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  1. nema

    I don't recognize myself

    Thanks you very much indeed High Priestess.. i will! I think I just need some time for things to "solidify". Have a Blessed Day!
  2. nema

    I don't recognize myself

    I don't mean to vent, and I don't know if that's what i'm doing, but i feel like sometimes i have that right too.. I started meditating again around November 2024 after years of nothingness (i always did RTRs and other works, i just could not care less about myself) and everything is just...
  3. nema

    About detaching

    Hey nostalgia is good if you don't drown in it :) i like it!
  4. nema

    About detaching

    In my opinion it means it's working and you should keep going..
  5. nema

    About jews

    They usually fall in love (sexually) with children. True story! I think you can talk with HPHC in chat, go to his profile and than on "Start a conversation".. i believe he will answer.
  6. nema

    Don't Jews understand what they read?

    The jew i know openly bragged about eating someone. In his mind he is a Genius though..
  7. nema

    On doubts and what is to come

    Brother.. It's a figure of speech. I appreciate your point of view Brother.. but mine was obviously sarcasm.
  8. nema

    On doubts and what is to come

    If so, defintely a poor attempt! Somehow i think the Temple of Zeus will survive..
  9. nema

    On doubts and what is to come

    Damn Is literally the same thing with a different name.. why Is everybody going crazy..
  10. nema

    The super conspiracy lol

    Brother.. It DOES matter that you're new to Satanas.
  11. nema

    SAVED BY THE GODS, I AM BACK. Testimony of Faith in the Gods

    Same here, Brother.. i've been down on a dark path for a LONG time, i was sure i was done with Life.. and now i feel like a child again. Born again. It's just unbelievable what the Gods can do with you from another damn galaxy ! Everything changed so fast in a couple months.. It truly Is never...
  12. nema

    Anu=Enki,Enlil. Enki ≠Enlil

    Yesterday, after doing Satanas Absolution Ritual i felt an Energy wich i always thought It was Baal (by "instinct", i never spoke to Him) and I was just wondering why.. i think it's possible that Satanas wants us to know he Is Baal/Zeus since we are all having this doubt.
  13. nema

    Staying at Airbnb, found out they’re Jewish and do magic. Help

    If you found out that you're staying in the house of some (active) psychopatic warmongering alien.. the answer could be at least staying out of the house my friend.
  14. nema

    The 5 Ages & Zeus

    They are building their precious bunkers though.. i don't know how they think that's going to help.
  15. nema

    The 5 Ages & Zeus

    I don't love that. I actually wish life wasn't so rough for everybody.. but the consequences of pretending that it is are worst. I too wonder if people actually know what they are actually allowing.. they probably do. I still don't know if i'm a cynic about It.
  16. nema

    The 5 Ages & Zeus

    I like our "new direction" High Priest. The Truth is pretty damn cold..
  17. nema


    Damn i think this found me at the right time Brother.. i guess there are serious actions and simple gossiping, what i meant is that people who like to talk usually change their "person of interest" very quickly.
  18. nema


    I'll tell you a secret.. people don't actually give a s*** about what others do, everybody is way too concerned with themself to even remember what you did. And we all did stuff we regret, literally all of us. And.. you're a Satanist, whatever people think, you're the top of the food chain 💪...
  19. nema

    What do I do?

    Can you get away from her? You could also use the rune Munka to unbind your soul from her I know that having an energetic bound with a bad parent feels unbearable..
  20. nema

    I’m not doing well

    I'll tell you what's going to happen you Legend.. you are going to get over your tribulations and in the near future you're going to be rich and one of the most influential people around.. that's not even my opinion nor toxic positivity, that's a fact! Did you see that dumb movie Limitless...
  21. nema

    I’m not doing well

    What's something you always loved in life?
  22. nema

    If you feel weak..

