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Speaking Of Opposing The Enemy & Rebellion - Defending the Gods Against The Enemy

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Ngl I like the darkness of being a Satanist, although it's not technically true and its cliche, it's what attracted me to SS. I understand that being a Zevist is what we should be but I will miss calling myself a Satanist, the idea of being a rebel against Xian scum excites me. I guess we will still be rebellious but not to be seen in a negative light.

Still kinda bummed about the name change, but subconsciously I can see how this can erase negative notions about Satan by just calling him Zeus, in our subconscious mind we know Zeus to be King of Gods, whereas Satan is the Prince of Darkness blah blah blah he bad he made me eat an apple blah blah blah

If a new comer were to come to the ToZ and see we walk the Path of Satya while following Zeus I feel like they'd be less likely to freak out.

Speaking of opposing the enemy, I would like to make something clear, but I will keep this message short. Zeus is simply Satan, without the Jewish label to call him as such.

The question is, if one knows history, they will understand that we have actually upgraded in the worship of our God, not went steps back. The only steps "back" are invalid psychological reactions. When one learns, they will figure the rest of this out.

"Satan" as an identity is the identity our God assumed under the Jewish cultural siege. Before this, our God was called Zeus and has went by many other Names. We know all of this by now, but let's proceed.

In regard to winning, taking over, or opposing the enemy, I am just going to copy-paste some relevant information to that end. Copy-paste since, you can find these on your own and research further.

While "Satanists", all they did to the enemy, were regardless, valiant acts of denying the enemy doctrine, there is a level higher than this. "Satanists" in general, besides Spiritual Satanists, have done nothing but re-affirm the enemy and essentially nothing useful for the Gods. They focused on being emo and be dark about it (and socially ostracized and so on, so forth, giving credence to the enemy for their existence) they have not done, besides ourselves here, anything against the enemy historically.

They have done nothing to educate humanity, nor to provide any serious value that would make the enemy fall back and therefore facilitate the Golden Age.

If someone's priority is to oppose the enemy, then they have to consider history and when this happened. I don't recall the "Satanic Visuals" doing anything besides ourselves about the enemy, except of wear capes, try to act cool, and produce some beautiful emo goth girls. I love this too, but it's not enough unfortunately to deal with the remnants of a dark age and to actually affirm the culture of the Gods or save humanity.

We have to evaluate further and adopt the highest powers that we have, and we have done this. Moving forward, in the upgrade, we have the upgraded and full-power culture versus just having our identity after having survived the enemy siege.

Historical context and information; below.

Below, Antiochus Epiphanes, Trajan and Hadrian (Roman top personalities), or Adolf Hitler, the followers of Zeus under the name of Jupiter [Our God], is only few examples of what those of the Gods have done to rival and go against the enemy when the historical time intervals enforced this.

They defended the Gods which you also today follow and defeated the enemy many times over, repeatedly.

Me, lifting the veil that is of recent creation, do merely do my duty to bring you back to the Gods. We have to follow our Gods and not apparitions or manifestations of the Gods in lesser forms, but in their top forms.

The thing I post below is for historical references and not to espouse anything like this; but read, and learn. Speaking of "rebellions" and "conquering the enemy", or enlightening humanity to not fall into the enemy's hands, history speaks on their own. If you think that you "rebel" in the context of 1960 to 2024 because you are "Dark", you are not even halfway there to understanding how deep the situation goes.

Here's some data about actual clashes with the enemy and actually taking them on. This should clarify everything in the understanding of those who think of these topics and make them clear.


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I reject all notions that our Gods have "fallen" in anyway.

I reject them and put them in the past.

I reject further any false claims of dispute to their power; which are only products of lies by the jews.

My people are masters. We followed our Gods in their dark times, when they were submerged by the lies of the enemy, but we have to not forget our primary origins.

We are the Masters.

What the enemy says is fully irrelevant, forever.

It is true, "Satanism" does not have ancient history behind it, when we follow the traces of the Greeks and the Romans and the Egyptians etc. we find much more truth than what we could find searching for "Satanism" online. It is an extremely wise move not only in terms of public perception but also historical & spiritual value.

The best rebellion against the enemy is to seek to grow and improve this Temple as much as possible and this is what our dear High Priest is focusing on.

Hero HPS Maxine built a great Temple, and the HP is carrying out the duty to further this sacred cause and relink us with our ancient roots.

We were always following the Gods, whether as SS or as Zevists. Instead of complaining about it and being nostalgic, many should seek to find the purpose in all of these "changes".
Me, lifting the veil that is of recent creation, do merely do my duty to bring you back to the Gods

I swear to you, HP HoodedCobra666, that if someone had told me when I was in elementary school I used to spend my hours playing a city-building PC video game called "Zeus, Master of Olympus" (I put the link below to make a point), and told me that one day I would move from that PC life to THIS """""""PC life""""""" on the Forum/Temple...my head would have simply exploded and I would have knelt down to thank the Gods all the time from there to now.

The PC game was this:
I reject all notions that our Gods have "fallen" in anyway.

I reject them and put them in the past.

I reject further any false claims of dispute to their power; which are only products of lies by the jews.

My people are masters. We followed our Gods in their dark times, when they were submerged by the lies of the enemy, but we have to not forget our primary origins.

We are the Masters.

What the enemy says is fully irrelevant, forever.

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In these days of change, I have found that not everyone has understood why the previous JoS and the current ToZ exist.
It is not all just appearance, we are not just here to create an enemy to Jehovah but to destroy him. Get all this rebellion and other stuff out of your head. We don't need to rebel against anything since we are literally taking back what is already ours.
Sometimes I think not everyone has realized that Satya or Zeus has nothing to do with the biblical representation given to him by the enemy. If you want to progress and reach the Gods and fight for them, this is the first step.

