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Gods & Their Aspects: Heavenly and Chtonic Gods

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In Zevism, we have made certain advancements in knowledge. To understand further these changes, read on with this post.

In the Ancient Original religion, the Gods are eternal beings that are versed in both the arts of Light but also Darkness. Both of these forces, are represented and mastered by the Gods. Knowledge and wisdom, will bring someone in the crossroads between of what we call evil and good, creation and destruction. Both of these aspects are integral to learn in order to advance spiritually. The principal notion the Gods follow is the Agatho or to be Noble. However, in order to be Noble and a bringer of Justice, one might have to engage in both creative and destructive procedures, especially where injustice is concerned. One cannot even out injustice without the capacity to be destructive and destruction is as necessary to existence as creation.

As the followers of the Gods are beings in the Path of the Godhead, mastery and understanding of both sides is required so one "knows about Good and Evil", exactly as the enemy complains in their doctrine that humanity done after the "Serpent Awakened them". The Serpent or the Kundalini force, can be used both destructively and protectively, it's up to the Initiate to exercise judgement and be a noble being like the Gods, and know when to put the sword out of the case (metaphorically) and where to keep it inside or use it to hunt to feed the people.

Our Gods, do have two aspects; one is called Chtonic or "Underworldly" aspect. This aspect is their dark aspect, falsely correlated with evil. For example, Apollo, was known as both the God of light, but also the God that can send plagues and massive diseases or illnesses. The basis of judgement upon which they act, is the basis of Justice. The Gods can cause both great elevation and great harm, and on which side each and everyone is on, is largely dependent on the degree of how noble they are.

When it comes to people who are noble, the Gods show their positive face or their "Heavenly face". To the wrongdoers, they will see the other face. Their other face is also possible to be invoked in Rituals, especially where great injustice is taking place. The Gods can and will enforce that Justice.

The "Uranian" or "Heavenly aspect" is the aspect of goodness, kindness, creation, elevation and all the positive things of existence. This aspect is reserved for those who follow the Path and they are Initiated in the ways of the Good. But the Gods are very explicit over the topic, that this face is shown to the innocent, the good people and those who deserve it. Violators of the Gods, wrongdoers and manifestors of disasters, do get to face the Chtonic aspect which is the aspect of torment.

These will also be updated in the Temple of Zeus going forward, so everyone will know both sides of the story. The world needs light and positivity, but there is a long way down for souls that want to corrupt themselves and others - the abyss can get very deep for them. Not for us, so we are moving on from this topic.

Every Initiate of the Gods does have a Guardian and presiding Daemon that is supposed to grow them, protect them through the landmass of the andrapoda, and facilitate their spiritual growth and survival in the world. Our world however, is not always a good and just world, as humans act in many ways that require disciplinary force to set them straight in many examples. For these cases, the Gods do have their Chtonic aspects which can be of devastating power against wrongdoers. If anyone has been falsely attacked, slandered, stolen from, or had actions that are of evil nature and called upon their Guardian Daemon or a God, and the offender was shattered shortly afterward, they know firsthand of what I mean by the application of Justice.

As we move on from the prior aesthetics which focused mostly on darkness, this does not mean that "darkness" is not something we have, or that we will master, going forward. Darkness is very necessary in existence and a part of it. Our Gods have reiterated that there will be a time where these procedures will no longer be necessary, a time where humanity will be wise and therefore, not engage in evil. This time, is not yet. We should do our best to be good with people and not perpetuate evil in the world, as the world is rife with evil already. Therefore, as we grow in power, we must choose the path of goodness, as evil does only produce destruction which past a point is also meaningless. I underline the word MEANING here, as meaning is related to purpose and the purpose of existence and life, is to advance.

Yet, speaking of Chtonic or Underwordly aspects, the Gods do have these also. There are Daemons that specialize in setting humanity straight, to say the least. Zeus was also well known of having more than one aspects. While Zeus as a Name, relates to unity and bringing everything together, Dias deals with an aspect of division and severing things in half - Zinas, another name of Zeus, deals with life itself. The reason our God has 3 Names, is related to the cyclical notion of life.

While we do not approve of the opinions of the enemy and consider them empty, our head God's history is important to also study and be known. Our God Zeus, has been carried into enemy context. We know about this. In that context, regardless, he had two faces: The "Devil", the "Prince of Darkness" and "Evil". What the enemy did also, was to repress his positive side, which they frankly do admit was called "Lucifer", meaning the Light Bringer. A positive and a negative aspect is present, does also exist in the context of the enemy. This is nothing new and is in accordance to the eternal culture that predated the enemy's abominations and misappropriations.

Now, in the Goetia [work based on the Medieval interpretations of the Gods], there are certain Names of the Gods that are different from their well known, global names in the Ancient Cultures. These were perverted by the enemy abrahamic sects, but they will not be removed from the Temple of Zeus and will be mentioned referrentially. These were traditionally associated with "Demons" and confused as negative aspects of the Gods. They will just be put in proper context from now on. Their proper context is that they also represent magickal words of power, too. While they will be secondary Names, it does not mean the "darkness" or the "dark aesthetic" is going away. It means that it's not central.

Moving forward about the Gods, an example is Aphrodite: Aphrodite has the aspect of the "Urania Aphrodite" or the "Heavenly Aphrodite". In that aspect, she represents elevation of the soul through beauty, understanding the beauty of spirituality and ascent, high level of passion and sexuality of the highest level. "Aphrodite Pandemos" or "Chtonia Aphrodite" is the Cthonic aspect of Aphrodite which is related to deep passions, carnal passion, or desire (and oftentimes, destructive forms of desire).

Our Goddess rules over both - the question is what route humans want to take and what their spiritual level is. In the East, Inanna is both a war and love Goddess. Love unites, while War divides. In all cultures of our Goddess (we encapsulate all of them) the theme is similar. It's the power of Aphrodite that is the high elevated notion of love, but have you seen a lover in anger, and how much hate they can have? These are two faces of the same coin. We choose which face we are in, based on our level of advancement. It's always better to be on the bright side, but darkness has a valid existence in life that can never be negotiated. When we learn about the darkness a fair deal, we understand that life cannot run on it, but we still revere and respect it.

Understanding the above, you will understand further that now, while we shift the focus to higher things and the bright side, we in fact do respect still and adore also the side of the darkness. The Initiate of Zevism is bound to become a master of both, as cases require this. For the power of the light, can also become a solar flare of destruction in front of the wrongdoers.

I remember i saw jew named jonathon cahn saying that zeus is satan which really make sense now, i really appreciate your work hp hooded cobra thank you soo much !❤️

I wish The world is turning to our side sooner or later.

Of course, Jews and Rabbis know very well what I wrote here. It's our people that had to know it too. Jews are very aware of this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
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In Zevism, we have made certain advancements in knowledge. To understand further these changes, read on with this post.

In the Ancient Original religion, the Gods are eternal beings that are versed in both the arts of Light but also Darkness. Both of these forces, are represented and mastered by the Gods. Knowledge and wisdom, will bring someone in the crossroads between of what we call evil and good, creation and destruction. Both of these aspects are integral to learn in order to advance spiritually. The principal notion the Gods follow is the Agatho or to be Noble. However, in order to be Noble and a bringer of Justice, one might have to engage in both creative and destructive procedures, especially where injustice is concerned. One cannot even out injustice without the capacity to be destructive and destruction is as necessary to existence as creation.

As the followers of the Gods are beings in the Path of the Godhead, mastery and understanding of both sides is required so one "knows about Good and Evil", exactly as the enemy complains in their doctrine that humanity done after the "Serpent Awakened them". The Serpent or the Kundalini force, can be used both destructively and protectively, it's up to the Initiate to exercise judgement and be a noble being like the Gods, and know when to put the sword out of the case (metaphorically) and where to keep it inside or use it to hunt to feed the people.

Our Gods, do have two aspects; one is called Chtonic or "Underworldly" aspect. This aspect is their dark aspect, falsely correlated with evil. For example, Apollo, was known as both the God of light, but also the God that can send plagues and massive diseases or illnesses. The basis of judgement upon which they act, is the basis of Justice. The Gods can cause both great elevation and great harm, and on which side each and everyone is on, is largely dependent on the degree of how noble they are.

