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  1. H

    Questions Ad infinitum

    Hello, You can't change the house planets position. On the other hand, you can make any work to enhance a planet or house. Here lies the difference between normal people and magicians. Normal people can't do anything to change their fate, so they will be slave of their natal chart. Magician...
  2. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    UPDATE! Bulgarian language has been added to the available translations. All translation credits go to @Banicaman and @OccultAffinity666 who I thank for their efforts on this work. For any mistake, bug or anything else, reply below. HAIL ZEUS!
  3. H

    Of how the God's travel between the altars they have in earth

    First, chill, second, do you know how to read English? Take my previous reply and translate it into your native language, as I never stated you don't have to read it.
  4. H

    Please Read if You are Raising the Kundalini Serpent - Raw Reality I've Learned from Raising Mine

    You clearly don't even know what you are talking about. If you had a risen kundalini, rest assured you wouldn't be here writing multiple replies, but working closely with the Gods. I am not here to "block" your path, but you can see that we started from the initial post where you stated to have...
  5. H

    Of how the God's travel between the altars they have in earth

    The Gods don't "materially" travel from altar to altar. You don't have to read these texts as if they were describing real scenarios. A lot of them are histories to teach ethics or other hidden spiritual teachings.
  6. H

    Unverified Personal Gnosis (UPG): A Modern Guide for the Zevists

    You are just describing how the Gods communicate with us when we are not able to astrally communicate with them, that is, through visions, sensations, and other factors. No need to create fancy terms.
  7. H

    Please Read if You are Raising the Kundalini Serpent - Raw Reality I've Learned from Raising Mine

    As already stated by @Aquarius, you didn't rise your Kundalini. This forum is no more a place where random people can show up stating to have risen the Kundalini when they where 14 years old. People like Aristotle, Pythagora, Apollonio of Tyana probably had risen kundalinis. Even if a...
  8. H


    Impeccable work as always!!! The design is beautiful, and the content is on levels I've never seen before. May Zeus blesses all of you!
  9. H

    Recent revelation ,

    Lord Zeus is not the creator of the universe in the sense of how we humans perceive creation. The Universe has not time and space, and at the same time it is infinite and it has always existed and will always exists. These are higher order spiritual topics, one cannot simply sit before a laptop...
  10. H

    2025 SS Calendars

    It should be working fine now. Sorry for the little downtime.
  11. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    Update: - Added Bengali astrology calendar - Added Hindi astrology calendar - Added Lithuanian astrology calendar Thank you to all the translators that worked to their realization!
  12. H

    Inside High Priest Initiation – Humanity’s Hidden War Revealed

    We can witness a special evolution of a humanity soul, from which we must learn and apply as much as possible. Hail the Son of Zeus, High Priest Hooded Cobra!
  13. H

    Anu=Enki,Enlil. Enki ≠Enlil

    Read the new information. We are continuously evolving and discovering new information, as we connect more with the Gods. Satan and Zeus are the same being, but these two names represent different aspects of the Universe.
  14. H

    Satan and Beelzebul rituals

    As it has been already stated many times, Satan and Zeus are the same being, but these two Names represent two different aspects of existence. Consequently, if you do Satan's Absolution Ritual you connect yourself with a specific aspect of existence, when you do Baalzebul you connect to another...
  15. H

    Temple Of Zeus Is Now Live

    Long Live the Temple of Zeus!!! Hail Satan, Hail Zeus!!
  16. H

    Managing (and Mastering) a Prominent Neptune

    Thanks a lot HPS for this amazing sermon 🙏 It will definitely help a lot of members on this placement, me included.
  17. H

    Just a thought to share

    Greetings everyone, just feeling to write this thought I had while contemplating the Gods and my path:
  18. H

    The RTR Schedule is Concluded Early

    Glory to the Gods! Many thanks to the Priesthood for guiding us in reaching this point!
  19. H

    [Trad]Discorso dell'Anno Nuovo e Rituale del Dio Osiride

    @Stormblood. Nella traduzione manca un intero blocco di rune + relativo paragrafo, ossia la porzione ANSUZ - DAGAZ - ANSUZ con il testo You are He who was disembodied .... Perfavore aggiorna la traduzione se riesci, grazie.
  20. H

    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    My dear Brother and Sisters, I confirm too that the reward of 300$ was sent and successfully received by me. So proud to be here and live the evolution of the Joy of Satanas. May the Gods bless the Clergy and each one of us!
  21. H

    "Bella ciao" exposed - A Jewish folk song

    I hate that shit immensely. Disgusting song
  22. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    Update: - Favicon fix - Rename from "Joy of Satan" to "Joy of Satanas" (for all languages) - Rename from "Suomalainen" to "Suomi" in language selection - Added Arabic Astrology Calendars - Added Hungarian Astrology Calendar
  23. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    - Added the possibility to move between dates in "Planetary hours" (next and previous day). - removed the "Show info" option for True Node, Lilith (Dark Moon), Part/Lot of Fortune, as they actually don't have info to show
  24. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    Yes, for the moment no info is present for those entities. I will remove the option later "Show info" for them
  25. H

    Burning Karma; Working as a Family

    What an amazing sermon! Here we have many points to meditate on and think deeply of our current position, and how important and impactful we can become for the current era. May the Gods bless every person that dedicate their time and soul to the Joy of Satanas, the Assemble of the Gods!
  26. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    UPDATE! Jos Astro has been updated. The main feature that has been added is the Planetary Hours section, that can be accessed from the homepage. I want to thank @BlackOnyx8 [JG] who implemented the functionality and @Demonic Tech for helping me integrating it in the current Jos Astro project...
  27. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    Thank you! It will he fixed at the next release (soon)
  28. H

    JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread

    Thank you. I took notice of this and will be fixed at the next release.
  29. H

    12 Houses

    There are different types of house systems. The one that is generally used, and the one used by Jos Astro is the Placidus House System. https://www.astro.com/astrowiki/en/Placidus_House_System
  30. H

    Ask Satan Upgraded

    That' awesome, thanks a lot!!
  31. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    UPDATE! Greek language has been added to the available translations. All translation credits go to @Hellenic SS who I thank for the efforts on this work. For any mistake, bug or anything else, reply below. HAIL SATAN!
  32. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    UPDATE! Dutch language has been added to the available translations. All translation credits go to @OhNoItsMook who I thank for the efforts on this work. For any mistake, bug or anything else, reply below. HAIL SATAN! Ps. @kajo I fixed those issues with Finnish translation. Thank you for...
  33. H

    Why do people resort to violence

    It is not require to love everyone here. We are all different individuals, spanning over infinitely characters. It is very likely that there will be someone that gets on your nerves, and that is ok. What is required is basic respect and good manners in the forum. Regarding the question...
  34. H

    TV series and Jewishes

    Anything you'll watch have at least a jewish actor. If you lile a character from a story, you don't like the person, but what he/she is interpreting. The person can be the worst of his kind (jew and non-jew) but interpret a nice character and people would love him/her. My suggestion is to not...
  35. H

    Middle Chakra problems

    Probably you just need more time and empowerment to feel those chakras. It can be past life karma or other issues. Take a look also to your natal chart, to detect potential negative aspects to the corresponding planets. Keep focusing on them, clean and empower them daily. Put more focus on...
  36. H

    Jewish Wealth

    Instead of being cocky thinking that this kind of font adaptation will make you more wiser or whatever other bullshit, you should understand that this forum is read by a lot of people whose English is not their primary language, and having to read your text is not helpful at all. It is not my...
  37. H

    Jewish Wealth

    Please just write using normal font and plain English. It is neither useful nor helpful for curiosity replacing letters here and there. It is like someone starts to write the answers using ancient greek just because it was a sacred language and he thinks it should be used again. People want...
  38. H

    Question #5125: Sun/Moon Conjunction

    Since your answers are anonymous you can share your date and location, and I'll verify this aspect. I made some tests where the aspect between Sun and AC is within 8 degrees, and it is shown correctly. At least share the exact position of Sun and AC down to the second, because maybe the degree...
  39. H

    Smascherare persone

    Ti consiglierei semplicemente di distaccarti da queste tipologie di persone, e sfruttare il tempo che vorresti dedicare al loro "smascheramento" per far avanzare te stesso e pregare gli Dei.
  40. H

    Questione riguardo Nietsche

    Come dice @Virael_ , bisogna capire cosa non ti piace di quello che dice, e se quello che tu dici che dice non è frutto di interpretazioni nemiche.
  41. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    UPDATE! Finnish language has been added to the available translations. All translation credits go to @Henu the Great and @kajo who I thank them for the efforts on this work. For any mistake, bug or anything else, reply below. HAIL SATAN!
  42. H

    There are pros and cons, like everything. Gym apparatus may help in guiding you through a...

    There are pros and cons, like everything. Gym apparatus may help in guiding you through a specific movement, or if you want to train a specific muscle. Cali requires a certain degree of experties. Even the pushups that may be simple require quite a few adjustments to be done correctly. Anyway...
  43. H

    Hi! I'm planning to teach astrology for you guys, i will be preparing video lessons, on the next months

    My suggestion: don't prepare tons of work and then publish them all in once. Produce them gradually and check feedbacks. We have amazing and talentous Astrologers here that can help you in the process. It is better to adjust the work gradually then discover late that something could've been done...
  44. H

    Ritual to defeat a dictator?

    It is not so simple as it looks from your question. These kind of matters are already being monitored by the Gods, as they have influence on all the geopolitical situation of the world. You can ask the Gods to assist first of all yourself, especially concerning safety. You don't want to die in...
  45. H

    will the person I spend the rest of my life with be SS?

    It is not necessary. I don't have a Spiritual Satanist girlfriend, but she knows everything I do and is totally fine with that. Moreover she agrees with a lot of SS stuff, but as it has been said many times, not every person will be an SS
  46. H

    Unione Anime

    Le anime della coppia rimangono separate. Quello che può succedere è che si crea un forte legame, ma nulla di così drastico come la fusione. Per quanto riguarda la seconda domanda, non è possibile programmare l'aura per quel motivo. Affidati a contraccettivi se vuoi assolutamente evitare una...
  47. H

    Qualcuno mi spiega questo?

    Se proprio vuoi sperimentare queste tipo di meditazioni ti consiglierei di iniziare con la telecinesi. Quando riuscirai a muovere un oggetto, anche piccolo e leggero, prosegui con altre. Secondo me, è molto più difficile cercare di manipolare l'elettricità all'interno di un dispositivo...
  48. H

    Fertilitá. Come evitare una gravidanza?

