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NEW SITE - Destroying Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com

Hell yeah, something to make those aloha snackbar Jihadis in line with the kike program run for their asses!
Greetings everyone in our SS family,

I am very pleased to announce a first and very powerful step toward the removal and the deprogramming of the people from the Abrahamic virus of Islam. Islam is grotesque, evil and a horrendous form of blasphemy toward the Ancient Gods, a system of death and warfare that removed them from Arabia. Where there used to be paradise for spiritual people, knowledge and worship, now there lay ruins of superstition, evil and social imbalance.

Underlying it all however, the Gods are always strong and eternal, carrying their Disciples into wisdom regardless of what is going on on the surface of the failing world.

To our SS who are living under the grip of this evil program, worry not. Times will change. Stay secretive, do not reveal your allegiance to the Gods, and elevate your souls. Worry not about the external vileness, it will be cleansed eventually through the power of the Gods and our works.

Of all the viruses the enemy has created, Islam is the vilest, the most stupid and the most brutal one. Designed in particular only for the lesser and most ugly minds, it is simply a cult where slaves go around a rock, procreate as much as possible, and prepare for a global Jihad against everything that is proper and beautiful in this world.

Of course, many followers of Islam have made their own "Interpretations", since the human mind cannot tolerate or accept this vileness, as human beings stem from the Gods. Yet, the fundamental nature of Islam is essentially that of a spreading contagion and nothing else.

Thanks to Joy of Satan Guardian Karnonnos and our esteemed member Arcadia, a new site was composed to deal with this: www.Islamicevil.com. In that website, the superstition, foolishness and pure evil of Islam is explained in very proper terms.

This is huge step in the development of the Joy of Satan and the spiritual reformation of our world. I want to thank both JG Karnonnos and Arcadia for putting in the work for this website, and JG Apollo Above for the design of the Website. Lord Thoth should be credited about the Logo, which encapsulates very simply the power the site has.

From now on, this site should be used as a weapon that can be sent to liberate minds and iron people under Islamic siege mentally. We will promote this in our outreach and in all our online sieges.

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-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
We will do our best Gauranteed
To destroy this evil
I first heard of that vile religion when I was around 13. I laughed at it because even then I knew it was retarded :D
To our SS who are living under the grip of this evil program, worry not. Times will change. Stay secretive, do not reveal your allegiance to the Gods, and elevate your souls. Worry not about the external vileness, it will be cleansed eventually through the power of the Gods and our works.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Greetings everyone in our SS family,

I am very pleased to announce a first and very powerful step toward the removal and the deprogramming of the people from the Abrahamic virus of Islam. Islam is grotesque, evil and a horrendous form of blasphemy toward the Ancient Gods, a system of death and warfare that removed them from Arabia. Where there used to be paradise for spiritual people, knowledge and worship, now there lay ruins of superstition, evil and social imbalance.

Underlying it all however, the Gods are always strong and eternal, carrying their Disciples into wisdom regardless of what is going on on the surface of the failing world.

To our SS who are living under the grip of this evil program, worry not. Times will change. Stay secretive, do not reveal your allegiance to the Gods, and elevate your souls. Worry not about the external vileness, it will be cleansed eventually through the power of the Gods and our works.

Of all the viruses the enemy has created, Islam is the vilest, the most stupid and the most brutal one. Designed in particular only for the lesser and most ugly minds, it is simply a cult where slaves go around a rock, procreate as much as possible, and prepare for a global Jihad against everything that is proper and beautiful in this world.

Of course, many followers of Islam have made their own "Interpretations", since the human mind cannot tolerate or accept this vileness, as human beings stem from the Gods. Yet, the fundamental nature of Islam is essentially that of a spreading contagion and nothing else.

Thanks to Joy of Satan Guardian Karnonnos and our esteemed member Arcadia, a new site was composed to deal with this: www.Islamicevil.com. In that website, the superstition, foolishness and pure evil of Islam is explained in very proper terms.

This is huge step in the development of the Joy of Satan and the spiritual reformation of our world. I want to thank both JG Karnonnos and Arcadia for putting in the work for this website, and JG Apollo Above for the design of the Website. Lord Thoth should be credited about the Logo, which encapsulates very simply the power the site has.