When it comes to people who are noble, the Gods show their positive face or their "Heavenly face". To the wrongdoers, they will see the other face. Their other face is also possible to be invoked in Rituals, especially where great injustice is taking place. The Gods can and will enforce that Justice.

The "Uranian" or "Heavenly aspect" is the aspect of goodness, kindness, creation, elevation and all the positive things of existence. This aspect is reserved for those who follow the Path and they are Initiated in the ways of the Good. But the Gods are very explicit over the topic, that this face is shown to the innocent, the good people and those who deserve it. Violators of the Gods, wrongdoers and manifestors of disasters, do get to face the Chtonic aspect which is the aspect of torment.

These will also be updated in the Temple of Zeus going forward, so everyone will know both sides of the story. The world needs light and positivity, but there is a long way down for souls that want to corrupt themselves and others - the abyss can get very deep for them. Not for us, so we are moving on from this topic.

Every Initiate of the Gods does have a Guardian and presiding Daemon that is supposed to grow them, protect them through the landmass of the andrapoda, and facilitate their spiritual growth and survival in the world. Our world however, is not always a good and just world, as humans act in many ways that require disciplinary force to set them straight in many examples. For these cases, the Gods do have their Chtonic aspects which can be of devastating power against wrongdoers. If anyone has been falsely attacked, slandered, stolen from, or had actions that are of evil nature and called upon their Guardian Daemon or a God, and the offender was shattered shortly afterward, they know firsthand of what I mean by the application of Justice.

As we move on from the prior aesthetics which focused mostly on darkness, this does not mean that "darkness" is not something we have, or that we will master, going forward. Darkness is very necessary in existence and a part of it. Our Gods have reiterated that there will be a time where these procedures will no longer be necessary, a time where humanity will be wise and therefore, not engage in evil. This time, is not yet. We should do our best to be good with people and not perpetuate evil in the world, as the world is rife with evil already. Therefore, as we grow in power, we must choose the path of goodness, as evil does only produce destruction which past a point is also meaningless. I underline the word MEANING here, as meaning is related to purpose and the purpose of existence and life, is to advance.

Yet, speaking of Chtonic or Underwordly aspects, the Gods do have these also. There are Daemons that specialize in setting humanity straight, to say the least. Zeus was also well known of having more than one aspects. While Zeus as a Name, relates to unity and bringing everything together, Dias deals with an aspect of division and severing things in half - Zinas, another name of Zeus, deals with life itself. The reason our God has 3 Names, is related to the cyclical notion of life.

While we do not approve of the opinions of the enemy and consider them empty, our head God's history is important to also study and be known. Our God Zeus, has been carried into enemy context. We know about this. In that context, regardless, he had two faces: The "Devil", the "Prince of Darkness" and "Evil". What the enemy did also, was to repress his positive side, which they frankly do admit was called "Lucifer", meaning the Light Bringer. A positive and a negative aspect is present, does also exist in the context of the enemy. This is nothing new and is in accordance to the eternal culture that predated the enemy's abominations and misappropriations.

Now, in the Goetia [work based on the Medieval interpretations of the Gods], there are certain Names of the Gods that are different from their well known, global names in the Ancient Cultures. These were perverted by the enemy abrahamic sects, but they will not be removed from the Temple of Zeus and will be mentioned referrentially. These were traditionally associated with "Demons" and confused as negative aspects of the Gods. They will just be put in proper context from now on. Their proper context is that they also represent magickal words of power, too. While they will be secondary Names, it does not mean the "darkness" or the "dark aesthetic" is going away. It means that it's not central.

Moving forward about the Gods, an example is Aphrodite: Aphrodite has the aspect of the "Urania Aphrodite" or the "Heavenly Aphrodite". In that aspect, she represents elevation of the soul through beauty, understanding the beauty of spirituality and ascent, high level of passion and sexuality of the highest level. "Aphrodite Pandemos" or "Chtonia Aphrodite" is the Cthonic aspect of Aphrodite which is related to deep passions, carnal passion, or desire (and oftentimes, destructive forms of desire).

Our Goddess rules over both - the question is what route humans want to take and what their spiritual level is. In the East, Inanna is both a war and love Goddess. Love unites, while War divides. In all cultures of our Goddess (we encapsulate all of them) the theme is similar. It's the power of Aphrodite that is the high elevated notion of love, but have you seen a lover in anger, and how much hate they can have? These are two faces of the same coin. We choose which face we are in, based on our level of advancement. It's always better to be on the bright side, but darkness has a valid existence in life that can never be negotiated. When we learn about the darkness a fair deal, we understand that life cannot run on it, but we still revere and respect it.

Understanding the above, you will understand further that now, while we shift the focus to higher things and the bright side, we in fact do respect still and adore also the side of the darkness. The Initiate of Zevism is bound to become a master of both, as cases require this. For the power of the light, can also become a solar flare of destruction in front of the wrongdoers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP HoodedCobra666, I think maybe this sermon of yours is helpful to me exactly now. For something really important. Thank you just in case. And in any case thank you anyway because this is fundamental knowledge.
This post make me understand better why the enemy is scared of them, they fear their dark side.
HP HoodedCobra666, I think maybe this sermon of yours is helpful to me exactly now. For something really important. Thank you just in case. And in any case thank you anyway because this is fundamental knowledge.

Thank you very much brother. If I might ask, the picture of your signature is just huge. We understand making a statement, but can you please reduce it in size or make something more horizontal. We will see if we should put a limit on the size, as some people put huge signatures that capture the whole screen.
Thank you very much brother. If I might ask, the picture of your signature is just huge. We understand making a statement, but can you please reduce it in size or make something more horizontal. We will see if we should put a limit on the size, as some people put huge signatures that capture the whole screen.

Of course HP! I'll delete it now and when I can find another one. Thank you!
In Zevism, we have made certain advancements in knowledge. To understand further these changes, read on with this post.

In the Ancient Original religion, the Gods are eternal beings that are versed in both the arts of Light but also Darkness. Both of these forces, are represented and mastered by the Gods. Knowledge and wisdom, will bring someone in the crossroads between of what we call evil and good, creation and destruction. Both of these aspects are integral to learn in order to advance spiritually. The principal notion the Gods follow is the Agatho or to be Noble. However, in order to be Noble and a bringer of Justice, one might have to engage in both creative and destructive procedures, especially where injustice is concerned. One cannot even out injustice without the capacity to be destructive and destruction is as necessary to existence as creation.

As the followers of the Gods are beings in the Path of the Godhead, mastery and understanding of both sides is required so one "knows about Good and Evil", exactly as the enemy complains in their doctrine that humanity done after the "Serpent Awakened them". The Serpent or the Kundalini force, can be used both destructively and protectively, it's up to the Initiate to exercise judgement and be a noble being like the Gods, and know when to put the sword out of the case (metaphorically) and where to keep it inside or use it to hunt to feed the people.

Our Gods, do have two aspects; one is called Chtonic or "Underworldly" aspect. This aspect is their dark aspect, falsely correlated with evil. For example, Apollo, was known as both the God of light, but also the God that can send plagues and massive diseases or illnesses. The basis of judgement upon which they act, is the basis of Justice. The Gods can cause both great elevation and great harm, and on which side each and everyone is on, is largely dependent on the degree of how noble they are.

When it comes to people who are noble, the Gods show their positive face or their "Heavenly face". To the wrongdoers, they will see the other face. Their other face is also possible to be invoked in Rituals, especially where great injustice is taking place. The Gods can and will enforce that Justice.

The "Uranian" or "Heavenly aspect" is the aspect of goodness, kindness, creation, elevation and all the positive things of existence. This aspect is reserved for those who follow the Path and they are Initiated in the ways of the Good. But the Gods are very explicit over the topic, that this face is shown to the innocent, the good people and those who deserve it. Violators of the Gods, wrongdoers and manifestors of disasters, do get to face the Chtonic aspect which is the aspect of torment.

These will also be updated in the Temple of Zeus going forward, so everyone will know both sides of the story. The world needs light and positivity, but there is a long way down for souls that want to corrupt themselves and others - the abyss can get very deep for them. Not for us, so we are moving on from this topic.

