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Everyone Will Want To Join, But It Will Be Too Late

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
You recognize that statement above from HPS Maxine.

Our world is changing, and people are seeing it. Those in power are abusing it, and they are terraforming society step by step into something else entirely from what it was. This hasn't yet accelerated as much as it will in the next years.

What happened until now was only a taste of it.

In regards to what the enemy is "planning", they have let us know. The world economic forum, Billy's publications, so on so forth, all of this has been discovered and undug.

All of it is written down and elaborated upon by them, not us. If anything, the thing we have been doing is keeping up with their abusive insanity, and making sure to share what they write, but keep people motivated to fight this beast and resist it's advance.

Recently in the news it was aired, except of the Co-Vid nonsense, that there is now a "Nile" virus that is transmitted by mosquitos in the United States.

I know Alex Jones is not a definite source, but added on the above, they are saying that they are already preparing other strains of viruses to be released. We know who is doing that.

Nobody has to worry or anything, I am just illustrating how the Jew World Order, is doing exactly what it said. For example, about this plague with the Mosquitoes, Billy Gates has already went in-depth. You can google this online. He talked about genetically engineering mosquitoes and other things like this.

They released Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in the wild, and these copulated with the native natural ones that they supposedly were trying to stop...This created a hybrid that is far more resistant to pesticides and pest control. One can only imagine what kind of issue this can rise in the future, if left unchecked.

Just a few months earlier in the Clown World Saga...

Why Are Gates and Pentagon Releasing GMO Mosquitoes in Florida Keys?


And a few months later in the Clown World Saga where your average idiot legitimately tells you Billy is an innocent...

Human cases of mosquito-transmitted West Nile virus grow across US, risk level raised due to ‘significant expansion’


Now and in the future, spiritual power will become crucial. I don't want to scare anyone with this. In fact, you should be at major peace now that you have this opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones - not the other way around.

But I have to emphasize for those who aren't already: Start meditating. These are not usual times like before, the occurrences that will hit many places of the world now will not in anyway be "Natural". Just be aware of that.

People have been for example mailing me about the vaccine and all the related. I have been doing my best as always to take you in the highest care and help everyone in these difficult times. The general complaint is that many are being forced to do things they never wanted to do, such as the vaccine.

People who followed suit with this, such as medical personnel, or did not really open up a lot, are now also paying the price for this. Worldwide, many personnel are being kicked out of their jobs for having any disputes with the new religion of "science" of the Jew World Order.

Science is something that thrives on debate, questions, people exchanging opinions, and constantly going after trying to find what works and what doesn't. The portrayal as science of being like a religious dogma like Islam, is not about science. It's about other nefarious plans and insidious operations.

Those in power can abuse people like this insofar people are oblivious. The more we the people are oblivious of ourselves, the more they can abuse people. The enemy thrives on human ignorance.

You have heard of these things before, and you think these things are theoretical? Then you must re-read these and keep your attention here. These things are real life. Spiritual ignorance is VERY factual. It's REAL, it affects one's life.

It involves not knowing what decisions to do, being stupid, being lost, and many other things. It is in everyone's direct living interest to start meditating right now, and make it a part of their lives.

Let me give an example...Many people are going to be abused to vaccinate on what is rumored to be a recurring 8 doses package, that is already "pre-ordered" by these JWO people. Papers have been leaked and many conspiracy theorists are already on that. They intend to keep it going and going.

You don't need to go very far with this. Just check that Astra Zeneca and others have already done deals until 2023 for more and more boosters and doses. They are legitimately open about this. Any claims of "Two weeks more" are only bogus nonsense.

Recently, many people cannot make the situation up. Suddenly, the worlds strongest Nation like the US, has allowed the Taliban to literally roam around with 85 billions in top tier military equipment. Europe is going to probably experience another 2015, both in migrant inflows, but also terrorist attacks. That will upset the whole region now.

I wish this never happens, but it might, with all the attacks and bombings and so on. While many people will be restrained in the draconian measures from going into the Cafe because of "Covid", somehow these terrorists will "manage" to get into Europe and everywhere else.

Many of these will probably be paid shills by the governments themselves, or purposefully allowed to get in, because governments simply will try to use them as an excuse for more draconian measures over the populace.

Somehow, none of this will legally or otherwise apply to the invaders, as per usual. It will apply however to mentally torture the young, the elderly, the vulnerable.