From now on, this site should be used as a weapon that can be sent to liberate minds and iron people under Islamic siege mentally. We will promote this in our outreach and in all our online sieges.

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-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I love seeing this. I get such a warm happy feeling seeing our family and gods at work. It is amazing.
Hail all our Gods
Bless our SS family.

Definitely gonna be on my mind today.
I, more than many, was already aware of just how perverse and evil Islam truly was. The extent however, upon the beginning of my research for the project, baffled even me. Needless to say, do keep an eye out for additional articles to come. I know it's a shared hope, by myself, and most anyone else here, that we live to see the ultimate downfall of the Abrahamic swindle. Let this be a major step in that direction.
You guys give me hope.♥️♥️♥️
I deeply thank them all for their efforts. Islam is truly the most horrible and disgusting program created by the enemy. People immediately need to get rid of it. May Satan be a light to us all.
SS ailemizdeki herkese selamlar,

İslam'ın İbrahimî virüsünden insanların temizlenmesi ve programlarının kaldırılması yönünde ilk ve çok güçlü bir adımı duyurmaktan büyük mutluluk duyuyorum. İslam, iğrenç, kötü ve Antik Tanrılara karşı korkunç bir küfür biçimidir, onları Arabistan'dan uzaklaştıran bir ölüm ve savaş sistemidir. Eskiden manevi insanlar, bilgi ve ibadet için cennet olan yerde şimdi batıl inançların, kötülüğün ve toplumsal dengesizliğin kalıntıları yatıyor.

Ancak tüm bunların temelinde, Tanrılar her zaman güçlü ve ebedidir ve başarısız dünyanın yüzeyinde neler olup bittiğine bakmaksızın Müritlerini bilgeliğe taşırlar.

Bu kötü programın pençesinde yaşayan SS'lerimize, endişelenmeyin. Zaman değişecek. Gizli kalın, Tanrılara olan bağlılığınızı açığa vurmayın ve ruhlarınızı yükseltin. Dışarıdaki kötülük hakkında endişelenmeyin, sonunda Tanrıların gücü ve işlerimiz aracılığıyla temizlenecektir.

Düşmanın yarattığı tüm virüsler arasında İslam en iğrenç, en aptal ve en vahşi olanıdır. Özellikle sadece daha aşağı ve en çirkin zihinler için tasarlanmış olan bu, kölelerin bir kayanın etrafında dolaştığı, mümkün olduğunca çok ürediği ve bu dünyadaki her şeye karşı küresel bir Cihat için hazırlandığı basit bir tarikattır.

Elbette, İslam'ın birçok takipçisi kendi "Yorumlarını" yaptı, çünkü insan zihni bu alçaklığı tolere edemez veya kabul edemez, çünkü insanlar Tanrılardan gelir. Yine de, İslam'ın temel doğası esasen yayılan bir bulaşmadır ve başka bir şey değildir.

Satan Guardian Karnonnos'un Sevinci ve değerli üyemiz Arcadia sayesinde , bu konuyla ilgilenmek için yeni bir site oluşturuldu: www.Islamicevil.com . Bu sitede, İslam'ın hurafeleri, aptallıkları ve saf kötülükleri çok uygun terimlerle açıklanıyor.

Bu, Şeytanın Sevinci'nin gelişiminde ve dünyamızın ruhsal reformunda büyük bir adımdır. Bu web sitesi için emek veren JG Karnonnos ve Arcadia'ya ve Web Sitesinin tasarımı için JG Apollo Above'a teşekkür etmek istiyorum. Logo için Lord Thoth'a teşekkür edilmelidir; bu logo sitenin gücünü çok basit bir şekilde özetler.

Bundan sonra bu site, İslam kuşatması altındaki zihinleri özgürleştirmek ve insanları zihinsel olarak demirlemek için gönderilebilecek bir silah olarak kullanılmalıdır. Bunu, tüm çevrimiçi kuşatmalarımızda ve faaliyetlerimizde destekleyeceğiz.

