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  1. Z

    Infiltrator Exposed – omahaboyborn \ sam williams

    This is brilliant!! We should all work on cursing this infiltrator in the name of our Father Satan!   Here is something else I found from his name, birth date etc: His Numerology numbers are 4,8&3. 4 being his "Soul Urge number"- this means he has a strong desire for stability, practicality and...
  2. Z

    Passage exposing the brutality of xianity

    Use the following excerpt from the book, "The Christ Conspiracy, the Greatest Story ever Sold" to expose the brutality of xianity, and the truth about how it actually spread.   "<em>"Also, as noted, there were in fact few martyrs, and the early forgers of</em> <em>Christianity were impressed...
  3. Z

    Know yourself, know your enemy

    I want to share this with the group, some knowledge of dealing with the enemy.   "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the...
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    Darth Vader? What?? Youre kidding. Well, I guess it just goes to show how ridiculous and changable xianity is. Because its false, they can pretty much add anything to the mix that they please. Its pathetic, honestly!!   Hail Satan!! From: chalchiuhnenetzin <jaguarcat2002@... To...
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    Yes, Im aware of this. Its repulsive. This particular church, however, could not even use this as its excuse. It was just an ordinary xian church which was really shocking. You would think that anyone who walked in there would wonder about it, but no.   Hail Satan! From: bluelilacs0...
  6. Z

    rapid spread of islam, danger to our world

    Thankyou, chalchiuhnenetzin. I am so sick of people saying, "theres nothing we can do", "why should we be fighting?" etc etc. It is the enemy who works to instill these kind of mind sets and they have absolutely no place in Satanism.   Yes, we WILL win this war!! Against all of the filthy enemy...
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    I saw something fascinating while watching the Travel Channel once- I believe it was in Sweden or some such area, there was a "xian church" that was *blatantly* Pagan in origin. The ceiling had inverted Pentagrams carved into it and there were a number of other Pagan Symbols along the walls...
  8. Z

    EXPOSING ISLAM: Iblis and The Djinn, The Original Gods!

    Thankyou Ashley:)!   Hail Satan!! From: Ashley Ardis <thefriesiankeeper@... To: [email protected] Sent: Thu, March 25, 2010 8:12:43 PM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] EXPOSING ISLAM: Iblis and The Djinn, The Original Gods!   <td vAl[/IMG] Very well done!! Those are very well...
  9. Z

    rapid spread of islam, danger to our world

    I disagree with you completely.   For one, there is a lot we can do about it. Thats the whole point.   And, I have personally witnessed how much islam is spreading, having grown up in South Africa. there were virtually no muslims when I was a small child in my area, and now it seems they are...
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    rapid spread of islam, danger to our world

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XK1pnCld ... re=related   This video is from a xian perspective, but none the less is very interesting concerning how rapidly islam is spreading accross the globe. Its frightening, the rate at which it is currently growing, even engulfing large White European areas...
  11. Z

    Weakness has no place here

    Weakness and Weak-mindedness have no place in True Satanism and no place among the Army of Satan. Satan has no use for a weak Warrior. A Satanic Warrior exemplifies everything that is strong: Pride (but not arrogance), dignity, Truth, courage, intelligence, strategic ability, independence, a...
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    in reponse to death

    Yes, the enemy is attacking with a vengeance right now. But, it only means we must attack harder. They are strong, but we are stronger. Why? Because we have the Truth. We are of Satan, and we are winning! Always remember, they attack so desperately because they are slipping. But we must not stop...
  13. Z

    Can someone explain the meing of the Qlipoth? plzzzz.

    It has nothing to do with True Satanism. It is a lie and a kike created blasphemy to our Gods. Thats all you need to understand.   Hail Father Satan!! From: rtannerx <rtannerx@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sun, March 28, 2010 10:16:44 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Can someone...
  14. Z

    EXPOSING ISLAM: Iblis and The Djinn, The Original Gods!

    Unfortunately, there isnt much in the way of real knowledge contained on the web and in books. Read that post that I linked by High Priest Jake Carlson, this is the real, true knowledge.   Hail Father Satan! From: Chris Windham <yezidialjilwah@... To: [email protected] Cc...
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    exposing Islam: Iblis and Djinn the original Gods!!!

    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellsArmy666/message/1133   islam completely stole this and corrupted it! As High Priest Jake Carlson said, the Black Stone= the Philosophers Stone.   Hail Father Satan!! From: Zildar Raasi <mahorela_pashs666@... To: [email protected] Sent: Fri...
  16. Z

    exposing Islam: Iblis and Djinn the original Gods!!!

    Yes, but its more than that. Its what the Black Stone symbolizes. It is vital in Spiritual Alchemy, ofcourse, and the fact that islam stole this is a slap in the face and a huge Spiritual corruption. They have removed what it truly symbolizes and replaced it with a bunch of meaningless rubbish...
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    Well, its a little difficult to write out an entire e book of about 700 pages plus hundreds more pages of info, and for many of us impractical to print that much, but do what ever you can to save them.   Hail Satan!! From: Cam Kuzik <spudkuzik@... To: [email protected] Sent...
  18. Z


    This is from personal experience- Back up all of your important files!! Especially those of you who do a lot of research on the Occult and the enemy etc and save it to your computer and those who have a lot of e books to study from. Either save it to a disc or flash drive or whatever, but make...
  19. Z

    EXPOSING ISLAM: Iblis and The Djinn, The Original Gods!

    Islam has everything that xianity has, just with a few extra pieces of stolen BS thrown in. Its is a continuation of judaism and xianity. The kike religion had the "old testament", xianity added on the new testament, and islam took this another step further.   It is in some ways more grotesque...
  20. Z

    EXPOSING ISLAM: Iblis and The Djinn, The Original Gods!

    Yes, it was originally Pagan. The Tribes of Arabia often kept special Black Stones, this was Alchemical Symbolism.   Hail Satan! From: Chris Windham <yezidialjilwah@... To: [email protected] Cc: yezidialjilwah@... Sent: Thu, March 25, 2010 7:56:47 AM Subject: Re: [HellsArmy666]...
  21. Z

    EXPOSING ISLAM: Iblis and The Djinn, The Original Gods!