It's not illogical to assume that these things will happen as they are only a replay or things that already have. And if it does, one's mind will decide if one is going to die or not. People actually died from these in the dozens back only a few years ago in 2015.

Then, the JWO will use this as an excuse to survey people even more, shrink their privacy etc etc, until no semblance of any "Democracy" and "Freedom" exists anymore. This will helped to bolster the Co-Vid agenda and the whole direction towards this downfall of society and human freedom.

Humanity will be pressed to where we will have to stop all of this. There is a grander plan the enemy is trying to put in motion; this plan has been revealed by them. It involves making Europe into Eurabia/Eurafrica, shattering the United States from the inside, using bogus excuses about climate change, the creation of fake plagues - the list goes.

Many people think this is a conspiracy theory. But one struggles at this point to find where the conspiracy theorists have been wrong with these things. Sure, they had some things exaggerated and wrong. But the general gist of this is understood by many.

In all this, the world will KEEP existing, and life will go on. Despite of the general environment, people are going to advance and many here will experience a better decade ahead, provided people meditate and take it seriously.

If you have the knowledge given here, there is no reason you won't be "saved". We save ourselves.

Personally I have also gotten sick with Co-Vid. It passed me lesser than the flu. Those who also meditate, have nothing to fear from this. Just have a healthy life, meditate, and do good to yourself as much as you can.

The more people are hopelessly following their insanity, accepting it, listening to their worthless TV, and "agreeing" with this, they are going to crash their own selves and their own freedoms one after another over nothing.

Eventually, there will be the creation of two societies. This might look confusing now, but it won't be looking strange to you when you'll read this post 4 or 5 years from now. One society will involve the enemy and their cohorts, the weak and the retarded, and the other will involve more conscious individuals who have outgrown all this mess that is being created.

The latter will be spiritually aware individuals and so on. However, as the years progress, humanity is going to see many terrifying things and an overhaul of it's way of life. If many thought the lockdowns were a problem, they must be aware that the enemy plans the worst.

Humanity will have to fight for reassuring it's rights, freedom, and any semblance of "Normalcy". The enemy will fight to the bitter end with all this. By 2035, the Jew World Order plans, of what I have wrote before. They are planning to have gutted the United States from the inside, so that China finally strives higher than the US.

What you see now with the incompetence and evil, is not a mistake. It's actually deliberate.

Despite of what they will be able to utilize or how much we will blunt it [and by us I mean us humans and our efforts to resist it], they will use all powers at their disposal to make this manifest.

All of this is based on parasitism, fear, and exploiting the ignorance of the masses. How many have foolishly went to vaccinate even though it was not in most places TRULY compulsory, but they have got the bait that it "would become"? After this fear was used, they actually were given power [like parasites] to wrestle the law and everything else.

If nobody was following with this agenda, or put their freedom above lower qualities, the JWO would think twice or trice about doing anything such as the things that they are. Now, they are all being told none of this was necessary and that it didn't help.

Anyway, even those who followed the jews into the lies or listened to fear more than anything, they will be struck with disillusionment. Eventually there will be no middle ground to stand upon, and even the "regular people" will more or less have to pick a side. Many will opt in for permanent ignorance, foolish "Conveniences", and "You will own nothing and you will be happy". Others will resist.

What I am trying to say, the jews are liars and parasites. The more people engage into their games and accept this enslavement, the jew only pushes the knife even deeper. There is no end to it. What is still worth preserving in life won't join forces with them. What does, will be left desolate and like an empty husk.

From this division, there will become three classes. The free people, the JWO, and the slaves [NPC's]. The free people are now exponentially rising in number as the enemy proceeds with their advance.

We are not talking about politics and parties here, we are talking about a different approach to existence and life altogether. This is the Satanic Consciousness opening itself up on earth. This will be the winner in the end. The other two categories are going to collapse.

The world is moving towards a change that even the JWO has not even remotely comprehended. They will proceed with what they want to do, but they will fall into a hole that they have built for themselves. Out of this, a new society will arise.

The fate of a strong percent of humans will be this. We just want to reassure that it won't be the fate of those here, those of the Gods, and to blunt the blow as much as possible for souls that deserve it. But many will be getting it.

As time will go and freedoms will go out of the window, many people will literally rely on spiritual power to survive. Listen to me: the best investment you can do for the next decade, is your spiritual abilities. You will be shielded and protected will you will see many falling off cliffs, suffering, desolate etc.