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-Baş Rahip Kapşonlu Kobra 666
Elinize sağlık! geçmişten günümüze kadar bildiğim bu iğrenç şeyin, iğrençliklerinin ortaya dökülmesi beni mutlu ediyor.
Awesome! Congrats for the work! I hope more people from Indonesia, Malaysia and Central Asia leave that Abrahamic jewish arabian cult! I get really disgusted whenever I see "Ramadan Witch Hunts" every damn Ramadan in Indonesia, a country once-enriched by Vedic religion, terrorizing the non-Muslims of that country. Their military and police don't do jack about (probably because they have Islamists in their country too), and only enact the "full force of the law" when non-Muslims fight back.

I get sickened when I see pictures of people's heads tied onto motorcycles while angry Muslims dance around them with their machetes - that's not an exaggeration. Absolutely gruesome. All across Indonesia and Malaysia, one can still visit ruins of Hindu temples and the country's glorious ancient past.

Although I obviously also hope for the best for Arabs, Middle Easterners and other enslaved Gentiles to breaking out of this trash religion, but I look towards my people.

If people really want to follow Arabian-based spirituality, and meditate while speaking in Classical Arabic - then they should look up pre-Islamic Arabian Paganism or study the Yazidi religion of Iraq, it's seemed very-much like a "Semitic Hinduism" or "Arabian Hinduism".
I’m am so pleased that we now have a website about the horrors of Islam, there is nothing good about this death cult, it is far worse than any religion, even Christianity isn’t as bad, the kikes would have created this wickedness to cause more evil on the people as in that they would hate each other and cause more deaths amongst the Gentiles, Islam has to go ASAP, girls and women are treated so badly it hurts me to even read about what these children and women have to go through, I hate Islam with the biggest passion, and I have always wondered when will we be dealing with this most evil most deadly religion and now thanks to the Gods and those who are doing this great work Islamicevil on the website is so important and so needed because Islam is spreading like the plague like a disease.
Thank you to all those who are apart of this work, I have some knowledge about Islam because I studied it
Hail to all the Gods
Awesome work here. And🙏🔥 Congratulations!🔥❤ JG Karnonnos, HP Cobra and everyone that helped wih this. Thank you for sharing.❤
at the heart of the event, while i'm suffering a man screaming the name of his god in a very big microphone, distorting the beauty of the night.
i write you this with much condolences
Sorry to hear this Rocca.
I was in the metro the other day as well after a long day and someone bearded and looking filthy (spiritually and physically) kept preaching and screaming to basically repent and that we should feel guilt or we’ll get burned in hell.

I had my AirPods on and ignored him, and tried to hold a laugh because of how insane he looks and sounds lol, people had mixed reactions some were listening to him and some were annoyed by it.
I am not well versed, just brushed up on some basic concepts of the religion this morning. These are the concepts that I find the most problematic:

- islam has different sets of laws within their own religion
- new Judaism is promoting their religion to be a way of life, as opposed to a part of the whole of their follower' human experience

^ and people wonder why there is so much war. It is becoming a confusing, hypocritical means of mass control.

(Correct me if I'm wrong on any of that)

It is unspeakably vile how much that insidious program has warped people and turned them against one another, and worked to destroy history. Pre-islam Middle East was to my knowledge an incredibly advanced civilization, and Southeast Asia before islam still has many temples venerating the Gods. Now, suspiciously little information exists from that time for either regions, their people unrecognizable now compared to those of back then.

You know it's bad when countries infuse their official laws with "shariah law". It's time to liberate people of that horrendous depravity.

I agree.

I’m am so pleased that we now have a website about the horrors of Islam, there is nothing good about this death cult, it is far worse than any religion, even Christianity isn’t as bad, the kikes would have created this wickedness to cause more evil on the people as in that they would hate each other and cause more deaths amongst the Gentiles, Islam has to go ASAP, girls and women are treated so badly it hurts me to even read about what these children and women have to go through, I hate Islam with the biggest passion, and I have always wondered when will we be dealing with this most evil most deadly religion and now thanks to the Gods and those who are doing this great work Islamicevil on the website is so important and so needed because Islam is spreading like the plague like a disease.
Thank you to all those who are apart of this work, I have some knowledge about Islam because I studied it
Hail to all the Gods

I agree.
In the outreach, just on the first day, the website has hit 56k impressions.
Greetings everyone in our SS family,

I am very pleased to announce a first and very powerful step toward the removal and the deprogramming of the people from the Abrahamic virus of Islam. Islam is grotesque, evil and a horrendous form of blasphemy toward the Ancient Gods, a system of death and warfare that removed them from Arabia. Where there used to be paradise for spiritual people, knowledge and worship, now there lay ruins of superstition, evil and social imbalance.