    I want to post these articles that I write here to help to educate our people about islam, so that we can truly work to fight it. This information, I hope, will be used well to fight the enemy!! I am aware, of course, that everyone here knows that islam is a lie and that Father Satan the Demons...
  22. Z

    EXPOSING ISLAM: Iblis and The Djinn, The Original Gods!

    I want to post these articles that I write here to help to educate our people about islam, so that we can truly work to fight it. This information, I hope, will be used well to fight the enemy!! I am aware, of course, that everyone here knows that islam is a lie and that Father Satan the Demons...
  23. Z

    Satanic music ( NON-HEAVY METAL)

    Im no sure what you are trying to say because your post is barely readable, but I will answer any way.   Perhaps you should read properly, before you give such a foolish statement. Ofcourse I know that Runes are a part of Satanism, I myself use them frequently and know their awesome power, I...
  24. Z

    Satanic music ( NON-HEAVY METAL)

    Personally, I think Wardruna is excellent! Theyre a Norwegian group that makes use of the Runes in their music. Its not actually Satanic, but they are definitely Pagan and they definitely reject xianity. Their music doesnt appeal to everyone, but my Fiance and I really enjoy it!   Heres an...
  25. Z

    i really need some help.. anyone please..

    Ok, first, its important that you read through everything on the Joy of Satan site and the exposing christianity site. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/ http://www.exposingchristianity.com/   You need to understand that Father Satan and the Demons are the true, original Gods of...
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    Question about other satanists

    If you wish to know this for yourself , then why dont you try speaking to the Gods about it themselves? Ask your Guardian Demon.   The fact that these people believe Satan to be just a "force" or "spirit/entity" shows that they do not know or have a realtionship with Father Satan or any of the...
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    Sermon 3/15/10

    Here is a prime example of how xianity preys on the youth and infests their minds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At9Ujm7RqU8 These children have been totally brainwashed. Its frightening. They have been made into mindless robots, empty shells for the xian filth to use and abuse as it will...
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    Question about other satanists

     "y do we really need to fight it" Are you serious? That is NOT the attitude of a Spiritual Satanist and Satan will NOT have any time for anyone who thinks like this. This isnt all about you. Yes, Spiritual Satanism is about empowering yourself and advancing, but it is also about FIGHTING for...
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    Question about other satanists

    Something else I would like to add, the only information these peoploe have comes from books and from other people just as ignorant as they are.   I saw once on one of their open forums, they were having a discussion about Lucifuge Rofocale and the author of the original post was spouting off...
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    Question about other satanists

    They dont have "great relationships with Satan and the Demons", trust me. These are the fools who still advocate 9 foot circles, kike written grimoires and who have the audacity to try and treat Satan and the Gods like their personal servants. They are the ones whose misinformed websites are...
  31. Z

    Severing the Link: Regaining Control of your Thoughts and Emotions

    Exactly! Everything the enemy has ever done against Father Satan, they have done against us! And we will attack with more than a vengeance. This group ritual will be a brilliant effort in Father Satan's name!   Hail Satan!! From: SLADE_666 <slade89666@... To: [email protected]...
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    That shit has nothing to do with true Satanism and is an insult and blasphemy to our Gods! Read the Joy of Satan site, and you will come to a better understanding of what this is truly about, who our Gods truly are and what we are truly here for...
  33. Z

    Paedophilia and rape rife within Islam

    Very few people are aware of this, because anyone who has tried to express this view in the past has come under severe attack from the muslim community. Even a muslim scholar, after years and years of research, concluded against his own wishes that Muhammad "probably never existed". He received...
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    Severing the Link: Regaining Control of your Thoughts and Emotions

    I felt such a nice feeling of lightness when I performed the severing of the link to my Sixth Chakra! Immediately I felt relieved.   I did the whole burning it with the Fire, all the way to the source, and what interested me was that I actually saw (with my Third Eye) the Fire burning it, and it...
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    Paedophilia and rape rife within Islam

    Paedophilia and rape are common and accepted practices within the program of islam, displaying its true, life hating nature. The so-called "prophet" Muhammad (who is in fact a fictitious character) was said to have taken a six year old girl as his wife, forcing her into full intercourse at the...
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    Touch of a God?

    Usually the touch of a God would have an "electrical" sensation because of their powerful energy. The one time when I was new and Void Meditating I was so lost in it, I got starteled when my Guardian Demon touched my cheek and I felt this strong electric-tingle where his hand touched my skin. It...
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    Something That Concerns Me

    Yes, xianity is rampant in the "Third World" countries. It, like all the enemy religions, thrives on poverty and helplessness. People are so desperate and are willing to believe anything they are told if they are told that it will some how help them. The sick thing is that it is xianity that...
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    Greys and Angels

    Because of their powerful telepathy, greys can project mental images to people of anything they wish. So they do pose as angelics sometimes. Otherwise, these can be enemy Nordics. The enemy Nordics are also the so-called "ascended masters" of the new age movement. Many angelics are also actually...
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    Fw: Christian ritual abuse (or, How to shut up a xian, Part 4)

    This is disgusting beyond words. Thankyou to the person who posted this! It is so enlightening as to the true, repulsive nature of xianity. Another study was done that found that the average serial killer was a "religious" meaning xian, person who was obsessed with xianity to the point of having...
  40. Z

    EXPOSING ISLAM: The Fighting is a Facade

    Yes, I think this is a most disgusting and insulting lie. Taking the gifts our Gods gave to us to empower ourselves and claiming the kikes created them. And a kike can never even reach the same power that a Gentile is capable of reaching, it is not possible for them. No matter how much Occult...
  41. Z

    shocking display of ignorance and arrogance

    This is the "jihad" meantality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64r-iWoT ... re=related   Its beyond sick. Lets bring this twisted lie to the ground!!   Hail Father Satan!!
  42. Z


    Really, this group is not dedicated to marijuana, it is dedicated to Father Satan and our Gods. We have so many important things to be doing right now and there is much learning to be done by all of us, learning that will actually help to advance us.   Time is much better spent educating others...
  43. Z