    Usate i contraccettivi a disposizione. Potete anche avere rapporti nei giorni cosiddetti "sicuri", ma non correrei rischi inutili, specialmente se siete ad un'età giovane. Passare per l'aborto quando si poteva tranquillamente evitare usando le dovute precauzioni non è una scelta saggia. Ci...
  49. H

    Unione Anime

    Non so bene cosa intendi per unione delle anime con o senza matrimonio, quindi in attesa di specificazioni ti rispondo all'altra domanda. Avere figli dipende dalla tua salute e dalla controparte. Quello che puoi fare sulla tua aura è attirare una persona che abbia le caratteristiche e il...
  50. H


    C'è bisogno di visualizzare energia bianco oro per una pulizia dell'aura corretta. Anche se vibri rune è opportuno visualizzare tali colori. Sono concetti base. Inoltre, essendo agli inizi, quello che ti è sembrato il tuo demone guardiano parlarti erano solamente i tuoi pensieri. Ci vuole un...
  51. H

    I need a home- a people that I can come to- a family, are you them?

    Do you want to be wanted? You need to build a reputation where people recognize your knowledge, and you earn their respect. You do this with time and actively contributing to the Community. Here we are not on X, here we want to advance spiritually, materially and mentally. Help each other...
  52. H

    RTR questions

    You can and need to have trust the timing they suggest. If HPS Maxine or any other HP shows you how to vibrate the words, rest assured it has effect if done in thay way. You can do it in a longer way, but why? Is it better to take twice the time or to use the extra time to do another RTR or...
  53. H

    Controversial? Sigil Creation

    Gods sigils are something extremely advanced, and beside enhancing communication with them, they have specific effects on our soul and subconscious. You can draw how many "sigils" you like, if you like it and helps your creativity. It becomes, beside unhethical, also not allowed to share them...
  54. H

    Past lives, the power of the soul and becoming like the Gods (Question)

    People that followed the Gods in a previous life will have a natural tendency to reach them again in the next ones. All the Gods are physical beings, and have bodies. Probably once reached a certain level, you obtain the capacity to have or not have a physical body, but here we are just...
  55. H

    Skill Practice | Systematic Approach

    A bit late, but just want to thank you. I bookmarked this, as I reached a point where I realized I need to get back to the foundation metidations. Keep up the good work!
  56. H

    Maybe we could create something like a Vought from the show "the boys"

    Mmmmmmm... let get me this right: different newbies, with no experience on this matter, got the same idea of creating real life association, in a world ruled by Jews that are more willingly to destroy you, economically and spiritually, and both HP and HPs, plus other SS with lot of more...
  57. H

    NEW SITE - Destroying Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com

    Amazing work @Karnonnos [JG] and @Arcadia !! Thanks a lot for all of your effort on showing how disgusting is Pisslam.
  58. H

    First Official JOS Marriage

    That is wonderful!! I wish you all the beautiful things that life may offer, and may the Glorious Gods always bless you !
  59. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    Vue is an excellent framework for JS. I enjoy working with it
  60. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    Who knows :D let's just say that we have an amazing HPS that is doing a lot of things in the background
  61. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    UPDATE! Spanish and Portuguese languages has been added to the available translations. All translation credits go to @Yeye95 for the Spanish translation, and @ba666 2.0 for the Portuguese translation, who I thank for the efforts on this work. For any mistake, bugs or anything else, reply...
  62. H

    About Interacting With The Gods

    This post is fire 🔥
  63. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    Ok the issue is what I was thinking. Essentially some symbols are just letters, which are converted into symbols by means of CSS and a special type of font family. If there is an issue while loading these files, or if the page load the font slowly, it may show the letters. Usually it shouldn't...
  64. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    Can you please elaborate more on this? A screenshot would be good (not with your date obviously). What browser are you using? Is there any VPN on when you browse the site? Strange behaviours may arise when using Tor for example. Thank you.
  65. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    Thank you for pointing that out. I will look into that.
  66. H

    Jos Astro update May 2024

    Greetings dear Brothers and Sisters! As some of you may have already noticed, Jos Astro has been updated in the past days. In the last two years I've been really busy between work and school, and only in the past months I was finally able to dedicated the necessary amount of time to its...
  67. H

    U.S. House Passes Antisemitism Bill

    The wheel began to turn. Before, people where not even "aware" of Jews. Now we see every paper taking about them, Israel and what they are doing in the Middle-East. The first step is to make people aware of their existence. After that, questions will naturally arise, especially after such kind...
  68. H

    The "Anti-Semitism Bill" - A Crime Against Freedom

    This make my blood boil. I'm looking forward to make those rotten rats experience thousend-fold what they've done to us. May the soul of the traitors suffer even more.
  69. H

    Happy New Satanic Year: 2024

    What a glorious path is opening for us, with a great Leader by our side. With our collective effort, Joy of Satan will spread worldwide, through all the layers of society. Lets start a new Era for humanity!! HAIL SATAN!!!
  70. H

    Happy Beltane, Hail Baalzebul!

    Happy Beltane, dear Brothers and Sisters!! AVE BAALZEBUL!!
  71. H

    Do I really have to start over?!

    Please don't do meditations while going in bike or especially driving!! This is really dangerous, you need to drive with full focus. And if you drive with focus you can't have the focus to do also meditations. So in the end it you do meditations while driving, you are both putting yourself in...
  72. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    UPDATE. German language has been added to the available translations. All translation credits go to @NinRick and @Fuchs, who I thank for the efforts on this work. For any mistake, bugs or anything else, reply below. HAIL SATAN!
  73. H

    Will Partial square have effects

    As Hs666 said, a Square must be complete correctly with the right number of affirmations each day. If you are not able to do such long squares (like myself), do a 40 days working using the mantra of the square, and a number of affirmations you are confortable with. The effects may not be the...
  74. H

    Was Socrates Actually Ugly?

