Thank you for the explanation, and yeah I think I get the picture. I am sorry to hear that you have had to suffer a lot. It must have been really hard. Especially this must have been very frustrating, when all you want is to meditate and advance. :/
Sorry, I will also have to write a lot here in response.
There was a heavy episode of antibiotics involved, which is very bad. Many key stone gut microbes are very fragile to antibiotics.
You basically eradicated your gut micro biome, which also weakened your body as a whole. The gut, is closely related to the life force itself. A weak gut leads to all possible symptoms, weakened immune system, and can even lead to auto immune diseases.
So due to this, you most likely have a high amount of inflammation due to leaky gut. And yes, this means that your mucus barrier is in a bad shape. You gut needs a symbiosis of healthy, benevolent und diverse Microbes in the gut. This also leads to a healthy digestion, healthy mucus barrier, low inflammation markers, better absorption of nutrients, regular poops, and a bunch of other benefits, like Hormone improvements, neuro tranmiters, and so on. As I said the gut is REALLY closely related to the life force in your body and soul. Materially and also spiritually.
You also said that your stomach hurts and gets hard. This is another sign of heavy inflammation. The stomach is hard because it is heavily inflamed, and gassy. The parasite infection is also a result of your weakened biome, as the gut microbes ward off Fungus infection as well as parasites. What most people do not know is, that the gut microbe biome starts in the mouth, and ends at the anus. Everything is one system.
I try to explain everything as clearly as possible here. Here are the steps I would do if I were you.
1. Restore your Gut Micro Biome:
The good news is you can effectively restore your gut mirco biome, if you know how to.
Avoid, Coffee, Alcohol, cigarettes, Drugs, all kinds of Processed Foods, sugar/sweets. This is the first step. This starves bad bacteria, as for example they eat artificial food colours, and can create hydeogen sulfide (poison gas -> weakens your gut, microbes and causes inflammation).
Eat Salad, with lettuce, red bell pepper, and for example, cucumber and tomatoes. This helps with regular bowel movement, reduces inflammation and also feeds your good gut microbes. They eat plant fibers, reproduce and create beneficial chemicals.
It might be that you have some trouble with fibery foods (as there are high inflammations present), but at least try to est the lettuce and/or bell peppers, as they have much fibers in it.
If you do have issues with eating it, you could also buy powdered Fibers, like Inulin. I hope this would not cause any pain to eat.
The next thing is to eat probiotics. I believe the best probiotic you can buy is Kefir. It has a LOAD of different positive gut microbes, has a lot of vitamins, protein and is generally a real power food. I Drink each day 1L of it. I would suggest you also try to drink 0.5L to 1L a day. Start off with small amounts though.
By eating fibers and Kefir alone, you effectively fight off bad bacteria and restore your gut health.
Now the next important thing, you said you tried a yoghurt with bacteria right? The issue is that those yoghurts do not have that many baacteria. The same goes with the probiotic pills you can buy. The bacteria are in Powerder form, which means, they are in active. They are like rocks. When you eat them, they get killed in the digestion process, and even if not, they are not active (as they are just a powder like a crushed rock)
The real Plan is: „Make your own Bacteria Power Bomb yoghurt“
You can just make your own HIGH in bacteria count yoghurt. For example you can you make a yoghurt with Lacto Bacillus Reuteri.
Around 96% of people in the west do NOT have this Keystone microbe. If you had taken antibiotics ONCE in your lifetime, you WIPED them out completely, as they are very fragile against antibiotics. They are a great solution against FIBO as they will take residence in the small intestine as well as the colon. L Reuteri enhances your life force, gives you more energy, improves digestion, makes your hair and skin healthier and get rid of wrinkles, as it thickens the skin with Collagen, and increases Testosterone in Men and osteogen in Women.
What you need is:
-the Bacteria L Reuteri. You need this special strain ATCC PTA 6475 here is a link to a product:
-Inulin: fibers that the microbes eat and grow
- Milk
- a yoghurt maker
That’s it!
You basically mingle a splash of milk with the Bacteria, and mingle it to a paste. Then you add more milk and add the inulin.
Then you set the mixture in your yoghurt maker for 36 hrs at a temperature of 36 to 37 Degrees Celcius (the temperature of the human body where they belong).
L Reuteri doubles every 3 hours. Which means after 36hrs you have a super rich yoghurt with in the best case a 4000 fold increase of the very good bacteria. Which means, if you add 1 pill in one serving, you eat around 1000-4000 pills worth of bacteria!!
And it is even better as this bacterias are ACTIVE, ALIVE and STRIVING! Nothing to compare to the rock like pill it was before. Also most yoghurt companies do not ferment their yoghurts at the right temperature, not for such a long period of 36h, maybe they do 6-8hrs, and use other bacterias.
I advice you to checkout this video, about L Reuteri and making your own Yoghurt. A Doctor interviewed a Professor who did research on L Reuteri and making your own yoghurt. He Shared the results:
I have successfully made this yoghurt and introduced L Reuteri in my gut.
You can also add other compatible microbes. Preferably keystone gut mircrobes, after you have tested this version for 2-4 weeks.
I hope I don’t bore you with too much detail, because here just comes Point 2.
2) Reduce Insulin, and improve your insulin sensitivity
Now we are talking about Hormone Balance here. The Issue with Insulin is, it creates inflammation in the body. Also, if you have high amounts if Inflammation in your system, this makes your cells Insulin resistant -> which leads to higher Insulin Levels.
There is a Yin/Yang dualism nature of Inflammation and Insulin! Increase one of them, and the other follows!
