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Temple Of Zeus Is Now Live

About the point 10, do you mean that it's not worth studying the German Thule Society? I hadn't started yet, but I have to say it's on my to-do list. I have heard that they have developed their weapons through unprecedented spiritual discoveries. Are there better sources to receive such teachings?
The Thule Society was indeed a source of spirituality, even if Germanic mythology is not as extensive or as widely-known as its Hellenic counterpart. The Thule Society is really interesting and I do recommend you study it.
been member since yahoo group days
this is first time ever i felt strong brake and thought "wait... what?"
since i usually just accept the sermons and infos coming from current HPs as is but this one is something really raised my eye brows
i kinda understand the point and need to have changes but
this is something i feel requires a really "GOOD" explanation that even new and dummies can understand since even for old members like me, sometimes the terminologies and allegorical jargons are overwhelming for simpleton brain like me (to point i kinda hope they also make TLDR version of long sermons coz ahhh im sorry my brain just cant keep up)

however, while skeptical, i decided to just "eh, i guess ill just trust HP Hooded Cobra" and see how things goes... for now
As a web developer, I can attest that the site stands out for its attention to detail and balance between form and functionality. The layout (CSS), characterized by fluid animations and accurate thematic management, integrates perfectly with a well-orchestrated redirect system towards previous projects in multilingual versions. The presence of an intuitive search bar and a responsive design, designed for an optimal experience even on mobile devices, testify to the attention dedicated to both usability and the overall lightness of the platform. A combination of style and substance that, despite its technical choices, becomes transparent and at the service of the user, without sacrificing a modern and refined aesthetic.

In short: "it's fucking perfect!"
been member since yahoo group days
this is first time ever i felt strong brake and thought "wait... what?"
since i usually just accept the sermons and infos coming from current HPs as is but this one is something really raised my eye brows
i kinda understand the point and need to have changes but
this is something i feel requires a really "GOOD" explanation that even new and dummies can understand since even for old members like me, sometimes the terminologies and allegorical jargons are overwhelming for simpleton brain like me (to point i kinda hope they also make TLDR version of long sermons coz ahhh im sorry my brain just cant keep up)

however, while skeptical, i decided to just "eh, i guess ill just trust HP Hooded Cobra" and see how things goes... for now
To put it simply, "Baal" and "Satan" are two aspects of Zeus. They're two faces of the same God. As for the name change, it's easier to attract more people with the Name "Zeus" than the Name "Satan". Other than that, our core principles are the same.
I was offline for some time and I get welcomed with this amazing news. Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra for all the invaluable improvements you bring. You are our Amalthea, nourishing us and helping us grow.

I have prepared a transcript to make the video accessible to my community. You can use it for translation purposes, as I will do, or you can read it if you want a more complete view of the text. The following text is a 99.99% transcript of High Priest Hooded Cobra's speech. I just converted the speech into sentences and paragraphs. I also re-watched the video and verified it. Please let me know if you see any mistakes but it should be fine.


Beautiful family in the Gods, this is High Priest Hooded Cobra.

I am very pleased and very happy to be announcing to all of you that we are going to be making a few structural changes to the Joy of Satan. Of course, these changes would not in any way affect the core essence or the teachings of the Joy of Satan. And we, in fact, want to further ourselves and engage deeper into what the knowledge that the Joy of Satan has offered us for all this time.

Going further, we are going to explore certain deeper subsets of knowledge, which unfortunately, because the Joy of Satan until today was restrained in a sense by the paradigms of the enemy. In that sense, the paradigm of the Goetic, or in other words known as the Goetia, the Demons of the Goetia, which as you can hear very explicitly, this has to do a lot with the Hebrew word "Goyim", "Goyish". The word "Goyish" has to do with the goyim, how the Jews have dared to call the Gentiles, the original people of the Gods.

