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Dream About Hitler

Kavya Shukra

Active member
Apr 3, 2021
I had a very interesting dream.

I barely had dreams about anything relevant, let alone like this. So I had a dream about Hitler and being able to talk to him. He was a bit taller than me, towering over me. He was wearing his uniform over this huge blue fur sweater that reached his knees. I forgot what we were talking about, but we had a very nice exchange. He was very pleasant and very vibrant and full of enthusiasm.

I woke up and shared it here. I wonder if it plays any significance.
Kavya Shukra said:
I had a very interesting dream.

I barely had dreams about anything relevant, let alone like this. So I had a dream about Hitler and being able to talk to him. He was a bit taller than me, towering over me. He was wearing his uniform over this huge blue fur sweater that reached his knees. I forgot what we were talking about, but we had a very nice exchange. He was very pleasant and very vibrant and full of enthusiasm.

I woke up and shared it here. I wonder if it plays any significance.

won't exactly help your topic but if anyone knows some kind of source, about dreams and meanings, please share with your brothers
I have dreamt of Hitler two times. It felt like a dream.
I was once visited by a Demon whose face I very vividly saw and we hugged. That one didn't feel like a dream, if I had to guess maybe I was being astrally touched or operating on the astral realm. It felt wonderful.
So maybe my dreams on Hitler were just that, dreams. I hope not though. I love my Fuhrer.
Caspian said:
I have dreamt of Hitler two times. It felt like a dream.
I was once visited by a Demon whose face I very vividly saw and we hugged. That one didn't feel like a dream, if I had to guess maybe I was being astrally touched or operating on the astral realm. It felt wonderful.
So maybe my dreams on Hitler were just that, dreams. I hope not though. I love my Fuhrer.

I don't know if I encountered Hitler or any of his past lives in my own past lives. If we did, that is amazing. If that was our first, it was amazing. I just noticed how Fuhrer sounds a lot like Pharaoh. He definitely has that kingly presence when I saw him in my dream.
Caspian said:
I have dreamt of Hitler two times. It felt like a dream.
I was once visited by a Demon whose face I very vividly saw and we hugged. That one didn't feel like a dream, if I had to guess maybe I was being astrally touched or operating on the astral realm. It felt wonderful.
So maybe my dreams on Hitler were just that, dreams. I hope not though. I love my Fuhrer.

Seeing the bigger picture, and seeing the face of the Gods in you, perhaps seeing their features in you, and seeing your potential to Godhood and wanting your best interest, I know He loves you too. So no matter whatever hardships gets thrown your way, if Hitler can overcome them and reach Godhood, so can you, Caspian. I know you can do it.
Kavya Shukra said:
Caspian said:
I have dreamt of Hitler two times. It felt like a dream.
I was once visited by a Demon whose face I very vividly saw and we hugged. That one didn't feel like a dream, if I had to guess maybe I was being astrally touched or operating on the astral realm. It felt wonderful.
So maybe my dreams on Hitler were just that, dreams. I hope not though. I love my Fuhrer.

Seeing the bigger picture, and seeing the face of the Gods in you, perhaps seeing their features in you, and seeing your potential to Godhood and wanting your best interest, I know He loves you too. So no matter whatever hardships gets thrown your way, if Hitler can overcome them and reach Godhood, so can you, Caspian. I know you can do it.

Thank you. I wish success for you as well.
Caspian said:
Kavya Shukra said:
Caspian said:
I have dreamt of Hitler two times. It felt like a dream.
I was once visited by a Demon whose face I very vividly saw and we hugged. That one didn't feel like a dream, if I had to guess maybe I was being astrally touched or operating on the astral realm. It felt wonderful.
So maybe my dreams on Hitler were just that, dreams. I hope not though. I love my Fuhrer.

Seeing the bigger picture, and seeing the face of the Gods in you, perhaps seeing their features in you, and seeing your potential to Godhood and wanting your best interest, I know He loves you too. So no matter whatever hardships gets thrown your way, if Hitler can overcome them and reach Godhood, so can you, Caspian. I know you can do it.

Thank you. I wish success for you as well.