    EXPOSING ISLAM: The Fighting is a Facade

    The new age movement is false and corrupted, the same as the other enemy religions. The truth is that they know shit. ESPECIALLY when it comes to True Paganism. This, "jews are the original pagans" is a total and complete LIE, once again taking from us Gentiles what belongs to US and giving it...
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    Amaterasu is Astaroth.   Hail Lord Satan!! Hail Astaroth! From: Anonymous <shiva0900@... To: [email protected] Sent: Fri, March 5, 2010 9:18:36 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] amaterasu   who is she in satanism also does anyone know who some japanese gods an goddess are in satanism
  45. Z

    Bringing in New Members

    It is not your job to "prove" to this guy that Satanism is real. That is something that one finds for themselves. If he is not willing to make the effort to try and find this out for himself, then leave him. If he really is interested, he will.   All you can do is share the knowledge that you...
  46. Z

    EXPOSING ISLAM: The Fighting is a Facade

    Yes, I see now. I will alter that bit of info.   Hail Satan!! From: kurenaii60 <kurenaii60@... To: [email protected] Sent: Fri, March 5, 2010 6:46:11 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: EXPOSING ISLAM: The Fighting is a Facade   I think Maxine did say that before, the current...
  47. Z

    EXPOSING ISLAM: The Fighting is a Facade

    Thankyou. In his pictures he looked like a kike to me, and considering his real name "Joseph Ratzinger", he sounded like a kike to me. Ratzinger was present among a list of jew surnames that I cam across.   Perhaps I am mistaken, I will look into it. Even so, his connections to the kikes are...
  48. Z


    Your drawings are stunning Ashley! I especially like the ones you did of Seshat and Vapula. Welldone!   Hail Father Satan!! From: Ashley Ardis <thefriesiankeeper@... To: [email protected]; [email protected] Sent: Mon, March 1, 2010 7:41:33 PM Subject...
  49. Z

    EXPOSING ISLAM: The Fighting is a Facade

    This article involves the fighting amongst muslims, xians and jews, and the fact that it is nothing more than a Facade. I would appreciate feed back if anyone has any. I am going to post the link and the article.   http://www.ageofsatan.co.cc/page34.html Much animosity, fighting and tension...
  50. Z

    EXPOSING ISLAM: The Fighting is a Facade

    This article involves the fighting amongst muslims, xians and jews, and the fact that it is nothing more than a Facade. I would appreciate feed back if anyone has any. I am going to post the link and the article.   http://www.ageofsatan.co.cc/page34.html Much animosity, fighting and tension...
  51. Z

    Power Words you can use to defend oneself

    Ofcourse its an infiltrator.   This person knew damn well that this was xian shit- not only are the words in the posts hebrew  and outright blasphemies to Father Satan, but they are prayers of praise to that maggot they call a "god"- and they lead to a blog run by a kike, in praise of kikes...
  52. Z

    Power Words you can use to defend oneself

    This is kike writing. Interesting,  it leads to a blog dedicated to the piece of shit xian "god".   What do you take us for?   Get lost, and take your kike shit with you.   Hail Satan!! From: AodhO <niphilim.marcus@... To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, February 22, 2010 6:57:45...
  53. Z

    Simple Ritual to Banish Unwanted Influences around your Home

    No body listen to any of this shit. It is hebrew/kike.   This infiltrator is trying to mislead.   Hail Father Satan! From: AodhO <niphilim.marcus@... To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, February 22, 2010 6:48:39 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Simple Ritual to Banish Unwanted...
  54. Z

    beauty spell?

    I agree! Looking after our bodies is just as important as looking after our Souls.   I know some Kundalini Yoga Kriyas help improve skin complexion, regress aging and all sorts of things. The same goes for Meditations, and we should do what ever possible to keep ourselves in good shape.   Well...
  55. Z

    Any satanists in South Africa? - Hail Satan

    Yes, quite a few actually.   http://www.ageofsatan.co.cc/    Hail Father Satan! From: Magenta <natania143@... To: [email protected] Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 12:31:49 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Any satanists in South Africa? - Hail Satan   Is there any Satanists in the...
  56. Z

    E.A. Koetting

    E.A. koetting is a blasphemous rehash of all of the old jewish grimoires. His books would therefore be useless. I read in an interview with him where he spoke of nine foot circles, "banishing" Demons, kike names and all that othe fucking bull shit. The asshole even referred to Satan and the...
  57. Z

    Nordic Mythology

    Excuse me? I seriously hope that you are not daring to address High Priest Lucius Dragonwolf so arrogantly. Who do you think you are? You are the ignorant one. Satan himself would confirm that what High Priest Lucius said is correct. You obviously have no contact with the Gods.   I know that...
  58. Z

    Nordic Mythology

    The Norse Gods are our Gods.   Freyja, I believe, is Astaroth. What you said is an insult to Astaroth, so I highly suggest you rethink it.   But to the original asker of this question, yes. The Nordic Pantheon are our Gods and this does play into Satanism, as you obviously know, Satanism is...
  59. Z

    The Age of Satan page

    The link to the Age of Satan on the JoS is dead unfortunately.   The hosts we went with then, which first promised no advertising what so ever, started displaying xian advertsing on our site. So we switched to another host: http://www.ageofsatan.co.cc/   We will soon be upgrading to an actual...
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    You are very misguided. Anu does not respect us and nor is he neutral in this fight. If he "respected" us as you claim, he would not be so frightened of us becoming as Gods. Thats the last Im saying on this subject. I do not wish to start arguments.   Hail Satan! From: infinitempire...
  61. Z


    Im a woman actually;)! Lol.   Thankyou! Im glad that my article helps, I will be writing many more. Its an honor to fight for Satan and the Gods, and to work to destroy the enemy. My Fiance and I will keep putting the articles on the site.   These muslims really are just siphoning all of their...
  62. Z


    It definitely is a good thing:-)!   Hail Satan!! From: Allison P <apocalypseofjon@... To: [email protected] Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 7:54:12 PM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: EXPOSING ISLAM   Well, it's a good thing Father and the other Gods thought we were worth...
  63. Z


    I think, Anu felt man had become a threat to the Anunnaki. He did not want us to ever be in a position where we could reach the power of the Gods. He wanted us to be slaves/servants who worshipped him as God. Obviously, Father Satan strongly opposed this. Father Satan was an is our God, not Anu...
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    Thankyou so much for the kind words, and thankyou for taking the time to read my article:)! Im glad to be doing anything to destroy our enemies. It's all thanks to Father Satan and the Gods.   Hail Father Satan!! From: chalchiuhnenetzin <jaguarcat2002@... To: [email protected]...
  65. Z


    Thats very interesting that you should say Anu fights beside you when Anu is our enemy. He may be Satan's Father, but he is not on our side.   Hail Satan!!     There all my enemies all our enemies never fucking back down hear me we shall prevail The war call rings from mountain to sea we...
  66. Z

    what happened or did I just miss something?

