys, just store the coins on your own desktop. What you store online, is ultimately not yours.

Also, just on this - is Trust Wallet an online wallet? Or is it only stored on the mobile device?
gnome said:
NinRick said:

I've gone with Kraken as I already had an account used before for XMR - I've added funds to my account and bought BTC. Now, when trying to "withdraw" to the JoS wallet, it takes a flat fee of 0.00015 BTC which is around £7/$10 currently. I intend to make regular donations so don't want this to be taken from my donation every time.

I know I can set up a wallet to withdraw all my funds and only pay the flat fee once, and have the ability to send elsewhere with minimal fees. Is there anything else I should know? What wallets are recommended?

I am using a hardware wallet ledger S, I pay maybe 10cents fee
Henu the Great said:
Guys, just store the coins on your own desktop. What you store online, is ultimately not yours.

Use Cold storage /hardware wallet, look for totally open source wallets. Here are good channels to get info:



For security this is the order most secure to not not secure (use open source):

Hardware Wallet -> Phone Wallet -> Destop Wallet -> Custody you are abel to move coins -> custody you are unabel to move coins.

This info is from aantonopolus:


Phone wallets are in general more secure because most people only use apps from app store which are virus checked, it is easyer to hijack a desktop.
NinRick said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ok I don't know how to use Bitcoin but I will see if I can donate something at the end of the month to his Bitcoin account.

1) create an account on a platform that sells Bitcoins, like Binance.

2) send money from your bankaccount to your Binance-Account

3) Buy BTC

4) send some BTC to the JoS and keep some for yourself

5) hodl. =P

BitCoin will most likely rise, so you will most likely also benefit from getting into it.

Better use Monero (XRM) BTC is traceabel with KYC it´s also linked on jos donation site:


Fuchs said:
NinRick said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ok I don't know how to use Bitcoin but I will see if I can donate something at the end of the month to his Bitcoin account.

1) create an account on a platform that sells Bitcoins, like Binance.

2) send money from your bankaccount to your Binance-Account

3) Buy BTC

4) send some BTC to the JoS and keep some for yourself

5) hodl. =P

BitCoin will most likely rise, so you will most likely also benefit from getting into it.

Better use Monero (XRM) BTC is traceabel with KYC it´s also linked on jos donation site:



Well, I already have some BTC assets so I just send btc =P
NinRick said:
Hello family,

I am writing this lines to point out something very important that deals with increasing the Power of Satan and the Gods here on Satan's Kingdom, our one and only home Earth.

Satanism and Satan deal and stand for the common people, Satan and our Gods accept us as we are. Even if we are poor and broken, we are accepted. To live our religioun we need only ourselves. Satan doesn't promote poverty and to give all your money away, for some kikes at the top to grow richer and richer, just so the gentiles grow poorer and poorer. Enemy programms are there to strip the population their power, (Be it fininancial power, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom or Spiritual Powers and Gifts), and to keep them for a selected few at the top.

Satanism is the very opposite! Satanism promotes Knowledge, Wisdom, Natural Principles, Science, Spirituality, Becoming Rich and becoming independed, in other Words, Satanism places all kinds of POWERS to US - The Common people.

All Satan wants and needs is our honest, actual and MATERIAL WORK!
Satan and our Gods want us to fight the Enemy, to WORK and fight for the advancement of Satanism, for the very reason to EXPAND the Kingdom of Satan here on earth.

For building temples one needs the material capacities to start with, then you also need visions, ideas which manifest in the physical, and those who do the actual hard work and manifest the ideas. Each and every of those mentioned aspects are essential in the manifestion of a cause.

For the actual hard work to be possible, we as a group need visions and material capacities. Right now it is the case that HighPriest HoodedCobra does basiacally each and every of those above mentioned aspects.

