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Spotting an afflicted or debilitated moon


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2019
Atop the ashes of Isreal
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration, as well as to Blitzkrieg who gave very valuable input on the use of laguz and berkano runes!

The moon represents our emotions, subconscious, moods and feelings, and even ties into subconscious fears. Unbeknownst to many it is one of the 3 planets, along with Saturn and Neptune that can factor into experiencing paranoia, phobias and irrational fears, especially when placed in the 12th house.

The moon is our mother, representing her characteristics, and our relationship to her, as well as the home environment especially the childhood one, as the moon also relates to ones childhood as well as to memories. It rules hospitality, food and drink, hotels and childbearing, as well as the female menstrual cycle.

The waxing moon symbolizes the release of the egg cell from the ovaries during the ovulation process as the egg is being put into place with the full moon symbolizing the egg, whereas the waning moon symbolizes the cleansing and release as the egg leaves, when a woman's life force is the strongest.

The moon is the ruler of the 6th chakra and the 3rd eye.

If the moon is your chart ruler and is being aspected by someone's Saturn, this person could turn out to significantly wound you emotionally in someway, as well as be a hindrance or even a danger to your mother. They maybe someone who has had a very negative impact on your childhood, perhaps by bullying or other forms of abuse, leaving you scarred with very bad memories and hangups. They could also be someone who works in hospitality that causes a lot of issues for you in a hotel or other place in a home. This person can bring serious troubles to the affairs of the house your moon is in

Aspects from mars can cause domestic violence, either against the self or witnessing of such against the mother, or both, and can also cause a general impatience and dislike of routine. Mars can give ones emotions general irritability when aspecting the moon also. Harsh aspects from the sun to the moon indicate problems between the mother and father that can have lasting scars, where as Pluto can cause disdain or even estrangement from the mother at an early age, physically or emotionally or both. The mother may die early. In other extreme cases you will have the “mommas boy” issue that can crop up in relationships, where (male or female for that matter) the mother influences all of the child's life until well past adulthood to a pathological degree, weather the child likes it or not. The mother can be very dominating and controlling.

Being placed in Capricorn or Scorpio gives serious emotional inhibition, capricorn even more so, especially if the moon is the chart ruler. There can even be a streak of cruelty, or tendencies toward intense anger that is often inward, unless there are Aries placements or other fire planets in the chart. Being in the aforementioned signs, in Pisces or the 12th house or in combination with the 4th house can bring major problems in childhood, a weak emotional nature, or any sort of general emotional hang ups in regards to others. The emotional scarring one may endure can last a lifetime. Uranus aspects to the moon may contribute to emotional inconsistency or instability.

Another thing to note about a moon/mars aspect or Saturn, is that this can cause accidents or troubles in a hotel or at home. Things like bedbugs and other pests, anything having to do with inflammation or domestic troubles or accidents with dishes, food or other can be recurring annoyances if one is often in this setting, trouble with hospitality personnel or guests, causing distress and anxiety, especially if there is a cancer or 4th house emphasis, or if the moon is the chart ruler. This can count for hotels and places of travel, especially with the moon in Sagittarius or with the moon in aspect to Jupiter.

Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in the 4th house can have malefic influence as far as domestic security, stability, and the home environment, especially the childhood one, which also affects the moons natural affairs, as the moon rules the 4th house and the mother.

The Nature of ones moon is also affected by whatever fixed star it may conjunct. Malefic ones such as Algol can bring extreme intensity of emotion, violent outbursts, or misfortunes for the general affairs for the moon,while benefic stars will amplify and and benefit the moons affairs, and the house it is in.

If your chart ruler is the moon, take care to when it transits Algol (or any other chart ruler for that matter, but the moon transits the most often). Confrontation can be common or more likely around this time in or around ones home that cause extreme emotional or otherwise aggressive reactions, or in the work atmosphere, or other that can even lead to serious altercations, especially if other transits at the given time, especially aspects with your chart ruler and Mars or Saturn, or factors in your chart support this. AOP is a given. The same for the aforementioned applies for significant degrees for better or worse, in transits and in the chart.

Physical problems from debilitation or affliction can manifest as: misaligned or deformed rib cage, even a broken rib cage from blunt force trauma, especially with mars involved or Uranus, causing accidents, colitis, any sorts of stomach problems including ulcers, diabetes or any problems with the pancreas, deformities and any diseases of the breasts or womb, endometriosis, severe dysmenorrhea or bad manifestations physically and psychologically from the menstrual cycle called premenstrual syndrome or PMS for short, also another manifestation of moon aspecting mars. Dehydration or overproduction of mucus and other fluids such as sweat ect are common. The excess mucus can cause sinus issues, infections, and post nasal drip, which all have to do with areas close to the 6th chakra. Lung problems can manifest, such as asthma, cancer, cysts, or other diseases of the lungs.

Psychologically this can manifest also with debilitation, but even if the moon is prominent but afflicted:
depression, anxiety, phobias and over emotionalism or paranoia, especially if the moon is the chart ruler and or if the person is water dominant, or with the moon in the 12th house. There may be a complete emotional coldness, nurturing aspect, or lack of empathy if ill placed, especially if there is emphasis on fire or air in the chart. Having an air sign moon can make one intellectualize their feelings rather than feel them, which if any of the aforementioned apply also, can hamper making connections with friends and family.

