All my life my relationship with my mother has been a constant of ups and downs. My older sister has also had issues with my mother and the house was always in a state of chaos. There would be screaming and things falling all apart every night when I was younger, it was all so horrid. While we do not have another parent in the house to support the family and all the stress doubled down on only her, I still do not see the reason to then release all that anger and stress out on your own kids. The issue that now raises is the fact that it has been affecting my meditations and ability to advance properly, due to her constant nagging and screaming. I have began to wonder if she might be of Jewish origin and maybe that is where the issue has been hiding all these years. I had asked her a few days ago if she knew if anyone in her family was of Jewish blood, and she had said that her mother had a Jewish last name. While she is not my biological mother, It still haunts me to be around her now knowing she might as well be a jew after all. I have started doing bindings but it does not seem to work. I will still continue doing the bindings for the next 40 days and hope it helps push her away. Are there any other ways to stay safe from her? She used to be a very abusive parent but now that I am older, she fears that I will hurt her back and has now calmed down a bit; instead now she uses words and not physical violence. I really need advice on what to do as this is hurting me very badly. Thank you and HAIL SATAN AND THE GODS!!!