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Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

Inceldom is a entirely western phenomena.You have to ask yourself 'why'.

in Eastern europe,latin america,africa and east asian countries not westernized there are no incels and getting dates with women is very easy.
You're right about incels. The thing with women in those countries, however, is that it's easier to go on dates with them because they're more desperate. A western woman already lives comfortably, leaving her space to choose her partner(s). In Latin America, women want to have children that they can provide for, so they go on dates to get married. I don;t really blame them, as xianity has destroyed their countries and has only left poverty and misery behind. So we're actually far better off in the West, it''s not as tragic as the media makes it out to be.
Inceldom is a entirely western phenomena.You have to ask yourself 'why'.

in Eastern europe,latin america,africa and east asian countries not westernized there are no incels and getting dates with women is very easy.
White countries are more targeted because the enemy hates Whites the most. If we become extinct, that's the best outcome for them. While other races matter, they don't matter as much to the enemy.
Inceldom is a entirely western phenomena.You have to ask yourself 'why'.

in Eastern europe,latin america,africa and east asian countries not westernized there are no incels and getting dates with women is very easy.
The majority of incels are non white, according to themselves.

"Incel forums are often stereotyped as "angry White male" communities, however large polls on incels.co and Braincels showed that only around half of their userbase are/were White.[8][9] A peer-reviewed study also came to the conclusion that incel forums aren't mostly white.[10] Data from Pew Research in Table 1 suggests that Whites make up 71.1% of Reddit's U.S. userbase, but only 52.4% of Braincels' U.S. members, a difference with a 95% CI of 13-24% points (p < 0.0001). There is no evidence of Blacks being overrepresented (differences in both tables below are non-significant). Hispanics are underrepresented by 4-11% points (95% CI, p < 0.0001). The "other" races make up 8.9% of Reddit's U.S. userbase, but 33.8% on Braincels. The most overrepresented races seem to be East-Asians and South-Asians, making up around 6% of the U.S. population, but around 20% on Braincels and around 13% on incels.co. These statistics correlate with racial fertility rates being 20% higher in Hispanics (notably Mexicans make up 63% of hispanics[11]) and 8% lower in Asians when compared to Whites.[12] Caveats which may limit the accuracy of these figures include: Braincels is nearly exclusively male and may suffer other biases different from the mixed-sex Pew Research samples. Latino includes Brazil, but not Spain, and Hispanic vice-versa. Moreover, some of the underrepresentation of Whites in incel forums may have resulted from bans of White alt-rightists."
Tell this to Japan. They have the same problem, and their population is collapsing because of this.

It's a strange thing. No matter what country, most of the incels are all watching the same japanese anime shows. Maybe this started in Japan, and it is spreading through those animations.
There is good anime and there are these xtian vibe, wayfu animes.
One thing I specifically am critical of in the LGBT community, is their useless Pride Month.

Twerking with thongs in front of children somewhere in California, will not stop the muslim monkeys from throwing homosexuals in the middle east off of rooftops and stoning the "sodomites".
Pride month, and parades is supposed to show 'acceptance' in USA. Apparently you disagree. I will note that any parade is often attended by Christian activists trying to 'save' the LGBT. Something else to note are people like MTG who get into office by being a horn for Christian fundementalists.

Twerking perhaps is not the highest expression or representation of sexuality or sexual orientation, but its a type of 'freedom' that is quite visual. Not universally endorsed by LGBT. The thing I don't understand is that I thought JOS was very accepting of the LGBT community. Being an essential part of the 'movement'.
All this feminist/incel/GLBTQAI/MGTOW and all the related, is basically aspects of hate and insanity from lack of gratification, which has reached an extreme extent. The beliefs in these come from aberrations of the mind that have been left to ferment for way too long, creating a militant mindset in society that starts a war of factions.

Each group divides itself to express it's angry case about how they feel about the topic, and each start a siege against one another and society.

All of these movements do damage in their own scale and malform the perception of their followers, MGTOW to hate and victimize women, Incels to blame women, Feminists to instigate an attack on men and malform women, GBLTQ is the jewish movement for socially militarizing people of different sexual vocations against society and so on.

These movements themselves do the most damage to their "Followers" by perpetuating the same self limiting and self victimizing beliefs, expanding upon society.

Eventually all of this creates chaos in a society, but this chaos is the underlying chaos people have internally from unrequited desires, traumatic experiences, social hatred and other issues.

Most of these movements can start from a valid beginning and lose it later as more and more crazies become part of them, who always love to take everything into extremes.