    If you are in school, from personal experience, avoid as much as you can talking about genetics, or similar concepts near Spiritual Satanism, especially with professors. You probably will not be able to change their mind, and if you want to make them believe in what you say, you have to state...
  75. H

    Happy New Year: the Satanic Holiday!!!

    Happy New Year to you too, Brother! Thank you for such interesting points you brought with this post. The signs of the Gods are everywhere, for those who can see!
  76. H

    Reminder / Lembrete ❤️ (27/Dec)

    I saw this thread, and I wanted to share my two cents. The suggestion of Egon is very good. It is extremely difficult to find what you are looking for. Moreover, it may happens also the following: you make a spiritual work to find a true SS, you meet a non-SS person who internally have all the...
  77. H

    Satan Lucifer Poseidon – Lord of the Seas

    Thank you for stating that you know PERSONALLY 3 infiltrators. That's enough information. And please, just leave, don't pollute this wonderful thread about Satan with your nonsense. In the end, every stupid infiltrator like you just expose himself. You are incapable of doing this. Wonderful...
  78. H

    Joy of Satan CALENDARS for 2024 NOW LIVE!

    Now that I am no PC I verified better. It is not a problem of association, as my previous reply, but the Estonian calendar is set to +1. Once ThomaSsS see the message, he will correct. Thank you
  79. H

    Joy of Satan CALENDARS for 2024 NOW LIVE!

    I will fix it. The association between calendars and cities for each timezone is done manually, so there there was a mistake by my side. Apologies for the confusion.
  80. H


    Sì, i calendari sono caricati sul sito, tuttavia, se non ci sono annunci ufficiali, aspetterei che lo facessero sul forum principale. Ovviamente le cariche alte di JoS sanno quando vengono eseguite queste operazioni, e se non viene annunciato immediatamente, è perché probabilmente ci saranno dei...
  81. H

    JoS Wiki : New JOS Site Annoucement [https://joswiki.org/]

    Amazing project!! A big thank you to all the members who have partecipated in its realization!!
  82. H

    Joy of Satan NEW Guardians: Announcement

    It is so much beautiful to see the recognition and expantion of the JoS Guardians!! May the Gods bless you all and guide through your life!! Hail Satan!
  83. H

    THE NEW JOY OF SATAN WEBSITE LAYOUT IS NOW LIVE! [Update 2 - Changelog 15/Dec/2023]

    That looks amazing!! Thank you ApolloAbove and all the people that worked on it. Glory to the Gods!
  84. H

    Question #3277: Want to become genius in computer science

    Magical workings can really help improving your skills, but being a genius is something else. As Stormblood sais, being a genius can be a sign of the work of multiple lifes. Take your time and study hard. More than one spiritual working will be required. Most importantly, sometimes we falsely...
  85. H

    Cold showers

    Review your equation then. I have "fully tasted the benefits of meditation", to cite your words, yet I find this practice still beneficial to the body and the mind. Needless to say that the cold shower is done only for a few minutes, just to achieve what is needed. The normal shower for...
  86. H


    In questi anni non ho mai sentito da parte di JoS posizioni contrarie alla cremazione, quindi deduco non sia qualcosa che rema contro la volontà degli Dei, altrimenti avremmo già avuto qualche indirizzamento verso la pratica più corretta. Dal mio punto di vista preferisco la cremazione...
  87. H

    About Faith And Doubts

    Thank you for taking the time to write and share this. Overthinking is the killer of confidence. Thinking and reasoning is good, getting overwhelmed by thoughts will just create false assumptions about the reality and the future outcomes. Moreover, trying to find "logical" reasons when magick...
  88. H

    The choice we have to make

    Thank you for this story. Hercules is a nice character to remember when you need inspiration to resist and fight your inner weaknesses.
  89. H


    Thank you for writing this nice post. I just want to stress that it is very important being conscious that not being able to do it right now does not mean that you will never be. In my work many times I came to a point where I was thinking that there weren't any possible solutions, yet, after...
  90. H

    Cold showers

    Just replying here to bring up this beneficial activity again, for people who missed it. I started doing it today, after many days of random thoughts about this (probably GD guiding). I slowly started with 3 minutes, but the body afterwards felt really great anyway. Will continue it...
  91. H

    JosAstrology Idea

    Hello Brother, Sorry for the very late reply. First of all, thank you for sharing this idea. They are all welcomed and can inspire future developments. Currently, there is quite a long list of features to be developed and not so much time to do it. This is not to say that it will not be done...
  92. H

    The JoS Has A New High Priestess

    What a wonderful news to hear! No other choice is more natural and deserved than this. Lydia has shown tremendous efforts and perseverance in helping growing this community. In almost a decade of my journey, I have never seen her offend or intact voluntarily the path of other members, but only...
  93. H

    Recommended Programming Books

    I agree with what ramses13th said. Albeit some of the books you listed can give some general and cross-language knowledge, like the Gang of four's book for patterns, object oriented books for OOP and Haskell for Functional Programming, languages should be learned specifically for the kind of...
  94. H

    Pythagoras – Fragments and Teachings

    Understanding Pythagoras and the Pythagorean Cult would be very interesting. Thank you for collecting this info. I recently got interested more on him and on his teachings too, but as you write, not much is left, and only fragments or writing from other people remain. Moreover, Pythagoras had...
  95. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    UPDATE. Danish language has been added to the available translations. All translation credits goes to Nick Vabzircnila, who I thank for the efforts on this work. For any mistake, bugs or anything else, reply below. HAIL SATAN!
  96. H

