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I want(ed) to k*ll my father


New member
Apr 15, 2022
Yes, the title isn't a clickbait. I am writing this seriously and I want to know your opinions, because I value them very much and especially, if they come from Priesthood.

I almost daily imagine, that I am k*lling or hurting my biological father. Before you will say, that I am neurotic or that Gods wouldn't approve that - maybe its true, but I still think someone like him should be dead or punished enough, so he will change his behavior. I guess, I could say his death would be better for the world, but I think my frustration comes mainly from bring emotionally hurt by him, but he also hurt others. He lacks ability to do self-reflection or realize that he could do something wrong (he instantly becomes defensive and deny things), so that's why change in him isn't possible and de*th seems like it is the solution.

I was doing some affirmations, which would make him dead, but I stopped it quickly, because I calmed down a little bit and unfortunately I don't have enough self-discipline, but also because I now look at him as a "source useful enough". He is working almost daily, which makes money, so if I would kill him, it would be stupid of me, because my family (and myself) would be in probably worse financial situation. Detaching from him isn't also an option, because like I said, he deserves to be punished and also I could channel a lot of hatred which is inside of me somewhere.

And how he behaves?:
He gets angry over little things. He says sometimes hurtful things and when confronted (in a respectful way), he says "i'm just joking". When I try say something, he often interrupts. When I try to bring up something he said or did, even if it happened for example 10 second before, he calls me a word, which basically means that I can't forget something he did and has a negative tone, something like "stop whining". Or when I try to talk things out (because I value communication, unlike him), he doesn't event try to listen or think, he just gets angry and says "you are right" and then storm out of the room. He blames one for one's reaction to his toxic behaviour. He thinks he care about me, but he's not: even today, he asked "did something happen?" in a compassionate way and literally two seconds later he called me that word (wow Pops, asking me whats wrong and then blaming me, thank you). Like, you can't feel safe and like yourself around this man, because anytime he will do stupid shit like that.

I just gave up trying to have a better relationship with him because it's impossible and he also doesn't deserve that. He deserves everything bad. My mother is kind to me and she knows his behaviour is bad, but she has low self-esteem and tries to justify his actions. Some time ago, i became an adult in legal terms, but i still have to live with him. I mean, he is not in my house 4 days in week, so in that time i have peace. And I don't want only my peace, but also others, and what I mean is that, even if i would move out far away, he would still be asshole to everyone around him. I also thought about changing my full name, to not have anything in common with him.

TL;DR: i want to kill my father, because he is just a bad person. Or maybe not kill, but just punish him and make him change.
You want to kill your own father because he is mildly verbally abusive and annoying, when he is out of the house four days a week and pays for you to exist? You jumped to a death spell instead of just binding him?

What are the actual reasons you can't move out and get a job? This is the crux of the issue. Until you get your own life away from your family, you will keep fixating on him. What others have chosen in relation to him is their problem, that is just an excuse for you to continue the situation.
There are karmic things behind the father, and parents that grew up you and gave you life, you shouldn't do anything of this.

Even if your step-father, non biologically related to you, that grew you up, is jewish. It happened in certain cases.

Move on with your life.

You aren't a kid, parents are a thing of the past, focus on building your own family.
You want to kill your own father because he is mildly verbally abusive and annoying, when he is out of the house four days a week and pays for you to exist? You jumped to a death spell instead of just binding him?

What are the actual reasons you can't move out and get a job? This is the crux of the issue. Until you get your own life away from your family, you will keep fixating on him. What others have chosen in relation to him is their problem, that is just an excuse for you to continue the situation.
If this verbal abuse is mild, then why did it make me suffer so much? It is more than mild. And "paying for me to exist" is just bare minimum, he decided to have kids, so he should just do that. And binding is just binding - he may no longer be like that, but what about the punishment he deserves?

However, I understand why moving out could help, but it just seems like running away like a prey. Just because some bad person entered my life, I should start my life completely again somewhere else? Somehow it doesn't appeal to me. And what about my family? It would be running away from them too, and I don't want that. I know if I stay in contact with them, then sometimes I have contact with him unintentionally, so that's why I thought "removing" him is the solution. Also it would be easier fix and there would be more benefits than if I moved away. Also, the members of my family which are hurt by him too sometimes, they also probably would think moving away is a bad idea, because in a way it is, so this is where someone like me is needed, who have guts to k*ll him (they probably would think killing is too much, but they don't understand it). So it is not just an excuse for me.

Looking forward for your response.
There are karmic things behind the father, and parents that grew up you and gave you life, you shouldn't do anything of this.

Even if your step-father, non biologically related to you, that grew you up, is jewish. It happened in certain cases.

Move on with your life.

You aren't a kid, parents are a thing of the past, focus on building your own family.
I really don't understand what a karma has to do with it. If a person did something bad, then one should take revenge on that person - it's a Satanic principle. And saying that I shouldn't do that, just because he is my father - it sounds xian. Also then, in what case a death or severe punishment is deserved in your opinion?

I want to move on, I want to change something, but if you are kind of trapped in a situation like this and you respect yourself, like a SS would, then it seems like k*lling should be done (or like i said, just some punishment).

Also, I would want to build my own family in the future eventually and be a good father (unlike him), but this doesn't exclude the other, which is a deserved punishment. Actually, sometimes to move on, you need a catharsis like this.
I really don't understand what a karma has to do with it. If a person did something bad, then one should take revenge on that person - it's a Satanic principle. And saying that I shouldn't do that, just because he is my father - it sounds xian. Also then, in what case a death or severe punishment is deserved in your opinion?

I want to move on, I want to change something, but if you are kind of trapped in a situation like this and you respect yourself, like a SS would, then it seems like k*lling should be done (or like i said, just some punishment).

Also, I would want to build my own family in the future eventually and be a good father (unlike him), but this doesn't exclude the other, which is a deserved punishment. Actually, sometimes to move on, you need a catharsis like this.
I understand you, i have a horrible reptile of a father and i wanted to harm him my whole life. You probably feel like you want to hurt him, but he also has control over you (that's because you are energetically tied), wich creates an internal conflict and makes you want to hurt him even more. Remember that it's not your fault and 99% he drove you nuts, that's what assholes do. There are ways to sever the ties with your parents, there's a simple thing i did where you cut an imaginary Orange wire connected to your Sacral Chakra (wich Is influenced by your relationship with your father) with a pair of scissors, sound strange but It works.

But It could be more complex, and honestly, for something like this why don't you try to ask the Gods..?

I don't think you need to kill anybody 😅 you're just very angry.. taking control away from him will make you feel calmer.
Him not having good communication skills is not something that he would deserve to be killed for. That is insane overreaction.

You say "If this verbal abuse is mild, then why did it make me suffer so much?"

