Wasn't the prophet Isaiah sawed in half with a wooden saw?
I would argue that that's just a magic trick, which was not a real event but then added to make people believe that it actually happened. I've been considering for a while that the jew created magic tricks originally, as both a reaction to the Gods and Goddesses' Natural abilities which some of us might have been displaying also, so the jew had to do magic tricks to try and fit-in, but with the jew merely doing sleight-of-hand tricks, legerdemain, deceit and trickery (as it is known so expertly for); and also as a way to wow people way back when and keep them braindead, to give the jew a feeling of superiority. An extrabiblical - i.e. outside of the bibles - source,
The Ascension of Isaiah which is a jewish-christian apocryphal text (about 15+ years ago, the apocrypha was referred to as "the banned books of the bible", and I mentioned it to someone in the church I used to go to who "warned" me to be careful and not read it, lol), claims Isaiah was sawn in-half with a wooden saw. It was supposedly written in-between 1st and 3rd centuries CE. It claims that Isaiah was turned into a martyr during the reign of King Manasseh of Judah, who was known for his wickedness and persecution of prophets. "god", all-powerful yet impotent and incompetent and incapable, didn't know how to keep its own "prophet" safe. Apparently, it was a later addition to the story that it was supposed to be a wooden saw, sometimes added to medieval and rabbi traditions. Despite not mentioning Isaiah by name, the book of Hebrews alludes to some people being "sawn asunder", which many accept refers to Isaiah without an actual name mention.
Hebrews 11:37
They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;
Magicians do the sawing-in-half trick today with metal saws and pretty ladies on stages. Back around during the dark ages and the 1st-3rd centuries CE, the jew, not being capable of defeating chariots made of iron...
Judges 1:19
The LORD was with the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country, but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had chariots fitted with iron.
...and the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.
...(because USA didn't exist back then), the jew had to use wood instead of metal. Humans innovate; the jew profits. The jew is not a craftsman; it might have the surname Kraftzmann; it's a crap man, a scat man, Scatman.
Skibbidydibbidy yom don om dom. Sorry for blaspheming against Humans by saying that the jew is a man... The jew, not being crafty in the arts and crafts and Scientific sense, but being crafty in the deceitful sense, didn't know how to make metal saws back then.
Again, I would argue that sawing in half is just a magic trick. Since the USA didn't exist to do the jew's dirty work back then, and since the jew couldn't defeat its enemy's chariots which were made out of iron, the jew had to say that in its faerie tale story of sawing someone in-half, merely as a magic trick but claiming it to be real, it had to use wood instead of metal. It was not a real event but it was added to stories and updated later, making people believe that it actually happened.
It's the jew authours, and the jew today, just trolling Humans. It is just taking the piss, and laughing its jewish arse off at us - and then when we learn things,
insert shocked/afraid/angry jew merchant meme here.