    Tips for Manifested Workings

    Thank you for sharing Brother. Here we have a very detailed explanation on how to perceive a work in its entire cycle. Such information make more sense when one is already a bit advanced, since specific aspects can be really understood only when extensive meditation has been done. For sure...
  97. H

    I was told Malphas

    Well, maybe it is better like this. In this way, everyone can see how lowlife people try to infect the forum, with zero effect. In the end, only scum people like you are losing here, who like to post bullshits like this and other posts. Your little efforts are only helping us to be...
  98. H

    Void Meditation

    The name "void meditation" speaks for itself. Your mind should be totally empty from any thought. If you focus on a single goal for 15 minutes, it is still a form of mental training, but it is not void meditation. Every time you focus on a single thing for a long time you are training your...
  99. H

    AI Doctors

    As with other fields, AI will not replace, but assist current doctors. It could be a good tool to diagnose deseases, but always double checked by human doctors.
  100. H

    About Mantra

    You can do the square in every hour you want. It isn't required to do it only on Jupiter hours. If you do it on Jupiter hours is better because it gives more power, but anyway it is not required for square's success.
  101. H

    How to know if im cursed?

    There doesn't exists a formula to know when you are cursed. You should be very advanced in perceiving yourself and the energy, to detect that someone is sending you a curse. Regarding MUNKA, it is usually used to clean the soul and remove bad karma and blockages. I won't add more since...
  102. H

    need some help with meditation

    Needless to say that it doesn't exists a "most important meditation", like it doesn't exists a most important physical exercise. Each meditation or spiritual work works on specific areas in order to advance. You can take the 40 days program as example to build a routine. Every morning and...
  103. H

    What do you guys usually do before bed

    I usually do a session of hatha yoga, which helps me release the stress of the day, and my night meditations (like cleaning, chakra spinning, and so on).
  104. H

    Does this mars square still work?

    Yes, it is still valid. Doing the work during the hour of the corresponding planet helps to enhence the work, but if you do it on another hour is still fine. The only thing that can mess the square is that you mistake the number of repetitions of the day.
  105. H

    Longing for More: How Can I Enhance My Spiritual Journey?

    For trance meditation you can follow the one listed for the beginners in the dedicated section. Here is the link: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Trance.html For the breathing exercise you can do the one you said, even with 4 seconds if 6 are too much. Be aware to...
  106. H

    Longing for More: How Can I Enhance My Spiritual Journey?

    Hello, As you said, stick with the basic meditations. You can follow the basic program, and if you want to add more, do a lot of yoga, trance meditations and breathing exercises. It is very good that you do a lot of void meditation, since it is a very key factor for our advancement. Different...
  107. H

    Excessive “Yawn” in myself and Others

    As far as I know, a "yawn" can happen due to many diferent factors, like due to being very relaxed, bored or also stressed. Since what you describe with certain people, you should analyze them and check whether they feel relaxed talking with you or just bored. Also, if it happen that you talk...
  108. H


    Thank you Brother for all the work you have done. May Satan and the Gods bless you.
  109. H

    Free JoS Donor Article: "The United Consciousness Or “God”

    What a wonderful article. So much information to meditate on. Thank you for sharing this knowledge.
  110. H

    Anonymous Monero Purchasing Guide For JoS Donations And/OrPersonal Use

    Thank you very much! This was extremely useful, since I want to be sure that nothing can be tracked. Can I send Monero directly to JOS or I have to convert them to Bitcoin before? I suppose the first since otherwise anonymously would be lost I think, but I want to be sure.
  111. H

    Satan's Library: 2023 Major Update

    A big thank you for all the members that partecipated in this project. It is wonderful that all the knowledge can be easily found in a single place and searched word by word. May Satan and the Gods bless you all!!! Hail Satan!!
  112. H

    Significato alchemico-spirituale dei Tarocchi

    Grazie di aver dedicato il tuo tempo alla scrittura di questo articolo. Veramente informativo. Ave Satanas.
  113. H

    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    This is my fault. I will set the default selection to 2023 as soon as I can.
  114. H

    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    A magnificient work that will help extensively through the year. Many thanks to everyone that have helped in achieving this. May Satan and the Gods bless you all!! it is always a pleasure to have available translators that can extend the work to other languages. Refer to Thomas anyway, as he...
  115. H

    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    Given the information and the quality of life that the Ministry of JoS spread, I want to see it at the top, the spiritual column of the world. A physical approach is difficult, because it exposes the members too much, and it is constrained by the physical locations and dangers. Thanks to the...
  116. H

    Security On Android - Part 2

    Thank you Brother. These are some very good advices to increase phone security.
  117. H

    2nd House

    Given that we are already talking about the second house, I wanted to ask a question on a placement in this house. I have both Uranus and Neptune in the second house, in a (medium) Conjunction (and both are in a sextile aspect with Saturn). I don't know very well how this placement can...
  118. H

    Some Hard Talk

    Great words have you spoken HP. Unfortunately in this era people need to be shaken really hard. We Gentiles are bombarded with stupid shit all the day, with the only purpose of loosing time and focus from the greater things. More than one time I had to get myself together and self criticize...
  119. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    I saw your message. I'll write to you with all the necessary information for the translation as soon as I can. This may take a few days, sorry about this. Best regards,
  120. H