Things such as mood swings can be common, especially with cancer emphasis, as well as a flare for the dramatic, and not in the good way. Over sensitivity is common. There may be problems with intuition, and not seeing things clearly on the astral as well due to emotional bias. If mercury is in cancer, this can be amplified as all that differ from ones opinions can be seen as a threat or as some form of “evil” essentially. Bad manifestations of the moon make it hard to be objective. Even if a moon is prominent but afflicted by being in the 12th house or aspected by Saturn or Mars, its dominance will show but not for the better, unless these aspects are sublimated. A moon can be exalted also for example in the sign of taurus, but if it is on a violent degree, or on Algol, this will most often not help its manifestation for the better.

A debilitated moon or one that is afflicted will also show to the affairs of the house it is in where this brings most of the problems.

A moon square can help one get in touch with their emotions and intuition and to strengthen a debilitated third eye and 6th chakra, and help with the affairs of the houses that have Taurus or cancer on the cusp. Regular cleaning and removing emotional hangups with either munka or ansuz are a great help, as well as void meditation to get over emotionalism under control. Invoking air also helps one detach and become more objective, especially if their chart lacks air. Invoking water on the other hand, will also help with inhibited emotion, if water is lacking and if the moon is debilitated, especially if it is in Scorpio or Capricorn, or even an Aquarius moon. Aquarius debilitates the moons maternal instincts specifically as well as Sagittarius, especially if placed in the 5th house, causing either a fear of commitment in this area of life, for fear of a variety of different troubles, or even being afraid to make the parents mistakes. This can be amplified if Saturn or Pluto are also placed here.

If other factors in the chart influence one to want children despite experiencing this, and are conflicted, becoming in touch with the maternal and nurturing energies of the moon can help one amplify their confidence and ability as a potential parent. Freeing the soul workings or munka can help with hangups in this department as well before attempting any planetary squares or runic workings. Ansuz can also be used. Having no 5th house placements can also leave one without a desire for children altogether.

Working with the wunjo rune, green energy or the energy of Venus is also great for relations with family and the mother especially with moon to Saturn aspects or to Pluto. The moon mantra is great for domestic affairs.

The moon rules silver, pearl, moonstone and labradorite, of which moonstone corresponds to the light side of the moon, all white magick having to do with the moon, the conscious emotions and feelings and intuition, and the waxing moon, whereas labradorite corresponds to the dark side of the moon, and the waning moon, black magick related to the moon, as well as the subconscious, as far as emotions, fears and dreams. Both labradorite and moonstone are feldspar stones. These and the others mentioned are connected to the third eye. Labradorite represents the divining of the concealed and hidden on the astral through the third eye, while moonstone represents what the third eye can already see.

Labradorite is also protective, and also can be used for removal and detachment, such as emotional hang ups, and reprogramming the subconscious as far as suppressed or repressed fear or anger. Moonstone is great for workings involving a moon square or a working to regulate the menstrual cycle and conscious mood swings. Both are good for workings with the third eye and 6th chakras.

Labradorite and black tourmaline may also be used to work with the laguz and berkanao runes, for concealment and protection, as well as laguz specifically for workings having to do also with the unconscious memories thoughts and feelings.

Berkanao according to our elder furthark page, is also customary in pagan culture to be used in the concealment and protection of a newborn child. This is especially desirable if you have a child, and read their chart, and are able to see if their natal moon is afflicted or debilitated. Regardless of even this specifically, this will give your newborn child a head start on a good aura of protection in general in relation to everything at all, and nurturing energies of the moon.
oh and another thing worth mentioning....
since the moon rules the mother, and the 12th house being the house of sorrow, self undoing, and endings and secrets.
a 12th house moon can also manifest as problems with the mother as in "skeletons" in the mother's closet about certain secrets related to the mother, her family or even the family in general, since the moon also rules the home and family, and the 4th house.

Problems with the mother or the family, or discovering secrets or unknown skeletons in the mothers or the families closet can lead to a variety of things, including estrangement or further problems with the mother, such as resentment and hate, and/ or family, or even at worst one's self undoing in some form.
Shadowcat said:
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration, as well as to Blitzkrieg who gave very valuable input on the use of laguz and berkano runes!

The moon represents our emotions, subconscious, moods and feelings, and even ties into subconscious fears. Unbeknownst to many it is one of the 3 planets, along with Saturn and Neptune that can factor into experiencing paranoia, phobias and irrational fears, especially when placed in the 12th house.

The moon is our mother, representing her characteristics, and our relationship to her, as well as the home environment especially the childhood one, as the moon also relates to ones childhood as well as to memories. It rules hospitality, food and drink, hotels and childbearing, as well as the female menstrual cycle.

The waxing moon symbolizes the release of the egg cell from the ovaries during the ovulation process as the egg is being put into place with the full moon symbolizing the egg, whereas the waning moon symbolizes the cleansing and release as the egg leaves, when a woman's life force is the strongest.

The moon is the ruler of the 6th chakra and the 3rd eye.