Stop giving importance only to what to call Satanas or why the name of the site was changed or why we now call ourselves Zevists. This is only the basis of the real essence of this change. Give importance to all the real spiritual changes we will make, engage and evolve, only then will you understand the reason for the change.

Thank you again High Priest for your Sermon. Your words are a source of commitment for me!
I reject all notions that our Gods have "fallen" in anyway.

I reject them and put them in the past.

I reject further any false claims of dispute to their power; which are only products of lies by the jews.

My people are masters. We followed our Gods in their dark times, when they were submerged by the lies of the enemy, but we have to not forget our primary origins.

We are the Masters.

What the enemy says is fully irrelevant, forever.

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Oh I love this one
"We are Masters"
The history is clear, we are the real and greatest fear of the enemy. And you can see this in the endless difficulties we have encountered from the beginning. Why? Because we are the solution for the problems in the World! We are "the Antivirus", "the Vaccine"!
I reject all notions that our Gods have "fallen" in anyway.

I reject them and put them in the past.

I reject further any false claims of dispute to their power; which are only products of lies by the jews.

My people are masters. We followed our Gods in their dark times, when they were submerged by the lies of the enemy, but we have to not forget our primary origins.

We are the Masters.

What the enemy says is fully irrelevant, forever.

View attachment 5995View attachment 5994

Zeus never came down from his throne because he saw a Jew before him calling him "antichrist." Zeus saw the Jew and electrocuted him, throwing a thunderbolt, and the Jewish corpse became more and more decomposed. Today only dust remains of it and an anti-Semitic memory among the people. But no one should look to this ashes because we are here to admire Zeus on his throne. The wind will carry the ashes away by itself, Zeus does not care about a little ash that goes away by itself. He has so more universals to do.
I see it as a step in the right direction

I always felt a great connection with the Greek and Roman Pantheon as well and the gods from the Norse Mythology, the Egyptian is also fascinating

Im just curious of why Zeus specifically and not Enki or Ea?

At the end of the day what really matters is to grow daily by empowering ourselves and being useful to the gods
The Nordics have good DNA, but that's about it nowadays. That's not enough, in this world of competition.
Everything is in question and will be challenged, nothing is safe, nowhere.
I see it as a step in the right direction

I always felt a great connection with the Greek and Roman Pantheon as well and the gods from the Norse Mythology, the Egyptian is also fascinating

Im just curious of why Zeus specifically and not Enki or Ea?

At the end of the day what really matters is to grow daily by empowering ourselves and being useful to the gods

This question has been answered in prior responses and endless replies, including also an AMA.

The Nordics have good DNA, but that's about it nowadays. That's not enough, in this world of competition.
Everything is in question and will be challenged, nothing is safe, nowhere.

What one "is" is not enough in the flow of life. It's just what one "is". The rest is empty ideas, unless they manifest anything.
The history you shared in this sermon is incredibly fascinating, and it saddens me how people have forgotten it due to the enemy's propaganda.

The Enemy Jews calls Satan/Zeus the Lord of Darkness, twisting it into their ridiculous narrative to scare people away from our True God.

Yet, Satan, Baal-Zebul, Our Almighty Zeus, has never been about darkness as something evil or the void of life and creation. He has always been about Aetheral Darkness, from which all creation is born - the unseen, the unknown, the hidden power. Before it illuminates and casts its light, transforming the Aetheral Darkness into Visible Light, into the seen, the known, the manifested - from which it brings enlightenment.

I yearn for the complete restoration of the timeless aesthetics of Ancient Greek architecture and artistic style. Modern buildings, in contrast, drain life and creativity from our surroundings. Every time someone asks me, "What do you think of this new modern building? Isn't it nice?" I feel a wave of distaste welling up inside me.

On another note, I’m eager to learn more about Mithraism. Ever since my visit to the Mithraic Temple in London (Mithraeum), I’ve felt a profound presence of Lord Apollo, which left a lasting impression on me.

Regarding Antichrist, there's something I want to get off my back. Some of what Hitler said in his table talks troubled me, such as calling Paganism redundant, but nevertheless wanting christianity gone. He was mainly talking to Speer in these private talks, I'm not exactly sure if all his conversations were with Speer.

"It seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to reestablish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology had ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself. Nothing dies unless it is moribund. At that period the ancient world was divided between the systems of philosophy and the worship of idols. It’s not desirable that the whole of humanity should be stultified—and the only way of getting rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little."

He was also apparently a radical vegetarian. He regularly condemns meat-eating, believing it's unnatural.

"But there’s one thing I can predict to eaters of meat, that the world of the future will be vegetarian!"

Further on if you dive into his table talks, he seemed to have been an agnostic Deist, as while not having any religious beliefs himself, he abhorred atheism and preferred people to believe in some idea of God yet he saw the concept of God as man-made, or at least the concepts of God/Gods that humans "made up". He also explicitly opposed National Socialism acquiring a religious character or him being turned into a religious figure, which is what we've done essentially by calling him an Antichrist.

"And that’s what leads men to conceive of the existence of a superior power. If I have an observatory built at Linz, I’ll have the following words carved on its front: “The heavens proclaim the glory of the eternal.” It’s marvelous that this is how mankind formed the idea of God. The almighty being that made the worlds has certainly granted to each being that he should be motivated by awareness of his function."

"The ancient world had its gods and served them. But the priests interposed between the gods and men were servants of the State, for the gods protected the City. In short, they were the emanation of a power that the people had created."

"One may ask whether the disappearance of Christianity would entail the disappearance of belief in God. That’s not to be desired. The notion of divinity gives most men the opportunity to concretize the feeling they have of supernatural realities. Why should we destroy this wonderful power they have of incarnating the feeling for the divine that is within them? he man who lives in communion with nature necessarily finds himself in opposition to the Churches. And that’s why they’re heading for ruin—for science is bound to win.

