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Everyone Will Want To Join, But It Will Be Too Late

jbkbmz said:
I keep hearing of the plan to have America in the gutter by 2025. That's 3 plus years away. Also, with the Covid cases increasing, is something big and bad going to happen this winter , 2021 and 2022.? Worldwide ? Is Astrology pointing to this. ?

I will write a post about the astrology of this. It is not looking very good in the next upcoming year. It's in some ways better than 2021, however.

This is a literal plan to do this, yes. The current US Presidency is trying to erode all the basic foundations of logic and common sense, not only of politics.

They try for example to pass it as normal that you can use unqualified people just based on some strange beliefs on how this absolves one of "racism", to run your country.

The Co-Vid situation is long past control, and that is because Big Pharma and jews deceived everyone to spend all their billions and time, into fake vaccines that were mostly just incompetent to deal with the bio-weapon that was released. Israel is supposedly a testament to this.

At this point, mutations will run, and as a I said when all of this began, people will have to accept that reality that we will co-exist with "Covid".

At best, medicine will be found, but the agenda of the enemy to experiment with mRNA and other JWO harassment, does not allow the development of medicine which could reduce the toll of everything to -90% and make it all look like a joke.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Just wanna add something up. I may be wrong. HP Cobra said that due to the spiritual global war many strange unexpected things may happen so don't tie into the enemy agendas whichever they are!!! Beware of the ALT RIGHT and conservatives! I see this movement is gaining a lot of momentum and followers. In case the big reset leftist world order fails, the jews have the alternative generator ready to kick in. Think about what all the microbiologists have said about the vaccines in the past months. Who took the vast majority of vaccines? Leftists or conservatives? Who will be left to vote if something goes extremly wrong? There's some food for thought. You may see a 180 degrees shift at some point... DON'T THINK IT'S SOMETHING GOOD! When jewsus nationalism kicks in and they will start the anti satanic illuminati BS the ones they accuse of being global satanists will not be affected, guess who will be the target... Stay safe and don't give credit to those lying monsters... better just keep the RTR war and let the destroy each other.
Alex jones rants about satanists all day but never about jews, this is one example out of a million.

As I have said before, that is their plan B. I totally agree with you. Either way this might go, with jewish strangelhold, we will be back at square one. The idea is to destroy it completely, no matter where it arises, and start fresh.

A "let's fight for Israel hur hur" Nationalism or "Nationalism" that creates kosher wars between European Nations for no reason, or causes upset on the earth and returns us back to the stone age, wouldn't be something positive in anyway. Jews know how to turn Nationalism into warmongering nonsense.

The jewish psychic infestation is to be cleaned on all spectrum of human society. Just because the jews are having a party at the left right now, that doesn't mean they weren't having a previous party in the right wing sometime ago. They destroyed the Middle East based on Republican retards and jewish slaves under Bush and so on.
It would seem the Hebrew alphabet is no longer the sole priority, these jwo issues seem to stem from their own physical action - probably a sign the FRTR is working.

Tackling ignorance should be equally important.

Is there a daily ritual you could recommend alongside the existing FRTR that would help with this?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jbkbmz said:
I keep hearing of the plan to have America in the gutter by 2025. That's 3 plus years away. Also, with the Covid cases increasing, is something big and bad going to happen this winter , 2021 and 2022.? Worldwide ? Is Astrology pointing to this. ?

I will write a post about the astrology of this. It is not looking very good in the next upcoming year. It's in some ways better than 2021, however.

This is a literal plan to do this, yes. The current US Presidency is trying to erode all the basic foundations of logic and common sense, not only of politics.

They try for example to pass it as normal that you can use unqualified people just based on some strange beliefs on how this absolves one of "racism", to run your country.

The Co-Vid situation is long past control, and that is because Big Pharma and jews deceived everyone to spend all their billions and time, into fake vaccines that were mostly just incompetent to deal with the bio-weapon that was released. Israel is supposedly a testament to this.

At this point, mutations will run, and as a I said when all of this began, people will have to accept that reality that we will co-exist with "Covid".

At best, medicine will be found, but the agenda of the enemy to experiment with mRNA and other JWO harassment, does not allow the development of medicine which could reduce the toll of everything to -90% and make it all look like a joke.

I know you talked a bit about Saturn in Aquarius and looked to see what it means and how long it will last. It seems it lasts until March 2023 if I am not mistaken ... I guess we need to stay on the rituals pretty serious for a while.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Just wanna add something up. I may be wrong. HP Cobra said that due to the spiritual global war many strange unexpected things may happen so don't tie into the enemy agendas whichever they are!!! Beware of the ALT RIGHT and conservatives! I see this movement is gaining a lot of momentum and followers. In case the big reset leftist world order fails, the jews have the alternative generator ready to kick in. Think about what all the microbiologists have said about the vaccines in the past months. Who took the vast majority of vaccines? Leftists or conservatives? Who will be left to vote if something goes extremly wrong? There's some food for thought. You may see a 180 degrees shift at some point... DON'T THINK IT'S SOMETHING GOOD! When jewsus nationalism kicks in and they will start the anti satanic illuminati BS the ones they accuse of being global satanists will not be affected, guess who will be the target... Stay safe and don't give credit to those lying monsters... better just keep the RTR war and let the destroy each other.
Alex jones rants about satanists all day but never about jews, this is one example out of a million.