I know many of you already had a taste of this during the lockdowns. How did YOU take it, and how did everyday people take it?

Do you think if people knew what we did, they wouldn't be begging to have known this before all these lockdowns, so that their mind wouldn't have to undergo all this gruesome suffering? Any sane person would want this knowledge.

You have joined and it's not too late for you, but for others it might be eventually. Many are making it late for their own self just because they delay themselves in an ignorant manner.

You can enjoy your life more, put the spiritual knowledge in effect, have a fuller life, escape all this enemy parasitism and soul entanglement, become more advanced.

Those who use this opportunity will transform themselves and rise higher than this falling world. Then, they will be natural inheritors of the world that will come next.

Do not be like these who will befall themselves in the downwards entropic spiral that is going to accelerate in the next decades. As the entropic downwards spiral will accelerate in the moving of this aeon, so will the accelerating opposite advancing spiral accelerate...You are at the position to choose to be in either way. As the rift is going to close itself, people will be absorbed based on their volition. Ignorance will not work anymore. It didn't help anyone that they were ignrorant during the lockdown.

The suffering that will emerge from this world, will hit mostly the ignorant human beings, as parasites are attracted to inferior matter. But in all of this, there will be positivity and powerful light and bestowal that will occur for those who will position themselves on the positive side of this spiral.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is just something that makes our warfare absolutely essential as well as protection. I as well as many SS I am sure have not been phased during the lockdown period whatsoever and have even thrived.

I am certain your AOP warded off the worst for you HP.

As for me, I am trying to make sure I come under no circumstances to be foreced to take the vaccine. I'm the only one in my family who hasn't been. I have a family member who won't let us visit without it so I've had to lie. If she wanted proof we would have a big issue. It would mean me never visiting again...over fucking jewvid.

I am actually thinking of switching to a different labor union also so I can actually have a normal 40 hour work week with security and long term consistency with work, and to be home every night instead of eventually spending half my check on travel, for which, I may even eventually be bitched at to be vaxxed for. No thanks.

We will be protected if we do our part.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Spiritual ignorance is VERY practical.
I don't think you meant to say that :p
What is actually scary is that people who are already somewhat aware are still not fully committed or accepting of what's happening and seem to be in denial mode of the full scope of what's happening.

Pfizer is making an extremely anq over-priced Ivermectin tablet to prevent people from dropping dead because of the lost immunity.

Fauci was talking about triple vaxxed in a year. This is insane.
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Spiritual ignorance is VERY practical.
I don't think you meant to say that :p

Language barrier. I meant factual, real, objective in this case, not "practical" as in "practically viable".

Fixed, thank you Brother.
Jack said:
What is actually scary is that people who are already somewhat aware are still not fully committed or accepting of what's happening and seem to be in denial mode of the full scope of what's happening.

Many can actually see this or feel that, but they are afraid to face it. This ignorance unfortunately is where many of those in power build these insidious agenda.

Anyway, like any other interval in history, it's the people who are aware of this and will expose this that are going to be active in this.

The absolute average joe won't accept this until they are somehow put into some prison from the Chinese Social Credit System AI or something. If they aren't affected directly on their very very physical, they will ignore it. It's having small consciousness that makes this the case.

Thankfully the assistance of many of this world's slobs won't be required. Not absolutely "everyone" is needed, and also, many of these people who are ignoring it all, are not fit to do any work against this anyway. They are only wrestled like a living battery.

But this category will be the one the enemy abuses mostly, because they will be the first to get suckered into the vortex of negativity. The conscious will survive this with more suffering in short term, but triumph longterm.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
But this category will be the one the enemy abuses mostly, because they will be the first to get suckered into the vortex of negativity. The conscious will survive this with more suffering in short term, but triumph longterm.

I think we need to creat a vortex of positivity. I would like to read some words about how beautiful will be the next decade for those who are spiritually aware
Is it a bad choice for me to go to Europe to work? I have been planning this for a long time, I was going to leave America for Europe, but the world is shit, I need advice. :(
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
What is actually scary is that people who are already somewhat aware are still not fully committed or accepting of what's happening and seem to be in denial mode of the full scope of what's happening.

Many can actually see this or feel that, but they are afraid to face it. This ignorance unfortunately is where many of those in power build these insidious agenda.

Anyway, like any other interval in history, it's the people who are aware of this and will expose this that are going to be active in this.