Satan, Azazel, Baal-Zebulon, Lady Astarte and our Gods tell him their will and visions, for HP to manifest them. He manages many projects (Of which most are not even aware that they exist), many JoS Translation projects, he Hosts the Forums, Any and all Sites associated with the JoS, obviously has to be there for OUR PEOPLE (Because he is basically the ONLY HP we have left here!), write Sermons and explanations, he gets a ton a Mails each day, he also needs time for his material duties of his own life, some empowerment and time for his own advancement and so much more of what I am also not aware. And then he also has to make sure the material aspects and capacities for the JoS suffice, basiacally he pays everything out of his own pocket, if money from the donations is not enough. This is hard fact and just a logical conclusion.

I have never seen how HighPriest HoodedCobra drew that to our attention, or how he asked for financial support, or how he told anyone that he has the hardest job, he just shuts up and does what has to be done, because he is the only one who can do what he is doing right now.
The Joy Of Satan has no wish granting Dschinnis, which generate Money and/or Servers, Domains, Sites etc. The Joy of Satan is based on hard and actual labour, just so the common people get the treasure of very valuable wisdom and knowledge, served on a silver plate, with no effort whatsoever.. while other people in the back have worked hard and much for it and also sacrified so much for it.

We need actual Hard work and financial power for the EXPANSION of Satan's Kingdom!

All those awesome ongoing projects, translations, but also everything that is already existing needs to be maintained and everything requires Time, Energy, Work and Money.

Just how many spend money for things they do not need each month?
20 Dollars for the gym I am never visiting here, and 15 Dollars for a contract I am not even needing there, a game I am not even playing, and so on.

How about we all donate each and every month something to the Joy Of Satan, so we make sure the Joy Of Satan maintains forever here on this earth, not only this but also to EXPAND the Kingdom Of Satan, with all of our awesome ongoing projects, which are manifesting right now, which however, also require money and maintainance?

Donate what ever you can, each month. Even if you think 10 Dollars or even 5 Dollars do not make this big difference, but it REALLY DOES!
If we all throw a fraction of our own wealth to the JoS, we guarantee the existiance of this wonderful place forever.
We have over 70k Users here, and some times there are even 200 guests and 7 registered users here, which means that we have MANY Lurkers and people who are of Satan and with the Joy of Satan but do not post anything here.
If even just 10k people donate 5 Dollars each month, this would mean that the Joy of Satan has 50k Dollars (!!!) For the EXPANSION OF SATAN'S EMPIRE!

The enemy is very scared to see the Joy of Satan being materially wealthy.

Again, every Donation is not to make HighPriest richer, it is purely there to pay for all the Projects and Maintain the ONLY PLACE OF SATAN and also to EXPAND Satan's Kingdom.

If we all work together, we can build a bigger, stronger, more beautiful and richer Temple than just leave the building to very few who sacrifice so much for it. We are ALL SATANISTS, so let us all build Satan's Kingdom together, on to Satan'sa era we go!

Hail Satan!

Nice! I was inspired by your post to finally add a post about Incubi and Succubi. Thank you :)
I can confirm, Trust Wallet works well and allows you to send/receive and buy BTC. Thanks for the recommendation and guidance.
NinRick said:
gnome said:
NinRick said:

I've gone with Kraken as I already had an account used before for XMR - I've added funds to my account and bought BTC. Now, when trying to "withdraw" to the JoS wallet, it takes a flat fee of 0.00015 BTC which is around £7/$10 currently. I intend to make regular donations so don't want this to be taken from my donation every time.

I know I can set up a wallet to withdraw all my funds and only pay the flat fee once, and have the ability to send elsewhere with minimal fees. Is there anything else I should know? What wallets are recommended?

I am using a hardware wallet ledger S, I pay maybe 10cents fee

Ledger is bad, not fully open source.
NinRick said:
Fuchs said:
NinRick said:
1) create an account on a platform that sells Bitcoins, like Binance.

