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Hello, I just stumbled upon your site through a random video on Odysee. The person was not favorable to the group's message, but, I've been reading a lot of the JoS website and can agree with most everything.

First, I've had some high level connections to Jewish bankers and other government officials who stood against Zionism and have, at least, a rudimentary grasp of the global power structure. Second, I used to be a Christian and, after many years, left due to their lack of knowledge, faith, blind obedience and hatred. Don't get me wrong, I've seen many people become better people, but I believe that's secondary to the damage that's done to them.

I hope you don't mind me asking a question or two:

Why choose the name "Satan"? The word "satan" is of Hebraic origin (e.g., https://www.etymologynerd.com/blog/a-devil-of-a-time) and simply means "adversary".

Why the focus on Hebrew/Jewish names and descriptions, in general? For example:
  • Devil: https://www.etymonline.com/word/devil#etymonline_v_8484
  • Azazel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azazel (used by HP Hooded Cobra on 19 Sept 2017)
  • 666: https://www.sciencealert.com/what-is-the-secret-meaning-behind-the-devil-s-number-666-mathematics

In other words, why describe yourself as a group in terms related to the people that hate you? According to the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, language guides a person's worldview and, by using their language, you continue in their paradigm.

I understand being against Zionism, its stated goals are to have a Talmudic world government headed by
Zionist Jews and their supporters. I don't understand hatred against all Jews as I have known some good Jewish people who are against Zionism and stand ardently against the atrocities being committed by Israel today. However, I do not understand the continued use of Hebraic and Judaic phrases and concepts; especially since almost every post and article that I've read seems to be from intelligent and honest people.

As for me, I consider myself pagan, with a belief that everything, plant, animal and the planet, has spirit, and I believe that there are one or more creators, as it would take much more faith to believe in the improbability of chance to create the known universe.
Nanel169 said:
greetings! I read a topic recently that left me very baffled. The topic talked about how sub-races of whites should not mix with pure Aryan whites. I am Brazilian, son of a white and black mixed-race father, white mother. My birth record is white - by the dominant genetics in my family. Most are white, including some blond part of the light eyes. I have German and Spanish descent. I am tanned, curly hair with a smooth root, light brown in the sun, light pubic hair. I asked an SS who has been in the business for the longest time and has the most experience taking the tarot for me which race I am going down and she told me she was the race that emerge this world, so I believe she is the white one. without further ado, I wanted to know if anyone who is Latin white can relate to whites with Nordic characteristics or I have to relate to people of mixed race or just like me, because in Brazil this is really complicated. I press that button a lot because I'm new to it and I already mixed my race, I had a relationship with a black person before I knew it was wrong and it didn't really work, I always felt there was something wrong and I didn't know what it was , and I don't want to do anything to disappoint the Gods. my greatest love that unfortunately we didn’t work out, not for lack of love or something, is white with clear eyes. life has unfortunately separated us; I had a supernatural love for him.
An example of what I said above is the Mexican singer and actress Anahi who is typical Latin and her husband the politician Manuel Velasco who has more pure characteristics and his two children came out blond with blue eyes, is this valid? can I get involved with everyone who is white? with homosexual relationship the same thing? thank you very much, Satan bless.

Lendo o que tu escreve, penso que sua raça não é branca. Quando há mistura racial, a raça branca é destruída. Provavelmente sua raça deve ser negra. Um pardo de pele clara. Só há uma forma de confirmar isso: Meditar até obter memórias de vidas passadas. Seu sexo e raça são os mesmos durante todas as suas vidas, portanto é a forma mais segura de saber. A maioria dos satanistas são almas antigas. Seu registro de nascimento é irrelevante, aqui no Brasil qualquer mestiço de pele clara é considerado ''Branco'', embora a alma dos mestiços seja não branca.

Medicamentos psiquiátricos não são feitos para curar. Eles são feitos para destruir suas estruturas espirituais no longo prazo. Não use eles.

Eu sugiro usar Odhal para clareza racial. Isso pode ajudar. Use a astrologia para determinar a melhor data para o trabalho.


