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Why does Mother Lilith not wish to be summoned

Seeker in the Dark

Active member
Jul 8, 2024
Any woman here who is a mother knows they desire to be as close to their children as possible. Catering for them, nurturing them, protecting them.

I’m a man and i don’t have kids yet so i can’t know the feeling first hand but i can empathise and do see how mothers care very deeply for their children, in most cases far more than the fathers.

This isn’t so much a complaint as it is confusion. Of all the Gods, Lilith is the only one I believe that we’re aware of that wishes not to be summoned. It just seems odd to me. While I’d understand if it was just a “minor”( I dont like to lower any God but i have to use that word here) God that didn’t care enough for humanity to be summoned, Lilith is the Mother of the Gods and the JOS.

A Mother more than anyone would want to be with her children and would take every opportunity to do so. Many mothers visit their children in prison even if they committed the most serious crimes.

I understand She was slandered by the enemy but so was every other God and we aren’t jews or xians/muslims, and yet She doesn’t allow us to summon Her and only very recently we were allowed to do a ritual for Her.

I don’t understand this. I do not mean to be insulting at all, I love the Gods. I’m just not sure how to interpret why She refuses to be summoned.
I’m also not sure why, but she’s the only God/Goddess that scares me. There just seems to be a feeling of fear in me whenever I think of her, not that i’ll be harmed, but something so powerful and pure it makes me afraid to even think about.

I never felt that fear while doing rituals for Father Satan or Lord Baal. I haven’t yet done a ritual for Mother Lilith as the mere thought of her name intidimates me. I say this out of the utmost respect.
I’ve done a ritual for Queen Astarte before as well so i’m not a stranger to the Divine feminine energy. It seems to be a feeling Lilith alone invokes in me.
Lilith is an exceptionally busy Goddess. She works directly with Satan. It is not that She just doesn't want to be summoned because She doesn't want to be close to Her children. She does intervene when necessary and has been a beautiful and incredible help to many of Satan's children when they have needed Her guidance most. Especially in terms of protection. As I understand it, Lilith works most directly with the Clergy.

Hail Satan!!
In reality most of us we cannot literally summon the highest Gods such as Lilith or Satan or anyone up there. They have mediators we call them Demons, they reside in a dimension closer to us, and they send the messages, guidance of the Gods, or our messages to them.

As with Lilith, she simply do not wish to communicate with everyone who wishes to communicate with her. She communicates with her chosen ones only. We have no right to question this or something, if this is what she want than this is what's gonna happen. She dislikes those even more who want to forcefully connect to her or something, besides the clear warnings from JoS.

Astarte is our mother Goddes.
It has nothing to do with a mother ignoring her children.

Lilith appears to those of us as she wishes. All the Gods are highly psychic, they know what we are doing here and will come to us as they chose.

If you need to summon a God, then find another who fits the purpose of your goal. There's nothing wrong or scary about that.

If you're afraid of Her, do Her ritual. This is a basic thing in life that my parents taught me as a child, to get over my fears: Do it.
It has nothing to do with a mother ignoring her children.

Lilith appears to those of us as she wishes. All the Gods are highly psychic, they know what we are doing here and will come to us as they chose.

If you need to summon a God, then find another who fits the purpose of your goal. There's nothing wrong or scary about that.

If you're afraid of Her, do Her ritual. This is a basic thing in life that my parents taught me as a child, to get over my fears: Do it.
That's exactly what Father Satan told me, my signature.
And yes, like the Others already said , it's not that She do not wishes or that She has which SHE DO HAS very huge things going on, there's many other God's who can't directly be summoned trough their Sigil's or even name, Hades is one of them for instance.
They and even Father Satan and Lilith shows up only when they consider that you're worthy enough , that dose not matter that you are not or that you will never it , it just means that there's many other things that you got to discover before reaching to Them or before they reach to you :D .
These types of claims in face of ultimate divinities are not important in the scheme of evolving the Universe and humans. Worth must be created first, by creating your being here, that's why you got incarnated. You are not entitled to everything. This mentality of being a victim of empathy in self-pity even on collective scale is why the Jews won over with religious programs. There is also a God Ritual for Her as stated by HPS Lydia.

