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Cartoons and games that brainwash children (Discussion to avoid these)


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2022

I wanted to start this discussion to find out about shows that one should avoid showing to ones children.
My partner and I plan to have a family in the future and as future parents, we'd like to avoid exposing our children to them.

I hope those who know better or more can shed some light and maybe suggest any shows or games or whatever that could be shown and introduced to children. Of course we'll make sure to engage with the child and let them play outside when old enough, so they don't get brain rot, but eventually kids will want to explore the Internet or games or whatever. They're little people, not toys.

And before you come at me saying that shows and games are bad in general - what about if you just want to relax after a long and stressful day or after you've meditated for a while that you need a break of just sitting back and relaxing?

I know that books are good too, but sometimes reading can take a toll on you if you do it for too long.
Basically what I'm trying to say - relaxing should be accepted instead of burning yourself out all the time.

Thank you and good day!


I wanted to start this discussion to find out about shows that one should avoid showing to ones children.
My partner and I plan to have a family in the future and as future parents, we'd like to avoid exposing our children to them.

I hope those who know better or more can shed some light and maybe suggest any shows or games or whatever that could be shown and introduced to children. Of course we'll make sure to engage with the child and let them play outside when old enough, so they don't get brain rot, but eventually kids will want to explore the Internet or games or whatever. They're little people, not toys.

And before you come at me saying that shows and games are bad in general - what about if you just want to relax after a long and stressful day or after you've meditated for a while that you need a break of just sitting back and relaxing?

I know that books are good too, but sometimes reading can take a toll on you if you do it for too long.
Basically what I'm trying to say - relaxing should be accepted instead of burning yourself out all the time.

Thank you and good day!

The sad truth is that almost all media that is widely available to the public will always be influenced or cursed in some way. There is no true way of avoiding it. The best thing you could do (if you plan on raising the children as a SS) is to teach them about who the enemy is and if there are any times in the media that they see something related, a switch will slick and they will know that that is of the enemy. Of course though, kids are curious and no amount of precaution or convincing will perfectly stop them from finding out, but you can slow that process by really telling the Truth.

Just teaching your kid and yourself how to be cautious around the media will save you a lot of trouble. I mean many times it is pretty obvious where the enemy has put in their three coins. With the Golden Age coming, things will get better and the enemy will be put into spotlight for the true monsters they are, so hopefully by the time you get to start a family all will be known and you can raise your children without fear.

I myself also plan on having kids with my partner and I have the same plans of teaching the Truth young, so they know what the world really is. No sugar counting. I know there will still be times when my children are going to go to places on the internet that they shouldn't, as that is the nature of growing up, overbearing curiosity. I myself would limit their screens until they are above the age of 16, as screens are just bad in so many ways. I mean, how do you think kids had fun and relaxed back in Greece? Play outside, devote more of your time to the kid. No need for screens.Even just letting them wander around your house is entertainment enough. I myself could spend hours as a kid outside just walking and observing while my mom would work inside. Children are very visual till their teen years, so It is very important to give them the right things to look and see. Up until 2 months, the baby has no idea it is separate from the mother, hence the need for close contact.

In all, teach your kids how to desifre the difference between just movies and movies with Jewish intent. Of course you can let them use their phones to call you when In need, or just sit and watch the T.V. during dinner, but never exceed it. Let them go outside, let them get dirty, scrape their knee. It is all ok, as it teaches them about the outside world. Nature is most important. No screen or tablet will teach you as nature does.

The Disciple questioned Astarte:
“Can I not only worship nature to find thee, O Great Queen of Nature?”

Lady Astarte responded:
“In that domain, I have hidden all my secrets. Observe them, and they will reveal to you their sacred and eternal meaning. Find Me and the Sacred Teaching inside the wonder of the Natural Universe.”

There are a ton of puzzle games similar that are very good for children to play. But I would not give them complete internet access until 12 or something, and nsfw sites blocked even after.