Incels complaining about the difficulty in the sex market of the present (delusional, because other people are not obligated to have sex with you, and they can still hire a sex worker),
Feminists who believe they must wage wars over perceived problems that men are all swine and worthless or evil by definition (whether or not these exist in the present time, many don't care, it's the militant stance and cucking men they enjoy), GBLTQAI can pretend there is a witch-hunt to kill them all, while they are widely accepted in the Western World and have open parades,
MGTOW can pretend that since you got your heart broken two times by a low level woman, all of them suck and they are to be like pigs or objectified forever, misogyny is now justified, then we have
Fake fat Christian Traditionalists that believe women should have no rights and want to bruise the eye of the woman instead of conversing with them and believe their eternal life should be inside a kitchen, and so on.

We could list all sorts of other imbalanced situations here, but I digress.

Sometimes, these "gatherings" also have at least a couple correct beliefs or sensible beliefs. For example:

Incels - Yes, it's difficult to compete for a sexual partner in this day and age (But you have to get your fatass up and start improving as a male because procreation was never for granted in the history of the planet)
Feminists - Yes, it's not always a good idea to legislate about disallowing abortion (But it's not good to institutionalize whoredom for a society because it can collapse)
MGTOW - Yes, there are toxic and narcissistic women in this world who are dangerous (But one should up their game and stay away from serial narcissistic hoes, instead)
Xian Traditionalists - Yes, the family unit can be important (But it's not by enforcing your wife and beating her that this will be achieved, nor by state force)

But points like the above are generally incomplete, or surrounded by a thousand more insane ideas around them, which extend into chaos after a point.

All of the above is imbalanced and clearly not sane, and it should be seen if a person is taking a logical stance on these matters. All of these fronts consequently have the same outcome, less conversation, less understanding, less social cohesion and more pain.

All of the above beliefs are trauma based beliefs, and trauma that perpetuates itself and maintains it's position, extending itself by causing more social dismay and damage. Long after problems are resolved, or even if the real world is not that bad, these people will always see the world as being horrific and evil, perpetuating it to be horrific.

Each of these sides is also always biased to defend it's own "rights", ie, women will likely flock to the feminist women and pretend men are doing imaginary beatings on them and raping them all day, men will likely be biased to talk about how women have become "whores", it's a game of taking sides all the time. This is based upon division.

Even if these movements started with some "reasonable complaints", as very traumatized people get in them, they want to drag it further.

Eventually when logic and measure is lost, then chaos ensues. Those who have fetishes about these subjects, also flock in, to defend their positions, such as narcissists, abusers and other dredges of society who want to defend their respective drudgery. That's because they find convenient means to rationalize their actions.

For example, the hoe that specializes in breaking the hearts of people on the daily for no reason other than narcissistic satisfaction, will certainly find her home in feminism where this is justified or even glorified. The abuser who dreamed to be a pimp, will find a better place in an anti-woman hating group. So they each go their way, and then fight it out.

The fat feminist will derive her pleasure and happiness from stopping beautiful women from healthy relationships and recreating by telling her all men are monsters, the angry MGTOW boy will be happy he teaches objectification, the "eternally persecuted" GBLTQAI member will enjoy the fact he feels like he is fighting to defend his sexuality by putting twerking kids in parades, Incels will flock on a forum about how they should torture women because they are obese, make minimum wage, cannot even speak or provide anything to a woman even to talk to her and they cannot accept this reality that they have to take a long way to find a partner.

Each take a weapon and start fighting each other, to justify their case and due to the rationality of what they consider is evil. All of this fragments and ruins society and keeps creating more and more problems.

In all these wings they have moderate members and then pure terrorists like the Feminists who write dialectics to exterminate men, or like MGTOW who claim all women are by definition to have no rights and to be pimped.

It's all basically hate and confusion based and attention whoring based. In the members of all these categories, they are essentially doing it for social validation and attention, and to maintain imbalanced courses of action in their life and that of others.

All these people have one thing in common: Instead of resolving the chaotic situation inside them by improving, they instead start blaming society and other people and proceed to attack everyone else. This only recreates more of the same.

That's why Spiritual Satanism will make the case of the existence of any of these irrelevant, because as people heal, advance and learn communication, the order of things will be restored. The incel will get up his ass and go to the gym, the feminist will understand that not all men are criminals when she has a good conversation with a high level male, the MGTOW victim will find a better wife than the previous one who made them into this, the GBLTQAI will no longer think imaginary persecution is on every corner in Florida and pretend as if they are living in Saudi Arabia.

Spiritual Satanists should stray from all of these as they represent insanity extremes which only perpetuate eternal problems for society without an end, and they also damn the individual with a victim mentality that makes them paralyzed to solve any problem.