The lack of spiritual revelation in acknowledging the ultimate love that Lilith has towards the good humans and the SS lot does not mean that it is not there.
I’m also not sure why, but she’s the only God/Goddess that scares me. There just seems to be a feeling of fear in me whenever I think of her, not that i’ll be harmed, but something so powerful and pure it makes me afraid to even think about.

I never felt that fear while doing rituals for Father Satan or Lord Baal. I haven’t yet done a ritual for Mother Lilith as the mere thought of her name intidimates me. I say this out of the utmost respect.
She is not a demon
I’m also not sure why, but she’s the only God/Goddess that scares me. There just seems to be a feeling of fear in me whenever I think of her, not that i’ll be harmed, but something so powerful and pure it makes me afraid to even think about.

I never felt that fear while doing rituals for Father Satan or Lord Baal. I haven’t yet done a ritual for Mother Lilith as the mere thought of her name intidimates me. I say this out of the utmost respect.
I have too, felt fear for a God, specifically Prince Apollo, but after his ritual came out I asked him if I could better understand him and stop fearing him and when I did his ritual, I finally understood him better and came to feel his strong, powerful, yet gentle energy.

I think you should approach this situation the same.
In reality most of us we cannot literally summon the highest Gods such as Lilith or Satan or anyone up there. They have mediators we call them Demons, they reside in a dimension closer to us, and they send the messages, guidance of the Gods, or our messages to them.

As with Lilith, she simply do not wish to communicate with everyone who wishes to communicate with her. She communicates with her chosen ones only. We have no right to question this or something, if this is what she want than this is what's gonna happen. She dislikes those even more who want to forcefully connect to her or something, besides the clear warnings from JoS.

Astarte is our mother Goddes.
Don't we summon our father Satan in the standard ritual?
Lilith is one of the few gods that openly state that she is on the side of bodily autonomy and women's rights. Unfortunately, this is still currently a war in and of itself, even in developed countries. She believes in sex for the woman purely for pleasure and to enjoy this right. I love her for fighting for this in and of itself. It is a very thankless war.
When I meditate on her energy, it is very deep, dark and strong. She, to me, represents the ideologies of womanhood that many choose to face away from and not acknowledge or talk about. A lot of people are frightened of Lilith because she represents some of the strongest aspects of being a women [or divine feminine]. Some of the worst medical stories I have ever read, from practiced nurses, have been regarding childbirth.
She will absolutely be there when she is needed. There is no need to summon her anyway. She will hear you when you speak to her. Truly there is nothing more I can say at this point.
Don't we summon our father Satan in the standard ritual?

Yes and I also don't say that we cannot get "close to the Gods" or something, but that the Gods reside in such a high dimension that we cannot directly interact with them, but trough a mediator being who's work is to make this connection possible between us and the Gods. This is originally the Angels, Angel means messenger in ancient Greek, they are lower Gods who can descend to our level but can ascend to the Gods.
Yes and I also don't say that we cannot get "close to the Gods" or something, but that the Gods reside in such a high dimension that we cannot directly interact with them, but trough a mediator being who's work is to make this connection possible between us and the Gods. This is originally the Angels, Angel means messenger in ancient Greek, they are lower Gods who can descend to our level but can ascend to the Gods.
oh, I understand, thank you for explaining.
I’m also not sure why, but she’s the only God/Goddess that scares me. There just seems to be a feeling of fear in me whenever I think of her, not that i’ll be harmed, but something so powerful and pure it makes me afraid to even think about.

I never felt that fear while doing rituals for Father Satan or Lord Baal. I haven’t yet done a ritual for Mother Lilith as the mere thought of her name intidimates me. I say this out of the utmost respect.
There's no reason to be scared.

Judging from my experience Mother Lilith is a calm, joyful, caring(especially the caring because she has brought me back to meditate when I stopped at one point in time and also in other ways) yet very powerful Goddess.

She likes when one is serious in advancing and values respect towards her.

Which is very good.

She is the Queen of the Gods. She is also Hathor in Ancient Egypt, Hera in Greece and Juno in Rome.

She is a lovely Goddess who really values respect and dedication towards her.

These are from my experience.

