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The 5 Ages & Zeus

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In the Ancient texts, in particular and in Hesiod's work, there are texts that say that the Gods, when they see humanity plunged in wickedness, are engaging in the following processes to save them or redeem them, or create them from the beginning.

I will tell you the truth in this topic which contains both good and bad elements and not sugar coat anything.

Hesiod describes five successive races of humanity:

• The Golden Age lived in peace under Cronus. Kronus or Saturn here, also called "The Father of Zeus", is the age where the Gods walked on Earth. In contrast to many lies by the enemy, this was in fact not the "worst" time, but actually the time where humanity had mastered the negative forces of Saturn (and therefore became pious, flourishing, and lived in an idyllic like situation). This has been talked about in other topics (use the search function.

• The Silver Age was foolish and disrespected the gods, leading Zeus to destroy them. In the silver age, humanity assumed they were Gods, stopped engaging the Gods spiritually and spiritual growth was stalled. The disrespect arose in a similar fashion to this day, where evolution of external tools started to replacing any form of inner wisdom. The silver age is the most mystical, as it borders the time where also many other...Alien races lived on the planet. That's a topic for another time.

• The Bronze Age was violent and warlike, and they destroyed themselves. This was without help of the Gods, on the contrary, the Gods tried to help humanity many times. Times like this arise when humanity starts engaging in endless wars (the time of Atlantis, after the Golden Age of Kronus, is between the Silver and the Bronze age). Zeus apparently in anger, sunk Atlantis, which according to Plato, had become a dictatorial slavery-like power that did seek to enslave the whole planet solely for reasons of avarice and greed. Atlantis, according to Plato, from a Divine civilization of the Gods, for numerous and complex reasons, started becoming an ultimate dictatorship of alien-like content, leading the Gods to press the "reset" button on humanity.

• The Heroic Age (including Trojan War heroes) was better but short-lived. This was the era of the Trojan War and the era that followed after, up until around the Golden Age of Athens. From there one, we are living in the Iron age, listed below. In the Heroic age, a lot of people become truly Gods and it's one of the best times for people to embark into spiritual growth. Justice, rule of the Gods, and positivity is still very powerful on this level.

Which age are we on now? The fifth age and moving again to the first age.

• The Iron Age (Hesiod’s own time to today, about 2500 years) is full of suffering and injustice, and he implies that Zeus MAY one day end it. My comment here, the "MAY END IT" does not mean necessarily we are getting punished or ruined, on the contrary, it means that if we play our cards right, this age will become a thing of the past by the moving into the next Age.

This final age, is the age we live in today and from the time of Hesiod. Being the lowest age, it provides maximum opportunity for the pious souls to rise spiritually and show a greater example to themselves and to the Gods. This is the Kali Yuga of the Hindus and is actually both rife with suffering, but also an "Once in all lifetimes" opportunity for certain people to display deified potential and ascend the ranks of the Gods, as the times are pertinent and only the most pious souls can follow the Dharma or the Path.

The end of any of these ages, is a good opportunity for people to stay on course and not sink themselves. We are currently on this cutting edge level from Iron Age to Golden Age. As the age is about to flip, humanity goes through certain trials which are essentially a universal test so the universe can see "What did we learn" from the previous age. If we repeat the same mistakes, the natural laws of consequence make us pay for it. If not, we move to a far greater and elevated state.

The Iron Age literally climaxed on the Middle Ages/Dark Ages, where humanity and civilization, almost did go extinct. Needless to say, our of our own retardation to adhere to the enemy, we reached a pivotal point where almost all the civilized population on the earth died (Bubonic plague, Christian ignorance). Then, endless wars everywhere between Christians and Muslims, denial and burning of the past; amoralism became the norm, false Gods, denial of science, ignorance became the rule of law.

Suffering, ignorance and injustice, can reach an all time high during this time. We are now PAST the all time high of this. We are NOT in the all time high of the negative Iron Age anymore. We must be very OPTIMSITIC looking at the future. Always.

Humanity will start seeing things they do not even believe during that age (incomprehensible injustice, theft, destruction, can become the norm). We are currently nearing the end of the cycle (it's not very clear when it will end - we will decide as humans by our actions where it ends). If we do not reach ultimate perdition and disgusting levels as a globe, we will not have to endure the large consequences of our ignorance. This is still at play. Gods are made during these times, which upon deciding to restore order, do bring the Gods into play, a move that simultaneously invokes divine mercy upon the world and they try to limit the suffering involved in this age.

Now I know it might sound strange that the Gods might decide, under the worst of the worst conditions, to ruin mankind, but let me ask you something. If humanity became a micro-chipped, grey like, farm, then what is left to do to liberate the souls trapped into this? You press the reset button. This doesn't have to be a total reset button; but as humanity reached the peak of disgustingness in the Middle Ages, they were enforced by the powers of need and life, to make valid changes to their world in order to go forward. As in the present timeline, those who brought this forth were the defiants, the heretics, the scientists, the people who were serving the Gods directly or indirectly.

If these people did not exist, maybe we would not be typing in computers now, but maybe we would all be human goyim pigs in Rabbi Moshe's personal farm and starved out in the cold for not saying our prayer in Sunday school. These people turned the tide and keep turning the tide of the enemy, bringing forth better times. It's all do-able. They did this and we can do it also, we are doing this.

I will be very upfront and say this: Zeus does not "sit idly around" like the abominations of the Jews who claim to be ever-forgiving. See where all the "we will forgive anyone forever" dogma led to the Dark Ages; the opposite happened, decay and injustice reached the all time high, humans became abominations. Ramifications of utter stupidity, can come out NOT DIRECTLY from the Gods, but in many ways, due to human ignorance reaching a peak. We must avoid this at all costs.

The Gods are exceptionally forgiving, but if humanity goes too far, the universal laws of consequence can be paid and they will be paid in full. People in Hinduism are accustomed to this, and they mention explicitly that Vishnu "ends the game" with Shiva if they see humanity is going off the rails completely and abominations happen beyond imagination.

If a society becomes like the Matrix and people live enslaved in pods (figuratively or literally), the Gods will press the reset button on humanity after verification that we have fully derailed and become monsters. Mockery of anything meaningful in human life, abuse, enslavement, loss of individuality etc.

Then, humanity is recreated and starts over. I am confident we have escaped that phase and I truly hope that the offices and leaders of humanity do not pull this too far, because the Gods are the ultimate authority on these topics.

This apparent repetition has happened a few times by now (it's nothing to fear for those under the Gods) and doesn't happen for petty reasons, we have to reach ultimate decay for this to happen. We appear to be past this, but my strong recommendation is to allow people to follow the Eternal Path or Dharma and to not violate them under nefarious orders from evil entities (such as chipping them, or making humanity a farm-like or hunger games situation). There will be no survivors if that happens (simply because humanity and it's greed can be highly ruinous), even those in power will be damned eternally (there is no escape for them no matter how much they try either).

Spaceships won't save anyone of these beings either. Trying longevity potions to rule forever and damn humans, won't work either. The opposite course to goodness must be taken, and falsehood must be left behind, because it provides nothing to our species in the end. Hunger-games like situations can bring the Gods with striking action down to the planet. The scenario of the Jews for example "leading earth" is a catastrophic situation. If the Gods see the world going into a global Gaza, punishment will arrive that will be of untold proportion for the remainder of the causing beings of this dystopia.