    Cyberattacks Against The Forum: Password Change Necessitated

    May the Gods curse those filthy parasites that work constantly to tear down this place. As a reminder to all the people here: be responsible and protect yourself on the Internet, by using VPNs or Tor. Jos Ministry can make everything in his hands to protect this wonderful place, but given that...
  121. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    Nope. I looked into it and there was an error when a planet didn't change sign for a long time (like Pluto or Neptune). I added a temporary solution because at the moment I cannot make otherwise. Now you'll see "Same sign for ... days", when the planet doesn't change sign in the amount of time...
  122. H

    CyberSecurity On Linux – Advanced Information

    You shouldn't be cocky siatris666. Plus, the credibility of you being in security field for 15 years drops to zero when you are able just to write a reply like this, without any structured suggestion or useful critic. There are a lot of people that are not able to collect these information, so...
  123. H

    CyberSecurity On Linux – Advanced Information

    Thank you BrightSpace666 for collecting and writing all these information. It's very important to protect personal information, especially for us, who work for Satan and the Gods. Cyber Security is not an easy field. Good job!
  124. H

    Question for Lydia

    Thank you for the suggestion. I will add it in the future releases. Best regards,
  125. H

    Working started during Mercury Retrograde

    This topic was very interesting to read. Thank you all for sharing these information, especially the affirmation, which I really like it. I came here after searching on the forum because I wanted to increase, in my case, more the "understanding", expanding one mind, the self, rather than the...
  126. H

    Introduction to Astrology, Lesson 1: The Celestial Sphere

    This will be very useful for all the members. Thank you for taking the time to write this. I am looking forward for future lessons.
  127. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    In the last days I have also added the following links (with other minor changes, not related to astrology) to increase the SEO of the site. English: https://www.jos-astro.com/homepage_en Italian: https://www.jos-astro.com/homepage_it Turkish: https://www.jos-astro.com/homepage_tr...
  128. H

    Radost Satana - Joy Of Satan Bosna i Hercegovina [websites]

    Congratulations!! Many thanks to the people who helped in this project. It is always a joy to know that Joy Of Satan is expanding more and more! Hail Satan!!
  129. H

    Full Moon - Moon Salutations

    Thank you very much for posting this! HW
  130. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    UPDATE. I have uploaded the following new features: - Planetary Returns: now you will be able to compute Solar Return and Lunar Return. In the future more planets will be added. - Aspects description: when you click on a planet, and then "Show Info" > "Aspects", now you will see the...
  131. H

    Joy Of Satan - Pocket Truth

    Hello, thank you for taking the time to develop this. This is appreciated. Currently I have not time to look it in depth, but I will. Best regards, Hidden Warrior
  132. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    UPDATE. French language has been added to the available translations. All translation credits goes to sshivafr, which I thank for the efforts in this work. For any mistake, bugs or anything else, reply below. HAIL SATAN!
  133. H

    Solving The Enemy Problem - RTR Schedule 5th of August to 9th of August [Concluded]

    It felt good to do the 72 RTR again. I feel like it's hitting different.
  134. H

    Being and seeming

    Thank you for sharing this. The Thruth is a very interesting and deep topic to think about. Thankfully meditating helps to reach it.
  135. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    I will take a look on those browsers as soon as I can. Thank you for pointing out the problem.
  136. H

    Spotting an afflicted or debilitated moon

    Thank you all for this comprehensive topic. It's always nice to learn what are the aspects or other cases that can create problems in one life. For sure, all these information are the result of extensive work on astrology. Thank you for sharing this.
  137. H

    French Translation Thread

    Hello. If you have already emailed to someone, then probably they will forward the request to me. When the confirm arrives to me, I will send the files to be filled: once the astrology site and Azazel astrology section has been translated, it is a matter of copy paste. I will be really glad...
  138. H

    Sleep Paralysis - The Curse Of Conscious Dreaming

    Thank you for this deepening on the subject. It was interesting to learn something more about this. If one has not reach a good mental control, this kind of events can really make up some trauma, thus making the person, even unconsciously, more reluctant to try lucid dreams.
  139. H

    The Highest Level Of Dreaming - What is it, How Does it Happen?

    This is very interesting. Thank you for posting this detailed exploration of lucid dreams. I have experienced just very small fragments of lucid dreams, only for escaping nightmares, so I cannot give much advice, but I just want to highlight that one that starts to work with lucid dreams must...
  140. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    Absolutely. I will put this on my working queue. Thank you for the suggestion.
  141. H

    A Suggested Feature for JOS Astrology

    I just saw this topic here. I am sorry for not seeing this by myself. Usually I only take a look to the main topics in the homepage due to lack of time. I will check this sub-forum more. Best regards,
  142. H

    Who are you? Retrospection and Questions to ask yourself

    A very important message. Thank you for sharing this. For a long time I have tried to be something that wasn't compatible with myself, causing both discomfort and also lower self-esteem. This can be especially the case when you are young and hang out with friends or colleagues. If you cannot...
  143. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    UPDATE. I have uploaded the following new features: - Current Sky: this feature is an extension of the "Current Planets" table in the homepage. It allows you to see when the current planets in the sky will change their sign, the current aspects (with all their information) and the incoming...
  144. H

    No UTC +1 WAT in the JOS calender

    Greetings to all. I have uploaded the calendar on JoS Astrology Portal. You should see the calendar available both in the list and in the map. Let me know if there is any problem. Best regards, Hidden Warrior
  145. H