Underlying it all however, the Gods are always strong and eternal, carrying their Disciples into wisdom regardless of what is going on on the surface of the failing world.

To our SS who are living under the grip of this evil program, worry not. Times will change. Stay secretive, do not reveal your allegiance to the Gods, and elevate your souls. Worry not about the external vileness, it will be cleansed eventually through the power of the Gods and our works.

Of all the viruses the enemy has created, Islam is the vilest, the most stupid and the most brutal one. Designed in particular only for the lesser and most ugly minds, it is simply a cult where slaves go around a rock, procreate as much as possible, and prepare for a global Jihad against everything that is proper and beautiful in this world.

Of course, many followers of Islam have made their own "Interpretations", since the human mind cannot tolerate or accept this vileness, as human beings stem from the Gods. Yet, the fundamental nature of Islam is essentially that of a spreading contagion and nothing else.

Thanks to Joy of Satan Guardian Karnonnos and our esteemed member Arcadia, a new site was composed to deal with this: www.Islamicevil.com. In that website, the superstition, foolishness and pure evil of Islam is explained in very proper terms.

This is huge step in the development of the Joy of Satan and the spiritual reformation of our world. I want to thank both JG Karnonnos and Arcadia for putting in the work for this website, and JG Apollo Above for the design of the Website. Lord Thoth should be credited about the Logo, which encapsulates very simply the power the site has.

From now on, this site should be used as a weapon that can be sent to liberate minds and iron people under Islamic siege mentally. We will promote this in our outreach and in all our online sieges.

View attachment 3270

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Seeds of Iblis(though in recent years the name seems to be non-plural any more so not sure if Seeds or Seed) is an awesome female singer who risks being beheaded for her not only singing(screaming black metal) but making music that is anti-islamic and anti-Allah..I used to have some of her stuff on vinyl and will eventually again recollect sounds and books that I no longer have. Thank you for your post and everything🌹88🕯️666🕯️🌻🪻🪷
Thank you for this and for everyone’s work on this!

I also have first hand experience with Islam and can speak/read Arabic, if anything’s needed from me I would love to contribute. :)
@Hp. Hoodedcobra666 @Karnonnos [JG] @Arcadia @ApolloAbove [JG]

I find Arabic a very interesting language, probably one of my most favorite languages outside of Far Eastern languages and couldn't stand seeing everything about Arabs, Arabians and Arabic language being associated with Islam. I actually tried to look for Arabic language programs in college (yeah that's how freakishly interested I was)....imagine my disgust when the syllabus stated that we were going to start the course from when Jewhammad started his murderous ministry in Arabia, as if Arabic language never existed before Islam.

Whenever I studied those "Islamic folktales" like 1001 Arabian Nights, and some of the poetry by the Persians, I always had that "feeling" that Arabia was once pagan, especially the nature of the "Genie", come my journey to JoS, my suspicious were right, "Genie" is from the "Djinn" which are the Demons. It's quite funny....it touches my Oriental heart, because 1001 Nights actually takes place in China....:)

It also disgusts me how the kikes forced their alphabet into some atrocity called "Judeo-Arabic" before they all flooded Palestine....probably to hide from the Gentiles the atrocities they're up to.

My cousins too have first-hand experiences with Muslim men. It's always the same pattern: the women are caged in the house and controlled around, while the men go out drinking, dancing and race-mixing too since I live in the U.S. and these "experiences" I mention are taking place in the U.S. I don't know what about Muslim men attracts my cousins so much.

Can't wait when those Shiva statues or "Shaytan" start going up on what is going to be "former mosques" once we are done with the kike programming.

By the way....speaking of pre-Islamic Arabian culture, I wonder if you know about this poet:
Fantastic work done that will help a lot of people learn about the ugly Truth of this crap called Islam. It's really awesome that we now have a unique resource with this exposing information!

