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SSRI - needed or not


May 16, 2019
So... I was in deep depression lately, and its nowhere near as good now as I would want to. Cant accept myself, cant love myself(both partly, but not only because of diabetes), hate the feeling that my life dont really have a porpuse anymore, that I might not be strong enough to achive thigs I want, these things. My doctor gave me ssri antidepressants, tried out for two days, and it was awfuly I felt like I would sleep any time and I couldnt care for anything. But, that was likely the one thing that could truly calm me down. Yoga, gym, void meditations, chamilla tea, I tried it all, didnt helped in the long term sadly. I know ssri would do bad things with me spiritually, and I hate the feeling that I havent grow stronger, but still ask if I should or shouldnt consider it
Cant accept myself,

You need to know yourself before that:

cant love myself

You should be someone positive to yourself first:

hate the feeling that my life dont really have a porpuse anymore

You have the Greatest Porpuse:

that I might not be strong enough to achive thigs I want, these things

You will be able to take control of your life if you give yourself some time:

void meditations

You need to to empower your energy for depression:

and I hate the feeling that I havent grow stronger,

You have to handle your time:
Here is an idea, keep the SSRI's in the back pocket so to speak but try this first.
The scientific literature is very settled on this topic and countless anectodical experiences agree, mental health particularly anxiety and depression are massively alleviated by cardio, weightlifting does not have the same effect and neither will yoga, yes both of those are good but they are not cardio.

Just for a week really push yourself to do cardio and see if it helps at all, I would strongly suggest finding a BJJ gym nearby and joining that, I have never met anyone who is depressed when on the mat's ever.

And there are plenty of depressed people who do BJJ and none of them are depressed when on the mats.

Some problems require materials solutions, all those things you mentioned to solve your depression other than the gym are as JG Blitzkrieg would put it "yin" activities, these are not good for solving depression, you want "yang" BJJ, Wrestling, Rugby ect.

Try being depressed while being crushed in BJJ, its simply not possible your brain wont allow you to be depressed in fight or flight scenarios it will dump endorphins and force you into a more problem solving, upbeat and active mindset.

Give it a go, just make sure you tap early and often.

If that plus the other peoples suggestions do not provide you relief come back to the forums and maybe you will need the SSRI's or maybe another solution can be found, but while taking SSRI's are not the end of the world, they really should be your very last resort.
So... I was in deep depression lately, and its nowhere near as good now as I would want to. Cant accept myself, cant love myself(both partly, but not only because of diabetes), hate the feeling that my life dont really have a porpuse anymore, that I might not be strong enough to achive thigs I want, these things. My doctor gave me ssri antidepressants, tried out for two days, and it was awfuly I felt like I would sleep any time and I couldnt care for anything. But, that was likely the one thing that could truly calm me down. Yoga, gym, void meditations, chamilla tea, I tried it all, didnt helped in the long term sadly. I know ssri would do bad things with me spiritually, and I hate the feeling that I havent grow stronger, but still ask if I should or shouldnt consider it
I would recommend against them. They often do far more harm than good in the long run and are based on a theory that has been disproven.

Long term work is needed to properly solve problems such as this, but quicker help can come from using Wunjo, and from doing Lord Valefor's Power Ritual and asking him for help with it.

Daily aura and chakra cleaning is a must and will help. Not necessarily immediately or quickly, but definitely.

High Priestess Lydia has given us 2 great healing workings. One for healing traumas and one for healing the emotional body.

Kundalini Yoga can also work as it increases and strengthens your energies and feels great. Start with low reps as recommended by High Priest Hooded Cobra. It's powerful.

If you need links or further information, let me know.

You can get through this. Don't ever give up.
Hello Brother!

Warning: This will be a long post ,I know that when one goes trough some things , especially as such , is not in the mood to say at least to read to much, but I would consider doing so, maybe a bit at a time and coming back and metabolizing even more of it. This is nor a good or bad 'advice' but rather neutral and I consider that if done and absorbed well ,can release you out of the 'problems'.

Listen to this while reading :

We , or at least I or regardless , can't say much [about the medicine] due to very obvious and important reasons but I am gonna say this one thing which would be even better then the straightest answer.

I ain't gonna say ' Be strong!" then fuck off, you're my Brother and I think you understand the way I think , in a way, therefore I will speak our language.