If the moon is your chart ruler and is being aspected by someone's Saturn, this person could turn out to significantly wound you emotionally in someway, as well as be a hindrance or even a danger to your mother. They maybe someone who has had a very negative impact on your childhood, perhaps by bullying or other forms of abuse, leaving you scarred with very bad memories and hangups. They could also be someone who works in hospitality that causes a lot of issues for you in a hotel or other place in a home. This person can bring serious troubles to the affairs of the house your moon is in

Aspects from mars can cause domestic violence, either against the self or witnessing of such against the mother, or both, and can also cause a general impatience and dislike of routine. Mars can give ones emotions general irritability when aspecting the moon also. Harsh aspects from the sun to the moon indicate problems between the mother and father that can have lasting scars, where as Pluto can cause disdain or even estrangement from the mother at an early age, physically or emotionally or both. The mother may die early. In other extreme cases you will have the “mommas boy” issue that can crop up in relationships, where (male or female for that matter) the mother influences all of the child's life until well past adulthood to a pathological degree, weather the child likes it or not. The mother can be very dominating and controlling.

Being placed in Capricorn or Scorpio gives serious emotional inhibition, capricorn even more so, especially if the moon is the chart ruler. There can even be a streak of cruelty, or tendencies toward intense anger that is often inward, unless there are Aries placements or other fire planets in the chart. Being in the aforementioned signs, in Pisces or the 12th house or in combination with the 4th house can bring major problems in childhood, a weak emotional nature, or any sort of general emotional hang ups in regards to others. The emotional scarring one may endure can last a lifetime. Uranus aspects to the moon may contribute to emotional inconsistency or instability.

Another thing to note about a moon/mars aspect or Saturn, is that this can cause accidents or troubles in a hotel or at home. Things like bedbugs and other pests, anything having to do with inflammation or domestic troubles or accidents with dishes, food or other can be recurring annoyances if one is often in this setting, trouble with hospitality personnel or guests, causing distress and anxiety, especially if there is a cancer or 4th house emphasis, or if the moon is the chart ruler. This can count for hotels and places of travel, especially with the moon in Sagittarius or with the moon in aspect to Jupiter.

Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in the 4th house can have malefic influence as far as domestic security, stability, and the home environment, especially the childhood one, which also affects the moons natural affairs, as the moon rules the 4th house and the mother.

The Nature of ones moon is also affected by whatever fixed star it may conjunct. Malefic ones such as Algol can bring extreme intensity of emotion, violent outbursts, or misfortunes for the general affairs for the moon,while benefic stars will amplify and and benefit the moons affairs, and the house it is in.

If your chart ruler is the moon, take care to when it transits Algol (or any other chart ruler for that matter, but the moon transits the most often). Confrontation can be common or more likely around this time in or around ones home that cause extreme emotional or otherwise aggressive reactions, or in the work atmosphere, or other that can even lead to serious altercations, especially if other transits at the given time, especially aspects with your chart ruler and Mars or Saturn, or factors in your chart support this. AOP is a given. The same for the aforementioned applies for significant degrees for better or worse, in transits and in the chart.

Physical problems from debilitation or affliction can manifest as: misaligned or deformed rib cage, even a broken rib cage from blunt force trauma, especially with mars involved or Uranus, causing accidents, colitis, any sorts of stomach problems including ulcers, diabetes or any problems with the pancreas, deformities and any diseases of the breasts or womb, endometriosis, severe dysmenorrhea or bad manifestations physically and psychologically from the menstrual cycle called premenstrual syndrome or PMS for short, also another manifestation of moon aspecting mars. Dehydration or overproduction of mucus and other fluids such as sweat ect are common. The excess mucus can cause sinus issues, infections, and post nasal drip, which all have to do with areas close to the 6th chakra. Lung problems can manifest, such as asthma, cancer, cysts, or other diseases of the lungs.

Psychologically this can manifest also with debilitation, but even if the moon is prominent but afflicted:
depression, anxiety, phobias and over emotionalism or paranoia, especially if the moon is the chart ruler and or if the person is water dominant, or with the moon in the 12th house. There may be a complete emotional coldness, nurturing aspect, or lack of empathy if ill placed, especially if there is emphasis on fire or air in the chart. Having an air sign moon can make one intellectualize their feelings rather than feel them, which if any of the aforementioned apply also, can hamper making connections with friends and family.

Things such as mood swings can be common, especially with cancer emphasis, as well as a flare for the dramatic, and not in the good way. Over sensitivity is common. There may be problems with intuition, and not seeing things clearly on the astral as well due to emotional bias. If mercury is in cancer, this can be amplified as all that differ from ones opinions can be seen as a threat or as some form of “evil” essentially. Bad manifestations of the moon make it hard to be objective. Even if a moon is prominent but afflicted by being in the 12th house or aspected by Saturn or Mars, its dominance will show but not for the better, unless these aspects are sublimated. A moon can be exalted also for example in the sign of taurus, but if it is on a violent degree, or on Algol, this will most often not help its manifestation for the better.

A debilitated moon or one that is afflicted will also show to the affairs of the house it is in where this brings most of the problems.

A moon square can help one get in touch with their emotions and intuition and to strengthen a debilitated third eye and 6th chakra, and help with the affairs of the houses that have Taurus or cancer on the cusp. Regular cleaning and removing emotional hangups with either munka or ansuz are a great help, as well as void meditation to get over emotionalism under control. Invoking air also helps one detach and become more objective, especially if their chart lacks air. Invoking water on the other hand, will also help with inhibited emotion, if water is lacking and if the moon is debilitated, especially if it is in Scorpio or Capricorn, or even an Aquarius moon. Aquarius debilitates the moons maternal instincts specifically as well as Sagittarius, especially if placed in the 5th house, causing either a fear of commitment in this area of life, for fear of a variety of different troubles, or even being afraid to make the parents mistakes. This can be amplified if Saturn or Pluto are also placed here.

