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sublimestatanist said:
I want to apologize, I panicked there and later on discovered that Kabbalistic magic combines light and dark energy and obtains such through symbols, "god" and invocation of Jewish angels and demons. There was a video of one of these inhuman priests performing a ritual on a child therby possessing him with Gods know what. Such people shouldn't be accepted in our society yet it's due to our ignorance that they do.

This magic appears undoubtedly to be nothing but pure evil. I had a hard time getting through that one part but I've found the rest of the film informative and captivating. I'd never recommend any human ever to subject themselves to whatever Kaballah is. It is the oldest magic I've seen (from Ancient Egypt) and it's the most powerful I've felt, save from Satan and his Demons. I don't know if feeling it is a bad thing as I've had an acute ability to feel and read energy around me for years. I live with Christian people yet still they are brilliant and kind people, I just have to maintain a strong aura of protection.

The Kabbalah magic only felt jarring twice and strangely both events occurred when I'd unwittingly visualize the face and eyes of a reptilian. I'd suddenly think about it and feel a sensation. It's hard to put in words but to me it felt rhythmic and shifty, as though countless circulary colliding forces are in constant repeating motion. I can't begin to imagine what it must feel like for the possessed and murdered children.

Here's to all of us standing strong and facing the deepest truths without flinching. I'm going to do some serious RTRs and hope for the day we defeat this vile creatures. I think I'm starting to understand the bigger picture. David Icke was bang on with the bloodlines and families. If I understand correctly the Pindar is the head of the Rothschilds (David Rothschild perhaps?) and he's a reptilian along with a other other ancient bloodlines. I'm starting to wonder if all 13 are like that.

Interesting stuff. Sorry for the menial ramblings. The world is messed up pretty bad and for whatever reason I feel it's necessary for me to learn and prepare for it the best I can. I just hope people continue waking up as it is an arduous task. It's no wonder society constantly encourages us to be lazy and stupid (work hard/play hard). :)

To this and your other post.....I find that almost all videos are complete crap when it comes to the type of Satanism that we practice here and to think that most of what is out there has anything to do with what is going on here is to be mistaken.

First off the type of Satanism people show in movies is the Xtian form and not the Pagan deity. Crowley was amazing in his research but I NEVER go by movies that say anything about him. I would go directly to the source and read his stuff yourself to get a real idea.

As far as all Jews being bad or not, well one of my oldest friends (not really much at all anymore) and I got together and one of the first things he said to me was "You know what the real problem with the world is? White People!" Now I've known him since a child and when I pointed out to him that I was White, his reply was, "no man, you aren't White, are you?" The guy was so prejudicial it was crazy. And on another occasion when we got into politics he said I better stop saying what I was saying (I was pro-Trump) or he'd make sure I'd get what I had coming to me.

This guy was a supposed friend. And all I saw at that point was if it came down to his Jewish ideas and our friendship he'd throw me under the bus in a heartbeat.

The brainwashing is complete out there....for even the most non Jewish Jews and the media. I may not always look at all Jews as being bad, but my radar is up immediately and 10 times out of 10 I am right.
Just wanted to say my wife and I have started the 40 day meditation program. It's been 1 1/2 days and I already notice the difference. I've also added my youth meditation which is published above...next is to get the yoga going.

This is going to be completely transformational.
Dark Lawyer said:
I have finished the Hungarian translation of the 40-Day Meditation Programme.

On the opening of the crown chakra it says: "In order to open your crown chakra effectively, you must have already performed the Opening of the Third Eye. and the opening of the 6th chakra."


But opening the sixth chakra is not part of the 40-Day Programme. But without the opening of the sixth chakra, the crown chakra will not open ideally.

What is the solution? On which days of the 40-Day Programme should the sixth chakra be opened?

The opening of the sixth chakra takes 7 days.