I wanted to start this discussion to find out about shows that one should avoid showing to ones children.
My partner and I plan to have a family in the future and as future parents, we'd like to avoid exposing our children to them.

I hope those who know better or more can shed some light and maybe suggest any shows or games or whatever that could be shown and introduced to children. Of course we'll make sure to engage with the child and let them play outside when old enough, so they don't get brain rot, but eventually kids will want to explore the Internet or games or whatever. They're little people, not toys.

And before you come at me saying that shows and games are bad in general - what about if you just want to relax after a long and stressful day or after you've meditated for a while that you need a break of just sitting back and relaxing?

I know that books are good too, but sometimes reading can take a toll on you if you do it for too long.
Basically what I'm trying to say - relaxing should be accepted instead of burning yourself out all the time.

Thank you and good day!

Reading shouldn’t take a toll on you. This has been the natural medium for thousands of years.

Unfortunately, this has been made the case.

I envy people who can read for hours for fun and actually finish books and novels. My GF is like this, but she’s not Gen Z so it makes sense.

Tiktok, Youtube, TV, and social media’s fried our brains.

Older generations read thousands of books, now we have wasted the same thousands of hours on Youtube, Cartoons, Hollywood, and Netflix.

I love visual stuff but there should be a balance I don’t like the feeling of being “impaired” in my reading skills.

I would have appreciated my parents if they cared about nurturing this in me. Reading also helps immensely in opening up further other parts of the brain and developing it, also the imagination, and further on the astral senses.

All the new generations especially Gen Alpha AKA the Ipad kids don’t know how to read a book and this will ruin them deeply. Gen Z is already suffering I can’t name one single friend of mine in Gen Z who’s a reader. This is dangerous and it’s getting much worse.
Reading shouldn’t take a toll on you. This has been the natural medium for thousands of years.

Unfortunately, this has been made the case.

I envy people who can read for hours for fun and actually finish books and novels. My GF is like this, but she’s not Gen Z so it makes sense.

Tiktok, Youtube, TV, and social media’s fried our brains.

Older generations read thousands of books, now we have wasted the same thousands of hours on Youtube, Cartoons, Hollywood, and Netflix.

I love visual stuff but there should be a balance I don’t like the feeling of being “impaired” in my reading skills.

I would have appreciated my parents if they cared about nurturing this in me. Reading also helps immensely in opening up further other parts of the brain and developing it, also the imagination, and further on the astral senses.

All the new generations especially Gen Alpha AKA the Ipad kids don’t know how to read a book and this will ruin them deeply. Gen Z is already suffering I can’t name one single friend of mine in Gen Z who’s a reader. This is dangerous and it’s getting much worse.
My younger brother is Gen alpha and he wouldn’t read a book to save his life.

This is not natural.
No television or ipads for kids, only selected material that is valuable.
When he grow older, and he need a phone to call you for whatever reason, buy him one of these only call phones.

You saved a mind in it's phase of devolpment.

There is a reason why a lot of 30-40 years old dudes are still children.
There are a ton of puzzle games similar that are very good for children to play. But I would not give them complete internet access until 12 or something, and nsfw sites blocked even after.
You can buy mind training games, and use these without phones or computer.

Games to play alone or in group.

Chess is an example, also with a pen and piece of paper you can invent games.

We should make a list of these phisical games.

Then nsfw site blockers are bullshit and 12 is still too young for that. I can talk for direct experience, you can find all kind of bullshit, and you simply open him up to brainwash at the age of 12, which is still very bad.

From 18 he can do whatever, at the age of 12 he can have an only calls phone, so that you can call him and viceversa while he hangs out.

People don't realize that their reality is built around films, cartoons, videogames, videos, they played and watched.
And none of these is free of any propaganda and possible damages, and they aren't neccessary anyway.

He never knew these, he can't miss these.
If everyone do this, 2 generations and medias are dead.

Live like these never existed.
He can learn how to use computer and phone around 18, for documents and the like, and that's it.
You can buy mind training games, and use these without phones or computer.

