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Not sure how to ask


New member
Nov 2, 2024
Well I been working really hard on myself this past month but I don’t know what the hell it is I am not just motivated at all, it may be I am getting older. I am 41 years old and it’s difficult to live such a lifestyle when I have a mother who has a couple of drinks of alcohol every single night, I love my mother and doing everything I can to assist her but I am the only one who has been taking care of her. My youngest brother has a wife and kids, my other younger brother has a kid but he’s off in the deep end and is doing drugs. My older sister passed away in **** at age **. I have no children, but of course it’s my personal decision not to have any due to determining factors which is personal.
No matter how many meditations and protections I do, I am still affected by my mom negativity and the way she gets and on top of it all she’s a Christian, she gets off saying Jesus is returning, constantly talk about how she’s ready for god to take her, the rapture oh and she said she don’t talk about it because it upsets her knowing she thinks some of her kids gonna not be taken, me and my younger brother, etc oh let’s not forget the constant talk about saying Donald trump was chosen by god etc finally when she wakes up, I wake up vice versa, like a chain reaction.

I’m not complaining at all but I am describe situation on what I can do to be able to still assist my mother and she has to live with me unfortunately due to finances, most of the time I ignore her religious crap. But DAMN I feel like she’s rubbing off on me and goes way too extreme.

It’s been hard for me to stay focused, motivated and clean my aura, chakra, defense, etc because I feel like my energy is getting sucked dry. My mom could be an unconscious psychic vampire. Which is really sad.

So if anything or suggestions that I can do please let me know.

And finally my other question. Astral travel and who I meet. I have a few people say you don’t really experience deities as outside yourself, I haven’t astral projected yet, but I been wanting to know if it’s possible to astrally meet a god or goddess? Or what some of you call a Daemon? I ask because I want to do some self work first like my aura, chakras, etc before I do anything else. But as I said my living environment is making it difficult, due to financial issues.
By the way in the future I plan on moving to Ireland , home of my ancestors.
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It's important not to ignore the basics. These are going to protect you and keep your energy high. There are money workings you could do to improve your financial situation.

I think it would be best to seek help from other family members, as caring for your mother is not solely your responsibility. It can be hard to ignore the negative environment we find ourselves in, but there are solutions.

Focus on Satan and the Gods, visit the forums more, study the website, meditate, etc. These are things that will solidify your faith and boost your motivation. Especially as you see your spiritual progress. I would focus on the basics first, then work on Astral projection. Although that is only my opinion, as this is an intermediate meditation.

I have a few people say you don’t really experience deities as outside yourself

This is not true, don't trust sources outside of JoS.

it’s possible to astrally meet a god or goddess?

It's possible but not for everyone and not every SS will experience this in their life. The more advanced you are, the more possible this becomes, and the more complex and direct experience you can have with Gods. But as of now, just don't expect this kind of interaction, outside of dreams.

But for example you can feel their energies, and they can bless you by doing God rituals for example, and the can assist you with intuition and so on.
This is not true, don't trust sources outside of JoS.

It's possible but not for everyone and not every SS will experience this in their life. The more advanced you are, the more possible this becomes, and the more complex and direct experience you can have with Gods. But as of now, just don't expect this kind of interaction, outside of dreams.

But for example you can feel their energies, and they can bless you by doing God rituals for example, and the can assist you with intuition and so on.
They can also come and meet in person, this is not as uncommon as you put it out to be. The interactions are always short and on point.
They can also come and meet in person, this is not as uncommon as you put it out to be. The interactions are always short and on point.

Okay so this is what SSDruid trying achieve:

Lastly, a fourth level of actually seeing the Gods, is that when you encounter the Gods when at real or true astral projection or involuntary astral projection, or with certain layers of the higher bodies.

These can also be ascertained based on what one will want to communicate about this, or what one has seen, and marked out as to their validity accordingly. This is most uncommon. It cannot be made up or faked.

At this level, an encounter with the God or Demon in question is so extremely powerful, that it can mark a soul for it's whole existence. To reach these levels of communication one must be very dear to the Gods, and a very purified and uplifted person. It can generally take lifetimes to reach this state. This is never reached by "default".

Miraculous events can occur from this contact, such as spontaneously gaining powers, blessings or other capacities that one did not have before. One might spontaneously start speaking another language -or suddenly starting understanding it very much, develop a sudden musical genius, extensive sudden spiritual progress that is irreversible, and many other things, which are far way beyond the ordinary or what is likely "feasible". These will likely arrive as a result of meditation but can be sudden, and one will never be told any of this is coming, nor they will have any idea about it.

Due to the nature of very low power souls and defunct beings as the world is currently, this type of contact would drive most people completely insane, so it is very rare, as it would be like running infinite power electricity through a very small lightbulb. It is therefore borderline "impossible".

