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Quick Tips to Beat the Heat

Win the war against mosquitos.

How to stop your body's reaction to a mosquito bite.

You can use the hot water in your sink or your bathtub. Make the water so that it is hot enough to be pretty uncomfortable, but make sure it is not too hot that it won't burn you. Then put this hot water flowing over the mosquito bite for a few seconds. Maybe 10 seconds. And you can do this 2 or 3 times if you aren't sure, but it should be enough the first time. If the mosquito bite is in a place on your body that is hard for you to get under the stream of water, you can put a metal spoon under the water to heat up then touch yourself with that.

This denatures the protein from the mosquito that your body is having an allergic type reaction to. The bump will still be there for a few days. But the itching reaction will stop immediately. Basically taking the molecule, and changing the shape of it so that it is now looking like something else. This is the same thing that happens when you cook an egg, and the protein goes from being loose and like a slime, to being solid and much more dense as the proteins crumple up.

How to make a mosquito trap to remove all the mosquitos from your yard or your home.
I have not made one of these yet, but from the video and the comments of people who tried it, it looks like this trap works very well.
This is made from simple inexpensive materials, and you can use simple hand tools.

For the light fixture or electrical outlet, if you are American. The black wire will go to the gold/brass color screw, the white wire will go to the silver screw, and if you have a green or green/yellow striped ground wire, this ground screw will often be green. If you are not American, I think everything will be different.

If you have flower pots, bird baths, buckets, bowls, or anything else like this that hold water when it rains. It is important to dump these out often. These containers of water are where the mosquito eggs are laid, so you will have many more mosquitos if they are breeding there. For things like a bird bath that you want to keep with water in it, you can just dump this out and refill it every few days to keep fresh water and remove all the mosquito larvae.

This won't help with mosquitos because I think they are too small, but for getting rid of all kinds of flying bugs in general. You can also install a Bat Box. This is a wooden box with narrow slots, that is a perfect home for bats to live in. You can put this high in a tree. And to stay warm at night, these are usually painted dark colors which will make them blend in with the tree and be less noticeable. And your happy bat family will be eating all of the moths and other flying bugs. :)
R 1 yun-chuan, a point from the hot air.
Location: in the center of the sole, in the fossa between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones at the level of 2/5 of the distance from the end of the 2nd finger to the back of the heel.
Another recipe, healthy banana "ice cream": just bananas + cacao powder in a blender (0.5 - 1 Tablespoons cacao per banana) and freeze it. I have heard of a similar recipe using milk instead of cacao, but I haven't tried it, nor do I know the ratio. Bananas can help replenish potassium also.
I added this to my OP. I've been making it through the summer and it tastes amazing! Thank you :)
Much of this is of artificial origin, for example they have been fumigating the atmosphere with chemicals for many years, you have surely heard about chemtrails and seen the trails that airplanes leave in the sky.
They also use other types of technologies to manipulate the weather.
It also don´t help if around the world they cut down the woods/trees, or simply pay people to burn it (global warming warriors):ROFLMAO:
For those who don’t have AC, or want to keep electricity bills down.

-After you shower, turn it to cold for about 30 seconds. This will keep your body temperature lowered for a while after your shower.

-If you feel the heat is unbearable at any time in your day, pop back into the shower and blast it on cold for 30 seconds. Just stand there enjoying the freezing temp. People die every summer in their homes from the heat, this trick can save lives. You can also do this right before you go to bed to help you sleep.

-If you need to walk through your home but feel lazy and too hot to get up (from your bedroom to your kitchen, for example), keep a small jar/container of water next to you, or a spray bottle. Apply some water to your arms and legs, then get up and walk where you need to. The act of walking will create a breeze on the drops of water, and will lower your body temperature. You can do this right before you head outside too, but the effects won’t last long, unless you bring a spray bottle with you and don’t mind doing this in public.

-If you’re sweating a lot, look into supplementing with electrolytes. You can add a small pinch of rock crystal salt to your water to help, if you can’t get electrolyte supplements.