2) send money from your bankaccount to your Binance-Account

3) Buy BTC

4) send some BTC to the JoS and keep some for yourself

5) hodl. =P

BitCoin will most likely rise, so you will most likely also benefit from getting into it.

Better use Monero (XRM) BTC is traceabel with KYC it´s also linked on jos donation site:



Well, I already have some BTC assets so I just send btc =P

Sending via KYC² bought BTC from a KYC registered wallet, is like giving them your adress/name etc, not good. BTC blockchain is puplic.

Buy Monero XRM, it´s should be totaly private even if boaght via KYC.

Here some info about XMR (Monero):

"What is Monero?
Monero (XMR) is the top privacy-centric cryptocurrency based on the CryptoNote protocol, a secure, private and untraceable currency system. Monero uses a special kind of cryptography to ensure that all of its transactions are remain 100% unlinkable and untraceable. In an increasingly transparent world, you can see why something like Monero can become so desirable.

Origins of Monero
In July of 2012, Bytecoin, the first real life implementation of CryptoNote, was launched. While Bytecoin had promise, people noticed that 80% of the coins were already published. So, it was decided that the bytecoin blockchain will be forked and the new coins in the new chain will be called Bitmonero, which is was then renamed Monero, meaning “coin” in Esperanto language. In this new blockchain, a block will be mined and added every two minutes.

Why Monero?

#1: Unlinkability - Your identity is completely private

You have complete control over your transactions. You are responsible for your money. Because your identity is private no one will be able to see what you are spending your money on. When you send funds to someone’s public address, what happens is that you actually send the funds to a randomly created brand new one-time destination address.

This means that the public record does not contain any mention that funds were received to the recipient’s public address. In Monero, your public address will never appear in the public record of transactions. Instead, a 'stealth address' is recorded in a way that only you, the recipient, can recognize the incoming funds.

#2: Fungibility

Fungibility is interchangeability between one asset and another asset of the same type.

Suppose you borrowed $50 from your friend, you can even return the money in the form of 1 $50 bill or 5 $10 bill, It is still fine. This shows that the dollar has fungible properties. However, if you were to borrow someone’s car for the weekend and come back and give them some other car in return, then that person will probably punch on the face. Cars, in this example, are a nonfungible asset." https://www.coingecko.com/de/munze/monero

²"Know Your Customer KYC Advisory Overview
Know Your Customer or KYC program in the United States obligates financial institutions to develop a Customer Identification Program or CIP to confirm the identity of customers or potential customers who intend to perform financial transactions with the institution. The Know Your Customer program, which was created pursuant to the US Patriot Act, is a financial regulation that targets financial institutions and financiers who do business internationally.

The Customer Identification Program, which is more widely known as Know Your Customer, mandates that financial institutions develop a CIP appropriate for the size and nature of the firm’s business.

Know Your Customer requires trade finance providers to incorporate a continuing Customer Identification Program into the firm’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance program.

The CIP enacted by a firm must sufficiently enable the formation of a reasonable belief that it knows the true identity of its clients and customers. The CIP must include procedures that specify the identifying information the firm will obtain from each customer. It must also include reasonable and practical risk-based procedures for verifying the identity of each customer."

NinRick said:
Fuchs said:
NinRick said:
1) create an account on a platform that sells Bitcoins, like Binance.

2) send money from your bankaccount to your Binance-Account

3) Buy BTC

4) send some BTC to the JoS and keep some for yourself

5) hodl. =P

BitCoin will most likely rise, so you will most likely also benefit from getting into it.

Better use Monero (XRM) BTC is traceabel with KYC it´s also linked on jos donation site:



Well, I already have some BTC assets so I just send btc =P

You can also swap your BTC to XMR.
Fuchs said:
NinRick said:
Fuchs said:
Better use Monero (XRM) BTC is traceabel with KYC it´s also linked on jos donation site:



Well, I already have some BTC assets so I just send btc =P

You can also swap your BTC to XMR.