I do not understand. Why is the opening of the sixth chakra not included in the 40-day Programme, before the opening of the crown chakra? 7 days, you have to fit it in somewhere... Those who have already completed the 40-day Program, on which days did they open the sixth chakra?
Dark Lawyer said:
I have finished the Hungarian translation of the 40-Day Meditation Programme.

On the opening of the crown chakra it says: "In order to open your crown chakra effectively, you must have already performed the Opening of the Third Eye. and the opening of the 6th chakra."


But opening the sixth chakra is not part of the 40-Day Programme. But without the opening of the sixth chakra, the crown chakra will not open ideally.

What is the solution? On which days of the 40-Day Programme should the sixth chakra be opened?

I found a topic: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=29587

"The 40-day guide is kinda outdated back in 2018 the chakra webpage was updated to include 6th chakra done after 3rd eye awakening. Before 6th was done last or at some point later on since it was so powerful but seems like information changed.

So really modify it for your self to include the updated chakra guide of awakening."

So I really need to change the Programme. The question is where to fit in the 7 days.
sublimestatanist said:
Hey guys, it's been awhile. You may remember me as "AuraofLove" though Jewgle locked me out of my Jewmail account and thus I can't reset my password. (Apparently one requires a working cellphone and I gave up mine years ago). They also don't respond to special requests for alternative options. Preamble aside I hope my experience inspires some of you to ditch everything they own because 1 - it's garbage and 2 - who knows, they could target us especially if we're vocal.

Also I want express I don't hate all Jews and I don't believe people here do either. I very much despise their egocentric religion and do pity them (which I'm not open about) and the ones I do hate are those involved with Kabbalism and the Khazarian Mafia. (I also learned the former could be rich/influential goyim who become initiated (like Michael Jackson). However when I gently mention such things to people they think I'm an anti-Semite and shut me out, even awake people. Their brainwashing techniques really have done a number on these poor goyim, almost to a point where I think an utmost passive approach is best for me (leaving notes around, etc). I thought I was dumb but man some people are just a lost cause.

So on to my question: I was watching a documentary on the Kabbalah and was struck with a disturbing aspect in it. There was mention of Kabbalists using Demonology in their rituals (during which images of a couple Aleister Crowley books were displayed), and a following quote read "demonology, therefore occupies and important position in the works of many cabalists; for the imps are related to those beings that are generally designated as demons, being endowed with various realms of lower nature, and even occasionally into the practices with the help of those beings, the cabalists meaning white magic in contrast to ("the black art") - The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 3:479

Overall I feel perplexed as this quote sounds contradictory and seems nothing short of pure insanity. Do any of you have any ideas why they do this and for what purpose? These teachings consist much of oral tradition with many records sparsely intermittent in other works. It's a long documentary so I'll have much more to learn yet. I'll leave a link for those interested.

PS - If you made it this far you're a champion. Sorry, I get very chatty. ^_^

Hail Satan's splendorous guidance, kindness and righteousness.

About not hating all jews:
How do you know, that a jew didn´t sacrifice gentile children in a past live?

The enemy did in the past let´s call it nagging of the demons by summoning them, it is like someone would call your number all day long, you can´t block thear calls compleately, because then you shut off valuabel people from reaching you.

So some demons did appear/ answer the call scare away the nagger or sometimes even granted something.
But with HPS Maxine freeing/ breaking this enemy technice, these times are over. Every jew who attempts this, will have a bad expirience.
I thought we get rewards for becoming a satanist by doing the ritual and stuff man I have goals in life and dreams I need to accomplish and it seems like I’m not getting no where at all why is that this is why I be thinking about this other ever since I did the dedication ritual my dreams and goals have not been coming true
does Species, Race, Ethnicity, and Tribe mean the same thing or are they different?
Cosmic6999 said:
I thought we get rewards for becoming a satanist by doing the ritual and stuff man I have goals in life and dreams I need to accomplish and it seems like I’m not getting no where at all why is that this is why I be thinking about this other ever since I did the dedication ritual my dreams and goals have not been coming true
This is not how this works.

