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I want to know what Satan looks like.(Long sentence)


New member
Dec 18, 2024
I want to know what Satan looks like.

I learned about the Joy of Satan a year ago and received the sigil shortly after. On February 4th of last year, I received the occult number 666 616, but I didn't know what it meant at the time. I was a Christian then, so I was completely ignorant. I happened to watch the lottery numbers on TV, and the Korean lottery at that time was 49 666 616. I was very surprised at the time, but I forgot about it because I was receiving Christian teachings from my parents. Recently, in 2025, I revisited the website to reconnect with Satan. While working in Japan, I checked the Japanese Mini Lotto on January 28th, and the numbers were 4 6 16 26 29. Looking at the last digits of the numbers, it was 4 6669, and I felt that this was no different from moving the 9 to the back of 4 9666616, which I had experienced. I gradually came to believe in Satan. After believing in Satan, I started doing money meditation every day, and on February 2nd, I received 100,000 won. Also, I unknowingly checked the lottery on February 6th, and the numbers were 2, 6, 9, 26, 32, 36. I didn't realize that this was a sign that luck would come to me on February 6th. The 9 is a reversed version of 6, and looking at the last digits, 6, 26, and 36 are 666.

It seems that my Father Satan is sending me messages to win the lottery. However, even if I make a vow to Father Satan and build an astral temple, there is one problem. The image of Father Satan that I perceive is different from the image in the photos on the Joy of Satan website. To me, Father Satan has the same black skin as me, blonde hair, and green eyes. I haven't won the lottery yet because I don't know the exact appearance of Father Satan, and I haven't been able to talk to him or receive his blessings.

I want to know the real appearance of Father Satan, including his eye color, skin color, and hair color. Also, the symbolic colors are black, blue, and red, and I wonder if this means that Father Satan actually has black skin, red hair, and blue eyes, or if it has a different meaning.

To me, Father Satan is not related to Enki, but rather the oldest god who exists as Satan himself.

Recently, I became interested in Shinto and read about it. Before moving to a new area, I went to a shrine in Tokyo and paid 5,000 yen for a lottery prayer. It was probably a prayer to the fox god Inari. Since then, I have had several near misses in the lottery, but I haven't won. I wonder if this is because I offended Father Satan, or if it is just a coincidence. I have seen on forums that Azazel is also written as Susanoo Mikoto, and I wonder if this is just a coincidence and if it would be good to visit the shrine again to pray.

By the way, on July 15th of last year, I went to Sumiyoshi Shrine to pray, and I received a job offer on July 16th. Also, after praying to this god, I had several lottery opportunities, one of which was Lotto 6 with numbers 1, 15, 16, 20, 21, 25. If you add these numbers respectively, 1 + 15 = 16 (last digit 6), 16 + 20 = 36 (last digit 6), and 21 + 25 = 46 (last digit 6). If you collect only the last digits, you get 666. On December 27th, I went to bed thinking about Father Satan, and I had a dream where Buddha smiled at me twice. Without knowing anything, I was deceived that day and bought lottery tickets with Buddha-related numbers, but the result was a complete failure. I felt that it would have been better to believe in Father Satan. That's why I'm not sure whether Shinto is good or bad, because Shinto and Buddhism have been syncretized and are very close. If I hadn't dreamed of Buddha and thought it was unrelated to Buddha, I might have had a chance to win Lotto 7. While studying the lottery, I know the sum of 606 and 607. Moreover, I got sick on December 25th, which is known as the birthday of our enemy Christ, and went to the hospital on the 27th and was diagnosed with influenza. I rested from the 27th to the 31st. After that, if I hadn't gotten sick on the 25th, I wouldn't have gotten the last digit number 147. I was too focused on the image of the Buddha in my dream and couldn't match the numbers. That's why I think Buddhism is a religion that deceives the people.