The absolute average joe won't accept this until they are somehow put into some prison from the Chinese Social Credit System AI or something. If they aren't affected directly on their very very physical, they will ignore it. It's having small consciousness that makes this the case.

Thankfully the assistance of many of this world's slobs won't be required. Not absolutely "everyone" is needed, and also, many of these people who are ignoring it all, are not fit to do any work against this anyway. They are only wrestled like a living battery.

But this category will be the one the enemy abuses mostly, because they will be the first to get suckered into the vortex of negativity. The conscious will survive this with more suffering in short term, but triumph longterm.
I mean it's really not that hard to see. Paul Elhrich and John P Holdren wrote the book "Ecoscience " (The Bible of Ecological Science) where he argued for Mass Depopulation and forced sterilization through vaccines, which the Rockefellers had previously released in their yearly report in 1968.

Bill Gates then goes on TV saying that he's going to reduce the world population by 15% through vaccines. And he publicly argued for Mass Euthanasia of anyone above the age of 75 through a Death Panel. We have video evidence of this.

He's been caught doing this in India and Africa to poor villagers, testing his technology. There's been documentaries made on this psychopath.

These are just two articles from last year where these people just publicly said that they were campaigning for the extinction of the Human Race.


This theme of a supposed lab leak and then enforcement of Planetary Tyranny to reduce population along with getting total control was written by Holdren in his book in 1977,


This is all looking a tad bit TOO SCRIPTED to be true.
StyleCoin said:
Is it a bad choice for me to go to Europe to work? I have been planning this for a long time, I was going to leave America for Europe, but the world is shit, I need advice. :(

No. Obviously, not every single place is going to be affected, just some places. Do your best to stay out of trouble, in this case. Ask the Gods to guide you correctly.
Nice sermon but.. as i remember in an older sermon you said that the next year will be better, i guess after that it will get worse again? Still, i cannot imagine what the hell will be happening in the future because even now everything looks so surreal... well at least the filthy normies who allowed the jews all this crap will be first to suffer right? Their pain will be like that cold juicy water you drink in a hot day of summer.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StyleCoin said:
Is it a bad choice for me to go to Europe to work? I have been planning this for a long time, I was going to leave America for Europe, but the world is shit, I need advice. :(

No. Obviously, not every single place is going to be affected, just some places. Do your best to stay out of trouble, in this case. Ask the Gods to guide you correctly.

Thanks for the answer, I will ask the gods for help. ;)
Don't be scared, just take proper precautions. If you have issues consistently or easily meditating, I highly advise starting a working with Nauthiz.

For example, Nauthiz x100,

"The energies of Nauthiz have now and permanently made me fully disciplined and consistent with my spiritual advancement and warfare work, in all ways and times, in a positive and harmonious manner for me."

Example visualizations to do after:
-Visualize yourself doing a full routine without any trouble, despite any obstacles "hitting you". For example, you are sitting in your chair and time is passing, and you are easily finishing lots of activities.

-Visualize a calendar, with each day that you have done your full routine glowing. Then see the whole calendar glowing, then perhaps an infinity symbol, proving that you now and always do your full spiritual routine.

-Visualize a graph with your spiritual success taking off like a rocket with your newfound productivity.

September 14th is a waxing moon in Capricorn and therefore is a good time for this. The above is just an example for people who may not know what to do. The reps of Nauthiz can of course be changed to something lower or higher. One can also add in runes like Sowilo to boost the working.

If you are a noob and worry that you have little power: Yoga and pranayama will be your best friend since they require much less mental power to complete. Also, deep cleaning, such as with Visuddhi, will greatly amplify one's power as well.

Good luck everyone. We will overcome.
StyleCoin said:
Is it a bad choice for me to go to Europe to work? I have been planning this for a long time, I was going to leave America for Europe, but the world is shit, I need advice. :(

I'm an American who worked in Europe, Holland specifically for 6 and a half years. Unless you live in a place like new York you will find the living quarters and the quality thereof shittier compared to the states. Twice as small and Twice as expensive and no air Co along with being basically commieblocks sharing walls with neighbors. It cost me 2000 euros to get my drivers license there..the one from the states is invalid there and they all drive stick shift. They literally charge more for automatic car lessons. Idiots. Big scam that business there. Here a DL cost not even 50 dollars to 100

In all honesty however if it weren't for this along with the lengths they go to for infringement of privacy and ridiculous rules I would have stayed. The food and water is better quality, the people are better kept and healthier and overal much more attractive and I was actually for the most part among my own people. The energy felt better. I'm also glad for being here now however because in the EU I almost would have certainly been forced to be vaxxed. The upsides here at home with certain freedoms are still better.