You get results by doing efforts that brings the results. Yes, Gods can help you, if you are someone who is worthy of their help (as far as I am aware some are more in favor than others, and there are many Gods/Goddesses out there, everyone has their unique relationships), and you actually show the initiative to bring about something. But to think that they are wish granting beings, is wrong.

Many worthwile goals take years of hard work, and initally you are nothing or get nothing. (Or you have to have very good timing with a very good idea for business for it to start paying off immediately.) Until, the effort has been accumulating and things start manifesting more in your way. Like running a business, or building fitness. Same with spirituality.

If you have problems reaching your goals you might want to have a look at where the Saturn is in your natal chart, and how it affects the whole picture. Then do freeing the soul workings related to that or those areas. After that, apply spells in addition to physical work into your goals.
Cosmic6999 said:
I know once we do the dedication ritual we I’m the family.
But honestly I don’t feel as I am I know you might be thinking I’m being a baby,
and this and that other things.

Well truly I need to fully leave my life like a satanist physical emotional mentally spiritually.

But the things is I don’t know how to truly live my life as a spiritual satanist honestly.

I don’t know truly know how it was back before our time.

I honestly don’t so how would I live my life as a satanist
You meditate everyday and strive to be your best, and avoid everything that is negative like drugs or other jewish bullshit.
I want to do a reading and when I click on the buy now button, the website asks for a password. Does anyone know it?

Heyman342 said:
I want to do a reading and when I click on the buy now button, the website asks for a password. Does anyone know it?


The market is closed.
Is there an updated version of the 40 day meditation program available?
I heard the new opening the 6th chakra meditation now takes 7 days and I'm wondering how it will fit in the program?
Hi everyone,

Not really a question, as I'm learning a lot from the JoS site and forum.
Just really wanted to say hi as probably like others I'm alone in the truth when it comes to family and friends.
I'm on day 8 of the 40 day meditation guide but after being brain washed with the xian filth since being born in the 70s things are slow. However, I've dedicated my soul to satan and doing the meditations to the best of my ability. I cant wait for the day I can achieve a noticeable result. I know patience is key here. Getting rid of self doubt is a pain in the arse. Though I wouldn't look like a body builder after one visit to the gym, so I cant expect that with meditation.
I have no idea if I have a guardian or who they are but look forward to finding out one day soon. I got a pendulum but havent tried it yet as I read it's better to wait until you are fully deprogrammed. It's amazing how that shit stays with you. With Father Satans help I am making quick achievements on that front.
One day I hope I'm adept enough to join the fight but nowhere near experienced, spiritually awakened or knowledgeable yet..

I'm so pleased to have found the truth and be part of this family.

Hail Satan
Henu the Great said:
Cosmic6999 said:
I thought we get rewards for becoming a satanist by doing the ritual and stuff man I have goals in life and dreams I need to accomplish and it seems like I’m not getting no where at all why is that this is why I be thinking about this other ever since I did the dedication ritual my dreams and goals have not been coming true
This is not how this works.

You get results by doing efforts that brings the results. Yes, Gods can help you, if you are someone who is worthy of their help (as far as I am aware some are more in favor than others, and there are many Gods/Goddesses out there, everyone has their unique relationships), and you actually show the initiative to bring about something. But to think that they are wish granting beings, is wrong.

Many worthwile goals take years of hard work, and initally you are nothing or get nothing. (Or you have to have very good timing with a very good idea for business for it to start paying off immediately.) Until, the effort has been accumulating and things start manifesting more in your way. Like running a business, or building fitness. Same with spirituality.

If you have problems reaching your goals you might want to have a look at where the Saturn is in your natal chart, and how it affects the whole picture. Then do freeing the soul workings related to that or those areas. After that, apply spells in addition to physical work into your goals.

