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Sermon 3/15/10

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Awakening chakras is different from raising the kundalini serpent. Awakening chakras is a preparation, and helps to clear, activate and open them for the safe ascension of the Serpent of Satan.

Through consistent yoga and meditations, kundalini rises little by little and then retreats back to the base chakra. This is before the serpent rises as a whole to the crown chakra, which is a major even and changes one's life forever in a positive way.

The point of this sermon is concerning personal hang-ups which interfere and block the safe ascension of the serpent. Unfortunately, sex is a huge one for most of the populace. The christian and islam programs which work relentlessly and very forcefully to remove spirituality and all spiritual knowledge know sex is a major factor in raising the serpent.

When one has any shame, fears, repression, guilt or other negative attitudes towards sex, the second chakra which is ruled by sex is blocked and the serpent cannot ascend. I was recently reading where some guru dependent individuals who have fallen for the christianized filth that has infested much of Eastern teachings, have had some very ugly experiences when the serpent energy manifested in their second chakra. These individuals were very sexually repressed and had a plethora of hang-ups.

The underlying theme in all True Satanism is FREEDOM. FREE YOUR MIND, ACCEPT YOURSELF FOR WHO YOU ARE- BE YOURSELF!! Always being sorry, repenting, personal shame, and other related crap is NOT a part of Satanism!!

In facilitating the rising of the serpent, the less hang-ups you have, the better. Hang-ups are stored in the chakras and act as major obstacles and blocks to the serpent energy. The christian churches and islam know all too well, and work to create as many hang-ups and psychological problems, self-loathing, low self-esteem, repression of sexuality, and emotions and every other ugly anti-life and anti-spiritual thing they can to PREVENT humanity from evolving spiritually to a higher level and seeing the truth.

When problems begin and are repressed, chakras and the soul as a whole become ill. This also manifests in the body and in life experiences. Things bleed over and get ugly all around. This is another major reason christians prey upon our youth. They work to ruin them when they are young and vulnerable, when their minds are fragile and receptive to suggestions, implanted thoughts and are easily programmed.

The teachings of the Far East where True Satanism originated have been severely corrupted. There are no dietary laws, no sexual restrictions, no certain ways one is supposed to live or any certain things one is supposed to observe. Consistent workings- hatha and kundalini yoga and other forms of meditation [putting in and devoting your time and working consistently on your soul is the true meaning of 'sacrifice'] WILL work from the inside out. The meditations and yoga produce changes on their own. Live your life as you will. Eat as you will, have sex as you will and above all remember- SEXUAL ABSTINANCE IS NOT HEALTHY!! Whether you are alone or with a partner/s, this must be relieved. If anyone here has any doubts on this- look at the average catholic priest for a prime example of the results of celibacy.

I am posting this article here again. You can only be free when your mind is free:


Everyone knows free thought is the ability to think for one's self, but how many people actually apply this? Only when you can completely free your mind, will you be able to come into your own and know yourself. How to think, what to think, what to believe, what our likes, our dislikes, our concepts of right, wrong, good and evil are, are constantly being programmed by the media, peer pressure and those in power. Those in power can refer to the government, parents, family, educational institutions and textbooks, the system, the medical association and so forth. Many live their lives by the values of others and as a result, they never come to know themselves. People are TOLD what to think and believe.

The television is a good example. Canned laughter implies something is supposed to be funny and it's OK to laugh. Background music lets the viewer know when he/she should get scared or anticipate something. Emotional scenes lead some people to tears. Life is much like this. One is supposed to obtain some form of approval for any and every thought and/or action.

Take a look at the xian church. Everyone is repeatedly told this nefarious enemy of humanity is something "good." In spite of the continuous and blatantly obvious signs to the contrary, most people actually believe this to be true. The xian bible is called the "good book."
This "good book" is full of mass murder, slaughter, torture, gang rape, prostitution, cannibalism, infanticide, mutilation, blood sacrifice, curses, feces, hatred, and every ugly thing know to humanity. It has incited war, slavery, bloodshed and destroyed the lives and mental health of billions.