For all intents, we are doing very good until today to not have that happen, but it's important humanity wakes up and stop committing a series of sacrilege after another sacrilege. Successful exit from the Iron Age, means the next consequential age will be the Golden Age. Wonderful and greatest opportunities exist now so that not only we escape the Iron Age, but that we cumulatively build a Golden Age.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
• The Bronze Age was violent and warlike, and they destroyed themselves. This was without help of the Gods, on the contrary, the Gods tried to help humanity many times. Times like this arise when humanity starts engaging in endless wars (the time of Atlantis, after the Golden Age of Kronus, is between the Silver and the Bronze age). Zeus apparently in anger, sunk Atlantis, which according to Plato, had become a dictatorial slavery-like power that did seek to enslave the whole planet solely for reasons of avarice and greed. Atlantis, according to Plato, from a Divine civilization of the Gods, for numerous and complex reasons, started becoming an ultimate dictatorship of alien-like content, leading the Gods to press the "reset" button on humanity.
i have a question regard this topic..
why the people in positions of power and ruling the world nowadays doesn't take this into account?
for someone who reached this level of authority must be very well informed on the forbidden history!
not to mention and (there is no comparison) that lemuria and atlantis was way much more advanced than whatever methods of power they achieved today?!
In the Ancient texts, in particular and in Hesiod's work, there are texts that say that the Gods, when they see humanity plunged in wickedness, are engaging in the following processes to save them or redeem them, or create them from the beginning.

I will tell you the truth in this topic which contains both good and bad elements and not sugar coat anything.

Hesiod describes five successive races of humanity:

• The Golden Age lived in peace under Cronus. Kronus or Saturn here, also called "The Father of Zeus", is the age where the Gods walked on Earth. In contrast to many lies by the enemy, this was in fact not the "worst" time, but actually the time where humanity had mastered the negative forces of Saturn (and therefore became pious, flourishing, and lived in an idyllic like situation). This has been talked about in other topics (use the search function.

• The Silver Age was foolish and disrespected the gods, leading Zeus to destroy them. In the silver age, humanity assumed they were Gods, stopped engaging the Gods spiritually and spiritual growth was stalled. The disrespect arose in a similar fashion to this day, where evolution of external tools started to replacing any form of inner wisdom. The silver age is the most mystical, as it borders the time where also many other...Alien races lived on the planet. That's a topic for another time.

• The Bronze Age was violent and warlike, and they destroyed themselves. This was without help of the Gods, on the contrary, the Gods tried to help humanity many times. Times like this arise when humanity starts engaging in endless wars (the time of Atlantis, after the Golden Age of Kronus, is between the Silver and the Bronze age). Zeus apparently in anger, sunk Atlantis, which according to Plato, had become a dictatorial slavery-like power that did seek to enslave the whole planet solely for reasons of avarice and greed. Atlantis, according to Plato, from a Divine civilization of the Gods, for numerous and complex reasons, started becoming an ultimate dictatorship of alien-like content, leading the Gods to press the "reset" button on humanity.

• The Heroic Age (including Trojan War heroes) was better but short-lived. This was the era of the Trojan War and the era that followed after, up until around the Golden Age of Athens. From there one, we are living in the Iron age, listed below. In the Heroic age, a lot of people become truly Gods and it's one of the best times for people to embark into spiritual growth. Justice, rule of the Gods, and positivity is still very powerful on this level.

Which age are we on now? The fifth age and moving again to the first age.

• The Iron Age (Hesiod’s own time to today, about 2500 years) is full of suffering and injustice, and he implies that Zeus MAY one day end it. My comment here, the "MAY END IT" does not mean necessarily we are getting punished or ruined, on the contrary, it means that if we play our cards right, this age will become a thing of the past by the moving into the next Age.

This final age, is the age we live in today and from the time of Hesiod. Being the lowest age, it provides maximum opportunity for the pious souls to rise spiritually and show a greater example to themselves and to the Gods. This is the Kali Yuga of the Hindus and is actually both rife with suffering, but also an "Once in all lifetimes" opportunity for certain people to display deified potential and ascend the ranks of the Gods, as the times are pertinent and only the most pious souls can follow the Dharma or the Path.

The end of any of these ages, is a good opportunity for people to stay on course and not sink themselves. We are currently on this cutting edge level from Iron Age to Golden Age. As the age is about to flip, humanity goes through certain trials which are essentially a universal test so the universe can see "What did we learn" from the previous age. If we repeat the same mistakes, the natural laws of consequence make us pay for it. If not, we move to a far greater and elevated state.

The Iron Age literally climaxed on the Middle Ages/Dark Ages, where humanity and civilization, almost did go extinct. Needless to say, our of our own retardation to adhere to the enemy, we reached a pivotal point where almost all the civilized population on the earth died (Bubonic plague, Christian ignorance). Then, endless wars everywhere between Christians and Muslims, denial and burning of the past; amoralism became the norm, false Gods, denial of science, ignorance became the rule of law.

Suffering, ignorance and injustice, can reach an all time high during this time. We are now PAST the all time high of this. We are NOT in the all time high of the negative Iron Age anymore. We must be very OPTIMSITIC looking at the future. Always.

Humanity will start seeing things they do not even believe during that age (incomprehensible injustice, theft, destruction, can become the norm). We are currently nearing the end of the cycle (it's not very clear when it will end - we will decide as humans by our actions where it ends). If we do not reach ultimate perdition and disgusting levels as a globe, we will not have to endure the large consequences of our ignorance. This is still at play. Gods are made during these times, which upon deciding to restore order, do bring the Gods into play, a move that simultaneously invokes divine mercy upon the world and they try to limit the suffering involved in this age.

Now I know it might sound strange that the Gods might decide, under the worst of the worst conditions, to ruin mankind, but let me ask you something. If humanity became a micro-chipped, grey like, farm, then what is left to do to liberate the souls trapped into this? You press the reset button. This doesn't have to be a total reset button; but as humanity reached the peak of disgustingness in the Middle Ages, they were enforced by the powers of need and life, to make valid changes to their world in order to go forward. As in the present timeline, those who brought this forth were the defiants, the heretics, the scientists, the people who were serving the Gods directly or indirectly.

If these people did not exist, maybe we would not be typing in computers now, but maybe we would all be human goyim pigs in Rabbi Moshe's personal farm and starved out in the cold for not saying our prayer in Sunday school. These people turned the tide and keep turning the tide of the enemy, bringing forth better times. It's all do-able. They did this and we can do it also, we are doing this.

I will be very upfront and say this: Zeus does not "sit idly around" like the abominations of the Jews who claim to be ever-forgiving. See where all the "we will forgive anyone forever" dogma led to the Dark Ages; the opposite happened, decay and injustice reached the all time high, humans became abominations. Ramifications of utter stupidity, can come out NOT DIRECTLY from the Gods, but in many ways, due to human ignorance reaching a peak. We must avoid this at all costs.

The Gods are exceptionally forgiving, but if humanity goes too far, the universal laws of consequence can be paid and they will be paid in full. People in Hinduism are accustomed to this, and they mention explicitly that Vishnu "ends the game" with Shiva if they see humanity is going off the rails completely and abominations happen beyond imagination.

If a society becomes like the Matrix and people live enslaved in pods (figuratively or literally), the Gods will press the reset button on humanity after verification that we have fully derailed and become monsters. Mockery of anything meaningful in human life, abuse, enslavement, loss of individuality etc.

Then, humanity is recreated and starts over. I am confident we have escaped that phase and I truly hope that the offices and leaders of humanity do not pull this too far, because the Gods are the ultimate authority on these topics.

This apparent repetition has happened a few times by now (it's nothing to fear for those under the Gods) and doesn't happen for petty reasons, we have to reach ultimate decay for this to happen. We appear to be past this, but my strong recommendation is to allow people to follow the Eternal Path or Dharma and to not violate them under nefarious orders from evil entities (such as chipping them, or making humanity a farm-like or hunger games situation). There will be no survivors if that happens (simply because humanity and it's greed can be highly ruinous), even those in power will be damned eternally (there is no escape for them no matter how much they try either).