    Happy Birthday To The Maha Siddha - Adolf Hitler - April 20th 2022

    Happy Birthday to the Great Adolf Hitler! His efforts will not be forgotten. Thank you very much to anyone who has worked on the site. This material must be kept alive at all cost! Hail Hitler! Hail Satan!
  146. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    UPDATE. Romanian language has been added to the available translations. All translation credits goes to ThomaSsS. Thank you for your work. For any mistake, bugs or anything else, reply below. HAIL SATAN!
  147. H

    Annoying security warning on JOS astro site

    I will write quickly just a few lines, to conclude what I have to say on my side. As an answer to the OP, I think that the warning is due to your browser, trying to protect you from possible fake sites(in this case, astro.com is seen as the trustier one). Does it appear also from other...
  148. H

    Annoying security warning on JOS astro site

    The code is not public because we don't want that some little jew pop up and steal all the work that was done. How can you distinct a true satanist from some jew even if it is a member here on the forum? The code is already accessible by HP Cobra; if he wants to share it with trusted members...
  149. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    Hello. I apoligize for that. You can reply below with your email, and I will send you all the material. If you don't want to disclose the email, if you have the email of Bright Truth or Edward Lonsa, you can write to them and ask for my email, or ask directly HP Cobra. I will change the year...
  150. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    UPDATE. Russian language has been added to the available translations. All translation credits goes to Edward Lonsa, which I thank for the efforts in this work. For any mistake, bugs or anything else, reply below. HAIL SATAN!
  151. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    UPDATE. Turkish language has been added to the available translations. I want to thank Bright Truth for the work that has done on translating all the necessary parts of the site. All translation credits goes to him. If there are any mistakes or pieces that I wrongly updated, wrote them down...
  152. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    I just updated the website with a bug fix for the cases like yours. Can you counter check if the problem is now resolved also for you?
  153. H

    Announcement: Joy Of Satan Guardians [First Announcement Made]

    This is really a great idea! Given how fast the Community is growing, it is mandatory to build a strong hierarchy of roles and responsibilities. Congratulations to everyone that will join the Guardians. Also, a big thank you for the constant work on helping the people here on the forum. HH
  154. H

    Astro "Criticism" Thread

    I learned of the existence of this thread only now. I will not write much, because everything is already been said by many people. As I stated when I first published the site, it is just the start. It was not rushed, I worked in a time span of almost 1 year and half; I work 40 hours a week...
  155. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    It can be a problem with the browser. I suggest to use either Firefox or Chrome. In the future I will check also the other browsers, like Safari and Tor.
  156. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    Are the planets at the very end or at the very start of the house? The house description is wrong immediately or when you change the date through the plus or minus buttons on the top? Also, given the house, the house description that appears is the next/previous one, or another one that is not...
  157. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    Joy of Satan Astrology Portal Update! Fixed Stars service has been added. You will find the new service under the list "Available Charts", below the Transits button. I won't spoiler anything, so jump on the website and play with it. If you find anything strange or that doesn't work, feel...
  158. H


    Glory to Astarte!!! Thank you HP for putting together all this information. It's not an easy task, and a lot of physical and mental energy is required. Hats to you. We will remove all the jewish lies from this world! Hail to all the Gods and Goddesses!
  159. H

    Joy of Satan GERMANY is NOW LIVE!

    Simply amazing! Thank you very much to all who contributed in this project. May the Gods bless you!! HH
  160. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    The Browsers the site supports are for sure Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. I don't know If I will look into other browsers for the moment, because it is very time consuming to make a site like this available to all browsers, especially shitty browsers like IE / Edge. Maybe in the future...
  161. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    I wrote down the bugs that were pointed in this thread. I will fix them as fast as I can. I usually don't log in here, but I check the forum everyday, so don't worry if I don't replay. I see your messages. HH
  162. H

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    I am very glad that the website is appreciated. My gratitude goes to Lord Azazel, who in a dream told me clearly that he needed this. Before the dream I wasn't sure to start it, but know I can see that this was needed. It can be a very good starting point to have a site that is OUR, of Joy Of...
  163. H

    Catholic church in France abusing up to 330,000 children since 1950's

    The xian church is dead. We only need to wait that the people from the old generations to pass away, because the new one doesn't care anymore.
  164. H

    Help to plan a work

    In fact, my Sun is conjunct Regulus. This Sunday I will probably start a Sun Square to boost more my confidence. In case, as you suggested, I will double my protection when the events will require it. Thank you for taking the time to reply.
  165. H

    Help to plan a work

    Only now I realize that I mistake the last part in bold. I can't find the solution. Any tip? It doesn't need to be the solution. Even a slight opinion is fine.
  166. H

    Help to plan a work

    Hi to all! I hope you are all doing well. The starting point is that I have "4 stars indicating disgrace and a fall from a prominent position, Denebola, Regulus, Terebellum, and Hyades". I have the ability to gain success in my field, but I can't imagine myself, in the future, in a position...
  167. H

    For my eyes

    Another resource where I found help is Power Vision System: http://www.powervisionsystem.com/thewayitworks.php The basis are the same as endmyopia I think. I am still working on it. I put on glasses with 1,5 degrees lower than my usual, and after 3 months I have reached some really good...
  168. H

    Was Solomon fictitious?