Maioria dos latinos não são brancos. Eles são uma mistura de negro, branco e indígena.
story b4 question to make sense of said question.

a few months back i was doing the FRTR with paper cut outs. after each line i burned the symbols in the fire of a black candle. i only did this once but everything about it was supernatural to say. Half of the candle burned down by the time i finished the ritual and all the candle wax was bubbled up ontop with no wax stream going down the remainder of the candle. i disposed of that bubbled up chunk of wax. now where my question and curiosty comes into play is while cleaning up i noticed a slug was next to where i was sitting on my right side. it was very small and pitch black, made me feel uneasy looking at it. Did it soak up dross comming off me from the FRTR or something? Can slugs absorb negative energy? i dont believe in coincidence so there had to be a reason for it. this is cruel but should i have burned the slug or something? instead of just leaving it alone.
what are Nature Spirits are they like elementals, fairies, gnomes what are they?
<o> said:
story b4 question to make sense of said question.


I wouldn't worry too much. I think most of the curses are directed at humans, anyway. Either way, continued RTR's will eventually clean everything, including random animals afflicted with Jewish curses.

Unfortunately, we cannot worry about every small detail like this. In times of war, focus on defeating your enemy before cleaning up any secondary messes.
Any easy magic stuff to prove its not just bunch of bs ?
i have been practicing astral projection and telekinesis for more than a year and havent made any progress what so ever
and how come if this all magic stuff exists we never see anyone performing these on internet. Dont get me wrong i am not atheist, not a religious person either i just know there is a creator.
Why don't we all evocate the God Raum when we vibrate his name to clean our soul?
I have read that gods teach us ethic, but what does that mean? They have their own ethic or there's just one ethic?
If we lived in an another planet, would Earth have an influence in astrology? What would the Earth rule on?(like venus and love ecc.)
is it possible to contact or meet satan before a commitment? i want to see him and talk to him and know him before that, do i have to open my soul or do an astral projection or anything else or there is another way? or maybe i can see him only after my commitment? i red all the site top to bottom except for the practical stuff about the power mind and the other one that is kinda similar, i tried to make a post 2 days ago but no one approved it yet, anyways back to my question how do i contact and talk with satan without having a commitment to him?
Dettlaff said:
Any easy magic stuff to prove its not just bunch of bs ?
i have been practicing astral projection and telekinesis for more than a year and havent made any progress what so ever
and how come if this all magic stuff exists we never see anyone performing these on internet. Dont get me wrong i am not atheist, not a religious person either i just know there is a creator.

1) Both astral projection and telekinesis are advanced spiritual pursuits. You could practice for another 10 years and still get nowhere if you aren't empowering and cleaning your soul.

2) No one who has achieved true spiritual feats would post a YouTube video of it or internet post. It's unbecoming and unwise. Also, 99% of people don't have spiritual prowess, those that do, such as us, if attainted, keep it secretive as it's in our best interest. Even Jews who stole Satanic knowledge don't share their results.

3) The creator of Humanity is Lord Satan.
Kevin Hernandez said:
I wanted to ask about the topic about Catholic and Christian baptisms, and the effect it has on the soul. Does the baptism of children affect the soul or behavior of the child growing up? Or if they get baptized in the water?

Any Xian ceremony invokes nefarious consciousness. I am not sure of the logistics of it.
People say you must open your chakras from the bottom instead of the top. Also why do people think one race greater then the others. It makes no since then y’all have jews in here also I been struggling with this path to knowledge. Nothing no effects nothing
For those with limited bandwidth internet connections who wants a complete backup of JoS, here's HP Cobra's Complete JoS backup re-compressed and re-uploaded with about 30-40% smaller file size.

Original file is .7zip format, size is almost 11gb.
This file is .arc format, size is about 7gb. (You will need FreeArc to extract the file. Its a free software).

Here you go

HP Cobra's Complete JoS Backup (ALTERNATIVE)
I have a question:
Is it recommended by JoS to go to a yoga class and learn from a professional instructor?
I once interviewed a swedish yoga expert who said this to me very clearly; that it's the most optimal thing to learn the basics from a professional instructor rather than going at it alone, since it's not easy to get everything right with the correct breathing, positions etc. I've never been to a yoga class before and have always been doing it alone in my home. It's worked out well so far but was just a bit curious about this.
iLikeTreesButTreesDontLikeMe said:
is it possible to contact or meet satan before a commitment? i want to see him and talk to him and know him before that, do i have to open my soul or do an astral projection or anything else or there is another way? or maybe i can see him only after my commitment? i red all the site top to bottom except for the practical stuff about the power mind and the other one that is kinda similar, i tried to make a post 2 days ago but no one approved it yet, anyways back to my question how do i contact and talk with satan without having a commitment to him?