Conclusion of the question:
What does Father Satan look like, and how can I become one with Father Satan?
How can I achieve eternal happiness next to Father Satan after death, and what is that state called?
I know that Buddhism is false, but what about Shinto, which is very close to Buddhism? What about the part where Azazel is written as Susanoo?
There is a method of using a rosary or tools in money meditation, but there is no way to obtain such tools at my current place of business, and it is not a place where I can receive parcels. Can I get the same effect without such tools?
I heard that Father God Satan is almost identical to the image in the photos, but why do I feel so different?
I clicked and go back to joy of satan.org page, so just another name of that site? and I reading forum and confuse about people hate black people, and maxine is same person with HP COBRA? and also I read maxine said there is no race for satanist, so who is right? and why satan come to me with black skin not white? when I imagine black skin satan meditation and get 100$ that feburary 2nd.
You learned about the Joy of Satanas, so the next step is to learn the Joy of Satanas.

Start here: https://satanisgod.org

It is the portal for Satanic material. I know there's a lot to unpack and there is no hurry.
I clicked and go back to joy of satan.org page, so just another name of that site?
The Joy of Satanas is one of the web pages included in the portal I linked to you. These two are not the same.
and I reading forum and confuse about people hate black people
There are many opinions on many things. Not everything people type is correct.
, and maxine is same person with HP COBRA?
No, these are two separate individuals.
and also I read maxine said there is no race for satanist, so who is right?
Here you must do better. Please write in a way that makes sense. Did you perhaps mean that race does not make a difference as to who is able to be a Spritual Satanist, or something else?
and why satan come to me with black skin not white? when I imagine black skin satan meditation and get 100$ that feburary 2nd.
I would not know.
so just another name of that site?

JOY OF SATANAS #1 (main website of correlated links):

JOY OF SATANAS #2 (main website of the Assembly of the Gods ):

and I reading forum and confuse about people hate black people

About Racism:

and maxine is same person with HP COBRA?

No, HPS Maxine Dietrich is not HP HoodedCobra666 and viceversa.

HP HoodedCobra666:

HPS Maxine Dietrich:

Also, the third HPS, HPS Lydia:

and also I read maxine said there is no race for satanist

This is a fake quote. HPS Maxine Dietrich *is* WELL aware of the human races!
Read here, this is an old sermon of her when she was still posting knowledge:

and why satan come to me with black skin not white?

I don't know, I wasn't there, I didn't see it, I didn't conduct an investigation into it so I don't know what you saw and why you saw it. It could be literally 1) a hallucination 2) an astral vision influenced by your race [for example, when you dream of Demons if you believe they look a certain way, you will dream with that appearance even if the dream really has Divine origin and the Demon does not look like that] 3) literally anything else. So elaborate on that. If you want to cultivate the relationship with Satan:

when I imagine black skin satan meditation and get 100$ that feburary 2nd.

$100 might not be a sign of anything or it might be, I don't quite understand your story, but beyond that, it is clear that as you introduce yourself to Satanism deeper and deeper, the greater the way Satanism itself will open up to you.
Here you go:

I would not know

I believe he had a realistic basis of experience, but that he is exaggerating it to the point of confusing what he concretely experienced with what his mind then invented. Hypothesis. I just read your replies. However, the important thing now is to make him stick with concrete reality to give him a relevancy to the ground to walk on. Even if tomorrow he sees Asian Satan giving him 10000 pounds, it wouldn't be of much help if he doesn't have any awareness of why he is here and what he is doing on JoS.
The links in the spiritual roadmaps are broken ?! can i still find them anywhere ? thanks in advance
What links excactly, can you point them out?

@ramses13th , I believe you made this? Maybe it needs an update, at least the RTR part would need an update as far as content goes.
What links excactly, can you point them out?

@ramses13th , I believe you made this? Maybe it needs an update, at least the RTR part would need an update as far as content goes.
The links in the Spiritual Roadmap , some work and others do not ... might be because the website has had updates. i am trying to find them via website search but to no avail.
What links excactly, can you point them out?

@ramses13th , I believe you made this? Maybe it needs an update, at least the RTR part would need an update as far as content goes.
Just checked, the links seem to no longer exist.

The links in the Spiritual Roadmap , some work and others do not ... might be because the website has had updates. i am trying to find them via website search but to no avail.
Please refer to this, stay tuned : https://satanslibrary.org/English/Hells_Army_Spiritual_Warfare_Training_Manual.pdf

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
