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  1. N

    Question about how many times to do the ritual

    Be sure not to twist your jaw to the side when rolling R's. I caught myself doing this and actually producing the R vibration with the side of my tounge instead of in the middle which meant that I twisted my jaw without even noticing. This can be felt after a while.
  2. N

    Difficult trance

    Try tuning in to your natural breathing rhythm before you start counting and so forth. The counting seconds, holding the breath and so forth is useful when you're relaxed, but try doing it after having run a couple of miles.  Just focus on the air going in and out and nothing more. Then your...
  3. N

    Animals are Sacred in Satanism

    Daniel Donovan: Maximum Punishment for Charlotte the Dog's Alleged Abuser  
  4. N

    Goetic Demons - Writing a novel.. Please help

    What I am trying to say is. Why don't you write a book on positive and friendly interaction with our Gods (called Demons) and how their altruistically given advice has improved and saved many of our lives? Instead of continuing the disrespectful and degrading baloney about them.
  5. N

    Goetic Demons - Writing a novel.. Please help

    If an unknowing person wants to learn, why the hell would a Demon of SATAN kill them?! If things go wrong when interacting with our GODS, it's because people are assholes and they deserve what they get. You don't "handle" or "deal" with Demons. You talk with them like you would with a teacher or...
  6. N

    The Watchtowers

    I think it has to do where you were, spiritually speaking, in your previous lives. For people who got really far but are now running on low bioelectricity - it can be very dangerous to go too fast. For the physical body as well as the mind. I believe that is why the warning is there. 
  7. N

    a question.

    You need a lot of energy when you're sick and even the slightest fluctuation can prolong the healing process. Plus, you're also binding yourself to the individual, which is like shooting yourself with a gun through your head in order to hit the enemy. Always use external energy for black magick...
  8. N

    Political Group (Black Sun Party)

    I don't know if you were replying to me, but I wasn't offended. Your intentions with your post was probably sincere and good. I just felt like I needed to mention this. Pissrael is a nice word.
  9. N

    Political Group (Black Sun Party)

    I traveled a quite bit in the US and found it incredibly annoying how many people use "gay" as a derogatory word, even people in their 30s- 40s and up. I immediately lose all desire to continue a conversation with such people after they spew that out. People see a person wearing a piece of...
  10. N

    Programming others

  11. N

    what are your offerings?

    Spread satanism. Give energy. Productive things.
  12. N


    Happy equinox!
  13. N

    Problems making a meditation program and STICKING to it..

    Try a Munka working for at least one period of 40 days: "I'm permanently and completely free from everything preventing me from meditating and developing my soul and mind with my full potential". You also need to work on your solar and sacral chakras. I suggest planetary squares for both. When...
  14. N

    (no subject)

    Much of the information on the web about our Gods is not accurate. Most, if not all, I don't know, of our female Goddesses are portrayed as males. The information on the Joy of Satan in regards to our Gods' gender is accurate. Furfur is a female Goddess of Satan.
  15. N

    One Minute Cure - Jewish ruse, or suppressed information?

    Here is a PDF with the full book: http://freedom-school.com/health/one-mi ... 102708.pdf
  16. N

    Mental and physical exhaustion?

    Are you doing the deflective SURYAE working posted by High Priestess Maxine? This will help you. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... pics/91036 When you feel ready, do spiritual planetary squares for any debilitated planets in your astrology chart to repair and unblock your chakras...
  17. N

    Opening third eye

    Make sure to work on your sixth chakra as well. Visualization is also essential. Check if your moon is debilitated in your natal chart, and if so, strengthen it with spiritual planetary squares.
  18. N


    Everyone, please be aware there are infiltrators on here who will contact you personally and pretend to be satanists. Everyone need to keep their protective auras up and use energy to attract whatever they want. It is not wise nor safe to find members for covens or whatever online. These...
  19. N

    RAUM Meditation Animation :)

    Very nice! This will definitely be handy for people!
  20. N


    Notice the pentagram the planets make on the 13th: http://s21.postimg.org/vistqr8kn/2rihyepj.png
  21. N

    Group Working: Exposing the Vatican

    Awakening Ritual: Exposing Vatican Crimes And Lies Introduction: The purpose of this group working is to awaken humanity to the crimes and lies of the Vatican. We are now leading the rest of humanity to the truth. The Vatican is already at a major disadvantage. The information and...
  22. N

    My legal rights as an underage Satanist

    US Law is confusing, but I doubt that it is against your (legal) rights to be prayed for. Tell them you will pray for them to. If that doesn't stop them, bind them. People like that are like mosquitoes, they just need to be smacked.
  23. N

    How can you stop energy vampires?

