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feeling down


New member
Nov 16, 2024
hi, lately vie just been thinking and beating most of these past experiences that happen to me, most of them being bad experiences almost like it just comes to me most of the time. I want to be the best i can but now i feel like vie been abused with it never stopping probably the reason i still am using drugs and the worse part is that I'm still young I'm 21 and been through a lot and idk how my future plays but i know im here. Voices just playing around in my head with their powers and im just anxoius paranoid and depressed i might have some trauma with my child hood fr and now im just trying to enjoy my risks and highs.
i feel like i cant stop now b it i know i can with my soul mate so how am i called addicted and selfish when i found both of those to be good to me.
the reason i still am using drugs
You are not using drugs because you are suffering. It is exactly the opposite, the drug is not the "total cause" of your suffering, but it is something that enhances it and stimulates you to be dependent on the amount of suffering. This will not motivate you any more because it will only create a vicious circle. Instead, you should live in a virtuous circle.

Voices just playing around in my head with their powers and im just anxoius paranoid and depressed
...and the drug will not improve the situation, but will increasingly exaggerate the negative things that are already in your situation. Furthermore, it will be increasingly difficult to break chains that are increasingly "resistant and blocking". Your quote above is the proof of this...

I'm still young I'm 21
Ask yourself then if you deserve to ruin yourself already at this age. No one really deserves to ruin themselves even if they were 60, but you are 21, is it worth it?

i might have some trauma with my child hood
In my opinion, instead of relying on drugs to deal with the problems of suffering in your life, you could try dedicating this part of your existence to meditation. At www.joyofsatan.org you will find the necessary information. This could also help you: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/...body-for-men-too-don’t-disregard-this.292496/

now im just trying to enjoy my risks and highs.
You should focus in my opinion on decreasing your "risks" and increasing your "highs". Otherwise it's like saying: "I'm happy when I have fun and when I suffer desperately", it makes no sense, we are all led to improve our lives and to be as good as possible.

i can with my soul mate so how am i called addicted and selfish when i found both of those to be good to me.
Love (for yourself and others) is the real "drug" that can help you, the only one that can really do you good. I know it seems like a figure of speech, but the substances that take care of yourself and others release are exactly the same (in a healthy way) that release harmful drugs (in an unhealthy way)

Im the boss OF THE VOICES so really i do own them they dont own me tho
You should take control of your mind, here are some things that might help you:


past experiences that happen to me

An useful tool you might try in a right way:
Past is irrelevant, what has been done has done. It's time to move forward , you got to realize that , if you do not fix your problems then those will happen again in your next life time until you sort them out or until you become a junk of spiritual shit. The choice is yours. Are you going to fuck around and see what will be? If so, then do not be surprised when it will be worse as this is the only thing what drugs are doing, taking you down , from all levels.

Instead of focusing in the past , why don't you direct your focus and attention towards "how can I make my life better?"

Learn from your experiences, if you feel somebody done bad to you then fuck him up what you're waiting for? Think about what you wish to be doing and achieving and quit the useless shit bruv.
how is it that where in a universe that has all of time already and time is now and im not culd turkying it makes me go back everytime and thats how i went back because my family made me FUCKING cold turkey all this currpoted bs just come to me now.
how is it that where in a universe that has all of time already and time is now and im not culd turkying it makes me go back everytime and thats how i went back because my family made me FUCKING cold turkey all this currpoted bs just come to me now.
Man, fuck th past. Work upon healing yourself and overcome those states. You can do and be whatever you want. Life is not that bad if used and spent well.
hi, lately vie just been thinking and beating most of these past experiences that happen to me, most of them being bad experiences almost like it just comes to me most of the time. I want to be the best i can but now i feel like vie been abused with it never stopping probably the reason i still am using drugs and the worse part is that I'm still young I'm 21 and been through a lot and idk how my future plays but i know im here. Voices just playing around in my head with their powers and im just anxoius paranoid and depressed i might have some trauma with my child hood fr and now im just trying to enjoy my risks and highs.

These situations may have occurred to you and these are not your fault, but ultimately only you can fix them. Give yourself credit for the small actions you are taking that help advance yourself, even if it does not seem like it is immediately helping.

Few things compare to the amount of work-free reward that comes from drugs, but ultimately this is never truly fulfilling. Yet, your mind may be used to the pleasure from this, which makes everything else seem unrewarding by comparison.