Every Initiate of the Gods does have a Guardian and presiding Daemon that is supposed to grow them, protect them through the landmass of the andrapoda, and facilitate their spiritual growth and survival in the world. Our world however, is not always a good and just world, as humans act in many ways that require disciplinary force to set them straight in many examples. For these cases, the Gods do have their Chtonic aspects which can be of devastating power against wrongdoers. If anyone has been falsely attacked, slandered, stolen from, or had actions that are of evil nature and called upon their Guardian Daemon or a God, and the offender was shattered shortly afterward, they know firsthand of what I mean by the application of Justice.

As we move on from the prior aesthetics which focused mostly on darkness, this does not mean that "darkness" is not something we have, or that we will master, going forward. Darkness is very necessary in existence and a part of it. Our Gods have reiterated that there will be a time where these procedures will no longer be necessary, a time where humanity will be wise and therefore, not engage in evil. This time, is not yet. We should do our best to be good with people and not perpetuate evil in the world, as the world is rife with evil already. Therefore, as we grow in power, we must choose the path of goodness, as evil does only produce destruction which past a point is also meaningless. I underline the word MEANING here, as meaning is related to purpose and the purpose of existence and life, is to advance.

Yet, speaking of Chtonic or Underwordly aspects, the Gods do have these also. There are Daemons that specialize in setting humanity straight, to say the least. Zeus was also well known of having more than one aspects. While Zeus as a Name, relates to unity and bringing everything together, Dias deals with an aspect of division and severing things in half - Zinas, another name of Zeus, deals with life itself. The reason our God has 3 Names, is related to the cyclical notion of life.

While we do not approve of the opinions of the enemy and consider them empty, our head God's history is important to also study and be known. Our God Zeus, has been carried into enemy context. We know about this. In that context, regardless, he had two faces: The "Devil", the "Prince of Darkness" and "Evil". What the enemy did also, was to repress his positive side, which they frankly do admit was called "Lucifer", meaning the Light Bringer. A positive and a negative aspect is present, does also exist in the context of the enemy. This is nothing new and is in accordance to the eternal culture that predated the enemy's abominations and misappropriations.

Now, in the Goetia [work based on the Medieval interpretations of the Gods], there are certain Names of the Gods that are different from their well known, global names in the Ancient Cultures. These were perverted by the enemy abrahamic sects, but they will not be removed from the Temple of Zeus and will be mentioned referrentially. These were traditionally associated with "Demons" and confused as negative aspects of the Gods. They will just be put in proper context from now on. Their proper context is that they also represent magickal words of power, too. While they will be secondary Names, it does not mean the "darkness" or the "dark aesthetic" is going away. It means that it's not central.

Moving forward about the Gods, an example is Aphrodite: Aphrodite has the aspect of the "Urania Aphrodite" or the "Heavenly Aphrodite". In that aspect, she represents elevation of the soul through beauty, understanding the beauty of spirituality and ascent, high level of passion and sexuality of the highest level. "Aphrodite Pandemos" or "Chtonia Aphrodite" is the Cthonic aspect of Aphrodite which is related to deep passions, carnal passion, or desire (and oftentimes, destructive forms of desire).

Our Goddess rules over both - the question is what route humans want to take and what their spiritual level is. In the East, Inanna is both a war and love Goddess. Love unites, while War divides. In all cultures of our Goddess (we encapsulate all of them) the theme is similar. It's the power of Aphrodite that is the high elevated notion of love, but have you seen a lover in anger, and how much hate they can have? These are two faces of the same coin. We choose which face we are in, based on our level of advancement. It's always better to be on the bright side, but darkness has a valid existence in life that can never be negotiated. When we learn about the darkness a fair deal, we understand that life cannot run on it, but we still revere and respect it.

Understanding the above, you will understand further that now, while we shift the focus to higher things and the bright side, we in fact do respect still and adore also the side of the darkness. The Initiate of Zevism is bound to become a master of both, as cases require this. For the power of the light, can also become a solar flare of destruction in front of the wrongdoers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you very much for this sermon High Priest!
I had read about this topic in some books and it is a topic that fascinates me very much.
The fact that Gods possess a dark and a celestial side is just perfect and right.
Thank you again!
We can take this example given some time ago by the High Priest, I think it fits perfectly.

The Feminine Force, Astarte and Lilith

"Astarte is more symbolic of the "Feminine of Light", i.e. Demeter, Athena and so on, while Lilith represents the "Dark Feminine" or the Occult; Hecate for example."

Both necessary for existence move in a dual relationship.
Thank you so much for this further clarification, as answers to other questions were in other posts as well. I believe the light and dark aspects of the Gods have always been known to us and ..yes our guardians do protect us. Two people in my case ended up being unalived one of which I believe Lord Apollo might have inflicted disease apon that eventually determined the end. The other had a violent accident 3 days after treating me in a way that has a deep negative lasting psychological effect on me back then. I called apon no one and magically did not even lift a finger.

When it comes to people at work they end up apologizing or have trouble come to them almost every single time, one being recent. When I was taken advantage of financially when my car was totaled during a Saturn square I was lead to a book called the purpose driven knife. I was inspired and took revenge which I am sure had an effect.

The God will look out for you with our you even calling out to them but will also lead you to means to stand up for your own self.

I am glad for us always becoming ever closer to the Gods. Whatever we must call ourselves or names we know them by I am sure they always lead to the truth. They are real and they care. The Gods have looked out for me when no one else would and I can't thank them enough.
In Zevism, we have made certain advancements in knowledge. To understand further these changes, read on with this post.

In the Ancient Original religion, the Gods are eternal beings that are versed in both the arts of Light but also Darkness. Both of these forces, are represented and mastered by the Gods. Knowledge and wisdom, will bring someone in the crossroads between of what we call evil and good, creation and destruction. Both of these aspects are integral to learn in order to advance spiritually. The principal notion the Gods follow is the Agatho or to be Noble. However, in order to be Noble and a bringer of Justice, one might have to engage in both creative and destructive procedures, especially where injustice is concerned. One cannot even out injustice without the capacity to be destructive and destruction is as necessary to existence as creation.

As the followers of the Gods are beings in the Path of the Godhead, mastery and understanding of both sides is required so one "knows about Good and Evil", exactly as the enemy complains in their doctrine that humanity done after the "Serpent Awakened them". The Serpent or the Kundalini force, can be used both destructively and protectively, it's up to the Initiate to exercise judgement and be a noble being like the Gods, and know when to put the sword out of the case (metaphorically) and where to keep it inside or use it to hunt to feed the people.

Our Gods, do have two aspects; one is called Chtonic or "Underworldly" aspect. This aspect is their dark aspect, falsely correlated with evil. For example, Apollo, was known as both the God of light, but also the God that can send plagues and massive diseases or illnesses. The basis of judgement upon which they act, is the basis of Justice. The Gods can cause both great elevation and great harm, and on which side each and everyone is on, is largely dependent on the degree of how noble they are.

When it comes to people who are noble, the Gods show their positive face or their "Heavenly face". To the wrongdoers, they will see the other face. Their other face is also possible to be invoked in Rituals, especially where great injustice is taking place. The Gods can and will enforce that Justice.

The "Uranian" or "Heavenly aspect" is the aspect of goodness, kindness, creation, elevation and all the positive things of existence. This aspect is reserved for those who follow the Path and they are Initiated in the ways of the Good. But the Gods are very explicit over the topic, that this face is shown to the innocent, the good people and those who deserve it. Violators of the Gods, wrongdoers and manifestors of disasters, do get to face the Chtonic aspect which is the aspect of torment.

These will also be updated in the Temple of Zeus going forward, so everyone will know both sides of the story. The world needs light and positivity, but there is a long way down for souls that want to corrupt themselves and others - the abyss can get very deep for them. Not for us, so we are moving on from this topic.

Every Initiate of the Gods does have a Guardian and presiding Daemon that is supposed to grow them, protect them through the landmass of the andrapoda, and facilitate their spiritual growth and survival in the world. Our world however, is not always a good and just world, as humans act in many ways that require disciplinary force to set them straight in many examples. For these cases, the Gods do have their Chtonic aspects which can be of devastating power against wrongdoers. If anyone has been falsely attacked, slandered, stolen from, or had actions that are of evil nature and called upon their Guardian Daemon or a God, and the offender was shattered shortly afterward, they know firsthand of what I mean by the application of Justice.