Thank you, I will look into this!
NinRick said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ok I don't know how to use Bitcoin but I will see if I can donate something at the end of the month to his Bitcoin account.

1) create an account on a platform that sells Bitcoins, like Binance.

2) send money from your bankaccount to your Binance-Account

3) Buy BTC

4) send some BTC to the JoS and keep some for yourself

5) hodl. =P

BitCoin will most likely rise, so you will most likely also benefit from getting into it.

Can't I just send some money the normal way? Does it go to HPHC or HPS maxine that way? Either way is goes to JoS does it really matter if I do it through Bitcoin or not?

My brother told me that Bitcoin is expensive and I should wait until it comes down. I thought I could not afford it because 1 Bitcoin is like 25 000 dollars but I later found out you buy a portion of one lol I was thinking stupid but anyway the above questions please.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
NinRick said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ok I don't know how to use Bitcoin but I will see if I can donate something at the end of the month to his Bitcoin account.

1) create an account on a platform that sells Bitcoins, like Binance.

2) send money from your bankaccount to your Binance-Account

3) Buy BTC

4) send some BTC to the JoS and keep some for yourself

5) hodl. =P

BitCoin will most likely rise, so you will most likely also benefit from getting into it.

Can't I just send some money the normal way? Does it go to HPHC or HPS maxine that way? Either way is goes to JoS does it really matter if I do it through Bitcoin or not?

My brother told me that Bitcoin is expensive and I should wait until it comes down. I thought I could not afford it because 1 Bitcoin is like 25 000 dollars but I later found out you buy a portion of one lol I was thinking stupid but anyway the above questions please.

A while ago I asked HighPriest HoodedCobra regarding donations, and if I am not mistaken, he told me that he prefers BTC.
NinRick said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
NinRick said:
1) create an account on a platform that sells Bitcoins, like Binance.

2) send money from your bankaccount to your Binance-Account

3) Buy BTC

4) send some BTC to the JoS and keep some for yourself

5) hodl. =P

BitCoin will most likely rise, so you will most likely also benefit from getting into it.

Can't I just send some money the normal way? Does it go to HPHC or HPS maxine that way? Either way is goes to JoS does it really matter if I do it through Bitcoin or not?

My brother told me that Bitcoin is expensive and I should wait until it comes down. I thought I could not afford it because 1 Bitcoin is like 25 000 dollars but I later found out you buy a portion of one lol I was thinking stupid but anyway the above questions please.

A while ago I asked HighPriest HoodedCobra regarding donations, and if I am not mistaken, he told me that he prefers BTC.

Ok I will see what I can do but if I don't come right I'm gonna send it the normal way :) thank you
One Wire Phenomenon said:
NinRick said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ok I don't know how to use Bitcoin but I will see if I can donate something at the end of the month to his Bitcoin account.

1) create an account on a platform that sells Bitcoins, like Binance.

2) send money from your bankaccount to your Binance-Account

3) Buy BTC

4) send some BTC to the JoS and keep some for yourself

5) hodl. =P

BitCoin will most likely rise, so you will most likely also benefit from getting into it.

Can't I just send some money the normal way? Does it go to HPHC or HPS maxine that way? Either way is goes to JoS does it really matter if I do it through Bitcoin or not?

My brother told me that Bitcoin is expensive and I should wait until it comes down. I thought I could not afford it because 1 Bitcoin is like 25 000 dollars but I later found out you buy a portion of one lol I was thinking stupid but anyway the above questions please.

Bitcoin is currently hovering around 50K, it's not really going to dip too much and has been stable there for a while. Just watch it and if you notice it dipping lower, but some then, however due to the constant price fluctuation around that 50K range most money invested will be around the same value in the end so it doesn't really matter too much if you buy at 49K or 56K.

When you buy it, you buy an equivalent number of Bitcoin to the amount of money spend. Example, you buy 100$ worth of Bitcoin, that nets you around 0,002 Bitcoin at the moment, which is worth also 100$.