    Be aware, they can also astral project at night and tap your energy. There are even groups of people who get together and learn astral projection for just this reason - truly disgusting. They should not be a problem though, if you follow the others' advice. There is an article on the JoS...
  24. N


    Thanks guys! I think I figured it out: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... nergy.html
  25. N


    Hi Can anyone explain what sudden feelings of cobwebs, when not meditating, means? Thanks!
  26. N

    Help ive lost my dreams!

    This doesn't necessarily have any spiritual significance unless you have a strong moon/neptune aspect. It could just be because of changes in your sleeping patterns.
  27. N

    Trance Help

    Be sure to be well-rested! This might seem somewhat obvious, but many people really need to sleep more, especially children and teens. I can't go into a deep trance if I'm tired. Nevertheless, it is difficult when beginning. As described on the website, most people will be acessing that part...
  28. N

    The Satanic Bible -- by Anton LaVey

    Your arguments are inept, and so is calling people idiots "in advance". People have different opinions on nearly everything. What the vast majority of us share is our core beliefs. Creating a book "covering all areas of life" would only create a xian-like mentality where no one is allowed to...
  29. N

    Check out this kid

    Its an old clip but this kid rocks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeDm2PrNV1I
  30. N

    Infiltration Methods (Educate Yourself NOW)

    There are no half jews. Anyone with jewish blood will instinctively work towards the destruction of the gentile race.
  31. N

    becoming a demon

    Demons are Demons, humans are humans. You can't be(come) a Demon as Demons are another race. The correct definition would be a human who has completed the Magnum Opus and reached Godhead.
  32. N


    Do you mean greys? From what I have heard and experienced, they usually come in the beginning to scare new people. My advice is just to keep doing what you are doing and do not be afraid as this is their purpose. Work on your relationship with Satan, keep practising and do your meditations as...
  33. N

    Spiritual warfare!

    Hi! Just follow the rituals posted in this group. You may want to start with the ritual that was posted not so long ago (awakening ritual): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellsArmy ... sage/12722 Go to Yahoo Answers' Religion And Spirituality section and answer deluded christians questions...
  34. N

    brothers and sisters please help

    Do this working to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/91060 Keep doing it, and the xian energies will bounce right back to them.
  35. N


    Mr. Lavatory Solution: My advice to you, first of all, is to learn the basics of punctuation. Also, you should show some respect to the people whom you ask for help instead of being abusive because of your bad internet connection - seriously?
  36. N

    IMPORTANT - Depression, negativity and irrational fears

    This is for anyone with the following problems; negativity, depression that comes and goes, and irrational fears: Are you working on your aura of protection? Are you cleaning your aura daily? Are you working on your relationship with Satan? These things are imperative. The JoS is fighting the...
  37. N

    Negative Presence

    This is for anyone with the following problems; negativity, depression that comes and goes, and irrational fears: Are you working on your aura of protection? Are you cleaning your aura daily? Are you working on your relationship with Satan? These things are imperative. The JoS is fighting the...
  38. N

    Herbal and Natural

    Most of the Demons listed on the JoS have a plant that symbolize them (like the candle color also listed). These plants all have great properties. I was actually considering making a website about this, their properties and how to use them, but I currently don't have the time. The majority of...
  39. N


    Name calling is not helpful. Would you shoot a cow in the head or even just swear at it because it is stupid compared to you? It scares people away. The point is to get people to understand and reverse the brainwashing done to them. As for the front page rules and info: maybe he made a mistake...
  40. N


    I did read your post. But if the guy joined the e-Groups without reading the JoS (which I believe happens way to often), then he would have absolutely no idea of any of what you are saying. He may even be used to this xian mentality like you say, which is why I refered him to the JoS website...
  41. N


    As inspiring as many long-term members and warriors may find your post, there are a few factors I think should be taken into consideration: 1. The person may not be proficient in the English language, hence the bad formulation which can be misunderstood. 2. If the person has not read the...
  42. N


    You can talk to Satan telepathically. It is a personal thing and there is no reason to post this on an internet forum with thousands of members. I don't know if you are sincere, but if you are I suggest you read the Joy of Satan website: www.joyofsatan.org
  43. N

    Wanna join

    Hey delete your message ASAP. Giving out your number is dangerous!
  44. N

    Past life regression.