As we move on from the prior aesthetics which focused mostly on darkness, this does not mean that "darkness" is not something we have, or that we will master, going forward. Darkness is very necessary in existence and a part of it. Our Gods have reiterated that there will be a time where these procedures will no longer be necessary, a time where humanity will be wise and therefore, not engage in evil. This time, is not yet. We should do our best to be good with people and not perpetuate evil in the world, as the world is rife with evil already. Therefore, as we grow in power, we must choose the path of goodness, as evil does only produce destruction which past a point is also meaningless. I underline the word MEANING here, as meaning is related to purpose and the purpose of existence and life, is to advance.

Yet, speaking of Chtonic or Underwordly aspects, the Gods do have these also. There are Daemons that specialize in setting humanity straight, to say the least. Zeus was also well known of having more than one aspects. While Zeus as a Name, relates to unity and bringing everything together, Dias deals with an aspect of division and severing things in half - Zinas, another name of Zeus, deals with life itself. The reason our God has 3 Names, is related to the cyclical notion of life.

While we do not approve of the opinions of the enemy and consider them empty, our head God's history is important to also study and be known. Our God Zeus, has been carried into enemy context. We know about this. In that context, regardless, he had two faces: The "Devil", the "Prince of Darkness" and "Evil". What the enemy did also, was to repress his positive side, which they frankly do admit was called "Lucifer", meaning the Light Bringer. A positive and a negative aspect is present, does also exist in the context of the enemy. This is nothing new and is in accordance to the eternal culture that predated the enemy's abominations and misappropriations.

Now, in the Goetia [work based on the Medieval interpretations of the Gods], there are certain Names of the Gods that are different from their well known, global names in the Ancient Cultures. These were perverted by the enemy abrahamic sects, but they will not be removed from the Temple of Zeus and will be mentioned referrentially. These were traditionally associated with "Demons" and confused as negative aspects of the Gods. They will just be put in proper context from now on. Their proper context is that they also represent magickal words of power, too. While they will be secondary Names, it does not mean the "darkness" or the "dark aesthetic" is going away. It means that it's not central.

Moving forward about the Gods, an example is Aphrodite: Aphrodite has the aspect of the "Urania Aphrodite" or the "Heavenly Aphrodite". In that aspect, she represents elevation of the soul through beauty, understanding the beauty of spirituality and ascent, high level of passion and sexuality of the highest level. "Aphrodite Pandemos" or "Chtonia Aphrodite" is the Cthonic aspect of Aphrodite which is related to deep passions, carnal passion, or desire (and oftentimes, destructive forms of desire).

Our Goddess rules over both - the question is what route humans want to take and what their spiritual level is. In the East, Inanna is both a war and love Goddess. Love unites, while War divides. In all cultures of our Goddess (we encapsulate all of them) the theme is similar. It's the power of Aphrodite that is the high elevated notion of love, but have you seen a lover in anger, and how much hate they can have? These are two faces of the same coin. We choose which face we are in, based on our level of advancement. It's always better to be on the bright side, but darkness has a valid existence in life that can never be negotiated. When we learn about the darkness a fair deal, we understand that life cannot run on it, but we still revere and respect it.

Understanding the above, you will understand further that now, while we shift the focus to higher things and the bright side, we in fact do respect still and adore also the side of the darkness. The Initiate of Zevism is bound to become a master of both, as cases require this. For the power of the light, can also become a solar flare of destruction in front of the wrongdoers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I enjoyed this Sermon and appreciate
it I think the light of the Gods I invite
within my soul and mind to learn there ways
By the Ways of this temple !!!!
Hail Zues and the Gods and goddesses
In Zevism, we have made certain advancements in knowledge. To understand further these changes, read on with this post.

In the Ancient Original religion, the Gods are eternal beings that are versed in both the arts of Light but also Darkness. Both of these forces, are represented and mastered by the Gods. Knowledge and wisdom, will bring someone in the crossroads between of what we call evil and good, creation and destruction. Both of these aspects are integral to learn in order to advance spiritually. The principal notion the Gods follow is the Agatho or to be Noble. However, in order to be Noble and a bringer of Justice, one might have to engage in both creative and destructive procedures, especially where injustice is concerned. One cannot even out injustice without the capacity to be destructive and destruction is as necessary to existence as creation.

As the followers of the Gods are beings in the Path of the Godhead, mastery and understanding of both sides is required so one "knows about Good and Evil", exactly as the enemy complains in their doctrine that humanity done after the "Serpent Awakened them". The Serpent or the Kundalini force, can be used both destructively and protectively, it's up to the Initiate to exercise judgement and be a noble being like the Gods, and know when to put the sword out of the case (metaphorically) and where to keep it inside or use it to hunt to feed the people.

Our Gods, do have two aspects; one is called Chtonic or "Underworldly" aspect. This aspect is their dark aspect, falsely correlated with evil. For example, Apollo, was known as both the God of light, but also the God that can send plagues and massive diseases or illnesses. The basis of judgement upon which they act, is the basis of Justice. The Gods can cause both great elevation and great harm, and on which side each and everyone is on, is largely dependent on the degree of how noble they are.

When it comes to people who are noble, the Gods show their positive face or their "Heavenly face". To the wrongdoers, they will see the other face. Their other face is also possible to be invoked in Rituals, especially where great injustice is taking place. The Gods can and will enforce that Justice.

The "Uranian" or "Heavenly aspect" is the aspect of goodness, kindness, creation, elevation and all the positive things of existence. This aspect is reserved for those who follow the Path and they are Initiated in the ways of the Good. But the Gods are very explicit over the topic, that this face is shown to the innocent, the good people and those who deserve it. Violators of the Gods, wrongdoers and manifestors of disasters, do get to face the Chtonic aspect which is the aspect of torment.

These will also be updated in the Temple of Zeus going forward, so everyone will know both sides of the story. The world needs light and positivity, but there is a long way down for souls that want to corrupt themselves and others - the abyss can get very deep for them. Not for us, so we are moving on from this topic.

Every Initiate of the Gods does have a Guardian and presiding Daemon that is supposed to grow them, protect them through the landmass of the andrapoda, and facilitate their spiritual growth and survival in the world. Our world however, is not always a good and just world, as humans act in many ways that require disciplinary force to set them straight in many examples. For these cases, the Gods do have their Chtonic aspects which can be of devastating power against wrongdoers. If anyone has been falsely attacked, slandered, stolen from, or had actions that are of evil nature and called upon their Guardian Daemon or a God, and the offender was shattered shortly afterward, they know firsthand of what I mean by the application of Justice.

As we move on from the prior aesthetics which focused mostly on darkness, this does not mean that "darkness" is not something we have, or that we will master, going forward. Darkness is very necessary in existence and a part of it. Our Gods have reiterated that there will be a time where these procedures will no longer be necessary, a time where humanity will be wise and therefore, not engage in evil. This time, is not yet. We should do our best to be good with people and not perpetuate evil in the world, as the world is rife with evil already. Therefore, as we grow in power, we must choose the path of goodness, as evil does only produce destruction which past a point is also meaningless. I underline the word MEANING here, as meaning is related to purpose and the purpose of existence and life, is to advance.

Yet, speaking of Chtonic or Underwordly aspects, the Gods do have these also. There are Daemons that specialize in setting humanity straight, to say the least. Zeus was also well known of having more than one aspects. While Zeus as a Name, relates to unity and bringing everything together, Dias deals with an aspect of division and severing things in half - Zinas, another name of Zeus, deals with life itself. The reason our God has 3 Names, is related to the cyclical notion of life.

While we do not approve of the opinions of the enemy and consider them empty, our head God's history is important to also study and be known. Our God Zeus, has been carried into enemy context. We know about this. In that context, regardless, he had two faces: The "Devil", the "Prince of Darkness" and "Evil". What the enemy did also, was to repress his positive side, which they frankly do admit was called "Lucifer", meaning the Light Bringer. A positive and a negative aspect is present, does also exist in the context of the enemy. This is nothing new and is in accordance to the eternal culture that predated the enemy's abominations and misappropriations.