Spaceships won't save anyone of these beings either. Trying longevity potions to rule forever and damn humans, won't work either. The opposite course to goodness must be taken, and falsehood must be left behind, because it provides nothing to our species in the end. Hunger-games like situations can bring the Gods with striking action down to the planet. The scenario of the Jews for example "leading earth" is a catastrophic situation. If the Gods see the world going into a global Gaza, punishment will arrive that will be of untold proportion for the remainder of the causing beings of this dystopia.

For all intents, we are doing very good until today to not have that happen, but it's important humanity wakes up and stop committing a series of sacrilege after another sacrilege. Successful exit from the Iron Age, means the next consequential age will be the Golden Age. Wonderful and greatest opportunities exist now so that not only we escape the Iron Age, but that we cumulatively build a Golden Age.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks for the sermon it was really
Good I enjoyed it
Hail Satan! !!
Hail Satanas !!
Hail Zues the time of the Satya!!!
Hail the Gods of Hell
We must avoid this at all costs

Little reminders about that...

Doing things for yourself:

Doing things for the universe:

(the two things are closely interconnected with each other, supporting each other)

The yardstick for understanding what to do, how to do it and when to do it:

And since people usually don't understand that being spiritual doesn't mean ceasing to be material (and vice versa obviously), but the two physical and astral bodies coexist in one whole of ourselves, it's always good to remember that the Temple of Zeus must survive as the basis of what we can do (and yes, money is useful, without money as a means to obtain things no one could do anything. Not the Temple of Zeus, not anyone and not even a president):
Thanks so much for such detailed and important information, HP! I have not read such a thorough analysis of the topic in the context of Spiritual Satanism before. This is really necessary for everyone to understand.

Understanding of one's Essence, Understanding of the Importance and Urgency of one's Mission, Understanding of the Will of the Gods, Understanding of what Humanity is moving towards, how to help it here and now and how to return the former Satanic Greatness.

We must win and build the former Golden Age here. To do so Selflessly, Devotedly, with Courage and Awe in our hearts and Might in our Souls. We will not sit and wait idly by, watching the Earth and Humanity die out. We will do whatever it takes to reclaim our planet and Power. The Enemy will be destroyed. The Gods will not be disappointed in us.
Yes, if the whole of Humanity became as the jews, absolutely do wipe them out and start from scratch.
I remember reading the Hediod's poem about the 5 Ages, cool to see it portrayed by you HP.

I have only one question, how did the first Golden Age end? It's not stated precisely and Hesiod is as cryptic as most/all Great Poets and Philosophers of the time.
In the Ancient texts, in particular and in Hesiod's work, there are texts that say that the Gods, when they see humanity plunged in wickedness, are engaging in the following processes to save them or redeem them, or create them from the beginning.

I will tell you the truth in this topic which contains both good and bad elements and not sugar coat anything.

Hesiod describes five successive races of humanity:

• The Golden Age lived in peace under Cronus. Kronus or Saturn here, also called "The Father of Zeus", is the age where the Gods walked on Earth. In contrast to many lies by the enemy, this was in fact not the "worst" time, but actually the time where humanity had mastered the negative forces of Saturn (and therefore became pious, flourishing, and lived in an idyllic like situation). This has been talked about in other topics (use the search function.

• The Silver Age was foolish and disrespected the gods, leading Zeus to destroy them. In the silver age, humanity assumed they were Gods, stopped engaging the Gods spiritually and spiritual growth was stalled. The disrespect arose in a similar fashion to this day, where evolution of external tools started to replacing any form of inner wisdom. The silver age is the most mystical, as it borders the time where also many other...Alien races lived on the planet. That's a topic for another time.

• The Bronze Age was violent and warlike, and they destroyed themselves. This was without help of the Gods, on the contrary, the Gods tried to help humanity many times. Times like this arise when humanity starts engaging in endless wars (the time of Atlantis, after the Golden Age of Kronus, is between the Silver and the Bronze age). Zeus apparently in anger, sunk Atlantis, which according to Plato, had become a dictatorial slavery-like power that did seek to enslave the whole planet solely for reasons of avarice and greed. Atlantis, according to Plato, from a Divine civilization of the Gods, for numerous and complex reasons, started becoming an ultimate dictatorship of alien-like content, leading the Gods to press the "reset" button on humanity.

• The Heroic Age (including Trojan War heroes) was better but short-lived. This was the era of the Trojan War and the era that followed after, up until around the Golden Age of Athens. From there one, we are living in the Iron age, listed below. In the Heroic age, a lot of people become truly Gods and it's one of the best times for people to embark into spiritual growth. Justice, rule of the Gods, and positivity is still very powerful on this level.

Which age are we on now? The fifth age and moving again to the first age.

• The Iron Age (Hesiod’s own time to today, about 2500 years) is full of suffering and injustice, and he implies that Zeus MAY one day end it. My comment here, the "MAY END IT" does not mean necessarily we are getting punished or ruined, on the contrary, it means that if we play our cards right, this age will become a thing of the past by the moving into the next Age.

This final age, is the age we live in today and from the time of Hesiod. Being the lowest age, it provides maximum opportunity for the pious souls to rise spiritually and show a greater example to themselves and to the Gods. This is the Kali Yuga of the Hindus and is actually both rife with suffering, but also an "Once in all lifetimes" opportunity for certain people to display deified potential and ascend the ranks of the Gods, as the times are pertinent and only the most pious souls can follow the Dharma or the Path.

The end of any of these ages, is a good opportunity for people to stay on course and not sink themselves. We are currently on this cutting edge level from Iron Age to Golden Age. As the age is about to flip, humanity goes through certain trials which are essentially a universal test so the universe can see "What did we learn" from the previous age. If we repeat the same mistakes, the natural laws of consequence make us pay for it. If not, we move to a far greater and elevated state.

The Iron Age literally climaxed on the Middle Ages/Dark Ages, where humanity and civilization, almost did go extinct. Needless to say, our of our own retardation to adhere to the enemy, we reached a pivotal point where almost all the civilized population on the earth died (Bubonic plague, Christian ignorance). Then, endless wars everywhere between Christians and Muslims, denial and burning of the past; amoralism became the norm, false Gods, denial of science, ignorance became the rule of law.

Suffering, ignorance and injustice, can reach an all time high during this time. We are now PAST the all time high of this. We are NOT in the all time high of the negative Iron Age anymore. We must be very OPTIMSITIC looking at the future. Always.

Humanity will start seeing things they do not even believe during that age (incomprehensible injustice, theft, destruction, can become the norm). We are currently nearing the end of the cycle (it's not very clear when it will end - we will decide as humans by our actions where it ends). If we do not reach ultimate perdition and disgusting levels as a globe, we will not have to endure the large consequences of our ignorance. This is still at play. Gods are made during these times, which upon deciding to restore order, do bring the Gods into play, a move that simultaneously invokes divine mercy upon the world and they try to limit the suffering involved in this age.

Now I know it might sound strange that the Gods might decide, under the worst of the worst conditions, to ruin mankind, but let me ask you something. If humanity became a micro-chipped, grey like, farm, then what is left to do to liberate the souls trapped into this? You press the reset button. This doesn't have to be a total reset button; but as humanity reached the peak of disgustingness in the Middle Ages, they were enforced by the powers of need and life, to make valid changes to their world in order to go forward. As in the present timeline, those who brought this forth were the defiants, the heretics, the scientists, the people who were serving the Gods directly or indirectly.

If these people did not exist, maybe we would not be typing in computers now, but maybe we would all be human goyim pigs in Rabbi Moshe's personal farm and starved out in the cold for not saying our prayer in Sunday school. These people turned the tide and keep turning the tide of the enemy, bringing forth better times. It's all do-able. They did this and we can do it also, we are doing this.

