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"I AM" vs "I WILL BE" in Manifestation

Dec 3, 2022
A very quick and easy fix for people having issues manifesting their desires into reality is to change the reference of their conscious mind from the "I will be X" to "I am X" or "I am being X." You've all read that the affirmations must be in the Present Continuous Tense. But just saying the words does little and most of the working is carried by the energy you generated by the Vibrating Words of Power and then it is up to your unconscious willpower to direct it.

However ,you can add a few fixes in order to boost your manifestation which is FEELING. The Unconscious cannot differentiate between generated and real feelings. If you feel sad thinking about a potential breakup , the unconscious does not know if the breakup actually happened or if its just your imagination that is creating those feelings. And if you dwell for too long on that negative feeling the Unconscious will manifest the breakup to retroactively prove its feelings right. This is why its so important to have have control over one's mind and to cultivate FEELING GOOD FEELINGS for extended periods of time.

And the beauty of this is ,you don't actually need to have some good thing happen to you. You just need to visualize a scenario where you would feel good or think back to the time you felt elated for whatever reason and dwell on that GOOD FEELING and your Unconscious will ATTRACT events that will bring positivity and prosperity into your life as a result.

One should carefully craft their reality to maximize the amount of prosperity,social success, Sex with a beautiful Partner and Wealth they are generating. The more positive you feel internally and how good you feel about yourself, the quicker Good Things happen to you which makes you feel good and positive and the feedback loop continues. Millionaires and really successful who are healthy in their mind and not driven by some deep insecurity unconsciously do this on a daily basis without even realizing it because of their Numerology and Astrology which naturally makes them this way. But we as Satanists can create that reality with our conscious actions too.

The converse of this is however true as well. If you have Negative thought loops ,you create a looping negative reality and this is a troublesome position to be in. You need to identify and cut out whatever is triggering the Negative Thought loops out of your life while you change your reality into a positive one.

If you are having such Negative Thought loops, i would recommend first doing a 7 days Dopamine Detox where you just complete leave the Phone ,Social Media and ANY Media whatsoever. In that period you should think on what the source of your misery is and what the root cause of the disturbances in you are. After realizing the unnecessary things that cause havoc on your mind and cause undue problems for you,just permanently cut them out. And in that 7 days ,train in Trance to Visualize and dwell on positive ,happy feelings. Not the kind of feelings that you get from eating cake. That's not what i'm talking about. Im talking about the feeling when you first won a competition or passed a really important exam or ran a marathon or your girlfriend accepted your proposal or you got accepted into a really nice job.

I also recommend changing the LED lights if you have in your Home to Filament ones. LED lights are artificial and harm you in ways you've never realized before. Sure, the Filament Bulbs might drive your energy costs but they will drastically increase your standard of living. The Warm Light is way better than the sterile lights of the LED bulbs. I recommend eating ALL NATURAL ,making food in COCONUT OIL ,Ghee or Beef Tallow and cutting out ALL SEED OILS and leaving Soap which contains various Xenoestrogens which are poisoning your body. Do not have ANY plastic in your house. Make it either Steel,Aluminium or Bronze (if you can afford it). If your girlfriend is on birth control, you need to tell her to get off birth control because the Birth Control also has lots of Negative Chemicals and it might be transferred to you too. Condoms are extremely toxic which many men don't realize so you need to get your sex game on point so you pull out when you feel that you're about to ejaculate. Almost all if not all modern Birth Control methods were created by the Jews and you can see Cancer,and various health effects and testosterone drop through the decades drastically. You can practice masturbation sessions while FEELING your entire body ,taking deep breaths for about 20 minutes so you get acquainted with your own body and master the signals that it gives you. Not jacking off to porn and just mastering self masturbation will make it so that you know 10 to 20 seconds before that youre about to bust and you pull out. Many people have been falsely led to believe that you NEED soap to bathe when its actually not required at all. The Bacterial Microbiome on your skin is harmed by the Soap Chemicals and is Fucking up your hormones. You should make your own soap. I make my own soap by mixing equal parts of Gram Flour, fullers earth (Bentonite Clay) and 2 tbspn Turmeric Powder. I use a wooden bath scrubber and a Bath Stone for my feet. If you have issues with bad smell which should never happen to a healthy individual after leaving soap you can use Baking soda on your armpits after dampening them up and leave it for some time. This is much better than the commercial deodrants out there which are basically Xenoestrogen factories. Furthermore, if you have severe depression you can take 15mg ((Methylene Blue)) a Day and your depression (if its due to hormones and not mental) will go away in a few days.