So in that context, we had certain limitations. To cite these limitations... The first one was the sacrilegious attack the enemy has done to the holy name of Satan: Saytan, Satyan, Satanama. And as you know, all of that derives from the core Sanskrit word "Satya", Truth, and also the ancient Egyptian word for the highest body of consciousness inside man, which is called the "Sa". So a lot of words derivate from this, such as Satan, Satanas, and all these other holy words that were supposed in a sense to be kept sacred and hidden, and not to be thrown around in the world like this, let alone be defamed, and slandered, and attacked in the same way the Jews have been doing.

This represents a very high form of sacriledge and a very high form of an attack, because as we all know the Jews have made sure to take these words and to project certain very negative and nefarious meanings upon them. This was one of the crimes they have done and the Gentiles they were left unfortunately with only ruins from their cultures. They were left only with remnants and memories; and information here and there about their own Gods, and about their spirituality, and about their ancestral roots. And this created a very big void for humanity, who coming out of the Middle Ages in its attempt to finally re-enlighten itself to return back to its original roots. It started reconstructing from the enemies' context, its own religion with whatever pieces of information we could find.

This started in the 15th century, when essentially Christianity started having the first problems, with a lot of its devoties and followers, starting to debate the Jewish power structure and the Jewish spiritual power structure and the Jewish cultural structure. When that started started happening, a lot of people; Gentiles of course, great thinkers great minds, well studied people, and of course people that had access to information about civilizations predating the Jewish lies and defamations. These people, they started joining what the enemy referred to as the Satanic or the evil side, and often times they did this from the context of the enemy. For example, a lot of people that did that were raised and born as Christians. However, upon embarking the Gods, they essentially embarked upon them within the context that was available at the time.

So, the only context that was available at the time was only for the very few, the very well studied, the very aristocratic people; that actually had some further knowledge about the subject, and they knew for example about the Egyptian Gods or they knew about the ancient Greek Gods or they knew about these things. However, this approach was not happening directly. It started happening at first, through an affinity, through a love, and through an attraction to the historical figure of what we would call Satan. This figure of the just warrior, of the rebel, of the being that stood up with defiance, to instate justice in the context of the Jewish lore. However as we know, this being extends far further and far before any Jewish lore; however, for the people of the 15th and the 16th and the 17th century, they didn't really know a lot about that.

So, a lot of them decided even in the, let's say, very tight limitations that the Christian or the even the Muslim context provided, to actually go after the Gods and try to contact them and try to find more information about them, and in a sense join the so-called Satanic or dark side. As the centuries passed and people started finding more and more information about the Gods, a resurgence started to happen because of these people, these first powerful initiates; that in their hearts and in their souls, they had such a powerful longing to be with the Gods, that they actually defied any lack of knowledge, fear of hell fire, and they also defied scientifically through scientific means the enemy, which further led humanity to proceed with excavations and research and knowledge, that eventually led humanity again, to understand and comprehend and to re-discover its own roots.

We also in the 21st century, we adopted primarily this context of Spiritual Satanism. We all of us, all of us here, we know that context was indeed a holy and a very good and the spiritual context that was based on truth, because for us albeit we always understood the main entity and the main being and all the beings behind the identities that were labeled as Goetia or the Gods of the Goyim or Satan or Beelzebub or all of these famous demonic entities. We knew for a fact as the enemy does of course, but these were always Ancient Gods from Greece, from Egyp,t from the Levant, from all of these nations and countries, that predated the Jews by many many thousands of years.

So, this was over time, a bit difficult in a sense to explain to people who were of course mind washed from the Zero Century AD to today, and due to this programming that was fear-based about the Gods, a lot of people started misperceiving us and misunderstanding us, as following, let's say, something that had to do with Jewish mythological context. Of course, if anyone had the patience to read past the first page in the Joy of Satan, they would find that this is not the case and that this was never the case and that if anything, the reason that we the people of the Joy of Satan so proudly carried and will carry on with that name is, because of reasons that find themselves sourced in cultures that predate the Jewish one by at least two or three or four or five thousand years.