I will be very upfront and say this: Zeus does not "sit idly around" like the abominations of the Jews who claim to be ever-forgiving. See where all the "we will forgive anyone forever" dogma led to the Dark Ages; the opposite happened, decay and injustice reached the all time high, humans became abominations. Ramifications of utter stupidity, can come out NOT DIRECTLY from the Gods, but in many ways, due to human ignorance reaching a peak. We must avoid this at all costs.

The Gods are exceptionally forgiving, but if humanity goes too far, the universal laws of consequence can be paid and they will be paid in full. People in Hinduism are accustomed to this, and they mention explicitly that Vishnu "ends the game" with Shiva if they see humanity is going off the rails completely and abominations happen beyond imagination.

If a society becomes like the Matrix and people live enslaved in pods (figuratively or literally), the Gods will press the reset button on humanity after verification that we have fully derailed and become monsters. Mockery of anything meaningful in human life, abuse, enslavement, loss of individuality etc.

Then, humanity is recreated and starts over. I am confident we have escaped that phase and I truly hope that the offices and leaders of humanity do not pull this too far, because the Gods are the ultimate authority on these topics.

This apparent repetition has happened a few times by now (it's nothing to fear for those under the Gods) and doesn't happen for petty reasons, we have to reach ultimate decay for this to happen. We appear to be past this, but my strong recommendation is to allow people to follow the Eternal Path or Dharma and to not violate them under nefarious orders from evil entities (such as chipping them, or making humanity a farm-like or hunger games situation). There will be no survivors if that happens (simply because humanity and it's greed can be highly ruinous), even those in power will be damned eternally (there is no escape for them no matter how much they try either).

Spaceships won't save anyone of these beings either. Trying longevity potions to rule forever and damn humans, won't work either. The opposite course to goodness must be taken, and falsehood must be left behind, because it provides nothing to our species in the end. Hunger-games like situations can bring the Gods with striking action down to the planet. The scenario of the Jews for example "leading earth" is a catastrophic situation. If the Gods see the world going into a global Gaza, punishment will arrive that will be of untold proportion for the remainder of the causing beings of this dystopia.

For all intents, we are doing very good until today to not have that happen, but it's important humanity wakes up and stop committing a series of sacrilege after another sacrilege. Successful exit from the Iron Age, means the next consequential age will be the Golden Age. Wonderful and greatest opportunities exist now so that not only we escape the Iron Age, but that we cumulatively build a Golden Age.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Seeking clarity for translation.

Hesiod describes five successive races of humanity:

Five successive races? Did you mean ages, or are we "racing" as we go through these ages?
Thank you, High Priest.

The more time progresses and I experience and learn things, the more I love the Gods. I know for a fact, that they have been helping me on a personal level a lot, recently.

Reading your Sermon fills me with great emotions and joy. They could have abandoned us and left us, but they haven't. They have been watching over us, and by our sides to speak, always. I truly thank and love them.
We move relentlessly onward, possibly if we are truly able to achieve golden age in these modern times, it would be far greater than the one in the past.
Of course lifting up 8 billions people is not going to happen, but collectively we are able to turn the tide in many ways, unimaginable ones. We gave proof to this a lot of times, especially in our spiritual wars.
For us shackles will be shattered once and for all.
This is the most intense post in a long time.

Something that has worried me for years comes up with this: the sheer fucking stupidity of the masses.
Is there a way to improve this, or circumvent it, so I know not to worry? Or is it somehow a non-issue in the bigger picture, that I must just ignore?
In the Ancient texts, in particular and in Hesiod's work, there are texts that say that the Gods, when they see humanity plunged in wickedness, are engaging in the following processes to save them or redeem them, or create them from the beginning.

I will tell you the truth in this topic which contains both good and bad elements and not sugar coat anything.

Hesiod describes five successive races of humanity:

• The Golden Age lived in peace under Cronus. Kronus or Saturn here, also called "The Father of Zeus", is the age where the Gods walked on Earth. In contrast to many lies by the enemy, this was in fact not the "worst" time, but actually the time where humanity had mastered the negative forces of Saturn (and therefore became pious, flourishing, and lived in an idyllic like situation). This has been talked about in other topics (use the search function.

• The Silver Age was foolish and disrespected the gods, leading Zeus to destroy them. In the silver age, humanity assumed they were Gods, stopped engaging the Gods spiritually and spiritual growth was stalled. The disrespect arose in a similar fashion to this day, where evolution of external tools started to replacing any form of inner wisdom. The silver age is the most mystical, as it borders the time where also many other...Alien races lived on the planet. That's a topic for another time.

• The Bronze Age was violent and warlike, and they destroyed themselves. This was without help of the Gods, on the contrary, the Gods tried to help humanity many times. Times like this arise when humanity starts engaging in endless wars (the time of Atlantis, after the Golden Age of Kronus, is between the Silver and the Bronze age). Zeus apparently in anger, sunk Atlantis, which according to Plato, had become a dictatorial slavery-like power that did seek to enslave the whole planet solely for reasons of avarice and greed. Atlantis, according to Plato, from a Divine civilization of the Gods, for numerous and complex reasons, started becoming an ultimate dictatorship of alien-like content, leading the Gods to press the "reset" button on humanity.

• The Heroic Age (including Trojan War heroes) was better but short-lived. This was the era of the Trojan War and the era that followed after, up until around the Golden Age of Athens. From there one, we are living in the Iron age, listed below. In the Heroic age, a lot of people become truly Gods and it's one of the best times for people to embark into spiritual growth. Justice, rule of the Gods, and positivity is still very powerful on this level.

Which age are we on now? The fifth age and moving again to the first age.

• The Iron Age (Hesiod’s own time to today, about 2500 years) is full of suffering and injustice, and he implies that Zeus MAY one day end it. My comment here, the "MAY END IT" does not mean necessarily we are getting punished or ruined, on the contrary, it means that if we play our cards right, this age will become a thing of the past by the moving into the next Age.

This final age, is the age we live in today and from the time of Hesiod. Being the lowest age, it provides maximum opportunity for the pious souls to rise spiritually and show a greater example to themselves and to the Gods. This is the Kali Yuga of the Hindus and is actually both rife with suffering, but also an "Once in all lifetimes" opportunity for certain people to display deified potential and ascend the ranks of the Gods, as the times are pertinent and only the most pious souls can follow the Dharma or the Path.

The end of any of these ages, is a good opportunity for people to stay on course and not sink themselves. We are currently on this cutting edge level from Iron Age to Golden Age. As the age is about to flip, humanity goes through certain trials which are essentially a universal test so the universe can see "What did we learn" from the previous age. If we repeat the same mistakes, the natural laws of consequence make us pay for it. If not, we move to a far greater and elevated state.

The Iron Age literally climaxed on the Middle Ages/Dark Ages, where humanity and civilization, almost did go extinct. Needless to say, our of our own retardation to adhere to the enemy, we reached a pivotal point where almost all the civilized population on the earth died (Bubonic plague, Christian ignorance). Then, endless wars everywhere between Christians and Muslims, denial and burning of the past; amoralism became the norm, false Gods, denial of science, ignorance became the rule of law.

Suffering, ignorance and injustice, can reach an all time high during this time. We are now PAST the all time high of this. We are NOT in the all time high of the negative Iron Age anymore. We must be very OPTIMSITIC looking at the future. Always.

Humanity will start seeing things they do not even believe during that age (incomprehensible injustice, theft, destruction, can become the norm). We are currently nearing the end of the cycle (it's not very clear when it will end - we will decide as humans by our actions where it ends). If we do not reach ultimate perdition and disgusting levels as a globe, we will not have to endure the large consequences of our ignorance. This is still at play. Gods are made during these times, which upon deciding to restore order, do bring the Gods into play, a move that simultaneously invokes divine mercy upon the world and they try to limit the suffering involved in this age.