I especially wouldn’t want our movement to acquire a religious character and institute a form of worship. It would be appalling for me, and I would wish I’d never lived, if I were to end up in the skin of a Buddha!

If at this moment we were to eliminate the religions by force, the people would unanimously beseech us for a new form of worship. You can imagine our Gauleiters giving up their pranks to play at being saints! As for our Minister for Religion, according to his own coreligionists, God himself would turn away from his family!

I envisage the future, therefore, as follows: First of all, to each man his private creed. Superstition shall not lose its rights. The Party is sheltered from the danger of competing with the religions. These latter must simply be forbidden from interfering in future with temporal matters. From the tenderest age, education will be imparted in such a way that each child will know all that is important to the maintenance of the State. As for the men close to me, who, like me, have escaped from the clutches of dogma, I’ve no reason to fear that the Church will get its hooks on them.
We’ll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State. We shall continue to preach the doctrine of National Socialism, and the young will no longer be taught anything but the truth."

Those were his private table talks. In public he also condemned esotericism. Are these quotes real? Or was he lying and speaking to uninitiated Natsocs? What's going on here? His promotion of vegetarianism is especially disturbing to me. As someone who claims to be purely in line with nature, how did he not realise that we need meat and animal products and went as far as strongly opposing meat consumption personally?
Regarding Antichrist, there's something I want to get off my back. Some of what Hitler said in his table talks troubled me, such as calling Paganism redundant, but nevertheless wanting christianity gone. He was mainly talking to Speer in these private talks, I'm not exactly sure if all his conversations were with Speer.

Popular "paganism" is for dumb people with the animal skins who cannot approve of existence going forward. It's empty and borne out of limited conceptions of what the Christians said "Paganism was". They only flex swords and they live in summerland.

Hitler was a Hellene, himself. He would be in the Temple of Zeus, where we don't wear animal pelts and pretend we are "honoring the ancestors". These are obsolete ideas. We are the future of pure spirituality.
Popular "paganism" is for dumb people with the animal skins who cannot approve of existence going forward. It's empty and borne out of limited conceptions of what the Christians said "Paganism was". They only flex swords and they live in summerland.

Hitler was a Hellene, himself. He would be in the Temple of Zeus, where we don't wear animal pelts and pretend we are "honoring the ancestors". These are obsolete ideas. We are the future of pure spirituality.
Doesn't TOZ claim he was an initiate and achieved the Magnum Opus? Perhaps he kept it super secret, even from many of his inner circle? His Table Talks don't seem to suggest he was an esotericist at all, more so preferring a secular technocratic racial government, whilst having a certain interest in metaphysical topics. I remember reading he achieved the Magnum Opus after WW2, so perhaps he wasn't fully into occultism until his later years?
I would like to share a quote from Thus Spake Zarathustra. "Him whom I love, I love better in winter than in summer; better do I now mock at mine enemies, and heartily, when winter sitteth in my house."

There is a change of seasons happening, so to speak. We are moving out of the confines the enemy trapped us in. With pride, we are moving toward a better and brighter age.

Our Gods may change in name, but never in essence. With each name, another aspect of Our Gods is encapsulated. Inanna is not only a Goddess of love, but also hate. Without understanding both sides, we miss an essential element of who She is.

I am grateful to be apart of this community before such amazing changes. Although I have only been dedicated for the short span of 5 years, I have watched this forum become what it is today. Things are changing and it is all very new and different, but I have faith that this is exactly what we need.

Hail Zeus!
Speaking of opposing the enemy, I would like to make something clear, but I will keep this message short. Zeus is simply Satan, without the Jewish label to call him as such.

The question is, if one knows history, they will understand that we have actually upgraded in the worship of our God, not went steps back. The only steps "back" are invalid psychological reactions. When one learns, they will figure the rest of this out.

"Satan" as an identity is the identity our God assumed under the Jewish cultural siege. Before this, our God was called Zeus and has went by many other Names. We know all of this by now, but let's proceed.

In regard to winning, taking over, or opposing the enemy, I am just going to copy-paste some relevant information to that end. Copy-paste since, you can find these on your own and research further.

While "Satanists", all they did to the enemy, were regardless, valiant acts of denying the enemy doctrine, there is a level higher than this. "Satanists" in general, besides Spiritual Satanists, have done nothing but re-affirm the enemy and essentially nothing useful for the Gods. They focused on being emo and be dark about it (and socially ostracized and so on, so forth, giving credence to the enemy for their existence) they have not done, besides ourselves here, anything against the enemy historically.

They have done nothing to educate humanity, nor to provide any serious value that would make the enemy fall back and therefore facilitate the Golden Age.

If someone's priority is to oppose the enemy, then they have to consider history and when this happened. I don't recall the "Satanic Visuals" doing anything besides ourselves about the enemy, except of wear capes, try to act cool, and produce some beautiful emo goth girls. I love this too, but it's not enough unfortunately to deal with the remnants of a dark age and to actually affirm the culture of the Gods or save humanity.

We have to evaluate further and adopt the highest powers that we have, and we have done this. Moving forward, in the upgrade, we have the upgraded and full-power culture versus just having our identity after having survived the enemy siege.

Historical context and information; below.

Below, Antiochus Epiphanes, Trajan and Hadrian (Roman top personalities), or Adolf Hitler, the followers of Zeus under the name of Jupiter [Our God], is only few examples of what those of the Gods have done to rival and go against the enemy when the historical time intervals enforced this.

They defended the Gods which you also today follow and defeated the enemy many times over, repeatedly.

Me, lifting the veil that is of recent creation, do merely do my duty to bring you back to the Gods. We have to follow our Gods and not apparitions or manifestations of the Gods in lesser forms, but in their top forms.