    Father Satan and the Gods are originally from Nibiru. This is where they came from first when they ventured to earth. However, later when the split among the Nordics happened, they had to seek somewhere else to reside, and chose a Planet in the constellation of Orion.   Some greys do also...
  67. Z


    Oh, something else I would like to add. Concerning Power Meditation and how these fools claim it doesnt work, I have personal experience that says otherwise. I have been advancing a lot through Power Meditation and Kundalini Yoga and have had some "awakening experiences" if you want to call them...
  68. Z


    L.O.L is all I can say... These poor idiots obviously have nothing better to do with their time than spam people who have been clever enough to actually step away from their filth infested doctrine with more lies. 25 and over? Those 25 "and over" seriously need to acquire lives a.s.a.p. Really...
  69. Z


    Ive been working a lot on the study of islam lately, and I have written one article on it so far. Please check it out! I hope it helps!   Hail Father Satan!!   http://theageofsatan666.co.cc/islam_doc ... avery.html
  70. Z

    relation between hinduism and father satan

    Spiritual Satanism is Ancient Paganism, so there are connections with Hinduism. The Hindu Gods are our Gods (the ones who became know as Demons). Although, Hinduism these days has been heavily corrupted with xian teachings, such as "unconditional love" and "karma" and so on and so forth.  ...
  71. Z

    Bishops covered up priests' child abuse

    This shit is way beyond disgusting, and has been carrying on for far too long now. These people (the abuse victims that is) need Satan. They need the truth.   Im not sure if anyone else here saw the recent documentary, "deliver us from evil". It was a horrifying account of the sexual abuse...
  72. Z

    Reiki: Snake Oil or ...?

    The new age movement has definitely taken this ancient healing art and corrupted it insidiously, turning it into something that it's not. Personally, i was born able to perform what they call "Reiki" simply because i was born with open and active Hand Chakras. Thats all it is, really. The...
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    A question about astrology

    Uranus in Capricorn is a generational aspect, I believe. Meaning, it will be the same for everyone who is born within a certain time period. As far as i know, Uranus was in Capricorn from about 1988 to 1995/6. I think this is due to the fact that Uranus takes much longer to "travel" through a...
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    Flouride and the Pineal Gland

    Another thing i heard from a native-American woman was that incresed amounts of aluminium in water cause early on set of alzheimers. And, bottled water can be even worse than tap water!   In my country, a study was done and it was found that 90% of bottled water that was supposed to be "straight...
  75. Z

    Where do I turn?

    I know High Priestess Maxine has already responded to you with excellent advice, but I wanted to quickly add something here as well.   I have seen all too many times the suffering of those who follow the xian "god". Youre not alone, you are just lucky to be one of those with enough sense to...
  76. Z


    You can perform it on any day at any time if you wish, however, there are times and days that are more suitable and will enhance the working. Saturdays are good for Black Magick workings, and it should be done in the hour of Saturn.   Also, if you really want to increase your chances of success...
  77. Z

    does anybody know how i can get an energy sample of the moon god tho

    What? Ok, wait.   Just because Thoth is a Moon God, does not mean that he lives on the Moon. Thats kind of ridiculous. We are talking about energy and Alchemy here. And Thoth IS a physical being.   It doesnt say anywhere on the JoS site that Thoth lives on the Moon. Have you read the JoS site...
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    I talked about hitler

    http://www.666blacksun.com/Holohoax.html http://www.666blacksun.com/Links.html   http://www.onethirdoftheholocaust.com/   These links are very informative.   Hail Satan!! From: damnplanetsaturn <damnplanetsaturn@... To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 10:35:50...
  79. Z

    does anybody know how i can get an energy sample of the moon god tho

    Lol, sorry!   Thanks though:)   HAIL SATAN!! From: whatshisface1117 <whatshisface1117@... To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 6:39:41 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: does anybody know how i can get an energy sample of the moon god thoth   And here I...
  80. Z

    Hey is wearing all black wrong

    There is no dress code in Satanism. Youre allowed to dress however you want. The whole issue with the stereotype is that people immediately assume that *every* Satanist is and some how should be this way. I personally dont wear black all the time, though i do love it, but i dress however i want...
  81. Z

    does anybody know how i can get an energy sample of the moon god tho

    Theres a few things that i find a bit discomforting about your post. Firstly, im not trying to be funny or over bearing, but not even bothering to capitalize a Gods name, especially Thoth, can be seen as quite disrespectful. Secondly, Thoth is not a mere "entity", but a God, a physical being.  ...
  82. Z

    Forced baptisim by stupid christians

    No where on the JoS does it ever advocate physical violence, and WHERE does it EVER say that this is what Satan wants????   I know that High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has already responded to this, but im just so dumbfounded at your statement. I have no clue where you got something like this...
  83. Z

    Power Hypnosis & Killing

    What i personally think you should do is strengthen your own Aura, then program the other persons Aura to kill them. I read on the JoS of how youre supposed to place a black Aura around the other person, and then affirm that it is cauisng their destruction. You direct the affirmations to the...
  84. Z

    Funeral ritual for Animals?