Now I know it might sound strange that the Gods might decide, under the worst of the worst conditions, to ruin mankind, but let me ask you something. If humanity became a micro-chipped, grey like, farm, then what is left to do to liberate the souls trapped into this? You press the reset button. This doesn't have to be a total reset button; but as humanity reached the peak of disgustingness in the Middle Ages, they were enforced by the powers of need and life, to make valid changes to their world in order to go forward. As in the present timeline, those who brought this forth were the defiants, the heretics, the scientists, the people who were serving the Gods directly or indirectly.

If these people did not exist, maybe we would not be typing in computers now, but maybe we would all be human goyim pigs in Rabbi Moshe's personal farm and starved out in the cold for not saying our prayer in Sunday school. These people turned the tide and keep turning the tide of the enemy, bringing forth better times. It's all do-able. They did this and we can do it also, we are doing this.

I will be very upfront and say this: Zeus does not "sit idly around" like the abominations of the Jews who claim to be ever-forgiving. See where all the "we will forgive anyone forever" dogma led to the Dark Ages; the opposite happened, decay and injustice reached the all time high, humans became abominations. Ramifications of utter stupidity, can come out NOT DIRECTLY from the Gods, but in many ways, due to human ignorance reaching a peak. We must avoid this at all costs.

The Gods are exceptionally forgiving, but if humanity goes too far, the universal laws of consequence can be paid and they will be paid in full. People in Hinduism are accustomed to this, and they mention explicitly that Vishnu "ends the game" with Shiva if they see humanity is going off the rails completely and abominations happen beyond imagination.

If a society becomes like the Matrix and people live enslaved in pods (figuratively or literally), the Gods will press the reset button on humanity after verification that we have fully derailed and become monsters. Mockery of anything meaningful in human life, abuse, enslavement, loss of individuality etc.

Then, humanity is recreated and starts over. I am confident we have escaped that phase and I truly hope that the offices and leaders of humanity do not pull this too far, because the Gods are the ultimate authority on these topics.

This apparent repetition has happened a few times by now (it's nothing to fear for those under the Gods) and doesn't happen for petty reasons, we have to reach ultimate decay for this to happen. We appear to be past this, but my strong recommendation is to allow people to follow the Eternal Path or Dharma and to not violate them under nefarious orders from evil entities (such as chipping them, or making humanity a farm-like or hunger games situation). There will be no survivors if that happens (simply because humanity and it's greed can be highly ruinous), even those in power will be damned eternally (there is no escape for them no matter how much they try either).

Spaceships won't save anyone of these beings either. Trying longevity potions to rule forever and damn humans, won't work either. The opposite course to goodness must be taken, and falsehood must be left behind, because it provides nothing to our species in the end. Hunger-games like situations can bring the Gods with striking action down to the planet. The scenario of the Jews for example "leading earth" is a catastrophic situation. If the Gods see the world going into a global Gaza, punishment will arrive that will be of untold proportion for the remainder of the causing beings of this dystopia.

For all intents, we are doing very good until today to not have that happen, but it's important humanity wakes up and stop committing a series of sacrilege after another sacrilege. Successful exit from the Iron Age, means the next consequential age will be the Golden Age. Wonderful and greatest opportunities exist now so that not only we escape the Iron Age, but that we cumulatively build a Golden Age.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I note that the process is cyclical but decreasing, we are talking about an involution.

We don't go from the Iron Age to the Heroic Age to the Bronze Age and so on.

Why this?
I note that the process is cyclical but decreasing, we are talking about an involution.

We don't go from the Iron Age to the Heroic Age to the Bronze Age and so on.

Why this?
Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.

Maybe? But also, such is the result of forgoing the degrees from above and descending into animal instincts. Is it not?
Also, as there are cycles, so too there are... levels? Levels of development.

Perhaps my hypothesising is meaningless, but given the cyclical nature of Ages, wouldn't the Iron Age UNDER the Gods' protection and guidance be far superior to the one we're living in now, where the parasites roam the land?
In the Ancient texts, in particular and in Hesiod's work, there are texts that say that the Gods, when they see humanity plunged in wickedness, are engaging in the following processes to save them or redeem them, or create them from the beginning.

I will tell you the truth in this topic which contains both good and bad elements and not sugar coat anything.

Hesiod describes five successive races of humanity:

• The Golden Age lived in peace under Cronus. Kronus or Saturn here, also called "The Father of Zeus", is the age where the Gods walked on Earth. In contrast to many lies by the enemy, this was in fact not the "worst" time, but actually the time where humanity had mastered the negative forces of Saturn (and therefore became pious, flourishing, and lived in an idyllic like situation). This has been talked about in other topics (use the search function.

• The Silver Age was foolish and disrespected the gods, leading Zeus to destroy them. In the silver age, humanity assumed they were Gods, stopped engaging the Gods spiritually and spiritual growth was stalled. The disrespect arose in a similar fashion to this day, where evolution of external tools started to replacing any form of inner wisdom. The silver age is the most mystical, as it borders the time where also many other...Alien races lived on the planet. That's a topic for another time.

• The Bronze Age was violent and warlike, and they destroyed themselves. This was without help of the Gods, on the contrary, the Gods tried to help humanity many times. Times like this arise when humanity starts engaging in endless wars (the time of Atlantis, after the Golden Age of Kronus, is between the Silver and the Bronze age). Zeus apparently in anger, sunk Atlantis, which according to Plato, had become a dictatorial slavery-like power that did seek to enslave the whole planet solely for reasons of avarice and greed. Atlantis, according to Plato, from a Divine civilization of the Gods, for numerous and complex reasons, started becoming an ultimate dictatorship of alien-like content, leading the Gods to press the "reset" button on humanity.

• The Heroic Age (including Trojan War heroes) was better but short-lived. This was the era of the Trojan War and the era that followed after, up until around the Golden Age of Athens. From there one, we are living in the Iron age, listed below. In the Heroic age, a lot of people become truly Gods and it's one of the best times for people to embark into spiritual growth. Justice, rule of the Gods, and positivity is still very powerful on this level.

Which age are we on now? The fifth age and moving again to the first age.

• The Iron Age (Hesiod’s own time to today, about 2500 years) is full of suffering and injustice, and he implies that Zeus MAY one day end it. My comment here, the "MAY END IT" does not mean necessarily we are getting punished or ruined, on the contrary, it means that if we play our cards right, this age will become a thing of the past by the moving into the next Age.

This final age, is the age we live in today and from the time of Hesiod. Being the lowest age, it provides maximum opportunity for the pious souls to rise spiritually and show a greater example to themselves and to the Gods. This is the Kali Yuga of the Hindus and is actually both rife with suffering, but also an "Once in all lifetimes" opportunity for certain people to display deified potential and ascend the ranks of the Gods, as the times are pertinent and only the most pious souls can follow the Dharma or the Path.

The end of any of these ages, is a good opportunity for people to stay on course and not sink themselves. We are currently on this cutting edge level from Iron Age to Golden Age. As the age is about to flip, humanity goes through certain trials which are essentially a universal test so the universe can see "What did we learn" from the previous age. If we repeat the same mistakes, the natural laws of consequence make us pay for it. If not, we move to a far greater and elevated state.

The Iron Age literally climaxed on the Middle Ages/Dark Ages, where humanity and civilization, almost did go extinct. Needless to say, our of our own retardation to adhere to the enemy, we reached a pivotal point where almost all the civilized population on the earth died (Bubonic plague, Christian ignorance). Then, endless wars everywhere between Christians and Muslims, denial and burning of the past; amoralism became the norm, false Gods, denial of science, ignorance became the rule of law.

Suffering, ignorance and injustice, can reach an all time high during this time. We are now PAST the all time high of this. We are NOT in the all time high of the negative Iron Age anymore. We must be very OPTIMSITIC looking at the future. Always.