Having validation before dedication isn't the way it works. The dedication shows Satan that you are willing to open the door yourself. Awaiting Satan to open the door for you is not going to happen. Ask yourself, what are you afraid of? You can't have some "chit chat" with Satan to fee better and then make a decision.
grizzly said:
Why choose the name "Satan"? The word "satan" is of Hebraic origin (e.g., https://www.etymologynerd.com/blog/a-devil-of-a-time) and simply means "adversary".

I have explained that in the second link in my signature (literally the first question). Also you need to read the site more because it explains that these words go further than the enemy language. Since the jews have stolen everything, Satan goes back to Sanskrit where it means "Truth" or "Eternal Truth". It's all explained there. Even if it only meant adversary in hebrew is perfectly acceptable, because he is the enemy of the kikes. He is their nemesis, totally.

Dettlaff said:
Any easy magic stuff to prove its not just bunch of bs ?
i have been practicing astral projection and telekinesis for more than a year and havent made any progress what so ever

No magick (use that word instead of "magic" because "magic" means illusionist tricks like pulling rabbits out of hats and coins out of handkerchiefs) stuff is "easy", because everything that people are not used to takes time and effort.

The easiest thing to do is do a working to attract something simple and common, but slightly different than usual so that you will recognize it. Say for example, a blue cup as a gift for someone. It's something easy to attract. Most "law of attraction" books recommend attracting simple things like that: a cup, a feather with specific markings, a specific stone e.t.c.

Telekinesis is also easy if you use a psiwheel and practice it. Astral projection may take more time. Generally these two things take practice

Dettlaff said:
and how come if this all magic stuff exists we never see anyone performing these on internet

There are a lot of telekinesis videos on youtube, though I'm not sure how many of them are fake. People with serious spiritual powers are targets by government agencies so it's really dangerous to show them off. The JoS website recommends hiding them.

Dettlaff said:
Dont get me wrong i am not atheist, not a religious person either i just know there is a creator.

I believe we need a new word here, because "atheist" isn't relevant here. I just made up one: a-metaphysical. Ametaphysical is someone who doesn't believe that psychic powers, spirits and the higher worlds and anything "supernatural" or above the physical exists, regardless if he is an atheist or not.

If you are ametaphysical, nothing will convince you anyway. I mean, a woman in the 1960's demonstrated telekinesis in front of a group of scientists who examined her and found that she didn't use any illusionist tricks but had legitimate powers, and yet people nowadays are still saying that these scientists were fooled by her and she used an illusionist trick somehow.

One time also a friend told me that he wanted to cast a love spell on a girl to see if it works. Well, it worked because he did it just for fun with zero expectations (that's the best mindset to have for your magick to work), he went to a date with that girl but he told me that his meeting that girl was a "coincidence" and that he would do it on his own anyway because nothing out of the ordinary happened. So, the spell worked perfectly for him but because he didn't believe it he explained it away as a coincidence.

As Spiritual Satanists here, we don't believe there's a creator of the universe, so we're technically atheists. Satan and the Demons are extraterrestrial beings who created humanity with genetic engineering, but not the universe.

iLikeTreesButTreesDontLikeMe said:
is it possible to contact or meet satan before a commitment? i want to see him and talk to him and know him before that, do i have to open my soul or do an astral projection or anything else or there is another way?

It's possible. The dedication ritual has nothing to do with being contacted by Satan, in fact many of us have done the Dedication ritual and haven't experienced any contact for years. It all depends on your astral senses. I know, it's easy to get false expectations by reading the site, because it was written a woman who was psychically and astrally open already before coming to Satanism, so she immediately got contacted by Satan and had vivid experiences with him and the other Gods/Demons. But most people are not like that. For many people it may take even several years to awaken their astral senses.

If you are new and haven't had any other psychic experiences before, you can get contact from Satan in other ways, like signs and coincidences. This is the easiest way to confirm for yourself if you are new: Focus on Satan's sigil and ask him a question. Then wait and be on the look out for signs in response to that question. It may take a day or two to get a sign.

GoldenxChild1 said:
Having validation before dedication isn't the way it works. The dedication shows Satan that you are willing to open the door yourself. Awaiting Satan to open the door for you is not going to happen. Ask yourself, what are you afraid of? You can't have some "chit chat" with Satan to fee better and then make a decision.

There's nothing wrong with wanting validation before Dedicating yourself, though. It's even recommended to clear any doubts you have before doing the Dedication, because dedicating yourself a permanent thing.
grizzly said:
I don't understand hatred against all Jews as I have known some good Jewish people who are against Zionism and stand ardently against the atrocities being committed by Israel today.