Your suffering is your own choice. All of your emotions are your own decision how you choose to react in any situation. Emotional and mental habits can be adjusted and changed, and your perspective and mindset can be changed. If the exact same thing happens to 100 different people, all 100 people will have a different reaction and a different emotion. You can choose to be angry. You can choose to be sad. You can choose to be hateful. You can choose to be disappointed. The mistake is that you are holding onto things so hatefully that you even want an innocent man to die, when he has done nothing to deserve that punishment.

The truth is that this man might not be good at communicating with people. He might not be as smart as other people. He might not be perfect. But it sounds like he is a good man who is doing his best to work to provide for his family. It would be most helpful for you to realize "Ok, he doesn't have a bad intention. He is not trying to do anything bad to me. He is just stupid and he doesn't know how to communicate in a better way." He is not perfect, but you are not perfect either.

Your goal and your intention should simply be for conflicts and arguments to be ended and prevented. This includes not holding onto a grudge about every time you have ever been offended about some small word in your entire life. And not taking things so personally. This is just a stupid man, and because he is stupid, his judgement is not very good. So if he says a mean comment about you or about anyone else, you already know that it is untrue because his judgement and opinion is worthless. You already know that what he says is not important. So why would you care what he says if he is not capable of even making any valuable and intelligent judgement? His opinion is so worthless that it basically doesn't exist, if there is not an intelligence and a knowledge to be able to back up a judgement with truth. Spend your time thinking about true things, and do not waste your time thinking about worthless untrue statements from dumb people.

Everything I said, I was not talking about him specifically. I was talking about all people. If somebody is stupid and is not smart enough to be able to create a valid correct judgement about anything, then don't waste your time thinking or worrying about what is said. When I see crazy homeless people and drug addicts, I do not follow them around listening and writing down every word they say as if it is a religious text to be studied. I simply ignore them, go around them, and continue on with my life as if they don't exist. If your dad was the smartest person in the world, it would be offensive if he said something bad about you because such a smart person is almost always right about everything. But if he is stupid and uninformed, and he is usually wrong about most things, why would he be right about this? It is not a valid or true judgement, so there is no reason to listen to it.
And if hearing a slightly rude word is the worst thing that ever happened to you in your entire life, you are one of the luckiest people who has ever lived. Most people have experienced real problems that are much worse than hearing a word. Many people have had horrible injuries, pain, health problems, suffering, starvation, have had violence and crimes done against them. If all you have ever had is hearing a word that is a little unfriendly and rude, you should be thankful.
"And saying that I shouldn't do that, just because he is my father - it sounds xian. "

Well before there was ever a Christ-tard there was poena cullei for the crime of patricide.
In Rome, patricide was considered one of the most socially offensive crimes. The punishment for such an offense in Latin was: poena cullei.

"The earliest record of our punishment known to us comes from around 100 BCE. It was to be based on the fact that the person sentenced to poena cullei was stitched in a leather sack with animals and then thrown into the sea or river. This punishment has already been used for Tarquinius Superbus in connection with religious crimes. Later, the punishment was used almost exclusively for murders of relatives. dictator Sulla kept poena cullei in the Act on Murders, but only in the event of the killing of ascendants and descendants. During Hadrian’s rule, the scope of the sentence was limited to the cases of murder of parents and grandparents.

The question is what animals were thrown into the bag of the convict. During the early empire, we only talk about snakes. During the reign of emperor Hadrian, a rooster, dog, monkey and viper were added to the sackcloth."

You should be more grateful in life, at least for having the luck of having a father. I didn’t have any parents until I was 18 years old. I was literally on my own, starving and struggling to survive by myself. No matter how good or bad he may be, he’s still providing for you and that shows that he cares and loves you and you decide to think that you should harm to him? Think about it , makes no sense .No one is born as the perfect parent, and when your time comes to be a parent, you’ll understand more. You’ll look back, remember him, and reflect on these moments.

Think about others who are less fortunate, who would give anything in this world to have parents, to have a father, no matter how he may be. Reflect deeply on this.

Me, even if I was left alone because ..life, I still have not done anything against my parents and now we are together and we get along wonderfully, everything is wonderful, I'm glad I didn't act impulsively and that I was patient ,wise and understanding enough. Those things can be improved and changed to the better , everyone can, that's what we do as SS, evolve and improving every aspect of our lives and others lives as well , make things beautiful and wonderful.

If a person did something bad, then one should take revenge on that person - it's a Satanic princip
It's not a satanic principle to harm your own parents and you have to understand why somebody has done something bad to you, if it is without reason and just pure intent of evil then sure but we should never act upon our families , this has bigger karmic consequences then people realize, what others are calling 'revenge' I call it justice and it should be done accordingly , not to revenge just because we can, sometimes it's better to simply ignore and move on, no point wasting time and resources when those could be redirected towards some greater things.

This anger of yours , think about of the enemies you've got , there's bigger people who deserve punishment then your own father.

If you’re fed up with him and the situation, then be a man, take life into your own hands, and become independent through your own work and efforts. That way, you won’t have these problems anymore, right? I think both of us knew this but instead you decided to complain and possibly harm the one which is providing for you. Listen to what I’m saying: go to him and confront him, but in a diplomatic manner. Don’t tremble—stand tall, be confident, and say to him:
“Look, Dad, here’s the thing. I feel like our relationship hasn’t been the same lately. I want to understand why, and I want us to be a proper family and get along better.”

Sometimes, people don’t realize how much their words and actions can hurt others. It’s not as if they do it intentionally, but we often take things too personally and tend to overreact and blow things out of proportion. Be grateful that he’s in your life—good or bad, he’s your father, and he brought you into this world , you wouldn't even had the fortune to suffer as you do now if not for him , learn from the suffering , don't let it overcomplex and destroy you but instead, metabolize it ,in a way to make you stronger.

And of course, just because he brought you onto this world that doesn’t give him the right to speak to you poorly or treat you badly, but take the initiative and be the bigger person. Be more understanding and wise. Prove to him that you’re better than that. He will respect the fact that you confront him like a man, rather than just complaining.

Instead of reflecting only upon yourself , try to put yourself in his shoes , maybe he is stressed out because he has to work a lot and he has his own problems as well , everyone does and has so therefore try to understand why he is the way he is. Check his history with his own father and his own family , try to understand him as well not to understand only yourself.

By being a greater person that does not mean you're prey , by showing compassion and understanding don't make you weaker , it shows you're more developed and evolved.

One day you will have your own kids and you will understand the struggle of having to work not only for yourself but for him/them , including your partner.

My mother is kind to me
It is in the nature of women especially mom's to be tender and loving and it is the duty and responsibility of the father to be a little more cruel to make his boy tougher and stronger, to show him the real world and prepare him for the cruelty of life , maybe that's why your father is the way he is, he is helping to grow you up and become a man instead of remaining a boy , deal with him respectfully and be good Brother.
However, I understand why moving out could help, but it just seems like running away like a prey. Just because some bad person entered my life, I should start my life completely again somewhere else?