You might surely know already but this is a good wake up call ,having a reminder, to fully understand the importance of this very aspect and that's this:
- You know how the system/systems works , regardless of wherever you are in this world, USA , Europe doesn't really fucking matter.
- System/systems - matrix/matrixes ,which as you can see and not only , but understand as well, are NOT for the greater good of the people.

DO NOT expect the system and any of those current corrupts to ever help those in need , regardless of being depression , cancer , whatever , they simply do not care, looking for a solution out of them it's like asking for more poison then the actual antidote.

Anything, especially of a mental problem , has to go with psychology and with the working of the mind , one can't simply take a pill and 'make it go away' , that's for extreme cases such as paranoia or very big problems indeed.

I understand perfectly what you're saying, deeply and I'm not pretending, you're talking to a guy who has had two suicide attempts , due to 'reasonable' or how we like to say ' BIG ' reasons/things. I have been quite inactive on the forums recently and honestly in life overall , due to the fact I am going trough some things myself, it was a pure 'coincidence' that I am now here, from all the things I've could hit, I've hit this post, I don't beat any apropos by that.

I'll tell you my personal sincere opinion and I don't consider it as being absolute, it's 'useless' to meditate and useless to do anything else [not really], when someone goes through this period of life where one is no longer happy with himself because he has not reached the stage where he wanted to be [ stages and dreams which we have pre-stetted ourselves of achieving years ago and due to that he [one] can go through many things; depression, paranoia, over confidence, extreme motivation etc, good things and bad things that anyway get you nowhere. - It is just the mind reacting emotionally , logic and intellect 'disappear' for a bit.

Such periods I consider periods of deep introspection , in the latest AMA of our greater Leader and HP Hodded Cobra , he was saying this thing , which I have had to learn it on the hard way as well , I will try to explain so basically , when one goes like a crazy monkey to achieve stuff and goes power-hungry he meditates and meditates and becomes 30x spiritual stronger which could lead to even bigger problems if the mind is not 'straight' , there's not only spiritual power that we need but also knowledge of ourselves , if one does not fix internal problems then having power is like asking for more problems, just talk to yourself , think:
- Who I am truly?
- How do I see me greatest life? **
-What are my problems?
-What holds me back?
-How could I control them in better ways? > in a way which would lead you more closer to the **

And also, think , if we do not fix our issues and die , they will still stay with us in our next lives , this is not something that we can truly run away of.

Remember, great suffering makes great people with great characters and IMMENSE WILL POWER in this world. The people who have true power are not the one who had a 'normie' life , regardless of whatever has fucked us , doesn't matter, what matters is that we should be together and get each other out of the 'darkness' but at the same time, not to wait or count on anymore more then your own self.

Life is not all pain and suffering , but it can be, if you choose it to let it be, the more you wake up your mind then the sooner you will be out, this is not something which could be due in a 'amount of time' , like snapping fingers and baam , all of the things go away or taking something and all goes away , or doing a ritual or whatever and all goes away in a day, no.

As Seguace has said, get into astrology and read your natal chart, learn it and beside that look at your current transits and you will understand more of why you're feeling the way you are in the present, you will be shocked to see how direct astrology really is, awareness of the energies which 'controls' you will give you more release of your own life and destiny.

As a final note, remember that from 8.2 Bilion people, there's literally [at the moment] just a few of us who know and are with the True Gods , you should really think about this , which is a thing beyond 'luck' , consider yourself blessed and remember, that we have the capacity of doing and being whoever we want and do whatever we want, regardless of how our natal charts are, because we are ZEVISTS, we are indeed , truthfully , BLESSED and Unstoppable , only think that can truly stop you is yourself , consider thinking deeply on that.

Also , do not hesitate to contact and speaking to the God , call Him on all His names , Satan , Lucifer , Baalzebub , Zeus , ZUS , ZEFS [This is indeed very powerful as HPHC has said, really works wonders!] , tell Him , sincerly what you're going trough and that you wish to do better and also trying to do so then you will be and do better, Trust!