"Zionism" is just an externalization of the jewish soul and genes. Nothing more. Jews have a different soul than us and those of us who are spiritually open can sense it. You are thinking of things on a physical level alone. There's the metaphysical level too. Like the supposedly jewish concepts you mentioned (actually stolen from Sanskrit, as the jews have nothing of their own, even their entire buybull is stolen from mesopotamian mythology). As for the "good jews", search for the video "the myth of the good jew". It totally debunks this concept. "Israel" and "zionism" are just fake distractions to distract you from the jew. Nothing more. It's all in their soul and DNA.
Rational Satanist said:
iLikeTreesButTreesDontLikeMe said:
is it possible to contact or meet satan before a commitment? i want to see him and talk to him and know him before that, do i have to open my soul or do an astral projection or anything else or there is another way?

It's possible. The dedication ritual has nothing to do with being contacted by Satan, in fact many of us have done the Dedication ritual and haven't experienced any contact for years. It all depends on your astral senses. I know, it's easy to get false expectations by reading the site, because it was written a woman who was psychically and astrally open already before coming to Satanism, so she immediately got contacted by Satan and had vivid experiences with him and the other Gods/Demons. But most people are not like that. For many people it may take even several years to awaken their astral senses.

If you are new and haven't had any other psychic experiences before, you can get contact from Satan in other ways, like signs and coincidences. This is the easiest way to confirm for yourself if you are new: Focus on Satan's sigil and ask him a question. Then wait and be on the look out for signs in response to that question. It may take a day or two to get a sign.

thanks a lot for the answer!
i will do my best to awaken my astral senses and open my self psychically and astrally.

do you have any tip for that? do i have to follow all the mind power program? is there something in the witchcraft i have to follow? even if i saw some things in the witchcraft and meditation power are the same.

thanks a lot for the answer and for your help you really helped me and made my mind free from that question that is around my thoughts for a while, now i know what to do. thanks and hope you will answer soon! and thank to all those who answered me as well thanks for your time guys.
Cosmic6999 said:
People say you must open your chakras from the bottom instead of the top.

New Agers say that. Much of New Age teachings are corrupted and dangerous. It's dangerous to open them from the bottom because your kundalini may rise prematurely while all the other chakras are closed or blocked and cause you pain and health problems. Which is why you must open them from top to bottom. The top chakras are the safest to open.

Cosmic6999 said:
Also why do people think one race greater then the others.

I haven't seen anyone say that here. Maybe you have misunderstood/misread something. And certainly if somebody thinks that, they are not High Priests.

It's true that Satan is the God of all non-jews, but he doesn't want the different races to mix with eachother. So, we're all about separating and living with your own people instead of mixing with other races with whom you don't feel anything common, and that's for all races, Asians, whites, blacks and others. But at the same time we also leave other races to develop on their own. Some people mistake this for racial hatred when it's not. It's racial segregation/separation.

It's also true that in the jew-controlled Western countries there's much anti-white hatred which is promoted everywhere (see the jew "professor" Noel Ignatiev for example who said that "we must destroy whiteness") while they coddle non-whites especially blacks with affirmative action, interracial ads and other things and import en masse illegal immigrants from other races. For them is Asia for Asians, Africa for Blacks, but White countries for everyone. They even say that there's no such thing as racism against whites! It's also hard to express love for your own race if you are white in any western country without being called a "racist", while other races have "pride groups" for their own race and have a strong racial consciousness. For these reasons, you may see here more pro-white posts than pro-other races, because this thing is censored in social media and mainstream forums and this is one of the few online places where you can post about it freely. But don't mistake this for hatred or "thinking your race is greater". Because it's not. If black pride is a legit thing and to be encouraged, so is white pride. Also, if racism against non-whites is bad, so is anti-white racism.

Cosmic6999 said:
It makes no since then y’all have jews in here

There aren't any jews. Jews are banned. Satanism is for all Gentiles (non-jews) of all races.

Cosmic6999 said:
also I been struggling with this path to knowledge. Nothing no effects nothing

I know, it's pretty hard to awaken something that lies dormant in your soul. Be patient. Some things are difficult than others.
Rational Satanist said:
grizzly said:
Why choose the name "Satan"? The word "satan" is of Hebraic origin (e.g., https://www.etymologynerd.com/blog/a-devil-of-a-time) and simply means "adversary".