When we come to Satan, he opens the door to our spiritual cages and gives us a hand in getting out. The rest is up to us. He is always there for guidance and support, but above all, he wants us to be free. Satan, who is the True God, is the liberator of humanity.

Ask yourself; what do I think? How do I feel? NOT how *SHOULD* I think, or what would someone else think, or what does everyone else think. We are all individuals. We all have different preferences and tastes. Just because someone else likes or dislikes something, that doesn't mean you as an individual should feel the same way. Whenever presented with a dilemma or something new, ask yourself the above questions. Satanism is free thought in the extreme, yet, so few are able to actually think for themselves.

Now, of course, those in power are dead against free thought. Sheep are easily controlled. Personality tests are given to determine those who are a threat (think for themselves and don't conform). Though unaware, how we should think is drummed into our heads from the time we are born. Very few people really know themselves, in spite of living with themselves 24/7. This is really sad.

It's not all that hard. Just remember to always and frequently ask yourself to start out with; do I think this is right or wrong for me? How do *I* feel about this? What is *my* opinion? There are no right or wrong answers here. Just get to know yourself. This may take time, but in the end, you will experience the bliss of being free.

Start completely deprogramming your mind today. All of us are programmed to greater or lesser degrees and most are not even aware of it.

© Copyright 2002, 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... OUGHT.html

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
<td val[/IMG]I am new to Satanism but I am doing a lot of reading. The Article on Free thought gave me answers to the steps i need to take next in my life.
Here is a prime example of how xianity preys on the youth and infests their minds:
These children have been totally brainwashed. Its frightening. They have been made into mindless robots, empty shells for the xian filth to use and abuse as it will. They have no hope for a future, thanks to xianity.   Hail Father Satan!    
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Sent: Tue, March 16, 2010 7:14:59 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Sermon 3/15/10


Awakening chakras is different from raising the kundalini serpent. Awakening chakras is a preparation, and helps to clear, activate and open them for the safe ascension of the Serpent of Satan.

Through consistent yoga and meditations, kundalini rises little by little and then retreats back to the base chakra. This is before the serpent rises as a whole to the crown chakra, which is a major even and changes one's life forever in a positive way.

The point of this sermon is concerning personal hang-ups which interfere and block the safe ascension of the serpent. Unfortunately, sex is a huge one for most of the populace. The christian and islam programs which work relentlessly and very forcefully to remove spirituality and all spiritual knowledge know sex is a major factor in raising the serpent.

When one has any shame, fears, repression, guilt or other negative attitudes towards sex, the second chakra which is ruled by sex is blocked and the serpent cannot ascend. I was recently reading where some guru dependent individuals who have fallen for the christianized filth that has infested much of Eastern teachings, have had some very ugly experiences when the serpent energy manifested in their second chakra. These individuals were very sexually repressed and had a plethora of hang-ups.

The underlying theme in all True Satanism is FREEDOM. FREE YOUR MIND, ACCEPT YOURSELF FOR WHO YOU ARE- BE YOURSELF!! Always being sorry, repenting, personal shame, and other related crap is NOT a part of Satanism!!

In facilitating the rising of the serpent, the less hang-ups you have, the better. Hang-ups are stored in the chakras and act as major obstacles and blocks to the serpent energy. The christian churches and islam know all too well, and work to create as many hang-ups and psychological problems, self-loathing, low self-esteem, repression of sexuality, and emotions and every other ugly anti-life and anti-spiritual thing they can to PREVENT humanity from evolving spiritually to a higher level and seeing the truth.

When problems begin and are repressed, chakras and the soul as a whole become ill. This also manifests in the body and in life experiences. Things bleed over and get ugly all around. This is another major reason christians prey upon our youth. They work to ruin them when they are young and vulnerable, when their minds are fragile and receptive to suggestions, implanted thoughts and are easily programmed.