There is also a much better balance between work and homelife in many parts of Europe. America is is most overworked country in the world and Americans have no lives or hobbies because of being worked to death for fucking 10 to 12 hours a day 6 to 7 days a week and many are barely allowed vacation.

In Europe in many places you are not allowed to defend your home and person if you encounter an intruder. They can literally sue you. Guns are banned but criminals still find ways.

If you move to the EU bet on them wanting proof of you being vaxxed. Living and working there you will need a residence permit and will need to file for taxes there and for the US. For the US you will need to file something called a foreign income exclusion so you will not be double taxed. To avoid trouble with the IRS be sure to give them your new address and bank info on time in your new country if you decide to move. You will need someone who wants to hire you first. Income taxes in Europe are much higher and have so of the most ridiculous things they tax for. In holland there's literally a dog tax.

Good luck.
Oh man haha, good article, I live close to one of those places mentioned. and I noticed I have been getting bitten by at least 10x more mosquitos then last year, I work on my garden/outside everyday, I am healthy, as long as I meditate and keep energies high, I have no worries, bring it on you filth. I'll defeat everything in my way.
StyleCoin said:
Is it a bad choice for me to go to Europe to work? I have been planning this for a long time, I was going to leave America for Europe, but the world is shit, I need advice. :(

Are you genetically compatible where you want to go?
StyleCoin said:
Is it a bad choice for me to go to Europe to work? I have been planning this for a long time, I was going to leave America for Europe, but the world is shit, I need advice. :(
Maybe they will drop restrictions in a year or two. They're denying mandating boosters as far as I can see. Denmark dropped all covid restrictions, maybe in 2023 other countries will follow suit.
StyleCoin said:
Is it a bad choice for me to go to Europe to work? I have been planning this for a long time, I was going to leave America for Europe, but the world is shit, I need advice. :(

I wouldn't, but it depends where. Most of Europe has no legal concept of self-defense, even the countries where you can jump through hoops to buy firearms. Also, European police are notoriously brutal and the population just accepts it- beating an old lady unconscious for being in the wrong place and time is considered normal.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Eventually, there will be the creation of two societies. This might look confusing now, but it won't be looking strange to you when you'll read this post 4 or 5 years from now. One society will involve the enemy and their cohorts, the weak and the retarded, and the other will involve more conscious individuals who have outgrown all this mess that is being created.

The latter will be spiritually aware individuals and so on.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

United airlines already chose to be the cohorts of the enemy, they are against us.

Site - https://www.united.com/ual/en/za/fly/company/global-citizenship/diversity.html
I don't want to jinx anything but with the JWO so distracted with manifesting their trash the JOS hasn't been targeted nearly as much as 2019-2020.

We are bolstered more than ever before. We are here to stay through the will of Satan. This gives me comfort in trying times.
I am very much reminded of Maos cultural revolution in China when I think of what the Democrats are doing in the USA right now. Yeah it probably will get worse for some people but most of us are awake or will be fully awake soon and will be better off. Plus we have the Gods and meditation.

This personally is why I worked so hard to get the Jew and xtian energy off my partner cause I didn't want to lose her to all this in the future.
"What seems an obstacle to many persons is really a preliminary condition of our victory.
Just because our task is so great, and because so many difficulties have to be overcome.
The probability is that only the best kind of protagonist will join our ranks.
This selection is the guarantee of our success."

- Adolf Hitler.

Stay strong brothers.
I keep hearing of the plan to have America in the gutter by 2025. That's 3 plus years away. Also, with the Covid cases increasing, is something big and bad going to happen this winter , 2021 and 2022.? Worldwide ? Is Astrology pointing to this. ?
Oh this is a brand new post. I thought it was an old post with that heading. But going to re-read it I see its new.

Yes I'm shocked at the changes this world is struggling with.

People always say things are changing. But they don't complete the sentence by saying if the change is for the better or worse.
jbkbmz said:
I keep hearing of the plan to have America in the gutter by 2025. That's 3 plus years away. Also, with the Covid cases increasing, is something big and bad going to happen this winter , 2021 and 2022.? Worldwide ? Is Astrology pointing to this. ?