Now back to the original point, you need to center the Emotions in the "I AM" state in the Visualization phase. The feelings are generated by the sight,smell,touch, the sense organs while in the moment. So as you Visualize the future that you've already fulfilled your desires in you need to fully be submerged in the FEELING of BEING that person in that moment. What kind of a person is that future self ? What qualities does he have that made him complete the task ? What FEELINGS is he feeling with his sense organs in THAT MOMENT ? FEEL the FEELINGS. And as you're feeling those feelings, you need to shift your focus on to your body as you bring those feelings in the PRESENT MOMENT. Now the same feelings that you were feeling in that future scenario are being felt by you IN THE PRESENT. Which completes the Ritual that the Future events have already happened. Re- read the paragraph if you have trouble understanding. You need to bring the FUTURE FEELINGS and FEEL THEM IN THE PRESENT. That's the basic of the Manifestation process.

People who can naturally feel their emotions and feelings have no trouble manifesting when they get control over their minds. But if you're having troubling "Feeling" things, you need to master your Emotions in a Trance State. Go into a Trance State and try to visualize and dwell on different emotions and feelings. Sexual Feelings are very easy to get first ,if you're starting out. Happiness and a sense of fulfillment after completing a monumentous task is the kind of feeling you would feel in aftermath of a working where theres a specific task involved. This is very easy for those who played and won in sports when they were younger or some competition. You simply need to remember and master the feeling that you felt in that moment. That same feeling will be felt by youre future self and will be brought to your present self. Your unconscious will interpret it as it being already happened.

I hope you get what im saying. Magick is very easy when you've mastered your mind (Focus) and your Emotions.
A very quick and easy fix for people having issues manifesting their desires into reality is to change the reference of their conscious mind from the "I will be X" to "I am X" or "I am being X." You've all read that the affirmations must be in the Present Continuous Tense. But just saying the words does little and most of the working is carried by the energy you generated by the Vibrating Words of Power and then it is up to your unconscious willpower to direct it.

However ,you can add a few fixes in order to boost your manifestation which is FEELING. The Unconscious cannot differentiate between generated and real feelings. If you feel sad thinking about a potential breakup , the unconscious does not know if the breakup actually happened or if its just your imagination that is creating those feelings. And if you dwell for too long on that negative feeling the Unconscious will manifest the breakup to retroactively prove its feelings right. This is why its so important to have have control over one's mind and to cultivate FEELING GOOD FEELINGS for extended periods of time.

And the beauty of this is ,you don't actually need to have some good thing happen to you. You just need to visualize a scenario where you would feel good or think back to the time you felt elated for whatever reason and dwell on that GOOD FEELING and your Unconscious will ATTRACT events that will bring positivity and prosperity into your life as a result.

One should carefully craft their reality to maximize the amount of prosperity,social success, Sex with a beautiful Partner and Wealth they are generating. The more positive you feel internally and how good you feel about yourself, the quicker Good Things happen to you which makes you feel good and positive and the feedback loop continues. Millionaires and really successful who are healthy in their mind and not driven by some deep insecurity unconsciously do this on a daily basis without even realizing it because of their Numerology and Astrology which naturally makes them this way. But we as Satanists can create that reality with our conscious actions too.

The converse of this is however true as well. If you have Negative thought loops ,you create a looping negative reality and this is a troublesome position to be in. You need to identify and cut out whatever is triggering the Negative Thought loops out of your life while you change your reality into a positive one.

If you are having such Negative Thought loops, i would recommend first doing a 7 days Dopamine Detox where you just complete leave the Phone ,Social Media and ANY Media whatsoever. In that period you should think on what the source of your misery is and what the root cause of the disturbances in you are. After realizing the unnecessary things that cause havoc on your mind and cause undue problems for you,just permanently cut them out. And in that 7 days ,train in Trance to Visualize and dwell on positive ,happy feelings. Not the kind of feelings that you get from eating cake. That's not what i'm talking about. Im talking about the feeling when you first won a competition or passed a really important exam or ran a marathon or your girlfriend accepted your proposal or you got accepted into a really nice job.