I have explained that in the second link in my signature (literally the first question). Also you need to read the site more because it explains that these words go further than the enemy language. Since the jews have stolen everything, Satan goes back to Sanskrit where it means "Truth" or "Eternal Truth". It's all explained there. Even if it only meant adversary in hebrew is perfectly acceptable, because he is the enemy of the kikes. He is their nemesis, totally.

Dettlaff said:
Any easy magic stuff to prove its not just bunch of bs ?
i have been practicing astral projection and telekinesis for more than a year and havent made any progress what so ever

No magick (use that word instead of "magic" because "magic" means illusionist tricks like pulling rabbits out of hats and coins out of handkerchiefs) stuff is "easy", because everything that people are not used to takes time and effort.

The easiest thing to do is do a working to attract something simple and common, but slightly different than usual so that you will recognize it. Say for example, a blue cup as a gift for someone. It's something easy to attract. Most "law of attraction" books recommend attracting simple things like that: a cup, a feather with specific markings, a specific stone e.t.c.

Telekinesis is also easy if you use a psiwheel and practice it. Astral projection may take more time. Generally these two things take practice

Dettlaff said:
and how come if this all magic stuff exists we never see anyone performing these on internet

There are a lot of telekinesis videos on youtube, though I'm not sure how many of them are fake. People with serious spiritual powers are targets by government agencies so it's really dangerous to show them off. The JoS website recommends hiding them.

Dettlaff said:
Dont get me wrong i am not atheist, not a religious person either i just know there is a creator.

I believe we need a new word here, because "atheist" isn't relevant here. I just made up one: a-metaphysical. Ametaphysical is someone who doesn't believe that psychic powers, spirits and the higher worlds and anything "supernatural" or above the physical exists, regardless if he is an atheist or not.

If you are ametaphysical, nothing will convince you anyway. I mean, a woman in the 1960's demonstrated telekinesis in front of a group of scientists who examined her and found that she didn't use any illusionist tricks but had legitimate powers, and yet people nowadays are still saying that these scientists were fooled by her and she used an illusionist trick somehow.

One time also a friend told me that he wanted to cast a love spell on a girl to see if it works. Well, it worked because he did it just for fun with zero expectations (that's the best mindset to have for your magick to work), he went to a date with that girl but he told me that his meeting that girl was a "coincidence" and that he would do it on his own anyway because nothing out of the ordinary happened. So, the spell worked perfectly for him but because he didn't believe it he explained it away as a coincidence.

As Spiritual Satanists here, we don't believe there's a creator of the universe, so we're technically atheists. Satan and the Demons are extraterrestrial beings who created humanity with genetic engineering, but not the universe.

iLikeTreesButTreesDontLikeMe said:
is it possible to contact or meet satan before a commitment? i want to see him and talk to him and know him before that, do i have to open my soul or do an astral projection or anything else or there is another way?

It's possible. The dedication ritual has nothing to do with being contacted by Satan, in fact many of us have done the Dedication ritual and haven't experienced any contact for years. It all depends on your astral senses. I know, it's easy to get false expectations by reading the site, because it was written a woman who was psychically and astrally open already before coming to Satanism, so she immediately got contacted by Satan and had vivid experiences with him and the other Gods/Demons. But most people are not like that. For many people it may take even several years to awaken their astral senses.

If you are new and haven't had any other psychic experiences before, you can get contact from Satan in other ways, like signs and coincidences. This is the easiest way to confirm for yourself if you are new: Focus on Satan's sigil and ask him a question. Then wait and be on the look out for signs in response to that question. It may take a day or two to get a sign.

GoldenxChild1 said:
Having validation before dedication isn't the way it works. The dedication shows Satan that you are willing to open the door yourself. Awaiting Satan to open the door for you is not going to happen. Ask yourself, what are you afraid of? You can't have some "chit chat" with Satan to fee better and then make a decision.

There's nothing wrong with wanting validation before Dedicating yourself, though. It's even recommended to clear any doubts you have before doing the Dedication, because dedicating yourself a permanent thing.