The thing I post below is for historical references and not to espouse anything like this; but read, and learn. Speaking of "rebellions" and "conquering the enemy", or enlightening humanity to not fall into the enemy's hands, history speaks on their own. If you think that you "rebel" in the context of 1960 to 2024 because you are "Dark", you are not even halfway there to understanding how deep the situation goes.

Here's some data about actual clashes with the enemy and actually taking them on. This should clarify everything in the understanding of those who think of these topics and make them clear.

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I reject all notions that our Gods have "fallen" in anyway.

I reject them and put them in the past.

I reject further any false claims of dispute to their power; which are only products of lies by the jews.

My people are masters. We followed our Gods in their dark times, when they were submerged by the lies of the enemy, but we have to not forget our primary origins.

We are the Masters.

What the enemy says is fully irrelevant, forever.

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I Respect this HAIL ZUES AND THE GODS! !!!
Speaking of opposing the enemy, I would like to make something clear, but I will keep this message short. Zeus is simply Satan, without the Jewish label to call him as such.

The question is, if one knows history, they will understand that we have actually upgraded in the worship of our God, not went steps back. The only steps "back" are invalid psychological reactions. When one learns, they will figure the rest of this out.

"Satan" as an identity is the identity our God assumed under the Jewish cultural siege. Before this, our God was called Zeus and has went by many other Names. We know all of this by now, but let's proceed.

In regard to winning, taking over, or opposing the enemy, I am just going to copy-paste some relevant information to that end. Copy-paste since, you can find these on your own and research further.

While "Satanists", all they did to the enemy, were regardless, valiant acts of denying the enemy doctrine, there is a level higher than this. "Satanists" in general, besides Spiritual Satanists, have done nothing but re-affirm the enemy and essentially nothing useful for the Gods. They focused on being emo and be dark about it (and socially ostracized and so on, so forth, giving credence to the enemy for their existence) they have not done, besides ourselves here, anything against the enemy historically.

They have done nothing to educate humanity, nor to provide any serious value that would make the enemy fall back and therefore facilitate the Golden Age.

If someone's priority is to oppose the enemy, then they have to consider history and when this happened. I don't recall the "Satanic Visuals" doing anything besides ourselves about the enemy, except of wear capes, try to act cool, and produce some beautiful emo goth girls. I love this too, but it's not enough unfortunately to deal with the remnants of a dark age and to actually affirm the culture of the Gods or save humanity.

We have to evaluate further and adopt the highest powers that we have, and we have done this. Moving forward, in the upgrade, we have the upgraded and full-power culture versus just having our identity after having survived the enemy siege.

Historical context and information; below.

Below, Antiochus Epiphanes, Trajan and Hadrian (Roman top personalities), or Adolf Hitler, the followers of Zeus under the name of Jupiter [Our God], is only few examples of what those of the Gods have done to rival and go against the enemy when the historical time intervals enforced this.

They defended the Gods which you also today follow and defeated the enemy many times over, repeatedly.

Me, lifting the veil that is of recent creation, do merely do my duty to bring you back to the Gods. We have to follow our Gods and not apparitions or manifestations of the Gods in lesser forms, but in their top forms.

The thing I post below is for historical references and not to espouse anything like this; but read, and learn. Speaking of "rebellions" and "conquering the enemy", or enlightening humanity to not fall into the enemy's hands, history speaks on their own. If you think that you "rebel" in the context of 1960 to 2024 because you are "Dark", you are not even halfway there to understanding how deep the situation goes.

Here's some data about actual clashes with the enemy and actually taking them on. This should clarify everything in the understanding of those who think of these topics and make them clear.

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Thanks for sharing this I've long since
Was younger I've have had a longing
Interest in Adolf Hitler and sometimes
Thank Zeus for the beautiful Day
This information melted my Heart
And happiness in my soul
Speaking of opposing the enemy, I would like to make something clear, but I will keep this message short. Zeus is simply Satan, without the Jewish label to call him as such.

The question is, if one knows history, they will understand that we have actually upgraded in the worship of our God, not went steps back. The only steps "back" are invalid psychological reactions. When one learns, they will figure the rest of this out.

"Satan" as an identity is the identity our God assumed under the Jewish cultural siege. Before this, our God was called Zeus and has went by many other Names. We know all of this by now, but let's proceed.

In regard to winning, taking over, or opposing the enemy, I am just going to copy-paste some relevant information to that end. Copy-paste since, you can find these on your own and research further.

While "Satanists", all they did to the enemy, were regardless, valiant acts of denying the enemy doctrine, there is a level higher than this. "Satanists" in general, besides Spiritual Satanists, have done nothing but re-affirm the enemy and essentially nothing useful for the Gods. They focused on being emo and be dark about it (and socially ostracized and so on, so forth, giving credence to the enemy for their existence) they have not done, besides ourselves here, anything against the enemy historically.

They have done nothing to educate humanity, nor to provide any serious value that would make the enemy fall back and therefore facilitate the Golden Age.

If someone's priority is to oppose the enemy, then they have to consider history and when this happened. I don't recall the "Satanic Visuals" doing anything besides ourselves about the enemy, except of wear capes, try to act cool, and produce some beautiful emo goth girls. I love this too, but it's not enough unfortunately to deal with the remnants of a dark age and to actually affirm the culture of the Gods or save humanity.

We have to evaluate further and adopt the highest powers that we have, and we have done this. Moving forward, in the upgrade, we have the upgraded and full-power culture versus just having our identity after having survived the enemy siege.

Historical context and information; below.

Below, Antiochus Epiphanes, Trajan and Hadrian (Roman top personalities), or Adolf Hitler, the followers of Zeus under the name of Jupiter [Our God], is only few examples of what those of the Gods have done to rival and go against the enemy when the historical time intervals enforced this.

They defended the Gods which you also today follow and defeated the enemy many times over, repeatedly.