I also recommend changing the LED lights if you have in your Home to Filament ones. LED lights are artificial and harm you in ways you've never realized before. Sure, the Filament Bulbs might drive your energy costs but they will drastically increase your standard of living. The Warm Light is way better than the sterile lights of the LED bulbs. I recommend eating ALL NATURAL ,making food in COCONUT OIL ,Ghee or Beef Tallow and cutting out ALL SEED OILS and leaving Soap which contains various Xenoestrogens which are poisoning your body. Do not have ANY plastic in your house. Make it either Steel,Aluminium or Bronze (if you can afford it). If your girlfriend is on birth control, you need to tell her to get off birth control because the Birth Control also has lots of Negative Chemicals and it might be transferred to you too. Condoms are extremely toxic which many men don't realize so you need to get your sex game on point so you pull out when you feel that you're about to ejaculate. Almost all if not all modern Birth Control methods were created by the Jews and you can see Cancer,and various health effects and testosterone drop through the decades drastically. You can practice masturbation sessions while FEELING your entire body ,taking deep breaths for about 20 minutes so you get acquainted with your own body and master the signals that it gives you. Not jacking off to porn and just mastering self masturbation will make it so that you know 10 to 20 seconds before that youre about to bust and you pull out. Many people have been falsely led to believe that you NEED soap to bathe when its actually not required at all. The Bacterial Microbiome on your skin is harmed by the Soap Chemicals and is Fucking up your hormones. You should make your own soap. I make my own soap by mixing equal parts of Gram Flour, fullers earth (Bentonite Clay) and 2 tbspn Turmeric Powder. I use a wooden bath scrubber and a Bath Stone for my feet. If you have issues with bad smell which should never happen to a healthy individual after leaving soap you can use Baking soda on your armpits after dampening them up and leave it for some time. This is much better than the commercial deodrants out there which are basically Xenoestrogen factories. Furthermore, if you have severe depression you can take 15mg ((Methylene Blue)) a Day and your depression (if its due to hormones and not mental) will go away in a few days.

Now back to the original point, you need to center the Emotions in the "I AM" state in the Visualization phase. The feelings are generated by the sight,smell,touch, the sense organs while in the moment. So as you Visualize the future that you've already fulfilled your desires in you need to fully be submerged in the FEELING of BEING that person in that moment. What kind of a person is that future self ? What qualities does he have that made him complete the task ? What FEELINGS is he feeling with his sense organs in THAT MOMENT ? FEEL the FEELINGS. And as you're feeling those feelings, you need to shift your focus on to your body as you bring those feelings in the PRESENT MOMENT. Now the same feelings that you were feeling in that future scenario are being felt by you IN THE PRESENT. Which completes the Ritual that the Future events have already happened. Re- read the paragraph if you have trouble understanding. You need to bring the FUTURE FEELINGS and FEEL THEM IN THE PRESENT. That's the basic of the Manifestation process.

People who can naturally feel their emotions and feelings have no trouble manifesting when they get control over their minds. But if you're having troubling "Feeling" things, you need to master your Emotions in a Trance State. Go into a Trance State and try to visualize and dwell on different emotions and feelings. Sexual Feelings are very easy to get first ,if you're starting out. Happiness and a sense of fulfillment after completing a monumentous task is the kind of feeling you would feel in aftermath of a working where theres a specific task involved. This is very easy for those who played and won in sports when they were younger or some competition. You simply need to remember and master the feeling that you felt in that moment. That same feeling will be felt by youre future self and will be brought to your present self. Your unconscious will interpret it as it being already happened.

I hope you get what im saying. Magick is very easy when you've mastered your mind (Focus) and your Emotions.
Good post about mind and feelings, but
there is no pull out game, even your lust drop can make a wimmen pregnant and you should avoid aluminium at all costs to much off it leads to alzheimers.

Also we should not advertise any medicine with homones, as we are no doctors we don't know off some side effects if some people take it with something else or additional health issues.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
