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  1. Fuchs

    16th Centurys German 'oath skull' meaning?

    Is there a deeper meaning? First one Sator looks like Satan / last one Reversed
  2. Fuchs

    Question #3596: Dealing with innate mediocrity and hopelessness

    For better self-confidence you can do a spiritual sun square https://www.joyofsatan.org/Satans_Squares.html look ss calendar for a good starting date: https://jos-astro.com/#/astro-calendars
  3. Fuchs

    Would it be good to use AI to transform into a woman and become a superstar on Onlyfuns and sing?

    Yes and he can look feminine as a male if he really wants this, you don´t have to cut off your dick for this. As you can´t cut your soul. It will be like a amputation wound you can sometimes even feel phantiom pain, in cases like this. In the next live he has to live in a body with a dick again...
  4. Fuchs

    Quick Tips to Beat the Heat

    What about absorbing Water Element? "The more advanced you become, the more you will feel the coldnessof the water element. You should feel like a block of ice. Adepts are able to keep thebody cold as ice even in the hottest of summer weather. The water element canincite depression, so it is...
  5. Fuchs

    Quick Tips to Beat the Heat

    It also don´t help if around the world they cut down the woods/trees, or simply pay people to burn it (global warming warriors):ROFLMAO:
  6. Fuchs

    Healing the Emotional Body (for men too, don’t disregard this)

    Maybe you have this in you, you could turn your sadness into art, what ever you like, paintings, skulptures, song, a story,.... It helps to overcome.
  7. Fuchs

    Life's Difficulties & Spiritual Satanism

    I really like this statement: Change will happen, if the pain staying the same, is greater then the pain off changeing.
  8. Fuchs

    About Our SS Who Are In Retirement Age

    Could you not chare some meditations to prelong the live a little? I heared SA TA NA MA done a few rounds every day with a good affirmation towards this can do this.
  9. Fuchs

    Would it be good to use AI to transform into a woman and become a superstar on Onlyfuns and sing?

    Dude get in touch with your masculinity, do some days this ritual focus on your self: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/andras-power-ritual.html
  10. Fuchs

    Question #4334: Rei ki

    Why isn´t it?
  11. Fuchs

    Would it be good to use AI to transform into a woman and become a superstar on Onlyfuns and sing?

    As long you don't change from a men to a woman physically and always keep in mind you are a men, you can defend yourself, do what ever you feel like and is in accordance to satanic ethics ->https://www.joyofsatan.org/Satanic-Ethics.html.
  12. Fuchs

    "Anti-Semitic"... The Malign Anti-Gentile Black Magick Word!

    In a world only full off andrapoda humans, without spiritual abilities they are. That's the reason they do what they do.
  13. Fuchs

    "Anti-Semitic"... The Malign Anti-Gentile Black Magick Word!

    Even the Word Jew is stolen, it was a title describing a high Egyptian magician/priest (did learn from HPHC posts). They are semites in the the sense that their root way back at the beginning where a "gentile" tribe off thieves roaming around desert land. They made a pact with the reptilians...
  14. Fuchs

    Introductory Meditation to Runes

    I like your rune working, just include in your affirmation: " In a positive and healthy way for me" as you don't want a car accident to bring you much free time, combined with the need off staying in bed to heal.
  15. Fuchs

    Runic Work for career advancement

    M Maybe not the perfect working but you can adjust it to your needs: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/rune-working-job-work.69406/
  16. Fuchs

    Mentorship & Knowing To Teach

    I know you are crazy busy, but could you please reply to my email, thanks in advance.
  17. Fuchs

    The Ranks Of Humans, Demons & Gods

    You are right I did over read: "Aspiring Human" - These beings are good, higher types of people, who are more capable and able to advance. Their trajectory has started to be upward; still, there is strong tendency to evil and ignorance, but one is fighting against it, and they are succeeding...
  18. Fuchs

    The Ranks Of Humans, Demons & Gods

    They started as Humans as far as I understand from HPHC Sermon, therefore a downward category under fallen adrapod for this seems fitting. " In regards to why the Jews were not annihilated by the Ancient Peoples, who kept them in "check" for their behaviours, the situation is very simple is that...
  19. Fuchs

    The Ranks Of Humans, Demons & Gods

    What category would be a rabbi with spiritual abilities? From reading the categorys it seems only as from "Awakened Human" are spiritual powers possible, but they are clearly not in this category.
  20. Fuchs

    Thieves, Slanderers and Traitors: A Warning

    These people steal from them self if they don't mention JOS or donate the generated money, in the end the biggest treasure in the world is spiritual knowledge which will be generated by caring/funding.
  21. Fuchs

    Thieves, Slanderers and Traitors: A Warning

    I fully agree with you or similar statements here from HPHC or HPS Lydia, but please don't call spiritual seeking people customers. I know it was related to the japan ebay buying, but in my opinion we or anyone else that seeks spirituality is not a mere customer. This termonoly invites clames...
  22. Fuchs

    How to cast the Evil Eye

  23. Fuchs

    experiment raising strongest energy

    The method is not really important, what's important is that you raise as much as you can (if you can endure this amount during the full working period normaly 40 days), for a working (raising energy + programming it+ directing it, don´t forget one step). You could also do the Star of...
  24. Fuchs

    Ethics, Closeness to the Gods & Enemy Attacks

    Can the gods do something like, 60 % off their thoughts capacity are used for advancing, while at the same time using 30% for supervising their apprentices and giving guidance to them and like 10% for communication between them?
  25. Fuchs