Me, lifting the veil that is of recent creation, do merely do my duty to bring you back to the Gods. We have to follow our Gods and not apparitions or manifestations of the Gods in lesser forms, but in their top forms.

The thing I post below is for historical references and not to espouse anything like this; but read, and learn. Speaking of "rebellions" and "conquering the enemy", or enlightening humanity to not fall into the enemy's hands, history speaks on their own. If you think that you "rebel" in the context of 1960 to 2024 because you are "Dark", you are not even halfway there to understanding how deep the situation goes.

Here's some data about actual clashes with the enemy and actually taking them on. This should clarify everything in the understanding of those who think of these topics and make them clear.

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"Darkness is light turned inside out." - ZEUS
Spiritual Satanist (SS) = Zevist

Many beginners really don't understand what exactly is meant by light and darkness.
From the moment of spiritual advancement and growth, a beginner ceases to be a beginner and learns the truth better.

I really liked this post, although it is more aimed at beginners, but the historical information is just Great (y)
before you wrote that he was the Beelzebub God, Zeus, but on the descriptions of jos they wrote that he is a treasurer who they then called Mammon, so how can Ea be? that is, the name is one, why do you connect it to three distinct Nordic gods? moreover the features of the statue are not similar to those of Ea who is the northernmost blonde of the statue (which looks more Mediterranean) ... and this is because we have lost the ancient tribes where we were all distinguished, each with their own divinities which in fact are Gods completely different and separate ...
the talk about the vegetarian diet, then humans have genetics similar to monkeys also teeth and saliva .. monkeys are frugivorous, but to supplement the missing nutrients they eat 10% of meat and even insects. Humans are similar so even the vegetarian diet is wrong because humans are genetically frugivorous .. discourse on God of Christianity, the Christian religion is a copy of ancient Egypt, the almighty who creates everything with the word is a copy of the God Ptah , just seeing the clothes and tools of the cardinals are all things copied by the Egyptians, to have hidden powers ..
before you wrote that he was the Beelzebub God, Zeus, but on the descriptions of jos they wrote that he is a treasurer who they then called Mammon, so how can Ea be? that is, the name is one, why do you connect it to three distinct Nordic gods? moreover the features of the statue are not similar to those of Ea who is the northernmost blonde of the statue (which looks more Mediterranean) ... and this is because we have lost the ancient tribes where we were all distinguished, each with their own divinities which in fact are Gods completely different and separate ...
the talk about the vegetarian diet, then humans have genetics similar to monkeys also teeth and saliva .. monkeys are frugivorous, but to supplement the missing nutrients they eat 10% of meat and even insects. Humans are similar so even the vegetarian diet is wrong because humans are genetically frugivorous .. discourse on God of Christianity, the Christian religion is a copy of ancient Egypt, the almighty who creates everything with the word is a copy of the God Ptah , just seeing the clothes and tools of the cardinals are all things copied by the Egyptians, to have hidden powers ..

Zeus Mammon or Ammonas Zeus was the leading being behind riches. In the Goetic nonsense, words that are verbatim epithtes of Zeus, such as Zeus Alastoras or Zeus Ammonas, became Mammon and Alastor in the grimoires.
Speaking of opposing the enemy, I would like to make something clear, but I will keep this message short. Zeus is simply Satan, without the Jewish label to call him as such.

The question is, if one knows history, they will understand that we have actually upgraded in the worship of our God, not went steps back. The only steps "back" are invalid psychological reactions. When one learns, they will figure the rest of this out.

"Satan" as an identity is the identity our God assumed under the Jewish cultural siege. Before this, our God was called Zeus and has went by many other Names. We know all of this by now, but let's proceed.

In regard to winning, taking over, or opposing the enemy, I am just going to copy-paste some relevant information to that end. Copy-paste since, you can find these on your own and research further.

While "Satanists", all they did to the enemy, were regardless, valiant acts of denying the enemy doctrine, there is a level higher than this. "Satanists" in general, besides Spiritual Satanists, have done nothing but re-affirm the enemy and essentially nothing useful for the Gods. They focused on being emo and be dark about it (and socially ostracized and so on, so forth, giving credence to the enemy for their existence) they have not done, besides ourselves here, anything against the enemy historically.

They have done nothing to educate humanity, nor to provide any serious value that would make the enemy fall back and therefore facilitate the Golden Age.

If someone's priority is to oppose the enemy, then they have to consider history and when this happened. I don't recall the "Satanic Visuals" doing anything besides ourselves about the enemy, except of wear capes, try to act cool, and produce some beautiful emo goth girls. I love this too, but it's not enough unfortunately to deal with the remnants of a dark age and to actually affirm the culture of the Gods or save humanity.

We have to evaluate further and adopt the highest powers that we have, and we have done this. Moving forward, in the upgrade, we have the upgraded and full-power culture versus just having our identity after having survived the enemy siege.

Historical context and information; below.

Below, Antiochus Epiphanes, Trajan and Hadrian (Roman top personalities), or Adolf Hitler, the followers of Zeus under the name of Jupiter [Our God], is only few examples of what those of the Gods have done to rival and go against the enemy when the historical time intervals enforced this.

They defended the Gods which you also today follow and defeated the enemy many times over, repeatedly.

Me, lifting the veil that is of recent creation, do merely do my duty to bring you back to the Gods. We have to follow our Gods and not apparitions or manifestations of the Gods in lesser forms, but in their top forms.

The thing I post below is for historical references and not to espouse anything like this; but read, and learn. Speaking of "rebellions" and "conquering the enemy", or enlightening humanity to not fall into the enemy's hands, history speaks on their own. If you think that you "rebel" in the context of 1960 to 2024 because you are "Dark", you are not even halfway there to understanding how deep the situation goes.

Here's some data about actual clashes with the enemy and actually taking them on. This should clarify everything in the understanding of those who think of these topics and make them clear.