    The Temple of Solomon as far as I know, is a diagram that should represent the jewish soul. The last RTR we are doing is destroying it. About Solomon himself, knowing the jews, probably didn't exists, or if it did it wasn't the "Wisier one" as these parasites always say.
  169. H

    Breaking down ADHD

    Thank you very much for this information. I saved the post on my phone. It's quite a long time that I am struggling with my hyperactive mind. In my case, I have Neptune retrograde in bad aspect with Mercury, so my mind loves to wander around and daydream. Another method I found around is the...
  170. H

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule Concluded And Rest

    I just wanted to say quickly to the people that thinks that ( resting some days) = ( doom to humanity) it is not true. For example, like the principle of Supercompensation, some days of rest can help to improve more. Also, given all the SS around the world, there will be always someone...
  171. H

    Dumping Friends not committed to a spiritual path/growing

    At the beginning I told to some friends that I became satanist too... a really bad idea. First thing, don't tell people what you are. Second, you can have friends that are not satanists. You don't need to cut off all the normal people. The parasitic one of course yes.
  172. H

    Happy Birthday To The Great One

    Heil Hitler, the Glorious One!
  173. H

    Can I do workings mentally?

    Yes. A spiritual work is done by rasing energies and directing them, so, even if it is not like virating words of power, you can do a session of yoga and pranayama and then direct the energies. HH
  174. H

    Did I screw up my material planetary square?

    Hello. Yes, the square is ruined, unfortunatly. The number of repetitions must be the correct number. If you have problems to complete planetary squares, you can try instead to do a spirtual work for 40, 80 or 90 days using the mantra of the planetary square. In this way, even if a day you...
  175. H


    In my opinion, no. Given that anxiety is caused by unwanted and uncontrolled thoughts, about future events, it only make yourself less confident and with an unfocused mind. Spiritually talking, when I am anxious about something, I feel myself with a weak aura and not grounded at all. Maybe to...
  176. H

    Reliable Astrology Sites

    Most reliable astrology site about what? Natal charts computing? Current planetary positions? General information? For case 1, astrodients or starfisher is fine. For case 2, look at http://planetwatcher.com/ For case 3, Azazel astrology of course. Best regards.
  177. H

    Meditation Results & Perseverance

    Congratulations for your achievements! I am really glad you fought your problems and now is over. How did you deal with your ocd? What kind of spiritual works did you do? I am not thinking always to equations like you, but my mind is always elaborating something. I have more than one aspect...
  178. H

    Astrological Hypothesis'

    I really would like to valuate your hypothetis, but I am not so deep in astrology. Anyway I like your idea to share this kind of information. Also, you make notice to me that also a house cusp can be in aspect with a fixed star, and not only planets. I will take this into account in my project.
  179. H

    Magical Assistance Please

    If she is "really" dedicated, with her heart and mind, she will understand what to do. I would not suggest to you to stress her too much, because you risk to create the opposite effect. Also, I'd like to re-affirm what HP said: "Not all are suited for Spiritual Satanism". My girlfriend, for...
  180. H

    Movies, games, series

    I saw the name of this anime in an epic anime music compilation ( for the curious people here the link, I really suggest it https://youtu.be/C1TLlmuV5sE ), and told to myself to watch it. This image you shared increased my interest. Thanks
  181. H

    How can I prove to an atheist that spirituality is real?

    You can't show to someone that there is something in front of them if they keep the eyes closed and don't want to look. If he want to know if auras are real, he simply need to do yoga and develop self aweraness. But if he only want to have the proof, and then do nothing with this knowledge, you...
  182. H


    A bad, bad, bad idea. I follow this principle: if you have to expose yourself to tell someone about JOS, don't do it. You never know how this person will handle the site. And if the outcome is bad, you are exposed. It is better to take a wider route. You can talk about old hinduism...
  183. H


    Ciao a tutti. Molto velocemente, volevo semplicemente ringraziare per il loro lavoro tutti gli utenti che partecipano alle traduzioni. Anche se personalmente navigo nella sezione inglese, penso sia importante riconoscere l'impegno che questi fratelli dedicano a questa attività. Non serve...
  184. H

    Happy imbolc!

    Happy Imbolc to you!! It was a good day to start a work to free the soul. HH
  185. H

    will there be rtr programming this month?

    Yes. Each day at least one full FRTR must be done , which is the normal Final RTR + Killing Tetragrammaton . If you can do more, go for it. Future schedules will come probably. HH
  186. H

    Uberman sleep cycle

    There are different types. The one you described is the most strict. Some years ago I tried another type, where you slept 4 hours at night, and then 3 more times 20 minutes each during the day, distancing them by circa 6 hours. My considerations In those 20 minutes your brain learn that to...
  187. H

    About HPS Maxine And The JoS

    To begin with, thank you very much for this long and detailed post. I am really glad that we as a community have reached this point. All of this would not have been possible without you, HP Maxine, and every other member who works behind. Spiritual knowledge has been given to us for free but...
  188. H

    Our Websites Are Back Up!

    Thank you and every one else who worked on this!! May the Gods bless you all! HH
  189. H


    It's sick both what you write and how you write. What do you even do here? It is clear that you have nothing in common with us nor you fight for our Gods. This leaves only the goal to spread bullshits about other aliens. HP Cobra wrote exactly the type of person you are.
  190. H

    WHO confirms Actual Killer Viruses yet to come, Lockdown just a Beta Test

    I will not be surprised if suddenly there will be a "deadly virus" that will be "cured" only by micro-chipping yourself... These disgusting bastards will use every mean to terrify the people to drive them where they want, like sheeps.
  191. H

    DISTRUGGERE IL VELO - Programma Del Primo Rituale 11 - 22 Dicembre 2020

    Grazie di aver tradotto il sermone. L'unica cosa che sarebbe da aggiungere è alla fine dell'affermazione numero 3: "privo di ogni e qualsiasi potere e influenza". Grazie ancora Saluti HH

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
