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Horror movies?


Sep 3, 2023
I’ve seen a couple of threads on this but not sure.

You know when horror movies are called like “the devil made me do it” or smth else jews think of to disrespect Satan.My question is
when we watch a movie let’s say its called “ lonely house” and it goes nice and all but the “a demon possesses human and the human calls a priest bla bla typical movie huge fight but priest wins”is that some kind of “disrespect” or “offense” to the Gods by us watching it as it is a “mocking” the Gods and Demons.I know i shouldn’t watch them but when we watch a “normal” movie and disrespect to the Gods comes out of nowhere should we just stop watching it or what?

Now i had experience on the topic as i’ve seen a movie trailer on YouTube about some kind of vatikan crap called “The exorcist” and said in my head someting like Lord Satan is it okay to watch this or not like to know generally about these movies and right at that moment, my Internet stopped working only on the device i was watching on and once i realized the answer it worked again and i never watched that kind of movies or even looked at the trailer.

I know i already “answered” my question but i’m trying to expand my knowledge as knowledge is a gift so please understand.

Hail Satan
I’ve seen a couple of threads on this but not sure.

You know when horror movies are called like “the devil made me do it” or smth else jews think of to disrespect Satan.My question is
when we watch a movie let’s say its called “ lonely house” and it goes nice and all but the “a demon possesses human and the human calls a priest bla bla typical movie huge fight but priest wins”is that some kind of “disrespect” or “offense” to the Gods by us watching it as it is a “mocking” the Gods and Demons.I know i shouldn’t watch them but when we watch a “normal” movie and disrespect to the Gods comes out of nowhere should we just stop watching it or what?

Now i had experience on the topic as i’ve seen a movie trailer on YouTube about some kind of vatikan crap called “The exorcist” and said in my head someting like Lord Satan is it okay to watch this or not like to know generally about these movies and right at that moment, my Internet stopped working only on the device i was watching on and once i realized the answer it worked again and i never watched that kind of movies or even looked at the trailer.

I know i already “answered” my question but i’m trying to expand my knowledge as knowledge is a gift so please understand.

Hail Satan
As for whether watching these movies is right or not, you have already answered yourself. However, this is my opinion on how this desire of yours will work ACCORDING TO ME and according to my PERSONAL (not objective) experiences.

In my opinion as you become more and more connected to the Gods and your bond with them is increased, you yourself will be disgusted to see the Gods themselves slandered and associated with these fantasy monsters.

At the beginning I personally didn't take it very seriously and I happened to watch TV series where they used the names of the Gods to represent characters. Even if not to "defame them too much", but still improperly using the names connected to them.

Nowadays, after my connection with the Gods has developed, it would really disgust me to witness these cases where the Gods are connected to characters who have nothing to do with Them. The more you tie yourself to Satan, the more unbearable and intolerable Christian disgust will be for you.

In these cases I always think of the Pagans of ancient times. For example, the famous video game "God of War" (where the aim of the video game is to fight the Gods with the protagonist), some think "it is just an innocent game", but if an ancient Pagan Priest was offered the opportunity to play or assist to a video game like that, what would he do? Well, I don't think he would accept the offer at all, he would just be disgusted considering that he is a Pagan Priest and that game defames everything he has ever served...

It's MY opinion. I ask the more advanced members to correct me if I'm wrong... :)
You are brainwashing yourself if you watching these movies by choice.

Fear is artificial, created by the enemy.
I don’t watch them now as i don’t like Satan’s name being used in a bad way,
But before i was a Satanist I always used to watch horror movies involing “paranomal” and etc…
As for whether watching these movies is right or not, you have already answered yourself. However, this is my opinion on how this desire of yours will work ACCORDING TO ME and according to my PERSONAL (not objective) experiences.

In my opinion as you become more and more connected to the Gods and your bond with them is increased, you yourself will be disgusted to see the Gods themselves slandered and associated with these fantasy monsters.

At the beginning I personally didn't take it very seriously and I happened to watch TV series where they used the names of the Gods to represent characters. Even if not to "defame them too much", but still improperly using the names connected to them.

Nowadays, after my connection with the Gods has developed, it would really disgust me to witness these cases where the Gods are connected to characters who have nothing to do with Them. The more you tie yourself to Satan, the more unbearable and intolerable Christian disgust will be for you.

In these cases I always think of the Pagans of ancient times. For example, the famous video game "God of War" (where the aim of the video game is to fight the Gods with the protagonist), some think "it is just an innocent game", but if an ancient Pagan Priest was offered the opportunity to play or assist to a video game like that, what would he do? Well, I don't think he would accept the offer at all, he would just be disgusted considering that he is a Pagan Priest and that game defames everything he has ever served...

It's MY opinion. I ask the more advanced members to correct me if I'm wrong... :)
Sorry, but you got one thing wrong and that is to say that it is an opinion. An opinion is the subjective perception of something, be it a taste, the way you perceive something, they are opinions; whereas what you told is a fact, something objective. It's like saying that having an astral projection or contacting a demon/god is an opinion, it certainly doesn't make sense.

I just wanted to correct you, as I saw that you used an incorrect term to refer to your experience.
I watched many horror movies. And I understand a little bit where manipulation techniques can lead. No horror movie seems worth my time anymore. They're all exactly the same. I haven't seen a single horror movie that didn't insult our Gods. Even if they show it that way on the surface, deep down it is still an insult.

As my friend above said, once you become close to the Gods, you will become alienated from such things.
I watched many horror movies. And I understand a little bit where manipulation techniques can lead. No horror movie seems worth my time anymore. They're all exactly the same. I haven't seen a single horror movie that didn't insult our Gods. Even if they show it that way on the surface, deep down it is still an insult.

As my friend above said, once you become close to the Gods, you will become alienated from such things.
I feel the same, after understanding more about the jews manipulation tactics all the horror movies became boring for me and same like every movie is the same and insulting the Gods.

I don’t even watch them anymore But still wanted to know how other people here feel about it.
We call It a "movie" but it's actually a deadly weapon that the jews use to scare the shit out of normal people. When a 15 years old who never put a foot inside a church Is terrified of Satanas, who put that fear in his head? The jewish media..
Read my forum signature.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