Consider taking a break for a few days just to see how you feel and allow your body to reset and heal. You should also try some light yoga or pranayama, such as alternate nose breathing, as a simple technique to calm and stabilize the mind. All of these become like small positive influences that, when done over time, help to rectify and heal the damage which causes us to feel bad and want to escape.
how is it that where in a universe that has all of time already and time is now and im not culd turkying it makes me go back everytime and thats how i went back because my family made me FUCKING cold turkey all this currpoted bs just come to me now.

Quitting suddenly will set you back. That's just the way it is, there is NOT a 1% chance that you will suddenly quit something and actually succeed. It is always the totality of failure to overdo it and go in a binary way from 100 to complete 0.

I didn't get to meditate for several hours because from 0 minutes and 0 seconds that I spent meditating during the day, I said to myself "okay, let's meditate for 3 hours, it seems right to start like this suddenly from one day to the next", I GRADUALLY got from 0 minutes and 0 seconds to 3 hours! (YES, you can make SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS in terms of quantity FOR EVERYTHING: from the number of cigarettes you reduce, to winning against drug addiction, etc.).

I am explaining this to you now to make you understand that if you avoid giving yourself the right time for something like this, failure will be inevitable: you have to be realistic with this kind of situations that require time to be managed and overcome (definitively).

So KNOW AND BE *WELL AWARE* that all your previous failures because you tried not to give yourself the necessary time and all the times that you will fall on this or ANY OTHER KIND OF THING in the future *never* were your fault (and I want to make this absolutely clear to you!).

You did not make a mistake, it was simply inevitable that not giving yourself the time and the right ways to save yourself was never effective for you (there were simply no other possibilities in which it would work). Give yourself the necessary time for all your needs and DO NOT listen to the "hasty" ones, they are all in a hurry to get everywhere without them ever getting there... I leave you some useful links:

Ok sorry I haven't fully read all what y'all said but so far I'm taking nic gum and havnt hit the nic vape in a few days now I'm on THC still medical and am wondering if I should do CBD vape because I like the strains so much sorry I'm at work again and here
I guess best would be to do none of those , no ?
Everytime I try to quit I go cold turkey and just go back and I thought y'all said to use CBD as a crutch instead so I wanted some good flavor strains but can't find any on the Internet there all fruit flavored or mint and it makes me want to never stop THC because I know I have the best
I guess best would be to do none of those , no ?
Everytime I try to quit I go cold turkey and just go back and I thought y'all said to use CBD as a crutch instead so I wanted some good flavor strains but can't find any on the Internet there all fruit flavored or mint and it makes me want to never stop THC because I know I have the best
I don't think nobody ever here said this , maybe in private message or some other forms? This is not what should be used under no circumstances as the only thing they do is just more harm and problems.
Everytime I try to quit I go cold turkey and just go back and I thought y'all said to use CBD as a crutch instead so I wanted some good flavor strains but can't find any on the Internet there all fruit flavored or mint and it makes me want to never stop THC because I know I have the best
It's not something to smoke, but CBD oil. It should be used orally, not smoked. Smoking is very harmful.
hi, lately vie just been thinking and beating most of these past experiences that happen to me, most of them being bad experiences almost like it just comes to me most of the time. I want to be the best i can but now i feel like vie been abused with it never stopping probably the reason i still am using drugs and the worse part is that I'm still young I'm 21 and been through a lot and idk how my future plays but i know im here. Voices just playing around in my head with their powers and im just anxoius paranoid and depressed i might have some trauma with my child hood fr and now im just trying to enjoy my risks and highs.

Exercise is a good replacement for smoking/toking weed. It might take a minute to really get into working out. If you can go to the gym and learn how to properly train its one of the best ways to quit, plus it helps with anxiety and depression. Everyone should exercise but if you are young its extremely important for both physical and mental health.