As I have said before, that is their plan B. I totally agree with you. Either way this might go, with jewish strangelhold, we will be back at square one. The idea is to destroy it completely, no matter where it arises, and start fresh.

A "let's fight for Israel hur hur" Nationalism or "Nationalism" that creates kosher wars between European Nations for no reason, or causes upset on the earth and returns us back to the stone age, wouldn't be something positive in anyway. Jews know how to turn Nationalism into warmongering nonsense.

The jewish psychic infestation is to be cleaned on all spectrum of human society. Just because the jews are having a party at the left right now, that doesn't mean they weren't having a previous party in the right wing sometime ago. They destroyed the Middle East based on Republican retards and jewish slaves under Bush and so on.

Bush was a crypto Jew. He was the reason I voted Obama cause after that I thought the Republicans were mostly xtians and in support of pissrael. But it really wasn't much better.

At that time I didn't really know much about the Jews though sadly. Today I wouldn't do that.
Is there a specific reason why the mortality rate of Covid pops so high in some places?

I went to yahoo.com on their main news bulletin feed. And I scroll down says 15 teachers in Miami-Dade school district died over like 3-4 days. I read sometimes MSM stuff to understand the situation just because it's crappy judenpresse fake narrative bullshit doesn't mean all the stories are some malefic machinations even if they add bullshit like "Our democracy". Goddamnit the U.S. is a Republic STFU MSM dumbfucks.

How the fuck does a virus with a sub-1% less than the flu. Kill these people? and it's not just in red states it seems like all over the Nation yahoo consistently states people are dropping like flies. A while back some district in Northern U.S. had like several teachers and students die.

WTF what is going on? I know it's not fake because in the Miami story some guy who was 55 years old some black guy(go figure for racial quota). And he was a very liked teacher been working for many years. And he died.

So what exactly is going on here? Is it pure irony that these people are the sub-one percenters or is there more to it.

I mean sub-1% of 13-15 billion people is still high that's several tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe upward pushing to a million. I recall someone made a comment on the last pandemic the Swine Flu outbreak in 2011-2012 which no one gave a shit. Back before there was the SARS outbreak of the early mid-2000s which affected some people and nations especially S.E.A.-Nations. And I recall the comment of the Swine flu mentioning yeah it killed quite a bit of people although causation is not correlation rather they may or may not have the swine flu just ironic.

But WTF is going on seriously it seems every MSM site is bombing people with covid is making people drop like flies. Are the mutations producing worse mortality rates? increasing them?

Luckily the 15% mortality virus wasn't released although I would not be surprised if some nefarious organizations are trying to cook up coof-19 to be the fifteen-percenter.
There will be two societies in the future? The free people and the jewtopia?

Our Spiritual Commander was right again,

Billionaire entrepreneur Marc Lore wants to build nation’s first woke city

"Lore last week unveiled plans for his utopia, called Telosa, from the ancient Greek word Telos, meaning 'highest purpose'"

hailourtruegod said:
There will be two societies in the future? The free people and the jewtopia?

Our Spiritual Commander was right again,

Billionaire entrepreneur Marc Lore wants to build nation’s first woke city

"Lore last week unveiled plans for his utopia, called Telosa, from the ancient Greek word Telos, meaning 'highest purpose'"


This marc lore is a blatant jew in my opinion. Look at his face. Add to point he's naming it something called "highest purpose"? What's the jews highest purpose? To completely enslave the goyim in an escapable jewtopia. Well seems like they're starting the construction of this "highest purpose". It's too much of a "cohencidence" for me.
hailourtruegod said:
There will be two societies in the future? The free people and the jewtopia?

Our Spiritual Commander was right again,

Billionaire entrepreneur Marc Lore wants to build nation’s first woke city

"Lore last week unveiled plans for his utopia, called Telosa, from the ancient Greek word Telos, meaning 'highest purpose'"


That place will become like Detroit in less than a year.
Blitzkreig said:
Don't be scared, just take proper precautions. If you have issues consistently or easily meditating, I highly advise starting a working with Nauthiz.

For example, Nauthiz x100,

"The energies of Nauthiz have now and permanently made me fully disciplined and consistent with my spiritual advancement and warfare work, in all ways and times, in a positive and harmonious manner for me."

Example visualizations to do after:
-Visualize yourself doing a full routine without any trouble, despite any obstacles "hitting you". For example, you are sitting in your chair and time is passing, and you are easily finishing lots of activities.

