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Hitler, the Jews. Let the mud begin!


New member
Nov 6, 2024
Can I not hate Jews? You see, there is no place in my principles of life for not being honest with the whole nation, the people. Relatively speaking, I understand that some of them have done very badly to us and our Gods, but nevertheless, everyone is not involved in this. We do not choose who we are born to, I am sure that a small Jewish child is definitely not to blame for anything. Of course, I understand that many of you want to find a scapegoat and blame someone for all your troubles, perhaps this is due to Hitler's unsuccessful ideas. I do not support his efforts to destroy nations. you think that everything bad about him is false. But you know, it's better to trust your great-grandparents, not an article on the Internet. Trust those who lived during this war, trust those who saw the hatred of the Slavs. You can call Hitler God,, or the almighty creator of heaven and earth. But to me, he's just another failed tyrant and dictator who lost again, just like Napoleon. All bad ideas are bound to fail. Thank the Gods that it happened. So, I just said that it's bad to judge a nation. I didn't say that I'm a fan of Jews, I don't care about them, I'm Ukrainian. I don't care about your Hitler, whom you consider a god. ("God lost 😆") And I consider myself a Satanist, you can call me names, you can call me a stupid moron, you can kick me out, you can ban me, you can do whatever you want. I will not stop being a spiritual Satanist because of your negative opinion about me. You think that Hitler is the ideal, but he is not. I don't think the Soviet army is perfect either. But it's so stupid to consider Hitler as a savior and God. You don't seem to have interacted with any members of this war. But you only know how to read articles
- Nobody Is asking you to hate anybody..just know they hate you and anybody else here (or anywhere else, actually) with a passion. The only reason they didn't burn you alive for being a Satanist Is because Satanas won the war so they can't do It anymore. The ONLY reason!

- Being Jewish is not their fault, declaring war to humanity..maybe It Is?

- Dislike Hitler but it's hard to have a problem with someone who almost saved the world under impossible circustamces..and in a way, he did. We wouldn't be here if It wasn't for (not that many) people like Him, this place would not exist and we would live in a Matrix-Like scenario (not that the real world is that different).

- I don't think anybody has ever accused the Soviets of being perfect, my friend!

I agree we should think with our head and not necessarly have an Idol (I believe only God Is God, too.. we are just Amazing 🤘) but i don't think you're living on Earth..
Can I not hate Jews? You see, there is no place in my principles of life for not being honest with the whole nation, the people. Relatively speaking, I understand that some of them have done very badly to us and our Gods, but nevertheless, everyone is not involved in this. We do not choose who we are born to, I am sure that a small Jewish child is definitely not to blame for anything. Of course, I understand that many of you want to find a scapegoat and blame someone for all your troubles, perhaps this is due to Hitler's unsuccessful ideas. I do not support his efforts to destroy nations. you think that everything bad about him is false. But you know, it's better to trust your great-grandparents, not an article on the Internet. Trust those who lived during this war, trust those who saw the hatred of the Slavs. You can call Hitler God,, or the almighty creator of heaven and earth. But to me, he's just another failed tyrant and dictator who lost again, just like Napoleon. All bad ideas are bound to fail. Thank the Gods that it happened. So, I just said that it's bad to judge a nation. I didn't say that I'm a fan of Jews, I don't care about them, I'm Ukrainian. I don't care about your Hitler, whom you consider a god. ("God lost 😆") And I consider myself a Satanist, you can call me names, you can call me a stupid moron, you can kick me out, you can ban me, you can do whatever you want. I will not stop being a spiritual Satanist because of your negative opinion about me. You think that Hitler is the ideal, but he is not. I don't think the Soviet army is perfect either. But it's so stupid to consider Hitler as a savior and God. You don't seem to have interacted with any members of this war. But you only know how to read articles

The idea is that jews, in the very nature of their souls, are in direct polar opposition to gentile souls. While Gentile souls are generative and for life and creation and expansion, the Jewish soul generates nothing and instead consumes what already is in order to fuel it's journey. It is a form of energetic parasitism. You can feel it among people, and easily see it in the world if you look for it. In this universe, if you are not moving forward then you are moving backwards. We are fighting against decay.