If a bad person entered your life is your problem. This means you have something to work on. Do not ignore this.
Your father is not a good person; you are not obliged to be grateful to him for the minimun (and it would be very harmful to you), and you are not obliged to consider him a person worthy of your respect. Whoever does evil is aware of doing it.
But you can't complain about it like a child, not addressing the problem. In that case, it's your choice. Dealing with your life is not running away like a victim/prey, it's walking away with your head held high, taking the responsibility of being consistent with yourself and of giving value to your time.
Heal your emotional body, work on your first 3 chakras, and think about doing something else in life, rather than dwelling on individuals. And don't think about what they might think of you or about your choices - live your life, not the thoughts and values of others. Get busy with something else.
Stop imagining that you kill him; many criminals, especially rapists, when asked why they committed what they did, stated that it all started from a very brief thought, up to an increasingly frequent thought.
You definitely have other things to think about. Don't treat yourself like the victim of the situation.
I can understand where your frustration has come from, I have a family who never wanted me and abused me since I was a kid, not just verbally and emotionally, but physically too. I remember when my father hit my legs and butt with a belt like his life dependent upon it, I couldn't sit, lay or walk properly for life 2 weeks. I had belt marks. Thankfully they're gone.

When I confronted him years later about it, he said that he enjoyed every second of it and that I deserved it. Why did I deserve it? Because I was a kid, doing kid things, living with people who never taught me proper emotional control or how to not throw tantrums. I think the reason I did throw tantrums is because my parents never cared enough about me. All they cared about are their precious perfect children, who are btw A) A pedophile and B) Narcissistic, abusive bitch.

I had to raise myself, teach myself how to act around people and be mute for most of my teenage years, because everywhere I went I was bullied, humiliated, abused, ridiculed, not just by other kids, but by adults, teachers, etc.

The only person in my life who actually gave a damn about me and genuinely loved me was my grandpa. When I was able to go to him (which was extremely rare), I would feel like I actually mattered to somebody. My grandpa was the only person in my life who never raised his hand against me and I found that to be so weird, as I grew up with abuse, but it felt so healing and nice to not be abused. But unfortunately I wasn't allowed to see him again after the last time when I was 8. Why? Because my family didn't like him. Gee, I wonder why 🙄

My parents would leave me with my grandma who abused the ever living f*ck out of me. I'm not talking just verbal abuse, oh no, she actually used sticks (those thick ones, Idk how they're called in English, sorry) to hit me over my head, my back, my legs. Why? Just because I acted like a kid. Sure, I had accidents, but even then she abused me. But my sister who did the same? Oh no, she's not too be touched! She's perfect! 🙄

Like there was this one time when I was 7 and learning to read (first grade), my grandma didn't allow me to go use the bathroom and I knew if I peed on the bed by accident she'd gleefully abuse me with those sticks. Thankfully, she went to the kitchen to make food for my dad who was coming over and so I snuck to the bathroom, thinking I would return back unscathed. Nope. She found me using the bathroom and barged in with the biggest and thickest stick ever and just hit me over my knees and legs. Didn't say a word.

She would constantly make me go to the bathroom where the shower was and just blast the most icy cold water in my face, in my body and just laugh. It caused me severe fear of water that I am still getting over.
This was just a couple of things she did to me.

When I confronted her years later about this you know what her response what? She f*ck*ng did it because I wasn't as "perfect" as my sister. I'm not even sh*tt*ng you.

I wanted my whole family who abused me everyday to just suffer and die. I'd say I have a justifiable reason as to why. Thankfully, my now SS husband helped me (as well as the Gods!) escape my abusive family. I still have PTSD from all this, but it is much better compared to when I arrived to live with him.

So if your father says a bad word to you, why not just ignore and bind him? Just don't pay attention to anything negative he says. He seems stressed from work and thus let's out steam in a unhealthy way.
I can understand where your frustration has come from, I have a family who never wanted me and abused me since I was a kid, not just verbally and emotionally, but physically too. I remember when my father hit my legs and butt with a belt like his life dependent upon it, I couldn't sit, lay or walk properly for life 2 weeks. I had belt marks. Thankfully they're gone.

When I confronted him years later about it, he said that he enjoyed every second of it and that I deserved it. Why did I deserve it? Because I was a kid, doing kid things, living with people who never taught me proper emotional control or how to not throw tantrums. I think the reason I did throw tantrums is because my parents never cared enough about me. All they cared about are their precious perfect children, who are btw A) A pedophile and B) Narcissistic, abusive bitch.

I had to raise myself, teach myself how to act around people and be mute for most of my teenage years, because everywhere I went I was bullied, humiliated, abused, ridiculed, not just by other kids, but by adults, teachers, etc.

The only person in my life who actually gave a damn about me and genuinely loved me was my grandpa. When I was able to go to him (which was extremely rare), I would feel like I actually mattered to somebody. My grandpa was the only person in my life who never raised his hand against me and I found that to be so weird, as I grew up with abuse, but it felt so healing and nice to not be abused. But unfortunately I wasn't allowed to see him again after the last time when I was 8. Why? Because my family didn't like him. Gee, I wonder why 🙄

My parents would leave me with my grandma who abused the ever living f*ck out of me. I'm not talking just verbal abuse, oh no, she actually used sticks (those thick ones, Idk how they're called in English, sorry) to hit me over my head, my back, my legs. Why? Just because I acted like a kid. Sure, I had accidents, but even then she abused me. But my sister who did the same? Oh no, she's not too be touched! She's perfect! 🙄

Like there was this one time when I was 7 and learning to read (first grade), my grandma didn't allow me to go use the bathroom and I knew if I peed on the bed by accident she'd gleefully abuse me with those sticks. Thankfully, she went to the kitchen to make food for my dad who was coming over and so I snuck to the bathroom, thinking I would return back unscathed. Nope. She found me using the bathroom and barged in with the biggest and thickest stick ever and just hit me over my knees and legs. Didn't say a word.

She would constantly make me go to the bathroom where the shower was and just blast the most icy cold water in my face, in my body and just laugh. It caused me severe fear of water that I am still getting over.
This was just a couple of things she did to me.

When I confronted her years later about this you know what her response what? She f*ck*ng did it because I wasn't as "perfect" as my sister. I'm not even sh*tt*ng you.

I wanted my whole family who abused me everyday to just suffer and die. I'd say I have a justifiable reason as to why. Thankfully, my now SS husband helped me (as well as the Gods!) escape my abusive family. I still have PTSD from all this, but it is much better compared to when I arrived to live with him.

So if your father says a bad word to you, why not just ignore and bind him? Just don't pay attention to anything negative he says. He seems stressed from work and thus let's out steam in a unhealthy way.
Those people in your life sound like they don't deserve to live. I hope you have done curses to them.
I almost daily imagine, that I am k*lling or hurting my biological father.
And how he behaves?:
He gets angry over little things. He says sometimes hurtful things and when confronted (in a respectful way), he says "i'm just joking". When I try say something, he often interrupts.
I have been severely sexually abused by my father in a sort of "relationship" that lasted until my teens, since 5 /6 years old. I believed this was normal due to heavy brainwashing and emotional enslavement; I reached the point to be the one asking for intercourse. When growing, and understanding the truth, I reached a break point. I was unable to destroy my father, just can't rise finger like a beaten dog, so I destroyed a piece of furniture instead. I reached a climax and my mind choose to instantly forget all the abuse as a form of defense to allow me survive, as it was unbearable and I would probably have killed myself. I understood how horrible was that, and the mind cancelled the memories to allow myself to leave (until a few years ago). I rebuilt the story with my therapist and my fragmented memories.