    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1]

    Does true friendship mean there can't be sexual or romantic feelings?
  26. Fuchs

    Dating: Lies Told to Men [part 1]

    If a white person searcher for a top model girlfriend, which can still care for a household with a good hearth. In Russia are many beautiful wommen without a good male. This is because off WW2 many men died because the jews did use them as cannon fooder. Also there male livestyle and the recent...
  27. Fuchs

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    No I did mean we could report blasfemic parts on the JOS in a extra topic so HPHC has it more easier to fix these. As he wanted to clean the JOS from all missunderstandings.
  28. Fuchs

    Azazel's Astrology Addon Idea: Workings Suggestions for Natal charts

    I wanted to know in the first place, how other SS think about it, to see if it is a good idea. To get feedback, negative and positive. So if it is realized, it can be done in the best way. No code/tool can replace a good astrologer like HPHC or Lydia. A machine can't do divination. I would...
  29. Fuchs

    Azazel's Astrology Addon Idea: Workings Suggestions for Natal charts

    I agree and also for this purpose the tool could help. They see a possible working, click it and there astrology placement with the current planets, can be listed. So they can reverse engineer and look it up to get a better understanding.
  30. Fuchs

    Azazel's Astrology Addon Idea: Workings Suggestions for Natal charts

    Can you give a example? I'm not totally sure what you mean. A person has a birth chart, according to the moment/"star constellation" they are born and then there is the current state off the stars which affect them there working, depending on there physical location on earth/distance to the...
  31. Fuchs

    Azazel's Astrology Addon Idea: Workings Suggestions for Natal charts

    There may be some issues energy wise, but it is possible. You just have to repeat a mantra each day from a good astrological starting point a given amount a day. But keep the affirmation amount the same. That's not to hard. There could be some measures done, so beginners get other meditations...
  32. Fuchs

    Azazel's Astrology Addon Idea: Workings Suggestions for Natal charts

    Even the SS calendar could be integrated, they choose their location and according to the upcoming dates the suggested workings could adjust.
  33. Fuchs

    Azazel's Astrology Addon Idea: Workings Suggestions for Natal charts

    I think there are many layers off understanding in astrology, the more one knows the better one can improve. Everybody can do a planetary square, even people who just finished the 40 day program. Astrology takes much more time to get a good understanding.
  34. Fuchs

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Could we not create a extra topic, so people can report possible bad content (in this context) on the main JOS? So HPHC has possible less work.
  35. Fuchs

    New God Rituals Now LIVE: Maat & Dagan - Demon Section Future Updates

    Can someone explain what Izfet and Garagah means?
  36. Fuchs

    Azazel's Astrology Addon Idea: Workings Suggestions for Natal charts

    The idear is to give people related to their natal-chart spiritual improvement suggestions like planetary squares, rune workings, health tips,... like a skill tree in a game. If you do this your chart will change to this and in best case look like this, you will incorporate these positive...
  37. Fuchs

    Israeli "ultra-orthodox" now to be drafted to war.

    I think it is also used to motivate them to do more, or you go to war like. "Do what your head rabbi is telling you, or you go to the front lines." Never the less a positive sign. Thanks for posting.
  38. Fuchs

    About Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger, Lust, Gluttony

    It's good to know the word Demon also means Soul. I always thought it can only be blasphemy, if they write/sing battle your demons, inspired from jew propaganda (demons are only evil, corrupting people).
  39. Fuchs

    About Envy, Greed, Hate, Anger, Lust, Gluttony

    Thanks for writing your story, so people can avoid it. Did you try binding the person with the isa + gebo rune, so they wouldn't be able to testify against you in court?
  40. Fuchs

    Happy Summer Solstice!

    Is it not overall a great date for starting any rune working? In a older SS calendar this was written. If I not remember wrong. Thanks HPS Lydia for explaining the summer solstice.
  41. Fuchs

    About Translations: End Of 2024

    If you use something like firefox private mode in combination with a vpn which offers different locations (Proton VPN) you can just close your browser and switch locations and then continue translating with deepl. The new limits are scaring away users. I would rather watch a add or have...
  42. Fuchs

    About Violence & Conversion Of "People" To "God"

    Your comment is from a singular live perspective, being a SS achieveing MO is way more easy, then doing endless lives, growing up again learning to walk, speak, eat, being vulnerabel, reling on fate to have a good start. All your memory lost (past live regression is possible). Change will...
  43. Fuchs

    Can you marry Jews?

    No, no , no, no, no. If you wondering about your partners lineage, look into their family history. A gentile and a jew are like water and fire you do not combine these.
  44. Fuchs

    How do i find the strength to grow?

    Change will come, if the pain staying the same, is greater then changing. You will repeat your lives like this until you start changing. Also keep in mind we should all do everyday our warfare so the enemy does not win. You can add to your daily AOP "motivated" did help me much. I am at all...
  45. Fuchs

    For Our People: The Joy of Satan

    Even from a purely materialistic view, Satan offers us the possibility to explore the hole universe, including all riches, become immortal Gods. The highest enemies Jews would give everything they have, billions, trillions, including their families, everything to become immortal. As no amount...
  46. Fuchs

    Question #4869: Difficult case. Excessive sexual drive and fantasies.