The next almost full lunar eclipse is over algol star. Neptune and Jupiter conjoin in pisces a couple times next year. Saturn is in Aquarius squaring Uranus a couple more times at least. Pluto goes into Aquarius for a couple months in 2023 then Saturn goes into pisces at around the same time. This is just what I know of.

Some major things could happen some of it bad or really bad.

It really depends on how much people wake up in general as to how bad this will end up but the enemy also could go self destruction mode and try to destroy everything and maybe not just with nukes there are plenty of ways they could try it there is that too.

We will see what happens. Hope for the best prepare for the worst.
Shadowcat said:
StyleCoin said:
Is it a bad choice for me to go to Europe to work? I have been planning this for a long time, I was going to leave America for Europe, but the world is shit, I need advice. :(

I'm an American who worked in Europe, Holland specifically for 6 and a half years. Unless you live in a place like new York you will find the living quarters and the quality thereof shittier compared to the states. Twice as small and Twice as expensive and no air Co along with being basically commieblocks sharing walls with neighbors. It cost me 2000 euros to get my drivers license there..the one from the states is invalid there and they all drive stick shift. They literally charge more for automatic car lessons. Idiots. Big scam that business there. Here a DL cost not even 50 dollars to 100

In all honesty however if it weren't for this along with the lengths they go to for infringement of privacy and ridiculous rules I would have stayed. The food and water is better quality, the people are better kept and healthier and overal much more attractive and I was actually for the most part among my own people. The energy felt better. I'm also glad for being here now however because in the EU I almost would have certainly been forced to be vaxxed. The upsides here at home with certain freedoms are still better.

There is also a much better balance between work and homelife in many parts of Europe. America is is most overworked country in the world and Americans have no lives or hobbies because of being worked to death for fucking 10 to 12 hours a day 6 to 7 days a week and many are barely allowed vacation.

In Europe in many places you are not allowed to defend your home and person if you encounter an intruder. They can literally sue you. Guns are banned but criminals still find ways.

If you move to the EU bet on them wanting proof of you being vaxxed. Living and working there you will need a residence permit and will need to file for taxes there and for the US. For the US you will need to file something called a foreign income exclusion so you will not be double taxed. To avoid trouble with the IRS be sure to give them your new address and bank info on time in your new country if you decide to move. You will need someone who wants to hire you first. Income taxes in Europe are much higher and have so of the most ridiculous things they tax for. In holland there's literally a dog tax.

Good luck.

The Driving license in Holland is ridiculously expensive. I had a lousy moody female driving teacher, who dared to compare me to other students. I was always stressed because of her. Than the theoretical exams plus practical ones are on top of it getting stupidly difficult, and more expensive. I honestly don't really need my license now. I found that most people in Holland see it as a social status kind of thing(maybe not just here). I wait for better times. Also I was never really a car lover. Maybe when I'm a millionaire that could be a new hobby😉. Realistically speaking, a car in Holland together with all other taxes like your home, is already too expensive to begin with. Thinking for yourself and advancing spiritually has never become so important as of now!
christards be (come on guys it end of world like god says mosquitoes being relised by men bes gods planses not use brain be good an worship jew in sky)its obvious most of the problems are man made like the kungflu
Utmost thanks and appreciation to all HPs and contributors to JOS that have given us children of Satan the upper hand in life. The spiritual knowledge provided here is priceless and precious beyond measure! Hail all SS and Gentile Gods and Goddesses! Hail Satan most high and radiant!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Those who use this opportunity will transform themselves and rise higher than this falling world. Then, they will be natural inheritors of the world that will come next.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth
~Matthew 5:5

Er, no. I could lol at the christians, but unlike them, I don't wish to have a Human as my footstool.
Blitzkreig said:
Don't be scared, just take proper precautions. If you have issues consistently or easily meditating, I highly advise starting a working with Nauthiz.

For example, Nauthiz x100,

"The energies of Nauthiz have now and permanently made me fully disciplined and consistent with my spiritual advancement and warfare work, in all ways and times, in a positive and harmonious manner for me."

Example visualizations to do after:
-Visualize yourself doing a full routine without any trouble, despite any obstacles "hitting you". For example, you are sitting in your chair and time is passing, and you are easily finishing lots of activities.

-Visualize a calendar, with each day that you have done your full routine glowing. Then see the whole calendar glowing, then perhaps an infinity symbol, proving that you now and always do your full spiritual routine.

-Visualize a graph with your spiritual success taking off like a rocket with your newfound productivity.