Humanity will start seeing things they do not even believe during that age (incomprehensible injustice, theft, destruction, can become the norm). We are currently nearing the end of the cycle (it's not very clear when it will end - we will decide as humans by our actions where it ends). If we do not reach ultimate perdition and disgusting levels as a globe, we will not have to endure the large consequences of our ignorance. This is still at play. Gods are made during these times, which upon deciding to restore order, do bring the Gods into play, a move that simultaneously invokes divine mercy upon the world and they try to limit the suffering involved in this age.

Now I know it might sound strange that the Gods might decide, under the worst of the worst conditions, to ruin mankind, but let me ask you something. If humanity became a micro-chipped, grey like, farm, then what is left to do to liberate the souls trapped into this? You press the reset button. This doesn't have to be a total reset button; but as humanity reached the peak of disgustingness in the Middle Ages, they were enforced by the powers of need and life, to make valid changes to their world in order to go forward. As in the present timeline, those who brought this forth were the defiants, the heretics, the scientists, the people who were serving the Gods directly or indirectly.

If these people did not exist, maybe we would not be typing in computers now, but maybe we would all be human goyim pigs in Rabbi Moshe's personal farm and starved out in the cold for not saying our prayer in Sunday school. These people turned the tide and keep turning the tide of the enemy, bringing forth better times. It's all do-able. They did this and we can do it also, we are doing this.

I will be very upfront and say this: Zeus does not "sit idly around" like the abominations of the Jews who claim to be ever-forgiving. See where all the "we will forgive anyone forever" dogma led to the Dark Ages; the opposite happened, decay and injustice reached the all time high, humans became abominations. Ramifications of utter stupidity, can come out NOT DIRECTLY from the Gods, but in many ways, due to human ignorance reaching a peak. We must avoid this at all costs.

The Gods are exceptionally forgiving, but if humanity goes too far, the universal laws of consequence can be paid and they will be paid in full. People in Hinduism are accustomed to this, and they mention explicitly that Vishnu "ends the game" with Shiva if they see humanity is going off the rails completely and abominations happen beyond imagination.

If a society becomes like the Matrix and people live enslaved in pods (figuratively or literally), the Gods will press the reset button on humanity after verification that we have fully derailed and become monsters. Mockery of anything meaningful in human life, abuse, enslavement, loss of individuality etc.

Then, humanity is recreated and starts over. I am confident we have escaped that phase and I truly hope that the offices and leaders of humanity do not pull this too far, because the Gods are the ultimate authority on these topics.

This apparent repetition has happened a few times by now (it's nothing to fear for those under the Gods) and doesn't happen for petty reasons, we have to reach ultimate decay for this to happen. We appear to be past this, but my strong recommendation is to allow people to follow the Eternal Path or Dharma and to not violate them under nefarious orders from evil entities (such as chipping them, or making humanity a farm-like or hunger games situation). There will be no survivors if that happens (simply because humanity and it's greed can be highly ruinous), even those in power will be damned eternally (there is no escape for them no matter how much they try either).

Spaceships won't save anyone of these beings either. Trying longevity potions to rule forever and damn humans, won't work either. The opposite course to goodness must be taken, and falsehood must be left behind, because it provides nothing to our species in the end. Hunger-games like situations can bring the Gods with striking action down to the planet. The scenario of the Jews for example "leading earth" is a catastrophic situation. If the Gods see the world going into a global Gaza, punishment will arrive that will be of untold proportion for the remainder of the causing beings of this dystopia.

For all intents, we are doing very good until today to not have that happen, but it's important humanity wakes up and stop committing a series of sacrilege after another sacrilege. Successful exit from the Iron Age, means the next consequential age will be the Golden Age. Wonderful and greatest opportunities exist now so that not only we escape the Iron Age, but that we cumulatively build a Golden Age.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wonderful sermon HPHC!! I am already seeing the way the world is going into a chaos stance as the New Age comes, hope all the best for all who awaken. May everyone here be blessed by the God's and Zeus! HAIL SATYA!!
I note that the process is cyclical but decreasing, we are talking about an involution.

We don't go from the Iron Age to the Heroic Age to the Bronze Age and so on.

Why this?
I personally think it helps to compare humanity to a single individual that is continuously evolving and facing challenges. 'This planet' is continuously evolving, advancing and learning, just like a single person would. And just like a person, if 'this planet' (humanity) keeps making wise choices and overcoming the challenges on its way, it will only keep advancing more and more.

I also see these 'tougher' time periods that this planet faces (Kali Yuga etc) as very akin to tough transits that any human being must face. Yes, things are more difficult, hard luck is more likely, but progress can still be made and the challenge can be conquered, if the correct choices are made and courage is applied. The tougher the situation, the stronger the individual, or the planet in this case, will be in the end, as a result.

I'm a firm believer that everything is way more in our hands than just 'an inevitable endless cycle'. I do think that if humanity suffered so much during the Dark Ages, at the peak of the Kali Yuga, was in large part due to its own weakness, stupidity and lack of will to remain conscious. Sure, negativity would've still manifested on some level, but to that extreme extent? No, I do not believe so.

The reason the jews are where they are is because of humanity's inaction, we have to face it. The greatest asset of the jews was never 'usury', 'trickery', 'magick' etc. but human stupidity and cowardice. Lack of action. And as HP says, if we don't impose ourselves directly, all of this will not disappear on its own like it never existed. The mess will end when humanity will stop being stupid and weak, and it will evolve past this.

I also believe that if we evolve properly towards higher levels, once the Golden Age is established, we will not have 'to go back where we once were', to suffering and ignorance. I believe that there is an evolution going on with this planet, and these challenges could be largely a thing of the past if we remain wise and don't get arrogant like people did in the past. Sure, tougher times will come around again (next Kali Yuga etc), but we will be able to handle it much better. Just like a Satanist will handle his next Saturn transit in a much more constructive and positive way thanks to all that he learned with his past experience with the same challenge.

This is my view.
I personally think it helps to compare humanity to a single individual that is continuously evolving and facing challenges. 'This planet' is continuously evolving, advancing and learning, just like a single person would. And just like a person, if 'this planet' (humanity) keeps making wise choices and overcoming the challenges on its way, it will only keep advancing more and more.

I also see these 'tougher' time periods that this planet faces (Kali Yuga etc) as very akin to tough transits that any human being must face. Yes, things are more difficult, hard luck is more likely, but progress can still be made and the challenge can be conquered, if the correct choices are made and courage is applied. The tougher the situation, the stronger the individual, or the planet in this case, will be in the end, as a result.

I'm a firm believer that everything is way more in our hands than just 'an inevitable endless cycle'. I do think that if humanity suffered so much during the Dark Ages, at the peak of the Kali Yuga, was in large part due to its own weakness, stupidity and lack of will to remain conscious. Sure, negativity would've still manifested on some level, but to that extreme extent? No, I do not believe so.

The reason the jews are where they are is because of humanity's inaction, we have to face it. The greatest asset of the jews was never 'usury', 'trickery', 'magick' etc. but human stupidity and cowardice. Lack of action. And as HP says, if we don't impose ourselves directly, all of this will not disappear on its own like it never existed. The mess will end when humanity will stop being stupid and weak, and it will evolve past this.

I also believe that if we evolve properly towards higher levels, once the Golden Age is established, we will not have 'to go back where we once were', to suffering and ignorance. I believe that there is an evolution going on with this planet, and these challenges could be largely a thing of the past if we remain wise and don't get arrogant like people did in the past. Sure, tougher times will come around again (next Kali Yuga etc), but we will be able to handle it much better. Just like a Satanist will handle his next Saturn transit in a much more constructive and positive way thanks to all that he learned with his past experience with the same challenge.

This is my view.

I really relate to what you say.

The word to meditate on is "Action".
In addition to chasing the enemy, the priority is our growth. If it is not the current enemy, it is possible that another and another will arrive.