    Great reply, I just wanted to add as you seem like a person who does programm energy much with intention, not so much with words, if using runes or any other bigger energy, after raising the energy always use a verbal(mental is less efficient) affirmation for programming. x3 x8 x18 times.
  47. Fuchs

    Each race resembling various animal groups

    I wouldn't compare animals to races. Different regions are suited for different people.
  48. Fuchs

    Hey I have a big question

    WW2 was the jews trying to take over the world with communism/judaism as a state form. The russians did plan with poland and france to take over germany, but russia secretly wanted hole europe. Hitler never wanted any war. Hitler did halt the russian invasion to the point the americans could...
  49. Fuchs

    "I AM" vs "I WILL BE" in Manifestation

    Good post about mind and feelings, but there is no pull out game, even your lust drop can make a wimmen pregnant and you should avoid aluminium at all costs to much off it leads to alzheimers. Also we should not advertise any medicine with homones, as we are no doctors we don't know off some...
  50. Fuchs

    AI generated picture of Furfur

    Just keep in mind the only save way to get in contact with the gods are there sigills. We had problems in the past with people trying to get in contact via magical bad enchanted pictures resulting in problems for the people.
  51. Fuchs

    I need some help/advice with Astrol Progecting!

    https://satanisgod.org/Meditations_for_Astral_Projection.html there are also some pdfs at the end.
  52. Fuchs

    Returning curses

    Just try to be neutral while sending back, doing the returning curses, just focus on goldwhite energy on you and all the dirt shooting away from you, as this can be used to curse someone. I recommend to use the prayer. This will help you to target the right people.
  53. Fuchs

    Serving Satan is what I love most, but...

    Start talking to him, daily, tell him what you did, ask for guidence to help him more or more efficient, if you allready do good, you will get a positive reply to just continue and be at ease.
  54. Fuchs

    Question #4785: Stye Remedy HEALTH

    You could do a venus quare for better skin.
  55. Fuchs

    Question #4781: talisman's

    Everything positive can be used to advance, you could spend your hole live charging empowering a crystal wand, but if you use the same energy to work on your self you get more out off it. It can also not be taken away from you as easy. Please only use mantras approved from JOS, as there are...
  56. Fuchs

    Question #4782: What should you do if you've race mixed prior to finding spiritual satanism?

    No everybody can advance, if you want to find a partner try to find someone equally mixed. Just don't skip any day, keep meditating.
  57. Fuchs

    Question #4784: Problems with Anger

    Do martial arts.
  58. Fuchs

    Question #4786: Isn't Food Satanic and Spiritual too?

    If we eat healthy food, instead off junkfood/poisoned(fluorite salt, aluminium, ...). Also meat from animals that were treated good is better. This will help you stay healthy and in return help you advance. If you want to refer to outsiders, I would stick to the term spiritual to advertise a...
  59. Fuchs

    Question #4789: I don't know what to do

    Did you check your birth chart a bit? Enter your birth chart here: Jos Astro - Free Astrology Chart Calculator Best Astrology Chart Calculator. Get your charts FREE and WITHOUT REGISTRATION: Natal charts, Transits, Solar Return, Lunar Return and Astrology Calendars www.jos-astro.com after...
  60. Fuchs

    can fear be a good thing?

    If you stand on the edge off a deep cliff, or face similar life-threatening choices if "taken the wrong steps", no matter how brave/skilled you are without fulfilling a higher purpose like defending someone, then yes. One could argue, a true higher being doesn't need fear, as stupid choices...
  61. Fuchs

    About manifesting a car from my parents

    @ADMINS why is my reply not approved? The one with the gif?
  62. Fuchs

    About manifesting a car from my parents

    A new driver should not start with such a valuable fast car. Chances are they hurt themself and loose the car. A car is also a rather bad investment, 20% off the value off a new car just vanishes by driving it. Get a good shape 1 year old car.
  63. Fuchs

    About manifesting a car from my parents

    I watched some documentations about mexico and there cartel problems. Some people do not have a real choice if they want to work or not. If you can stay out off it, stay out off it. Enter your birth chart here: https://www.jos-astro.com/#/natal-chart after that go on the symbols on the left...
  64. Fuchs

    About manifesting a car from my parents

    No one should brainwash them self, so they take abuse/endure a boring/bad job. Better look for a better job. This will not give you balance.There won't be a job, that is always great, but it should be in the 70-80% off the time good range.
  65. Fuchs

    About manifesting a car from my parents

    Possibel exploiting jewish "people" controlled wealth should be a desired outcome. That's what I suggested with delivering people cheap and easy access to medicine. Some costing 5000 USD for one dose while production costs are under 10 USD. If the state is paying for these for people, this is...
  66. Fuchs

    About manifesting a car from my parents

    Everything can be changed/evolved to something better. That was my point. Bill Gates isn't insane, he is a small-minded earth centered jew. Who want's to control his cattle/goyems according to the legal laws, so the gras and the cattle bring him/them the best outcome. I never said anything...
  67. Fuchs

    About manifesting a car from my parents

    Overall I would agree with you, but if you look at Bill Gates, what he does is perfectly legal vaccinations etc. but it is more detestable as anything a cartel ever did. If a criminal organization would for example produce heavy licensed expensive medicine and help people to get medicine way...
  68. Fuchs

    Question #4573: Can you manifest a specific person as a SS and if yes, how to do so??

