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brain storm


New member
Oct 24, 2024
Hello first of all. Sorry, my English is bad. I would like to remove some question marks from my mind by combining the information of the nation I belong to and the information I learned from you.
Please don't get angry at me with prejudices. This is the issue that confuses me; obviously you Jesus, Muhammad etc. You say fake characters. Yes, I agree, judging by the accepted dates and documents, they are all fake. But there is a situation like this. It is written in the history of the nation to which I belong that the Jews and the Umayyads distorted Islam in a terrible way. Our ancestors even fought a life-or-death battle with them. Contrary to the common history in our country, Caliph Abu Bakr, Omar, Osman, Amr ibn As, Zay ibn Sabit, Muaviye ibn Abu Sufyan and the majority of others are remembered as fraudsters and traitors. Ali ibn Abu Talib and his soldiers are mentioned as great personalities. As a matter of fact, when we look at history, Ali ibn Abu Talib conquered the Khayber castle, which was the center of discord among the Jews. In addition, these first three caliphs personally tried to distort the Quran. Also, Jesus fought against the Jews. They also wrote fake history on it; Prophets are Jews. However, in the beliefs of the Jews, the Umayyads and the races in that region, there is no such science as the afterlife and the continuation of life after death. But Muhammad and Jesus talk about faith after death. How can these guys be fake? How can Ali ibn Abu Talib and Muhammad, who spent their lives fighting against the Jews and the Umayyads, be fake? Islamic history was written by the Umayyads and the Jews, who were enemies of Muhammad. If the real Muhammad came out of the grave now, they would all declare war. This information is in the history of the nation I am a member of, it cannot be a lie. Also, I believe that almost all of your information is correct, but there is conceptual confusion. real muhammad, fake muhammad, real jesus, fake jesus etc. This is confusing me. Because be sure that the Jews hate the real Jesus and Muhammad very much. That's why the Umayyads and the Jews tried to exterminate Muhammad's lineage. I think resolving this conceptual confusion will eliminate many question marks. For example, Adolf Hitler revealed the truth and fought with the Jews. Then they started to slander Hitler. They even say that Hitler was actually a Jew. Should we now call Hitler fake? In my opinion, Muhammad, Jesus, Hitler, Sergei Nilus etc. Whoever fights with the Jews and serves humanity is a great man. But fake history is being written about these men. Why do the Jews do this, because they use every dirty tactic to establish their world empire. Meanwhile, real prophets only went to these perverted nations as warners and never served as missionaries. We have much deeper information, but I cannot explain it. Because it is a very detailed subject, if we are going to talk about the truth, then let's have a detailed brainstorm.
In addition, these first three caliphs personally tried to distort the Quran
Even if it's true, why does it even matter? The Quran is jewish, it contains the same jewish characters (Abraham e.t.c.) that the jews believe in. Why should it matter?

Also, Jesus fought against the Jews
No. In the buybull it says that Jesus was a jew. He was circumcised as jews do, observed all the jewish holidays like Hanukkah, wore jewish religious religious trappings and was a typical jewish supremacist who believed non-jews are dogs (that's how he called a Gentile woman, according to the bible). No one, no one ever said that Jesus wasn't a jew. Everyone except some fringe people accept that. He just happened to be a rebel jew who went against the mainstream jewish consensus, but he was still a jew. At least he would be if he existed, but he didn't.

They also wrote fake history on it; Prophets are Jews. However, in the beliefs of the Jews, the Umayyads and the races in that region, there is no such science as the afterlife and the continuation of life after death. But Muhammad and Jesus talk about faith after death. How can these guys be fake?

They are fake because they never existed historically. Are you aware of the English definition of the word fake? They are both fictitious, much like Harry Potter.

Also, the jews don't believe in the afterlife and plan and care for this life, but they tell the goyim suicidal teachings, like to ignore this life for the afterlife, as that's how you control and manipulate them. Islam and Christianity are supposed to be for the "goyim", not for the jews. The jews don't want these hoaxes for themselves because they're suicidal. They instead promote them for the goyim. This is what you're confusing. Nobody said that the jews want these religions for themselves. They don't. They are just programs to brainwash the goyim. They forbid their own to convert to one of these hoaxes because they are against their interests.