I'm currently going to draw my dream sequence. I vividly still remember that encounter with Hitler. So I'm going to draw it that way you can see exactly what I dreamt about.
Kavya Shukra said:
Caspian said:
Kavya Shukra said:
Seeing the bigger picture, and seeing the face of the Gods in you, perhaps seeing their features in you, and seeing your potential to Godhood and wanting your best interest, I know He loves you too. So no matter whatever hardships gets thrown your way, if Hitler can overcome them and reach Godhood, so can you, Caspian. I know you can do it.

Thank you. I wish success for you as well.

I'm currently going to draw my dream sequence. I vividly still remember that encounter with Hitler. So I'm going to draw it that way you can see exactly what I dreamt about.

Drawing Hitler's facial features is harder than I thought. But basically imagine Hitler inside what looks like the Fuhrerbunker or some place in Germany. It was in black and white in my dream, but only Hitler's blue coat was in color. He was dressed in his Nazi Uniform under a large blue top coat that seemed to either be fur or cashmere that reached his knees. There was a refrigerator and a kitchen table, and what seemed to be books and piles of papers, possibly in Sanskrit and German languages. I couldn't understand what it said, but I recognized certain words and styles that made me believe it was those 2 languages. Hitler's aura was surprisingly beautiful and very pleasant, and he had this smile that I never expected to be so heartwarming and lighthearted. He had a glow in his eyes, a very deep stare and a very hopeful expression, despite that everything in my dream was in black and white. He spoke German but I could understand a few words what he was saying.

Trying to put all of this on a piece of paper and drawing it is harder than I thought.
Kavya Shukra said:
Kavya Shukra said:
Caspian said:
Thank you. I wish success for you as well.

I'm currently going to draw my dream sequence. I vividly still remember that encounter with Hitler. So I'm going to draw it that way you can see exactly what I dreamt about.

Drawing Hitler's facial features is harder than I thought. But basically imagine Hitler inside what looks like the Fuhrerbunker or some place in Germany. It was in black and white in my dream, but only Hitler's blue coat was in color. He was dressed in his Nazi Uniform under a large blue top coat that seemed to either be fur or cashmere that reached his knees. There was a refrigerator and a kitchen table, and what seemed to be books and piles of papers, possibly in Sanskrit and German languages. I couldn't understand what it said, but I recognized certain words and styles that made me believe it was those 2 languages. Hitler's aura was surprisingly beautiful and very pleasant, and he had this smile that I never expected to be so heartwarming and lighthearted. He had a glow in his eyes, a very deep stare and a very hopeful expression, despite that everything in my dream was in black and white. He spoke German but I could understand a few words what he was saying.

Trying to put all of this on a piece of paper and drawing it is harder than I thought.

How lovely and interesting...
I have had many wonderful dreams about Adolf Hitler too. Yes is many of these dreams he talks to me in English which is the language I speak. So I don’t know if Hitler could be able do speak English or another language other then German after he achieved the final stage of the magnum opus. But he spoke English and Hitler sure loved to talk. He was a very caring man I felt love for him almost on a romantic love level towards him, he just was so caring and nice to me. I remember yes he would wear his usual brown nazi uniform. At. The first time I saw him in my dreams I was afraid to come near him and would run away from him. This was before I know the truth about our beloved Fuhrer actually being a man who loves humanity and not like the jokes lie about him so much that I have had to deal with in school. I eventually gave him the chance to sit with him, and let him hug me. To find him very loving and caring almost like a father is to his children. Coming from a family where my father left when I was really young. I at least now know he is loving. I have even wondered if I visited Hitler on the steal plane in my dreams at these times. It has brought me emense joy to be with him. I feel like he is some lover I never had. I wonder if I had any connection to Hitler in a past life to Hitler’s love and romantic life too. Maybe I was a lover he had a relationship with or of something else in relation to Hitler?I don’t know he was such a caring guy. He made me feel wonderful and loved even for my interest in him and his movement.
It happened to me too, years ago . I Just Heard the world "Hitler was an HERO (i Remember the emphasis on that Word) and than i felt a massive "shockwave" from my root Chakra. Cool stuff 😈
I had a very interesting dream.

I barely had dreams about anything relevant, let alone like this. So I had a dream about Hitler and being able to talk to him. He was a bit taller than me, towering over me. He was wearing his uniform over this huge blue fur sweater that reached his knees. I forgot what we were talking about, but we had a very nice exchange. He was very pleasant and very vibrant and full of enthusiasm.

I woke up and shared it here. I wonder if it plays any significance.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