But if we are strong and consolidated, situations like these will no longer happen.
i have a question regard this topic..
why the people in positions of power and ruling the world nowadays doesn't take this into account?
for someone who reached this level of authority must be very well informed on the forbidden history!
not to mention and (there is no comparison) that lemuria and atlantis was way much more advanced than whatever methods of power they achieved today?!
Those in power what thy need is wealthy n power. And some of thm are controlled by th Jews and thr are some others of our races who are born evil.
Thanks so much for such detailed and important information, HP! I have not read such a thorough analysis of the topic in the context of Spiritual Satanism before. This is really necessary for everyone to understand.

Understanding of one's Essence, Understanding of the Importance and Urgency of one's Mission, Understanding of the Will of the Gods, Understanding of what Humanity is moving towards, how to help it here and now and how to return the former Satanic Greatness.

We must win and build the former Golden Age here. To do so Selflessly, Devotedly, with Courage and Awe in our hearts and Might in our Souls. We will not sit and wait idly by, watching the Earth and Humanity die out. We will do whatever it takes to reclaim our planet and Power. The Enemy will be destroyed. The Gods will not be disappointed in us.

That's why we are expanding the context. There is a wealth of information that cannot be explained properly within a limited context. The world and everyone needs this information to advance.

That really clears up a lot of things.

Let's do our best, both on a personal and public level.

I am very glad it does, thank you.

Also, as there are cycles, so too there are... levels? Levels of development.

Perhaps my hypothesising is meaningless, but given the cyclical nature of Ages, wouldn't the Iron Age UNDER the Gods' protection and guidance be far superior to the one we're living in now, where the parasites roam the land?

The Gods are always there. The question is also what humans do. The Gods don't enforce things upon humans most of the time. The humans have free will to make choices.

Yes, there is an internal aspect to these cycles also, you are correct.

This is the most intense post in a long time.

Something that has worried me for years comes up with this: the sheer fucking stupidity of the masses.
Is there a way to improve this, or circumvent it, so I know not to worry? Or is it somehow a non-issue in the bigger picture, that I must just ignore?

Do not worry. The masses always do what they do. We have to do our own part, not dwell on what "they" are doing, but try to help them.

I note that the process is cyclical but decreasing, we are talking about an involution.

We don't go from the Iron Age to the Heroic Age to the Bronze Age and so on.

Why this?

There is a circle and then also an involution. If people don't follow the Gods and apply the knowledge, the involution is a given. If people follow the higher beings, evolution happens. Involution is due to the choices of man and natural entropy.

Thank you, High Priest.

The more time progresses and I experience and learn things, the more I love the Gods. I know for a fact, that they have been helping me on a personal level a lot, recently.

Reading your Sermon fills me with great emotions and joy. They could have abandoned us and left us, but they haven't. They have been watching over us, and by our sides to speak, always. I truly thank and love them.

The Gods do not abandon us. But we must not abandon ourselves.
I think it's all the fault of the Jewish governments and families that mention in the PDFs, because like Tesla he had a briefcase full of inventions, free energy and UFOs and more, so if instead of producing cars on rubber they immediately raised Tesla, the humanity would be all free even from the Satanists who were born in these civilizations ... then it was true that many humans are zero emotionally and conscientiously, but who denied us the machines and technology to live low cost and free? governments!
Do not worry. The masses always do what they do. We have to do our own part, not dwell on what "they" are doing, but try to help them.

OK. I've been pondering it and I think I understand, with the effects of the God Rituals and other things we'll stear the world aright, rather than them and the unworthy "leaders" driving everyone off the cliff.
It's incredible to think that we're in the opportunity of entering the next Golden Age. I beleive we'll make it, even if only just.
And although with all due respect I see a gross logical error and ask you to explain it as it destroys my picture of the world that JoS has given me in the past.

So the earth was not attacked 10000 years ago when we were close to perfection because of which the Gods were forced to leave us and leave us in some sense in more difficult and harsh conditions that we were originally given?

Or did they “Restart” humanity by leaving the earth so that we wouldn't be completely consumed by the enemy?

Or is it worse this time than in previous cycles, as ignorance has been joined by the enemy?

I can't quite understand this, please explain.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Or do alien races also go through these same cycles, make a mistake and like a bad high school kid come to teach us how to smoke and use crack?
This is the most intense post in a long time.

Something that has worried me for years comes up with this: the sheer fucking stupidity of the masses.
Is there a way to improve this, or circumvent it, so I know not to worry? Or is it somehow a non-issue in the bigger picture, that I must just ignore?

I think it is always very easy to blame the masses for many things, but a much greater problem is the ignorance and stupidity of those in power, rather than the masses who simply follow the dictates of those with power over them.

Even if the masses do remain stupid, if those in power are heroic and wise, enlightened beings, the masses will follow their dictates and live better and elevate themselves naturally.

This also puts responsibility to the wise and capable people of greater potential, as it is the duty of the capable to manifest this potential and become people of power able to lead the masses and elevate them.

If the person of potential only complains about the stupidity of the masses and the ignorance of those in power while squandering their own potential and not doing anything to change or improve the situation, they too are equally responsible for perpetuating this state of low consciousness and darkness.

The masses do not have the capacity to change this state themselves, or elevate us into the Golden Age, only the Heroic few who stand out among the masses can initiate and manifest this, which in an oversimplified view of the process, will spread through the consciousness of the masses and eventually lead to a full elevation of the people to a higher state of enlightenment overall, thus initiating a Golden Age.

Jews and others try to weaponize the stupidity of the masses against itself and against Heroic people in an attempt to prevent enlightenment, but this is not something which should stop the Heroic Soul, the Heroic one is Heroic precisely they can cut through all these obstacles and do what is necessary to initiate a conscious shift towards enlightenment and bring people closer to the Gods and out of the Darkness.

Those who stand out among the masses have choices either to do nothing, or to act, and also to either choose a higher path or to fall to ignorance and egomania like their lesser peers. If they reject the "easier" paths, they will step on the path of Heroism and become initiators of the Golden Age, either knowingly or even unknowingly.

Many in power throughout the ages had countless opportunities to become Heroic, but very few truly did.

That is really what has kept us back all this time, as the masses simply follow the dictates given by those with power over them, until another one who ignites Heroic potential stands out amongst them and initiates a different and better course.

In simple terms, the masses will love to return to Zeus and follow Him if they are lead to this, rather than the dictates of abrahamism, but they cannot do this on their own and require Heroic people to open up this different path for them, which after it is opened to them they will gladly follow it and elevate themselves eagerly even if they would fundamentally still be the sheepish or stupid masses.
Do you intend to one day speak of the true personality, the naked and raw of the gods?
(I know that this does not affect anything and will not help)
But only for clarification and that nothing will be hidden in the age of Satan.

PS: I love Apollon, imagine being much more than the sun? I swore there would be no ""collateral"". I know you understood me, HPHC666
I wonder where the jews and the leaders of the world gonna run away and if they actually think there would be an escape for them? Do they think their reptillian masters will save them if anything goes wrong for them? I would be scared to death if ı've committed their crimes.
In the Ancient texts, in particular and in Hesiod's work, there are texts that say that the Gods, when they see humanity plunged in wickedness, are engaging in the following processes to save them or redeem them, or create them from the beginning.

I will tell you the truth in this topic which contains both good and bad elements and not sugar coat anything.

Hesiod describes five successive races of humanity:

• The Golden Age lived in peace under Cronus. Kronus or Saturn here, also called "The Father of Zeus", is the age where the Gods walked on Earth. In contrast to many lies by the enemy, this was in fact not the "worst" time, but actually the time where humanity had mastered the negative forces of Saturn (and therefore became pious, flourishing, and lived in an idyllic like situation). This has been talked about in other topics (use the search function.