So, in a sense, we made a re-discovery that led us to an original truth. However a lot of people, they don't have the patience or the intelligence or unfortunately the emotional capacity to understand that and albeit, and even though they would be very good candidates and people of the Gods, which all of the Gentiles should be. They were born inside their soul, they already have the Gods but the enemy knowing that, to disallow these people from joining us and from becoming candidates of the Gods and essentially just returning to their own religious and spiritual and ethical and ancestral roots, they created a large barrier in front of that. This barrier was created by the use of fear and the use of compulsive lying, an extensive repetition and indoctrination that had to do with essentially instilling in the minds of the people, a Jewish context.

So after, the people, they adopted this Jewish context. The Jews also poisoned the anti-context of it which was what they would claim to be as Satanism or a religion of evil or simply going against the dictates of the so-called God. By doing that, they trapped people within a very short spectrum of either you accept the Jews and their interpretation of God or you are an evil, detestable, disgusting, cursed and defiled human being that follows dark entities and dark forces. This is called the Hegelian Dialectic, where you trap human beings between two choices, as if there weren't any other choices and this is just a psychological manipulation tactic, but unfortunately even if it's very basic, it works wonders in enslaving the minds of very simple people.

Conversely, a lot of people that actually follow Christianity or Islam, they are essentially not really following whatever they are reading or whatever they are told from the Jewish books or works, but they are following more these religions in a very superficial, in a very surface manner, while internally they still maintain an understanding of truth, of goodness, of clarity, of logic and of all basically, the Divine virtues that encompass what it means to be a spiritual person in general. However, because these people follow this wrongful context, they can never manifest their abilities in full.

So a lot of them, they remain within Christianity and they remain also within Islam and they remain in many wrong paths, that don't allow them for full realization of the truth, and simultaneously when we exist as an alternative and that alternative is shrouded by a wrongful and misperceived mask or visage, that is what people perceive as a Hebrew mythology. People cannot, in a sense, make the switch to the correct direction. So, in honor of our past and what we have been before, in our essence nothing changes. We still follow the same Gods, we still do the rituals to the same Gods, we still follow everything that we followed from day one in this place, we still do the same meditations and we still are essentially, the same people.

However, something changes for us from now on, we are going to change this false misperception that people have about us in the world. And by changing that misperception and this falsehood, we are also removing from ourselves our last impediment in actually moving forward in this world and teaching the people what they need to be taught and showing the people, the path and the way that they want to follow.

So from now on, I very proudly declare to everyone that our name and how we present ourselves to the world, while of course we maintain the very same essence and in fact, we are going to go way deeper into that essence, is going to be, that the Joy of Satan is getting transformed and advanced into and elevated once again, into be called Temple of Zeus! and I have to say that, I feel excellent right now and I feel very happy and I feel that, we are doing a favor to history for actually lifting our Gods from the Last Frontier of ruins and from the last room of mirrors and masks and we are going to show them proudly and openly to the world, exactly as our ancestors and Ancient Gentile people did, without guilt, without the need to lie, without the need to mix any information and above all, without having to answer to any Jews!

By this move, I declare and I render their spiritual, religious and any other form of authority void! They are no longer those, that will declare to humanity how to think and how to behave and how to believe in God! And with this move, we are taking back what is ours, the birthright of the people, that guide other people to the Gods, belonged to the Gentile people since the beginning of time and we are reclaiming this back, from a foul race and a foul sacrilegious people that have especially, in all their history proven to be highly incompetent and dangerous to do that. Dangerous for the world, dangerous for all the other people, the other Gentiles, that have had the misfortune of falling victims to their psychopathy. And, we are moving away from their context, and we, re-instate ourselves in the Ancient and Old Thrones of the Gods, in their assembly, in their knowledge!

And now, of course, some of you are going to ask me: "But, do we have all the information that we need, in order to re-build the mega culture of the past, the culture of the Library of Alexandria, where the Scrolls of Ancient Egypt were and the Scrolls of the Ancient Greeks were and the Ancient Sanskrit Scrolls were and where the Romans, when they arrived, they marveled when they saw them. Do we have the knowledge?"