If other factors in the chart influence one to want children despite experiencing this, and are conflicted, becoming in touch with the maternal and nurturing energies of the moon can help one amplify their confidence and ability as a potential parent. Freeing the soul workings or munka can help with hangups in this department as well before attempting any planetary squares or runic workings. Ansuz can also be used. Having no 5th house placements can also leave one without a desire for children altogether.

Working with the wunjo rune, green energy or the energy of Venus is also great for relations with family and the mother especially with moon to Saturn aspects or to Pluto. The moon mantra is great for domestic affairs.

The moon rules silver, pearl, moonstone and labradorite, of which moonstone corresponds to the light side of the moon, all white magick having to do with the moon, the conscious emotions and feelings and intuition, and the waxing moon, whereas labradorite corresponds to the dark side of the moon, and the waning moon, black magick related to the moon, as well as the subconscious, as far as emotions, fears and dreams. Both labradorite and moonstone are feldspar stones. These and the others mentioned are connected to the third eye. Labradorite represents the divining of the concealed and hidden on the astral through the third eye, while moonstone represents what the third eye can already see.

Labradorite is also protective, and also can be used for removal and detachment, such as emotional hang ups, and reprogramming the subconscious as far as suppressed or repressed fear or anger. Moonstone is great for workings involving a moon square or a working to regulate the menstrual cycle and conscious mood swings. Both are good for workings with the third eye and 6th chakras.

Labradorite and black tourmaline may also be used to work with the laguz and berkanao runes, for concealment and protection, as well as laguz specifically for workings having to do also with the unconscious memories thoughts and feelings.

Berkanao according to our elder furthark page, is also customary in pagan culture to be used in the concealment and protection of a newborn child. This is especially desirable if you have a child, and read their chart, and are able to see if their natal moon is afflicted or debilitated. Regardless of even this specifically, this will give your newborn child a head start on a good aura of protection in general in relation to everything at all, and nurturing energies of the moon.

:? ..... Thanks
Wotanwarrior said:
Can it be indicative of anything in particular if the sign is your Moon, is the same as your mother's zodiac sign?

This is quite natural. Are you by any chance her second child? Many times the first child will have either the ascendant, sun, or moon sign or at least one of those that is the same element as that of the father and the same will go for the second child with the mother. This can count in general also for the children that come after that, and I have seen several cases with this. I not only have my father's sun sign, but my mother's moon sign is my ascendant, and my midheaven is my father's sun sign while the IC is that of my mother. Both of my parents are water dominant and my dad and I have grand trines in water. My entire family also has Jupiter in the same sign, which has given us a propensity to premonitions and foretelling dreams, among other things. My brother's chart ruler corresponds to my mother's sun sign, and his sun is the same element as her sun sign.

As for family Karma, this can also show. Alcoholism can show up with a planet on a bad degree of Leo, Taurus, or Aquarius, after running in the family. A family problem with gambling can show up with pluto placed in the 5th house which can even manifest by proxy, or some other Scorpio or 5th house placements. An afflicted sun in the 5th house on a bad degree can also do this.

This is just another explanation of us inheriting our genetics from our parents and forebearers, And how we don't fall far from the tree. The same can show in someone's chart with inherited disabilities and diseases etc.
Shadowcat said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Can it be indicative of anything in particular if the sign is your Moon, is the same as your mother's zodiac sign?

This is quite natural. Are you by any chance her second child? Many times the first child will have either the ascendant, sun, or moon sign or at least one of those that is the same element as that of the father and the same will go for the second child with the mother. This can count in general also for the children that come after that, and I have seen several cases with this. I not only have my father's sun sign, but my mother's moon sign is my ascendant, and my midheaven is my father's sun sign while the IC is that of my mother. Both of my parents are water dominant and my dad and I have grand trines in water. My entire family also has Jupiter in the same sign, which has given us a propensity to premonitions and foretelling dreams, among other things. My brother's chart ruler corresponds to my mother's sun sign, and his sun is the same element as her sun sign.

As for family Karma, this can also show. Alcoholism can show up with a planet on a bad degree of Leo, Taurus, or Aquarius, after running in the family. A family problem with gambling can show up with pluto placed in the 5th house which can even manifest by proxy, or some other Scorpio or 5th house placements. An afflicted sun in the 5th house on a bad degree can also do this.

This is just another explanation of us inheriting our genetics from our parents and forebearers, And how we don't fall far from the tree. The same can show in someone's chart with inherited disabilities and diseases etc.

I am her first born, that's what I find curious, I always had a very close bond with her and she always said that I was her favorite, as I understand she has already reincarnated again and we even met before this present life.
Wotanwarrior said:
Shadowcat said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Can it be indicative of anything in particular if the sign is your Moon, is the same as your mother's zodiac sign?