The point is : after that point, my father was just the same idiot that you describe your father is, that is emotionally abusive anyway. I saw my father exactly how you see yours. I forgot all the shit and I just saw my father as a bit annoying, but continued to live normally. I also invited him in my home, I was always available. But the emotional memories cannot be cancelled: I just always felt a deep hate for my father and wanted to kill him. Also each time I was kind or normal to him, I hated myself and felt wrong, but I did not know why. I cannot count how many times I wanted to destroy him, a word from him was a command to my mind so I could not rebel, this needed many years to come.

Are you sure your deep hate is not coming from severe abuse (may be sexual, emotional, physical)? In this case your desire for your father to die is justified. In case not, you are being excessive and you probably are bringing this to an extreme. Only you know the truth, inside. I suggest, to ask your Guardian Demon if you suffered some kind of mistreatment you don't consciously remember.

If this verbal abuse is mild, then why did it make me suffer so much?
Same for me. Any slight verbal abuse by my father was a deep suffering for me. I do not say it's the same for you but is possible.

I can understand where your frustration has come from, I have a family who never wanted me and abused me since I was a kid, not just verbally and emotionally, but physically too. I remember when my father hit my legs and butt with a belt like his life dependent upon it, I couldn't sit, lay or walk properly for life 2 weeks. I had belt marks. Thankfully they're gone.

When I confronted him years later about it, he said that he enjoyed every second of it and that I deserved it.
I am sorry for you and express my sadness for you and people who suffered. I think "externals", I mean people who did not suffer abuse, have a hard time understanding how this can be invalidating and life threatening.
I hope it's not the case for FierySoul , I tend to be oversuspicious maybe, but is part of being a survivor.

Times when the true people of Satan suffers unjustly by the hand of the enemy are coming to an end!!!
Those people in your life sound like they don't deserve to live. I hope you have done curses to them.
I will do so when I am a little better. I'm not yet ready for cursing them as I feel not ready, but I will!

I have been severely sexually abused by my father in a sort of "relationship" that lasted until my teens, since 5 /6 years old. I believed this was normal due to heavy brainwashing and emotional enslavement; I reached the point to be the one asking for intercourse. When growing, and understanding the truth, I reached a break point. I was unable to destroy my father, just can't rise finger like a beaten dog, so I destroyed a piece of furniture instead. I reached a climax and my mind choose to instantly forget all the abuse as a form of defense to allow me survive, as it was unbearable and I would probably have killed myself. I understood how horrible was that, and the mind cancelled the memories to allow myself to leave (until a few years ago). I rebuilt the story with my therapist and my fragmented memories.

The point is : after that point, my father was just the same idiot that you describe your father is, that is emotionally abusive anyway. I saw my father exactly how you see yours. I forgot all the shit and I just saw my father as a bit annoying, but continued to live normally. I also invited him in my home, I was always available. But the emotional memories cannot be cancelled: I just always felt a deep hate for my father and wanted to kill him. Also each time I was kind or normal to him, I hated myself and felt wrong, but I did not know why. I cannot count how many times I wanted to destroy him, a word from him was a command to my mind so I could not rebel, this needed many years to come.

Are you sure your deep hate is not coming from severe abuse (may be sexual, emotional, physical)? In this case your desire for your father to die is justified. In case not, you are being excessive and you probably are bringing this to an extreme. Only you know the truth, inside. I suggest, to ask your Guardian Demon if you suffered some kind of mistreatment you don't consciously remember.

Same for me. Any slight verbal abuse by my father was a deep suffering for me. I do not say it's the same for you but is possible.

I am sorry for you and express my sadness for you and people who suffered. I think "externals", I mean people who did not suffer abuse, have a hard time understanding how this can be invalidating and life threatening.
I hope it's not the case for FierySoul , I tend to be oversuspicious maybe, but is part of being a survivor.

Times when the true people of Satan suffers unjustly by the hand of the enemy are coming to an end!!!

I am so sorry to hear what you've been through.. it's horrifying! I hope you are on a path of recovery and one day you can curse your so called "father" (frankly, he doesn't deserve that title after what he did to you! 😡) and then you can feel better.

Did you happen to bind him before that happens?
Your suffering is your own choice. All of your emotions are your own decision how you choose to react in any situation. The mistake is that you are holding onto things so hatefully that you even want an innocent man to die, when he has done nothing to deserve that punishment.

The truth is that this man might not be good at communicating with people. He might not be as smart as other people. He might not be perfect. But it sounds like he is a good man who is doing his best to work to provide for his family. It would be most helpful for you to realize "Ok, he doesn't have a bad intention. He is not trying to do anything bad to me. He is just stupid and he doesn't know how to communicate in a better way." He is not perfect, but you are not perfect either.

Your goal and your intention should simply be for conflicts and arguments to be ended and prevented. This includes not holding onto a grudge about every time you have ever been offended about some small word in your entire life. And not taking things so personally. This is just a stupid man, and because he is stupid, his judgement is not very good. So if he says a mean comment about you or about anyone else, you already know that it is untrue because his judgement and opinion is worthless. You already know that what he says is not important. So why would you care what he says if he is not capable of even making any valuable and intelligent judgement? His opinion is so worthless that it basically doesn't exist, if there is not an intelligence and a knowledge to be able to back up a judgement with truth. Spend your time thinking about true things, and do not waste your time thinking about worthless untrue statements from dumb people.
Saying that "I choose what emotion I react with", is not entirely valid. Let's look at an extreme example: if a kike would blow up your house, would you "choose not to be angry"? Actually, anger would be the only correct emotion to feel. Of course, these two cases, are different, but it just shows it is not that true statement.

He is neither innocent, nor good. He constantly choose to do that shit. And you can still be a bad person, who decided to not make his child starve. And justifying his bad actions, just because he made a good decision once, is stupid.

I tried to resolve conflicts, but it is impossible to talk with this man. And I care about this, because a father shouldn't be like this. However, if I should ignore what he does, how can i do that? Because I have no clue and it just feels like this is a human part of me.
And if hearing a slightly rude word is the worst thing that ever happened to you in your entire life, you are one of the luckiest people who has ever lived. Most people have experienced real problems that are much worse than hearing a word. Many people have had horrible injuries, pain, health problems, suffering, starvation, have had violence and crimes done against them. If all you have ever had is hearing a word that is a little unfriendly and rude, you should be thankful.
Nah, there are more lucky people, who don't have to deal with this. Also, saying that I have no right to be angry, because other people went through worse things, is the same as saying that I don't have right to be happy, because other people experienced better things.
"And saying that I shouldn't do that, just because he is my father - it sounds xian. "

Well before there was ever a Christ-tard there was poena cullei for the crime of patricide.
In Rome, patricide was considered one of the most socially offensive crimes. The punishment for such an offense in Latin was: poena cullei.