Now, in the Goetia [work based on the Medieval interpretations of the Gods], there are certain Names of the Gods that are different from their well known, global names in the Ancient Cultures. These were perverted by the enemy abrahamic sects, but they will not be removed from the Temple of Zeus and will be mentioned referrentially. These were traditionally associated with "Demons" and confused as negative aspects of the Gods. They will just be put in proper context from now on. Their proper context is that they also represent magickal words of power, too. While they will be secondary Names, it does not mean the "darkness" or the "dark aesthetic" is going away. It means that it's not central.

Moving forward about the Gods, an example is Aphrodite: Aphrodite has the aspect of the "Urania Aphrodite" or the "Heavenly Aphrodite". In that aspect, she represents elevation of the soul through beauty, understanding the beauty of spirituality and ascent, high level of passion and sexuality of the highest level. "Aphrodite Pandemos" or "Chtonia Aphrodite" is the Cthonic aspect of Aphrodite which is related to deep passions, carnal passion, or desire (and oftentimes, destructive forms of desire).

Our Goddess rules over both - the question is what route humans want to take and what their spiritual level is. In the East, Inanna is both a war and love Goddess. Love unites, while War divides. In all cultures of our Goddess (we encapsulate all of them) the theme is similar. It's the power of Aphrodite that is the high elevated notion of love, but have you seen a lover in anger, and how much hate they can have? These are two faces of the same coin. We choose which face we are in, based on our level of advancement. It's always better to be on the bright side, but darkness has a valid existence in life that can never be negotiated. When we learn about the darkness a fair deal, we understand that life cannot run on it, but we still revere and respect it.

Understanding the above, you will understand further that now, while we shift the focus to higher things and the bright side, we in fact do respect still and adore also the side of the darkness. The Initiate of Zevism is bound to become a master of both, as cases require this. For the power of the light, can also become a solar flare of destruction in front of the wrongdoers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This post is simply Gorgeous :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:(y)

I recommend as often as possible: https://zeusisgod.org/Astarte_virtue_2


The reconstruction of the Artemision (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_of_Artemis):


True. As we have to accept and understand emotions, so we must accept and understand our instincts. Aggressiveness is one of them. Humans need it to survive, to defend themselves against attacks. Remove it, and we go towards extinction.

It is pointless to be beings of pure creation if there is someone else who keeps destroying what we do. Therefore, we need to switch to our "Chtonic" side and defend ourselves.

But also, being too aggressive leads to destruction of ourselves and others involved.
As always, balance is key.
This post is really appreciated High Priest!
The 2 sides, I am waiting for the updates in the site.
And this....is why I prefer JoS/ToZ, let alone the LHP or the Chinese the Zuobian Dao. I'm someone who is very familiar with energy work and occultism, even before coming to JoS/ToZ, but every single spiritual group I encountered was always about "Light/Love" and etc., without giving the warning of the jealous spirits and bad people that can still "suck the Light" out of you and give you their toxic energies.

One must embrace their destructive side, the destructive and compassionate sides must both exist. Over-compassionate? One becomes a literally stomping ground. Over-destructive? One becomes a narcassist.
Thanks for the sermon, it is very necessary to explain this. There have been times where I should've used my dark side and instead I just did nothing and moved on with my life, because I thought it was the "right" thing to do. Looking back on it these people needed punishment and I should have tapped into my dark side and been much more ruthless with them. If you neglect your darker side people will walk all over you with no repercussions and you will regret it, it is necessary to be able to destroy sometimes.
这就是我更喜欢 JoS/ToZ 的原因,更不用说 LHP 或中国的左边道了。在加入 JoS/ToZ 之前,我就非常熟悉能量工作和神秘学,但我遇到的每一个精神团体总是谈论“光/爱”等,而不会警告那些嫉妒的灵魂和坏人,他们仍然可以“吸走你的光”,并给你带来有毒的能量。

What of invoking these Chthonic aspects? For instance can Hades otherwise known as Haides be used as Mantra or a means of invoking our Lord Dyeus? Perhaps as a means of empowering's ones discipline and more earthly aspect?
Would it be harmful to do so?
Hades was always known for His dutiful nature, could this be invoked or would it be harmful as it is Chthonic or does this Chthonic aspect only present harm to those whom deserve it?
Obviously the nature of the energy would be different from Zeus but would it be a harmful energy or simply a different energy at least in respect to us Zevists?
Thanks for the sermon, it is very necessary to explain this. There have been times where I should've used my dark side and instead I just did nothing and moved on with my life, because I thought it was the "right" thing to do. Looking back on it these people needed punishment and I should have tapped into my dark side and been much more ruthless with them. If you neglect your darker side people will walk all over you with no repercussions and you will regret it, it is necessary to be able to destroy sometimes.
Speaking of dark side, people with prominent Neptune or Neptune emphasis, are prone to neglect the dark side or don't know how or when to use the dark side which can result in them being taken advantage of.

Hail Zeus!!
Hail Lilith!!
Hail Andras!!
Thank you very much brother. If I might ask, the picture of your signature is just huge. We understand making a statement, but can you please reduce it in size or make something more horizontal. We will see if we should put a limit on the size, as some people put huge signatures that capture the whole screen.
Is mine ok?
In Zevism, we have made certain advancements in knowledge. To understand further these changes, read on with this post.

In the Ancient Original religion, the Gods are eternal beings that are versed in both the arts of Light but also Darkness. Both of these forces, are represented and mastered by the Gods. Knowledge and wisdom, will bring someone in the crossroads between of what we call evil and good, creation and destruction. Both of these aspects are integral to learn in order to advance spiritually. The principal notion the Gods follow is the Agatho or to be Noble. However, in order to be Noble and a bringer of Justice, one might have to engage in both creative and destructive procedures, especially where injustice is concerned. One cannot even out injustice without the capacity to be destructive and destruction is as necessary to existence as creation.

As the followers of the Gods are beings in the Path of the Godhead, mastery and understanding of both sides is required so one "knows about Good and Evil", exactly as the enemy complains in their doctrine that humanity done after the "Serpent Awakened them". The Serpent or the Kundalini force, can be used both destructively and protectively, it's up to the Initiate to exercise judgement and be a noble being like the Gods, and know when to put the sword out of the case (metaphorically) and where to keep it inside or use it to hunt to feed the people.

Our Gods, do have two aspects; one is called Chtonic or "Underworldly" aspect. This aspect is their dark aspect, falsely correlated with evil. For example, Apollo, was known as both the God of light, but also the God that can send plagues and massive diseases or illnesses. The basis of judgement upon which they act, is the basis of Justice. The Gods can cause both great elevation and great harm, and on which side each and everyone is on, is largely dependent on the degree of how noble they are.

When it comes to people who are noble, the Gods show their positive face or their "Heavenly face". To the wrongdoers, they will see the other face. Their other face is also possible to be invoked in Rituals, especially where great injustice is taking place. The Gods can and will enforce that Justice.

The "Uranian" or "Heavenly aspect" is the aspect of goodness, kindness, creation, elevation and all the positive things of existence. This aspect is reserved for those who follow the Path and they are Initiated in the ways of the Good. But the Gods are very explicit over the topic, that this face is shown to the innocent, the good people and those who deserve it. Violators of the Gods, wrongdoers and manifestors of disasters, do get to face the Chtonic aspect which is the aspect of torment.

These will also be updated in the Temple of Zeus going forward, so everyone will know both sides of the story. The world needs light and positivity, but there is a long way down for souls that want to corrupt themselves and others - the abyss can get very deep for them. Not for us, so we are moving on from this topic.

Every Initiate of the Gods does have a Guardian and presiding Daemon that is supposed to grow them, protect them through the landmass of the andrapoda, and facilitate their spiritual growth and survival in the world. Our world however, is not always a good and just world, as humans act in many ways that require disciplinary force to set them straight in many examples. For these cases, the Gods do have their Chtonic aspects which can be of devastating power against wrongdoers. If anyone has been falsely attacked, slandered, stolen from, or had actions that are of evil nature and called upon their Guardian Daemon or a God, and the offender was shattered shortly afterward, they know firsthand of what I mean by the application of Justice.

As we move on from the prior aesthetics which focused mostly on darkness, this does not mean that "darkness" is not something we have, or that we will master, going forward. Darkness is very necessary in existence and a part of it. Our Gods have reiterated that there will be a time where these procedures will no longer be necessary, a time where humanity will be wise and therefore, not engage in evil. This time, is not yet. We should do our best to be good with people and not perpetuate evil in the world, as the world is rife with evil already. Therefore, as we grow in power, we must choose the path of goodness, as evil does only produce destruction which past a point is also meaningless. I underline the word MEANING here, as meaning is related to purpose and the purpose of existence and life, is to advance.