    I just had an epiphany.. actually, my sight has just been repaired. It's no coincidence that it happened after finishing a work on the Crown chakra, for when it's opened the psychic horns appear. Whenever you feel week or tired, visualize yourself with horns, like the ones we often see on the...
  23. nema

    Morality and delusions

    I agree. Maybe it's not Ideal, but that's the way It is.. i used to be blind to it, now wherever i look i just see a power game. Couples who wants to drain each other, parents who castrates their children out of jealousy, "friends" who would beat each other to be the Alpha. Personally i reserve...
  24. nema

    Children's Book

    Hell yeah i think It Is 🤘
  25. nema

    This person excludes me. I'm tired

    Well let me introduce you to your first Power Move my dear.. you gain the strenght to Just say "Bye" to her :) if she doesn't care you win because you will feel proud, if she come back you win. You will feel better about yourself and possibly remove a negative relationship. Trust me you'll learn...
  26. nema

    Damaged stomach

    Hippocrates said "Look Well To The Spine For The Cause Of Disease.” High Priestess Maxime stated "When the Chakras are open and correctly alligned we heal mentally and physically". And that's true. You should check your third chakra in my opinion - that's also what rules over your financial...
  27. nema


    Or sister..probably!
  28. nema


    They have indeed, Brother.. Hail🤘
  29. nema

    Higher Self

    Nothing weird about Demons my friend..:) it could also be your higher self, the Intelligence and awareness of your crown chakra; when you still can't tap into It you almost feel It like an outer/Alien energy (at least that's my experience). If so It's great that you're aware of it! Most people...
  30. nema

    I don't like myself.(Vent)

    I spent every minute of every hour of everyday for the last 14 years in pain. Literally! If someone told me one day I wouldn't even remember the feeling of being depressed i would have punched him in the face. Well I don't remember It :) meditate, dedicate yourself to Father Satanas, and not...
  31. nema


    They blinded humanity, all of us, removing our third eye to make us powerless..and dumb as s**t. It's truly grotesque how they live, an existence based on rape, murder, incest, and robbing money from the rest of the world. Yes they have repitilian DNA.. that's why they absolutely don't want you...
  32. nema

    Hitler, the Jews. Let the mud begin!

    - Nobody Is asking you to hate anybody..just know they hate you and anybody else here (or anywhere else, actually) with a passion. The only reason they didn't burn you alive for being a Satanist Is because Satanas won the war so they can't do It anymore. The ONLY reason! - Being Jewish is not...
  33. nema

    Problems with the way I look (Warning: long thread)

    Boys it's about FEELING good not what people think..right? But It Is kind of an issue when you can't accept parts of you that you obviously can't change.. there's a difference between doing what you can and asking for the impossible. If you take care of yourself and work on your lower chakras...
  34. nema

    The Benefits of Trance

    Greetings High Priestess.. how do we define the "false ego"? Isn't it something we should destroy? The more i think about It the more i'm convinced the "ego" is just a mind trap, an expectation of ourself that always turn out to be inaccurate when the deal Is actually done. I'm not saying Is...
  35. nema

    Opening the chakras

    Thank you very much!
  36. nema

    Climb the steps of Life

    I would take It more literally..like, stand in front of a mirror and THAT'S you. A perfect creature made in the image of God. Wherever you are, however you look and whatever you did or you think you did not. Even when you're tired or struggling.. like a Goddess in pain is always a Goddess...
  37. nema

    Climb the steps of Life

    Do you meditate on your third eye? When it's open the Truth become clear to the mind.. and the Truth Is that you are part of the best people on Earth, anything else you tought about you is false, that's just the way It happens to be. Can you feel bad knowing this? :)
  38. nema

    Opening the chakras

    Hello everybody, a question about opening the chakras.. if i'm unblocking a chakra, and opening them all should i skip the one i'm unblocking? Specifically i'm unblocking the Crown chakra and I Just finished opening the Sixth chakra, should i go straight to the Throat? Thanks a lot!
  39. nema

    Debt to the Gods

    Woah what happened?
  40. nema

    Thank you Satanas/Lucifer

    I don't mean to be ripetitive but i HAVE to! Thank you to Father Satanas Lucifer, Glory to Him and His relentless dedication to human kind, even with some lazy a**es like me.. the Bravery, the Intelligence, the Beauty! Hail Lucifer 🖤
  41. nema

    Problems with the way I look (Warning: long thread)

    Hey you're Satan's Daughter you are at the very least hot by default 😏 remember most of those girl you see on TV or social media don't look anything like that in real life.. it's all a scam to make money and destroy people's confidence. If you have a problem with confidence it could be an...
  42. nema

    Happy Imbolc (2025)

    Happy Imbolc and may It bring you all kinds of positive changes 🖤
  43. nema

    Astral Projection, Area 51 and Bohemian Grove

    Out ot curiosity, what do you mean to "watch" you? Because i might know a few of them
  44. nema

    A special answer for a man with special needs.