As a final note, the level of the cleaning and purity of the soul inside an individual is the deciding factor when it comes to quality communication. The Gods do not like dirty or unclean human souls that are rife with dross in them. That is why, especially when outsiders try to fiddle in "Demonology", their own negative energies can get in the way when they try to instantly summon, and they either get no result or might get an experience that points them to a strong "No".

Additionally, the Gods are coupled by lesser Demonic entities that will be sent to observe the individual or people making an inquiry, and they will check them out.

In many summoning, these will show up instead on their place, depending on what is the inquiring party, their level of real power, awareness and so on.

If they are unclean or too evil [not in the moral sense, but in the sense of lacking spiritual advancement], the entity might give a forcible message to get the people to get their act together, advance and so on. Like a security, they will not allow someone to reach the God.

Very common, for sure, available for all.
There is no any other way of meeting the Gods astrally, this is what it is.
What you say is perhaps when a God checks on you, but this doesn't mean you met them astrally, or even that they manifested in your room, because they don't.
Read the whole sermon @SSDruid
Yo bro , I will take it step by step but firstly please do not get resentful or angry on what I am about to say.
At this year you should be able to have already or if not then settle our own life, you can't just wait for circumstances and keep inventing reasons , I understand that by what it seems you do love your mother a lot and this is very human in itself. You should to try get in touch with other relatives if there's any and also try to sing up up for those elder people place , where they can take care of her , all depending in the state you are and if she worked her life.

The thing with meditation and spiritual practices is that : It is not enough for one to simply sit with his ass and do mantra's but one should also trough meditation and in time try for himself to change his mentality and perception about things. One good example of this is " One can do a 40 days working spell believing all those days he will be rich and succeed " but once those 40 days pass the person in question who made this spiritual working will start to doubt and therefore leading to disharmony and chaos. That's why it has been said on the forums before that when One gets more power and advance himself then He should already posses a clear control upon his own very self and his mind otherwise we can attract things and do things that we are not even yet aware that it was us who produced some things around us.

As per your brother I can personally say that it does not matter at all if he got kids or problems or whatever , you should grab him by the shoulder get him in front of your mother , point and her and say : Look , she needs both of us.

You need to wake him up as well if possible and only if you wish so , if not try the elder people place [asylum].
And finally my other question. Astral travel and who I meet. I have a few people say you don’t really experience deities as outside yourself, I haven’t astral projected yet, but I been wanting to know if it’s possible to astrally meet a god or goddess? Or what some of you call a Daemon? I ask because I want to do some self work first like my aura, chakras, etc before I do anything else. But as I said my living environment is making it difficult, due to financial issues.
By the way in the future I plan on moving to Ireland , home of my ancestors.
Whatever you see or hear outside of JOS should be classed and treated with extremely caution and awareness!

What do you mean there are no other entities beyond "us" , as if there is no one in the astral world , who said that ? Bugs Bunny? These idiots don't know what they're talking about, they've never even accessed anything like that and they're just giving their opinion, don't go after all the incompetents.

Of course you can meet a God and Demons and many other different life forms and entities of all forms, there are many more living creatures than there are in the material world, people can not see because they have the third eye closed and not developed enough but I tell you for sure that in front of our eyes are much more than we can see and perceive, everything coming with a level of power and development that we get over time through constant meditation.

And also , look , my circumstances are not the great neither and I am not judging you or anything like that, what I am saying is that I think both of us we have to move our asses a bit more towards our prosperity , meaning we can do more then we already done, everything is possible as long as we keep striving forward , no matter what.

Also, try speak with Father Satan about it , when personal matters are involved and they require help and guidance He is the best to do so , he never Judges and is very understandable and reasonable , be open with Father and Tell him what you're feeling and what would you like to do, but don't ask for stuff directly , ask him for sings and He will provide you the confirmations you need to validate and see that His Work is truly ABSOLUTE.

By the way , as I said, there's many beings but it all depends of everyone level of power they posses to be able to see the higher one's . You don't necessarily need to be able to see in the Astral realm or do Astral Projection just yet, if the God's wants to communicate with you, They will! Father Satan done many wonderful things in my life , truly magnificent , an eternity If I would ever have will still not be enough to show how grateful truly I am with all of my soul and spirit.

Have trust Brother , I am telling you , many of those are tests as well not just "bad karma" , keep faith and be strong , always !
Okay so this is what SSDruid trying achieve:

Very common, for sure, available for all.
It is not necessary to engage in low-effort backhanded comments.