And I'm going to answer you with high certainty that yes, we do. We don't have all the knowledge unfortunately because the thieves and the abominations, that have destroyed that knowledge, have made sure that a lot of that is inaccessible to mankind and they have done that, because they want to keep humanity enslaved and shrunk. Our mission therefore, is not only to re-instate ourselves and to make any large idea of ourselves, but at the same time is to continue and help humanity continue with all the scientific, spiritual, intellectual, technological and any other form of development. Through that process, eventually, everything will be re-discovered and of course, the people of the Gods, we have a very pivotal role to play in this process.

So, with open arms, with open heart and with open spirit; I welcome everyone to a new era! The era of the Temple of Zeus! In that era, we will vindicate our leader and the mother of the Joy of Satan, which is High Priestess Maxine and manifest her goal and her dream of creating a world, where the people can approach the Gods directly and clearly, and they can learn spiritual knowledge from the Gods and from the people of the Gods.

I want to thank everyone for hearing to this audio and of course, the reason that this audio was done; was because, at such a large and important change, I want to be here in front of you, talking to you about it, and being very open, and very honest about it.

So thank you so much and let's move into a new era!
Wow...wat a patience 🤯
Alexander the Great is a

Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra, for elevating us all into a whole new level of existence as a Religion that will now have permission to exist in the real world, fully detached from the enemy's trap.

This is a greatest mark in our modern history and this is where we finally pierce through the enemy's narrative.

We will no longer be confined to the shadows, or be silenced and restrained. The path before us is now clear for us to walk and domninate.

Hail the Temple of Zeus!!!
Superiority at it's absolute
To put it simply, "Baal" and "Satan" are two aspects of Zeus. They're two faces of the same God. As for the name change, it's easier to attract more people with the Name "Zeus" than the Name "Satan". Other than that, our core principles are the same.

Me and one of the Chinese translators had come up with the idea of "Temple of Fuxi" or perhaps the "Satanic Dao" for the future JoS China site, and instead of beginning with an anti-Christian message, probably exposing Buddhism and Maoism's corruption of Daoism and Bon would attract Chinese and more Asian followers, at least so I feel.

Add in the works of Confucius, Laozi and Sun Tzu, in my opinion these are China's own versions of the well-known Greek philosophers like Plato, Aristotle and Socrates, though I must stress, I'm no expert on Chinese or Greek philosophy, I've had my hands somewhat tied to read more of them.
For those of us who feel a strong connection to our own culture: Celtic, Norse, Slavic, African, Asian, Aboriginal, etc; Hellenism is not "just from Greece", it connects with all our Ancient Civilizations. All Paganism in its true and ancient sense, is Hellenism.

And if you feel your own culture needs more representation, then do the research! Find your roots, and write articles. Consider it a sacred duty to help your folk :)
🔥⚡️ Excellently said.
Me and one of the Chinese translators had come up with the idea of "Temple of Fuxi" or perhaps the "Satanic Dao" for the future JoS China site, and instead of beginning with an anti-Christian message, probably exposing Buddhism and Maoism's corruption of Daoism and Bon would attract Chinese and more Asian followers, at least so I feel.
That sounds like a great idea to me, but I assume it will have to be approved by HPHC.
I've finally finished the entire video and I would like to profusely thank HP Hooded cobra and all who made the video possible, a very engaging and thrilling thing to witness.
I know this transition is necessary to facilitate our advancement upon the world, but as another SS mentioned, I also am emotionally attached to Satan and proud that I came to Him even through all of the jew's slanderous filth about Him.
I know however that we must detach from jewish influenced descriptions as HP said in the video, I really do understand and I will have a difficult time not exalting the name of Satan, but I will evolve with the rest of our wonderful family in the Gods.
I should feel good that the hebrew word for "adversary" is no longer describing our wonderful and glorious God.
Also about the Goetia and Goetic Sigils...
I have my Guardian's Sigil tattooed in a very visible place on my body, not bound within a circle or anything insulting such as that, but wondered if it should be covered up or transformed into something else/covered up?
Do Goetic Sigils fall under the enemy's malformed descriptions of our ways?
I've finally finished the entire video and I would like to profusely thank HP Hooded cobra and all who made the video possible, a very engaging and thrilling thing to witness.
I know this transition is necessary to facilitate our advancement upon the world, but as another SS mentioned, I also am emotionally attached to Satan and proud that I came to Him even through all of the jew's slanderous filth about Him.
I know however that we must detach from jewish influenced descriptions as HP said in the video, I really do understand and I will have a difficult time not exalting the name of Satan, but I will evolve with the rest of our wonderful family in the Gods.
I should feel good that the hebrew word for "adversary" is no longer describing our wonderful and glorious God.
Also about the Goetia and Goetic Sigils...
I have my Guardian's Sigil tattooed in a very visible place on my body, not bound within a circle or anything insulting such as that, but wondered if it should be covered up or transformed into something else/covered up?
Do Goetic Sigils fall under the enemy's malformed descriptions of our ways?

