Great site, great job, Love it ! .... Islam looks like a self perpetuating inquisition 2.0 ........... We need some kind of mind virus that shuts down their program. Any RTRs for that? I will look.Greetings everyone in our SS family,
I am very pleased to announce a first and very powerful step toward the removal and the deprogramming of the people from the Abrahamic virus of Islam. Islam is grotesque, evil and a horrendous form of blasphemy toward the Ancient Gods, a system of death and warfare that removed them from Arabia. Where there used to be paradise for spiritual people, knowledge and worship, now there lay ruins of superstition, evil and social imbalance.
Underlying it all however, the Gods are always strong and eternal, carrying their Disciples into wisdom regardless of what is going on on the surface of the failing world.
To our SS who are living under the grip of this evil program, worry not. Times will change. Stay secretive, do not reveal your allegiance to the Gods, and elevate your souls. Worry not about the external vileness, it will be cleansed eventually through the power of the Gods and our works.
Of all the viruses the enemy has created, Islam is the vilest, the most stupid and the most brutal one. Designed in particular only for the lesser and most ugly minds, it is simply a cult where slaves go around a rock, procreate as much as possible, and prepare for a global Jihad against everything that is proper and beautiful in this world.
Of course, many followers of Islam have made their own "Interpretations", since the human mind cannot tolerate or accept this vileness, as human beings stem from the Gods. Yet, the fundamental nature of Islam is essentially that of a spreading contagion and nothing else.
Thanks to Joy of Satan Guardian Karnonnos and our esteemed member Arcadia, a new site was composed to deal with this: In that website, the superstition, foolishness and pure evil of Islam is explained in very proper terms.
This is huge step in the development of the Joy of Satan and the spiritual reformation of our world. I want to thank both JG Karnonnos and Arcadia for putting in the work for this website, and JG Apollo Above for the design of the Website. Lord Thoth should be credited about the Logo, which encapsulates very simply the power the site has.
From now on, this site should be used as a weapon that can be sent to liberate minds and iron people under Islamic siege mentally. We will promote this in our outreach and in all our online sieges.
View attachment 3270
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I congratulate everyone on the creation of this site and am grateful to everyone who worked on the creation of this wonderful site!Greetings everyone in our SS family,
I am very pleased to announce a first and very powerful step toward the removal and the deprogramming of the people from the Abrahamic virus of Islam. Islam is grotesque, evil and a horrendous form of blasphemy toward the Ancient Gods, a system of death and warfare that removed them from Arabia. Where there used to be paradise for spiritual people, knowledge and worship, now there lay ruins of superstition, evil and social imbalance.
Underlying it all however, the Gods are always strong and eternal, carrying their Disciples into wisdom regardless of what is going on on the surface of the failing world.
To our SS who are living under the grip of this evil program, worry not. Times will change. Stay secretive, do not reveal your allegiance to the Gods, and elevate your souls. Worry not about the external vileness, it will be cleansed eventually through the power of the Gods and our works.
Of all the viruses the enemy has created, Islam is the vilest, the most stupid and the most brutal one. Designed in particular only for the lesser and most ugly minds, it is simply a cult where slaves go around a rock, procreate as much as possible, and prepare for a global Jihad against everything that is proper and beautiful in this world.
Of course, many followers of Islam have made their own "Interpretations", since the human mind cannot tolerate or accept this vileness, as human beings stem from the Gods. Yet, the fundamental nature of Islam is essentially that of a spreading contagion and nothing else.
Thanks to Joy of Satan Guardian Karnonnos and our esteemed member Arcadia, a new site was composed to deal with this: In that website, the superstition, foolishness and pure evil of Islam is explained in very proper terms.
This is huge step in the development of the Joy of Satan and the spiritual reformation of our world. I want to thank both JG Karnonnos and Arcadia for putting in the work for this website, and JG Apollo Above for the design of the Website. Lord Thoth should be credited about the Logo, which encapsulates very simply the power the site has.
From now on, this site should be used as a weapon that can be sent to liberate minds and iron people under Islamic siege mentally. We will promote this in our outreach and in all our online sieges.
View attachment 3270
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hi, just reading to it post. So you saying Thailand is the most free from Christian/Muslim influence? They are mostly Buddhist yes?I remember seeing the images......I still can't get them out of my mind, Indonesia to be specific. I mentioned the severed heads of Christians tied onto motorcycles in another comment, back when Google was uncensored, they also openly exposed pictures of severed heads on altars, and people around them taking proud pics with their flip-phones (no smartphones yet, this was around 2004-2005). They have games where people are even rewarded monetary or some other pay or reward for every x number of heads they bring forward. This shit's been going on way before even then, around the 1960s worsened in the island of Sulawesi.
