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#365 I want to release a familiar trauma (I wanted to write to HPS Lydia). A bit long.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I keep having terrible dreams. I feel the need to talk about it, and if anyone can give me a suggestion, I will welcome it. I am working to make a lot of money, I want to be free, since I started I continue to have terrible dreams, where I find myself in situations of anxiety and inadequacy. Above all, I feel a deep sense of inadequacy in the lower chakras; I am a woman, and I feel it in the clitoris but also in the entire low area around the first and second chakra.
It is as if I am now venting many blocks from these chakras.
In particular, I have had terrible dreams for years, in which my parents. I often dreamed of chains, stone structures, locked up there by my own parents. My parents have deep wounds, both differently, so I don't have a sense of aggression towards them, nor do I blame them anymore, if someone had asked me until some time ago (before I started working for money) if I had a trauma related to the family, I would probably say no. But I truly have all kinds of "traumas", that have their root in my family situation. In fact, I do not talk to them anymore.
Tonight I dreamed of my father, I don't remember the dream, but in retrospect I get a sense of anxiety about the first two chakras (especially the second), and if I wonder what had happened in the dream it occurs to me that I don't deserve to make a lot of money. I feel like I have instilled in the unconscious of not deserving of being in financial ease; in fact as a child, both of my parents have repressed and ridiculed my material needs in every way, right from the very first years of my life. I have sublimated the emotional ones in what are my talents today, and I am learning the value of true love for the gods, especially for the goddess Astarte, who every time I communicate a need (especially when I speak of my will to be financially free) she validates me leaving me the beautiful emotion that makes me feel that I really deserve all this. When I think of Her, I feel a sense love that I cannot explain. Satan saved me.
I am happy that all this is coming to light, because I want to work on it and free myself.
Do I need to work on specific chakras to release all these traumas? Should I focus on healing, or on destroying the roots of these traumas? I feel like I need to use healing words of power in the chakras, while performing a general working to destroy all negative karma related to finances. But I am not very sure.
Thank you.
It's quite common for many parent's to instill unhealthy belief's and inhibition's within us due to their own ignorance or negative karmic pattern's, which we "inherit", but this is also our karma to deal with.

Yes, you will need to destroy the negative karma here and strengthen your solar plexus chakra, and any other false/destructive attitides towards wealth.


You might need to do a freeing the soul working, regarding the dream of imprisonment by your parents. Ansuz rune, affirmation something like "I am free from harmful feelings of imprisonment, I am free to live my life in accordance to my soul and Satan, in the best possible ways for me". Visualize chains being removed or disintegrating, and see yourself engulfed in bright white-gold light while stating the affirmation and after.

You can also start a daily affirmation when Moon enters Sagittarius or Aquarius (listed in our SS Calendar) after raising energy through yoga or breathing exercise, something like "I am deserving of material wealth, I am fully aligned with my goals of obtaining material wealth/ a well-paying job, in beneficial ways for me" (pick and chose the parts that feel best for you to affirm).

As for your anxiety and feeling of inadequacy, this is a sign that you need to work on your lower chakras, as your own intuition told you :) Remember to breath in the color of the chakra into it on the inhale, and then vibrate the mantra on the exhale, Sowilo rune might be best for both (or all 3 lower chakras), or you can look on the JoS and do the other mantras recommended for each chankra. Even just 8 repetitions done during the hour of the planet ruling the chakra will help a lot, do it daily. If you miss the occasional day it's fine, just pick up again the next day.
as a child, both of my parents have repressed and ridiculed my material needs in every way, right from the very first years of my life.
To my experience, putting the basis of failure in a child's mind is a form of emotional enslavement. "Normal people" parents, especially if very xian, will always want their "kid" in their power, even if the kid is adult and able to sustain his/her life. They do not accept to let their son/daughter go, to live a free life and become adult.
So they unconsciously put blocks in the child's mind, so that child will not become able to self-sustain, in this case, will not have wealth because has been teached to detest money and richness. This ensures that the "adult child" will always come back to parents asking for financial help. In turn, aging parents will ask (force) the son/daughter to take care of them even if they do not need so. This is a typical xian familar pattern, double sided enslavement based on weakness of both sides.
To make it short, it is possible that your anxiety comes from fear of being free from your parents power, if you have wealth, you do not need them. I experienced a very high anxiety coming from PTSD and personality split, where a "part" of me was in terror of not having a support from father anymore.
I believe Munka meditation may help to remove this mind pattern, to ease chakra freeing and cleaning.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