Games to play alone or in group.

Chess is an example, also with a pen and piece of paper you can invent games.

We should make a list of these phisical games.

Then nsfw site blockers are bullshit and 12 is still too young for that. I can talk for direct experience, you can find all kind of bullshit, and you simply open him up to brainwash at the age of 12, which is still very bad.

From 18 he can do whatever, at the age of 12 he can have an only calls phone, so that you can call him and viceversa while he hangs out.

People don't realize that their reality is built around films, cartoons, videogames, videos, they played and watched.
And none of these is free of any propaganda and possible damages, and they aren't neccessary anyway.

He never knew these, he can't miss these.
If everyone do this, 2 generations and medias are dead.

Live like these never existed.
He can learn how to use computer and phone around 18, for documents and the like, and that's it.
Digital world is for grown adults only.

The rest are sadly means to sissificate people.
You can buy mind training games, and use these without phones or computer.

Games to play alone or in group.

Chess is an example, also with a pen and piece of paper you can invent games.

We should make a list of these phisical games.

Then nsfw site blockers are bullshit and 12 is still too young for that. I can talk for direct experience, you can find all kind of bullshit, and you simply open him up to brainwash at the age of 12, which is still very bad.

From 18 he can do whatever, at the age of 12 he can have an only calls phone, so that you can call him and viceversa while he hangs out.

People don't realize that their reality is built around films, cartoons, videogames, videos, they played and watched.
And none of these is free of any propaganda and possible damages, and they aren't neccessary anyway.

He never knew these, he can't miss these.
If everyone do this, 2 generations and medias are dead.

Live like these never existed.
He can learn how to use computer and phone around 18, for documents and the like, and that's it.

That's bullshit, JG AI even advises people to use chatgpt for bullshit homework in school.
And most schools even today (let alone 10-20 years from now) requires students to make ppts and such at even at elementary school. They also have computer science from 5th grade.

I learn a lot of things on youtube, obviously reading is much better and healthier, but you can still learn form long videos. Short videos are unhealthy to consume but, long, good, educating from good authors are okay to watch.
Entertaining is healthier from books but books are also not harmless, there is a lot of brainwashing in books for kids. Not only on tv series or games or such.
Entertaining is also good for the soul if it's the right kind of thing.

"The media" will never be dead because it existed even in ancient times and will always exist, and it's not necessary a bad thing.

He never knew these, he can't miss these.
This is even worse, you can't lock your kid in a cage. The first day they step in school they will know about internet and all that. You need to educate your kind and not lock them in a cage.

This is a very harmful stance you have, and very against the Aquarian age we are going into now.
know that books are good too, but sometimes reading can take a toll on you if you do it for too long.
Not if you read some of the classic short stories written by the brothers Grimm for examples. Or by Hans Christian Andersen. You don't have to read them for hours. One short story per night is enough if you're not used to reading.

I wanted to start this discussion to find out about shows that one should avoid showing to ones children.
My partner and I plan to have a family in the future and as future parents, we'd like to avoid exposing our children to them.

I hope those who know better or more can shed some light and maybe suggest any shows or games or whatever that could be shown and introduced to children. Of course we'll make sure to engage with the child and let them play outside when old enough, so they don't get brain rot, but eventually kids will want to explore the Internet or games or whatever. They're little people, not toys.

And before you come at me saying that shows and games are bad in general - what about if you just want to relax after a long and stressful day or after you've meditated for a while that you need a break of just sitting back and relaxing?

I know that books are good too, but sometimes reading can take a toll on you if you do it for too long.
Basically what I'm trying to say - relaxing should be accepted instead of burning yourself out all the time.

Thank you and good day!