Yet, speaking of Chtonic or Underwordly aspects, the Gods do have these also. There are Daemons that specialize in setting humanity straight, to say the least. Zeus was also well known of having more than one aspects. While Zeus as a Name, relates to unity and bringing everything together, Dias deals with an aspect of division and severing things in half - Zinas, another name of Zeus, deals with life itself. The reason our God has 3 Names, is related to the cyclical notion of life.

While we do not approve of the opinions of the enemy and consider them empty, our head God's history is important to also study and be known. Our God Zeus, has been carried into enemy context. We know about this. In that context, regardless, he had two faces: The "Devil", the "Prince of Darkness" and "Evil". What the enemy did also, was to repress his positive side, which they frankly do admit was called "Lucifer", meaning the Light Bringer. A positive and a negative aspect is present, does also exist in the context of the enemy. This is nothing new and is in accordance to the eternal culture that predated the enemy's abominations and misappropriations.

Now, in the Goetia [work based on the Medieval interpretations of the Gods], there are certain Names of the Gods that are different from their well known, global names in the Ancient Cultures. These were perverted by the enemy abrahamic sects, but they will not be removed from the Temple of Zeus and will be mentioned referrentially. These were traditionally associated with "Demons" and confused as negative aspects of the Gods. They will just be put in proper context from now on. Their proper context is that they also represent magickal words of power, too. While they will be secondary Names, it does not mean the "darkness" or the "dark aesthetic" is going away. It means that it's not central.

Moving forward about the Gods, an example is Aphrodite: Aphrodite has the aspect of the "Urania Aphrodite" or the "Heavenly Aphrodite". In that aspect, she represents elevation of the soul through beauty, understanding the beauty of spirituality and ascent, high level of passion and sexuality of the highest level. "Aphrodite Pandemos" or "Chtonia Aphrodite" is the Cthonic aspect of Aphrodite which is related to deep passions, carnal passion, or desire (and oftentimes, destructive forms of desire).

Our Goddess rules over both - the question is what route humans want to take and what their spiritual level is. In the East, Inanna is both a war and love Goddess. Love unites, while War divides. In all cultures of our Goddess (we encapsulate all of them) the theme is similar. It's the power of Aphrodite that is the high elevated notion of love, but have you seen a lover in anger, and how much hate they can have? These are two faces of the same coin. We choose which face we are in, based on our level of advancement. It's always better to be on the bright side, but darkness has a valid existence in life that can never be negotiated. When we learn about the darkness a fair deal, we understand that life cannot run on it, but we still revere and respect it.

Understanding the above, you will understand further that now, while we shift the focus to higher things and the bright side, we in fact do respect still and adore also the side of the darkness. The Initiate of Zevism is bound to become a master of both, as cases require this. For the power of the light, can also become a solar flare of destruction in front of the wrongdoers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Are we gonna use all the Gods &Goddesses like Nemesis
Hades & Persephone Eros
Dionyuis, Gaia
Well the list goes on I've worked
With a bunch of them before
Speaking of dark side, people with prominent Neptune or Neptune emphasis, are prone to neglect the dark side or don't know how or when to use the dark side which can result in them being taken advantage of.

Hail Zeus!!
Hail Lilith!!
Hail Andras!!
Well that explains it then, I have a prominent Neptune placement. This has been a recurring theme in my life where I show to much mercy at the wrong time, then it comes back to haunt me.
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In Zevism, we have made certain advancements in knowledge. To understand further these changes, read on with this post.

In the Ancient Original religion, the Gods are eternal beings that are versed in both the arts of Light but also Darkness. Both of these forces, are represented and mastered by the Gods. Knowledge and wisdom, will bring someone in the crossroads between of what we call evil and good, creation and destruction. Both of these aspects are integral to learn in order to advance spiritually. The principal notion the Gods follow is the Agatho or to be Noble. However, in order to be Noble and a bringer of Justice, one might have to engage in both creative and destructive procedures, especially where injustice is concerned. One cannot even out injustice without the capacity to be destructive and destruction is as necessary to existence as creation.

As the followers of the Gods are beings in the Path of the Godhead, mastery and understanding of both sides is required so one "knows about Good and Evil", exactly as the enemy complains in their doctrine that humanity done after the "Serpent Awakened them". The Serpent or the Kundalini force, can be used both destructively and protectively, it's up to the Initiate to exercise judgement and be a noble being like the Gods, and know when to put the sword out of the case (metaphorically) and where to keep it inside or use it to hunt to feed the people.

Our Gods, do have two aspects; one is called Chtonic or "Underworldly" aspect. This aspect is their dark aspect, falsely correlated with evil. For example, Apollo, was known as both the God of light, but also the God that can send plagues and massive diseases or illnesses. The basis of judgement upon which they act, is the basis of Justice. The Gods can cause both great elevation and great harm, and on which side each and everyone is on, is largely dependent on the degree of how noble they are.

When it comes to people who are noble, the Gods show their positive face or their "Heavenly face". To the wrongdoers, they will see the other face. Their other face is also possible to be invoked in Rituals, especially where great injustice is taking place. The Gods can and will enforce that Justice.

The "Uranian" or "Heavenly aspect" is the aspect of goodness, kindness, creation, elevation and all the positive things of existence. This aspect is reserved for those who follow the Path and they are Initiated in the ways of the Good. But the Gods are very explicit over the topic, that this face is shown to the innocent, the good people and those who deserve it. Violators of the Gods, wrongdoers and manifestors of disasters, do get to face the Chtonic aspect which is the aspect of torment.

These will also be updated in the Temple of Zeus going forward, so everyone will know both sides of the story. The world needs light and positivity, but there is a long way down for souls that want to corrupt themselves and others - the abyss can get very deep for them. Not for us, so we are moving on from this topic.

Every Initiate of the Gods does have a Guardian and presiding Daemon that is supposed to grow them, protect them through the landmass of the andrapoda, and facilitate their spiritual growth and survival in the world. Our world however, is not always a good and just world, as humans act in many ways that require disciplinary force to set them straight in many examples. For these cases, the Gods do have their Chtonic aspects which can be of devastating power against wrongdoers. If anyone has been falsely attacked, slandered, stolen from, or had actions that are of evil nature and called upon their Guardian Daemon or a God, and the offender was shattered shortly afterward, they know firsthand of what I mean by the application of Justice.

As we move on from the prior aesthetics which focused mostly on darkness, this does not mean that "darkness" is not something we have, or that we will master, going forward. Darkness is very necessary in existence and a part of it. Our Gods have reiterated that there will be a time where these procedures will no longer be necessary, a time where humanity will be wise and therefore, not engage in evil. This time, is not yet. We should do our best to be good with people and not perpetuate evil in the world, as the world is rife with evil already. Therefore, as we grow in power, we must choose the path of goodness, as evil does only produce destruction which past a point is also meaningless. I underline the word MEANING here, as meaning is related to purpose and the purpose of existence and life, is to advance.

Yet, speaking of Chtonic or Underwordly aspects, the Gods do have these also. There are Daemons that specialize in setting humanity straight, to say the least. Zeus was also well known of having more than one aspects. While Zeus as a Name, relates to unity and bringing everything together, Dias deals with an aspect of division and severing things in half - Zinas, another name of Zeus, deals with life itself. The reason our God has 3 Names, is related to the cyclical notion of life.

While we do not approve of the opinions of the enemy and consider them empty, our head God's history is important to also study and be known. Our God Zeus, has been carried into enemy context. We know about this. In that context, regardless, he had two faces: The "Devil", the "Prince of Darkness" and "Evil". What the enemy did also, was to repress his positive side, which they frankly do admit was called "Lucifer", meaning the Light Bringer. A positive and a negative aspect is present, does also exist in the context of the enemy. This is nothing new and is in accordance to the eternal culture that predated the enemy's abominations and misappropriations.