The teachings of the Far East where True Satanism originated have been severely corrupted. There are no dietary laws, no sexual restrictions, no certain ways one is supposed to live or any certain things one is supposed to observe. Consistent workings- hatha and kundalini yoga and other forms of meditation [putting in and devoting your time and working consistently on your soul is the true meaning of 'sacrifice'] WILL work from the inside out. The meditations and yoga produce changes on their own. Live your life as you will. Eat as you will, have sex as you will and above all remember- SEXUAL ABSTINANCE IS NOT HEALTHY!! Whether you are alone or with a partner/s, this must be relieved. If anyone here has any doubts on this- look at the average catholic priest for a prime example of the results of celibacy.

I am posting this article here again. You can only be free when your mind is free:


Everyone knows free thought is the ability to think for one's self, but how many people actually apply this? Only when you can completely free your mind, will you be able to come into your own and know yourself. How to think, what to think, what to believe, what our likes, our dislikes, our concepts of right, wrong, good and evil are, are constantly being programmed by the media, peer pressure and those in power. Those in power can refer to the government, parents, family, educational institutions and textbooks, the system, the medical association and so forth. Many live their lives by the values of others and as a result, they never come to know themselves. People are TOLD what to think and believe.

The television is a good example. Canned laughter implies something is supposed to be funny and it's OK to laugh. Background music lets the viewer know when he/she should get scared or anticipate something. Emotional scenes lead some people to tears. Life is much like this. One is supposed to obtain some form of approval for any and every thought and/or action.

Take a look at the xian church. Everyone is repeatedly told this nefarious enemy of humanity is something "good." In spite of the continuous and blatantly obvious signs to the contrary, most people actually believe this to be true. The xian bible is called the "good book."
This "good book" is full of mass murder, slaughter, torture, gang rape, prostitution, cannibalism, infanticide, mutilation, blood sacrifice, curses, feces, hatred, and every ugly thing know to humanity. It has incited war, slavery, bloodshed and destroyed the lives and mental health of billions.

When we come to Satan, he opens the door to our spiritual cages and gives us a hand in getting out. The rest is up to us. He is always there for guidance and support, but above all, he wants us to be free. Satan, who is the True God, is the liberator of humanity.

Ask yourself; what do I think? How do I feel? NOT how *SHOULD* I think, or what would someone else think, or what does everyone else think. We are all individuals. We all have different preferences and tastes. Just because someone else likes or dislikes something, that doesn't mean you as an individual should feel the same way. Whenever presented with a dilemma or something new, ask yourself the above questions. Satanism is free thought in the extreme, yet, so few are able to actually think for themselves.

Now, of course, those in power are dead against free thought. Sheep are easily controlled. Personality tests are given to determine those who are a threat (think for themselves and don't conform). Though unaware, how we should think is drummed into our heads from the time we are born. Very few people really know themselves, in spite of living with themselves 24/7. This is really sad.

It's not all that hard. Just remember to always and frequently ask yourself to start out with; do I think this is right or wrong for me? How do *I* feel about this? What is *my* opinion? There are no right or wrong answers here. Just get to know yourself. This may take time, but in the end, you will experience the bliss of being free.

Start completely deprogramming your mind today. All of us are programmed to greater or lesser degrees and most are not even aware of it.

© Copyright 2002, 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

http://www.angelfir e.com/empire/ serpentis666/ FREETHOUGHT. html

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

<td val[/IMG]

hey how can i keep christian or my parents from accepting that i belive in satan need help im 17    


Awakening chakras is different from raising the kundalini serpent. Awakening chakras is a preparation, and helps to clear, activate and open them for the safe ascension of the Serpent of Satan.

Through consistent yoga and meditations, kundalini rises little by little and then retreats back to the base chakra. This is before the serpent rises as a whole to the crown chakra, which is a major even and changes one's life forever in a positive way.