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This is a very complex subject to understand... but very easy to accept, actually I think, especially for us Europeans, because knowing that Zeus is our God is part of our ancient traditions...

To put it simply, we could say that Satan and Beelzebub exist as DISTINCTED PHYSICAL BEINGS on Orion.

But that on the spiritual level and on a plane difficult for an average human to understand together embody two types of the three powers that govern the universe?

I don't know if this is correct and I got it right... let's say it's the only doubt I have if on the physical plane Father Satan and Beelzebul exist individually and physically.

For the rest, I've always seen Satanism as a religion of light, and so this change seems to me to be something extremely natural and a return to the truth.

Not to mention, as I said in another post, that this is useful to attract those who do not know towards us... simply because it is a religion in full accordance with the principles of nature that had been subverted by the Jews, I always recommend reading Nietzsche's "Genealogy of Morals," even as a weapon of information.
Speaking of opposing the enemy, I would like to make something clear, but I will keep this message short. Zeus is simply Satan, without the Jewish label to call him as such.

The question is, if one knows history, they will understand that we have actually upgraded in the worship of our God, not went steps back. The only steps "back" are invalid psychological reactions. When one learns, they will figure the rest of this out.

"Satan" as an identity is the identity our God assumed under the Jewish cultural siege. Before this, our God was called Zeus and has went by many other Names. We know all of this by now, but let's proceed.

In regard to winning, taking over, or opposing the enemy, I am just going to copy-paste some relevant information to that end. Copy-paste since, you can find these on your own and research further.

While "Satanists", all they did to the enemy, were regardless, valiant acts of denying the enemy doctrine, there is a level higher than this. "Satanists" in general, besides Spiritual Satanists, have done nothing but re-affirm the enemy and essentially nothing useful for the Gods. They focused on being emo and be dark about it (and socially ostracized and so on, so forth, giving credence to the enemy for their existence) they have not done, besides ourselves here, anything against the enemy historically.

They have done nothing to educate humanity, nor to provide any serious value that would make the enemy fall back and therefore facilitate the Golden Age.

If someone's priority is to oppose the enemy, then they have to consider history and when this happened. I don't recall the "Satanic Visuals" doing anything besides ourselves about the enemy, except of wear capes, try to act cool, and produce some beautiful emo goth girls. I love this too, but it's not enough unfortunately to deal with the remnants of a dark age and to actually affirm the culture of the Gods or save humanity.

We have to evaluate further and adopt the highest powers that we have, and we have done this. Moving forward, in the upgrade, we have the upgraded and full-power culture versus just having our identity after having survived the enemy siege.

Historical context and information; below.

Below, Antiochus Epiphanes, Trajan and Hadrian (Roman top personalities), or Adolf Hitler, the followers of Zeus under the name of Jupiter [Our God], is only few examples of what those of the Gods have done to rival and go against the enemy when the historical time intervals enforced this.

They defended the Gods which you also today follow and defeated the enemy many times over, repeatedly.

Me, lifting the veil that is of recent creation, do merely do my duty to bring you back to the Gods. We have to follow our Gods and not apparitions or manifestations of the Gods in lesser forms, but in their top forms.

The thing I post below is for historical references and not to espouse anything like this; but read, and learn. Speaking of "rebellions" and "conquering the enemy", or enlightening humanity to not fall into the enemy's hands, history speaks on their own. If you think that you "rebel" in the context of 1960 to 2024 because you are "Dark", you are not even halfway there to understanding how deep the situation goes.

Here's some data about actual clashes with the enemy and actually taking them on. This should clarify everything in the understanding of those who think of these topics and make them clear.

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When I read you're words my heart blossoms as lotus and the tail spreading wide of a peacock....I love being here in this Truth.
I don't have much to say, other than - great post! Although Greek spirituality isn't my "thing", but I had always wondered ever since coming to Satan if any other names to call Him by were going to be permissible in the future.

So in Chinese, Zevists would be known as the "Yudijao Tu", ("Follower of the Way of the Jade Emperor/Zeus") - which is what I shall refer to Myself from now on.

Since Zues and the Jade Emperor of China, Korea and Vietnam are the same, all I can say, all hail the Jade Emperor! Well, why don't you look at that, the Jade Emperor is shown as being surrounded by Water Serpents, an important symbol Zeus/Satan!

I don't have much to say, other than - great post! Although Greek spirituality isn't my "thing", but I had always wondered ever since coming to Satan if any other names to call Him by were going to be permissible in the future.

So in Chinese, Zevists would be known as the "Yudijao Tu", ("Follower of the Way of the Jade Emperor/Zeus") - which is what I shall refer to Myself from now on.

Since Zues and the Jade Emperor of China, Korea and Vietnam are the same, all I can say, all hail the Jade Emperor! Well, why don't you look at that, the Jade Emperor is shown as being surrounded by Water Serpents, an important symbol Zeus/Satan!


If you look at the Names in the Page of Zeus, Raijin is directly mentioned. It's fairly obvious Raijin is basically another Name for Zeus. We are going to write a page on Raijin, so please do evaluate it when it comes.

We will also include the other Names you mention. Jade Emperor sounds extremely fitting to Zeus, powerful and of ultimate rulership.

We will include this in the official site. Can you let me know further details about how they perceive him in Asia? The All-Father figure, is absolutely our God.
I was absent for several weeks and I'm dissapointed but not suprised how it all went,
mess in group core was predictable.
Changing to ToZ? Unnecessary chaos and almost no reasons. Almost, because there was ONE.
Astral event which happened these days, where Gods switched their positions. "If you kno you kno".
Your name at X is quite...astounding, but it's not my problem anymore. Their names their efforts.
Simple reaction at all - WTF?
If you look at the Names in the Page of Zeus, Raijin is directly mentioned. It's fairly obvious Raijin is basically another Name for Zeus. We are going to write a page on Raijin, so please do evaluate it when it comes.