"The earliest record of our punishment known to us comes from around 100 BCE. It was to be based on the fact that the person sentenced to poena cullei was stitched in a leather sack with animals and then thrown into the sea or river. This punishment has already been used for Tarquinius Superbus in connection with religious crimes. Later, the punishment was used almost exclusively for murders of relatives. dictator Sulla kept poena cullei in the Act on Murders, but only in the event of the killing of ascendants and descendants. During Hadrian’s rule, the scope of the sentence was limited to the cases of murder of parents and grandparents.

The question is what animals were thrown into the bag of the convict. During the early empire, we only talk about snakes. During the reign of emperor Hadrian, a rooster, dog, monkey and viper were added to the sackcloth."

Well, ancient Rome was great civilization, therefore people also were great, including fathers. So there was no need to kill one's father, but nowadays - it's different.
You should be more grateful in life, at least for having the luck of having a father. I didn’t have any parents until I was 18 years old. I was literally on my own, starving and struggling to survive by myself. No matter how good or bad he may be, he’s still providing for you and that shows that he cares and loves you and you decide to think that you should harm to him? Think about it , makes no sense .No one is born as the perfect parent, and when your time comes to be a parent, you’ll understand more. You’ll look back, remember him, and reflect on these moments.

Think about others who are less fortunate, who would give anything in this world to have parents, to have a father, no matter how he may be. Reflect deeply on this.

Me, even if I was left alone because ..life, I still have not done anything against my parents and now we are together and we get along wonderfully, everything is wonderful, I'm glad I didn't act impulsively and that I was patient ,wise and understanding enough. Those things can be improved and changed to the better , everyone can, that's what we do as SS, evolve and improving every aspect of our lives and others lives as well , make things beautiful and wonderful.

It's not a satanic principle to harm your own parents and you have to understand why somebody has done something bad to you, if it is without reason and just pure intent of evil then sure but we should never act upon our families , this has bigger karmic consequences then people realize, what others are calling 'revenge' I call it justice and it should be done accordingly , not to revenge just because we can, sometimes it's better to simply ignore and move on, no point wasting time and resources when those could be redirected towards some greater things.

This anger of yours , think about of the enemies you've got , there's bigger people who deserve punishment then your own father.

If you’re fed up with him and the situation, then be a man, take life into your own hands, and become independent through your own work and efforts. That way, you won’t have these problems anymore, right? I think both of us knew this but instead you decided to complain and possibly harm the one which is providing for you. Listen to what I’m saying: go to him and confront him, but in a diplomatic manner. Don’t tremble—stand tall, be confident, and say to him:
“Look, Dad, here’s the thing. I feel like our relationship hasn’t been the same lately. I want to understand why, and I want us to be a proper family and get along better.”

Sometimes, people don’t realize how much their words and actions can hurt others. It’s not as if they do it intentionally, but we often take things too personally and tend to overreact and blow things out of proportion. Be grateful that he’s in your life—good or bad, he’s your father, and he brought you into this world , you wouldn't even had the fortune to suffer as you do now if not for him , learn from the suffering , don't let it overcomplex and destroy you but instead, metabolize it ,in a way to make you stronger.

And of course, just because he brought you onto this world that doesn’t give him the right to speak to you poorly or treat you badly, but take the initiative and be the bigger person. Be more understanding and wise. Prove to him that you’re better than that. He will respect the fact that you confront him like a man, rather than just complaining.

Instead of reflecting only upon yourself , try to put yourself in his shoes , maybe he is stressed out because he has to work a lot and he has his own problems as well , everyone does and has so therefore try to understand why he is the way he is. Check his history with his own father and his own family , try to understand him as well not to understand only yourself.

By being a greater person that does not mean you're prey , by showing compassion and understanding don't make you weaker , it shows you're more developed and evolved.

One day you will have your own kids and you will understand the struggle of having to work not only for yourself but for him/them , including your partner.

It is in the nature of women especially mom's to be tender and loving and it is the duty and responsibility of the father to be a little more cruel to make his boy tougher and stronger, to show him the real world and prepare him for the cruelty of life , maybe that's why your father is the way he is, he is helping to grow you up and become a man instead of remaining a boy , deal with him respectfully and be good Brother.
It sound like you went through hard times, which of course was difficult for you and i understand that. I don't want to sound harsh, but this not a competition, where we decide who went through worse things. We people go through different things. You experienced something bad, then you deserve a compassion. Same thing goes for others. But actually I don't think I want or deserve compassion, i just want to hurt my father.

I am doing (or rather want to do) my revenge accordingly and these other people who you mentioned, who deserve a revenge - they are not my problem, but my father is.

Furthermore, I have no idea what karmic consequences this would make. I don't have knowledge about that.

I don't understand why people say I am just complaining. I started a death spell to end this situation, like a man. And like I said in my main post, I tried to talk with him about it, but this guy just don't have ability to listen or self-reflect. And if people don't know that behavior is bad, then it means they don't have the ability to literally think, so these kind of people are not needed.

I don't want to be destroyed by this situation. I want to be become stronger by that actually and I will make it happen by harming him.

Also, any child should be respected and not treated poorly in healthy family and if "I have to earn his right to respect me", then I don't fucking want to have a father like that.

I know something about his childhood, but you can still be sad about something and not be a dick to people around you. I was really kind and respectful to him, and I am like that do everyone, so he should not be like that to me especially. And there is difference to make your children strong and be a dick to them.

And the part where I disagree the most:
Me, as a child, should not be the one to be "a big person" and do more to fix this relationship. He decided to have a kid, so he should be the one to pick this struggle. And I know when I will have the kids, I should be the one who is reaching a hand to have a good relationship, not them.
If a bad person entered your life is your problem. This means you have something to work on. Do not ignore this.
Your father is not a good person; you are not obliged to be grateful to him for the minimun (and it would be very harmful to you), and you are not obliged to consider him a person worthy of your respect. Whoever does evil is aware of doing it.
But you can't complain about it like a child, not addressing the problem. In that case, it's your choice. Dealing with your life is not running away like a victim/prey, it's walking away with your head held high, taking the responsibility of being consistent with yourself and of giving value to your time.
Heal your emotional body, work on your first 3 chakras, and think about doing something else in life, rather than dwelling on individuals. And don't think about what they might think of you or about your choices - live your life, not the thoughts and values of others. Get busy with something else.
Stop imagining that you kill him; many criminals, especially rapists, when asked why they committed what they did, stated that it all started from a very brief thought, up to an increasingly frequent thought.
You definitely have other things to think about. Don't treat yourself like the victim of the situation.
Exactly, i have do to something with this, which is why want to harm my father. I am not complaining about this, i am taking an action, this is why I started death spell.