    I suggest you start the 40-day working posted by High Priestess Maxine: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/428 It is extremely effective.
  45. N


    Read the Joy of Satan website: www.joyofsatan.org All of your questions are answered there.
  46. N


    The Gods will not make you feel scared. You should be able to tell the difference between the Gods' energies and those of the enemy. Doing lots of void meditation will make you able to dismiss or control any fear you have. Example: last night when I was falling asleep, I felt something near...
  47. N

    Conflicted about Marijuana

    Remember there is a difference between thinking you feel the energy while you are drugged, and it actually being there. You know, people get high and jump six story buildings because they think they can fly. Are you having trouble letting marijuana go because you think you become a better...
  48. N

    please read

    Even though some people may have a certain set of skills that keep them physically safe, people can still come after you and attack you psychically. This has happened to me - both face-to-face and remotely - despite of revealing absolutely no information on here Just study the the Joy of Satan...
  49. N

    Message from Satan

    Yes, write the prayer in normal pen, and use some blood from your left index finger to sign. I assume you have read the Joy of Satan website. In case you haven't, I advise you to read it prior to dedicating. Here is the link: www.joyofsatan.org 
  50. N

    I need some Trance advice

    The more you practice, and the further into a trance you go, the easier it will become. Your will must be strong. If your chest is tight and it seems impossible, you just have to keep trying. You will suddenly succeed, and it will be a very pleasing experience. Also be sure to be in a...
  51. N

    Guide on how to save websites (important)

    I never used Mac, but this screensaver seems to do what you're looking for: http://pcwin.com/downloads/Mac-Astro-Clock.htm Not sure though, but try it!
  52. N

    Guide on how to save websites (important)

    If you find a website containing precious information that you wish to keep, there is always the risk of it being shut down by entities who does not want this information to be public. I encourage everyone to use this program: "Httrack" http://www.httrack.com/ It allows you to download...
  53. N

    magic to gain specific info

    Yes, it is possible. Look into the "Merging Consciousness" meditation, located here: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... sness.html
  54. N

    Dim Mak / Energy use in physical combat

    Hello all Does anyone have elaborate information regarding Dim Mak, ie. which meridians to target, with what energy etc.? I accidentally channelled energy into a fellow sparring partner (pretty big and tough guy) with my fingers, and he stayed on his knees for several minutes unable to move...
  55. N

    Are Europeans already Satanists without knowing it?

    Interesting. I think there is a fine line between being a Satanist and unknowingly celebrating a kind of "twisted" holiday. But I understand what you mean. Here in Denmark, the word for "Yule" is "Jul". Of course people associate that with "Christmas" even though the similarities between the...
  56. N


    Alright, gotcha. I think it's my language barrier ;)
  57. N


    Oh yeah, but one can wait a few hours or something if they're in the middle of something, right?
  58. N


    I don't think so. I think it's over a period of time.
  59. N

    Bioelectricity / breathing

    Since I started doing 108 repetitions of each chakra vibration every day, I feel the energy much more. When I meditated on the solar chakra last sunday, I felt the energy as if someone was rubbing something against my face. It was incredible and very blissful. I've noticed that when I'm done...
  60. N


    Thank you for writing that. Happy new year to you to!
  61. N

    Question about eyesight

    I have this to, and have had it since I was little. Always wondered what it was.
  62. N


    We are kicking their asses!
  63. N

    The Band Behemoth

    I was just wondering about Led Zeppelin the other day. I always enjoyed Stairway to Heaven, I think it's very nicely composed. It seems to me that the lyric is VERY Satanic if you analyze it. Also, if you play it backwards there is a "hidden Satanic message". They praise Satan and say "he'll...
  64. N

    repeated moments

    Yes, we are connected in some way. For example, I have a dream about telekinesis and the day after, a fellow Satanist posts that he had a dream about telekinesis. And this one! I was thinking about asking about this very subject but then you did.
  65. N