Now, in the Goetia [work based on the Medieval interpretations of the Gods], there are certain Names of the Gods that are different from their well known, global names in the Ancient Cultures. These were perverted by the enemy abrahamic sects, but they will not be removed from the Temple of Zeus and will be mentioned referrentially. These were traditionally associated with "Demons" and confused as negative aspects of the Gods. They will just be put in proper context from now on. Their proper context is that they also represent magickal words of power, too. While they will be secondary Names, it does not mean the "darkness" or the "dark aesthetic" is going away. It means that it's not central.

Moving forward about the Gods, an example is Aphrodite: Aphrodite has the aspect of the "Urania Aphrodite" or the "Heavenly Aphrodite". In that aspect, she represents elevation of the soul through beauty, understanding the beauty of spirituality and ascent, high level of passion and sexuality of the highest level. "Aphrodite Pandemos" or "Chtonia Aphrodite" is the Cthonic aspect of Aphrodite which is related to deep passions, carnal passion, or desire (and oftentimes, destructive forms of desire).

Our Goddess rules over both - the question is what route humans want to take and what their spiritual level is. In the East, Inanna is both a war and love Goddess. Love unites, while War divides. In all cultures of our Goddess (we encapsulate all of them) the theme is similar. It's the power of Aphrodite that is the high elevated notion of love, but have you seen a lover in anger, and how much hate they can have? These are two faces of the same coin. We choose which face we are in, based on our level of advancement. It's always better to be on the bright side, but darkness has a valid existence in life that can never be negotiated. When we learn about the darkness a fair deal, we understand that life cannot run on it, but we still revere and respect it.

Understanding the above, you will understand further that now, while we shift the focus to higher things and the bright side, we in fact do respect still and adore also the side of the darkness. The Initiate of Zevism is bound to become a master of both, as cases require this. For the power of the light, can also become a solar flare of destruction in front of the wrongdoers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I remember i saw jew named jonathon cahn saying that zeus is satan which really make sense now, i really appreciate your work hp hooded cobra thank you soo much !❤️

I wish The world is turning to our side sooner or later.
I remember i saw jew named jonathon cahn saying that zeus is satan which really make sense now, i really appreciate your work hp hooded cobra thank you soo much !❤️

I wish The world is turning to our side sooner or later.

Of course, Jews and Rabbis know very well what I wrote here. It's our people that had to know it too. Jews are very aware of this.

That makes sense.

To translate what he said, he basically said that these are the "light-worker mysticism", a kike program.
Thank you again High Priest, for your wise and powerful words that impact us. The two sides complement each other; although light dominates, darkness is inevitable and must be mastered. Unlike Christians who let things happen and allow thousands of people to suffer by calling them sinners, we IMPOSE justice and make it prevail so that it does not happen again.
In Zevism, we have made certain advancements in knowledge. To understand further these changes, read on with this post.

In the Ancient Original religion, the Gods are eternal beings that are versed in both the arts of Light but also Darkness. Both of these forces, are represented and mastered by the Gods. Knowledge and wisdom, will bring someone in the crossroads between of what we call evil and good, creation and destruction. Both of these aspects are integral to learn in order to advance spiritually. The principal notion the Gods follow is the Agatho or to be Noble. However, in order to be Noble and a bringer of Justice, one might have to engage in both creative and destructive procedures, especially where injustice is concerned. One cannot even out injustice without the capacity to be destructive and destruction is as necessary to existence as creation.

As the followers of the Gods are beings in the Path of the Godhead, mastery and understanding of both sides is required so one "knows about Good and Evil", exactly as the enemy complains in their doctrine that humanity done after the "Serpent Awakened them". The Serpent or the Kundalini force, can be used both destructively and protectively, it's up to the Initiate to exercise judgement and be a noble being like the Gods, and know when to put the sword out of the case (metaphorically) and where to keep it inside or use it to hunt to feed the people.

Our Gods, do have two aspects; one is called Chtonic or "Underworldly" aspect. This aspect is their dark aspect, falsely correlated with evil. For example, Apollo, was known as both the God of light, but also the God that can send plagues and massive diseases or illnesses. The basis of judgement upon which they act, is the basis of Justice. The Gods can cause both great elevation and great harm, and on which side each and everyone is on, is largely dependent on the degree of how noble they are.

When it comes to people who are noble, the Gods show their positive face or their "Heavenly face". To the wrongdoers, they will see the other face. Their other face is also possible to be invoked in Rituals, especially where great injustice is taking place. The Gods can and will enforce that Justice.

The "Uranian" or "Heavenly aspect" is the aspect of goodness, kindness, creation, elevation and all the positive things of existence. This aspect is reserved for those who follow the Path and they are Initiated in the ways of the Good. But the Gods are very explicit over the topic, that this face is shown to the innocent, the good people and those who deserve it. Violators of the Gods, wrongdoers and manifestors of disasters, do get to face the Chtonic aspect which is the aspect of torment.

These will also be updated in the Temple of Zeus going forward, so everyone will know both sides of the story. The world needs light and positivity, but there is a long way down for souls that want to corrupt themselves and others - the abyss can get very deep for them. Not for us, so we are moving on from this topic.

Every Initiate of the Gods does have a Guardian and presiding Daemon that is supposed to grow them, protect them through the landmass of the andrapoda, and facilitate their spiritual growth and survival in the world. Our world however, is not always a good and just world, as humans act in many ways that require disciplinary force to set them straight in many examples. For these cases, the Gods do have their Chtonic aspects which can be of devastating power against wrongdoers. If anyone has been falsely attacked, slandered, stolen from, or had actions that are of evil nature and called upon their Guardian Daemon or a God, and the offender was shattered shortly afterward, they know firsthand of what I mean by the application of Justice.

As we move on from the prior aesthetics which focused mostly on darkness, this does not mean that "darkness" is not something we have, or that we will master, going forward. Darkness is very necessary in existence and a part of it. Our Gods have reiterated that there will be a time where these procedures will no longer be necessary, a time where humanity will be wise and therefore, not engage in evil. This time, is not yet. We should do our best to be good with people and not perpetuate evil in the world, as the world is rife with evil already. Therefore, as we grow in power, we must choose the path of goodness, as evil does only produce destruction which past a point is also meaningless. I underline the word MEANING here, as meaning is related to purpose and the purpose of existence and life, is to advance.

Yet, speaking of Chtonic or Underwordly aspects, the Gods do have these also. There are Daemons that specialize in setting humanity straight, to say the least. Zeus was also well known of having more than one aspects. While Zeus as a Name, relates to unity and bringing everything together, Dias deals with an aspect of division and severing things in half - Zinas, another name of Zeus, deals with life itself. The reason our God has 3 Names, is related to the cyclical notion of life.

While we do not approve of the opinions of the enemy and consider them empty, our head God's history is important to also study and be known. Our God Zeus, has been carried into enemy context. We know about this. In that context, regardless, he had two faces: The "Devil", the "Prince of Darkness" and "Evil". What the enemy did also, was to repress his positive side, which they frankly do admit was called "Lucifer", meaning the Light Bringer. A positive and a negative aspect is present, does also exist in the context of the enemy. This is nothing new and is in accordance to the eternal culture that predated the enemy's abominations and misappropriations.

Now, in the Goetia [work based on the Medieval interpretations of the Gods], there are certain Names of the Gods that are different from their well known, global names in the Ancient Cultures. These were perverted by the enemy abrahamic sects, but they will not be removed from the Temple of Zeus and will be mentioned referrentially. These were traditionally associated with "Demons" and confused as negative aspects of the Gods. They will just be put in proper context from now on. Their proper context is that they also represent magickal words of power, too. While they will be secondary Names, it does not mean the "darkness" or the "dark aesthetic" is going away. It means that it's not central.

Moving forward about the Gods, an example is Aphrodite: Aphrodite has the aspect of the "Urania Aphrodite" or the "Heavenly Aphrodite". In that aspect, she represents elevation of the soul through beauty, understanding the beauty of spirituality and ascent, high level of passion and sexuality of the highest level. "Aphrodite Pandemos" or "Chtonia Aphrodite" is the Cthonic aspect of Aphrodite which is related to deep passions, carnal passion, or desire (and oftentimes, destructive forms of desire).