We will also include the other Names you mention. Jade Emperor sounds extremely fitting to Zeus, powerful and of ultimate rulership.

We will include this in the official site. Can you let me know further details about how they perceive him in Asia? The All-Father figure, is absolutely our God.

Ah yes, thanks for letting me know. I feel @Egon would be the go-to person for Japanese and Shinto stuff, he's admittingly shown much more knowledge on Japanese spirituality than me, as my focus remains on Chinese, Daoist and Philippine religion, the Gods had me narrow my interests down to 2-3 systems "for now", though there's always room of growth of more knowledge.

In the Ancient Chinese system, he's considered the Highest over the other Gods in Heaven (or Tian) - coinciding with the "ultimate rulership" role. He's considered an assistant of the "Three Pure Ones" in the Daoist pantheon, speficially the "Jade Pure One", though I feel that the "assistance" isn't referring to two different Gods, but more-so speaking of an extension of the Jade Pure One's hand to Mankind as the "Jade Emperor".

As for His status in Asia today, many temples in Taiwan or overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia, be they Daoist, Buddhist or fushion religions (in the case of Taiwan), one will certainly see statues of the Jade Emperor, I've also seen statues of Him as well as the Three Pure Ones in Chinatown, as a sign of Good Luck and Prosperity as He watches over the people and protects their bussinesses.

Sadly within mainland China seems like veneration of the Jade Emperor is died out in the other parts, and is now confined to the Southern Chinese region, as well as Taiwan, and Chinese communities in Southeast Asia, which are descended mostly from the Southern Chinese, and these folks are more spiritual than their northern and central counterparts (who still practice "elements" of Chinese Folk Religion, but without the Jade Emperor).

I'm not sure where those bussiness owners got their Jade Emperor statues from, as sadly, they don't sell Jade Empeor statutes nowadays anymore, and sadly the only form of Jade Emperor memorabilia is his face printed on "joss paper" (in the form of fake money) - paper to be burned, in my opinion this is a corrupted and enemy practice I don't engage in, it's essentially burning the Jade Emperor's image.

"Jade Emperor" Paviliaion in Penang, Malaysia


Jade Emperor Temple in Vietnam:

It is also non-coincidential in my opinion that the communist party seems hell-bent on persecuting people in southern China specifically as they still have festivals dedicated to the Jade Emperor, and they also implement numerological significance, such as offering food in "3" layers, offering "6" types of veggies, and bowing down "9" times (in both Satanic and Daoist numerology, this is a very important number, representing power, culmination, completion in Satanic numerology, and a yang number, representing Heaven in Chinese mythology). Though, these festivals aren't free of corruption but they seem enough to piss off the communists. Even a muslim-ruled country like Malaysia offers more freedom for Chinese Pagans, not wannabe "neo-pagans" but actual Chinese Pagans faithful to our Gods than in Mainland China.

Malaysian Chinese Jade Emperor festival:


Thus, in many Asian civilizations (even those outside of the Asian continent such as the pre-Colombian Amerindian like the Aztecs and etc.,) jade was considered more valuable than gold and silver as it was often believed that anything made with jade stone would be imbued with His energy. In Taiwan they have jade markets every Saturday, sadly I didn't get to go when I went....

It's also said that the Chinese New Year celebration was originally dedicated to the Jade Emperor, that I still need to do research on.

Also to note....I saw Shangdi on there. When I first came to Zeus/Satan, I kept seeing "Shangdi" and kept being led to internet articles about Shangdi, but I sadly threw it off as I focused on the Daoist God Fuxi, whose symbology "seemed" closer. But glad to see, I wasn't wrong after all on Shangdi, and Shangdi is indeed Zeus Himself. Makes me feel like those moments....taking a scantron test, filling in the right answer, erasing it, only to find out the original answer was the correct lol.

Thankful I stuck around and thanks to you Commander for including Chinese mythology on the main pages! Hail Zeus/Jade Emperor!

I'm also looking at Śakra, though it's Buddhist, those are where some of the names you see in my signature come from, I cam across Śakra when doing research on the Jade Emperor, he is considered in some Buddhist sections to the "Lord of the Devas" aka "The Devil":

Just for reference going forward for how we will describe the Gods Zeus and Poseidon? Are they half brothers ruling different aspects of the same Earth. Insert allegories meaning, etc for deeper meaning. Are we viewing them as two garments/aspects of the same God or more along the lines of soul split/avatars for the same Godhead? There is Zeus the wrathful God against enemies and then Zeus the father figure for us. Heavenly and Chtonic aspects of the same God. Looking at things from a more Hindu perspective the Gods have avatars that soul split, if that avatar achieves Godhead you end with two different avatars of the same Gods. I know there is a lot of allegories and hidden meaning. Wondering how to present this information going forward.

Speaking of opposing the enemy, I would like to make something clear, but I will keep this message short. Zeus is simply Satan, without the Jewish label to call him as such.

The question is, if one knows history, they will understand that we have actually upgraded in the worship of our God, not went steps back. The only steps "back" are invalid psychological reactions. When one learns, they will figure the rest of this out.

"Satan" as an identity is the identity our God assumed under the Jewish cultural siege. Before this, our God was called Zeus and has went by many other Names. We know all of this by now, but let's proceed.

In regard to winning, taking over, or opposing the enemy, I am just going to copy-paste some relevant information to that end. Copy-paste since, you can find these on your own and research further.

While "Satanists", all they did to the enemy, were regardless, valiant acts of denying the enemy doctrine, there is a level higher than this. "Satanists" in general, besides Spiritual Satanists, have done nothing but re-affirm the enemy and essentially nothing useful for the Gods. They focused on being emo and be dark about it (and socially ostracized and so on, so forth, giving credence to the enemy for their existence) they have not done, besides ourselves here, anything against the enemy historically.