I disagree, but to each their own. Clearing any doubts and being positive in your decision is fine; however, wishing to speak to Satan to alleviate pre existing programming is not. The whole point of the dedication is to show the powers of hell you are committed to becoming. It's kind of like that member who did the whole dedication ritual but used the name Odin instead. I don't think we should be telling our members it's ok to get "confirmation" before dedication, to me, it sounds ignorant and cowardly. And I mean that with sincerity.
Is there any limit for how much i can get stronger, how many abilities i can have or maybe even create ? sorry if my english is bad. i wanna know capabilities of the soul. is our and our Gods potential is infinite or not? is gods have room to grow like we are or not? again sorry for my english im actually a turkish person but i wanted to ask this questions directly to orginal forums.
Eflatun said:
Is there any limit for how much i can get stronger, how many abilities i can have or maybe even create ? sorry if my english is bad. i wanna know capabilities of the soul. is our and our Gods potential is infinite or not? is gods have room to grow like we are or not? again sorry for my english im actually a turkish person but i wanted to ask this questions directly to orginal forums.
Spiritually, no limits. Physically, it's a bit more constrained, but still very much can be done. This applies both to us and Demons, since we are their creation.
xlnt said:
I have a question:
Is it recommended by JoS to go to a yoga class and learn from a professional instructor?
I once interviewed a swedish yoga expert who said this to me very clearly; that it's the most optimal thing to learn the basics from a professional instructor rather than going at it alone, since it's not easy to get everything right with the correct breathing, positions etc. I've never been to a yoga class before and have always been doing it alone in my home. It's worked out well so far but was just a bit curious about this.
Do what you feel that is best for your situation. Both solo, and instructed are fine.

For most newcomers, and I mean absolute newcomers, some instructed classes at the beginning at the very least can be very helpful, but yoga can be learned solo as well. It really depends on personality very much.
GoldenxChild1 said:
I disagree, but to each their own. Clearing any doubts and being positive in your decision is fine; however, wishing to speak to Satan to alleviate pre existing programming is not. The whole point of the dedication is to show the powers of hell you are committed to becoming. It's kind of like that member who did the whole dedication ritual but used the name Odin instead. I don't think we should be telling our members it's ok to get "confirmation" before dedication, to me, it sounds ignorant and cowardly. And I mean that with sincerity.

inside the site of JoS it is said many many times that satanism it is a relationship between us, the individual, and satan him self. he is our father and he created us, he can be in many places at the same time even if he is physically somewhere else, he created 4 elements for times and 4 worlds that we, his creatures need, so he is out of the laws of the time and physics since he created all of us and our world, so he can be in many places at the same time talking with many people at the same time, satanists only answer to our true god and his demons assigned to us by him to follow and help us growing and when we are powerful enough we will be able to handle and execute his commands. Satan is a god, our true god, and he wants our happiness, i don't see what is wrong about trying to talk with satan if satanism it self is a relationship within us and him, what is the point of being a satanist if you are not even able to contact and talk with satan him self?
are only spirituel and "supernatural" beings are demons,angels,ghosts and thoughtforms ? or there is more like fairies or something ?
iLikeTreesButTreesDontLikeMe said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I disagree, but to each their own. Clearing any doubts and being positive in your decision is fine; however, wishing to speak to Satan to alleviate pre existing programming is not. The whole point of the dedication is to show the powers of hell you are committed to becoming. It's kind of like that member who did the whole dedication ritual but used the name Odin instead. I don't think we should be telling our members it's ok to get "confirmation" before dedication, to me, it sounds ignorant and cowardly. And I mean that with sincerity.

inside the site of JoS it is said many many times that satanism it is a relationship between us, the individual, and satan him self. he is our father and he created us, he can be in many places at the same time even if he is physically somewhere else, he created 4 elements for times and 4 worlds that we, his creatures need, so he is out of the laws of the time and physics since he created all of us and our world, so he can be in many places at the same time talking with many people at the same time, satanists only answer to our true god and his demons assigned to us by him to follow and help us growing and when we are powerful enough we will be able to handle and execute his commands. Satan is a god, our true god, and he wants our happiness, i don't see what is wrong about trying to talk with satan if satanism it self is a relationship within us and him, what is the point of being a satanist if you are not even able to contact and talk with satan him self?