    I too am sorry!   Losing an animal can be heart breaking, as they become such a big part of our lives. They become our friends, our family.   Father Satan will take care of her soul.   Hail Satan!! From: whatshisface1117 <whatshisface1117@... To: [email protected] Sent...
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    Summoning Bune

    Its my pleasure!   Yes, i would say that because of the energies. I just dont believe that a cemetry is the right atmosphere for summoning a God/Goddess.   Its great for other things, like Death Rituals in which you need to raise a lot of death energy, or some people even go to cemeteries for...
  86. Z

    Forced baptisim by stupid christians

    Agh, i know!   This kind of shit happens all the time with xians.   My grandmother did it once. Shes a devout "catholic", having been raised in an old-school Irish home, and her xianism is sickening. She forces her beliefs onto everyone she comes into contact with, telling them that theyre...
  87. Z

    Summoning Bune

    Bune is a Demonness/Goddess.   And no, you do not have to go to a cemetry in order to work with her. In fact, i would personally strongly advise against this. You can summon her, respectfully ofcourse, from your ritual place.   You can repay a Demon/Demoness for their assistance in any way...
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    Power Hypnosis & Killing

    I see, my apologies!   So you want to program your own Aura to kill someone? Or you want to kill someone using only affirmations? I still say you should rather then program the other persons Aura and not your own, and direct the affirmations to the target, but thats just my opinion.   Hail...
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    I thought that Abraxas was Decarabia. Im pretty sure.   Hail Satan!! From: hecatemother <hecatemother@... To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, September 7, 2009 6:37:52 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Abraxas   Anyone know of a daemon by the name of Abraxas, Abraxis,.... I don't...
  90. Z

    Power Hypnosis & Killing

    NOT to your Aura!!!   If you want to raise negative/death energy with which to kill someone, you raise it outside of your Aura and you do not connect with it. This energy is extremely harmful. You only direct it at the target. DO NOT ABSORB DEATH ENERGY!!! I highly reccomend that you read the...
  91. Z


    The Demons are actually the Ancient Pagan Gods. It was with the coming of xianity that they were Demonized and blasphemed, made to look like monsters. The purpose of this was to scare otherwise ignorant people away from them and to begin the enforcement of xianity.   They were never monsters or...
  92. Z

    Be wary of some "Satanists"...

    Not only that, but its these cult idiots who give Satanism such a bad name. You definitely dont want to be in any way connected to them. We need to be showing people that we are NOT like them, and that this kind of blood and death BS is NOT what true Satanism is about. Hail Satan...
  93. Z

    question on death spells

    A photograph of the person should work. Some amount of that persons energy will be attached to their photograph. This is how you can tell a lot about someone just by seeing a picture of them.   Hail Satan!! From: memphisgamingpunk <memphisgamingpunk@... To: [email protected]...
  94. Z

    Pyhscial Eyesight?

    The more you meditate, open and advance your Soul, generally, the better health you will gain. If you are really concerned about your eye sight, i would reccomend doing some energy work. You can use the healing methods given on the JoS to help heal your eye sight. Just adjust the affirmations...
  95. Z


    You could also just merge consciousness with someone. It is possible to posess another person. Hail Satan!! ________________________________ From: death.capricorn <death.capricorn@... To: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2009 1:13:30 AM Subject...
  96. Z

    [666_JoyofSatan] Monkeys coming into my house...Please Help...

    I also have a major monkey problem, so youre not alone. Theyre forever in my garden, trying to get into the lounge or the kitchen, and when they manage they steal all of the nice ripe fruit and sometimes even eggs and bread. We end up having to keep all of the windows and doors closed all day...
  97. Z


    Some of the biggest idiots i think ive ever come across, those refinersfire people. Whats so hilarious is how they try and use the bible as evidence for the bible. They take quotes from it, and then claim that these quotes are "proof" that its real, lol! Its absolutely pathetic and illogical...
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    Bune is female!   Hail Satan!! Hail Bune! From: shb1510 <shb1510@... To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 6:51:27 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Bune   Brothers & Sisters, I am a bit confused. Is Bune male or female? At the JOS site it mentions being a female...
  99. Z

    Where Are Those Members From Africa

    Im in South Africa.. if that helps.   Hail Satan!! From: gayroyalambassador <gayroyalambassador@... To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 8:12:34 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Where Are Those Members From Africa   Hello Friends, Greetings to my dear brothers...
  100. Z

    Light workers?

    Its a new age thing. I know a lot about the NAM, being surrounded by it in my area, and they are constantly going on about "light workers". Their threories of light workers are all about "love" and "peace" and all that BS. And, ofcourse, a whole bunch of angelic shit as well.   Where as there...
  101. Z

    The Enemy

    Yes. Although, islam im sure is controlled by the Vatican. Or at least by one of the kike enemy groups. It is said to be the reformation of the original jewish religion, so this is the conclusion that i am most inclined to jump to. Hmmm, i should try to speak to my Guardians about this. One...
  102. Z


    Try the books on Psionics by Charles W. Cosimano. He speaks about various radionic devices, and i know he wrote about the Tepaphone somewhere. You can download his books from the Satanic Singles Library. You may have to also do some searching around, as someone told me that all of the info on...
  103. Z

    satanic witch

    Nine foot circles are blasphemous to our Gods! I would never use them, not for any reason, simply because of the kike connotation attached to them. You dont need nine foot circles for protection or anything like that when youre summoning a Demon. You can use banishing rituals before hand, Runes...
  104. Z

    The Enemy

    I've been doing quite a bit of research on islam lately. Its more complicated than xianity, but its easy to see that absolutely everything in it has been stolen from Ancient Paganism, and corrupted into enemy filth.   I know that their so called "god" Allah is stolen from Paganism. A lot of...
  105. Z

    The Enemy

    Quite the contrary, actually. We are not going to lose this war, nor are we losing already. The enemy is already going down, and there are many signs to prove this. Ofcourse we cant just run out into the streets and start physically attacking them. All that will do is get us arrested and labeled...
  106. Z

    Getting over various random phobia's.

    Hypnosis. You can either get someone you trust to do it for you, or you could do it yourself. Read the articles about Hypnosis on the JoS: Its a difficult thing to master, but definitely worth it!   http://www.666blacksun.com/Hypnosis.html   Hail Satan!! From: nightfoxx666 <nightfoxx666@...
  107. Z

    How'd your 666 ritual go?