    Yes, but just don't, better do a working on your aura to attract good partners. Or venus (beauty) or mars (masculinity) square improvement. Search for topics like this: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/question-2771-how-to-be-sexually-attractive-part-2.90356/#post-466002
  69. Fuchs

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    There is good anime and there are these xtian vibe, wayfu animes.
  70. Fuchs

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    I was once in an area where turtles would just cross the streets, also the house I was staying at, had a wild permanent turtle in the garden, so the thought came natural to me. :LOL:
  71. Fuchs

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    We should not imply for people as a solution to finding a mate, they have to take drugs and degenerate, if they are hopeless.😂 If one is really hopeless I suggest, just go out and imagine yourself successful. Talk to at least 10 interesting people, don't feel a rejection as failure, see it as...
  72. Fuchs


    Wealth is the dept off someone else. All wealth + all dept (world banking)= 0 At least in our financial system (1). It's the enemy slavery system adapted by jewish bankies. Successful worldwide company owner: I earn good money, because I pay good wages. This does not mean the people there...
  73. Fuchs

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    I have to add regarding: "I think there is something in NOFAP. It's only been 4 months so still early days." Statistics show men who are not sexual active, have a way higher chance off testicular cancer. We SS should know how to direct/absorb energy, including our own sexual energy, we don't...
  74. Fuchs

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    There is a lid for every pot, but: Lid and pots on a dating apps for example likewise want to date 20% off the hottest persons. This leaves many people lonely, unloved. Evolution wise only the best procreate etc. it is good, but with the spiritual tools we were given to improve, I don't see...
  75. Fuchs

    Doubt andy

  76. Fuchs

    Death & Funerary Rites In Spiritual Satanism

    Do the gods judge all souls? My last information was, that there are to many souls, most off them just reincarnate on their own. Thanks for explaining more about the subject HPHC.
  77. Fuchs

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    With the Curse Israel, Reverse Blood Sacrifice Ritual, Restoring Gentile Power To Rule Own Nations RTR you can increase the reps off the reverse thora by 9, so instead off 9 times you can do them 18/27/36/... times, BUT the affirmation amount stays the same(9). I do this, so I safe time with...
  78. Fuchs

    Let Us Save The Goddamn World!

    What do you mean by higher forces? Why aside from the gods is this important? (feel aligned with the living interests of another.) Can´t one advance alone? I remember in one post you did say in order to raise the serpent, one has to be loved by someone. Thanks in advance HPHC
  79. Fuchs

    Taking Requests for Guided Meditation Tracks

    Also I don't say you do this but: Art can be used to influence SS people negatively, Zola a former member did this in the past with magic infused paintings, as a SS I would not listen while meditating to music from anyone specially advertising it on here, also including some messages in a other...
  80. Fuchs

    Taking Requests for Guided Meditation Tracks

    I would not use enoch, I would use sanskrit.
  81. Fuchs

    Question #4408: Can I become a Tiktok Chi-gong/Tai Chi influencer?

    If you do the journey and you get the knowledge, this should change your way off thinking.
  82. Fuchs

    Question #4383: Feel strange pull towards Islam

    You did not read enough about it: https://satanslibrary.org/English/Exposing_Islam_-_High_Priestess_Zildar_Raasi.pdf Just search for Islam here(STRG/Control+F): https://satanslibrary.org/
  83. Fuchs

    Write Down Your Problems

    Some days, I hate that I'm dependent from love/affection from other people, I wish there could be a way/working for me to just live, work , meditate and still be totally happy in a healthy and beneficial way for me.
  84. Fuchs

    Write Down Your Problems

    Atleast for me the search function on the JOS main does not work, no matter what I search for, I only get the result: Did you search for on?
  85. Fuchs

    Write Down Your Problems

    I have great ideas, but I lack either the money, abilities, perseverance, motivation, resources, knowledge to do everything on my own. At the same time I'm bad with connecting to new people/Business partners. Communication/Trust issues. Trance and communication with the gods I could be better.
  86. Fuchs

    Write Down Your Problems

    I really like your spiritual guide roadmap, good job. -> https://roadmap.sh/r?id=65d613bd66cd6d03d2c365fa
  87. Fuchs

    Rosemary's Baby - Jews and Our Babies

    https://www.ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/blood-sacrifice-cannibalism-genocide-jewish-practices-unrelated-to-gentiles.65463/#post-304439 https://www.ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/jos-position-on-jews-we-are-good-and-you-are-evil.63877/#post-290031
  88. Fuchs

    Question #4324: LOVE and SOUL

    Satan/Gods created the humans on earth, but the persons/souls living on earth now are the offspring off these. Meaning people having offspring created their souls, if not a reincarnated soul does inhabit the body. The souls are created according to the original "blueprint" the gods did create...
  89. Fuchs

    Question #4334: Rei ki

    I don´t know, if there are better ways of doing it, except off raising more energy to clean before, but aura cleaning with returning Curses 1&2 is based on Rei ki.
  90. Fuchs

    Order of Importance Regarding Meditation?

    I agree on 1. but if you have personal workings like a square, you have to do them first, then if you have time RTR's as they will help you in the long run doing better stronger RTR's. There are things like earplugs, if you have a room for your self which you can lock up. You also can listen...
  91. Fuchs

    Who Will Do It?

    Can't you just flee to germany? Asking for asylum.
  92. Fuchs

    Creation Off A UPtime JOS multilanguage monitor site?