-Wear lightweight loose-fitting clothing. This creates a breeze around your skin. You see a lot of people wearing tight minimal clothing, such as women wearing very short shorts, this is actually worse than wearing long loose skirts. You don’t want the sun blasting on your skin, it will heat up your body temperature.

-Wear linen clothing if you sweat a lot. Linen absorbs and dissipates sweat much better than other fabrics. But you’ll need to purchase an iron if you don’t already have one, linen wrinkles after washing.

-If you have a baby and need to go outside, dampen a towel (preferably white or another pale color) and place it over the stroller (from the top to where their feet are). The water will cool down the area within.

-If you feel like you are sick from the heat, keep an ice pack in the freezer (you can buy them in local pharmacies, they are usually blue in color), and put it on your head for a few minutes to cool the area, and then on your chest. Or chest first then your head. Only leave on for as long as is comfortable, you can do this for a few minutes through the day as needed.

-If you’re planning a vacation, perhaps skip the hot countries. Every year, tourists die from heat. And are you really going to enjoy a vacation while you are covered in sticky sweat and battling heat exhaustion? Perhaps consider going far north, or to a southern hemisphere country where it’s winter. Visiting hot countries in May or October might be better, and prices will be cheaper and less tourist lines.

-Public libraries always have air conditioning, you can find a place to read for a few hours, or use their wifi.

-Check the forecast regularly. Take advantage of dips in temperature to run your errands then, and prepare for heat waves.

-Try to find healthy alternatives to ice cream. Your health won’t thank you for eating ice cream all day long. You can also make smoothies from cooling foods, such as cucumber and mint. Add a banana and blend it.

From another member in the comment section in this thread: "Another recipe, healthy banana "ice cream": just bananas + cacao powder in a blender (0.5 - 1 Tablespoons cacao per banana) and freeze it."

Healthy popsicles: You can buy silicone trays designed to make homemade popsicles, and put healthy fruit juice in, or green tea (not for children), or any herbal tea. Make sure the tea is cooled down first, then apply the popsicle sticks and lid, and put it in your freezer.

You can puree fruit or berries and mix with yogurt, add some honey if desired. Put in popsicle molds and freeze. You can find recipes and video instructions online, and experiment with various flavors.

-For those who have cats and dogs, you can make them frozen treats, keep them in your freezer, and give them to your pet. Your floors will get messy though, because they will be licking them all across the room.

Meowsicles and Barksicles:

1. Blend your pet’s wet food with water (you can do this by hand in a bowl), and put it in ice cube trays to freeze. You might need to experiment with the ratio to see what will work best.

2. Combine low-sodium chicken or bone broth with water, put it in ice cube trays to freeze.

3. A lot of cats and dogs like bananas. You can mash a ripe banana, add pieces of their wet food, and put in molds (candy molds, for example) in the freezer. These might not easily get out of regular ice cube trays, but flexible silicone trays should be fine. For dogs, peanut butter can be added.

4. For dogs, cook (bake or boil) sweet potatoes, mash, mix with some olive oil, put in ice cube trays in the freezer.

Once the treats are frozen, you can transfer them into a container to keep in the freezer.

If the AC bothers you, start affirming very firmly to yourself that it no longer bothers you. I used to feel awful from the AC, like I had an instant head cold. I affirmed this to myself every time I felt the effects, and after a while, it worked. The next summer I had to begin the affirmation again but for a shorter duration of time. And then it was permanent, I no longer feel the effects from AC.
What about absorbing Water Element?

"The more advanced you become, the more you will feel the coldnessof the water element. You should feel like a block of ice. Adepts are able to keep thebody cold as ice even in the hottest of summer weather. The water element canincite depression, so it is important to go slowly. Water is used in rituals involvingattraction." https://www.joyofsatan.org/Invoking_Water.html

Also the Beduines drink hot tee, as when you drink something hot the body does not have to heat the drink, so spend more energy. If you drink something cold it will be require more energy from your body.

I mean I never tried drinking hot tee when I feeled really overheated but in theory it should be better.

Maybe also just going some times into a sauna will increase your heat resistance. Some people once said saunas are somehow unhealthy if to much done. 🤷‍♂️

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