    I absolutely loved that ritual!! The energy i felt was exceptional, especially afterwards. I couldnt sleep. It was strange, because right after i finished my ritual i got an sms from this one person whom ive been talking to about Satanism, and all it said was "christianity is a LIE!! I just read...
  108. Z


    Well, Im going to participate in the ritual even though its not the Summer Solstice here. I think all of the South Africans are participating. I hope so!!   Hail Satan!! From: Zildar Raasi <mahorela_pashs666@... To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 1:51:38 PM...
  109. Z

    The 9th Gate

    The Ninth Gate is definitely not xian. Its clearly Satanic, if you understand the "symbolism" of it all. I also saw the woman as his Gaurdian, although many people see her as Satan. It makes more sense for her to be a Gaurdian.   Its my favorite movie, really Satanic and eye opening. In my...
  110. Z

    any satanists in south africa?

    Im from South Africa. There seem to be quite a few of us here.   Hail Lord Satan!! From: "tshepangratlhogo@..." <tshepangratlhogo@... To: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 11:27:42 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] any satanists in south africa? hello i'm new to...
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    I live in South Africa, so the times and seasons are all different. It wont be the Summer Solstice this Sunday, as its the middle of Winter here, but i do still want to participate in the ritual. Also, the times are all different, so i guess i will have to adjust. The Hour of the Sun here wont...
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    The Necronomicon

    Its not actually a book of summoning at all. High Priestess Maxine explains this in one of her sermons about the Necronomicon.   I completely forgot to add, there is a big difference between the 1586 Necrnomicon (the one i use), and the newer one by "HP Lovecraft". The newer one has been...
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    The Necronomicon

    Ive been using the Necronomicon for quite a while. When i first started, i would get bad psychic attack. The one night, i got paralyzed over and over again. I would be completely unable to move, and my vision would go black, and i would hear this exceptionally loud rushing sound.. Each time it...
  114. Z

    The colors Red and Black

    They have significance. Learn about Alchemy.   Hail Lord Satan!! From: ceiling.down <deadlytickle@... To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, June 8, 2009 3:42:27 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The colors Red and Black Do they have some kind of significance, or do they simply look...
  115. Z

    Mars coming close to Earth???

    Ya, i know now. They say it is coming closer than usual, but definitely not close enough to look like the Moon. It would have been awesome though!   Hail Satan!! From: nickmiletta <nickmiletta@... To: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2009 5:24:24 AM Subject...
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    Mars coming close to Earth???

    I heard that this year, Mars is going to come so close to Earth that it will appear the same size as the Moon. They say it wont happen again for another 60 000 years or so.   Anyone else heard of this??   Wont this have some strong Astrological/Physical affects on us? Especially Mars having to...
  117. Z

    Now, its "online confession"

    I cant believe this.   I was browsing a random site and i noticed a pop-up that read: "Are you feeling alone? You are not alone in this world. Have a secret burning you up? Did something youre not proud of? Something you cant share with your friends and family? Feel free to confess...
  118. Z

    Exposing Islam: Doctrine of Submission and Slavery

    I wanted to post this on the group, to help with exposing Islam, the third in the false trinity. I hope that this, as well as other info I want to post, will help!! (sorry for the length of this)   The Doctrine of Islam supports the idea of submission and slavery from beginning to end. Like...
  119. Z

    The Pope lives... -_-

    Ya, unfortunately at the vatican they do have knowledge of Occult Power. Group destruction rituals are definitely a good idea though!!   Hail Satan!! From: hail.enki <hail.enki@... To: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 12:45:48 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] The Pope...
  120. Z

    Fighting Back

    Thank you for this, High Priestess Maxine!! I agree that we really need to start fighting the enemy on line, together. I have been in a number of xian forums lately, and quite a few of the people have started to wonder. Although its difficult if its just one of you against a dozen bible thumping...
  121. Z

    Does this way also work?

    This is possible. But its very, very difficult to get your hands on the right material. Many new agers make phony "Astral Projection" cd's and try and sell them off at ridiculous prices. I saw one such cd at a new age store, and on the back the maker of it had claimed that it had an underlying...
  122. Z

    A sign? Please advise!!!

    Well, i cant say to you "Yes it was a sign", or "No, it wasnt." I also cant tell you exactly what it meant. That is between you and Satan, and you need to decide whether you feel it was a sign. If you have a strong feeling that it was, then its likely that it was. The lightning bolt is a Satanic...
  123. Z

    Dont waste your time, this is what we really need to do.

    Ignorance itself is a threat, my friend.   You seem to have a lot of misinformation there. The pope is a jew, all the popes have been jews. And they did not "work with Hitler".   Yes, the jews infiltrate. They infilitrate everything. A perfect example is Free Masonry, which was originally...
  124. Z

    Burning buildings???

    Look into the creation of thought forms/elementals.   Hail Satan!! From: johnmad33 <johnmad33@... To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 7:48:08 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Burning buildings??? Does anyone know how to burn down buildings such as churches etc using...
  125. Z

    Awakning The Chakras

    The Chakras are not only along the Spine.   Take a look at these diagrams, they should help:   http://www.666blacksun.com/Chakras_Diagram.html   Hail Satan!! From: enkijr <enkijr@... To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 12:01:54 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Awakning...
  126. Z

    how to close a chakra

    I get this too. It's a good thing. Try circulating the energy to other Chakras, or direct the energy from your Hand Chakras into other Chakras.   Hail Satan!! From: shon_hensem <d_hensem_1@... To: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 3:34:34 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666]...
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    ritual items

    The Gods would definitely not ignore you for this! It is your intentions that they look at, not how fancy your altar is or how nice your ritual tools are. When i first started, i didnt have an Athame, or a Chalice, or a Burning Bowl, i simply substituted with house hold items. The Gods...
  128. Z

    Was Satanism First

    There is a reason for the creation of Wicca. This was on the part of the enemy, actually. Wicca has a very xian undertone, which comes through in teachings like the three fold law of return, humility, un-conditional love, total selflessness, etc... In recent times, there has been a great...
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    The latest excuse xianity has come up with when trying to make up for the glaringly obvious similarities between xian characters and stories and those of Ancient Paganism is that Pagan's were simply xians who at the time mis-understood "gods" teachings. Its actually just become pathetic. When I...
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    The Horror of Xianism a particularly Insane example.