I tried to search for those images again as I feel it could be useful in exposing Islam, but mind-you they were from 2005, it is now 2024. I stalled visiting Indonesia due to the Islamic extremism. Sadly, Indonesia has become such a bad cesspool of Islam. Malaysia, less-so they're more of a weird mix of Islamic and secular government (they openly display Christmas decorations during Yuletide without much problems), and the Philippines, is more of a Catholicism "turn the other cheek and worship the pope" and wannabe Hispanic/wannabe Latino issue. Thailand seems to be the only Southeast Asian country free of pollution, or at least way less polluted than the others - and they too, have to deal with Islamic extremists in the southern parts. Not sure what's going on in Myanmar. Western China is "evil vs. evil" because on one hand - you have the communist Beijing government vs. Uyghur Islamic extremists.
The province of Aceh in Indonesia as matter of "so Muslim" that their people wanna break away from Indonesia just because Jakarta isn't "Muslim extremist enough" - even though there's been proven exposure of military and police generals supporting Islamists. That's how fucked up they are. Though, Joko Widodo, their current president doesn't seem as Islamist, I like him, and of course - there's this lie going around in the conservative Muslim community that Joko Widodo is a Chinese, communist or a Jew or whatever, when the guy is clearly a Gentile Javanese. Even if Jokowi was half Chinese or whatever it bears little importance, so long as he isn't Jewish, which he isn't. Ferdinand Marcos Sr. of the Philippines had Chinese ancestry and he did good for that country in spite of all the lies being spread about him propagated by the Catholic "People Power Revolution".
2005 Indonesian beheadings of Christian girls - Wikipedia
Indonesian mass killings of 1965–66 - Wikipedia
(in this video, extremist Muslims stone and destroy another mosque....just for preaching non-violence)
Those are obviously just the view examples, I can't list every single one, others are lost in archived history.
It's not that I "can't wait" until Indonesia becomes secular Muslim and eventually, Hindu again, because we really CAN'T wait...we gotta MAKE IT happen by pushing those RTRs and FRTRs, and helping build underground Pagan-Satanic groups in Indonesia.
Hi, just reading to it post. So you saying Thailand is the most free from Christian/Muslim influence? They are mostly Buddhist yes?
There is not much Hinduism/paganism left in SE Asia? Apart from maybe Bali ?
But Thailand is kinda under control of the USA, I heard the CIA?!Well let's put it this way...."Secrecy is Golden". Satanic and Pagan souls anywhere aren't gonna go out and show off, I'm not referring to wannabe pagan groups, I'm referring to those who walk the path. Those who actually walk the path are too much of a threat to the matrix, therefore they can't go around revealing all of their religious practices. I just tell people I'm a Buddhist, and since I come from an Asian Christian background, I too am forced to "mix" esoteric Christainity when talking to people about spiritual subjects.
Additionally what I've noticed about the so-called "Buddhists" of Thailand is that they aren't "turn the other cheek" types, and there's been instances where they've retaliated against Islamic terrorists, mainstream Buddhism teaches people to "turn the other cheek".
Thai people are generally hateful of Islam, "hate" is not something typical to Budhdist belief. Thailand just seems to be in a very much better position than the other Southeast Asian nations, and while its seen its fair share of wars and ugly episodes - has never really been invaded/colonized. Thailand is also one of the more gun-friendly nations in Asia. Even the other wealthy Asian countries like Japan, Taiwan and South Korea don't allow their citizens gun ownerships.
Also, one can't always just look at what a religion someone or a nation or an organization proclaims "on the surface". Let's take the Falun Dafa or Falun Gong for example, the "surrounding castes" consider themselves Buddhist, however it's an open secret their inner core are Pagans, their founder Li Hongzhi has even told his inner circles not go around revealing their actual faiths to people, or to tell people about the Gods he has come into contact with, like the Rishis of India, who claim to be a "vegetarian monastic cult" but are using their powers to help lift India out of the shithole they been in. Same with the original Masons, the Templars of Europe, the Sufi Arabs and etc., they all have to claim a Muslim or Christian identity and hide their Satanic or Pagan core.
Yes, I've seen the articles on JoS about all the shitty practices and beliefs some of the buddhist monks have done, but in "general" Buddhists don't go around razing civilization to the ground, calling for jihad against non-Buddhists, or beheading people. The opposite quite frankly, it just so happens that their beliefs are harmful to the "self", again "turn the other cheek". If the millions of practicing Buddhists did RTRs, practiced black magick......I'm sure we'd be better off.
Even beyond SS-ism, spiritually-advanced people who use their powers for good are to be looked at positively as long as they don't have any jewish agendas on the table.