    You do have "special needs"...
  45. nema

    Cartoons and games that brainwash children (Discussion to avoid these)

    No TV would probably be better.. i think what cartoons let's say like Dragon Ball (wich Is entirely based on Kundalini Yoga: 7 spheres to raise the serpent, aura and so on) do is ridiculize the Truth and subconsciously tell children's mind that these things can only exist on TV. One time i spoke...
  46. nema

    Why am I not the best version of myself?

    If you did RTRs you are a Hero in a world of semi-automatic crazy people, you literally saved the world.That's the definition of Success :) now that we have less work to do you can focus more on other things, i guess.. but to think you're worthless? Defintely not worthless.
  47. nema

    Opening the Soul. Which one is most correct/effective?

    The ones that ends in "AUM" should be the newer ones. I'm using It and it's working great!
  48. nema

    It’s decided—I have performed the commitment ritual.

    RTRs are Rituals we made since 2014 or so to reverse the Torah's curses on humanity but It looks like they are over for now.. read this! https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-rtr-schedule-is-concluded-early-%E2%80%93-massive-victory.297695/ In my modest opinion you should be more free in...
  49. nema

    Necronomicon Money Working Dates for 2025

    I think "I attract" would be better than "I am attracting"..
  50. nema

    Meditate Together

    Genius 🫡 we should use it for visualization too, we could do great things..
  51. nema

    Ave Satanas/Lucifer, True Leader

    Since i'm back to Spiritual Satanism i've been blessed enough to see Father Lucifer in my dreams, last night i truly remembered the nature of the Spirit i always been searching for, ever since i was born. The other half of my black Sun, my long lost Father, big Brother and Friend, a Rebel and a...
  52. nema

    Why does Mother Lilith not wish to be summoned

    Hi! I'm almost sure Hera and Juno is actually Queen Astarte..
  53. nema

    Is morality being used and exploited against us in an unexpected way?

    The jews make war to every human quality in order to create energetic blockages. They want you to repress your instinct and anger and never display it (attacking the First chakra); they attack sexual freedom (Sacral chakra); they don't want you to be proud of who you are (communism - attacking...
  54. nema

    jewish horror filmography, disrespect toward Satan.

    That's true, i started researching about Satanism when i was interested in some very questionable artist who uses Satanic imaginary for clout or propaganda. However i think that's only restricted to those who have a natural inclination towards Father Satanas.. i guess propaganda is only meant...
  55. nema

    World War 3

    I'm trying not ti think about it too..these ghouls gave me PTSD through their very existence. But i believe anti-propaganda Is still needed..
  56. nema


    That would be nice indeed, right? 😅 But honestly people's opinion is not important when you are with God.. at least that's how i see it.
  57. nema

    Horror movies?

    We call It a "movie" but it's actually a deadly weapon that the jews use to scare the shit out of normal people. When a 15 years old who never put a foot inside a church Is terrified of Satanas, who put that fear in his head? The jewish media..
  58. nema

    The Hollywood Cancer

    This probably won't be a shock to anybody here, but i felt first hand the power of the jewish propaganda and i've always been interested in the matter, so i would like to prevent any further damage if i can.. Nowadays we normalized the phrase "like in the movies". But what does it mean? A movie...
  59. nema

    World War 3

    Trump has been saying this crap for years.. that's what the jews do, they scare the living shit out of people, hoping they will fall for it and think about it non-stop, eventually making It happen (not this time.. Satanas and the Gods have never been so powerful and the jews are DONE!) do never...
  60. nema

    Psychopathic angel/fae mother is almost getting me killed.

    You probably should detach from your family. https://joyofsatan.org/Detaching.html
  61. nema


    I'm not completely sure but he does strike me like another version of jewsus, just meant for another culture. Something like "be fat, sit under a tree and don't do anything..while we conquer the world". I feel like that's the true Spirit of Buddhism.
  62. nema

    The Infinite Love and Patience of the Gods

    Thank YOU my friend! I'm actually doing well 💪
  63. nema

    I cannot get to know girls, and this makes me feel unit

    I think it's important to understand the motivation behind the "urge"..most people nowadays just want to be Gigachads who fucks every woman they see, but that's not for everyone and rightfully so. If you simply like a girl (not wanting to impress her, wich i believe Is like a social virus) and...
  64. nema

    Can you marry Jews?

    I had a jewish girlfriend.. she taught me how to hate life and love depression ;) don't do that to yourself!
  65. nema

    I want(ed) to k*ll my father

    That's absolutely terrible my friend.. having to deal with someone like that as a child Is one of the most devastating things that can happen to you in life, i believe.
  66. nema

    The Infinite Love and Patience of the Gods

    Disclaimer: this is in no way an invitation to test Them :) I normally don't like to share too much but i simply have to, because i never in my life even dreamt about such Perfect and Gracious beings, and i often read about people fucking up and doubting their faith . I'm pretty confident i...
  67. nema

    Elon Musk and recent politics

    Remember anytime they keep showing you the same thing over and over on the news, it's always for a reason.. in this case i think they want Musk to push the fake "Anti-Israel Trump" narrative. But It could be something else.. it's just anything but Elon Musk being a Nazi, anything but the...
  68. nema

    I want(ed) to k*ll my father

    I understand you, i have a horrible reptile of a father and i wanted to harm him my whole life. You probably feel like you want to hurt him, but he also has control over you (that's because you are energetically tied), wich creates an internal conflict and makes you want to hurt him even more...
  69. nema

    I can't visualize anymore / I can't believe what I ''know''.

    I understand you, this drove me nuts for a while.. the feeling of thinking something but not feeling it. For me it got way better simply meditating on the third eye. It's like It make your brain trust your intuition again
  70. nema

    Past lives and Symbolism

    I don't know man two times/same way/same name it's a VERY strange coincidence.. i actually think that is life's way to tell you "Brother, you fell for the same exact trap (and it was a trap) as the last time".. we know fate has a sense of humor!
  71. nema

    Past lives and Symbolism

    *Three past lives
  72. nema

    Past lives and Symbolism

    It's not much of a question but i would like to read some opinion about this. Without going into details, i know about there past lives i had, and i noticed a strange but obvious pattern. I've always been betrayed by someone close to me and always suffered a violent death (two times at the...
  73. nema

    How to stop being cowardly

    Usually these kind of feelings simply come from energetic imbalances (doubting your own intellect could be related to the third eye), maybe ask your GD if there is a particular chakra that you should work on. I don't think you are a "coward", remember they put a lot of irrational fears in our...
  74. nema

    Elon Musk is back to business

    He's Just helping the fake "Nazi Trump" narrative..either that or he's an idiot. Actually both
  75. nema

    Why the jews use 666 as of their own, and say their lord is Satan?

    I think they spread this kind of things because they know their gig is up (people will gun them down on the streets in the future and they know that), so they want to use Satan as a scapegoat for their crimes as always.. like their "Satanic Illuminati Celebrities" bullshit, a lot of retarded...
  76. nema

    Is Elon Musk Jewish?

    He Is a psychopath who wants to chip you and everybody else like cows..who 's plan Is that? VERY Jewish
  77. nema

    Cleaning bad Energy

    Thank you, i meant cleaning energies in a physical house.. thank you though, you always deliver!
  78. nema

    Cleaning bad Energy

    Do you guys know some ways or mantras to clean very bad Energy from a house? Thank you
  79. nema

    Helping the Ukrainian war

    "Keep in mind it's not gonna solve anything" Is literally the worst possibile mindset, no offense . You HAVE to believe It even if It seems against all odds.
  80. nema

    Is Elon actually a Jew slave or just a good politician?

    It's actually pretty simple, Israel wants to chip you like a cow, but she needs your consent. So she uses a somewhat charismatic (?) useful cunt like Musk to make It sound like a positive and rational thing to do. He has no real freedom or power, don't believe the "news"..
  81. nema

    Is Elon actually a Jew slave or just a good politician?