The thing is that one can literally connect to Gods at the very beginning levels, and then as one progresses the intensity and depth increase. This is based on merit.
There is no any other way of meeting the Gods astrally, this is what it is.
Yes, there are.
What you say is perhaps when a God checks on you, but this doesn't mean you met them astrally, or even that they manifested in your room, because they don't.
Read the whole sermon @SSDruid
When Someone 'from out there' visits you, no matter the intensity or anything, it is astrally. This is based on personal experience (and common sense, they are not physically present, so it follows that it must be astrally...)
Your experience was similar to mine in some ways. Here's what I have to say from my experience:

Your siblings will take full advantage of you being the live-in caregiver. They will not assume responsibility by themselves, most likely. They may do something out of obligation if your mum asks or if you ask or something, possibly with strings attached, but they most likely won't volunteer to help her. They may prefer to avoid seeing the state she's in, or may be distancing themselves from her negativity/craziness. People will bring flowers at the funeral but won't bring soup when she's sick.

Your sibling who's addicted to drugs will continue doing degenerate things most likely, they're stuck in a negative vortex. Don't expect that they'll change just because mum's sick, that will most likely only happen either out of their own volition(less likely) or after she passes(more likely). The cycle of sobriety and drug addiction can be long term for some people. Some never make it out. But encourage them anyway. Rehab can work, but people have to be ready to quit.

Your mum sounds like she has issues and she could be needy or pushy and draining because of it, but don't hate her for it because it's most likely out of ignorance, she likely never had the awareness or opportunity or motivation to heal. You could nudge her toward getting therapy or something. Since she's older she's probably set in her ways so don't have high expectations that she'll change her beliefs, but hoping and trying and encouraging is worth doing.

Don't say things you'll regret when she's gone.
A nursing home or retirement home may be an option. I personally don't like this idea, alot of abuse can happen in these places, and I believe family should take care of family. But not all families are close, not all are capable, and we don't live in a world where it's easy and culturally sanctioned to do so anymore.

At the end of the day you do have to take care of you, you can't live to serve her needs and it's not right for all the responsibility to fall on you. It will definitely bother her and harm her mental health to not see her other kids and her grandkids and be involved in their lives as well, so it shouldn't only be just you, for both your and her sake.
When Someone 'from out there' visits you, no matter the intensity or anything, it is astrally.

They don't need to visit you. They can look at you or something, but they won't manifest in your room.
The intensity of the interaction depends on how much they focus on you and so on, manifesting themself next to you and meeting you literally is the highest level and not possible for beginners.

I'm not saying that it's impossible to "connect" to the Gods and build a relationship, but you would certainly get fried if they would manifest next to you.
They can also give visions and so on, but non of this means that they literally met you.
They don't need to visit you. They can look at you or something, but they won't manifest in your room.
The intensity of the interaction depends on how much they focus on you and so on, manifesting themself next to you and meeting you literally is the highest level and not possible for beginners.

I'm not saying that it's impossible to "connect" to the Gods and build a relationship, but you would certainly get fried if they would manifest next to you.
They can also give visions and so on, but non of this means that they literally met you.
Who said the manifestation has to be their full force, all they need is a glimpse of their excellence to accomplish the required task. It seems you do not understand what an 'aspect' in this context means.
This is not true, don't trust sources outside of JoS.

It's possible but not for everyone and not every SS will experience this in their life. The more advanced you are, the more possible this becomes, and the more complex and direct experience you can have with Gods. But as of now, just don't expect this kind of interaction, outside Thank you all for the replies, and insight, I am glad you told me about this when I’m not gonna get any help. My mom isn’t that bad, and she shares some similar beliefs and I’m lucky my mother has a sense of some respect when it comes to our family has a history of psychics, witches and so on. But the fact she keeps taking about Revelation, Bible, rapture, Jesus is coming back and that it’s all about to began etc is constant. I don’t talk about my path or whom I serve. But yes she’s needy, pushy, passive aggressive. She’s 62 years old she doesn’t drink during the day it’s at night she has a couple of drinks and she has struggled with alcohol but she doesn’t know how to deal with her anxiety or depression. Etc it’s a long story, but nevertheless you are right , I probably won’t get any help. I mean she’s functional and works during the day.
This is not true, don't trust sources outside of JoS.

It's possible but not for everyone and not every SS will experience this in their life. The more advanced you are, the more possible this becomes, and the more complex and direct experience you can have with Gods. But as of now, just don't expect this kind of interaction, outside of dreams.

But for example you can feel their energies, and they can bless you by doing God rituals for example, and the can assist you with intuition and so on.

Well that would be really nice to be able to do that. I think my biggest set back as of now is my living arrangements as someone said on here my siblings probably not going to help. My youngest brother most likely will because he is married with 2 kids. But however i do plan to get my own place next year for sure and save up to eventually move out of USA depending on what happens.

Well thanks for the information

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
