The houses represent specific astrological and spiritual parts that, depending on the position of the planets at the date you were born, affect you either positively or negatively.
For example, a positive aspect for Finances and Occult work is Pluto in the 8th house, in Scorpio (either native aspect or ascendant). I mentioned the 8th house here since the 8th house rules over sex, transformation and a metaphorical aspect of death (death of old habits and renewal).
And while the 8th house is good for mystery, sexuality there can be both a good aspect and also a bad one as individuals with such placement can often become obsessed / slaves to their sex drives, which is not good.
Quite the opposite. Knowledge gives opportunities that ignorant people are unaware of. Besides, knowing the time of death is not a trivial information readily available. No worries there. Besides, it should only act as a reinforcing push for doing what is necessary anyway. Those not ready for that information are not going to know it anyway.