    By trying different languages off the main website, I couldn't reach some. For the clergy to make it more easy to identify and restore these, a uptime site would be good. Maybe something like this allready exists but it isn't puplic?
  93. Fuchs

    Earning fiat and paying taxes versus building communities with crypto

    Even if you are on unemployment benefit from the state, you pay taxes by buying things, even with crypto (BTC everything else is a bad store off value), as not everything can be bought directly from the producer. It's more about to earn as much as you can, while at the same time doing your daily...
  94. Fuchs

    Zarathustra's Wheel.

    If you can, could you write something about the current situations off the affairs on earth, are we doing good so far? Will there be a nother ritual shedule in short time? Thanks in advance HPHC
  95. Fuchs

    National Socialist Africa flag

    I would replace the yellow with white fully or only the circle also between the lightning bolts and in the middle instead off yellow a red circle. In the black center cicle a white line pentagram (downwards). These are just ideas.
  96. Fuchs

    [VIDEO] Advanced Tibetan Meditation

    I think because they expand there Sushumna, the energy that normally flows through rises. This as a byproduct produces more heat. The same could be done by absorbing enough off the fire element and retaining it (take the warnings on the JOS site about it serious).
  97. Fuchs

    Black hats

    Always remember Jews have nothing on there own (culture, knowledge) it's all stolen from gentiles, except for blood sacrifices and related. There is one demon who doesn't like it, if the satanist calling to him, wears a hat. I don't think there is a special fashion, what ever helps you get a...
  98. Fuchs

    Very grateful for any advice you may have

    If we improve earth as a hole vibration wise, these misfortunes will be gone or severely less. If everybody would know there chart and how to work on it, they could avoid these.
  99. Fuchs

    Question #4274: Celtic and Germanic

    This could also be your first live, it's not about national identities it's about race.
  100. Fuchs

    Goyim Revolution

    Well if you listen to music, that is not purely electronic, you always somehow channel the vibe off the musician. Meaning if one would only listen to one musician a longer time, they would after some time start thinking and acting like the musician.
  101. Fuchs

    (un)Holy books in spiritual satanism

  102. Fuchs

    Ritual Schedule Feb 29 to March 15

    Azazel's Ritual is missing: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/azazel-power-ritual
  103. Fuchs

    Question #4212: Meeting people?

    Join a teamsport club (soccer,...)
  104. Fuchs

    Question #4214: Origins of satanism and your views

    1. HPS Maxine worked day and night for this place. 2. Your soul / you will always have the same: Gender, Sexuality, Race. By racemixing you create bodys your soul can't reincarnate. Jews know this therefore they maintain there race, people in Israel have to do a DNA test before a rabbi does the...
  105. Fuchs


    Welcome, first off all one needs to be dedicated to do protected warfare against the enemy (RTRs,..) here you find more info: https://www.joyofsatan.org/SATANIC.html If you are, you can do the Final RTR (you can start even with 1 rep), https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/final-rtr Normaly we do...
  106. Fuchs

    What was the meaning of Satanic Keys?

    They are still on the JOS site because off history reasons. Better do the FRTR with one rep.
  107. Fuchs

    Can music be used to change the energy of a room/environment?

    Music on it self does not do anything, it's living beings which can raise, program, direct energy. The more one listens to a certain kind off music the more ones syncs with these, changing behavior looks etc. You can work with color orange: https://satanisgod.org/Color.html
  108. Fuchs

    What was the meaning of Satanic Keys?

    To change the enemy programming off there angels to create a angel for the better rituals to work (RTRs, etc). It's like programming a virus in a computer language on which a pc is running (assembly) then inserting the virus in the system, so it changes in the way one want's it to change. In our...
  109. Fuchs

    What was the meaning of Satanic Keys?

    We did like peel an onion every ritual was important at the time, to do deeper and more effective ones. Also with time the gods did provide more effective ones, because we did take down enough enemy defenses so the more advanced ones will work. The keys are a outdated weapon, like nowadays a...
  110. Fuchs

    Freeing the soul kickback??

    A1 Do you drink much coca cola? Do you eat healthy? Did you somehow with much force broke a teeth? A2 Sun hour should be best. But look in the SS Calendar for a good start date.
  111. Fuchs

    Attracting love

  112. Fuchs

    Problems in anyway? Call Me At :(+1)666-COBRA'S-FAULT

    Thank you very much High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, for everything you do for us and the gods, you are always there to protect this place. You have the hardest job from us all. I can't imagine someone better for your position.
  113. Fuchs

    How to deal with a haunting

    Your signature is logical wrong:"I don't want to become a God I want to become myself." By becoming a God you will reach the best version off yourself.
  114. Fuchs

    Question #4158: 11 September Attack

    Why was WW1, WW2, killing off Gadaffi (migrant crisis), Russia becoming a communist state,.... prevented ? because it served the jewish purpose. To enlarge their dominion. In the case of 9/11 attack to drag the USA into wars with islamic rival states off Israel.
  115. Fuchs

    Question #4117: Lost information?

    On Odysee you can find most off HPHCs. videos. If someone can drop a link thanks in advance:
  116. Fuchs

    Do the little things always matter in life?

    There are two kinds off people, the first group can remember longer then 1 month things outside there direct environment, like for example: This group off people did that, which did lead to this. And then there are the larger group off people 2/3 estimated who only can remember up to 1 month...
  117. Fuchs

    Question #4146: About donating money and sending a personal message to HPHC

    Just ask your question here. One does screenshot there wallet after doing the transaction with XRM, better send the picture not via your phone i-net to HPHCs email. Use a vpn.
  118. Fuchs

    Question #4147: Shadowbanned?

