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Andrew Tate wants to become UK prime minister


New member
Apr 18, 2023
What do you think?

I watched a bit of its video on X about what he wants to do when he becomes prime minister of UK. He basically wants to deport all muslim immigrants, give permission to the police to shoot if necessary, reform UK taxes, reform school, etc.
What do you think?

I watched a bit of its video on X about what he wants to do when he becomes prime minister of UK. He basically wants to deport all muslim immigrants, give permission to the police to shoot if necessary, reform UK taxes, reform school, etc.

The man has literally been put into jail, was involved in human trafficking, is a terrible degenerate and spews the biggest, most disrespectful bullshit towards the feminine gender.

And oh, he also called men gay for enjoying sex with their female partners besides embarrassing himself continuously on twitter.

Does he look like a man capable of being a prime minister or keeping his promises?
He basically wants to deport all muslim immigrants
uhh, he’s muslim?

Guys like him always talk the talk and don’t do shit. It’s a show of how sad this state of the world is when he’s given so much attention for so long.
You should read more into Andrew and his brother Tristan. I don't want to be overly critical or forceful on this topic, but It appears that the human and sex trafficking charges are legitimate.

Andrew as a man in his 30s has been on video saying how he would be fine with "a 16 year old virgin wife" along with him backpedaling alot of his questionable statements he made before he was famous and rich about pimping bitches out and holding them against their will. Forcing the women to tattoo their names on them like property, holding their money illegally... etc.

I don't want to make up your mind here though.

I would circle back to these statements he makes after you've read more into them and see if you still can take anything they say seriously.
Tate is barely a self-thinking person. He says and does what he knows will get him money and influence. I'm hard pressed to think he even has internal opinions beyond what would fuel his delusions of grandeur.
He's most likely not getting the spot and only using it as a PR move. But he will most likely get some sort of political position in the wild jungle that is European politics.
Rich and influential while being a lying idiot. So, exactly what he has been, doesn't change much.

It is factual that he was a pimp and ran a camgirl company, with all of the trashy behavior that comes with that. Whether non-consent or abuse was part of it, I'd think there was, but there's no definitive proof.

The fact that he's using genuine issues that the UK is facing in order to boost his own image is arguably the single greatest act of chicanery he's committed.
Tate is barely a self-thinking person. He says and does what he knows will get him money and influence. I'm hard pressed to think he even has internal opinions beyond what would fuel his delusions of grandeur.
He's most likely not getting the spot and only using it as a PR move. But he will most likely get some sort of political position in the wild jungle that is European politics.
Rich and influential while being a lying idiot. So, exactly what he has been, doesn't change much.

It is factual that he was a pimp and ran a camgirl company, with all of the trashy behavior that comes with that. Whether non-consent or abuse was part of it, I'd think there was, but there's no definitive proof.

The fact that he's using genuine issues that the UK is facing in order to boost his own image is arguably the single greatest act of chicanery he's committed.
Isn't enough to think that he is Candace Owens buddy, who is Ben Shapiro's (who Is a reptile) buddy? I always think it like this to spot enemies
Andrew Tate probably would force sharia law to end homosexuality and to generate misogyny, probably he would do a lot things that are represented in islamicevil.com
The others allowed r*pes and other horrible things to happen, for now he said right things, and not some bullshit like giving luxory prigion cells to killers like they do on Sweden or whatever.

He may be muslim but it doesn't act like one, I think from one side he plays to pretend to be muslim or to carry for christianity, on the other he will probably reject the core values of it as the Age of Satya procedes.

Caring for christianity and "traditional values" is a way to oppose wokenism, and get closer to the locals.

This may be interesting to watch, a guy like him into politics, let's see what happen.

About crimes and other accusations, many are a made up, and still, also other politicians are involved in even bigger crimes than what he did, if he trully did these.
My opinion on this topic is that we can notice there's still the game of the controlled oppositions, against the middle, who are the Gentiles. We have the wokeism on one side, and the Christian conservationists and traditionalists on the other side. We can see how the woke humanoids constantly mock Christianity, so that it gives the opportunity to the jews to call people who are not woke to "return to their christian roots". This is simply a dog chasing its tail, as christianity is spiritual communism, conservative societies will again repress gay people, which will in turn strenghten their loyalty to the LGBT cause, etc.

A real victory comes when people are anti christianity, anti woke, anti semite, anti islam all together, which is something we will not have for a while. So I believe someone like Andrew Tate is the best we can get now, like Trump who is still better than Sleepy Joe, even if he went to the wall in Israel where people cry. Tate is still controlled opposition to me, but if he really does what he promised, that's fine, at least he saved children from muslim orcs, stabbings, rapes and from LGBT indoctrination, and most importantly he will set an example for other European countries... given he REALLY does what he promised, and on the other hand, he might still do something for the jews while he's in power.

My opinion on conservatives is that they are fine as long as they fight feminists and the woke, even if they promote christianity, which is a religion that is dying. Modern christians are not christians anymore, because they don't really follow what it's in the Bible, which is jewish filth. And of course I know conservatives are still run by Jews, but are still better than the wokeist garbage.

We performed many RTRs in the years that made the enemy weak, so their religions and their magick are not strong as they were 20 years ago. Therefore, more and more people are discovering what the jews really are.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