It's not something to smoke, but CBD oil. It should be used orally, not smoked. Smoking is very harmful.
hi, lately vie just been thinking and beating most of these past experiences that happen to me, most of them being bad experiences almost like it just comes to me most of the time. I want to be the best i can but now i feel like vie been abused with it never stopping probably the reason i still am using drugs and the worse part is that I'm still young I'm 21 and been through a lot and idk how my future plays but i know im here. Voices just playing around in my head with their powers and im just anxoius paranoid and depressed i might have some trauma with my child hood fr and now im just trying to enjoy my risks and highs.
You probably hear voices for the weed. I used to smoke a lot and my brain used to go crazy.. unfortunately the only way to quit is to actually quit!
You probably hear voices for the weed. I used to smoke a lot and my brain used to go crazy.. unfortunately the only way to quit is to actually quit!
Even tho I know ik im more powerful than the voices there going to make me stop by getting louder with every hit? I wonder what gods real reason is for fucking my life up I never should've seen this shit anyway now I love it and I'll never get to experience what it's like to not be suppressed from people and voices and god when I was already desperate for it as a kid so if I die to weed prolly just never reancanate again
You Can Do It GIF by Pudgy Penguins
Nobody here is hating you man but you should stop quitting the crap for your own good.
Even tho I know ik im more powerful than the voices there going to make me stop by getting louder with every hit? I wonder what gods real reason is for fucking my life up I never should've seen this shit anyway now I love it and I'll never get to experience what it's like to not be suppressed from people and voices and god when I was already desperate for it as a kid so if I die to weed prolly just never reancanate again
I don't know man i used drugs for half my life, last six years i've almost died every day, four months ago i quit everything and actually started doing the work (mostly opening and cleaning chakras) and i didn't feel this good since i was maybe 9..? It almost doesn't feel real . Keep staying alive, miracles kinda do happen
I don't know man i used drugs for half my life, last six years i've almost died every day, four months ago i quit everything and actually started doing the work (mostly opening and cleaning chakras) and i didn't feel this good since i was maybe 9..? It almost doesn't feel real . Keep staying alive, miracles kinda do ha
but i dont understand why would satan or god force us to go through this badness of drugs when i have in the back of my mind that i know nothing will go worng and im not doing anything wrong and how when i came to this i thought satan would get rid of all my past and negitive karmas but now its like its all coming to me and attacking me at different times
Not even the Gods are above karma. No one can make your karma disappear. It needs to be resolved. What is point in the Gods doing everything for you? Addiction sucks, there are two choices work through it or be a victim of it. For the record the Gods didn't force you to get addicted to drugs, you choose to take them. You were probably young and made the mistake out of ignorance. Doing the work is the only way to fix the addiction. Satanism is about taking fixing your own flaws and short comings to be a better person.
Brother your drugs are given to you by government assholes, who work directly for the jewish system. And you are at least staying yes to them.. how is it Satan fault?
hi, lately vie just been thinking and beating most of these past experiences that happen to me, most of them being bad experiences almost like it just comes to me most of the time. I want to be the best i can but now i feel like vie been abused with it never stopping probably the reason i still am using drugs and the worse part is that I'm still young I'm 21 and been through a lot and idk how my future plays but i know im here. Voices just playing around in my head with their powers and im just anxoius paranoid and depressed i might have some trauma with my child hood fr and now im just trying to enjoy my risks and highs.

You need to get your shit together, let go of drugs, and start advancing. The Gods can't save you if you don't put in the effort to solve your life. There are many SS that are struggling, and it's tragic that so many of us had terrible childhoods and lives until we found Satanism.

But no one can solve your problems. You do it yourself, with the means offered here and the guidance of our Gods. But guess what — They can't poke you with a stick to get moving or force you to get shit done.

Put on your adult pants and stop going back to drugs.
so how do i control my life back from the voices and everyone taking it and controlling it from me
so how do i control my life back from the voices and everyone taking it and controlling it from me

Start small and work towards something that will replace your addiction. The drugs are giving you a false experience rather than letting you generate that experience within yourself. I really thinking going to the gym and working out is the best thing for you at your age. If you can't afford a gym you can train body exercises or do yoga. Try to learn how to train smart and there are a lot of free training programs available that use training blocks. Shift your focus towards something positive. You might have some relapses but its not the end of the world as long as you are improving in other areas. Negative voices will never go away, they will get drowned out by the positive as you cultivate the best version of yourself.
Start small and work towards something that will replace your addiction. The drugs are giving you a false experience rather than letting you generate that experience within yourself. I really thinking going to the gym and working out is the best thing for you at your age. If you can't afford a gym you can train body exercises or do yoga. Try to learn how to train smart and there are a lot of free training programs available that use training blocks. Shift your focus towards something positive. You might have some relapses but its not the end of the world as long as you are improving in other areas. Negative voices will never go away, they will get drowned out by the positive as you cultivate the best version of yourself.
then why do i feel like if i do these things i would actually see a difference and that sets me back like everything doesn't see me for what i am right now and why do i feel like im set b ack from my curses like they acctually did fuck up my life now and i have all these myths about how im the only one
then why do i feel like if i do these things i would actually see a difference and that sets me back like everything doesn't see me for what i am right now and why do i feel like im set b ack from my curses like they acctually did fuck up my life now and i have all these myths about how im the only one

Every great person has painful origin story. You become great by overcoming obstacles not by feeling sorry for yourself. Only you can own your life and push forward. All the advice in the world from these forums is pointless unless you do something about your situation. Life is hard its the whole point of this world. Think its easy cultivating the God within?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