It's not really "jews" as a people, as a group, as a race, so much as it is that there are these bad actors in the world degenerating everything (souls, reality) that we decided to create a word for, which is "jew." It's a genetic & soul type that we are identifying, not just a social label. This creature manifests in it's own DNA though, that is different from gentile DNA.

It's a long story and there are probably people that could explain it a lot better than me, under the mental constraints I'm currently facing (real world stress, etc distracting me.) But I wanted to offer something here.. you could educate yourself so much more. If you really want the truth then you will find it.
Привіт мій українець! Як приємно бути наївним і вірити всьому, що тобі годують, не дивлячись на моральне розуміння світу! Я також українка, але на відміну від вас я не вірю в брехню, якою мене годують :) Якби ви коли-небудь насправді вивчали СПРАВЖНЮ історію, тоді ви могли б дізнатися, що ми, як українці, були союзниками його сил, і тому ви, як українець, не повинні цього забувати. Гітлер боровся за ідеальний світ, а це світ без євреїв. Заради іонів євреї спалювали б міста, катували та вбивали людей. Я маю на увазі, як ви знаєте, Сталін був євреєм, тож хто обох наших прадідів морив голодом і примушував до трудових таборів?? Я сподіваюся, що ви прокинетеся і усвідомите правду. Увесь Радянський Союз був єврейським, тож якщо ти хоч трохи співчуваєш усьому болю, який зазнали твої батьки, ти не будеш таким добрим. Прочитайте цей веб-сайт, навчіться і не будьте сліпим дурнем. Це вас нікуди не приведе. Вам не потрібно підтримувати Гітлера, ніхто вам цього не наказує, але співчувати євреям – це самогубство. СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ і СЛАВА САТАНІ!

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Can I not hate Jews?
No one is forcing you to, but with everything the jews have done, how could you not hate them?

I understand that many of you want to find a scapegoat and blame someone for all your troubles
Most, if not all major issues that Humans face currently are directly because of the jews.

I do not support his efforts to destroy nations
Hitler many times tried to negotiate peace with other nations, and they all ignored him. Hitler never wanted the war.

you think that everything bad about him is false.
Because they are. This would be no different than saying we think every bad thing about Satan is false, of course we do, its because they are false.

those who saw the hatred of the Slavs
The NSDAP hated the soviets and communists, not Slavic people as a whole. If they hated Slavs, why did they ally with Ukrainians? If anything the soviets are the ones who hated Slavs, the holodomor being a good example of that.

he's just another failed tyrant and dictator who lost again
How was he in any way a tyrant?
How did he fail? He served his purpose here on Earth. He stopped the spread of communism. If it weren't for Hitler, all of Europe (and probably most of the world including America) would be under a communist regime right now. Also, Hitler is a big reason as to why 'anti-semitism' is even a thing at all. If it weren't for him, many people wouldn't be aware of the crimes of the jews. Even today, many people are being made aware of the jews because of Hitler.

I don't care about your Hitler
No one says you have to. HP Cobra has written about this many times.

here is one of his writings:

whom you consider a god.
because compared to most of humanity, he is. Also, he completed the Magnum Opus, so he is one with the Gods now.

And I consider myself a Satanist
Satanism is about truth, so you should stop believing the lies and find the truth.

you can call me a stupid moron, you can kick me out, you can ban me, you can do whatever you want.
Assuming you aren't a troll, there is no reason to do any of that when it would be better to reeducate you instead, if you're willing to listen.

You think that Hitler is the ideal, but he is not.
How is he not? He is a role model that everyone should look up to. For myself, Hitler has inspired me to do many great things and to change my life in many major ways for the better.

But it's so stupid to consider Hitler as a savior and God.
He saved us from communism, how is he not a savior? There is a reason we call him our Anti-Christ.

You don't seem to have interacted with any members of this war.
Have you? Not trying to sound condescending, its a genuine question.

Also, If it weren't for Nazi technology, we would have never gone to the Moon, among many many other inventions that they brought us. National Socialism is just Spiritual Satanism but through a political lens, it has the same goals and ideals that our Gods do.

