ThomasSs [TG]
Joy of Satan Guardian
Yule has just commenced (it starts with the Winter Solstice) and there's probably no better time for gifts and presents than now
First things first, the wonderful people who made this project a reality for yet another year, and whom are deserving of much praise for their commitment and work, are as follows:
The 2023 Calendars bring a completely new look, a much cleaner and a more beautiful design than any of the previous years. All graphics have been retouched in order to make every corner of the calendar super crisp at any resolution. There has also been some other changes and additions meant to bring more clarity and ease of use.
1. Replacement for "before/after VoC" from earlier Calendars
From 2023 onward, we'll use a different way to emphasise whether a working should be started before the VoC or after the Moon has entered a new Sign. I'm aware this could be a bit confusing for some at first. For example, in the image above, since the DFMW is marked with the glyph of Capricorn, it means that working can be started after 22:02 (because the Moon enters Capricorn at 22:02) and before sunrise next day (the 12th).
If the working was being marked with the glyph of Sagittarius, it would mean the DFMW could have been started anytime between sunrise and 16:17 (before the VoC begins).
2. Additional info for Planetary Squares:
In some cases, if a planet enters/leaves a favourable Sign on the same day it's square can be started, and because a 5-hour window should be allowed to pass between the moment the planet changes Sign and the moment its square is started, I added a note regarding this for clarity (where applicable). In the example above, the Square of Venus should be started after 13:03 local time (because Venus enters Pisces 5 hours earlier, at 8:03). Thanks to HP HC for insights into this.
3. Extra info for DFMW
Sometimes a DFMW can be started after midnight (next day) and before sunrise. This is the case because the calendrical day and the planetary day don't start at the same time. Whereas the calendrical day starts at 00:00, the planetary day can start as early as 3:30AM in some areas, and as late as 9am in other areas. In the image above, the Moon enters Scorpio on the calendrical day of Sunday, but on the planetary day of Saturday (the planetary day of Sunday begins several hours later, at sunrise). That's why technically speaking it's still Saturday, and therefore a black magick working can be started, even though it's on the calendrical day of Sunday. Where this is the case, a clear visual marking has been added in order to draw attention to this.
4. Better visual marking for Full Moons and Esbats
Yes, I know they mean the same thing
but in the Calendars, the New Moons and Esbats don't always fall on the same calendrical day. In order to make this easier to spot, the calendrical day the Full Moon actually occurs on will have a nice silver background. The New Moons have a nice red background. Further improvements on this will come in future calendars.
For an in depth explanation about other features, please read the FAQ page written by @Lydia:
If anyone has questions about anything related to the calendars, or if your language is not yet supported but you'd like to do the translations, please feel free to comment bellow. Similarly, like I said in previous years as well, if you have ideas for improvements, please make yourself heard and we'll look into it.
Another thing, Firefox browser seems to display the calendars slightly blurred on some screens. If possible, open these PDFs using Brave or Epic browsers. Chrome also does a decent job.
Below is the link (don't forget to choose 2023 from the drop-down list):
I wish you all a wonderful Yule, a one of a kind Satan's Day and a Happy New Year!
First things first, the wonderful people who made this project a reality for yet another year, and whom are deserving of much praise for their commitment and work, are as follows:
- Lydia (for writing the DFMW and the descriptive monthly texts, for compiling the ingresses and retrogrades and for helping with anything from certain design decisions to final checks)
- Forores (for creating the beautiful planetary ingress maps, for extensive final checks and for translating the Calendar into Romanian)
- Nisha Willow (for the magical squares and for helping with the planetary ingress)
- HP HC (it's been of great comfort having him on the team. Whenever we'd hit a roadblock he's always been there to clarify things, and generally to keep things moving forward whenever necessary)
- Hidden Warrior (for handling everything that has to do with the website side of the project.)
- Dypet Rod (for translating the Calendar into Portuguese, for providing great ideas and for helping restructure the monthly texts to fit the Southern Hemisphere)
- Lucas (for translating the Calendar into Czech)
- kajo (for translating the Calendar into Finnish)
- Aquarius (for translating the Calendar into Italian)
- OwltheD (for translating the Calendar into Japanese)
- Edward Lonsa (for translating the Calendar into Russian)
- WotanWarrior (for translating the Calendar into Spanish)
- Joy of Satan Türkiye (for translating the Calendar into Turkish)
The 2023 Calendars bring a completely new look, a much cleaner and a more beautiful design than any of the previous years. All graphics have been retouched in order to make every corner of the calendar super crisp at any resolution. There has also been some other changes and additions meant to bring more clarity and ease of use.
1. Replacement for "before/after VoC" from earlier Calendars

From 2023 onward, we'll use a different way to emphasise whether a working should be started before the VoC or after the Moon has entered a new Sign. I'm aware this could be a bit confusing for some at first. For example, in the image above, since the DFMW is marked with the glyph of Capricorn, it means that working can be started after 22:02 (because the Moon enters Capricorn at 22:02) and before sunrise next day (the 12th).
If the working was being marked with the glyph of Sagittarius, it would mean the DFMW could have been started anytime between sunrise and 16:17 (before the VoC begins).
2. Additional info for Planetary Squares:

In some cases, if a planet enters/leaves a favourable Sign on the same day it's square can be started, and because a 5-hour window should be allowed to pass between the moment the planet changes Sign and the moment its square is started, I added a note regarding this for clarity (where applicable). In the example above, the Square of Venus should be started after 13:03 local time (because Venus enters Pisces 5 hours earlier, at 8:03). Thanks to HP HC for insights into this.
3. Extra info for DFMW

Sometimes a DFMW can be started after midnight (next day) and before sunrise. This is the case because the calendrical day and the planetary day don't start at the same time. Whereas the calendrical day starts at 00:00, the planetary day can start as early as 3:30AM in some areas, and as late as 9am in other areas. In the image above, the Moon enters Scorpio on the calendrical day of Sunday, but on the planetary day of Saturday (the planetary day of Sunday begins several hours later, at sunrise). That's why technically speaking it's still Saturday, and therefore a black magick working can be started, even though it's on the calendrical day of Sunday. Where this is the case, a clear visual marking has been added in order to draw attention to this.
4. Better visual marking for Full Moons and Esbats

Yes, I know they mean the same thing
For an in depth explanation about other features, please read the FAQ page written by @Lydia:
If anyone has questions about anything related to the calendars, or if your language is not yet supported but you'd like to do the translations, please feel free to comment bellow. Similarly, like I said in previous years as well, if you have ideas for improvements, please make yourself heard and we'll look into it.
Another thing, Firefox browser seems to display the calendars slightly blurred on some screens. If possible, open these PDFs using Brave or Epic browsers. Chrome also does a decent job.
Below is the link (don't forget to choose 2023 from the drop-down list):
I wish you all a wonderful Yule, a one of a kind Satan's Day and a Happy New Year!