I don't have to walk away from someone, who doesn't live. And then, while he would be dead, i could just peacefully heal my emotional body, not dwell about him anymore and continue with my life.

I know about this thing, where criminals were asked about that, and this is why want to give myself a benefit of the doubt and let people here talk me out of this (if i am wrong), before I would actually do something to my father.
I can understand where your frustration has come from, I have a family who never wanted me and abused me since I was a kid, not just verbally and emotionally, but physically too. I remember when my father hit my legs and butt with a belt like his life dependent upon it, I couldn't sit, lay or walk properly for life 2 weeks. I had belt marks. Thankfully they're gone.

When I confronted him years later about it, he said that he enjoyed every second of it and that I deserved it. Why did I deserve it? Because I was a kid, doing kid things, living with people who never taught me proper emotional control or how to not throw tantrums. I think the reason I did throw tantrums is because my parents never cared enough about me. All they cared about are their precious perfect children, who are btw A) A pedophile and B) Narcissistic, abusive bitch.

I had to raise myself, teach myself how to act around people and be mute for most of my teenage years, because everywhere I went I was bullied, humiliated, abused, ridiculed, not just by other kids, but by adults, teachers, etc.

The only person in my life who actually gave a damn about me and genuinely loved me was my grandpa. When I was able to go to him (which was extremely rare), I would feel like I actually mattered to somebody. My grandpa was the only person in my life who never raised his hand against me and I found that to be so weird, as I grew up with abuse, but it felt so healing and nice to not be abused. But unfortunately I wasn't allowed to see him again after the last time when I was 8. Why? Because my family didn't like him. Gee, I wonder why 🙄

My parents would leave me with my grandma who abused the ever living f*ck out of me. I'm not talking just verbal abuse, oh no, she actually used sticks (those thick ones, Idk how they're called in English, sorry) to hit me over my head, my back, my legs. Why? Just because I acted like a kid. Sure, I had accidents, but even then she abused me. But my sister who did the same? Oh no, she's not too be touched! She's perfect! 🙄

Like there was this one time when I was 7 and learning to read (first grade), my grandma didn't allow me to go use the bathroom and I knew if I peed on the bed by accident she'd gleefully abuse me with those sticks. Thankfully, she went to the kitchen to make food for my dad who was coming over and so I snuck to the bathroom, thinking I would return back unscathed. Nope. She found me using the bathroom and barged in with the biggest and thickest stick ever and just hit me over my knees and legs. Didn't say a word.

She would constantly make me go to the bathroom where the shower was and just blast the most icy cold water in my face, in my body and just laugh. It caused me severe fear of water that I am still getting over.
This was just a couple of things she did to me.

When I confronted her years later about this you know what her response what? She f*ck*ng did it because I wasn't as "perfect" as my sister. I'm not even sh*tt*ng you.

I wanted my whole family who abused me everyday to just suffer and die. I'd say I have a justifiable reason as to why. Thankfully, my now SS husband helped me (as well as the Gods!) escape my abusive family. I still have PTSD from all this, but it is much better compared to when I arrived to live with him.

So if your father says a bad word to you, why not just ignore and bind him? Just don't pay attention to anything negative he says. He seems stressed from work and thus let's out steam in a unhealthy way.
It sounds rough. It was, and still is, difficult for you. And these people who hurt you this seriously, surely deserve a death.
I have been severely sexually abused by my father in a sort of "relationship" that lasted until my teens, since 5 /6 years old. I believed this was normal due to heavy brainwashing and emotional enslavement; I reached the point to be the one asking for intercourse. When growing, and understanding the truth, I reached a break point. I was unable to destroy my father, just can't rise finger like a beaten dog, so I destroyed a piece of furniture instead. I reached a climax and my mind choose to instantly forget all the abuse as a form of defense to allow me survive, as it was unbearable and I would probably have killed myself. I understood how horrible was that, and the mind cancelled the memories to allow myself to leave (until a few years ago). I rebuilt the story with my therapist and my fragmented memories.

The point is : after that point, my father was just the same idiot that you describe your father is, that is emotionally abusive anyway. I saw my father exactly how you see yours. I forgot all the shit and I just saw my father as a bit annoying, but continued to live normally. I also invited him in my home, I was always available. But the emotional memories cannot be cancelled: I just always felt a deep hate for my father and wanted to kill him. Also each time I was kind or normal to him, I hated myself and felt wrong, but I did not know why. I cannot count how many times I wanted to destroy him, a word from him was a command to my mind so I could not rebel, this needed many years to come.

Are you sure your deep hate is not coming from severe abuse (may be sexual, emotional, physical)? In this case your desire for your father to die is justified. In case not, you are being excessive and you probably are bringing this to an extreme. Only you know the truth, inside. I suggest, to ask your Guardian Demon if you suffered some kind of mistreatment you don't consciously remember.

Same for me. Any slight verbal abuse by my father was a deep suffering for me. I do not say it's the same for you but is possible.

I am sorry for you and express my sadness for you and people who suffered. I think "externals", I mean people who did not suffer abuse, have a hard time understanding how this can be invalidating and life threatening.
I hope it's not the case for FierySoul , I tend to be oversuspicious maybe, but is part of being a survivor.

Times when the true people of Satan suffers unjustly by the hand of the enemy are coming to an end!!!
I wasn't neither sexually or physically abused by my father. It is just the emotional shit he does. And when it comes to you, it was surely horrible thing that happened to you and should never happen to any child. Remember, you don't have to be kind to him, you owe him nothing and you have every right to harm him seriously. It looks like taking revenge would be the only way for you to heal.
Saying that "I choose what emotion I react with", is not entirely valid.
Exactly. But you should control your actions.
This for your own safety and, in some cases, reputation or even strategy. In life, you should think strategically, especially when dealing with evil or stupid/ignorant people. 1 intelligent person cannot win in a room full of stupid people: his victory is walking away, and acting over them strategically, silently, if it is worth it.
When dealing with your own identity, your victory is preserving it. You do not preserve it complaining, without going away.

And justifying his bad actions, just because he made a good decision once, is stupid.
This is completely true.

And I care about this, because a father shouldn't be like this.
His choices and actions, if he doesn't care about you, are not your business. You cannot change a person. It's waisted energy (a lot of energy, in your case).

And what about my family?
Everyone has a karma. You do not deal with it.

You have a very complex situation.
I had heavy negative family karma. I had to choose to walk away, as a child, different times. I tell you, you should deal with your own life, enough justifications, they will lead you nowhere. Truly. Realise this.
In your case, I'd say to make money. Deal with your financial growth, and you will see how going away and start your own life will save you.
It is entirely your own choice what emotion you choose to feel, and what way you choose to react. Your first instant reaction will probably not be your choice, but you fully have the ability to train yourself to have a different pattern of thoughts and a different pattern of emotions. You fully have the ability to build new habits. Your mind is under your own control, and your mental and emotional habits can be whatever you want them to be.