No TV would probably be better.. i think what cartoons let's say like Dragon Ball (wich Is entirely based on Kundalini Yoga: 7 spheres to raise the serpent, aura and so on) do is ridiculize the Truth and subconsciously tell children's mind that these things can only exist on TV. One time i spoke about the third eye to my Brother and he called me Tenshinhan, so i guess It works. The only problem is he was 30 years old
That's bullshit, JG AI even advises people to use chatgpt for bullshit homework in school.
And most schools even today (let alone 10-20 years from now) requires students to make ppts and such at even at elementary school. They also have computer science from 5th grade.

I learn a lot of things on youtube, obviously reading is much better and healthier, but you can still learn form long videos. Short videos are unhealthy to consume but, long, good, educating from good authors are okay to watch.
Entertaining is healthier from books but books are also not harmless, there is a lot of brainwashing in books for kids. Not only on tv series or games or such.
Entertaining is also good for the soul if it's the right kind of thing.

"The media" will never be dead because it existed even in ancient times and will always exist, and it's not necessary a bad thing.

This is even worse, you can't lock your kid in a cage. The first day they step in school they will know about internet and all that. You need to educate your kind and not lock them in a cage.

This is a very harmful stance you have, and very against the Aquarian age we are going into now.
What I meant with media is the big machine of brainwash that extend from tv, films, cartoons, videogames, music, socials, ecc...

(note: these are also means of war against Humanity, the brainwash, as there is a war of information, and the medias are largely used for this in every possible manner)

These need rectification, as none of these are fully clean, then imagine for children.

Fun is then another thing, and there are other ways to have fun. Just forget the harmful ones, and you will find others.

Tecnology is meant to be used professionally and seriously, you can teach your son that in this context, the rest is poison currently in our history time.

So giving full internet access to a child or to a minor on his own is madness.
He will get trapped eventually, and only a few can escape from it.

Tecnology is for professional and serious use.

Nobody then talked about cage, and if you think about it, the talk is also about preventing to put him in a cage.

One then can know that poison exists and that's it, but taking it is another matter.

Now from personal experience I grew up without socials nor videogames, until an certain age, and I saw many children that were so dumb talking about shit all the time. I kinda felt like an alien at some point, I was glad to feel like that.

But still I was able to have fun with other kids, playing football, hide and seek, I was doing a sport also, ecc...
At home I played with toys, read random books, and mainly play with fantasy.

Then I went down the spiral like everyone else when my parents bought me consoles, phone, ecc... I kept myself away from trends, as I can't stand the stupidity of these. These kinda ruined me, but I was able to escape later in life.

Those who had my same age were x10 worse than me, the newer generations were x50, and the current alpha one over x100.

Now what are the odds for them to escape too?

It's not a matter of destroying tecnology, is a matter of changing radically the way we approach to it.
That's bullshit, JG AI even advises people to use chatgpt for bullshit homework in school.
And most schools even today (let alone 10-20 years from now) requires students to make ppts and such at even at elementary school. They also have computer science from 5th grade.

I learn a lot of things on youtube, obviously reading is much better and healthier, but you can still learn form long videos. Short videos are unhealthy to consume but, long, good, educating from good authors are okay to watch.
Entertaining is healthier from books but books are also not harmless, there is a lot of brainwashing in books for kids. Not only on tv series or games or such.
Entertaining is also good for the soul if it's the right kind of thing.

"The media" will never be dead because it existed even in ancient times and will always exist, and it's not necessary a bad thing.

This is even worse, you can't lock your kid in a cage. The first day they step in school they will know about internet and all that. You need to educate your kind and not lock them in a cage.

This is a very harmful stance you have, and very against the Aquarian age we are going into now.
Our children will be homeschooled. No brainwashing school for them.

The last thing I want is our children bullied or worse.
Not if you read some of the classic short stories written by the brothers Grimm for examples. Or by Hans Christian Andersen. You don't have to read them for hours. One short story per night is enough if you're not used to reading.
That's what I mean.
I personally cannot read a book for hours. Half an hour and I feel burned out.

Idk if it's the learning difficulty I have in my chart or what.
Just to let you know - we're not watching TV in this house and never will.

If we want to watch something then we find it online or get a dvd.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