You can speak to the Gods however you want or refer to them in the Name that feels emotionally correct. There is no problem calling our God Satan, however, I explained the parellels on this. Satan is still based on Eternal Truth. Give it some time and you will see.

Refer here for the answer on Sigils: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/official-live-ama-video-from-toz.298584/post-1126858

That sounds like a great idea to me, but I assume it will have to be approved by HPHC.

We will proceed with all the updates on all the International sites immediately after we complete the main ToZ updates. All will look perfect for all the communities.
Atualização 1:

Após o anúncio, tenho que agradecer formalmente a:

JG ThomaSS
pelo incrível novo layout e design do site. Como você pode ver, é fenomenal. JG Alexandros pela edição de vídeo. Um trabalho fenomenal de primeira linha.
JG ApolloAbove pela expertise técnica e por fazer tudo ser lançado no prazo. JG BlackOnyx pelo logotipo e outros suportes. JG Karnonnos pela ajuda na edição dos textos e atualizações futuras. Todos os outros membros pelo suporte, feedback e ajuda.

Que os Deuses estejam sempre conosco e nos abençoem a todos. OBRIGADO!


Saudações a todos da nossa família dos Deuses,

Com muita felicidade, anuncio a vocês o primeiro grande passo na evolução de nós mesmos e de nossos Deuses, para a frente. Estamos nos movendo para uma nova era e ciclo com o JoS e doravante seremos chamados de Templo de Zeus.
Nossos domínios anteriores coexistirão com o atual. Nosso novo domínio é https://www.templeofzeus.org

Abaixo, uma apresentação sobre essa atualização. Aproveite o vídeo.


Sumo Sacerdote Cobra Encapuzada 666
I'm grateful that Zeus brought me here, I'm grateful for Hoodedcobra666, I'm grateful to be part of this moment, I'm grateful to have come this far with a sword in my hand, I'm grateful to be part of this wonderful family of the Gods.
To be honest; I like many others, was a bit sceptic and also a bit shocked to see the logo suddely say "Temple of Zeus" instead of Joy of Satan when visiting joyofsatan.org.
Heck, I was even sceptic to the change of making the original Joy of Satan logo look more "modern" when that happened.
But later on when the shock had come down a bit, and also after I read and listened to the video explaining the whole thing, I do understand and also sympathize with the change.
Have even started doing artistic work supporting it.

"Joy of Satan" - however much I/we love the name and think it's genius and rebellious, would always in the end however one twists and turns it;.. be a bit problematic for newcomers and outsiders who don't know shit besides what mainstream has told them. The mainstream has a stream of continuous lies impossible to crush just like that.

We are now moving out from the small and underground enclosed Satanic "sect" into the big and welcoming, more acceptable friendly spiritual movement.
For this to occur, the name had to be changed sooner or later.

As I understand it, it might as well have been changed to "Temple of Shiva", "Temple of Enki, "Temple of EA", "Temple of Sanat Kumara", "Temple of Melek Taus" etc.
But I guess Zeus is the most known ancient name for a God in the mainstream, completely without any negative associations for "NPC minds", and since it's also one of the names of Satan - Temple of Zeus is a good a reasonable logical choice, with a strong punch to it and very good resonance. So I'm all for it.

But I for sure will never forget the original, mindblowing, completely awesome Joy of Satan website by HPS Maxine:


And I don't think anyone else here will either. Unless you are a NOOB :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