Bitcoin is most likely still going to rise, and in the next decade is likely to rise exponentially, so it does not appear to be a bad investment either way since crypto is still in it's infancy at this time. However I am not a financial expert so make your decision based on your own observations and within your financial limits.

Getting crypto is quite easy, trust wallet is a good app one can use for this. Do note that one requires a credit card to get crypto.

The reason it's currently preferred to donate Bitcoin is because any other means of regular donation is within the scope of enemy control. PayPal for example which was used for this in the past, can lock up any account for any arbitrary reason and prevent money from being withdrawn. All the donated money could be lost through this.

Crypto is also more secure and anonymous than regular fiat currency when used to donate, the JoS wallet for this too is completely out of reach of any enemy organization or the like.

You will have to use your real identity to buy the crypto, but after you send it, it won't really be traceable to your identity in any way, since it goes through so many different channels behind the scene.

All that can be seen is x person bought a certain quantity of crypto and send a certain quantity of crypto somewhere. Which is completely arbitrary and not really traceable back to you unless very seriously effort is put into that some intelligence agency or whatever (extremely unlikely to happen if you're just a regular law abiding citizen).

It is easily used with complete anonymity as well so overall it is a lot more secure for the JoS to rely on crypto for donations and also money management for all the expenses that need to be made to maintain and further expand the JoS.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
NinRick said:
1) create an account on a platform that sells Bitcoins, like Binance.

2) send money from your bankaccount to your Binance-Account

3) Buy BTC

4) send some BTC to the JoS and keep some for yourself

5) hodl. =P

BitCoin will most likely rise, so you will most likely also benefit from getting into it.

Can't I just send some money the normal way? Does it go to HPHC or HPS maxine that way? Either way is goes to JoS does it really matter if I do it through Bitcoin or not?

My brother told me that Bitcoin is expensive and I should wait until it comes down. I thought I could not afford it because 1 Bitcoin is like 25 000 dollars but I later found out you buy a portion of one lol I was thinking stupid but anyway the above questions please.

Bitcoin is currently hovering around 50K, it's not really going to dip too much and has been stable there for a while. Just watch it and if you notice it dipping lower, but some then, however due to the constant price fluctuation around that 50K range most money invested will be around the same value in the end so it doesn't really matter too much if you buy at 49K or 56K.

When you buy it, you buy an equivalent number of Bitcoin to the amount of money spend. Example, you buy 100$ worth of Bitcoin, that nets you around 0,002 Bitcoin at the moment, which is worth also 100$.

Bitcoin is most likely still going to rise, and in the next decade is likely to rise exponentially, so it does not appear to be a bad investment either way since crypto is still in it's infancy at this time. However I am not a financial expert so make your decision based on your own observations and within your financial limits.

Getting crypto is quite easy, trust wallet is a good app one can use for this. Do note that one requires a credit card to get crypto.

The reason it's currently preferred to donate Bitcoin is because any other means of regular donation is within the scope of enemy control. PayPal for example which was used for this in the past, can lock up any account for any arbitrary reason and prevent money from being withdrawn. All the donated money could be lost through this.

Crypto is also more secure and anonymous than regular fiat currency when used to donate, the JoS wallet for this too is completely out of reach of any enemy organization or the like.

You will have to use your real identity to buy the crypto, but after you send it, it won't really be traceable to your identity in any way, since it goes through so many different channels behind the scene.

All that can be seen is x person bought a certain quantity of crypto and send a certain quantity of crypto somewhere. Which is completely arbitrary and not really traceable back to you unless very seriously effort is put into that some intelligence agency or whatever (extremely unlikely to happen if you're just a regular law abiding citizen).

It is easily used with complete anonymity as well so overall it is a lot more secure for the JoS to rely on crypto for donations and also money management for all the expenses that need to be made to maintain and further expand the JoS.

Hail Satan!

Ok thanks a lot I understand

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