This is quite natural. Are you by any chance her second child? Many times the first child will have either the ascendant, sun, or moon sign or at least one of those that is the same element as that of the father and the same will go for the second child with the mother. This can count in general also for the children that come after that, and I have seen several cases with this. I not only have my father's sun sign, but my mother's moon sign is my ascendant, and my midheaven is my father's sun sign while the IC is that of my mother. Both of my parents are water dominant and my dad and I have grand trines in water. My entire family also has Jupiter in the same sign, which has given us a propensity to premonitions and foretelling dreams, among other things. My brother's chart ruler corresponds to my mother's sun sign, and his sun is the same element as her sun sign.

As for family Karma, this can also show. Alcoholism can show up with a planet on a bad degree of Leo, Taurus, or Aquarius, after running in the family. A family problem with gambling can show up with pluto placed in the 5th house which can even manifest by proxy, or some other Scorpio or 5th house placements. An afflicted sun in the 5th house on a bad degree can also do this.

This is just another explanation of us inheriting our genetics from our parents and forebearers, And how we don't fall far from the tree. The same can show in someone's chart with inherited disabilities and diseases etc.

I am her first born, that's what I find curious, I always had a very close bond with her and she always said that I was her favorite, as I understand she has already reincarnated again and we even met before this present life.

It's entirely possible to have been close to a family member in a past life, You two might have some good synastry then also between Jupiter and the Moon, or in your own chart as well. In close bonds with two people, whether in a relationship, friendship, or with the family the chart rulers can also be conjunct, although some parts of this can prove to be troublesome if one of these rulers is Saturn or a transcendental planet. This can indicate some Karma between the two, or one of the people also, but can overall indicate knowing them for more than just one life, and a sort of closeness.
These are invaluable thank you. Did anyone get the chance to compile these into one PDF?
Shadowcat said:
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration, as well as to Blitzkrieg who gave very valuable input on the use of laguz and berkano runes!

The moon represents our emotions, subconscious, moods and feelings, and even ties into subconscious fears. Unbeknownst to many it is one of the 3 planets, along with Saturn and Neptune that can factor into experiencing paranoia, phobias and irrational fears, especially when placed in the 12th house.

The moon is our mother, representing her characteristics, and our relationship to her, as well as the home environment especially the childhood one, as the moon also relates to ones childhood as well as to memories. It rules hospitality, food and drink, hotels and childbearing, as well as the female menstrual cycle.

The waxing moon symbolizes the release of the egg cell from the ovaries during the ovulation process as the egg is being put into place with the full moon symbolizing the egg, whereas the waning moon symbolizes the cleansing and release as the egg leaves, when a woman's life force is the strongest.

The moon is the ruler of the 6th chakra and the 3rd eye.

If the moon is your chart ruler and is being aspected by someone's Saturn, this person could turn out to significantly wound you emotionally in someway, as well as be a hindrance or even a danger to your mother. They maybe someone who has had a very negative impact on your childhood, perhaps by bullying or other forms of abuse, leaving you scarred with very bad memories and hangups. They could also be someone who works in hospitality that causes a lot of issues for you in a hotel or other place in a home. This person can bring serious troubles to the affairs of the house your moon is in

Aspects from mars can cause domestic violence, either against the self or witnessing of such against the mother, or both, and can also cause a general impatience and dislike of routine. Mars can give ones emotions general irritability when aspecting the moon also. Harsh aspects from the sun to the moon indicate problems between the mother and father that can have lasting scars, where as Pluto can cause disdain or even estrangement from the mother at an early age, physically or emotionally or both. The mother may die early. In other extreme cases you will have the “mommas boy” issue that can crop up in relationships, where (male or female for that matter) the mother influences all of the child's life until well past adulthood to a pathological degree, weather the child likes it or not. The mother can be very dominating and controlling.

Being placed in Capricorn or Scorpio gives serious emotional inhibition, capricorn even more so, especially if the moon is the chart ruler. There can even be a streak of cruelty, or tendencies toward intense anger that is often inward, unless there are Aries placements or other fire planets in the chart. Being in the aforementioned signs, in Pisces or the 12th house or in combination with the 4th house can bring major problems in childhood, a weak emotional nature, or any sort of general emotional hang ups in regards to others. The emotional scarring one may endure can last a lifetime. Uranus aspects to the moon may contribute to emotional inconsistency or instability.

Another thing to note about a moon/mars aspect or Saturn, is that this can cause accidents or troubles in a hotel or at home. Things like bedbugs and other pests, anything having to do with inflammation or domestic troubles or accidents with dishes, food or other can be recurring annoyances if one is often in this setting, trouble with hospitality personnel or guests, causing distress and anxiety, especially if there is a cancer or 4th house emphasis, or if the moon is the chart ruler. This can count for hotels and places of travel, especially with the moon in Sagittarius or with the moon in aspect to Jupiter.

Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in the 4th house can have malefic influence as far as domestic security, stability, and the home environment, especially the childhood one, which also affects the moons natural affairs, as the moon rules the 4th house and the mother.

The Nature of ones moon is also affected by whatever fixed star it may conjunct. Malefic ones such as Algol can bring extreme intensity of emotion, violent outbursts, or misfortunes for the general affairs for the moon,while benefic stars will amplify and and benefit the moons affairs, and the house it is in.