Hail Satanas!
Hail Lilith!
Hail Andraste!
If so, that looks perfect!
The reason may be a reason of sensitivity so it may be that he cannot stand that someone binds his spirit in an evocative ritual, so it may be that there are reasons to feel under the control of other living beings even if they are very good satanist adepts and saints therefore without negativity, but evidently some GODS and Goddesses also feel commanded in a subtle way, and therefore evidently they do not tolerate certain evocative rituals, that in any case in the universe there is free will and this remains a choice, so Ea allowing free choice does not impose even on her Goddess brides.
Any woman here who is a mother knows they desire to be as close to their children as possible. Catering for them, nurturing them, protecting them.

I’m a man and i don’t have kids yet so i can’t know the feeling first hand but i can empathise and do see how mothers care very deeply for their children, in most cases far more than the fathers.

This isn’t so much a complaint as it is confusion. Of all the Gods, Lilith is the only one I believe that we’re aware of that wishes not to be summoned. It just seems odd to me. While I’d understand if it was just a “minor”( I dont like to lower any God but i have to use that word here) God that didn’t care enough for humanity to be summoned, Lilith is the Mother of the Gods and the JOS.

A Mother more than anyone would want to be with her children and would take every opportunity to do so. Many mothers visit their children in prison even if they committed the most serious crimes.

I understand She was slandered by the enemy but so was every other God and we aren’t jews or xians/muslims, and yet She doesn’t allow us to summon Her and only very recently we were allowed to do a ritual for Her.

I don’t understand this. I do not mean to be insulting at all, I love the Gods. I’m just not sure how to interpret why She refuses to be summoned.

It's worth mentioning that the dangers of summoning or trying to interact with Lillith can be of many other reasons too. Being the wife of Satan and the most favored goddess, she has been the most highly targeted goddess for astral attacks by the enemy, and the centuries of slander instigated by corrupted teachings and the enemy, she simply has little to no tolerance for insolence or potential malefic intentions.

Many gods are not to be played around or messed with, and at best you might be given the "boo" treatment.

There was a book I picked up out of curiosity a long time ago. It was imbedded with enemy filth, but the marketing behind it made many perceive it as valuable occult knowledge. I think it mentioned something about "the great astral bounties" which listed Lucifer and Lillith at the top. Later on I now fully understood what it meant.

It's been such an occurrence that the protective entities and deities associated with her often have an "attack on sight" mentality, because of being fed up with all of this. It's also not meant for the spiritually inept and definitely not those undedicated. But imagine walking in the darkness to speak to someone, in the middle of a battlefield hoping to not bump into the other enemy soldiers lined up to attack who you want to speak to, and you have to be careful of knowing which entity is which. Remember that this is Satan's esteemed wife.

In general, any interaction with the gods has something similar but some gods are more potent in this matter. And "the beaconing of the astral", which shouldn't be a problem if you do protections and other measures correctly. You'll understand what I mean later on.

The ritual to Lilith does put you in good terms though, and is very useful and helped me immensely. There was also a time when I over raised my energies because there was a working I needed urgently done and called Lillith to take my energies since I heard here that she loves energy offerings. The stimulation was very unbearable and I felt relief within a few seconds after calling upon her name and after a few minutes everything was fine. She can also be great help in dealing with imbalances too.

Also, when I focused upon Lillith after the ritual I felt the most potent feminine energy I could ever feel. It was almost like doing the crown chakra meditation. But later on I think I could feel her saying not to do this too much, or anymore, because I've been connecting with too much feminine energy as a result of associating with a majority of female gods like Marchosias, Bastet and other things, and I feel that she wants to build a stronger relation with Beelzebub and working with male energies, and I fully understand why.

So if you're a male, I think she would want the same. But there's certainly nothing wrong with wanting to be familiar with Lillith as she has amazing energy. She wants men to be masculine, as they should be, but to maintain balance. Same with women.
There's no reason to be scared.

Judging from my experience Mother Lilith is a calm, joyful, caring(especially the caring because she has brought me back to meditate when I stopped at one point in time and also in other ways) yet very powerful Goddess.

She likes when one is serious in advancing and values respect towards her.

Which is very good.

She is the Queen of the Gods. She is also Hathor in Ancient Egypt, Hera in Greece and Juno in Rome.

She is a lovely Goddess who really values respect and dedication towards her.

These are from my experience.

Hail Satanas!
Hail Lilith!
Hail Andraste!
Hi! I'm almost sure Hera and Juno is actually Queen Astarte..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