    Lol, my bad. Didnt listen to the whole thing and i thought he said "art", but now i hear that he's referring to some person. I still stand by what i say though anyway..   Hail Satan!! From: Zildar Raasi <mahorela_pashs666@... To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009...
  131. Z

    The Horror of Xianism a particularly Insane example.

    All these xians rant on about how things like Art, Music and Dance are "evil". They avoid everything that makes life worth living.. No wonder they look like gray-faced ugly masks when theyre only 40 years old. They don't know the meaning of the term "to live", they simply exist. Pointless...
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    Bim is not simply a Spirit. She is a real being. All of the Gods of Hell are real beings.   Hail Lord Satan!! From: apollo11.moon <jerrell.lewis@... To: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 2:19:50 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] BIM/BUNE IT APPEARS THAT BIM/BUNE IS A...
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    Bim/Bune is female.The old blasphemous grimoires, which were written by jews, list all of the Gods as male. This is obviously inaccurate, and is just another form of blasphemy.   Hail Lord Satan!! From: apollo11.moon <jerrell.lewis@... To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, May...
  134. Z

    Question about post awakenings.

    No, the awakening exercises should be performed once off, unless they actually didnt work the first time. Once you have performed the awakenings, you should do regular meditation on each of your Chakras. Use Chakra Breathing, Runes, Chakra Spinning, The Full Chakra Meditation, Alignment...
  135. Z


    Have you read the Joy of Satan site? If not, its exceptionally important that you do so. This will give you the understanding and grounding that you need. You can ask any questions that you may have here, but its important that you read the JoS. You will probably find most of your questions will...
  136. Z

    Weak 'copycat' religion.

    I dont know how many sites and groups i have come across that do exactly this. They take from the Joy of Satan what they like, and leave out what they dont like. Then, they proceed to bash the JoS and High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, calling her "racist" and all that other bull shit. It's...
  137. Z

    How do Greys travel?

    Telepathy, to be exact. Thats one thing, the greys have top notch telepathy, and they can use it against you to screw with you!   Hail Lord Satan!! From: Niko <nikopope@... To: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 9:23:52 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: How do...
  138. Z

    Meditation Question

    Previous Meditations and workings on the Soul can definitely be of help. It's definitely a plus on your side that you already came here with knowledge of how to do basic Meditations and relax, etc. But the Power Meditations given on the JoS site are very specific and most of the time very...
  139. Z


    I think Aphrodite is Astaroth. This is the feeling i get. I know some say Astaroth is Athena, but that didnt feel right to me for some reason.   Hail Lord Satan!! From: hail.enki <hail.enki@... To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 4:11:05 PM Subject...
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    No Reptillians must be trusted. Dont fall into the same trap that new agers do. They are fooled into believing that the Greys and Reptillians are "benevolent" and that they are concerned with our survival and well being. This is BullShit.   Hail Lord Satan!!   From: Monie...
  141. Z

    Does anyone know anything about this?

    The Spiral can often represent the DNA Helix. Its very important in Spiritual Satanism. Think about Ancient Sumeria and how Enki/Satan altered our DNA and wished to bring us to perfection. It also ties in with the Kundalini and reaching GodHead.   Hail Lord Satan!! From: siguard666...
  142. Z

    ugent question

    The sensation you are feeling is your Third Eye beginning to become active. Its perfectly normal, and is a good sign. I felt pressure and tingling in my Third Eye all my life, and it intensified when i actually started to meditate.   Hail Satan!! From: "simotep@..." <simotep@... To...
  143. Z

    Chakric-Auric Energy Connection

    Having stronger Chakras will definitely give you a stronger Aura. The Chakras and the Aura are connected. The Chakras are energy centers within the Soul, which radiate energy and circulate energy.   Hail Lord Satan!!! From: timong48 <timong48@... To: [email protected] Sent...
  144. Z

    How to send healing energy?

    You can use Tantra/Sex Magick. It works very well, and the person doesnt have to be with you at the time. You just have to be able to visualize the person. You send the energy from Orgasm to the person, and program it to heal them by visualizing it lighting up there Aura until it is shining...
  145. Z

    What type of power

    If all youre concerned about is what youre going to get out of this, then i strongly advise you not to perform the dedication. Dedicating does not automatically bring you power. You bring yourself power through Power Meditation.   I apologize if i mis understood you, but the way it sounds to...
  146. Z

    Does Buddha actually exist?

    What you have to remember is that religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism today do not resemble what they were thousands of years ago. They have been infiltrated and xianized in order to conform to the wishes of the enemy. What these people worship and follow today is not what Hindu's and...
  147. Z

    Re: Certain Races.

    It is still important to know where you come from though.   “A nation lives happily in the present and the future so long as it is aware of its past and the greatness of its ancestors.”- Heinrich Himmler    Satan accepts all Gentiles as long as they come with honesty and the right intentions...
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    The "holocaust" was fabricated by the jews. No, it didnt happen. You should watch the videos given on 666Blacksun as they explain quite nicely why the holocaust could not possibly have happened. The kikes just love to make people feel sorry for them, and they try to make it look as though they...
  149. Z

    What exactly are the Jews?

    Ah, i see. Thankyou!:)   Hail Lord Satan!! From: hammerofthegods_666 <hammerofthegods_666@... To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, April 3, 2009 12:12:19 AM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: What exactly are the Jews? You are right.. Our Gods are in Orion, but there is still LOTS...
  150. Z

    Does stoneheadge have anythig to do with us?

    It may very well have been built upon powerful energy lines, and used for rituals etc, but a very large part of its function was Astronomical. It was built to reflect certain movements of Planetary bodies such as the Moon, and to calculate these movements.   Hail Lord Satan!! From...
  151. Z

    How were the pyramids REALLY built?

    kikes definitely did not build the Egyptian Pyramids. There is actually a lot of evidence to prove this.   The kikes, in fact, never set foot in Egypt at the time they were supposed to have been "held captive" there. One clear way to see this is to simply look to the records that were made by...
  152. Z

    Knowing: Greys?