I have actually dedicated my soul last year but I was but my girlfriend hasn't and I'm helping her to do so. I was wondering if it is actually required to sign your name in Cursive since she doesn't really know that very well.
Gixxer5000 said:
Hi everyone,

Not really a question, as I'm learning a lot from the JoS site and forum.
Just really wanted to say hi as probably like others I'm alone in the truth when it comes to family and friends.
I'm on day 8 of the 40 day meditation guide but after being brain washed with the xian filth since being born in the 70s things are slow. However, I've dedicated my soul to satan and doing the meditations to the best of my ability. I cant wait for the day I can achieve a noticeable result. I know patience is key here. Getting rid of self doubt is a pain in the arse. Though I wouldn't look like a body builder after one visit to the gym, so I cant expect that with meditation.
I have no idea if I have a guardian or who they are but look forward to finding out one day soon. I got a pendulum but havent tried it yet as I read it's better to wait until you are fully deprogrammed. It's amazing how that shit stays with you. With Father Satans help I am making quick achievements on that front.
One day I hope I'm adept enough to join the fight but nowhere near experienced, spiritually awakened or knowledgeable yet..

I'm so pleased to have found the truth and be part of this family.

Hail Satan

I enjoyed reading this. Welcome to the House of Satan.
So I been having trouble with this path.
And now I feel I need to quit, nothing is going how it suppose to I took a break from studying. Still having trouble with my third eye I feel maybe it’s not meant for me to be on this path. So I question this if I never did the ritual maybe I would have been advancing more faster. To be honest with y’all man I doubt if Satan and the demons like me they don’t help me or guide me
Cosmic6999 said:
So I been having trouble with this path.
And now I feel I need to quit, nothing is going how it suppose to I took a break from studying. Still having trouble with my third eye I feel maybe it’s not meant for me to be on this path. So I question this if I never did the ritual maybe I would have been advancing more faster. To be honest with y’all man I doubt if Satan and the demons like me they don’t help me or guide me
What's going wrong? What trouble are you having with your third eye?
The Gods try to guide you, but if you don't put in any kind of effort even they can't do much about that. Also, your astral senses are turned off, and it takes time with meditation to be able to feel and hear the Demons, so of course you're not gonna hear them, but it doesn't mean that they're not trying to help you.
FlameGhost said:
I have actually dedicated my soul last year but I was but my girlfriend hasn't and I'm helping her to do so. I was wondering if it is actually required to sign your name in Cursive since she doesn't really know that very well.
It's written nowhere that you have to use cursive.
Cosmic6999 said:
So I been having trouble with this path.
And now I feel I need to quit, nothing is going how it suppose to I took a break from studying. Still having trouble with my third eye I feel maybe it’s not meant for me to be on this path. So I question this if I never did the ritual maybe I would have been advancing more faster. To be honest with y’all man I doubt if Satan and the demons like me they don’t help me or guide me
What kind of problem you are excactly having with your third eye?

If you did not dedicate and decide to start doing the spiritual practices on JoS you would have sooner or later been hammered by the enemy because of no protection from Gods.

And lastly, if you have less than 99% of days since your dedication spent in studying and meditative practices then that would be one of key points why the advancement has been slow or even non existent.

Demons like and love every one of us, but they can not do the work for us. We have to show the initiative, and they are there to help us and guide us. This is not literal take you by the hand guiding. It can be in many ways and forms. Signs from nature, happenings in your life, through this forum, feelings, to name a few.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Gixxer5000 said:
Hi everyone,

Not really a question, as I'm learning a lot from the JoS site and forum.
Just really wanted to say hi as probably like others I'm alone in the truth when it comes to family and friends.
I'm on day 8 of the 40 day meditation guide but after being brain washed with the xian filth since being born in the 70s things are slow. However, I've dedicated my soul to satan and doing the meditations to the best of my ability. I cant wait for the day I can achieve a noticeable result. I know patience is key here. Getting rid of self doubt is a pain in the arse. Though I wouldn't look like a body builder after one visit to the gym, so I cant expect that with meditation.
I have no idea if I have a guardian or who they are but look forward to finding out one day soon. I got a pendulum but havent tried it yet as I read it's better to wait until you are fully deprogrammed. It's amazing how that shit stays with you. With Father Satans help I am making quick achievements on that front.
One day I hope I'm adept enough to join the fight but nowhere near experienced, spiritually awakened or knowledgeable yet..