Have you been to India? Would u suggest going anywhere there? Thx!Well let's put it this way...."Secrecy is Golden". Satanic and Pagan souls anywhere aren't gonna go out and show off, I'm not referring to wannabe pagan groups, I'm referring to those who walk the path. Those who actually walk the path are too much of a threat to the matrix, therefore they can't go around revealing all of their religious practices. I just tell people I'm a Buddhist, and since I come from an Asian Christian background, I too am forced to "mix" esoteric Christainity when talking to people about spiritual subjects.
Additionally what I've noticed about the so-called "Buddhists" of Thailand is that they aren't "turn the other cheek" types, and there's been instances where they've retaliated against Islamic terrorists, mainstream Buddhism teaches people to "turn the other cheek".
Thai people are generally hateful of Islam, "hate" is not something typical to Budhdist belief. Thailand just seems to be in a very much better position than the other Southeast Asian nations, and while its seen its fair share of wars and ugly episodes - has never really been invaded/colonized. Thailand is also one of the more gun-friendly nations in Asia. Even the other wealthy Asian countries like Japan, Taiwan and South Korea don't allow their citizens gun ownerships.
Also, one can't always just look at what a religion someone or a nation or an organization proclaims "on the surface". Let's take the Falun Dafa or Falun Gong for example, the "surrounding castes" consider themselves Buddhist, however it's an open secret their inner core are Pagans, their founder Li Hongzhi has even told his inner circles not go around revealing their actual faiths to people, or to tell people about the Gods he has come into contact with, like the Rishis of India, who claim to be a "vegetarian monastic cult" but are using their powers to help lift India out of the shithole they been in. Same with the original Masons, the Templars of Europe, the Sufi Arabs and etc., they all have to claim a Muslim or Christian identity and hide their Satanic or Pagan core.
Yes, I've seen the articles on JoS about all the shitty practices and beliefs some of the buddhist monks have done, but in "general" Buddhists don't go around razing civilization to the ground, calling for jihad against non-Buddhists, or beheading people. The opposite quite frankly, it just so happens that their beliefs are harmful to the "self", again "turn the other cheek". If the millions of practicing Buddhists did RTRs, practiced black magick......I'm sure we'd be better off.
Even beyond SS-ism, spiritually-advanced people who use their powers for good are to be looked at positively as long as they don't have any jewish agendas on the table.
Have you been to India? Would u suggest going anywhere there? Thx!
Due to few time available, I only today could read some pages on islamicevil website.Thanks to Joy of Satan Guardian Karnonnos and our esteemed member Arcadia, a new site was composed to deal with this: In that website, the superstition, foolishness and pure evil of Islam is explained in very proper terms.
Really interesting thank you !Greetings everyone in our SS family,
I am very pleased to announce a first and very powerful step toward the removal and the deprogramming of the people from the Abrahamic virus of Islam. Islam is grotesque, evil and a horrendous form of blasphemy toward the Ancient Gods, a system of death and warfare that removed them from Arabia. Where there used to be paradise for spiritual people, knowledge and worship, now there lay ruins of superstition, evil and social imbalance.
Underlying it all however, the Gods are always strong and eternal, carrying their Disciples into wisdom regardless of what is going on on the surface of the failing world.
To our SS who are living under the grip of this evil program, worry not. Times will change. Stay secretive, do not reveal your allegiance to the Gods, and elevate your souls. Worry not about the external vileness, it will be cleansed eventually through the power of the Gods and our works.
Of all the viruses the enemy has created, Islam is the vilest, the most stupid and the most brutal one. Designed in particular only for the lesser and most ugly minds, it is simply a cult where slaves go around a rock, procreate as much as possible, and prepare for a global Jihad against everything that is proper and beautiful in this world.
Of course, many followers of Islam have made their own "Interpretations", since the human mind cannot tolerate or accept this vileness, as human beings stem from the Gods. Yet, the fundamental nature of Islam is essentially that of a spreading contagion and nothing else.
Thanks to Joy of Satan Guardian Karnonnos and our esteemed member Arcadia, a new site was composed to deal with this: In that website, the superstition, foolishness and pure evil of Islam is explained in very proper terms.
This is huge step in the development of the Joy of Satan and the spiritual reformation of our world. I want to thank both JG Karnonnos and Arcadia for putting in the work for this website, and JG Apollo Above for the design of the Website. Lord Thoth should be credited about the Logo, which encapsulates very simply the power the site has.
From now on, this site should be used as a weapon that can be sent to liberate minds and iron people under Islamic siege mentally. We will promote this in our outreach and in all our online sieges.
View attachment 3270
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan