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- Apr 28, 2022
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For years, I've been wondering "how have the Jews manipulated events so often and exploited humanity so badly?" Even to this day, I still don't fully know the answer; I know part of it has to do with stupidity and ignorance, but I can't fully pinpoint the other factors. For a long time, I've suspected pacificism was another factor, which is true to an extent as I've previously posted about this, but I have this nagging feeling that this still doesn't sum up the deception from the Jews. For some time, I've been suspecting that the more admirable qualities that seem to backfire on people, which might serve as factors:
- Compassion - Normally, from a moral and social standpoint, compassion has no flaws whatsoever; it's admirable, and it's what puts civilizations together. But, if put into different perspective, the flaws, though not immediate at first, cannot be ignored; ironically, if anything, this could play right into pacifism, since compassion advocates everyone to be kind and caring, and if the compassionate are ignorant, they could end up being serious pawns (as can be seen with Christianity, Islam, New Age movement, and whatever political movement endorsed and funded by Jews.). People can sing all the praises all they like about the strengths of compassion, but its flaws aren't to be ignored.
- Perseverance - Under normal circumstances, perseverance is another quality that's highly respected in society: no one respects a quitter. As admirable as perseverance may be, however, it's not always useful/beneficial; tying into ignorance (and to lesser extent, stupidity), most people today would choose not to give up on Christianity/Islam/Judaism out of belief that they'll be promised something after death, or whatever other silly promised offered to them. As one saying ones, "Quitters never win, winners never quit, but those who never win and never quit are idiots." And evidently, this is more true for those who support Christianity/Islam/New Movement/Woke Culture.