"We are Nazis" -Lilith
Surprise, surprise, no one cares.
Hitler, like many other people in history, completed the Magnum Opus.

No, it is not "the jew's fault" for being born with a bad nature, a different soul structure to ours, and within a racial history of literal monsters that act as slaves and attack dogs for absolute astral monstrosities.
Similarly, it is not the fault of a mosquito for being a mosquito that bites people and spreads disease. But you squish them anyway.
It is not the fault of a virus that it is a virus and can only feed by parasitic methods. But we protect ourselves against viruses anyway.
It is not the fault of the gazelle that the lion was hungry. But the lion eats anyway.
It is not the fault of the child that the parents and their parents, etc., have not put in the effort to be rich, and he was born into a poor family. But he will suffer their consequences anyway.

In previous posts, you talk about how the abrahamic systems of morality are bullshit and ignorant. They are. But ironically, you are seeing this from quite a christian morality.

Yes, it is not "their fault" for being born enemies, but that doesn't frankly matter. Their souls are permanently opposed to the Gods and won't thrive in an environment where the Gods are close to us. Their historical decisions have sealed their karmic fate. They still have a nature that makes them incredibly open to acting for the enemy, so they should be as far away from our societies as possible, and never have positions of power among our societies.

I've been like you ages ago, and it didn't take long for me to look into the historic evils of the jews and notice just how intrinsically connected they are to these evils. It is not "some of them", it is a general trend.
This mentality will end up with you trusting a jew at the wrong time, and you may get off without any problems being caused. As you are an SS, I hope you do. But it is more likely that you will get into trouble, because that is reality.

I'm not going to tell you what to believe, because I frankly don't care. Nobody here cares what you think.
You are under no obligation to believe anything dogmatically.

That being said, if someone sees you with contempt after reading this, I don't blame them.
Can I not hate Jews?
...I don't care about them, I'm Ukrainian.
If the white cells in your body took the same attitude towards viruses and bacteria, you would fall dead in no time.
You should care a little more given kikes exterminated 1/4 of your population through the Holodomor, besides of course the mass rapes and torture to complement. You can be sure as hell the very enthusiastic jews giving those orders were also "innocent children" at some point. Or maybe you mean you're an Ukrainian Jew so you don't need to care at all then.

I don't care about your Hitler, whom you consider a god.
What you think here is irrelevant, we don't "consider" and this is not an opinion, Hitler infact is one of Satan's Gods:
Hitler is also the God who gave Lady Maxine the Raum meditation on the website.

("God lost 😆")
Where did he lose? Hitler didn't lose anything, he is doing fine in Duat with the Gods as one of them. Who lost was humanity who chose to go against the Gods' ideal and fight against its own interests. The Gods also allow humans to be retarded, deny their divine message and kill themselves in the process if they want to. They Gods aren't losing anything. If you have a bright Ideal and the rest of the planet goes apeshit on you doesn't prove your point wrong.

All bad ideas are bound to fail.
You might as well say Socrates was wrong because a majority of ape undermen wanted him dead for "heresy", same for Giordano Bruno or Galileo.

trust those who saw the hatred of the Slavs
Sure if you mean jews hating slavs for no reason that's correct, on Extermination of Slavs and putting Russia x Ukraine war from the mouth of their "most holy" Rabbi:

On the other side Nazi Germany had 2 million Russian and Ukrainian volunteers under SS commander Andrey Vlaslov, not to mention the based Ukrainian war hero Stepan Bandera who was sided with NS Germany.

But you only know how to read articles
Look on the mirror and say that to yourself when you believe the flock of sub-humanity of muh Hitler bad on the same brain wave length of muh Satan bad flock.