I'm so pleased to have found the truth and be part of this family.

Hail Satan

I enjoyed reading this. Welcome to the House of Satan.

Thank you.
Cosmic6999 said:
So I been having trouble with this path.
And now I feel I need to quit, nothing is going how it suppose to I took a break from studying. Still having trouble with my third eye I feel maybe it’s not meant for me to be on this path. So I question this if I never did the ritual maybe I would have been advancing more faster. To be honest with y’all man I doubt if Satan and the demons like me they don’t help me or guide me


I'm new to this and havent experienced anything through meditation yet. Im sure you are more experienced than me but it is going to take time just like anything else you do in life. We have to learn to walk and eat solid food as a baby and I believe this is the same. I study and practice everyday. I'm only on day 10 of the 40 day meditation and before this I'd never meditated in my life. I've dedicated to Satan and get comfort from this, to know he is there and the demons, even if I cant communicate or see them yet. I long for the day I do but it will take time and hard work on my part. I dont bother with magick or looking at things far to advanced for me yet. I stick to my level of knowledge, which is very little.

Please stick with it and dont expect to much of yourself. If some are lucky enough to experience things quickly, then I'm learning that they may of been more spiritual in a past life. I dedicated to Satan and when I did I meant it with all my heart as I'm sure you did too. Im like most and would like my desires here on earth to manifest but we have to learn to empower ourselves and Father Satan will help us. However, I've also learnt that there is something far more important than our own desires here. We are in a war and i believe our first aim should be to become a warrior for our father.
Please dont give up the path...
So basically you saying I need to be 100% studying and meditating in order to see result?
So what I'm wanting to be sure of is, when you do the dedication ritual and it says to "Sign your name in blood" does that mean that it has to be written in Cursive or can you simply print your name?
FlameGhost said:
So what I'm wanting to be sure of is, when you do the dedication ritual and it says to "Sign your name in blood" does that mean that it has to be written in Cursive or can you simply print your name?

Print if you don't have a signature. Btw signatures are what you sign your name with for paperwork, forms, and so on, but you can print if you have never developed a signature.
Cosmic6999 said:
So basically you saying I need to be 100% studying and meditating in order to see result?
You need to meditate and study, how much is up to how much you want to dedicate yourself to it.
Lydia said:
FlameGhost said:
So what I'm wanting to be sure of is, when you do the dedication ritual and it says to "Sign your name in blood" does that mean that it has to be written in Cursive or can you simply print your name?

Print if you don't have a signature. Btw signatures are what you sign your name with for paperwork, forms, and so on, but you can print if you have never developed a signature.

Thank you and thank you Aquarius for your reply. I did imagine that it wasn't completely necessary to "sign" your name in blood but to be able to print as well if need be. But I wanted to be sure. I am not really too spiritually advanced in it myself either. I have felt the Gods pressence and have gotten answers in the form of feelings, but I haven't really been able to get as far as speaking with them or opening any of my chakras. Also, I guess I may as well say this now. Ever since I was about 12; I haven't really been able to act out emotion. It's not that I don't want to have emotions, so I wouldn't say that I'm a psychopath, but I feel like my emotions has been nulled ever since I was 12 or 13 and it feels like an odd pressure in my head every time I try to put any thought or energy to bring it out or heal it. The best way that I can describe it is it feels like a dull dream state although I'm awake or simply like a robot almost. I do still have emotion of course because I still can feel love, happy, sad, and lonely at times but not as much as I used to before that age. I'm also wondering if that may also be something that is hindering my progress in advancing myself. I hope someone does have answers that could help me there as well and have that be a thing of the past. Either way I do still carry on the best I can and serve the Gods and Satan in every way possible for me.