• The Silver Age was foolish and disrespected the gods, leading Zeus to destroy them. In the silver age, humanity assumed they were Gods, stopped engaging the Gods spiritually and spiritual growth was stalled. The disrespect arose in a similar fashion to this day, where evolution of external tools started to replacing any form of inner wisdom. The silver age is the most mystical, as it borders the time where also many other...Alien races lived on the planet. That's a topic for another time.

• The Bronze Age was violent and warlike, and they destroyed themselves. This was without help of the Gods, on the contrary, the Gods tried to help humanity many times. Times like this arise when humanity starts engaging in endless wars (the time of Atlantis, after the Golden Age of Kronus, is between the Silver and the Bronze age). Zeus apparently in anger, sunk Atlantis, which according to Plato, had become a dictatorial slavery-like power that did seek to enslave the whole planet solely for reasons of avarice and greed. Atlantis, according to Plato, from a Divine civilization of the Gods, for numerous and complex reasons, started becoming an ultimate dictatorship of alien-like content, leading the Gods to press the "reset" button on humanity.

• The Heroic Age (including Trojan War heroes) was better but short-lived. This was the era of the Trojan War and the era that followed after, up until around the Golden Age of Athens. From there one, we are living in the Iron age, listed below. In the Heroic age, a lot of people become truly Gods and it's one of the best times for people to embark into spiritual growth. Justice, rule of the Gods, and positivity is still very powerful on this level.

Which age are we on now? The fifth age and moving again to the first age.

• The Iron Age (Hesiod’s own time to today, about 2500 years) is full of suffering and injustice, and he implies that Zeus MAY one day end it. My comment here, the "MAY END IT" does not mean necessarily we are getting punished or ruined, on the contrary, it means that if we play our cards right, this age will become a thing of the past by the moving into the next Age.

This final age, is the age we live in today and from the time of Hesiod. Being the lowest age, it provides maximum opportunity for the pious souls to rise spiritually and show a greater example to themselves and to the Gods. This is the Kali Yuga of the Hindus and is actually both rife with suffering, but also an "Once in all lifetimes" opportunity for certain people to display deified potential and ascend the ranks of the Gods, as the times are pertinent and only the most pious souls can follow the Dharma or the Path.

The end of any of these ages, is a good opportunity for people to stay on course and not sink themselves. We are currently on this cutting edge level from Iron Age to Golden Age. As the age is about to flip, humanity goes through certain trials which are essentially a universal test so the universe can see "What did we learn" from the previous age. If we repeat the same mistakes, the natural laws of consequence make us pay for it. If not, we move to a far greater and elevated state.

The Iron Age literally climaxed on the Middle Ages/Dark Ages, where humanity and civilization, almost did go extinct. Needless to say, our of our own retardation to adhere to the enemy, we reached a pivotal point where almost all the civilized population on the earth died (Bubonic plague, Christian ignorance). Then, endless wars everywhere between Christians and Muslims, denial and burning of the past; amoralism became the norm, false Gods, denial of science, ignorance became the rule of law.

Suffering, ignorance and injustice, can reach an all time high during this time. We are now PAST the all time high of this. We are NOT in the all time high of the negative Iron Age anymore. We must be very OPTIMSITIC looking at the future. Always.

Humanity will start seeing things they do not even believe during that age (incomprehensible injustice, theft, destruction, can become the norm). We are currently nearing the end of the cycle (it's not very clear when it will end - we will decide as humans by our actions where it ends). If we do not reach ultimate perdition and disgusting levels as a globe, we will not have to endure the large consequences of our ignorance. This is still at play. Gods are made during these times, which upon deciding to restore order, do bring the Gods into play, a move that simultaneously invokes divine mercy upon the world and they try to limit the suffering involved in this age.

Now I know it might sound strange that the Gods might decide, under the worst of the worst conditions, to ruin mankind, but let me ask you something. If humanity became a micro-chipped, grey like, farm, then what is left to do to liberate the souls trapped into this? You press the reset button. This doesn't have to be a total reset button; but as humanity reached the peak of disgustingness in the Middle Ages, they were enforced by the powers of need and life, to make valid changes to their world in order to go forward. As in the present timeline, those who brought this forth were the defiants, the heretics, the scientists, the people who were serving the Gods directly or indirectly.

If these people did not exist, maybe we would not be typing in computers now, but maybe we would all be human goyim pigs in Rabbi Moshe's personal farm and starved out in the cold for not saying our prayer in Sunday school. These people turned the tide and keep turning the tide of the enemy, bringing forth better times. It's all do-able. They did this and we can do it also, we are doing this.

I will be very upfront and say this: Zeus does not "sit idly around" like the abominations of the Jews who claim to be ever-forgiving. See where all the "we will forgive anyone forever" dogma led to the Dark Ages; the opposite happened, decay and injustice reached the all time high, humans became abominations. Ramifications of utter stupidity, can come out NOT DIRECTLY from the Gods, but in many ways, due to human ignorance reaching a peak. We must avoid this at all costs.

The Gods are exceptionally forgiving, but if humanity goes too far, the universal laws of consequence can be paid and they will be paid in full. People in Hinduism are accustomed to this, and they mention explicitly that Vishnu "ends the game" with Shiva if they see humanity is going off the rails completely and abominations happen beyond imagination.

If a society becomes like the Matrix and people live enslaved in pods (figuratively or literally), the Gods will press the reset button on humanity after verification that we have fully derailed and become monsters. Mockery of anything meaningful in human life, abuse, enslavement, loss of individuality etc.

Then, humanity is recreated and starts over. I am confident we have escaped that phase and I truly hope that the offices and leaders of humanity do not pull this too far, because the Gods are the ultimate authority on these topics.

This apparent repetition has happened a few times by now (it's nothing to fear for those under the Gods) and doesn't happen for petty reasons, we have to reach ultimate decay for this to happen. We appear to be past this, but my strong recommendation is to allow people to follow the Eternal Path or Dharma and to not violate them under nefarious orders from evil entities (such as chipping them, or making humanity a farm-like or hunger games situation). There will be no survivors if that happens (simply because humanity and it's greed can be highly ruinous), even those in power will be damned eternally (there is no escape for them no matter how much they try either).

Spaceships won't save anyone of these beings either. Trying longevity potions to rule forever and damn humans, won't work either. The opposite course to goodness must be taken, and falsehood must be left behind, because it provides nothing to our species in the end. Hunger-games like situations can bring the Gods with striking action down to the planet. The scenario of the Jews for example "leading earth" is a catastrophic situation. If the Gods see the world going into a global Gaza, punishment will arrive that will be of untold proportion for the remainder of the causing beings of this dystopia.

For all intents, we are doing very good until today to not have that happen, but it's important humanity wakes up and stop committing a series of sacrilege after another sacrilege. Successful exit from the Iron Age, means the next consequential age will be the Golden Age. Wonderful and greatest opportunities exist now so that not only we escape the Iron Age, but that we cumulatively build a Golden Age.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I like our "new direction" High Priest. The Truth is pretty damn cold..
I like our "new direction" High Priest. The Truth is pretty damn cold..
If one has read HPs Maxine sermons, in one of those She says that (paraphrasing) 'some people are beyond redemption'. Their souls have degenerated to the point of no return.

Do I mind if degenerates were to be wiped off the face of Earth? No. They have sealed their fate. The worst part is, they've also, inadvertantly OR NOT, sealed the fate of their families.

If we don't get a motivational kick in the rear, we'll never realise Satan's intention for us, and that is Godhood. The world will never be a lonely place, unless we isolate ourselves, WILLINGLY.

Logic is a cold bitch - and I love her for that dearly.
I am also curious about this, I am not quite sure.
I thought about it and came up with the idea that it could be similar to the magnum opus but on a racial level.
It is probably sustainable, but the possibility of failure cannot be ruled out. The right steps must be taken to maintain it. Otherwise it could be a failure.
As it happened.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