Also, join our group, the Temple, there's great people which you can talk to anytime and they are truly great!
So... I was in deep depression lately, and its nowhere near as good now as I would want to. Cant accept myself, cant love myself(both partly, but not only because of diabetes), hate the feeling that my life dont really have a porpuse anymore, that I might not be strong enough to achive thigs I want, these things. My doctor gave me ssri antidepressants, tried out for two days, and it was awfuly I felt like I would sleep any time and I couldnt care for anything. But, that was likely the one thing that could truly calm me down. Yoga, gym, void meditations, chamilla tea, I tried it all, didnt helped in the long term sadly. I know ssri would do bad things with me spiritually, and I hate the feeling that I havent grow stronger, but still ask if I should or shouldnt consider it

Considering SSRI are the number 1 cause of mass shootings or random murders they are probably the worse class of drugs since they destroy your life and others. In my personal life everything that could go wrong has gone wrong the last ~6 months. To the point where I need to start over without the option to move away. For new years a choice was made to double down on daily rituals no matter what and just do what needs to be done. Right now working on a solution that could be a huge opportunity instead of being a victim. On days where things aren't physically/mentally working properly my favorite method to do a lot hardcore breathing exercises. The Whim Hoff Method is really good for this and easy to do. *Safety note: With extreme breathing exercises there is a risk of blacking out if you are new to them or push it too hard. Do it sitting on a couch or laying down. Some people have been stupid and done his method in water then passed out (he got sued). He also does cold water therapy, cold water therapy delays recovery from the gym, so its only good on recovery days (only like this in summer).

Extreme breathing exercises into Meditation plus daily rituals will do more than SSRI's. The brain rewires itself based on what we practice and forcus on (neuroplasticity). If you focus on the suffering you will rewire your brain to better comprehend suffering. If you work to strengthen your mind the brain will rewire itself to overcome the pain.
Hey, quick refresh, did some research,.discovered pssd (witch now definitly my number one fear) and now I wouldnt took those if my life would depend on them. Only tought for two days, and yet, my usually high libido got really low, and emotions havent get back as well as they should. Could be worse, and might take some more time those damn pills to get out of my body, but damn if Im not afraid! Like never before. Read stories of others having pssr after one pill wich never got better and I... honestly see that as something worse than death. But it can take months to get those symptoms so should I just spend the next half year frightened, on what if I loose all my emotions and sexual feeling because of that two pills? It can be happen, and if it does... well, lets not think of what I would do then. Please, any hope to prevent it? I would sooner accept loosing limbs, or even my eyesight, than loosing my libido and my emotions😟
Hey, quick refresh, did some research,.discovered pssd (witch now definitly my number one fear) and now I wouldnt took those if my life would depend on them. Only tought for two days, and yet, my usually high libido got really low, and emotions havent get back as well as they should. Could be worse, and might take some more time those damn pills to get out of my body, but damn if Im not afraid! Like never before. Read stories of others having pssr after one pill wich never got better and I... honestly see that as something worse than death. But it can take months to get those symptoms so should I just spend the next half year frightened, on what if I loose all my emotions and sexual feeling because of that two pills? It can be happen, and if it does... well, lets not think of what I would do then. Please, any hope to prevent it? I would sooner accept loosing limbs, or even my eyesight, than loosing my libido and my emotions😟
Calm down, you're fine. Let your system flush the compound and it's metabolics out and you're good. Might take a week or two, though. And the advice about physical training is spot on. That is what you need, not some pharmaceuticals.
Calm down, you're fine. Let your system flush the compound and it's metabolics out and you're good. Might take a week or two, though. And the advice about physical training is spot on. That is what you need, not some pharmaceuticals.
Sonone or two weeks after and its gone forever? No chance of ever rssd hitting on? I read some truly terrifying things online
Sonone or two weeks after and its gone forever? No chance of ever rssd hitting on? I read some truly terrifying things online
It is unlikely to cause issues for you after there is nothing in your system. After ceasing usage, there is a period of time (you can look up the half-life of the compound you used) when your body flushes it out, and that is the end of that effect after this has taken place.

It is a good idea to not let every new information sway you so much emotionally. You only scratched the surface reading those stories and there's certainly more to this subject than bad experiences.
You can go to sauna, and drink 4+ liters of water at least for the next week and it should come out of you fast.
Alright, think Im better now. Ill wait that one or two weeks to be sure, but it seems things are back to normal, and have some positive changes. Ill write them after Ill be certain of it😊
You can't take this for 2 days and seriously ask if you're gonna be okay or not. Of course you will , it's two days man, there's recovery of people after years of taking them , two days is nothing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