High stress, chronic inflammation, sleep deprivation, high coffee intake, eating at the wrong times, eating too much and the wrong foods - All increase Insulin levels and Insulin resistance in your cells.
Many chronic and degenerative diseases are often times due to high insulin levels in the blood, the big killers are there as well: Cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, cardio vascular diseases and so on.
Insulin highly impacts your metabolism, weakens your Mitochondria, and ofc leads to inflammation.
If I were you, I would try a low Carb diet/ Carnivore diet. This gives you mich protein, which you need to heal, provides healthy fatty acids and also you won’t be so inflamed because you avoid Carbs -> Insulin.
Also try to skip breakfast. Your body follows the circadian cycle - a clock that is deciding which parts if your Genes are getting activated/deactivated at what time so to speak.
How do you feel when you are waking up? Pretty tired and sloppy right? Your entire body feels that way!
Your body is still Switching from Sleep mode/ night to being active/ day.
You body is in the first 2 hours after waking up NOT ready to digest food.
When you start to eat during the first 2h after waking up, your body is very insulin resistant. Which means, your body needs to produce MORE INSULIN, in order to process the Glucose/protein (yes plain Protein also leads to Insulin production. You need Protein and fat to lessen this)
So skip breakfast. Also the best time to eat is when the sun is up, in the middle of the day.
Try to avoid eating 4 hours before you go to bed. This should also help with acid reflux you are suffering from.
In general also try out intermittent fasting, where you eat for 8hrs a day and fast for 16hrs. This will also improve your Insulin sensitivity!
Low carb/ Kinda Carnivore diet (but ofc with plan foods) will provide much protein you need to heal and imporve your Insulin condition.
You should also try to try to eat Glycine. You can buy a powder and mix it with your Yoghurt. It is very sweet, like sugar, but it is an amino acid! It is protein!
This will help you restore your mucus layer, reduce stress and improve sleep. It is also good for your skin, as it’s needed for kollagen. You can eat a table Spoon daily, or even more.
3. Prolonged fasting:
Humans were made to feast and fast. Our Body needs periods of not eating (void of any Insulin, which is causing growth in the body), so it can enter the state of HEALING.
You call this process of healing autophagy. After 16-24hrs your body will start to produce Ketones from your fat storage, and switch from Insulin and Glucose to Ketones. Ketones burn cleaner that Glucose and can cause a state of total clearness and of high focus.
Plato for example demanded from his students to fast, as he knew that positive aspects of this.
After like 48-72hrs of fasting, your body is entering the Deep Phase of Autophagy, where it is healing, cleaning and rejuvenating itself.
Apart from the actual healing, your body will also reduce inflammations by a lot, as it is not busy with digestion (which is causing a lot of inflammation).
Another very good effect is, that by doing so, you will starve bad bacteria by not consuming any calories. Your body will supply the good bacteria with nutrients though, but not the bad ones. When your body eats, you feed your gut microbes and they in turn feed you with all of their beneficial metabolic products. When your body eats are fasting, you body also makes sure to keep your good little friends alive in the gut.
So by fasting, you enter a state of deep healing and high focus, starve bad bacteria by, and reduce inflammation by a lot.
This will also improve Insulin Sensitivity, and diabetes type 2 can be completely healted by prolonged fasting.
I would suggest you to start fasting.
Start step by step.
Week 1: eat on Sunday 18:00 and fast untill Monday 18:00
Congratulations, you just fastet for 24hrs!! Was it hard? Not so Hard right?
Week 2: est on Sunday, and on Tuesday 12:00.
Congratulations!! You just fasted for 40hrs!
Week 3: eat Sunday 18:00 and on Wednesday 12:00!
Congratulations, you entered the first time into a deep autophagy, you improved your insulin sensitivity by a LOT! And reduced inflammation!
When your body eats refeed yourself, try to not eat so much, as this csn be too much for your body, as it is not ready yet to digest food.
Start by:
Drinking bone broth (super food for healing)
Wait for 2hrs
Eat 1-2 Eggs wait for 2hrs
Then you can have something else, but do not over eat.
Never break your fast with Carbs, and junk food!!
4: Eat Omega 3 Fatty acids
We live in a world where we eat wayyy too many omega 6 fatty acids and too little omega 3s. AVOID vegetable seed oils!!
Try to avoid junk food, deep fried food etc. Omega 6 fatty acids lead to high inflammation levels, and even worse, they get infused in your cell membranes and also in your fat storage.
Eat at least a ratio of 1:4 omega3 to Omega6, I would evem suggest, 1:2 or even 1:1 to get a very therapeutic effect. Your body will heal better and more effectively as your inflammations will reduce by a lot.
Unfortunately, it takes around 2 years to replace the Omega 6 fatty acids in your cellular membranes with Omega 3s and same is the case for your fat storages. (If you do not eat any omega 3s or way too little, you won’t die, eventho it is an essential fat. Your body will just modify omega6s to kinda fit the job of omega 3s, but this causes inflammation, esp in brain and heart)
You could eat every day a can of mackrel for example, this would provide 2,4g of omega 3 fatty acids! Make sure to check out the ingredients, you DO NOT want it to have any added vegetable seed oils (like sunflower etc). Look for a can with only own juices. Mackrel in its own juices and salt for example.
And you could also eat once a week Cod liver! This has around 20g of omega3s and a load of other nutrients like vitamin A! But only eat it once a week, as this high dose of Vitamin A could over a long time lead, to vitamin toxicity! Eat the liver on one day, do not throw away they can with the oil inside (50% of the can is the liver, and the other 50% is the oil of the fish liver Cod Liver oil) and on the next day, drink the damn oil!
If you have any questions, regarding what I said, you can always ask me!