Hail Satan!
Gixxer5000 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
So I been having trouble with this path.
And now I feel I need to quit, nothing is going how it suppose to I took a break from studying. Still having trouble with my third eye I feel maybe it’s not meant for me to be on this path. So I question this if I never did the ritual maybe I would have been advancing more faster. To be honest with y’all man I doubt if Satan and the demons like me they don’t help me or guide me


I'm new to this and havent experienced anything through meditation yet. Im sure you are more experienced than me but it is going to take time just like anything else you do in life. We have to learn to walk and eat solid food as a baby and I believe this is the same. I study and practice everyday. I'm only on day 10 of the 40 day meditation and before this I'd never meditated in my life. I've dedicated to Satan and get comfort from this, to know he is there and the demons, even if I cant communicate or see them yet. I long for the day I do but it will take time and hard work on my part. I dont bother with magick or looking at things far to advanced for me yet. I stick to my level of knowledge, which is very little.

Please stick with it and dont expect to much of yourself. If some are lucky enough to experience things quickly, then I'm learning that they may of been more spiritual in a past life. I dedicated to Satan and when I did I meant it with all my heart as I'm sure you did too. Im like most and would like my desires here on earth to manifest but we have to learn to empower ourselves and Father Satan will help us. However, I've also learnt that there is something far more important than our own desires here. We are in a war and i believe our first aim should be to become a warrior for our father.
Please dont give up the path...

Thanks I’m pretty sure you there already I’m on day what 23-26 on the program still nothing. That’s why I feel as if I need to give up, thanks for bringing me to my senses. But how can I become a warrior for Satan if I’m not advancing 🤔
Henu the Great said:
Cosmic6999 said:
So basically you saying I need to be 100% studying and meditating in order to see result?
Of course. How else are results gained? Everything requires work. Even putting socks on requires effort. Minimal, but still.

True I just started back studying today I’m on day 23 and still no results 🤷🏾‍♂️
Question how powerful is spiritual satanists? They say we have no limits. They have satanists believe that we cannot develop superhuman powers, like demons it’s strange because I don’t set limits on myself. Why would anybody set limits on they self honestly I barely feel heat I feel it from time to time, barely feel coldness sometimes I do. I can’t feel my aura so how am I suppose become a warrior then? 🤔. For Satan how can I most of y’all probably so advanced y’all can do things super-humans can do some might say no they can’t but look at me my third eye not opening been on the program I haven’t work with other chakras because my third eye not open I can’t sense my own energy my main dream was to meet Satan and the demons and become as the gods and become a warrior but look at me no where
Gixxer5000 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
So I been having trouble with this path.
And now I feel I need to quit, nothing is going how it suppose to I took a break from studying. Still having trouble with my third eye I feel maybe it’s not meant for me to be on this path. So I question this if I never did the ritual maybe I would have been advancing more faster. To be honest with y’all man I doubt if Satan and the demons like me they don’t help me or guide me


I'm new to this and havent experienced anything through meditation yet. Im sure you are more experienced than me but it is going to take time just like anything else you do in life. We have to learn to walk and eat solid food as a baby and I believe this is the same. I study and practice everyday. I'm only on day 10 of the 40 day meditation and before this I'd never meditated in my life. I've dedicated to Satan and get comfort from this, to know he is there and the demons, even if I cant communicate or see them yet. I long for the day I do but it will take time and hard work on my part. I dont bother with magick or looking at things far to advanced for me yet. I stick to my level of knowledge, which is very little.