Sorry you can cry all you want but Satan and the Gods are on the side of Hitler and the 'Nazis'; "We are Nazis" -Lilith - that's info from Lady Maxine herself:

better u ak for more wisdom from Satya or Gods ,Goddesses.
people behind hitler is Sauratra sorath why u not ask him , if cannot ask him just ask Satya for can ask with Sorath.
It is their religion that drags them all into it. Not all are into it or understand natural power dynamics. But those who don’t end up eventually serving the jewish elite through their religion. Every single one who calls themselves a jew, goes counter to our own growth and interest. As they are akin to a blood leech that is stuck to their host nation.
Of course, I understand that many of you want to find a scapegoat and blame someone for all your troubles, perhaps this is due to Hitler's unsuccessful ideas. I do not support his efforts to destroy nations. you think that everything bad about him is false. But you know, it's better to trust your great-grandparents, not an article on the Internet.
First of all all here we do not want to find any scapegoats. We are simply looking for justice.
How can you be a SS and not want to find it?
I don't have to explain myself to you, but nothing here started with us. In ancient times we lived happily and the Gods were the only ones on earth until Jews came and destroyed all our heritage and got the better of us.
I know my lineage very well and honestly I would like to take back what is mine (this is not the only reason I fight) and I would like the Gods, those who really love mankind, to come back here, to rule what they themselves created without any problems.

As for Hitler, that's your business. Think what you like but don't come here to write bullshit or shit on him.
If your grandparents say that it is either because they were his rivals or even worse, communists. Or fake Nazis.

You think that Hitler is the ideal, but he is not
I am being told this by an insignificant person after all this was reported by the Gods, I mean Hitler was sent here by them. Go against Hitler, go against the Gods.

My grandmother is Italian, as am I on the other hand.
She is currently 87 years old, she lived through World War II when she was a child and always spoke ill of Mussolini (who made many mistakes), she never spoke ill of Hitler...I am more and more convinced that your grandparents were anti-Nazis.

Can I not hate Jews? You see, there is no place in my principles of life for not being honest with the whole nation, the people. Relatively speaking, I understand that some of them have done very badly to us and our Gods, but nevertheless, everyone is not involved in this. We do not choose who we are born to, I am sure that a small Jewish child is definitely not to blame for anything. Of course, I understand that many of you want to find a scapegoat and blame someone for all your troubles, perhaps this is due to Hitler's unsuccessful ideas. I do not support his efforts to destroy nations. you think that everything bad about him is false. But you know, it's better to trust your great-grandparents, not an article on the Internet. Trust those who lived during this war, trust those who saw the hatred of the Slavs. You can call Hitler God,, or the almighty creator of heaven and earth. But to me, he's just another failed tyrant and dictator who lost again, just like Napoleon. All bad ideas are bound to fail. Thank the Gods that it happened. So, I just said that it's bad to judge a nation. I didn't say that I'm a fan of Jews, I don't care about them, I'm Ukrainian. I don't care about your Hitler, whom you consider a god. ("God lost 😆") And I consider myself a Satanist, you can call me names, you can call me a stupid moron, you can kick me out, you can ban me, you can do whatever you want. I will not stop being a spiritual Satanist because of your negative opinion about me. You think that Hitler is the ideal, but he is not. I don't think the Soviet army is perfect either. But it's so stupid to consider Hitler as a savior and God. You don't seem to have interacted with any members of this war. But you only know how to read articles
You are either too stupid to see it. Or socially conditioned to ignore it.
Sooo, yeah...

1)Putin is a racia jew
2)Zelensky is a jew

By HP Hooded Cobra

The real question is, how much do you, being Ukrainian, hate Ukraine?
Nobody really cares (or should care) of what specific ideas you bear.
You can think what you want, but the way you're addressing us isn't very nice or respectful.
We believe in free will, and it's in your entire possibilities to choose to not subscribe to a part of our ideals, as much as we can disagree.
Just drop the victim/inferiority complex, for your own sake.

I will just say one thing to hopefully make some gears in your brain start turning: if for thousands of years, and this is documented historically, hundreds of nations in history have had a problem with always the same tribe, to the point of expelling them or more, maybe the problem aren't the nations but the tribe. What's crazier to believe? That a tribe behaves horribly since for 5 thousands years everyone has had a problem with them, or is it crazier that for 5 thousand years all different cultures decided to hate on this tribe out of spite and they'are actually innocent lambs?