Like I said. to each their own! I'm not going to define anyone else's relationship. It was more opinion than fact. I never said SS don't talk to Satan, that is kind of DEFACTO. You do you brother and I wish you the best!
iLikeTreesButTreesDontLikeMe said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I disagree, but to each their own. Clearing any doubts and being positive in your decision is fine; however, wishing to speak to Satan to alleviate pre existing programming is not. The whole point of the dedication is to show the powers of hell you are committed to becoming. It's kind of like that member who did the whole dedication ritual but used the name Odin instead. I don't think we should be telling our members it's ok to get "confirmation" before dedication, to me, it sounds ignorant and cowardly. And I mean that with sincerity.

inside the site of JoS it is said many many times that satanism it is a relationship between us, the individual, and satan him self. he is our father and he created us, he can be in many places at the same time even if he is physically somewhere else, he created 4 elements for times and 4 worlds that we, his creatures need, so he is out of the laws of the time and physics since he created all of us and our world, so he can be in many places at the same time talking with many people at the same time, satanists only answer to our true god and his demons assigned to us by him to follow and help us growing and when we are powerful enough we will be able to handle and execute his commands. Satan is a god, our true god, and he wants our happiness, i don't see what is wrong about trying to talk with satan if satanism it self is a relationship within us and him, what is the point of being a satanist if you are not even able to contact and talk with satan him self?
He is able to be at many places at the same time because being so advanced he can split his consciousness in more parts, some kind of "multitasking".
Not sure if that's what's you think or not, but if you do, don't look at him as the xians look at their fake "god", he has a body and soul just like we do, but he is infinitely more powerful than us.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Like I said. to each their own! I'm not going to define anyone else's relationship. It was more opinion than fact. I never said SS don't talk to Satan, that is kind of DEFACTO. You do you brother and I wish you the best!

thanks for your opinion! sorry i didn't want to try to impose something i just wanted to explain my self, thanks a lot for answering and for your time! wish you the best and i hope to get your help in future posts too!
Rational Satanist said:
Cosmic6999 said:
People say you must open your chakras from the bottom instead of the top.

New Agers say that. Much of New Age teachings are corrupted and dangerous. It's dangerous to open them from the bottom because your kundalini may rise prematurely while all the other chakras are closed or blocked and cause you pain and health problems. Which is why you must open them from top to bottom. The top chakras are the safest to open.

Cosmic6999 said:
Also why do people think one race greater then the others.

I haven't seen anyone say that here. Maybe you have misunderstood/misread something. And certainly if somebody thinks that, they are not High Priests.

It's true that Satan is the God of all non-jews, but he doesn't want the different races to mix with eachother. So, we're all about separating and living with your own people instead of mixing with other races with whom you don't feel anything common, and that's for all races, Asians, whites, blacks and others. But at the same time we also leave other races to develop on their own. Some people mistake this for racial hatred when it's not. It's racial segregation/separation.

It's also true that in the jew-controlled Western countries there's much anti-white hatred which is promoted everywhere (see the jew "professor" Noel Ignatiev for example who said that "we must destroy whiteness") while they coddle non-whites especially blacks with affirmative action, interracial ads and other things and import en masse illegal immigrants from other races. For them is Asia for Asians, Africa for Blacks, but White countries for everyone. They even say that there's no such thing as racism against whites! It's also hard to express love for your own race if you are white in any western country without being called a "racist", while other races have "pride groups" for their own race and have a strong racial consciousness. For these reasons, you may see here more pro-white posts than pro-other races, because this thing is censored in social media and mainstream forums and this is one of the few online places where you can post about it freely. But don't mistake this for hatred or "thinking your race is greater". Because it's not. If black pride is a legit thing and to be encouraged, so is white pride. Also, if racism against non-whites is bad, so is anti-white racism.

Cosmic6999 said:
It makes no since then y’all have jews in here

There aren't any jews. Jews are banned. Satanism is for all Gentiles (non-jews) of all races.

Cosmic6999 said:
also I been struggling with this path to knowledge. Nothing no effects nothing

I know, it's pretty hard to awaken something that lies dormant in your soul. Be patient. Some things are difficult than others.

I been a satanist almost a year November 25 makes a year since I did the dedication ritual,

I been trying to open my third eye and sense feel absorb raise direct my aura nothing. So I been having doubts it’s really hard. I thought soon as a year come I should be at a good level. I’m no where near I use to have natural clairvoyance and clairuadiance. I been block so is spiritual Satanism about study and meditation? If so how long we suppose to study for?
I was exploring the site and I tried to go to the blacks for Satan and it’s been taken down why??
Cosmic6999 said:
I was exploring the site and I tried to go to the blacks for Satan and it’s been taken down why??
It's up: http://www.blacksforsatan.org/index.html

Cosmic6999 said:
I been a satanist almost a year November 25 makes a year since I did the dedication ritual,

I been trying to open my third eye and sense feel absorb raise direct my aura nothing. So I been having doubts it’s really hard. I thought soon as a year come I should be at a good level. I’m no where near I use to have natural clairvoyance and clairuadiance. I been block so is spiritual Satanism about study and meditation? If so how long we suppose to study for?
You need to practice every day to see improvement. And even then, one year is not much. Depends on person really, too. Some have more past life expierence than others which result in better starting position and faster advancement. Jew curses and unsolved karma plays major role, as well.