    Although, greys can project a false image to you. Thats why a lot of xians claim to have seen "angels" or loved ones after they are deceased, and so on.   Hail Satan!! From: Monie <hecatemother@... To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2009 5:14:33 AM Subject...
  153. Z

    What exactly are the Jews?

    High Priest Jake Carlson, i was told that our Gods are from the constellation Orion? I asked this in a ritual a while back and confirmed it. Could it not be that the common belief that Orion is the home of reptillians is a lie? I jsut thought i would ask, to clear it up.     Hail Satan...
  154. Z

    Does stoneheadge have anythig to do with us?

    Actually, StoneHenge was not built as a burial ground at all. It was an Astronomical (literally) structure, and could be used to determine a number of things such as eclipses, etc... It is of our Gods.   Hail Lord Satan!! Hail Bathin! From: Charles MacIain <cjmacian@... To...
  155. Z

    Dragonball Evolution

    All Martial Arts was originally based on using Spiritual Energy/Chi and increasing it. Its actually a big part of Martial Arts, although some people have lost this.   Hail Lord Satan! From: hail.enki <hail.enki@... To: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 10:55:22 PM...
  156. Z

    Xians fear Harry Potter?

    Xians fear everything. They even say they fear their own "god". Its pathetic. They think everything of the fantasy genre is evil. They even said that Snow White and Pocahauntus are "evil and un-godly". LOL!!! I had an aunt who was an obsessed evangelical xian, and she didnt let her son watch any...
  157. Z

    Suffer Little Children

    I hate kikes! They are the most disgusting, barbaric and filthy species ever to have existed on earth! Reptillian creeps!   Heres more disgusting articles that prove their true nature: http://www.vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=86559 http://www.ety.com/HRP/jewishstudies/snuffporn.htm   Here are...
  158. Z

    Void Moon!

    The moon is said to be in Void when it is making the transit from one Astrological Sign to the next. For a few hours, the moon isnt in any sign, so there is a "Void". The Moon has great influence over magick, and the influence it has will depend on what Sign it is in. If it is in no Sign, it's...
  159. Z


    Ive been working on Astral Projection lately. Ive had success at it on some ocassions, but i just couldnt seem to get so that it would work every time i tried. It seemed to instead happen at random moments, sometimes when i wasnt thinking of it at all. I guess this could be called an OBE.   But...
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    how would you go about healing glandular fever?

    research the illness. From: free_will666 <free_will666@... To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:51:13 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] how would you go about healing glandular fever? a good friend of mine has had it for about a year now and lately its been...
  161. Z

    how would you go about healing glandular fever?

    I wouldnt merge with her, personally, as you yourself may pick up some of the "sickness" if you do this. You Could try distance healing, rather. High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has written brilliant articles on Satanic Healing.   http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... thers.html   This is...
  162. Z

    does the Lucifer lubaration fornt have anything to do with us?

    Their information is good, and they are accurate in many ways. They also came under ridicule for putting the truth out there. They know that the Gods are in fact extra-terrestrial beings and they know that xianity is a lie. However, i dont think they place the same importance upon Power...
  163. Z

    [ASK]Man Claiming to be Amen-Ra/Marduk. Opinion please!!

    This sounds like some serious kike work here.   First, who ever this person is he claims that he is connected with the Illuminati, which is a jewish-run group! he claims that it is him who controls all of the banking, the media and so on and so forth, and it is the jews who control all of that...
  164. Z

    Can anyone give me some insight about Ra.....

    These stories are allegorical, not literal. They often have deep alchemical meaning. All of the Ancient Egyptian stories, like that of Set, Osiris and Isis, are alchemical. Amon Ra is not evil. Amon Ra/Marduk is of Satan and one of the sons of Satan. Hail Lord Satan...
  165. Z

    Satanic Reiki

    Reiki itself is a gift from the Gods. Anything to do with "angels" or any other new age bull shit has no place in Reiki. Yes, any form of "angelic" attunement should definitely be avoided. Ask Father Satan and the Gods to assist you with this, and work on opening and empowering your Hand...
  166. Z

    Need Help Locating My Pineal Gland!

    Ok, this is what i did. Not sure if it will work for you or even seem helpful to you but i will say it anyway. Its simple, really.. Use the "b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b" vibration, and affirm that it is affecting your Pineal Gland. You should begin to feel this vibration becoming concentrated in one spot...
  167. Z

    Electrocution-Style Awakaning

    I agree. I dont know how much of a good idea electrocuting yourself will be. Rather stick with Power Meditation, hey? Thats the best way to raise bioelectricity and awaken the Kundalini. Sexual energy is also good!   Hail Satan!! From: Lauren <kyley1706@... To...
  168. Z

    Reiki Training?

    They did, unfortunately.   Its actually something that really pissed me off, because these are gifts that have been given to us by our Gods, and the enemy tries to take credit for them!! This is just one of the many reasons i hate the new age movement!! They can be even more obnoxious than some...
  169. Z

    Knowing (the movie)

    The media is constantly trying to push greys and reptillians on people as being something like "saviours" of humanity or our "great ET friends". So many movies have come out in the past few years depicting them in this way, and it is ofcourse another tactic to keep humanity enslaved, ignorant...
  170. Z

    Reiki Training?

    I use Reiki, and i can say that it is beneficial and definitely not originally from xian/new age sources. Its a very Ancient form of healing that i believe was practiced in Ancient Egypt among other places. The word "Reiki" itself translates as Spiritual Energy, like the life force or...
  171. Z

    This article

    Ive seen this article before, and it was discussed here ages ago as well.   This girl who claimed to have been a Satanist for "six yesrs" or whatever, is a lying little shit! The JoS hadnt even been started at the time she claimed to have "found" it. Her story was completely fabricated, and i...
  172. Z

    xtian scum (a poem)

    Thats brilliant, Dante!!   Hail Lord Satan!! From: williams4033 <williams4033@... To: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 10:09:56 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: xtian scum (a poem)
  173. Z


    Oh my word, so this does actually happen! I thought i was jsut crazy. I remember sitting and thinking "im pretty sure thats what i typed in before, and it was right there!" Damned kikes!   Thankyou for this, HP Jake!!   Hail Lord Satan!! From: hammerofthegods_666 <hammerofthegods_666@...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