    Using fire for killing

    Yeah! Having a cold sucks and can mess up your meditation. It can be hard to vibrate whatever you need to vibrate, and alternate nostril breathing becomes extremely difficult. I used the solar plexus healing technique described here: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ing_2.html...
  66. N

    Using fire for killing

    I was just reading a bit further and found this: "Directing the elements to specific parts of the body can also be used to heal" I find this interesting. I have been trying out different methods of healing to treat a cold I had. And with great success! But how would fire be used to heal...
  67. N

    No worries!

    Evening! No Satanist will die. Not even while fighting the war. You know we are not muslim suicide bombers. There are ways to go about things, and as it has been mentioned, during storms and hurricanes in the US, dedicated Satanists' houses were left intact. There are ways to go about stuff...
  68. N

    Using fire for killing

    Thanks to both of you Raven Lythrum and hoodedcobra666. I think I'll go with runes and affirmations at this time, as I need to get it done as soon as possible. The information you provided regarding the use of fire was very helpful and will definitely be useful in the future, so thanks once...
  69. N

    Using fire for killing

    Thanks! Just trying to find an effective way as I've run out of other options. So, heating up objects like glasses of water by evoking fire is different from actually igniting something, because it requires much more energy and thus exceptional skill. But is it not possible to direct the...
  70. N

    Using fire for killing

    I note on the JoS website, it says you can be miles away from the object you want to set on fire. Is it possible to direct fire to a persons brain / heart from very far away, etc. 5000 miles, and successfully kill the person? Like in Franz Barton's Frabato, where the coven killed the...
  71. N


    I don't do any sports, but I exercise on an intense level several times a week. You can handle much more energy if you keep your shell healthy and strong, as well as your soul.
  72. N

    Keep it up

    Me to. This infuriated me. There was a clip of a gaza, muslim woman(gentile) covered in bricks and stones from a ruined house, as a result of kike missiles. Only her head was visible. The people helping her, wanted her hair to be covered first, before she could be rescued. They told her...
  73. N

    Keep it up

    I just watched a live interview with a female kike-spokesman for the Israeli army. She tried to justify the killings of innocent civilians, gentiles. She was truly disgusting. Keep up destroying the scum, and squeeze every bit of hatred into it!
  74. N

    Kike destruction ideas for 40 day working

    It is indeed very satisfying.
  75. N

    Suffering from Depression/lonliness and would really want to pray to

    Have you read the Joy of Satan website? Do you know that we are Spiritual Satanists, and do you know what that is? The reason I ask is, that you mention you are afraid of possession. If you haven't read the Joy of Satan website, here is the link: www.joyofsatan.org Demons do not possess...
  76. N

    Same personality as in previous lives?

    Thank you, that's a good example.
  77. N

    Same personality as in previous lives?

    I'm having a tiny bit of trouble understanding karma. Not because I share the enemies' perception of it, but because I had never heard about it before coming to Satanism. I tried searching for 'karma' on different JoS e-groups and found this by HP Maxine: "What happens is when we get...
  78. N

    Same personality as in previous lives?

    Thanks - i definitely recognise these tendencies.
  79. N

    I need someone else's view

    Your post was annoy[/IMG] It sounds like you had some kind of psychic experience. This is very common in people that discover Satanism. Just read everything on the JoS website (www.joyofsatan.org), and apply what you learn. When you progress, you may find an answer to what your experience...
  80. N


    I don't see the problem with you having sex with her as long as she's not a kike or very religious as you don't want any negative energy, especially during sex. If you don't want her in your life, just tell her in a nice way.
  81. N

    Same personality as in previous lives?