The site looks amazing! Huge thanks to JG Karnonnos, JG Apollo Above and Arcadia for making this project happen, and to you, High Priest Hooded Cobra!

So many innovations have happened recently! It's definitely a positive indicator that our Community is moving in steady steps towards prosperity and well-being for all of us! And it couldn't be more gratifying!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Lord Thoth!
Hail Azazel!

Hail Gods of Duat!
As others have stated, an anti-islamic RTR would be very beneficial, as we have almost killed xianity but islam is rampant.
I believe that it will be when the time comes, Is the Gods directly who give the instructions for a new ritual when enough progress has been made with the previous ones.
I knew one day this would be done. I have been waiting for this day for a long time.
HAIL HP.Hoodedcobra666☀️🪷.
Congratulations and many thanks for the hard work and strength that is needed to compile the informations about this awful insanity.. its hard to not feel sick while reading some of the articles. But it is very necessary that more people know about all of this.

Thank you JG Karnonnos and Arcadia for the well written articles 🌟

Thank you JG Apollo Above for the well designed website 🌟

Thank you HP Hooded Cobra 666 for being such a great teacher for us all 🌟

Thank Lord Thoth and the Gods for guiding us out of these dark times 🌟
It is unspeakably vile how much that insidious program has warped people and turned them against one another, and worked to destroy history. Pre-islam Middle East was to my knowledge an incredibly advanced civilization, and Southeast Asia before islam still has many temples venerating the Gods. Now, suspiciously little information exists from that time for either regions, their people unrecognizable now compared to those of back then.

You know it's bad when countries infuse their official laws with "shariah law". It's time to liberate people of that horrendous depravity.

I remember seeing the images......I still can't get them out of my mind, Indonesia to be specific. I mentioned the severed heads of Christians tied onto motorcycles in another comment, back when Google was uncensored, they also openly exposed pictures of severed heads on altars, and people around them taking proud pics with their flip-phones (no smartphones yet, this was around 2004-2005). They have games where people are even rewarded monetary or some other pay or reward for every x number of heads they bring forward. This shit's been going on way before even then, around the 1960s worsened in the island of Sulawesi.

I tried to search for those images again as I feel it could be useful in exposing Islam, but mind-you they were from 2005, it is now 2024. I stalled visiting Indonesia due to the Islamic extremism. Sadly, Indonesia has become such a bad cesspool of Islam. Malaysia, less-so they're more of a weird mix of Islamic and secular government (they openly display Christmas decorations during Yuletide without much problems), and the Philippines, is more of a Catholicism "turn the other cheek and worship the pope" and wannabe Hispanic/wannabe Latino issue. Thailand seems to be the only Southeast Asian country free of pollution, or at least way less polluted than the others - and they too, have to deal with Islamic extremists in the southern parts. Not sure what's going on in Myanmar. Western China is "evil vs. evil" because on one hand - you have the communist Beijing government vs. Uyghur Islamic extremists.

The province of Aceh in Indonesia as matter of fact....is "so Muslim" that their people wanna break away from Indonesia just because Jakarta isn't "Muslim extremist enough" - even though there's been proven exposure of military and police generals supporting Islamists. That's how fucked up they are. Though, Joko Widodo, their current president doesn't seem as Islamist, I like him, and of course - there's this lie going around in the conservative Muslim community that Joko Widodo is a Chinese, communist or a Jew or whatever, when the guy is clearly a Gentile Javanese. Even if Jokowi was half Chinese or whatever it bears little importance, so long as he isn't Jewish, which he isn't. Ferdinand Marcos Sr. of the Philippines had Chinese ancestry and he did good for that country in spite of all the lies being spread about him propagated by the Catholic "People Power Revolution".

(in this video, extremist Muslims stone and destroy another mosque....just for preaching non-violence)

Those are obviously just the view examples, I can't list every single one, others are lost in archived history.

It's not that I "can't wait" until Indonesia becomes secular Muslim and eventually, Hindu again, because we really CAN'T wait...we gotta MAKE IT happen by pushing those RTRs and FRTRs, and helping build underground Pagan-Satanic groups in Indonesia.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