It's much like a poisoner doesn't drink his own poison. Christianity and Islam are jewish poison, and the jews don't want to drink it, they instead give it to their enemies.

For example, Adolf Hitler revealed the truth and fought with the Jews. Then they started to slander Hitler. They even say that Hitler was actually a Jew. Should we now call Hitler fake?

Hitler was a real person. The other ones are not. Again, you are not understanding what the English word "fake" means. There's no historical evidence that these Jesus and Mohammed characters ever existed. They are as real as Frodo from the Lord of the Rings.

And also you're comparing totally irrelevant and opposite things. Hitler is regarded as "evil" almost everywhere on earth because they slandered him. No one regards Jesus or Mohammed as "evil". Most atheists think Jesus was a good guy and he existed, and they criticize Christians for not being "Christlike". There are 2 billion people that will kill you if you say anything bad about Mohammed. Are these two characters slandered? Of course not.

On the other hand, you know who is really slandered by the jews? Satan. Almost everyone think's he's an evil bad guy, thanks to the jews.

If the jews wanted to slander these two characters, they would tell the same lies about them like they do about Satan. Have you ever thought about that?

In fact, Hitler and Satan were slandered by the jews precisely because they are their enemies.

Satan is their real enemy, not 2 jews who didn't even exist and who founded religions called Abrahamic because they are based on the jewish character "Abraham".

Also you are confusing sectarianism with racial hatred. Protestants and Catholics fought to death with each other. It doesn't mean they are not christians. Both are denominations of xianity. The catholic church persecuted many other sects of xianity and killed their followers.

Likewise, even if the Muslims or Christians fight against the Jews it doesn't mean that all three aren't Abrahamic (Jewish) religions. Yes, they are all jewish. They believe in the jewish fairytale and worldview.

You completely ignore how those religions mass murdered the Pagans, both in Europe and in the Middle East in order to replace their religions with jewish teachings.

These religions are mainly anti-Gentile, not anti-jewish. Theodosius, the one who made Christianity the official religion of Rome created laws protecting the jews while he ordered Pagan temples to be destroyed and the Pagans to be persecuted. The same happened in Islamic countries.

There's zero evidence that even if Jesus or Mohammed were real they would love Pagans, because Pagans are the true Gentiles. Instead they both hated them.

Real jewsus, muhammad or whatever, who cares? They are both avatars for jewish religions that massmurdered millions of Gentiles and destroyed their culture.
Also, are you a Spiritual Satanist, or a Muslim practicing taqiyya, kitman, tawriya, taysir e.t.c. (for those who don't know, there are Muslim methods for lying to "unbelievers" in order to convert them)? You only have 3 posts and all 3 are about defending Islam and Christianity. You never posted anything about Satanism or Occult knowledge or anything related.
You wrote this in the Turkish forum:

When I look at the Quran, I see that the real God (not the fake ones he tells us) is a real Jew hater.

Who is the "real god" other than Satan? Satan is the real god. Are you aware that the Quran blasphemes Satan, praises the jewish god Yahweh (whom it calls "Allah", as it repeats the same jewish stories from the jewish Torah about jewish characters like Moses, Abraham e.t.c.), condemns esoteric/occult practices and is full of evil and mass murder? It's a shit book, full of contradictions and cruelty and has been exposed. For one, it condones slavery, much like the jewish bible:

If you are going to reply to this or my other posts, write "Hail Iblis/Shaitan!" to prove that you are with us. Otherwise I will assume that you are a Muslim trying to convert us in a sneaky way by using taqiyya, tawriya e.t.c. That's what it seems like with your posts in the Turkish forum.
Please do not misunderstand me. I definitely don't mean anything bad. If you read the sentences I wrote carefully, you will understand that I am not doing any absurd missionary work. On the contrary, I learned a lot of information from you. Our ancestors fought with the Jews-Umayyads and their sheep during the times when the world was asleep, and the sword did not fall from their hands. Our ancestors knew the political secrets of the Jews. These parasites who were trying to take over the world were defeated by Arabia in Khaybar. In fact, the Jews said that no one but God could bring down this castle. Ali ibn abu talib alone became a nightmare for them. How can I be a missionary when I know these? I'm definitely not a ridiculous missionary. My goal is to brainstorm. to put some concepts in place. I'm not saying you're wrong. Don't see me as an enemy. You don't want to understand me. I'm telling you they ruined everything. So why does it say in the Quran that Jews cause corruption on earth? He says that whenever they light a fire for war, God extinguishes that fire. Moreover, no prophet went to the actual pagans, almost all of them went to the Jews and warned them. It is written in the highest court of the world that the Jews will suffer the worst of the troubles. By the way, a Christian Priest who exposed the Protocols of Zion! He revealed this at the cost of his life, was tortured and killed. perhaps true pagans needed to be brought together under one roof. We say Muslim, Christian etc. They named it. But to me, these names have no significance; They are political and strategic names. Because the enemy is attacking insidiously with all his might. There are big political strategic plans. Jews do this well. So, don't you think there are people who plan according to their plans? Of course there are, they all have to be underground. I don't mean this global Islam or Christianity. Because, unfortunately, it was a religion written entirely by the Jews and the Umayyads as a fake. For example, couldn't the real Jesus be a Celtic druid? Over time, Celts came to Çanakkale. Gallipoli is actually Gallipolis. That is, the city of the Galatians. They came to Anatolia, landed in Palestine, there is the city of Galilee, the city of the Celts. Jesus and Peter were from Galilee. Can't pagans do political strategic projects? Couldn't the real Abraham be originally Aryan? What is he doing in India? The Aryan race came to India thousands of years ago. Are there any remains of these? Couldn't the real Muhammad be of Aryan origin? Why did he marry into the Iranian royal family? Was the real Moses really a Jew? On the contrary, Moses would never treat the Jews as human beings. Couldn't they disguise themselves as Jews or Arabs? Because there is an insidious enemy outside. Why are only Jews cunning? Couldn't the true pagans have made a strategic plan based on their insidious plans? Yes, official Christianity and Islam in the world were invented by Jews. this is true. Muhammad's wife, Aisha bint Abu Bakr, was a traitor herself. Can't they slander all kinds of slander against Muhammad? For example, Muhammad is a pedophile, a pervert, and a beheader. However, they are perverts, decapitators, pedophiles and homosexuals. Yazid ibn Abu Sufyan showed his true face in Karbala. Did Muhammad's grandson Hussein beheaded? From where???? Why did they try to destroy Muhammad's family and descendants? These hypocritical Muslims????? Why did they poison Muhammad's grandson Hasan through his wife and destroy his lungs?????? Why did Abu Sufya's wife, Hind, kill Muhammad's uncle, Hamza, cut open his chest, take out his heart and chew it???? Why did the Jews and the Umayyads form an alliance and try to defeat Muhammad in the trench war? 1. Why did Caliph Abu Bakr kill men who knew the Quran by heart by keeping them in the front lines during the war? 2. Why did Caliph Omar collect the Quran??? 3. Why did Caliph Osman have the Holy Quran burned??? So why did he write this himself??? Why did Muawiyah fight Ali??? Why did Muhammad's treacherous wife fight Ali???? Why did they curse Ali and his descendants in mosques???? Why did he behead Yazid Hussein???? Why did Hasan's treacherous wife secretly poison him???? These are the facts of history. Now let's continue brainstorming; These despicable Arabs and Jews destroyed the truths of Muhammad and replaced them with false Islam. They spread Islam to the world. They attacked pagan communities. Couldn't the aim be to turn people into sheep?