The point of this sermon is concerning personal hang-ups which interfere and block the safe ascension of the serpent. Unfortunately, sex is a huge one for most of the populace. The christian and islam programs which work relentlessly and very forcefully to remove spirituality and all spiritual knowledge know sex is a major factor in raising the serpent.

When one has any shame, fears, repression, guilt or other negative attitudes towards sex, the second chakra which is ruled by sex is blocked and the serpent cannot ascend. I was recently reading where some guru dependent individuals who have fallen for the christianized filth that has infested much of Eastern teachings, have had some very ugly experiences when the serpent energy manifested in their second chakra. These individuals were very sexually repressed and had a plethora of hang-ups.

The underlying theme in all True Satanism is FREEDOM. FREE YOUR MIND, ACCEPT YOURSELF FOR WHO YOU ARE- BE YOURSELF!! Always being sorry, repenting, personal shame, and other related crap is NOT a part of Satanism!!

In facilitating the rising of the serpent, the less hang-ups you have, the better. Hang-ups are stored in the chakras and act as major obstacles and blocks to the serpent energy. The christian churches and islam know all too well, and work to create as many hang-ups and psychological problems, self-loathing, low self-esteem, repression of sexuality, and emotions and every other ugly anti-life and anti-spiritual thing they can to PREVENT humanity from evolving spiritually to a higher level and seeing the truth.

When problems begin and are repressed, chakras and the soul as a whole become ill. This also manifests in the body and in life experiences. Things bleed over and get ugly all around. This is another major reason christians prey upon our youth. They work to ruin them when they are young and vulnerable, when their minds are fragile and receptive to suggestions, implanted thoughts and are easily programmed.

The teachings of the Far East where True Satanism originated have been severely corrupted. There are no dietary laws, no sexual restrictions, no certain ways one is supposed to live or any certain things one is supposed to observe. Consistent workings- hatha and kundalini yoga and other forms of meditation [putting in and devoting your time and working consistently on your soul is the true meaning of 'sacrifice'] WILL work from the inside out. The meditations and yoga produce changes on their own. Live your life as you will. Eat as you will, have sex as you will and above all remember- SEXUAL ABSTINANCE IS NOT HEALTHY!! Whether you are alone or with a partner/s, this must be relieved. If anyone here has any doubts on this- look at the average catholic priest for a prime example of the results of celibacy.

I am posting this article here again. You can only be free when your mind is free:


Everyone knows free thought is the ability to think for one's self, but how many people actually apply this? Only when you can completely free your mind, will you be able to come into your own and know yourself. How to think, what to think, what to believe, what our likes, our dislikes, our concepts of right, wrong, good and evil are, are constantly being programmed by the media, peer pressure and those in power. Those in power can refer to the government, parents, family, educational institutions and textbooks, the system, the medical association and so forth. Many live their lives by the values of others and as a result, they never come to know themselves. People are TOLD what to think and believe.

The television is a good example. Canned laughter implies something is supposed to be funny and it's OK to laugh. Background music lets the viewer know when he/she should get scared or anticipate something. Emotional scenes lead some people to tears. Life is much like this. One is supposed to obtain some form of approval for any and every thought and/or action.

Take a look at the xian church. Everyone is repeatedly told this nefarious enemy of humanity is something "good." In spite of the continuous and blatantly obvious signs to the contrary, most people actually believe this to be true. The xian bible is called the "good book."
This "good book" is full of mass murder, slaughter, torture, gang rape, prostitution, cannibalism, infanticide, mutilation, blood sacrifice, curses, feces, hatred, and every ugly thing know to humanity. It has incited war, slavery, bloodshed and destroyed the lives and mental health of billions.

When we come to Satan, he opens the door to our spiritual cages and gives us a hand in getting out. The rest is up to us. He is always there for guidance and support, but above all, he wants us to be free. Satan, who is the True God, is the liberator of humanity.