Our Goddess rules over both - the question is what route humans want to take and what their spiritual level is. In the East, Inanna is both a war and love Goddess. Love unites, while War divides. In all cultures of our Goddess (we encapsulate all of them) the theme is similar. It's the power of Aphrodite that is the high elevated notion of love, but have you seen a lover in anger, and how much hate they can have? These are two faces of the same coin. We choose which face we are in, based on our level of advancement. It's always better to be on the bright side, but darkness has a valid existence in life that can never be negotiated. When we learn about the darkness a fair deal, we understand that life cannot run on it, but we still revere and respect it.

Understanding the above, you will understand further that now, while we shift the focus to higher things and the bright side, we in fact do respect still and adore also the side of the darkness. The Initiate of Zevism is bound to become a master of both, as cases require this. For the power of the light, can also become a solar flare of destruction in front of the wrongdoers.

Of course, Jews and Rabbis know very well what I wrote here. It's our people that had to know it too. Jews are very aware of this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
In the Demon section, the Gods are listed as being either day Demons or night Demons. Does this distinction between day and night also reflect whether a particular Demon is more heavenly or more cthonic?
In Zevism, we have made certain advancements in knowledge. To understand further these changes, read on with this post.

In the Ancient Original religion, the Gods are eternal beings that are versed in both the arts of Light but also Darkness. Both of these forces, are represented and mastered by the Gods. Knowledge and wisdom, will bring someone in the crossroads between of what we call evil and good, creation and destruction. Both of these aspects are integral to learn in order to advance spiritually. The principal notion the Gods follow is the Agatho or to be Noble. However, in order to be Noble and a bringer of Justice, one might have to engage in both creative and destructive procedures, especially where injustice is concerned. One cannot even out injustice without the capacity to be destructive and destruction is as necessary to existence as creation.

As the followers of the Gods are beings in the Path of the Godhead, mastery and understanding of both sides is required so one "knows about Good and Evil", exactly as the enemy complains in their doctrine that humanity done after the "Serpent Awakened them". The Serpent or the Kundalini force, can be used both destructively and protectively, it's up to the Initiate to exercise judgement and be a noble being like the Gods, and know when to put the sword out of the case (metaphorically) and where to keep it inside or use it to hunt to feed the people.

Our Gods, do have two aspects; one is called Chtonic or "Underworldly" aspect. This aspect is their dark aspect, falsely correlated with evil. For example, Apollo, was known as both the God of light, but also the God that can send plagues and massive diseases or illnesses. The basis of judgement upon which they act, is the basis of Justice. The Gods can cause both great elevation and great harm, and on which side each and everyone is on, is largely dependent on the degree of how noble they are.

When it comes to people who are noble, the Gods show their positive face or their "Heavenly face". To the wrongdoers, they will see the other face. Their other face is also possible to be invoked in Rituals, especially where great injustice is taking place. The Gods can and will enforce that Justice.

The "Uranian" or "Heavenly aspect" is the aspect of goodness, kindness, creation, elevation and all the positive things of existence. This aspect is reserved for those who follow the Path and they are Initiated in the ways of the Good. But the Gods are very explicit over the topic, that this face is shown to the innocent, the good people and those who deserve it. Violators of the Gods, wrongdoers and manifestors of disasters, do get to face the Chtonic aspect which is the aspect of torment.

These will also be updated in the Temple of Zeus going forward, so everyone will know both sides of the story. The world needs light and positivity, but there is a long way down for souls that want to corrupt themselves and others - the abyss can get very deep for them. Not for us, so we are moving on from this topic.

Every Initiate of the Gods does have a Guardian and presiding Daemon that is supposed to grow them, protect them through the landmass of the andrapoda, and facilitate their spiritual growth and survival in the world. Our world however, is not always a good and just world, as humans act in many ways that require disciplinary force to set them straight in many examples. For these cases, the Gods do have their Chtonic aspects which can be of devastating power against wrongdoers. If anyone has been falsely attacked, slandered, stolen from, or had actions that are of evil nature and called upon their Guardian Daemon or a God, and the offender was shattered shortly afterward, they know firsthand of what I mean by the application of Justice.

As we move on from the prior aesthetics which focused mostly on darkness, this does not mean that "darkness" is not something we have, or that we will master, going forward. Darkness is very necessary in existence and a part of it. Our Gods have reiterated that there will be a time where these procedures will no longer be necessary, a time where humanity will be wise and therefore, not engage in evil. This time, is not yet. We should do our best to be good with people and not perpetuate evil in the world, as the world is rife with evil already. Therefore, as we grow in power, we must choose the path of goodness, as evil does only produce destruction which past a point is also meaningless. I underline the word MEANING here, as meaning is related to purpose and the purpose of existence and life, is to advance.

Yet, speaking of Chtonic or Underwordly aspects, the Gods do have these also. There are Daemons that specialize in setting humanity straight, to say the least. Zeus was also well known of having more than one aspects. While Zeus as a Name, relates to unity and bringing everything together, Dias deals with an aspect of division and severing things in half - Zinas, another name of Zeus, deals with life itself. The reason our God has 3 Names, is related to the cyclical notion of life.

While we do not approve of the opinions of the enemy and consider them empty, our head God's history is important to also study and be known. Our God Zeus, has been carried into enemy context. We know about this. In that context, regardless, he had two faces: The "Devil", the "Prince of Darkness" and "Evil". What the enemy did also, was to repress his positive side, which they frankly do admit was called "Lucifer", meaning the Light Bringer. A positive and a negative aspect is present, does also exist in the context of the enemy. This is nothing new and is in accordance to the eternal culture that predated the enemy's abominations and misappropriations.

Now, in the Goetia [work based on the Medieval interpretations of the Gods], there are certain Names of the Gods that are different from their well known, global names in the Ancient Cultures. These were perverted by the enemy abrahamic sects, but they will not be removed from the Temple of Zeus and will be mentioned referrentially. These were traditionally associated with "Demons" and confused as negative aspects of the Gods. They will just be put in proper context from now on. Their proper context is that they also represent magickal words of power, too. While they will be secondary Names, it does not mean the "darkness" or the "dark aesthetic" is going away. It means that it's not central.

Moving forward about the Gods, an example is Aphrodite: Aphrodite has the aspect of the "Urania Aphrodite" or the "Heavenly Aphrodite". In that aspect, she represents elevation of the soul through beauty, understanding the beauty of spirituality and ascent, high level of passion and sexuality of the highest level. "Aphrodite Pandemos" or "Chtonia Aphrodite" is the Cthonic aspect of Aphrodite which is related to deep passions, carnal passion, or desire (and oftentimes, destructive forms of desire).

Our Goddess rules over both - the question is what route humans want to take and what their spiritual level is. In the East, Inanna is both a war and love Goddess. Love unites, while War divides. In all cultures of our Goddess (we encapsulate all of them) the theme is similar. It's the power of Aphrodite that is the high elevated notion of love, but have you seen a lover in anger, and how much hate they can have? These are two faces of the same coin. We choose which face we are in, based on our level of advancement. It's always better to be on the bright side, but darkness has a valid existence in life that can never be negotiated. When we learn about the darkness a fair deal, we understand that life cannot run on it, but we still revere and respect it.

Understanding the above, you will understand further that now, while we shift the focus to higher things and the bright side, we in fact do respect still and adore also the side of the darkness. The Initiate of Zevism is bound to become a master of both, as cases require this. For the power of the light, can also become a solar flare of destruction in front of the wrongdoers.

Of course, Jews and Rabbis know very well what I wrote here. It's our people that had to know it too. Jews are very aware of this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This was very insightful and knowlegeble. Thank you. Hail Satan.
As HPHC said, every Gods have their cthonic aspect.

I believe the day and night distinction refers to the aspect of nature or divine that the Gods rule.

For instance, there is Dark magic and Light magic. The night Daimons might lean towards the dark magic and the Day leans towards Light magic.
In the Demon section, the Gods are listed as being either day Demons or night Demons. Does this distinction between day and night also reflect whether a particular Demon is more heavenly or more cthonic?
As HPHC said, every Gods have their cthonic aspect.

I believe the day and night distinction refers to the aspect of nature or divine that the Gods rule.

For instance, there is Dark magic and Light magic. The night Daimons might lean towards the dark magic and the Day leans towards Light magic.
Even the Runes have Light and Dark aspect.

Hail Zeus!!
Hail Lilith!!
Hail Andras!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