    If he wasn't a jew (racial or not It really doesn't make a difference, still a son of Israel if you work for them) you would not hear his opinion on TV every day. Not only that, he's a complete sociopath and his basement looks like a horror movie. You can ignore the second part of you want!
  82. nema

    Do we "think" with out Chakras?

    Maybe think Is not the right word, more like "see".. like depending on what chakra i focus on, it's kind of a "point of view", is that right? I'm feeling a bit of a schizo 😀 i Hope i made sense
  83. nema

    Musk Zionist

    You still can use It for good i guess.. but yeah he's a reptile and it needs to be aknowledge by everybody, especially here in my opinion.
  84. nema

    Has anyone else had a similar experience?

    One time i had a dream that has been stuck in my head for years.. i was a God-like creature with giant blue wings, way taller thank i am, and there was one of the best songs i ever heard playing.. some kind of strange industrial metal sound, but there was something very "Alien" about it. I don't...
  85. nema

    My Conversation with an AI Chatbot - President elect (2025) Trump to be sentenced on Friday in hush money case.

    That's a LOT of consideration for a Jewish ghoul.. he's been prosecuted for the Rituals we made that's it
  86. nema

    About the chakras

    Thank you!
  87. nema

    About the chakras

    How are the chakras connected to the brain? I think i read that the mind was connected to the 3rd chakra but It was a long time ago..
  88. nema

    Andrew Tate wants to become UK prime minister

    Isn't enough to think that he is Candace Owens buddy, who is Ben Shapiro's (who Is a reptile) buddy? I always think it like this to spot enemies
  89. nema

    Andrew Tate wants to become UK prime minister

    Dammi i fucked up 😂 but there's a picture of him and his buddies with a rabbi, that he himself said to be the "leader of the war room", whatever that means..i'm pretty sure these retarded alpha male guys are a jewish way to repress the feminine Energy of human beings, nothing else. But i might...
  90. nema

    Andrew Tate wants to become UK prime minister

  91. nema

    Workings #75824 next life

    Being the son of God Is pretty elite, you have to admit..
  92. nema

    Sexuality #75664 Perverted attraction shame

    I've been touched as a child as well and that really fucked me up sexually. Honestly i don't think you are a pervert, you like older men because you didn't have a father .. be careful in finding a decente man and not a loser! I know when you feel abandoned you can become easily manipulated...
  93. nema

    feeling down

    Brother your drugs are given to you by government assholes, who work directly for the jewish system. And you are at least staying yes to them.. how is it Satan fault?
  94. nema

    feeling down

    I don't know man i used drugs for half my life, last six years i've almost died every day, four months ago i quit everything and actually started doing the work (mostly opening and cleaning chakras) and i didn't feel this good since i was maybe 9..? It almost doesn't feel real . Keep staying...
  95. nema

    feeling down

    You probably hear voices for the weed. I used to smoke a lot and my brain used to go crazy.. unfortunately the only way to quit is to actually quit!
  96. nema

    The Lords (Beelzebub)🤘🏻

    I don't think the Gods would bother buy your friend ain't too bright
  97. nema

    Pray with me please 🙏

    Honestly the copy/past of Jos articles under a personal post Is unsufferable.. It belittles the experience of people who may be more private about certain things. No offense
  98. nema

    The jewish psychosis

    This Is the way i understand to be the jewish mental Matrix everybody Is living in. I'm still fresh of "getting out" so i might not get It like i think i do. It's like everybody has a mental image of him/herself created by the necessity of filling the void inside (lack of the inner self) , and...
  99. nema

    Lucifer's History

    Is there anything i can read about His past? I know he suffered and has a dark history and i would like to know about it in detail.. i think most of us could relate to it. thank you
  100. nema

    BEHEMOTH - Bartzabel

    Someone has taste!
  101. nema

    AI and universe (deep dive)

    What do you mean Lucifer is the first humanoid AI? I'm interested..
  102. nema

    Meditation Music

    just don't listen to it buddy..:)
  103. nema

    Meditation Music

    I usually don't find much on youtube but this one is actually good:
  104. nema

    How I Quit Drugs

    Thank you..i always enjoy your posts. You and HoodedCobra are like the Yin/Yang of this place.
  105. nema