    No one get´s shadowbanned here, sometimes a post can't get through or is not approved. Just ask again.
  119. Fuchs

    Question #4149: Where should I start?

  120. Fuchs

    Question #4152: Temple of Solomon

    No not true, they are not even here physically on this planet, only thing I remember was a god telling them, that there reign will be a short one.
  121. Fuchs

    Me and my cat good relationship

    You can find some information here: https://www.joyofsatan.org/Merging_Astral_Consciousness.html
  122. Fuchs

    Many Jews and celebrities would be scared to death of these laws being implemented worldwide

    You can't reverse a death penalty. Since we don't see the absolute truth like the gods there is always the chance off wrong judgement. I also don't get why people think, killing will change someones future incarnation behavior. Death penalty can easily be abused to erase people like us, by lying...
  123. Fuchs

    For some personal reasons ,I really want to delete my account so that I create a new one .How do I delete my account??

    You have to make a post with your real acc and quote the clergy and request a deletion. A1 does she drink enough water everyday? Can you afford to see a doctor? A2 you can do this but spoken out words are more effective.
  124. Fuchs

    request up number of flow when rituals

    Which rituals and why?
  125. Fuchs

    Question #4050: 5GTOWER MAYHEM

    If one developed a strong AOP and a strong aura off deflection (returning curses 1&2) these 4/5 G Antennas won't do you much harm. Of course it is better not to live near these things. Most things that do harm many humans, are promoted to depopulate.
  126. Fuchs


    After your daily RTRs if you are dedicated, you should do aura cleaning/returning curses 1&2 then you can direct all the negative stuff back to the senders. If someone does harass you, you can do a binding on a favorable astrological date ( SS Calendar 2024). If someone seriously tries to...
  127. Fuchs

    Why jews punish their own women

    You can ask me anything here, if you need privacy you can use the asksatan tool.
  128. Fuchs

    ı want to commit suicide

    Beeing bottom down in your live, has the advantage it can only get better/up from now on. Keep going up.
  129. Fuchs


    Why / how is it spiritually damaging?
  130. Fuchs

    Question #3878: Need Help.

    Please explain your problem further. Make a new post if you want to be anonymous.
  131. Fuchs


    I did read that some have after the surgery phantom pain, can't have a good sex live anymore. Personally I want to reach MO in this live, everything else is second for me.
  132. Fuchs


    Just wanted to remind everyone a condom can break. A women on the pill can get sick, vomit safety gone. Some medicine can also alter the effect. There is the spiral for women but this brings bad copper exposure.
  133. Fuchs


    A women can get pregnant from the lustdrop , not only if you actually come.
  134. Fuchs

    Question #3760: How to remove monotone voice

    Could help: https://www.ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/rune-working-selfexpression-improvement-suggestions-welcome.74651/
  135. Fuchs


  136. Fuchs


    HPS Maxine has children, still she managed to do her job, created/cared-for the JOS, meditated every day. This makes one wonder how she did all this. If one works like 10h + 3-4h meditation + 7h sleep = 20 - 21h so 3-4h left a day to raise a kid, if one does not count the weekend.
  137. Fuchs


    Is a Vasectomy bad/ good, if one does not want to have children or has already enough? What is the satanic view on it?
  138. Fuchs

    Celtic Symbol

    If I remember right the 3 are symbolic for the 3 bodys off a soul: Physical Astral Ether the circle means they are connected.
  139. Fuchs

    China creates a A brain virus that has a 100% kill rate.

    A deadly virus can't spread far as it kills it's hosts. A virus to survive will always develop to a less deadly version or it goes extinct. Sending big amount off it around the world and releasing it at the same time is rather unlikely, as we have people working to protect there countries, can...
  140. Fuchs

    Political Warfare Infographics (Edited) (1st part)

    I get why you did include the abortion topic, it's important to keep in mind:
  141. Fuchs

    Negative thoughts

    You can do a sun spiritual sun square for better self-confidence. It is said, after raising the kundalini/serpent people are always in balance.
  142. Fuchs

    My wife cheated on me

    You might find this topic interesting: https://www.ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/black-magic-cheater-revenge-working.66777/
  143. Fuchs

    A Matriarchy - When is it Preferable?

    The best leader/civilization builder should lead, regardless off gender. If a couple is better then a individual person for the race, then this is also a option. I think because we live on a rather violent planet, with long ongoing war with the enemy. Men were better suited as they tend to be...
  144. Fuchs


    Share: Facebook, X, reddid, pinterest, whatsapp etc function should be disabled. It's right under a new post under attach files button. I see much security/privacy risk for new people. Thank you very much ApolloAbove for the new Forum.
  145. Fuchs

    Very grateful for any advice you may have

    You should do 5 min off void training everyday. You have to take control over your thoughts. https://satanisgod.org/Satanic_Void_Meditation.html Along with cleaning returning curses 1&2. Everything that happened in your live was destined by your birth chart, only with planetary squares/...
  146. Fuchs

    Satan and 12 steps

    Welcome. You could try this meditation it helps with recovering from drug abuse: https://www.joyofsatan.org/Crown_Chakra.html "Openingthis pathway is also very healing for drug addicts as it naturally induces extremepleasure. The second vibration is the MAUM mantra."
  147. Fuchs

    I've noticed these numbers appear in my life... What might it mean?

    https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=74710&hilit=numbers Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers"
  148. Fuchs

    Question #3625: Me ajude [Help me]

    Work on your aura off protection and aura off returning curses, everything bad they say about you will be returned back to them. Binding all off them would be to much time/energy consuming. Here you find returning curses 1&2 it's the main way to clean your aura...
  149. Fuchs

    Question #3627: Two slightly personal questions.