Please do not misunderstand me. I definitely don't mean anything bad. If you read the sentences I wrote carefully, you will understand that I am not doing any absurd missionary work. On the contrary, I learned a lot of information from you. Our ancestors fought with the Jews-Umayyads and their sheep during the times when the world was asleep, and the sword did not fall from their hands. Our ancestors knew the political secrets of the Jews. These parasites who were trying to take over the world were defeated by Arabia in Khaybar. In fact, the Jews said that no one but God could bring down this castle. Ali ibn abu talib alone became a nightmare for them. How can I be a missionary when I know these? I'm definitely not a ridiculous missionary. My goal is to brainstorm. to put some concepts in place. I'm not saying you're wrong. Don't see me as an enemy. You don't want to understand me. I'm telling you they ruined everything. So why does it say in the Quran that Jews cause corruption on earth? He says that whenever they light a fire for war, God extinguishes that fire. Moreover, no prophet went to the actual pagans, almost all of them went to the Jews and warned them. It is written in the highest court of the world that the Jews will suffer the worst of the troubles. By the way, a Christian Priest who exposed the Protocols of Zion! He revealed this at the cost of his life, was tortured and killed. perhaps true pagans needed to be brought together under one roof. We say Muslim, Christian etc. They named it. But to me, these names have no significance; They are political and strategic names. Because the enemy is attacking insidiously with all his might. There are big political strategic plans. Jews do this well. So, don't you think there are people who plan according to their plans? Of course there are, they all have to be underground. I don't mean this global Islam or Christianity. Because, unfortunately, it was a religion written entirely by the Jews and the Umayyads as a fake. For example, couldn't the real Jesus be a Celtic druid? Over time, Celts came to Çanakkale. Gallipoli is actually Gallipolis. That is, the city of the Galatians. They came to Anatolia, landed in Palestine, there is the city of Galilee, the city of the Celts. Jesus and Peter were from Galilee. Can't pagans do political strategic projects? Couldn't the real Abraham be originally Aryan? What is he doing in India? The Aryan race came to India thousands of years ago. Are there any remains of these? Couldn't the real Muhammad be of Aryan origin? Why did he marry into the Iranian royal family? Was the real Moses really a Jew? On the contrary, Moses would never treat the Jews as human beings. Couldn't they disguise themselves as Jews or Arabs? Because there is an insidious enemy outside. Why are only Jews cunning? Couldn't the true pagans have made a strategic plan based on their insidious plans? Yes, official Christianity and Islam in the world were invented by Jews. this is true. Muhammad's wife, Aisha bint Abu Bakr, was a traitor herself. Can't they slander all kinds of slander against Muhammad? For example, Muhammad is a pedophile, a pervert, and a beheader. However, they are perverts, decapitators, pedophiles and homosexuals. Yazid ibn Abu Sufyan showed his true face in Karbala. Did Muhammad's grandson Hussein beheaded? From where???? Why did they try to destroy Muhammad's family and descendants? These hypocritical Muslims????? Why did they poison Muhammad's grandson Hasan through his wife and destroy his lungs?????? Why did Abu Sufya's wife, Hind, kill Muhammad's uncle, Hamza, cut open his chest, take out his heart and chew it???? Why did the Jews and the Umayyads form an alliance and try to defeat Muhammad in the trench war? 1. Why did Caliph Abu Bakr kill men who knew the Quran by heart by keeping them in the front lines during the war? 2. Why did Caliph Omar collect the Quran??? 3. Why did Caliph Osman have the Holy Quran burned??? So why did he write this himself??? Why did Muawiyah fight Ali??? Why did Muhammad's treacherous wife fight Ali???? Why did they curse Ali and his descendants in mosques???? Why did he behead Yazid Hussein???? Why did Hasan's treacherous wife secretly poison him???? These are the facts of history. Now let's continue brainstorming; These despicable Arabs and Jews destroyed the truths of Muhammad and replaced them with false Islam. They spread Islam to the world. They attacked pagan communities. Couldn't the aim be to turn people into sheep?

It seems like you are going over all these names and events, trying to seek clarity from an otherwise complicated history, but what is the point? I don't see you mention Satan or any Gods in here.

Whatever or whoever Jesus or Muhammad was or wasn't doesn't matter anymore. We have the Gods and the spiritual tools to fight any opposition to us. We don't need to pick apart all the convoluted aspects of history, which may or may not be factually reported.

Even if the current iteration of Islam is actually worse than the last, it is still not Spiritual Satanism, so who cares? We will spiritually destroy any aspect of the enemy, whether it is more or less corrupt.
It seems like you are going over all these names and events, trying to seek clarity from an otherwise complicated history, but what is the point? I don't see you mention Satan or any Gods in here.

Whatever or whoever Jesus or Muhammad was or wasn't doesn't matter anymore. We have the Gods and the spiritual tools to fight any opposition to us. We don't need to pick apart all the convoluted aspects of history, which may or may not be factually reported.

Even if the current iteration of Islam is actually worse than the last, it is still not Spiritual Satanism, so who cares? We will spiritually destroy any aspect of the enemy, whether it is more or less corrupt.
Of course, I will talk about gods in the future.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
