All this feminist/incel/GLBTQAI/MGTOW and all the related, is basically aspects of hate and insanity from lack of gratification, which has reached an extreme extent. The beliefs in these come from aberrations of the mind that have been left to ferment for way too long, creating a militant mindset in society that starts a war of factions.
Each group divides itself to express it's angry case about how they feel about the topic, and each start a siege against one another and society.
All of these movements do damage in their own scale and malform the perception of their followers, MGTOW to hate and victimize women, Incels to blame women, Feminists to instigate an attack on men and malform women, GBLTQ is the jewish movement for socially militarizing people of different sexual vocations against society and so on.
These movements themselves do the most damage to their "Followers" by perpetuating the same self limiting and self victimizing beliefs, expanding upon society.
Eventually all of this creates chaos in a society, but this chaos is the underlying chaos people have internally from unrequited desires, traumatic experiences, social hatred and other issues.
Most of these movements can start from a valid beginning and lose it later as more and more crazies become part of them, who always love to take everything into extremes.
Incels complaining about the difficulty in the sex market of the present (delusional, because other people are not obligated to have sex with you, and they can still hire a sex worker),
Feminists who believe they must wage wars over perceived problems that men are all swine and worthless or evil by definition (whether or not these exist in the present time, many don't care, it's the militant stance and cucking men they enjoy), GBLTQAI can pretend there is a witch-hunt to kill them all, while they are widely accepted in the Western World and have open parades,
MGTOW can pretend that since you got your heart broken two times by a low level woman, all of them suck and they are to be like pigs or objectified forever, misogyny is now justified, then we have
Fake fat Christian Traditionalists that believe women should have no rights and want to bruise the eye of the woman instead of conversing with them and believe their eternal life should be inside a kitchen, and so on.
We could list all sorts of other imbalanced situations here, but I digress.
Sometimes, these "gatherings" also have at least a couple correct beliefs or sensible beliefs. For example:
Incels - Yes, it's difficult to compete for a sexual partner in this day and age (But you have to get your fatass up and start improving as a male because procreation was never for granted in the history of the planet)
Feminists - Yes, it's not always a good idea to legislate about disallowing abortion (But it's not good to institutionalize whoredom for a society because it can collapse)
MGTOW - Yes, there are toxic and narcissistic women in this world who are dangerous (But one should up their game and stay away from serial narcissistic hoes, instead)
Xian Traditionalists - Yes, the family unit can be important (But it's not by enforcing your wife and beating her that this will be achieved, nor by state force)
But points like the above are generally incomplete, or surrounded by a thousand more insane ideas around them, which extend into chaos after a point.
All of the above is imbalanced and clearly not sane, and it should be seen if a person is taking a logical stance on these matters. All of these fronts consequently have the same outcome, less conversation, less understanding, less social cohesion and more pain.
All of the above beliefs are trauma based beliefs, and trauma that perpetuates itself and maintains it's position, extending itself by causing more social dismay and damage. Long after problems are resolved, or even if the real world is not that bad, these people will always see the world as being horrific and evil, perpetuating it to be horrific.
Each of these sides is also always biased to defend it's own "rights", ie, women will likely flock to the feminist women and pretend men are doing imaginary beatings on them and raping them all day, men will likely be biased to talk about how women have become "whores", it's a game of taking sides all the time. This is based upon division.
Even if these movements started with some "reasonable complaints", as very traumatized people get in them, they want to drag it further.
Eventually when logic and measure is lost, then chaos ensues. Those who have fetishes about these subjects, also flock in, to defend their positions, such as narcissists, abusers and other dredges of society who want to defend their respective drudgery. That's because they find convenient means to rationalize their actions.
For example, the hoe that specializes in breaking the hearts of people on the daily for no reason other than narcissistic satisfaction, will certainly find her home in feminism where this is justified or even glorified. The abuser who dreamed to be a pimp, will find a better place in an anti-woman hating group. So they each go their way, and then fight it out.
The fat feminist will derive her pleasure and happiness from stopping beautiful women from healthy relationships and recreating by telling her all men are monsters, the angry MGTOW boy will be happy he teaches objectification, the "eternally persecuted" GBLTQAI member will enjoy the fact he feels like he is fighting to defend his sexuality by putting twerking kids in parades, Incels will flock on a forum about how they should torture women because they are obese, make minimum wage, cannot even speak or provide anything to a woman even to talk to her and they cannot accept this reality that they have to take a long way to find a partner.
Каждый берет оружие и начинает сражаться друг с другом, чтобы оправдать свою позицию и из-за разумности того, что они считают злом. Все это фрагментирует и разрушает общество и создает все больше и больше проблем.
Во всех этих крыльях есть умеренные члены, а также чистые террористы, такие как феминистки, которые пишут диалектику об истреблении мужчин, или такие, как MGTOW, которые утверждают, что все женщины по определению бесправны и их можно сутенерствовать.
По сути, все это основано на ненависти, замешательстве и блудливости внимания. Представители всех этих категорий, по сути, делают это для социального признания и внимания, а также для поддержания несбалансированного образа действий в своей жизни и жизни других.
У всех этих людей есть одна общая черта: вместо того, чтобы разрешить хаотическую ситуацию внутри себя путем улучшения, они начинают обвинять общество и других людей и продолжают нападать на всех остальных. Это только воссоздает то же самое.
Вот почему Духовный Сатанизм сделает существование любого из них неуместным, потому что по мере того, как люди исцеляются, развиваются и учатся общению, порядок вещей будет восстановлен. Инцел поднимет задницу и пойдет в спортзал, феминистка поймет, что не все мужчины преступники, когда она хорошо пообщается с мужчиной высокого уровня, жертва MGTOW найдет лучшую жену, чем предыдущая, которая их сделала При этом GBLTQAI больше не будут думать, что во Флориде на каждом углу происходят воображаемые преследования, и притворяться, будто они живут в Саудовской Аравии.
Духовным сатанистам следует избегать всего этого, поскольку они представляют собой крайности безумия, которые только увековечивают вечные проблемы общества без конца, а также проклинают человека менталитетом жертвы, который парализует его в решении любой проблемы.
Удовлетворение статуса жертвы и гнев, который обеспечивают эти группы, на самом деле не дают фундаментального решения никому, ни людям в них, ни обществу в целом. Духовным сатанистам не нужен менталитет жертвы, как членам этих «идеологий». Им нечего дать развивающемуся человеческому существу, стремящемуся продвигать и решать эти проблемы, которые, как утверждают эти места, всегда должны быть частью идентичности людей.
-Кобра с капюшоном Верховного Жреца 666