    If you don't have sexual feelings for anyone, but you can love everyone isn't this not normal that one is abel to love someone without sexual feelings? You could try cleaning your sexual sacral chakra (the second above base chakra). I think you should first try to look if you can change this...
  150. Fuchs

    Keeping A Mouth Shut: A Practical View On The Satanic Adage

    In a dangerous situation you don't think about what some judge will say, you have to make it out alive first and for all. If you think about it, in that moment this can be the second you don't have. The best weapon in my opinion you can carry are your hands/body. You can't forget them, you just...
  151. Fuchs

    Attack the Enemy RTR Schedule (06.01.-10.01.24) - Optional

    There is no point off going all in outside off official schedules. You overwork yourself and can't do as much when the next schedule is announced. 1 time FRTR+Tetra+ Shatter a day is good, if you feel like it do 2, but I wouldn't do more. This is no sprint we are for the long run in this. The...
  152. Fuchs

    Keeping A Mouth Shut: A Practical View On The Satanic Adage

    If you see a person or a crowd that you see as possible dangerous, change the street side. If you can't, just turn around and run away, the same applies if they also change the side. Every avoided fight, is the best fight. It's best to always be aware off your surroundings if your outside...
  153. Fuchs

    question about time

    If you forget the past, sometimes people do the same error again.
  154. Fuchs

    Anger Against Christians/Jews/Muslims: Managing That

    The insanity is strong in this one.
  155. Fuchs

    Some questions about Astrology and Spiritual Satanism

    Welcome A1. We accept astrology as truth and live according to it/ do magical workings to change our path. We have even our own astrology site: https://www.jos-astro.com/#/ The highest goal in Spiritual Satanism/Live is to reach the godhead archive spiritual and physical immortality raise your...
  156. Fuchs

    question about time

    I think how it is now, is a good reminder to fight everyday our spiritual battles. When we have finally won, we can declare this year SS0. As it would show a new beginning for humanity. Also for registration, it stuff the old system can still be used. People would not like to rethink there...
  157. Fuchs

    Question #3536: I hope it worked then... Dedication.

    Welcome, It's fine, nobody has to be in a trance to do the dedication ritual, you have to mean it and at least one small drop off you blood should be on the paper with your name.
  158. Fuchs

    Question #3433: Connecting the Chakras, Advanced Members Please

    You may can get some insights here: https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Star_of_Astaroth.html
  159. Fuchs

    Elon Musk: Short Message About Jews

    Yesterday in the radio they announced electric cars, only have less emmisions after 90.000 km driven, if the energy was produced "environmentally friendly", if not gas cars are equal or better :lol: :lol: :lol: . This was calculated by the VDI engineers. I don´t believe they did consider a...
  160. Fuchs

    THE NEW JOY OF SATAN WEBSITE LAYOUT IS NOW LIVE! [Update 2 - Changelog 15/Dec/2023]

    For me most picture links are broken, always get a 404 error message.
  161. Fuchs

    Question #3349: Question About The Dedication Ritual

    Welcome, I wish you much success on your spiritual journey.
  162. Fuchs

    Question #3349: Question About The Dedication Ritual

    It's fine. Just meditate on his sigil feel his energy, keep a open mind, ask him to guide you what to do next. A good start is the 40 day training: https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf
  163. Fuchs

    Question #3354: I have lost my job

    Rune Working Job/Work https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=69406 If possible start on a good date with the SS calendar 2023. https://www.jos-astro.com/#/
  164. Fuchs

    Elon Musk: Short Message About Jews

    - Every company he took over, the people had to do much overtime. He even made jokes about it: like he will give everyone a pillow so they can sleep in the office. - Self driving cars which can be hacked/have malfunctions and people expressing/exposing the jews on X can have a smal fatal...
  165. Fuchs

    JOS downloading

    You should use our astrology site: https://www.jos-astro.com/#/ go to natal charts -> then insert your birth chart infos -> then on the left side where you can see this: Click on (or touch) the planets, zodiac signs and house numbers symbols to see more options. press on the symbols...
  166. Fuchs

    Immortal body rune working

    Do it since 2020.10.26 everyday. Did not have any bad experience.
  167. Fuchs

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule: Dec 7 to Dec 12

    We still should do everyday, at least once FRTR+Tetra+Shattering right? To new people always clean after doing RTRs.
  168. Fuchs

    JOS downloading

    Don´t know if this is the latest, but it is one. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=42136
  169. Fuchs


    A3. Probably because you were sick. sickness is related to grey or black color. Try cleaning returning curses 1&2 everyday.
  170. Fuchs

    Question #3208: How does one know that they are heavily inflicted with Jewish curse in their soul

    Start doing cleaning (returning curses 1&2) everyday and you will see how much your live improves. If you are dedicated, then you can also do return thora rituals everyday RTRs. All gentiles are cursed from them, but the more one gentile connect to them via there programs christianity, islam...
  171. Fuchs

    Question #3196: Group rituals: Family, love, sex, personal life.