September 14th is a waxing moon in Capricorn and therefore is a good time for this. The above is just an example for people who may not know what to do. The reps of Nauthiz can of course be changed to something lower or higher. One can also add in runes like Sowilo to boost the working.

If you are a noob and worry that you have little power: Yoga and pranayama will be your best friend since they require much less mental power to complete. Also, deep cleaning, such as with Visuddhi, will greatly amplify one's power as well.

Good luck everyone. We will overcome.

Very much appreciated for this! Will definitely start using this to spring board into consistent meditation.
Spidersweb said:
StyleCoin said:
Is it a bad choice for me to go to Europe to work? I have been planning this for a long time, I was going to leave America for Europe, but the world is shit, I need advice. :(

I wouldn't, but it depends where. Most of Europe has no legal concept of self-defense, even the countries where you can jump through hoops to buy firearms. Also, European police are notoriously brutal and the population just accepts it- beating an old lady unconscious for being in the wrong place and time is considered normal.
I would agree about the self defence part, and we have jewish program of xianity to thank for that.

But the beating of old ladies (or people generally) being acceptable, nope. I don't know where you get this, but it's not accurate.
Aratosbung said:
Is it still too late?

Not yet your here are you not. Join in with the rtrs help out meditate etc. Your fine. I don't know when too late is but its not right now. It was implied that it would be at the last second many wanting to join but it will be too late. The war is really only starting to heat up we are not there yet.

So don't worry be happy 😊
Henu the Great said:
But the beating of old ladies (or people generally) being acceptable, nope. I don't know where you get this, but it's not accurate.
Thought the same thing, like where the fuck did you hear that lol
But in Germany they arrest this 70 yo granny who denies the holocaust in the street. These people
Who arrest her are completely devoid of any dignity.
I have family in Spain and Portugal. Also there are several videos online- I wasn't there when they were filmed but they look authentic.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

For the mosquitos, there is allready a solution:

How to Make a DIY Mosquito Trap That Actually Works!

"In this video I show you how I made a DIY mosquito trap that really works! Seeing the Dynatrap mosquito traps interested me in making my own but with a twist. New Jersey light traps work so well I wanted to incorporate it into this as well. I was skeptical as to whether or not making one of these would make a dent in my mosquito issue but after just a couple days of using it, I could see that over time this will definitely cutdown on the mosquito population around my house."
Just wanna add something up. I may be wrong. HP Cobra said that due to the spiritual global war many strange unexpected things may happen so don't tie into the enemy agendas whichever they are!!! Beware of the ALT RIGHT and conservatives! I see this movement is gaining a lot of momentum and followers. In case the big reset leftist world order fails, the jews have the alternative generator ready to kick in. Think about what all the microbiologists have said about the vaccines in the past months. Who took the vast majority of vaccines? Leftists or conservatives? Who will be left to vote if something goes extremly wrong? There's some food for thought. You may see a 180 degrees shift at some point... DON'T THINK IT'S SOMETHING GOOD! When jewsus nationalism kicks in and they will start the anti satanic illuminati BS the ones they accuse of being global satanists will not be affected, guess who will be the target... Stay safe and don't give credit to those lying monsters... better just keep the RTR war and let the destroy each other.
Alex jones rants about satanists all day but never about jews, this is one example out of a million.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StyleCoin said:
Is it a bad choice for me to go to Europe to work? I have been planning this for a long time, I was going to leave America for Europe, but the world is shit, I need advice. :(

No. Obviously, not every single place is going to be affected, just some places. Do your best to stay out of trouble, in this case. Ask the Gods to guide you correctly.

What about Mexico? Because I was thinking of applying for the Dream Act and apply for citizenship, and start working in gardening, art and music, but idk if Mexico is much better, because even with documents they could still kick me out for no reason. Not sure.
I think I finally understood the *too late* part. When I was younger and meditating on and off, it was pretty easy to get back to it, feel the energy, rotating the chakras, visualization, focus (just a few examples)
Now, that i came back for good, and after months of being consistent I still struggle in some areas... I guess this is damage made to the soul. And it's going to take a while to heal. My point is, had I waited another decade to start meditating, it would most probably be too late for me, or at least extremely difficult. Of course this would differ from one to another, as we all come to this world with different levels of spirituality. But the more one waits to begin working on the soul, harder it will be and less chances of success... Luckily not my case, I'm good, just harder than it used to be. One more reason to keep me motivated to never again give up meditating.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
