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Satan’s name is all over jewish names, the real meaning of Israel, what “Jesus” really is

Seeker in the Dark

Active member
Jul 8, 2024
El wasn’t just a title for God, he was an actual God worshipped in Canaan, the head God even. Interestingly the jews took that name and began putting it all over jewish names, especially the names of angels, who all have “el” in their names. El is the name of Satan. I assume the el was given to the angelic names to give them power. “El” is also where the word “Allah” comes from. “Allah” means “al ilah”, “the god”, “ilah” is the Arabic word for “el”, they’re the same word with the same meaning. Hubal/Baal was also the head God of the Kaaba, before it was reappropriated for “Allah”.

Baal means “Lord” but jews use another word for “Lord”, “Adonai” to avoid saying Baal. Adon from where Adonai comes from, was also another title from the Canaanites for El/Satan.

All three of the names/titles for Yahweh were stolen from Satan by the jews.

But it gets even better. The origin of the name Israel is usually thought of as Isis-Ra-El. This is a popular myth and isn’t true because the “Is” is only found in the english translation of the word which is wrong.

The proper english pronunciation for Israel is Yisrael, and is divided in two hebrew words, “Yisra” and “El”. The name is in fact extremely blasphemous towards Satan.

In rabbinic tradition, the meaning of the word “Yisra” means to “triumph/struggle” with the El attached to mean “with God”, with the origin of the name being given to one of the jewish patriarchs Jacob.

On the surface it’s simply seen as a inner spiritual struggle in oneself. However, when one digs into the rabbinical interpretation, the meaning is something else entirely. The “angel” that wrestled with Jacob in the story is understood as Satan (the angel/guardian of Esau) who the jews call “Samael”.

Esau is symbolic of Rome; which in the one sense means Whites but also it means all Pagans/Gentiles. The story concludes with Jacob wrestling Satan into submission and focing him to bless Jacob. The true meaning of the name “Yisrael” is basically one who has triumphed over Satan and the Gentiles. It’s a direct attack on the Gentiles and our God.

When one looks into the “prophecies” regarding “Jesus”, basically most of them have nothing to do with the jewish “messiah” even but with Israel itself. There is a reason for this.

Daniel 7:13 is one I will bring to attention here, to show what I mean:

“In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.”

Christians understand this verse as a prophecy of Jesus’ future kingdom. However, when one looks into the meaning of the words here and the later interpretation given to Daniel in the chapter, it’s obviously not reffering to Jesus in fact to Israel/jews themselves.

First, the context of the chapter. Daniel is seeing a vision of 4 beasts, symbolic of the four great gentile empires, Babylon, Persia, Greece and then Rome. These are symbolic representations and also ties in to the jewish degrading of Gentiles as “beasts”. The “son of man” Daniel sees in the vision isn’t a literal man as christians think but in fact symbolic of the jews/israel, who are understood as “human” in contrast to the Gentile “beasts”.

What sense does it make that the beasts seen in the vision as symbolic but the man is literal? It doesn’t make any. The meaning is obviously symbolic as well, in harmony with the other symbolic themes of the vision.

Christians might say that since it says the man will be worshipped, so it can’t mean Israel as worshipping jews isn’t allowed, only “Yahweh” can be worshipped. However, the Aramaic word for “worshipped” in this chapter (Daniel 7 was written in Aramaic) can also mean “serve”, which ties in to the other OT prophecies where Gentiles were serve jews and work the land for them.

The angel also tells Daniel that the meaning of the “son of man” in the vision is the “holy people” which means jews:

Daniel 7:27

“Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him.“

Here it says the “holy people” will have all the power and sovereignty, showing what the “son of man” really means.

“Jesus” is quite litteraly a symbol for Israel/the jews. This is why Jesus is presented as “triumphant” over Satan in the book of Revelation, this is symbolic of the jewish triumph over the Gentiles. Michael and Jesus are also strongly related, both are presented as defeating Satan and having a flaming sword. Jehovah’s witnesses take this interpretation as far as saying Jesus is Michael. The flaming sword is also what stops Adam and Eve from obtaining immortality, again symbolising the jews and the jewish god as the ones that keep the Gentiles in a state of death and mortality, while Satan the serpent was the one who gave the Gentiles knowledge. Yahweh meanwhile confuses Humanity, which is also shown in the allegory of the creation of several languages in the Babel myth to specifically divide the humans. Here the enemy admits they are the ones who sow discord amongst the Gentiles, specifically to weaken them.

This is why Jesus also symbolically referred to himself as the “Temple of Solomon” which in jewish lore was the place where the jewish king Solomon bound the Gentile Gods, chief of whom was Baal/Satan.

Christians are quite litteraly worshipping the jews/Israel itself. They direct their energies to Israel. They eat the flesh and blood of Israel, invoking it into their souls. They call themselves the new “jews” and “spiritual Israel”. They alchemicaly are killed and are reborn into “jews”, which is what the “baptism” is all about. Water is symbolic of life/death/rebirth/cleansing. This is why they’re so insane about “jesus” and try to preach it everywhere like a virus. The astral virus is trying to reproduce and needs constant hosts so it can continue feeding on their energies and spirituality empowering Israel. This also btw how the xians went from hating the jews to loving them in the last century.

Jesus means “Joshua” in Hebrew. They’re the exact same name. In hebrew it’s Yeshua, meaning “Yah is my salvation”. Salvation from what though? The original Joshua in the OT was the jewish commander who conquered Canaan in the book of Joshua and slaughtered all the Canaanite men,women and children, as well as tearing the altars of Gods down, all remaining survivors were enslaved. This is what “salvation” for the jews means, conquering, enslaving and mercilessly murdering Gentiles. The Canaan Conquest myth (which didn’t even happen historically) is the blueprint for the whole world. Therefore, Jesus quite literally means “salvation of the jews over the Gentiles”. The OT also mentions how Yahweh will murder all the Gentiles and enslave the rest for the jews, several times.

That’s the Abrahamic virus at its core. Murder, theft, slavery and narcissism. This is why xians and muslims are absolute self-unaware narcissistic assholes, they’re embodying all the above traits of the jews by spirituality tying in to them.
The flaming sword is also what stops Adam and Eve from obtaining immortality, again symbolising the jews and the jewish god as the ones that keep the Gentiles in a state of death and mortality, while Satan the serpent was the one who gave the Gentiles knowledge.

Read here regarding the true meaning of the Genesis myth and how the enemy basically binds us:


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