Do not give up, and keep working on your soul. Even when you do not see the results immediately, but you are working on yourself, you are improving. Sometimes the progress can not only be slow, but the results are seen and felt delayed.

Spiritual Satanism is excactly about that. This is for lifetime(s). Learning and improving never ends.
Henu the Great said:
Cosmic6999 said:
I was exploring the site and I tried to go to the blacks for Satan and it’s been taken down why??
It's up: http://www.blacksforsatan.org/index.html

Cosmic6999 said:
I been a satanist almost a year November 25 makes a year since I did the dedication ritual,

I been trying to open my third eye and sense feel absorb raise direct my aura nothing. So I been having doubts it’s really hard. I thought soon as a year come I should be at a good level. I’m no where near I use to have natural clairvoyance and clairuadiance. I been block so is spiritual Satanism about study and meditation? If so how long we suppose to study for?
You need to practice every day to see improvement. And even then, one year is not much. Depends on person really, too. Some have more past life expierence than others which result in better starting position and faster advancement. Jew curses and unsolved karma plays major role, as well.

Do not give up, and keep working on your soul. Even when you do not see the results immediately, but you are working on yourself, you are improving. Sometimes the progress can not only be slow, but the results are seen and felt delayed.

Spiritual Satanism is excactly about that. This is for lifetime(s). Learning and improving never ends.

So now I was on Yubo no I got some questions about Dead Sea scrolls how god is there’s nothing beyond is god is all power and logic his character and how the fallen angels nephillms came down to eat humans and that how god gave us free will to choose to love him or we lack good so we evil how god character is logic and god blood how he sacrifices hisself for us how witchcraft not of god this and that so is god the true way this hole time and we being deceive. He said those who go against him will fall. I never herd of Dead Sea scrolls. And how the Bible is true and stuff like that.

So now I’m questioning a lot of things so is our studies wrong. I’m curious about the Bible manuscript I herd they been around. So what up with all this Dead Sea scrolls stuff Hebrew isrial and other stuff the site didn’t tell us about so I’m curious so is this path we on wrong and evil
According to jewish researcher Jordan Maxwell both christianity, islam and judaism has it's roots in hinduism. He also says christianity is based on astrology, and that the story of the old and new testament is a symbolic story which is very hard to decode (unless you are a rabbi with deep understanding of kabballah I guess).

He thinks jesus is fictional and a symbol for the sun, which is "our risen saviour", "God's son", "the light of the world". Makes sense since the sun was worshipped long before jesus and the sun is also a clear part of the symbol of the jesuit order, which according to him is synonymous for the Illuminati.
The jesus-sun connection is not mentioned on the JoS website though as far as I can see, but it seems to me that this connection exists as yet another way to make this religion feel credible. I think a huge part of the manipulation of christianity deals with peoples feelings, since for example churches are built to give off perfect acoustics for choirs, organs etc. and it's built to give people the impression of being in "God's house" etc.
Iv'e also heard that the word "church" is derived from the greek goddess name of "Circe", who was known for putting large amounts of people under a spell, which churches do also.

Just a couple of things here that would be interesting with some input on.
May I I get a detailed explanation of where exactly the pineal gland is? I could really use a 3D diagram. On the site it says behind the the 6th chakra but a little lower and "to the side". It doesn't say what side but I just have assumed all these years it meant on the right hemisphere of the brain. I can only find 2D pics as well.
I decided to post this here because I don't think I need to make a new topic for just this one question.

In regards to the surya mantra since it is a solar mantra and connected to the sun would it have very little to almost no effect using it when the sun is in a weak sign?
hailourtruegod said:
May I I get a detailed explanation of where exactly the pineal gland is? I could really use a 3D diagram. On the site it says behind the the 6th chakra but a little lower and "to the side". It doesn't say what side but I just have assumed all these years it meant on the right hemisphere of the brain. I can only find 2D pics as well.
This is something that you really have to relax and try to feel for yourself. You can't force it, you have to relax to feel it. And just breathe in and out and try to feel the breath in your head.

For me, the best way I can describe it is like behind the tear duct of the right eye, and the distance back from your face is I think a little bit in front of your ears. But I might be wrong so don't just do what I say.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