If your chart ruler is the moon, take care to when it transits Algol (or any other chart ruler for that matter, but the moon transits the most often). Confrontation can be common or more likely around this time in or around ones home that cause extreme emotional or otherwise aggressive reactions, or in the work atmosphere, or other that can even lead to serious altercations, especially if other transits at the given time, especially aspects with your chart ruler and Mars or Saturn, or factors in your chart support this. AOP is a given. The same for the aforementioned applies for significant degrees for better or worse, in transits and in the chart.

Physical problems from debilitation or affliction can manifest as: misaligned or deformed rib cage, even a broken rib cage from blunt force trauma, especially with mars involved or Uranus, causing accidents, colitis, any sorts of stomach problems including ulcers, diabetes or any problems with the pancreas, deformities and any diseases of the breasts or womb, endometriosis, severe dysmenorrhea or bad manifestations physically and psychologically from the menstrual cycle called premenstrual syndrome or PMS for short, also another manifestation of moon aspecting mars. Dehydration or overproduction of mucus and other fluids such as sweat ect are common. The excess mucus can cause sinus issues, infections, and post nasal drip, which all have to do with areas close to the 6th chakra. Lung problems can manifest, such as asthma, cancer, cysts, or other diseases of the lungs.

Psychologically this can manifest also with debilitation, but even if the moon is prominent but afflicted:
depression, anxiety, phobias and over emotionalism or paranoia, especially if the moon is the chart ruler and or if the person is water dominant, or with the moon in the 12th house. There may be a complete emotional coldness, nurturing aspect, or lack of empathy if ill placed, especially if there is emphasis on fire or air in the chart. Having an air sign moon can make one intellectualize their feelings rather than feel them, which if any of the aforementioned apply also, can hamper making connections with friends and family.

Things such as mood swings can be common, especially with cancer emphasis, as well as a flare for the dramatic, and not in the good way. Over sensitivity is common. There may be problems with intuition, and not seeing things clearly on the astral as well due to emotional bias. If mercury is in cancer, this can be amplified as all that differ from ones opinions can be seen as a threat or as some form of “evil” essentially. Bad manifestations of the moon make it hard to be objective. Even if a moon is prominent but afflicted by being in the 12th house or aspected by Saturn or Mars, its dominance will show but not for the better, unless these aspects are sublimated. A moon can be exalted also for example in the sign of taurus, but if it is on a violent degree, or on Algol, this will most often not help its manifestation for the better.

A debilitated moon or one that is afflicted will also show to the affairs of the house it is in where this brings most of the problems.

A moon square can help one get in touch with their emotions and intuition and to strengthen a debilitated third eye and 6th chakra, and help with the affairs of the houses that have Taurus or cancer on the cusp. Regular cleaning and removing emotional hangups with either munka or ansuz are a great help, as well as void meditation to get over emotionalism under control. Invoking air also helps one detach and become more objective, especially if their chart lacks air. Invoking water on the other hand, will also help with inhibited emotion, if water is lacking and if the moon is debilitated, especially if it is in Scorpio or Capricorn, or even an Aquarius moon. Aquarius debilitates the moons maternal instincts specifically as well as Sagittarius, especially if placed in the 5th house, causing either a fear of commitment in this area of life, for fear of a variety of different troubles, or even being afraid to make the parents mistakes. This can be amplified if Saturn or Pluto are also placed here.

If other factors in the chart influence one to want children despite experiencing this, and are conflicted, becoming in touch with the maternal and nurturing energies of the moon can help one amplify their confidence and ability as a potential parent. Freeing the soul workings or munka can help with hangups in this department as well before attempting any planetary squares or runic workings. Ansuz can also be used. Having no 5th house placements can also leave one without a desire for children altogether.

Working with the wunjo rune, green energy or the energy of Venus is also great for relations with family and the mother especially with moon to Saturn aspects or to Pluto. The moon mantra is great for domestic affairs.

The moon rules silver, pearl, moonstone and labradorite, of which moonstone corresponds to the light side of the moon, all white magick having to do with the moon, the conscious emotions and feelings and intuition, and the waxing moon, whereas labradorite corresponds to the dark side of the moon, and the waning moon, black magick related to the moon, as well as the subconscious, as far as emotions, fears and dreams. Both labradorite and moonstone are feldspar stones. These and the others mentioned are connected to the third eye. Labradorite represents the divining of the concealed and hidden on the astral through the third eye, while moonstone represents what the third eye can already see.

Labradorite is also protective, and also can be used for removal and detachment, such as emotional hang ups, and reprogramming the subconscious as far as suppressed or repressed fear or anger. Moonstone is great for workings involving a moon square or a working to regulate the menstrual cycle and conscious mood swings. Both are good for workings with the third eye and 6th chakras.

Labradorite and black tourmaline may also be used to work with the laguz and berkanao runes, for concealment and protection, as well as laguz specifically for workings having to do also with the unconscious memories thoughts and feelings.

Berkanao according to our elder furthark page, is also customary in pagan culture to be used in the concealment and protection of a newborn child. This is especially desirable if you have a child, and read their chart, and are able to see if their natal moon is afflicted or debilitated. Regardless of even this specifically, this will give your newborn child a head start on a good aura of protection in general in relation to everything at all, and nurturing energies of the moon.