They have done nothing to educate humanity, nor to provide any serious value that would make the enemy fall back and therefore facilitate the Golden Age.

If someone's priority is to oppose the enemy, then they have to consider history and when this happened. I don't recall the "Satanic Visuals" doing anything besides ourselves about the enemy, except of wear capes, try to act cool, and produce some beautiful emo goth girls. I love this too, but it's not enough unfortunately to deal with the remnants of a dark age and to actually affirm the culture of the Gods or save humanity.

We have to evaluate further and adopt the highest powers that we have, and we have done this. Moving forward, in the upgrade, we have the upgraded and full-power culture versus just having our identity after having survived the enemy siege.

Historical context and information; below.

Below, Antiochus Epiphanes, Trajan and Hadrian (Roman top personalities), or Adolf Hitler, the followers of Zeus under the name of Jupiter [Our God], is only few examples of what those of the Gods have done to rival and go against the enemy when the historical time intervals enforced this.

They defended the Gods which you also today follow and defeated the enemy many times over, repeatedly.

Me, lifting the veil that is of recent creation, do merely do my duty to bring you back to the Gods. We have to follow our Gods and not apparitions or manifestations of the Gods in lesser forms, but in their top forms.

The thing I post below is for historical references and not to espouse anything like this; but read, and learn. Speaking of "rebellions" and "conquering the enemy", or enlightening humanity to not fall into the enemy's hands, history speaks on their own. If you think that you "rebel" in the context of 1960 to 2024 because you are "Dark", you are not even halfway there to understanding how deep the situation goes.

Here's some data about actual clashes with the enemy and actually taking them on. This should clarify everything in the understanding of those who think of these topics and make them clear.

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I must agree, all my studies lead me from the Romans Directly to the Greeks. And this feeling of moving from our Lord Satan to the Name of Zeus.. it's an indescribable feeling of Rising Power..
Speaking of opposing the enemy, I would like to make something clear, but I will keep this message short. Zeus is simply Satan, without the Jewish label to call him as such.

The question is, if one knows history, they will understand that we have actually upgraded in the worship of our God, not went steps back. The only steps "back" are invalid psychological reactions. When one learns, they will figure the rest of this out.

"Satan" as an identity is the identity our God assumed under the Jewish cultural siege. Before this, our God was called Zeus and has went by many other Names. We know all of this by now, but let's proceed.

In regard to winning, taking over, or opposing the enemy, I am just going to copy-paste some relevant information to that end. Copy-paste since, you can find these on your own and research further.

While "Satanists", all they did to the enemy, were regardless, valiant acts of denying the enemy doctrine, there is a level higher than this. "Satanists" in general, besides Spiritual Satanists, have done nothing but re-affirm the enemy and essentially nothing useful for the Gods. They focused on being emo and be dark about it (and socially ostracized and so on, so forth, giving credence to the enemy for their existence) they have not done, besides ourselves here, anything against the enemy historically.

They have done nothing to educate humanity, nor to provide any serious value that would make the enemy fall back and therefore facilitate the Golden Age.

If someone's priority is to oppose the enemy, then they have to consider history and when this happened. I don't recall the "Satanic Visuals" doing anything besides ourselves about the enemy, except of wear capes, try to act cool, and produce some beautiful emo goth girls. I love this too, but it's not enough unfortunately to deal with the remnants of a dark age and to actually affirm the culture of the Gods or save humanity.

We have to evaluate further and adopt the highest powers that we have, and we have done this. Moving forward, in the upgrade, we have the upgraded and full-power culture versus just having our identity after having survived the enemy siege.

Historical context and information; below.

Below, Antiochus Epiphanes, Trajan and Hadrian (Roman top personalities), or Adolf Hitler, the followers of Zeus under the name of Jupiter [Our God], is only few examples of what those of the Gods have done to rival and go against the enemy when the historical time intervals enforced this.

They defended the Gods which you also today follow and defeated the enemy many times over, repeatedly.

Me, lifting the veil that is of recent creation, do merely do my duty to bring you back to the Gods. We have to follow our Gods and not apparitions or manifestations of the Gods in lesser forms, but in their top forms.

The thing I post below is for historical references and not to espouse anything like this; but read, and learn. Speaking of "rebellions" and "conquering the enemy", or enlightening humanity to not fall into the enemy's hands, history speaks on their own. If you think that you "rebel" in the context of 1960 to 2024 because you are "Dark", you are not even halfway there to understanding how deep the situation goes.

Here's some data about actual clashes with the enemy and actually taking them on. This should clarify everything in the understanding of those who think of these topics and make them clear.

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I must agree, all my studies lead me back to the Romans and Greeks. And I already feel a profound Power striking down like thunder into my Soul. Accepting Zeus as the Name of my God-King, oh how SATISFYING!!!!!

The name of Satan is a calling. The name of Zeus is the Force?
If you look at the Names in the Page of Zeus, Raijin is directly mentioned. It's fairly obvious Raijin is basically another Name for Zeus. We are going to write a page on Raijin, so please do evaluate it when it comes.

We will also include the other Names you mention. Jade Emperor sounds extremely fitting to Zeus, powerful and of ultimate rulership.

We will include this in the official site.
HP HoodedCobra666, what do you think about the Albanian Paganism Mitology ? Baba Tomorr ( Father God ) his cult was practiced since the illiryan empire and the house of Baba Tomorr is the Mount Tomorr that is a powerful spiritual place in Albania. As i studied this Name is another name of Lord Satan/Zeus, and as i know someone in albania still believe and swear to him. There are also a lot of other God names in this pagan society.
I would find attractive if someone would co-operat with me for doing some researches about that.
Here i attach some links:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