Ask yourself; what do I think? How do I feel? NOT how *SHOULD* I think, or what would someone else think, or what does everyone else think. We are all individuals. We all have different preferences and tastes. Just because someone else likes or dislikes something, that doesn't mean you as an individual should feel the same way. Whenever presented with a dilemma or something new, ask yourself the above questions. Satanism is free thought in the extreme, yet, so few are able to actually think for themselves.

Now, of course, those in power are dead against free thought. Sheep are easily controlled. Personality tests are given to determine those who are a threat (think for themselves and don't conform). Though unaware, how we should think is drummed into our heads from the time we are born. Very few people really know themselves, in spite of living with themselves 24/7. This is really sad.

It's not all that hard. Just remember to always and frequently ask yourself to start out with; do I think this is right or wrong for me? How do *I* feel about this? What is *my* opinion? There are no right or wrong answers here. Just get to know yourself. This may take time, but in the end, you will experience the bliss of being free.

Start completely deprogramming your mind today. All of us are programmed to greater or lesser degrees and most are not even aware of it.

© Copyright 2002, 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

http://www.angelfir e.com/empire/ serpentis666/ FREETHOUGHT. html

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
http://www.joyofsat an.org
I wonder why they're all gasping for breath and crying, it looks like it's painful.
They all speak the same way, the same rickety, gasping, chortling, sick way.
I vote greys are responsible, greys and thoughtforms.
It's painful to watch because the indoctrination starts so young.

From: Zildar Raasi <mahorela_pashs666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 18, 2010 1:05:26 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Sermon 3/15/10

  Here is a prime example of how xianity preys on the youth and infests their minds:
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=At9Ujm7RqU8
These children have been totally brainwashed. Its frightening. They have been made into mindless robots, empty shells for the xian filth to use and abuse as it will. They have no hope for a future, thanks to xianity.   Hail Father Satan!    
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ yahoo.com
To: 666_JoyofSatan@ yahoogroups. com; Teens4Satan@ yahoogroups. com; Advanced_Meditation @yahoogroups. com; HellsArmy666@ yahoogroups. com; AdvancedSatanism@ yahoogroups. com; 666_BlackSun@ yahoogroups. com; JoSNewsletter@ yahoogroups. com; JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com; Satanicgaycommunity @yahoogroups. com
Sent: Tue, March 16, 2010 7:14:59 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Sermon 3/15/10


Awakening chakras is different from raising the kundalini serpent. Awakening chakras is a preparation, and helps to clear, activate and open them for the safe ascension of the Serpent of Satan.

Through consistent yoga and meditations, kundalini rises little by little and then retreats back to the base chakra. This is before the serpent rises as a whole to the crown chakra, which is a major even and changes one's life forever in a positive way.

The point of this sermon is concerning personal hang-ups which interfere and block the safe ascension of the serpent. Unfortunately, sex is a huge one for most of the populace. The christian and islam programs which work relentlessly and very forcefully to remove spirituality and all spiritual knowledge know sex is a major factor in raising the serpent.

When one has any shame, fears, repression, guilt or other negative attitudes towards sex, the second chakra which is ruled by sex is blocked and the serpent cannot ascend. I was recently reading where some guru dependent individuals who have fallen for the christianized filth that has infested much of Eastern teachings, have had some very ugly experiences when the serpent energy manifested in their second chakra. These individuals were very sexually repressed and had a plethora of hang-ups.

The underlying theme in all True Satanism is FREEDOM. FREE YOUR MIND, ACCEPT YOURSELF FOR WHO YOU ARE- BE YOURSELF!! Always being sorry, repenting, personal shame, and other related crap is NOT a part of Satanism!!

In facilitating the rising of the serpent, the less hang-ups you have, the better. Hang-ups are stored in the chakras and act as major obstacles and blocks to the serpent energy. The christian churches and islam know all too well, and work to create as many hang-ups and psychological problems, self-loathing, low self-esteem, repression of sexuality, and emotions and every other ugly anti-life and anti-spiritual thing they can to PREVENT humanity from evolving spiritually to a higher level and seeing the truth.