Please stick with it and dont expect to much of yourself. If some are lucky enough to experience things quickly, then I'm learning that they may of been more spiritual in a past life. I dedicated to Satan and when I did I meant it with all my heart as I'm sure you did too. Im like most and would like my desires here on earth to manifest but we have to learn to empower ourselves and Father Satan will help us. However, I've also learnt that there is something far more important than our own desires here. We are in a war and i believe our first aim should be to become a warrior for our father.
Please dont give up the path...

No where near you get more results then I do I barely got results. I’m not even no where close to opening my third eye. So I don’t work on other chakras, I barely can sense my damn aura. A friend from my past life told me I was powerful and some off my powers have been depleted. So called but how come I can’t feel nothing yet? Which I don’t get it. Before I dedicated myself I was getting more results before I dedicate myself. This some real shit Satan and his demons never ever push me or help me out. So I lose trust in them cause I’m still stuck. How would you feel in this life? With empowering your soul and nothing no results at all. So of course I feel I need to quick and leave this path nothing shaking for me. They say Satanism is for the strong well I been struggle so what am I? Think about it deep
Y’all don’t get how when people work with angels they can see so much stuff with they third eye and they advance more. People with they third eyes open shouldn’t have to practice to see auras that should be naturally. How come we must practice it? And why the site use blue light led that’s bad for your third eye? All I’m saying is y’all had it easy on this path I didn’t maybe I’m just weak for this path. Y’all got the hoodedcobra and Maxine y’all get in contact with. The blacks on here don’t even respond at all. This all white people website I notice that but Satan not racist though huh. Man I’m not being disrespectful I’m just saying
Cosmic6999 said:
True I just started back studying today I’m on day 23 and still no results 🤷🏾‍♂️
Building your spirituality is a project for a lifetime. Do not set so high expectations for yourself thinking that you change the world in a month or so. Simply do the thing, enjoy the road and whatever comes across. One day at a time, in other words. You'll get somewhere when you do not give up.

Cosmic6999 said:
Question how powerful is spiritual satanists? They say we have no limits. They have satanists believe that we cannot develop superhuman powers, like demons it’s strange because I don’t set limits on myself. Why would anybody set limits on they self honestly I barely feel heat I feel it from time to time, barely feel coldness sometimes I do. I can’t feel my aura so how am I suppose become a warrior then? 🤔. For Satan how can I most of y’all probably so advanced y’all can do things super-humans can do some might say no they can’t but look at me my third eye not opening been on the program I haven’t work with other chakras because my third eye not open I can’t sense my own energy my main dream was to meet Satan and the demons and become as the gods and become a warrior but look at me no where
Everyone is different. Ultimately, we have no limits. Just like Gods do not have limits.

I would say you are already a warrior, considering you are on the path. You just got to learn the ropes and stuff.

And do not give up. This is multi lifetime effort for each and every one of us.
Cosmic6999 said:
Y’all don’t get how when people work with angels they can see so much stuff with they third eye and they advance more. People with they third eyes open shouldn’t have to practice to see auras that should be naturally. How come we must practice it? And why the site use blue light led that’s bad for your third eye? All I’m saying is y’all had it easy on this path I didn’t maybe I’m just weak for this path. Y’all got the hoodedcobra and Maxine y’all get in contact with. The blacks on here don’t even respond at all. This all white people website I notice that but Satan not racist though huh. Man I’m not being disrespectful I’m just saying
That is literally enemy stuff you are talking about. Everything under the Sun must be practiced. Each skill requires work to be good at.

How about you start with returning curses 1 & 2 for now, and do it for 90 days? Moon just begun waxing, so it's good time to begin it. You should also consider deprogramming from christianity: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=55383

Ps. There are other blacks posting on this forum as well.
Cosmic6999 said:

I have only ever seen one other person ask so many questions, just to learn nothing and not get anywhere. And he was an infiltrator called Loki88, asking so many questions on purpose just to waste our time.