-Visualize a calendar, with each day that you have done your full routine glowing. Then see the whole calendar glowing, then perhaps an infinity symbol, proving that you now and always do your full spiritual routine.

-Visualize a graph with your spiritual success taking off like a rocket with your newfound productivity.

September 14th is a waxing moon in Capricorn and therefore is a good time for this. The above is just an example for people who may not know what to do. The reps of Nauthiz can of course be changed to something lower or higher. One can also add in runes like Sowilo to boost the working.

If you are a noob and worry that you have little power: Yoga and pranayama will be your best friend since they require much less mental power to complete. Also, deep cleaning, such as with Visuddhi, will greatly amplify one's power as well.

Good luck everyone. We will overcome.

Thank you for sharing it, I will translate it into Spanish because this will be of great help to other members.
Someone help me please ... I always belong here but the problem was that i am from "christianity" family
I start believe since i was 13 ... In 16 i was dreaming a man like undertaker and he tell "Baphomet is with you if you go to follow and call him ... I wake up and i search about Him ... (i dream him also when i was 7 I saw that he dug a pit ... to bury someone but I could not see anything other than the hole in the pit) (and in this dream I saw him standing over the pit he had dug but it was ground) i want to become Satanist because this is my life ... I belong Here ... help me to begin ... Someone contact with me to tell me how can I start ... Please dont annoying i wasn't lucky to be from my family Satanist I was never have the luck to baptized PLEASE IM HIS CHILD TOO ... someone teach me and contact with me ... I want to know what my dream means ... A book somebody know to tell me ? Or someone of you :?: :?: ... It's very important to me to join here ... To be with my Father , doing black magic ,
Luciferiana_666 said:
Someone help me please ... I always belong here but the problem was that i am from "christianity" family
I start believe since i was 13 ... In 16 i was dreaming a man like undertaker and he tell "Baphomet is with you if you go to follow and call him ... I wake up and i search about Him ... (i dream him also when i was 7 I saw that he dug a pit ... to bury someone but I could not see anything other than the hole in the pit) (and in this dream I saw him standing over the pit he had dug but it was ground) i want to become Satanist because this is my life ... I belong Here ... help me to begin ... Someone contact with me to tell me how can I start ... Please dont annoying i wasn't lucky to be from my family Satanist I was never have the luck to baptized PLEASE IM HIS CHILD TOO ... someone teach me and contact with me ... I want to know what my dream means ... A book somebody know to tell me ? Or someone of you :?: :?: ... It's very important to me to join here ... To be with my Father , doing black magic ,

Welcome. Study this site: www.joyofsatan.org and tell nobody, especially no outsider who won't understand. The answers are in there.
The negative energies are so high right now but it'll make me fight back harder.

Down with the (((enemy))) of humanity!

Victory is ours!

i am new to be frank never was the type of being religious when i was young i was brought out to be the faith with christ tho with the current politicle with all that i have recently denounced i just dunno im just just lost...
greenlighta said:
i am new to be frank never was the type of being religious when i was young i was brought out to be the faith with christ tho with the current politicle with all that i have recently denounced i just dunno im just just lost...

Welcome. Everyone has been lost here at some time. Do study www.satanisgod.org to learn things better and see how this helps out.
Blitzkreig said:
Don't be scared, just take proper precautions. If you have issues consistently or easily meditating, I highly advise starting a working with Nauthiz.

For example, Nauthiz x100,

"The energies of Nauthiz have now and permanently made me fully disciplined and consistent with my spiritual advancement and warfare work, in all ways and times, in a positive and harmonious manner for me."

Example visualizations to do after:
-Visualize yourself doing a full routine without any trouble, despite any obstacles "hitting you". For example, you are sitting in your chair and time is passing, and you are easily finishing lots of activities.

-Visualize a calendar, with each day that you have done your full routine glowing. Then see the whole calendar glowing, then perhaps an infinity symbol, proving that you now and always do your full spiritual routine.

-Visualize a graph with your spiritual success taking off like a rocket with your newfound productivity.

September 14th is a waxing moon in Capricorn and therefore is a good time for this. The above is just an example for people who may not know what to do. The reps of Nauthiz can of course be changed to something lower or higher. One can also add in runes like Sowilo to boost the working.

If you are a noob and worry that you have little power: Yoga and pranayama will be your best friend since they require much less mental power to complete. Also, deep cleaning, such as with Visuddhi, will greatly amplify one's power as well.

Good luck everyone. We will overcome.
Hi, I know this post is from while ago, but I was going crazy tryng to find the perfect affirmation for a discipline work, so I asked Satan to help me and then after a few minutes I found your post, so I just wanted to thank you!
I also have a couple of question:
Do I have to also vibrate Satanas after Nauthiz? Why?(I have already started the work so to be sure I did)
I have also added "phisical advancement", because I have problems working out consistently, is it ok?
I have also wanted to put mental advacement to include all things, but I had already started the affirmation, but can I change the affirmation even if the work is already started?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