Thank you for this 👏👏👏
Shadowcat said:
Demonic said:
Shadowcat said:

Can we talk on protonmail if thats okay with you?

what general questions do you have? i will always see them here just quote me.
So basically i can "correct" everything negative from my natal planets using a Satanic Spiritual Square :?:
What should the affirmation look like? "My natal sun is only working in a positive and healthy way for me" :?:
Can this be done for every planet? What are the overall planets in one's chart?
Thanks :D
SyraS_666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Demonic said:
Can we talk on protonmail if thats okay with you?

what general questions do you have? i will always see them here just quote me.
So basically i can "correct" everything negative from my natal planets using a Satanic Spiritual Square :?:
What should the affirmation look like? "My natal sun is only working in a positive and healthy way for me" :?:
Can this be done for every planet? What are the overall planets in one's chart?
Thanks :D

This depends. It's not always as simple as doing a planetary square. It might be dangerous for example to do a square for a particular planet, or at least able to cause troublesome manifestations if negative karma for these planets is not cleaned out first using freeing the soul workings like obliterating Saturn, or the ansuz rune. the Thor rune can be used for stubborn blocked chakras, but be careful with this one, and don't do too high reps.

In general, yes planetary squares help bring out positive manifestations of a debilitated planet that otherwise has trouble manifesting. First and foremost your negative karma must be cleaned from this planet. Then if you wish to strengthen the positive aspects of this planet with a spiritual square or use a material square to attract something this can help.

What one needs to do to strengthen or even hold back (yes this can be necessary. For example, even the absence of Saturn for example can bring problems with setting limitations or realizing boundaries.) certain aspects of their planets. One person might benefit from a certain planetary square or working while another may be better off making another more of a priority. It depends on the individual chart and the person's present level of advancement in relation to their placements and how they manifest.

A prominent sun or venus for example, that are not held back in anyway by Saturn or Neptune although they are not malefic can also provide issues, provided other aspects also support this, for example with narcissism, overeating and inflated ego problems as well as overfocus on material things. Too much of a good thing can also be bad, there has to be balance in the whole chart, and there are good ways each placement and aspect can manifest. Its about learning to sublimate what is there and bringing the positives out.
Ardgion said:

This post is one which is on the borderline of revealing too much personal information. If you want to be take the safe route, you should use the Ask-Satan service for this type of question. You can report your post here and a moderator can remove it for you.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=418805 time=1675429585 user_id=21286]
Ardgion said:

This post is one which is on the borderline of revealing too much personal information. If you want to be take the safe route, you should use the Ask-Satan service for this type of question. You can report your post here and a moderator can remove it for you.

Thanks, i did it.
I really appreciate what you did because I didnt think that that would reveal any personal information but damn, it doesnt take much to find out everything about the person.
Thanks again :)
Shadowcat said:
This depends. It's not always as simple as doing a planetary square. It might be dangerous for example to do a square for a particular planet, or at least able to cause troublesome manifestations if negative karma for these planets is not cleaned out first using freeing the soul workings like obliterating Saturn, or the ansuz rune. the Thor rune can be used for stubborn blocked chakras, but be careful with this one, and don't do too high reps.

In general, yes planetary squares help bring out positive manifestations of a debilitated planet that otherwise has trouble manifesting. First and foremost your negative karma must be cleaned from this planet. Then if you wish to strengthen the positive aspects of this planet with a spiritual square or use a material square to attract something this can help.

What one needs to do to strengthen or even hold back (yes this can be necessary. For example, even the absence of Saturn for example can bring problems with setting limitations or realizing boundaries.) certain aspects of their planets. One person might benefit from a certain planetary square or working while another may be better off making another more of a priority. It depends on the individual chart and the person's present level of advancement in relation to their placements and how they manifest.

A prominent sun or venus for example, that are not held back in anyway by Saturn or Neptune although they are not malefic can also provide issues, provided other aspects also support this, for example with narcissism, overeating and inflated ego problems as well as overfocus on material things. Too much of a good thing can also be bad, there has to be balance in the whole chart, and there are good ways each placement and aspect can manifest. Its about learning to sublimate what is there and bringing the positives out.

If I have a Saturn aspect with one planet (or many), I should do a freeing the soul with munka with an affirmation like «Munka's energy reduces the negative effects of Saturn for (planet) in the best way for me»? I need to do this before any square for the planet?
Masterj810610 said:
If I have a Saturn aspect with one planet (or many), I should do a freeing the soul with munka with an affirmation like «Munka's energy reduces the negative effects of Saturn for (planet) in the best way for me»? I need to do this before any square for the planet?

You do not have to wait, just make sure you clean well to deal with any karmic problems. The Square's energy will push through the karma of the planet in accordance with your affirmation. A freeing working would make the Square more efficient in its constructive purpose, but that does not mean you cannot do the Square (especially because they only appear at certain times).

Yes, your affirmation looks good. You can also target specific issues that you have identified in your life, which may span over multiple placements/planets.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=421986 time=1675550836 user_id=21286]
Masterj810610 said:
If I have a Saturn aspect with one planet (or many), I should do a freeing the soul with munka with an affirmation like «Munka's energy reduces the negative effects of Saturn for (planet) in the best way for me»? I need to do this before any square for the planet?

You do not have to wait, just make sure you clean well to deal with any karmic problems. The Square's energy will push through the karma of the planet in accordance with your affirmation. A freeing working would make the Square more efficient in its constructive purpose, but that does not mean you cannot do the Square (especially because they only appear at certain times).