    Hi all I'm wondering: when you are reborn, are you born with the same qualities and personality as in your previous life(s)? Do you get the same astrology chart? If you have known Demons in your previous life(s) and befriended them, it would just suck if you're not at all compatible in...
  82. N

    Giving back

    Vibrate a rune on your way home from work. It doesn't matter if you're home or not.  Currently, for the 40 day working, I'm sitting outside in 32°F vibrating the runes. It takes like 20 - 30 minutes and I do it on my way home after a very long day. It's totally worth it, and even the slightest...
  83. N

    screwed up the ritual. grr

    I did it the ninth to.
  84. N

    40 day Destruction Working / Ritual

    Great! I will be doing this. I have a question: I just did the destruction ritual as it's not possible to for me to do it on Saturday. Is it OK if I start the working immediately and continue for 40 days, or should I wait until Saturday when everyone else begins?
  85. N

    November 10 Group Destruction Ritual

    I will be performing this ritual tomorrow.
  86. N

    MRI Scan

    I'm having an MRI scan done soon because of a minor injury to my hand. I'm worried it's gonna mess up my aura or chakras? I searched the groups for peoples experiences, but they only seem to mention the terrible feeling and not the side effects. Does anyone know if it's gonna give me any...
  87. N

    Satanic Name??

    I was told by another member that you can do a ritual to Father Satan asking him to rename you. The "magickal name" is then what The Gods and Father Satan will know you by. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  88. N

    Dedication ritual fail #2

    I recommend everyone to use a fingerpricker like diabetics do. They are not painful at all compared to razors or knifes and it is easy to extract the blood as they were made for it. It also takes away the fear for newcomers as you do not have to actually cut your self. It also heals within a...
  89. N

    Sighing (-_-)

    I'm in the middle of the program also. During the first month, I didn't have to get up early in the morning, and I had much more time. Now that I have to get up early it's a little more difficult. My best advice is to prioritize. You are referring to your friends and family in a negative way...
  90. N

    Question about friends.

    I agree Brian, the two routines in the "files" folder are great to do with meditation. I just started doing them the past couple of days and I can definitely feel a positive difference!
  91. N

    Is this a jew?

    "Wurst" is German for "Sausage". The following was taken from a surname database (found here: http://www.surnamedb.com/Surname/wurst ): Seemingly recorded as Wist, Wister, Wurst and Wurster (German), this is a surname of probably locational origins. It may originate from the Roman word...
  92. N

    need advice (thoth opening 3rd eye)

    When I did it, not so long ago, I kept my tounge like you describe, where you touch the front of your teeth, while making the OH-OH-OH sound without rounding my lips. Try placing your tounge between your teeth as you would if you were to vibrate TH-TH-TH. Now do the OH-OH-OH without doing the...
  93. N

    Dreamed of telekinesis

    That's funny, I had the same kind of dream just a few days ago!! I dreamt that I moved my sportsbag around in the air. I didn't really wonder so much about it, but I am currently working on opening my hand chakras. It was amazing and I was quite disappointed waking up to find that it was a...
  94. N

    Magickal name

    Thanks I appreciate it
  95. N

    Magickal name

    Hi I was just reading about the satanic baptism on the JOS website and I saw that when the baptised child hits puberty, it may choose a magickal name. Can someone please elaborate on this? :-) Hail Satan! Hail The Gods of Hell!
  96. N

    Where did people originate from?

    Please note that Celinas answer was not stupid at all. Satanists are encouraged to find things out for themselves. When people give you the link to JoS website, it is usually because the question or one like it has been asked before on here.
  97. N

    fat curse

    lol this must be a joke. Look at his / her name But I agree, eat McDonalds and do not exercise.
  98. N

    Meditation - name

    Thank you for your answers. I am currently doing the Spiritual Warfare Program. It seems pretty balanced and broad.
  99. N

    Meditation - name

    Hello I often read JoS website as well as these boards. I have learned that meditation is really important for pshycic development. I am recently dedicated and I was wondering what is meant by "meditation"? Is entering a trance meditation? Is meditation a broad term for specific excersises...
  100. N

    Exited and want to share this

    Just started the program and this is definitly a big motivator. Good work.
  101. N

    Trance - eyes open or closed?

    Thank you all for your advice. I tried mixing it up tonight, and it was still great!
  102. N

    Trance - eyes open or closed?

    Hi there! I recently started the spiritual warfare training program found on the JoS website, and I am wondering if I should enter my trances with my eyes open or closed? Until now (I have been going for five days), I have been doing the trances with my eyes closed. However, I was looking...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