    How I Quit Drugs

    Well..I'm alive :)
  106. nema

    How I Quit Drugs

    Just a "trick" that may help someone..obviously addiction is a mind problem, your true Self would never want that shit, you want the opposite (Temperance). I've been on drugs since i was 14, the last six years have been a fucking heroin nightmare, so unfortunately i know what i'm talking about...
  107. nema

    About LGBTXYwhatever

    I'm confused about where the Jewish agenda is leading humanity. Few years ago the Curch was killing Gay/Bisexual people inside with their "homosexuality is a sin" bullshit, to cut people off on the lower Chakras level, now they are sissificating the whole world, pushing homosexuality into...
  108. nema

    Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

    I noticed a pattern regarding VERY dangerous (to the Jews) Men and Women who were strumentalized for the enemy's narrative after their death. Joan of Arc, Rasputin, Vlad Tepes..Heroes who literally saved they're country, sometimes starting from nothing. I personally think Joan of Arc was the...
  109. nema


    I noticed the post about Satanic Personalities literally minutes after i wrote this..thanks!
  110. nema

    I don't know what to do.

    I think almost everybody here has been through a rough time, as you said you learned from it, it really does make you stronger than the rest. When you clean and open your Chakras you almost automatically lose the influence of your parents and the trauma they caused, at least that's my...
  111. nema


    To your knowledge, who were the most important People to be on Lucifer's side? I can only think (or speculate?) about Hitler, Rasputin, Joan of Arc, probably Blake, Napoleon, Alexander...but I guess the list goes on. If you know about them, i'd be very interested!
  112. nema

    ı want to commit suicide

    Being surrounded by asshole does not help.. i tell you from personal experiences, sometimes the pain you experiences Is not even yours, the thing Is we can bond a lot with our family when we are Kids, and you NEED to cut the spiritual ombelical cord you have with these parasites. I don't know if...
  113. nema

    A way out of nihilism..

    Thanks. Do you have any advice on how to work on karma removal? I assume it's more about Action and less about Meditations..?
  114. nema

    A way out of nihilism..

    I rarely post anything here as i tend to keep everything tò myself, but i think i'm reaching the lowest of lows (i don't get too much into details). I enjoy doing RTR's and It feels good to know what we know about the Gods, it's Just and existential carelessness about the majority of the human...
  115. nema

    Was I attacked?

    One night i had a Dream where there was some kind of cult members breaking into my house, holding me still and One of them put a knife in my stomach, i Remember streaming in pain like i would do in real Life. Then everything turned black and i Heard a voice (possibile a grey, i don't know)...
  116. nema

    Dream About Hitler

    It happened to me too, years ago . I Just Heard the world "Hitler was an HERO (i Remember the emphasis on that Word) and than i felt a massive "shockwave" from my root Chakra. Cool stuff 😈
  117. nema

    Final RTR

    It's probably an obvious question but should we keep doing the final RTR? I'm Always itching to do it
  118. nema

    About the reality

    I honestly can't think of a Better way to put yourself in some serious shit for no reason than this 🤣 what a fucking idiot
  119. nema

    Garibaldi l’ebreo?

    Io penso che la storia sia MOLTO più complicata di quello che possiamo capire.. in un mondo governato da un governo invisibile è veramente difficile dire chi lavora per chi, personalmente ho fiducia nel fatto che negli ultimi secoli Satana abbia avuto più potere di quello che possa sembrare...
  120. nema

    Feeling that meditations are for losers

    Are you sure you're REALLY seeing those "normal people"? 😂 They fucking bump into each other
  121. nema

    Can I consider myself dedicated?

    My Dedication Ritual was pretty much a disaster (way worse than you did) and It worked.. i'm sure it's all almost all about intentions
  122. nema

    Bullying, Physical Abuse (for students etc)

    I like how you think 💀 i generally don't like the "be a nice goy" moral rule especially on a website like this
  123. nema

    Jews Caught In Underground Tunnels In New York City

    The "news" make these things go viral only when they can use it for their agenda. In the case of epstein and weinstein they used it to push their "poor females" feminist argument over and over...i don't think we'll see any of this (unless they are compelled from the "Higher Power" for some...
  124. nema

    Who was Gengis Khan?

    Does anybody who Che Guevara really was? He looks jewish and you can tell by his eyes that he was "awakened" but since he was murdered by them... i don't really know

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