When problems begin and are repressed, chakras and the soul as a whole become ill. This also manifests in the body and in life experiences. Things bleed over and get ugly all around. This is another major reason christians prey upon our youth. They work to ruin them when they are young and vulnerable, when their minds are fragile and receptive to suggestions, implanted thoughts and are easily programmed.

The teachings of the Far East where True Satanism originated have been severely corrupted. There are no dietary laws, no sexual restrictions, no certain ways one is supposed to live or any certain things one is supposed to observe. Consistent workings- hatha and kundalini yoga and other forms of meditation [putting in and devoting your time and working consistently on your soul is the true meaning of 'sacrifice'] WILL work from the inside out. The meditations and yoga produce changes on their own. Live your life as you will. Eat as you will, have sex as you will and above all remember- SEXUAL ABSTINANCE IS NOT HEALTHY!! Whether you are alone or with a partner/s, this must be relieved. If anyone here has any doubts on this- look at the average catholic priest for a prime example of the results of celibacy.

I am posting this article here again. You can only be free when your mind is free:


Everyone knows free thought is the ability to think for one's self, but how many people actually apply this? Only when you can completely free your mind, will you be able to come into your own and know yourself. How to think, what to think, what to believe, what our likes, our dislikes, our concepts of right, wrong, good and evil are, are constantly being programmed by the media, peer pressure and those in power. Those in power can refer to the government, parents, family, educational institutions and textbooks, the system, the medical association and so forth. Many live their lives by the values of others and as a result, they never come to know themselves. People are TOLD what to think and believe.

The television is a good example. Canned laughter implies something is supposed to be funny and it's OK to laugh. Background music lets the viewer know when he/she should get scared or anticipate something. Emotional scenes lead some people to tears. Life is much like this. One is supposed to obtain some form of approval for any and every thought and/or action.

Take a look at the xian church. Everyone is repeatedly told this nefarious enemy of humanity is something "good." In spite of the continuous and blatantly obvious signs to the contrary, most people actually believe this to be true. The xian bible is called the "good book."
This "good book" is full of mass murder, slaughter, torture, gang rape, prostitution, cannibalism, infanticide, mutilation, blood sacrifice, curses, feces, hatred, and every ugly thing know to humanity. It has incited war, slavery, bloodshed and destroyed the lives and mental health of billions.

When we come to Satan, he opens the door to our spiritual cages and gives us a hand in getting out. The rest is up to us. He is always there for guidance and support, but above all, he wants us to be free. Satan, who is the True God, is the liberator of humanity.

Ask yourself; what do I think? How do I feel? NOT how *SHOULD* I think, or what would someone else think, or what does everyone else think. We are all individuals. We all have different preferences and tastes. Just because someone else likes or dislikes something, that doesn't mean you as an individual should feel the same way. Whenever presented with a dilemma or something new, ask yourself the above questions. Satanism is free thought in the extreme, yet, so few are able to actually think for themselves.

Now, of course, those in power are dead against free thought. Sheep are easily controlled. Personality tests are given to determine those who are a threat (think for themselves and don't conform). Though unaware, how we should think is drummed into our heads from the time we are born. Very few people really know themselves, in spite of living with themselves 24/7. This is really sad.

It's not all that hard. Just remember to always and frequently ask yourself to start out with; do I think this is right or wrong for me? How do *I* feel about this? What is *my* opinion? There are no right or wrong answers here. Just get to know yourself. This may take time, but in the end, you will experience the bliss of being free.

Start completely deprogramming your mind today. All of us are programmed to greater or lesser degrees and most are not even aware of it.

© Copyright 2002, 2005, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

http://www.angelfir e.com/empire/ serpentis666/ FREETHOUGHT. html

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
http://www.joyofsat an.org


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
