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Jan 28, 2025
What are your thoughts about Buddha? (I'm not talking about this buddhism, buddhism is bulshit) Buddha

Was Buddha an ally or an enemy?
Ally or enemy I don't know.
But if Buddhism is actually a sect is surely because the start was bad and incomplete, meaning Buddha was not so aware.

As far I know, the Nirvana he promoted is a meditation state among others.
A high level one but not the enlightenment.

The real enlightenment is to raise the Kundalini/Serpent up to the coronal chakra.
Symbolism about this process are the horns, the serpent outputting the front of Pharaoh...

Buddha is never connected with these metaphors, he's sitting at the foot of a tree waiting for his nirvana, a state of calm and lucidity.
Maybe a charlatan occultist
What are your thoughts about Buddha? (I'm not talking about this buddhism, buddhism is bulshit) Buddha

Was Buddha an ally or an enemy?
Buddha does not exist; he is a concept. Like the “jesus” for the Bible.
I think of the Buddha as THE state of Buddhahood
There are several Buddhas who taught the Dhamma before Sidhata Gotama.

People don't study Vajrayana and Mahayana Buddhism in depth, so they don't know much about what Buddhism is about, and end up talking about things they don't know out of ignorance.

I believe that Sidhata Gotama was a great man who taught the basis of what he called truth to the public, and esoteric Buddhism to his best disciples.

As in the case of Maitreya, who in the next Kalpa will be the New Buddha.
There is no such thing as sin, evil or guilt in Buddhism

mārā is considered a Deva-Buda

Many Devas are recognized in Buddhism.

How Indra

Buddhists venerate both good and "bad" Buddha-Devas

That's only in the Mahayana-vajrayana

Theravada is best known among Westerners, and is a Buddhism without mysticism or powers.
Unlike the Vajrayanas, the Theravadas don't venerate or use mantras to ask for the help of the Buddha-Devas.
Because it is a somewhat atheistic branch.
I can personally vouch for Laughing Buddha. Dude has helped me so much with learning to enjoy life and find ways to cope with my stress. Very Satyic (Satanic) energy. I feel Him around me often. I have even been told many times that he's "the only enlightened Buddha" (may have just been another joke really) and he has saved my ass in the background in ways I don't even understand yet.
What are your thoughts about Buddha? (I'm not talking about this buddhism, buddhism is bulshit) Buddha

Was Buddha an ally or an enemy?

Read this:
You understand that Buddha is actually a concept and that all Buddhists know this too, do you?

He was not a real person and this is at least more honest than xianity that says the claimed egregore was some sort of cultic focal point that never existed.

Buddha is a concept of the symbolized Buddhi or Yogic mind. As such he leads to "Brahman", moves one away of "Salvation" and so forth.

And read also this:
Buddhism has taken things over to wrong context. These states albeit the so called "ego" is left behind, are not states which procure death like Buddhism claims. Due to the necessity that Buddhism was pacifistic, they preached these things and took them out of context. Then eventually the mission in all Buddhist monasteries started becoming to extinct yourself and to produce "No karma", ie, a state of non-existence where you don't do anything whatsoever.

Eventually it became a mental ill asylum for people who want to kill themselves and extinct themselves out of existence. The same nihilistic undertone took over as the enemy programs. Buddhism did not remove all meditations but it promoted meditations which are focused on the above nihilistic ends. Therefore it still had a spiritual aspect but it was misplaced severely. All the fundamental beliefs of xianity which are anti-pagan as well started getting a foothold, that existence is "evil" and only seeks to "tempt you" and "steal your soul" and other nonsense.

Socially they preached to not exist in anyway and desert the world for the mountains, and just sit there and vanish yourself, leaving everything behind (such as wealth and everything else, staying away from all the socially constructive things as they "build up suffering"). The central motive is that one must "evade suffering" and not grow from it in anyway like the Ancient Greeks or anything like the systems of before. They had a similar start off but later on they took things very far.

They also even came up with the idea that merely if you have "bad intent" (even if you don't act to it) you are contributing to evil in society and took many things to the extremes. The original teachings of the Buddha were later on desecrated and replaced with all the above, taken into unhealthy extremes. They also removed the Gods from the equation just blanket calling them all "deceitful spirits", like the enemy did. This took centuries but they did it later, despite of the origins of the original teachings being very positive toward the Gods.
Buddha means 'the Enlightened one', just like 'Lucifer' means the Light-Bearer. I remember reading that jewsus was also names jesus-Lucifer. As the one who 'brings light' bollocks.
Bhuddism, like Zoroastrianism and Atenism, were prior(failed) attempts at destroying the original religion of the Gods by the enemy, replacing the Gods with a generic solar figure to worship, with a focus on the "one god" with solar imagery to attract worship, even in Bhuddism which has no "one god", the Bhudda is solarised, turned into some sort of messiah and has the halo on his head, all meant to ensure focus on him. Solar imagery attracts human attention like flies to light.

Egypt and India could have easily become enemy footholds centuries before the Abrahamic religions even existed.

There's always a focus on light worship, death worship and the glorification of being a loser in enemy programs.
Bhuddism, like Zoroastrianism and Atenism, were prior(failed) attempts at destroying the original religion of the Gods by the enemy, replacing the Gods with a generic solar figure to worship, with a focus on the "one god" with solar imagery to attract worship, even in Bhuddism which has no "one god", the Bhudda is solarised, turned into some sort of messiah and has the halo on his head, all meant to ensure focus on him. Solar imagery attracts human attention like flies to light.

Egypt and India could have easily become enemy footholds centuries before the Abrahamic religions even existed.

There's always a focus on light worship, death worship and the glorification of being a loser in enemy programs.
This is also why "Jesus" has light and sun all over him in xian art. They even spill the beans in the NT for those who are aware:

1 John 1:5
"This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all."

This is true in the sense that "God" is the light energy that is all around us, but the sly behaviour of the enemy is they replace Satan with a false "light bringer", like jesus, who became the new Lucifer, calling himself the "morning star":

Revelation 22:16

“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

In Bhuddism, the "light bringer" is Bhudda, yet another false replacement for Satan, the true original light-bringer.
I'm not completely sure but he does strike me like another version of jewsus, just meant for another culture. Something like "be fat, sit under a tree and don't do anything..while we conquer the world". I feel like that's the true Spirit of Buddhism.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