You have to stop being so weak, by doing the work to become stronger. Stop pretending that there is nothing you can do to improve yourself emotionally. Stop caring and stop giving value to the words said by a stupid dumbass person. It should not mean anything to you no matter what he says, because he is not smart enough to have a true or important opinion. Just stop caring. You can talk to him as little as possible.

There is a difference between "what should be" and "what there actually is." Stop worrying about "what it should be." For as long as you are pretending to be a victim, you will never be happy. Because the meaning of being a victim is that you are not in control of the situation. And as long as you pretend that everything is outside of your own control, you will be doing nothing to actually help yourself. You will never solve any problems to give yourself a better life as long as you are sitting there crying acting like a victim.

Some people will never change. Some people are stupid. And some people have nothing valuable or important to say. So if your dad is so stupid and he has nothing important to say, why would you listen to him? Just ignore it. You should value only Truth, and whatever is not true, just ignore it. Stop crying over stupid words from a stupid person, and realize that it does not really matter. You need to become tougher, be a man, be a leader, follow your own judgements, and take control of your own life. Don't be subservient to anybody, and don't me mentally and emotionally controlled by anybody.
I wasn't neither sexually or physically abused by my father. It is just the emotional shit he does. And when it comes to you, it was surely horrible thing that happened to you and should never happen to any child. Remember, you don't have to be kind to him, you owe him nothing and you have every right to harm him seriously. It looks like taking revenge would be the only way for you to heal.
Glad to hear you did not went through abuse. But, this is what I would have said of myself some years ago... I suggest to still keep a small doubt about this, as it may be very hidden in the mind. Sincerely hope it's not the case but having a so big hate for your father must have some deeper reasons.

You are right, taking revenge is therapeutic for me and also right. And this is what I am trying to do now, I am way beyond the point "poor myself" so I am taking out deserved rage. Not easy though, he is very deceptive and played the victim so well that I risk to seem the psychopath, while he is indeed.

I often take time to reply to people with father's problems. Mine were so buried and hidden in the unconscious mind, that I even did not think I suffered anything. To my blinded eyes, mine was a "standard" family with the only fault of being heavily xian. I was so wrong, that I often suspect people with a so intense hate for the father may have hidden worst problems to be solved for freedom, so it is possible they are blinded too.

I am so sorry to hear what you've been through.. it's horrifying! I hope you are on a path of recovery and one day you can curse your so called "father" (frankly, he doesn't deserve that title after what he did to you! 😡) and then you can feel better.

Did you happen to bind him before that happens?
Thanks. :) You are right it's horrifying. I needed years to realize it.
I cursed him many times, with few success. I think my mind backfires or so, because of some blockages. But I am working on this daily, slowly, I will be free - I am guided and I feel I am in the right direction and I feel better now. I took sound actions, cannot go into details. I could not bind him at the time as I was not still SS, I dedicated much later when I became fully independent.
Thanks. :) You are right it's horrifying. I needed years to realize it.
I cursed him many times, with few success. I think my mind backfires or so, because of some blockages. But I am working on this daily, slowly, I will be free - I am guided and I feel I am in the right direction and I feel better now. I took sound actions, cannot go into details. I could not bind him at the time as I was not still SS, I dedicated much later when I became fully independent.

I am glad some cursing was successful!

I hope you can work through those blockages!

As for binding - sorry, I meant after your dedication. You should still do it regardless, so he doesn't intend to try anything on you even if you are dedicated. Plus, it might aid in cursing better. I may be wrong on the latter part, which I would appreciate correction upon!
Also each time I was kind or normal to him, I hated myself and felt wrong, but I did not know why.
Because you shouldn't.
In many cases, revenge is spiritually necessary, and is part of the system of spiritual justice by which a soul is purified and healed. Apathy and ignorance of the evil done are not human, and not proceeding with revenge still indicates an emotional dependence. Direct all the pain he caused you back, it's the right thing to do.
I hope you have already done it, because what your father did is not worthy of going unnoticed, nor justified.
May you heal and may the Gods bless your healing journey.
i think you need to grow a thick skin buddy. What you got is an Annoying father , who may not know good parenting , or how to communicate. Your not a kid anymore , if you have a problem with your father , either move out , or talk it out man to man. Trying to Kill your father will cause really bad karmic reactions , even if you dont respect your own parents or whatso ever , killing your own parent isnt an option. ,neither do the Gods support it or promote it.

Start growing independent , or get a job , and move out of the house if you dont like it with him. Its simple.

Be a Man. if you keep crying about things emotionally , you will find tons and tons of people like that in your life , are you gonna go killing all of them.

if your relation with your father isnt good , then simply move out. And if you cant move out , then grow a thick skin , stop being weak , do some binding meditation to resolve conflicts , between you and your father.

Yes, the title isn't a clickbait. I am writing this seriously and I want to know your opinions, because I value them very much and especially, if they come from Priesthood.

I almost daily imagine, that I am k*lling or hurting my biological father. Before you will say, that I am neurotic or that Gods wouldn't approve that - maybe its true, but I still think someone like him should be dead or punished enough, so he will change his behavior. I guess, I could say his death would be better for the world, but I think my frustration comes mainly from bring emotionally hurt by him, but he also hurt others. He lacks ability to do self-reflection or realize that he could do something wrong (he instantly becomes defensive and deny things), so that's why change in him isn't possible and de*th seems like it is the solution.

I was doing some affirmations, which would make him dead, but I stopped it quickly, because I calmed down a little bit and unfortunately I don't have enough self-discipline, but also because I now look at him as a "source useful enough". He is working almost daily, which makes money, so if I would kill him, it would be stupid of me, because my family (and myself) would be in probably worse financial situation. Detaching from him isn't also an option, because like I said, he deserves to be punished and also I could channel a lot of hatred which is inside of me somewhere.

And how he behaves?:
He gets angry over little things. He says sometimes hurtful things and when confronted (in a respectful way), he says "i'm just joking". When I try say something, he often interrupts. When I try to bring up something he said or did, even if it happened for example 10 second before, he calls me a word, which basically means that I can't forget something he did and has a negative tone, something like "stop whining". Or when I try to talk things out (because I value communication, unlike him), he doesn't event try to listen or think, he just gets angry and says "you are right" and then storm out of the room. He blames one for one's reaction to his toxic behaviour. He thinks he care about me, but he's not: even today, he asked "did something happen?" in a compassionate way and literally two seconds later he called me that word (wow Pops, asking me whats wrong and then blaming me, thank you). Like, you can't feel safe and like yourself around this man, because anytime he will do stupid shit like that.

I just gave up trying to have a better relationship with him because it's impossible and he also doesn't deserve that. He deserves everything bad. My mother is kind to me and she knows his behaviour is bad, but she has low self-esteem and tries to justify his actions. Some time ago, i became an adult in legal terms, but i still have to live with him. I mean, he is not in my house 4 days in week, so in that time i have peace. And I don't want only my peace, but also others, and what I mean is that, even if i would move out far away, he would still be asshole to everyone around him. I also thought about changing my full name, to not have anything in common with him.