Always use your head, no one should follow blindly what someone else says. On that we agree. But do use your head.
Привіт мій українець! Як приємно бути наївним і вірити всьому, що тобі годують, не дивлячись на моральне розуміння світу! Я також українка, але на відміну від вас я не вірю в брехню, якою мене годують :) Якби ви коли-небудь насправді вивчали СПРАВЖНЮ історію, тоді ви могли б дізнатися, що ми, як українці, були союзниками його сил, і тому ви, як українець, не повинні цього забувати. Гітлер боровся за ідеальний світ, а це світ без євреїв. Заради іонів євреї спалювали б міста, катували та вбивали людей. Я маю на увазі, як ви знаєте, Сталін був євреєм, тож хто обох наших прадідів морив голодом і примушував до трудових таборів?? Я сподіваюся, що ви прокинетеся і усвідомите правду. Увесь Радянський Союз був єврейським, тож якщо ти хоч трохи співчуваєш усьому болю, який зазнали твої батьки, ти не будеш таким добрим. Прочитайте цей веб-сайт, навчіться і не будьте сліпим дурнем. Це вас нікуди не приведе. Вам не потрібно підтримувати Гітлера, ніхто вам цього не наказує, але співчувати євреям – це самогубство. СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ і СЛАВА САТАНІ!

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Hay ❤️ Thank you for sharing this information.
So this is my opinion. I recently saw a video that showcased how children of known terrorist faction fighters are indoctrinated into their parents beliefs specifically the father. In this video it shows a group of children approach the press and use obscene/violent gestures such as putting up a single finger to show they show fealty to their one true God, Allah, and using a cutting motion across their throat which you can likely decipher for yourself. Soon after the children began to throw rocks at the film crew, so they had to leave in their armored vehicle.

The point I'm trying to make is that children of factions are indoctrinated extremely early to practice the same beliefs as the immediate community, therefore it isn't so much based on the individuals themselves but the beliefs they have which are dangerous or harmful to others. To me children are just automatically off limits because they have long lives in which to reverse said indoctrination. Anyone above 20 is fair game though when it comes to being at odds. Again going back to the community that one belongs to typically determines the actions they take against enemy factions. In the case of the 3rd Reich it was total extermination. Its important not to apply a good and bad filter to things. Seeing in Binary is a sign of low intelligence. Instead I like to approach things as just being.

Who said that Hitler was God? To me that statement comes across as passive aggressive. You know you don't have to be here right?
No one is forcing you to, but with everything the jews have done, how could you not hate them?

Most, if not all major issues that Humans face currently are directly because of the jews.

Hitler many times tried to negotiate peace with other nations, and they all ignored him. Hitler never wanted the war.

Because they are. This would be no different than saying we think every bad thing about Satan is false, of course we do, its because they are false.

The NSDAP hated the soviets and communists, not Slavic people as a whole. If they hated Slavs, why did they ally with Ukrainians? If anything the soviets are the ones who hated Slavs, the holodomor being a good example of that.

How was he in any way a tyrant?
How did he fail? He served his purpose here on Earth. He stopped the spread of communism. If it weren't for Hitler, all of Europe (and probably most of the world including America) would be under a communist regime right now. Also, Hitler is a big reason as to why 'anti-semitism' is even a thing at all. If it weren't for him, many people wouldn't be aware of the crimes of the jews. Even today, many people are being made aware of the jews because of Hitler.

No one says you have to. HP Cobra has written about this many times.

here is one of his writings:

because compared to most of humanity, he is. Also, he completed the Magnum Opus, so he is one with the Gods now.

Satanism is about truth, so you should stop believing the lies and find the truth.

Assuming you aren't a troll, there is no reason to do any of that when it would be better to reeducate you instead, if you're willing to listen.

How is he not? He is a role model that everyone should look up to. For myself, Hitler has inspired me to do many great things and to change my life in many major ways for the better.

He saved us from communism, how is he not a savior? There is a reason we call him our Anti-Christ.

Have you? Not trying to sound condescending, its a genuine question.

Also, If it weren't for Nazi technology, we would have never gone to the Moon, among many many other inventions that they brought us. National Socialism is just Spiritual Satanism but through a political lens, it has the same goals and ideals that our Gods do.

"We are Nazis" -Lilith
Which communists? My ancestors fought against them in the ranks of the White Army. It's just that I don't deny the fact of cruelty on the part of the Germans towards US Slavs.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