    I think we had one group ritual including health, save and protected in my understanding, also includes health at least partly. Families, cildren, love, sex, this are all areas I think, one can better work on without a group ritual. As in a group ritual all participants do work towards a...
  172. Fuchs

    Cleansing Astral Sound

    You mean Raum or Suryja (sun mantras)? Aum (hearth chakra mantra) is not directly related to cleaning, as far as I know, it's rather something that helps to materialize your spiritual work in the real world. It boosts a affirmation if used before and after, like here...
  173. Fuchs

    Question #3187: Why does life show wrong path to me all the time

    I know this probably just a example, but I see some problems with it: A car, all machines you use for transportation/can lead to your death if malfunctioned, should be checked regularly, one is rather lucky, if the car does not start, then if the breaks don´t work or similar things because off...
  174. Fuchs

    The Right And Wrong Spirit Of The World

    Even before I joined the JOS and I somehow, did found out that Hitler was a good guy, it always did feel wrong, if some christian right wingers did say: Hail Hitler or state, I'm a white Aryan (following a jewish messiah*face palm*). All these statements / titles mean nothing, if they are not...
  175. Fuchs

    Is Praise Satan a balancing mantra

    Satanama does this, but also here use a affirmation.
  176. Fuchs

    Question #3187: Why does life show wrong path to me all the time

    You have to understand your birth chart/your self, then you can focus on your biggest problem and work on it/post here again. You can use this SS tool, for knowing your birth chart: https://jos-astro.com/
  177. Fuchs

    Spiritual Reset Day / Dopamine Detox Day

    It's helpful to first do your meditations for a day, then do games or similar things as kind of a reward.
  178. Fuchs

    With antisemitic tweet, Elon Musk reveals "the" ‘actual truth’

    Did you read the disclaimer?
  179. Fuchs

    Question #3153: deeply troubled. need some relationship advice!

    Do this working on a good date see SS calendar: Gebo x 10 then , Ehwaz x 10 then, x10 Tiwaz. Rune color Green. [Name Person] leads a genuinely happy love relationship with me. x3 reps. x40 or 80 days straight. "Moon in Libra Good time to form love relationships, marriages, partnerships of all...
  180. Fuchs

    Promoting JoS from Tiktok and Instagram

    Did you think about hiding your personal data (location, phone, real name)?
  181. Fuchs

    About self confidence / brain strengthening / Social Skills

    Square or working efficiency, depends on the persons birth chart.
  182. Fuchs

    With antisemitic tweet, Elon Musk reveals "the" ‘actual truth’

    Disclaimer: Musk is not an ally, he is rather an enemy, this is probably just a move to get data on enemys off jews and at the same time increase the traffic on twitter/X. " New York CNN — Elon Musk has publicly endorsed an antisemitic conspiracy theory popular among White supremacists...
  183. Fuchs


    You don't have to use any runes or even workings. Just do returning Curses 1&2 and at the end imagine who ever you want getting your bad energy that you cleaned off from you. As a overall rule, don´t think that a spell could fire back/don't doubt your work. Normally the person with the...
  184. Fuchs

    What does this quote from Mein Kampf mean?

    Get your picture off your acc asap. The enemy can curse you with this.
  185. Fuchs

    About self confidence / brain strengthening / Social Skills

    https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=77543&p=387268&hilit=rune+working#p387268 https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=44018&p=195931&hilit=rune+working+intelligence#p195931 Affirmation is fine. You're welcome.
  186. Fuchs

    About self confidence / brain strengthening / Social Skills

    Sun square is good for confidence, brain strength if you mean memory and intelligence I did post a rune working, you can search for it. Social skills like a entertainer? I also created/posted a rune working in this area I thought more about a singer finding a good song text, but it should...
  187. Fuchs

    Facing insecurities head on

    Sun square, confidence working.
  188. Fuchs


    Some bury there spiritual ones instead off burning, these people know a technique to take energy from there corpse, the corpse dissolves and the soul transforms in a lesser rainbow body, it's like a ghost who does not loose energy. One could say these souls are like "ghosts gods". Normal...
  189. Fuchs

    Question #3154: Want to come up very high without any one

    Money is largely influenced by your sun chakra, but overall cleaning all chakras should help, Sun squares, Aura off protection etc. Doing RTRs, returning curses. When I did have a small business sometimes after doing RTR's I would sell something.
  190. Fuchs

    Question #3154: Want to come up very high without any one

    In a marriage both people have to do their part. If you make this wealthy person happy then you did your part. Also in live you will most likely without other peoples cooperation somehow, not accumulate large wealth. Even a normal job is working with other people. I's not an insult to your...
  191. Fuchs

    Question #3148: How much time do people who protect this place spend on protecting it?

    Here you go: JoS Activism - SS Internet Batallion https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=27
  192. Fuchs

    Question #3147: Can one do Protection ritual for Satanists every night?

    You could, but it is more efficient to do it on the dates and instead, advancing your self.
  193. Fuchs

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    People would understand, the gods have also there messengers/"secretaries" to help them organize. Maybe just adding a public mailing address so people can choose between directly sending, or going over the new one. We have nowadays the AskSatanOperator tool, so people can ask anonymous. - A...
  194. Fuchs

    Question #3114: Always horny

    With advancement / working on kundalini, can arise periods off less sex drive and also hightend periods, that's not unusual.
  195. Fuchs

    Question #3117: Protection

    Dedication to Satan -> Aura off protection and returning curses, after doing reversing thora rituals everyday keeps you save.
  196. Fuchs

    Question #3123: full story of High Priest Salem Burke

    If you search in the forum you find more info. I don't think the topic is relevant in any way nowadays. The only thing one can learn from it, don't do drugs it's only a downwards spiral.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