TL;DR: i want to kill my father, because he is just a bad person. Or maybe not kill, but just punish him and make him change.
Ancient punishment for patricide was to be thrown in a sack with wild animals. And then tossed into the ocean.
I am glad some cursing was successful!

I hope you can work through those blockages!

As for binding - sorry, I meant after your dedication. You should still do it regardless, so he doesn't intend to try anything on you even if you are dedicated. Plus, it might aid in cursing better. I may be wrong on the latter part, which I would appreciate correction upon!
You are right, binding him is part of my daily routine as he keeps trying to reach me, but cannot succeed. My therapist defined my father as a psychopath, as all of this happened through deception and soft ways, never violent but mentally enslaving. He still thinks he was right, he is completely mentally insane and a big blockage to my advancement, I think his soul haunted me even in previous lives. Not sure I specified I am male.
Thanks for your kindness here!
I often write on the forums about those problems. I help others while I also help myself.

The above reasons bring me to be over suspicious of fathers who looks just idiots. There may be much more behind them if they act in deceiving manners.
Ancient punishment for patricide was to be thrown in a sack with wild animals. And then tossed into the ocean.
I think it really depends on the father's attitude. If you have an emotionally abusive father, better to leave. If you have a sexually abusive father, he should be in that sack not the son/daughter.
Trying to Kill your father will cause really bad karmic reactions.
Okay, I think i got enough answers and now I have to think about them deeply, and I think this will be my last post in this thread.

I would like to ask: What are even these karmic consequences? Few people said that here, but I am still not aware of this. Maybe knowing, will make me want my solution less.
Be a Man. if you keep crying about things emotionally , you will find tons and tons of people like that in your life , are you gonna go killing all of them.
As I said, i am not crying and I have a solution. It is just a solution that is not considered as a good enough by people.

Also, when I see people, who are totally disrespectful or are evil people, I often want to k*ll them. Before, I was imaging that i was doing the same thing to my few classmates (or other people who I saw on internet), as I was to my father. To be fair, I think this way because I think it is a justice and I consider myself as a righteous person. But where did I pick mindset like that? I actually have no idea. Maybe because I was just rotting with my thoughts and they grew bigger. I don't know.
You are right, binding him is part of my daily routine as he keeps trying to reach me, but cannot succeed. My therapist defined my father as a psychopath, as all of this happened through deception and soft ways, never violent but mentally enslaving. He still thinks he was right, he is completely mentally insane and a big blockage to my advancement, I think his soul haunted me even in previous lives. Not sure I specified I am male.
Thanks for your kindness here!
I often write on the forums about those problems. I help others while I also help myself.

The above reasons bring me to be over suspicious of fathers who looks just idiots. There may be much more behind them if they act in deceiving manners.

I think it really depends on the father's attitude. If you have an emotionally abusive father, better to leave. If you have a sexually abusive father, he should be in that sack not the son/daughter.
That's absolutely terrible my friend.. having to deal with someone like that as a child Is one of the most devastating things that can happen to you in life, i believe.
Remember when I've told you is not a satanic principle to harm your own parents?

Some consequences for harming own parents would be something like this :

Not only that you will suffer but also have a shityer karma and a 10000x worse situation with your next possible father in the next life ,if there were to ever be one again for you if you do this , but this it's up to the Judgment of the Gods.

Do I need to say more?
Yes, the title isn't a clickbait. I am writing this seriously and I want to know your opinions, because I value them very much and especially, if they come from Priesthood.

I almost daily imagine, that I am k*lling or hurting my biological father. Before you will say, that I am neurotic or that Gods wouldn't approve that - maybe its true, but I still think someone like him should be dead or punished enough, so he will change his behavior. I guess, I could say his death would be better for the world, but I think my frustration comes mainly from bring emotionally hurt by him, but he also hurt others. He lacks ability to do self-reflection or realize that he could do something wrong (he instantly becomes defensive and deny things), so that's why change in him isn't possible and de*th seems like it is the solution.

I was doing some affirmations, which would make him dead, but I stopped it quickly, because I calmed down a little bit and unfortunately I don't have enough self-discipline, but also because I now look at him as a "source useful enough". He is working almost daily, which makes money, so if I would kill him, it would be stupid of me, because my family (and myself) would be in probably worse financial situation. Detaching from him isn't also an option, because like I said, he deserves to be punished and also I could channel a lot of hatred which is inside of me somewhere.

And how he behaves?:
He gets angry over little things. He says sometimes hurtful things and when confronted (in a respectful way), he says "i'm just joking". When I try say something, he often interrupts. When I try to bring up something he said or did, even if it happened for example 10 second before, he calls me a word, which basically means that I can't forget something he did and has a negative tone, something like "stop whining". Or when I try to talk things out (because I value communication, unlike him), he doesn't event try to listen or think, he just gets angry and says "you are right" and then storm out of the room. He blames one for one's reaction to his toxic behaviour. He thinks he care about me, but he's not: even today, he asked "did something happen?" in a compassionate way and literally two seconds later he called me that word (wow Pops, asking me whats wrong and then blaming me, thank you). Like, you can't feel safe and like yourself around this man, because anytime he will do stupid shit like that.

I just gave up trying to have a better relationship with him because it's impossible and he also doesn't deserve that. He deserves everything bad. My mother is kind to me and she knows his behaviour is bad, but she has low self-esteem and tries to justify his actions. Some time ago, i became an adult in legal terms, but i still have to live with him. I mean, he is not in my house 4 days in week, so in that time i have peace. And I don't want only my peace, but also others, and what I mean is that, even if i would move out far away, he would still be asshole to everyone around him. I also thought about changing my full name, to not have anything in common with him.

TL;DR: i want to kill my father, because he is just a bad person. Or maybe not kill, but just punish him and make him change.

Why not just detach from him, or alternatively, try to mend the wound such that he understands the pain he caused? If you curse him to death, you lose a lot and nothing has been truly solved.

Further, you have to understand that your response to his actions also matters. This situation can repeat in another manner through a different authority figure. Therefore, you could do a working that gives mutual growth to both of you, rather than taking a drastic and destructive route.

At the end of the day, cursing him to death is not going to make him apologize or make him be more sensitive towards you, nor will it help you grow either. You had made up your mind that he cannot change, yet you didn't try any other spiritual options. How do you know that your perception of him being unchanging is not simply a reflection of your own sense of powerlessness against him, or others who may act similarly?

Lastly, there has to be a bit of understanding that you must defend yourself from others; it is much easier to regulate our own behavior than to try to change other people. If he has hurt you, you are within your rights to just pull away or argue back in that instance, but it sounds like that is not done and instead you are trying to go after him too much. Yes, he is not perfect, but you also have to introspect and see why you are allowing him to hurt you, too.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