Yes, your affirmation looks good. You can also target specific issues that you have identified in your life, which may span over multiple placements/planets.

So if I have many placements/planets that cause the same problem, I should focus on this problem. If Saturn and Neptune are causing the same problem, my affirmation should be «Munka's energy cancels(or remove) the negative effects of Saturn and Neptune for (reason X) in the best way for me» ?

I have more than 40 days before the planetary square that I've planned to do. So I want to get rid of this problem (or lessen it at least) before I do my square.

Thank you Blitz
Masterj810610 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=421986 time=1675550836 user_id=21286]
Masterj810610 said:
If I have a Saturn aspect with one planet (or many), I should do a freeing the soul with munka with an affirmation like «Munka's energy reduces the negative effects of Saturn for (planet) in the best way for me»? I need to do this before any square for the planet?

You do not have to wait, just make sure you clean well to deal with any karmic problems. The Square's energy will push through the karma of the planet in accordance with your affirmation. A freeing working would make the Square more efficient in its constructive purpose, but that does not mean you cannot do the Square (especially because they only appear at certain times).

Yes, your affirmation looks good. You can also target specific issues that you have identified in your life, which may span over multiple placements/planets.

So if I have many placements/planets that cause the same problem, I should focus on this problem. If Saturn and Neptune are causing the same problem, my affirmation should be «Munka's energy cancels(or remove) the negative effects of Saturn and Neptune for (reason X) in the best way for me» ?

I have more than 40 days before the planetary square that I've planned to do. So I want to get rid of this problem (or lessen it at least) before I do my square.

Thank you Blitz

Yes most definitely. I would definitely use munka or ansuz for removing the negative influences of Saturn before doing planetary squares for the planets it weakens. This is to prevent amplifying the effects of any negative karma and dross.
Masterj810610 said:
If Saturn and Neptune are causing the same problem, my affirmation should be «Munka's energy cancels(or remove) the negative effects of Saturn and Neptune for (reason X) in the best way for me» ?

This may be over-complicating the solution, as in the case the focus should be just on resolving the problem, which does not have to "go through" certain planets. Instead, you can focus solely on the problem itself, so that you do not unintentionally self-limit your working.

Planetary squares are centered around planetary energy, which can be useful for organizing how we advance, but we don't need to be limited by this either.

Your first priority should be addressed problems that you have identified as the most pressing obstacle in your life. This can be clearly seen in certain planets, or maybe not. If not, then it is best not to focus your freeing working on just one planet, and by extension, do not worry too much if a planet is not completely "clean" before you do the square.

Sometimes we can schedule freeing workings to make our squares more efficient, but this is not the actual priority. The priority is on fixing our biggest weaknesses.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=422100 time=1675594765 user_id=21286]
Masterj810610 said:
If Saturn and Neptune are causing the same problem, my affirmation should be «Munka's energy cancels(or remove) the negative effects of Saturn and Neptune for (reason X) in the best way for me» ?

This may be over-complicating the solution, as in the case the focus should be just on resolving the problem, which does not have to "go through" certain planets. Instead, you can focus solely on the problem itself, so that you do not unintentionally self-limit your working.

Planetary squares are centered around planetary energy, which can be useful for organizing how we advance, but we don't need to be limited by this either.

Your first priority should be addressed problems that you have identified as the most pressing obstacle in your life. This can be clearly seen in certain planets, or maybe not. If not, then it is best not to focus your freeing working on just one planet, and by extension, do not worry too much if a planet is not completely "clean" before you do the square.

Sometimes we can schedule freeing workings to make our squares more efficient, but this is not the actual priority. The priority is on fixing our biggest weaknesses.

So I should affirm "Munka's energy removes all bad influence from my natal chart and allows me to have plenty of XXXXX in the best way for me"? Since, it won't be specific to a planet but to all the aspect giving my this problem.
Masterj810610 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=422100 time=1675594765 user_id=21286]
Masterj810610 said:
If Saturn and Neptune are causing the same problem, my affirmation should be «Munka's energy cancels(or remove) the negative effects of Saturn and Neptune for (reason X) in the best way for me» ?

This may be over-complicating the solution, as in the case the focus should be just on resolving the problem, which does not have to "go through" certain planets. Instead, you can focus solely on the problem itself, so that you do not unintentionally self-limit your working.

Planetary squares are centered around planetary energy, which can be useful for organizing how we advance, but we don't need to be limited by this either.

Your first priority should be addressed problems that you have identified as the most pressing obstacle in your life. This can be clearly seen in certain planets, or maybe not. If not, then it is best not to focus your freeing working on just one planet, and by extension, do not worry too much if a planet is not completely "clean" before you do the square.

Sometimes we can schedule freeing workings to make our squares more efficient, but this is not the actual priority. The priority is on fixing our biggest weaknesses.

So I should affirm "Munka's energy removes all bad influence from my natal chart and allows me to have plenty of XXXXX in the best way for me"? Since, it won't be specific to a planet but to all the aspect giving my this problem.

If you do a general working for multiple types of blockage and problems (although granted still being interconnected), your energies will probably be thinned out too much and not have much effect. It's better to focus removing one obstacle at a time, ideally starting with the one that needs the most urgent attention, or in blitz's words the biggest weakness before moving into the others. After negative karma is removed it makes it easier to manifest what you want and sublimate the positives in your planets.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