I am not saying this is what you are doing. But it is interesting. Everybody else applies themself to learning and understanding, and they do understand. It takes a lot of effort at first, but we all get back much more than we put in. But people who never work are never able to build anything.

You come here just to complain about white people? There are many black and asian members here, but you will not know this because all you see is a user name and you know nothing about them. If you really are bothered by white people, then why do you keep asking us to help you? And why do we waste our time trying to help you?

If you don't like white people and don't want white people's help, then I would challenge you if you could live your life without ever using anything created by white people. But you would never be able to answer with an update and tell us how much better your life is with no white interference, because you would not be using any computer or internet. But if it's really what would make you happy, you should try it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Cosmic6999 said:

I have only ever seen one other person ask so many questions, just to learn nothing and not get anywhere. And he was an infiltrator called Loki88, asking so many questions on purpose just to waste our time.

I am not saying this is what you are doing. But it is interesting. Everybody else applies themself to learning and understanding, and they do understand. It takes a lot of effort at first, but we all get back much more than we put in. But people who never work are never able to build anything.

You come here just to complain about white people? There are many black and asian members here, but you will not know this because all you see is a user name and you know nothing about them. If you really are bothered by white people, then why do you keep asking us to help you? And why do we waste our time trying to help you?

If you don't like white people and don't want white people's help, then I would challenge you if you could live your life without ever using anything created by white people. But you would never be able to answer with an update and tell us how much better your life is with no white interference, because you would not be using any computer or internet. But if it's really what would make you happy, you should try it.

Learnt the real history before you say where people did that and this nah you mistaken yourself better do history my g before you come to
Me with so false shit first of all that’s your opinion but to be real with you y’all didn’t make shit my nigga no disrespect y’all think y’all better then our race 😝 no way near my g y’all can even use dark matter energy 🥶
Look I’m glad I am here not here to calls problems for others just was saying that’s all everybody one sided
Boy, I go on vacation and all sorts of weird shit goes on, on these forums.

The witches (not Wiccans btw) I knew used to have a saying that people drop out because they aren’t getting results, but if you ask them if they are really studying and doing the work, they aren’t. Magick is something that needs to be applied. It’s not about snapping your fingers or twitching your nose like on the old TV show “Bewitched”. I did a year of Sabbats and new moon/full moon rituals because I was told by my teachers that it took a year of doing this to get in sync with the seasonal cycles for any abilities to begin manifesting. Know what I learned?


and after a year manifesting became a lot easier. Also the gods took an interest because I was dedicated to learning. Soon after, if someone pissed me off I could cause them to get a nose bleed simply by throwing a magical intention at them. I could get thoughtforms to do my bidding. My apartment was so protected that after I moved out the people who repeatedly tried to rent it couldn’t live there more than a few weeks because demonic spirit helpers would taunt them until they moved out, keeping tje place safe from intruders should I return. I only learned about this from speaking to a former neighbor and realized I better go back and tell them it was OK to move on with me to my next place. (They seemed to like that idea)

I could tell you a lot of stories. Bottom line is, it’s a process. And you have to break the Xtian programming and guilt. Very important.

You’ll get there, but seriously, you have to put in the work and a lot of it. Otherwise you’re just a poser.

I know a lot of posers…sad, disfunctional people who dress in black, wear jewelry and can’t muster up enough energy to even get their bills paid…..but hey, look at me, I’m a witch/wicca.

Is it normal to after the dedication ritual, meditating and doing RTR etc, to feel deep sense of sadness and loneliness? Especially thinking about past lives, this lifetime, childhood upbringings, what ifs, and how life would've been if I didn't get on the path to healing and evolving my soul? Lately I've been feeling extremely sad and depressed, just thinking about my past life parents, my ancestors, if they're proud of me or even recognize me. Or how my relationships were with the gods in the past lives. Lately I've been feeling deeply sad and overall depressed, tho idk if this is normal.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