The satisfaction of victim status and anger these groups provide, does not really fundamentally give anyone a solution, nor the people in these, nor the broader society. Spiritual Satanists don't need victim mentality like the members of these "ideologies". They have nothing to provide to any developing human being that seeks to advance and solve these problems, which these places claim should always be part of people's identities.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I will note that Christian fundementalists are trying 'to take back America", and 'save america" its actually part of a presidental campaign. Other factions are trying to revise the US constitution to make it very, very explicitly Christian. They already that the Constitution was created for and by Christians.

Its an uncomfortable thing to observe people like MTG and Lauren Boebert getting elected. They act as a 'horn' for Christian fundementalism. I can totally see why several of the groups mentioned feel angry and perhaps deprived of their full potential.

Christians are ready to attack anyone they perceive as not conforming to the Christian agenda. I have experienced it. I flinch every time I see someone wearing a cross. They are counting on this response. And they get rewarded for public display.

Please tell me how this doesn't affect a person? Please do tell how one can pretend it doesn't exist. And to protect oneself from these things? Perhaps there is some way to subvert this, and use to ones advantage?
The thing I don't understand is that I thought JOS was very accepting of the LGBT community. Being an essential part of the 'movement'.
The Joy of Satan respects homosexual and bisexual people who respect themselves. There is no third sex, and transgenders are mentally ill. If you have ever read otherwise on the JoS, it's because of the jew Mageson, who is thankfully long gone.
The Joy of Satan respects homosexual and bisexual people who respect themselves. There is no third sex, and transgenders are mentally ill. If you have ever read otherwise on the JoS, it's because of the jew Mageson, who is thankfully long gone.
True words have never been spoken.

There is no third sex or anything stupid like that.

Third sex is another part of Jewish propaganda to destroy the minds of youth and adult Gentile nations
Pride month, and parades is supposed to show 'acceptance' in USA. Apparently you disagree. I will note that any parade is often attended by Christian activists trying to 'save' the LGBT. Something else to note are people like MTG who get into office by being a horn for Christian fundementalists.

Twerking perhaps is not the highest expression or representation of sexuality or sexual orientation, but its a type of 'freedom' that is quite visual. Not universally endorsed by LGBT. The thing I don't understand is that I thought JOS was very accepting of the LGBT community. Being an essential part of the 'movement'.
The Pride month achieves very little outside the borders of USA , at least. It used to mean something in the past, but now it has been filled with furries, transgenders (read more on the forums' search option on why this is wrong), and all sort of other crazies.

Homosexuals and Bisexuals arent crazies.

The entire movenment started because of them, since they are natural orientations. However as time moved on, other bullshit encompassed the community. Any community will collapse if you allow retards and crazies to come and redefine what it stands for and what it means and what it does. There are still many countries, especially those ruled by pisslam, which will literally kill you if you are anything but straight, and what does the leftist alphabet mafia have to say about this? "accept them into your borders, we have to be inclusive to unwashed monkeys who bring nothing but their neolithic tribal "culture" of the desert into our lands."

Do you think this is a good community to be in?

Community has nothing to do with orientation, and the fact that some think these two have to be on the same page, raises suspicion of whether they are truly homosexual, or if they are just a bunch of unaware people who dont really know what they want, and are basically blind sheep following whatever trend.

and worst of all, these types which im not even sure where they belong to but theyre basically like abcess hanging around the lgbt community:



trust me when i say, that these "men" i have talked to for a long time, are some of the most insufferable, useless, laziest and DUMBEST people i have ever met. its like they are all following the same exact pattern for their personality, no originality at all.... for fucks sake grow up...

Almost always, all these eccentric, overly dramatic and extreme types of behavior, can be either traced back to jews, or jewish ideas and opinions.
All this feminist/incel/GLBTQAI/MGTOW and all the related, is basically aspects of hate and insanity from lack of gratification, which has reached an extreme extent. The beliefs in these come from aberrations of the mind that have been left to ferment for way too long, creating a militant mindset in society that starts a war of factions.

Each group divides itself to express it's angry case about how they feel about the topic, and each start a siege against one another and society.

All of these movements do damage in their own scale and malform the perception of their followers, MGTOW to hate and victimize women, Incels to blame women, Feminists to instigate an attack on men and malform women, GBLTQ is the jewish movement for socially militarizing people of different sexual vocations against society and so on.

These movements themselves do the most damage to their "Followers" by perpetuating the same self limiting and self victimizing beliefs, expanding upon society.

Eventually all of this creates chaos in a society, but this chaos is the underlying chaos people have internally from unrequited desires, traumatic experiences, social hatred and other issues.

Most of these movements can start from a valid beginning and lose it later as more and more crazies become part of them, who always love to take everything into extremes.

Incels complaining about the difficulty in the sex market of the present (delusional, because other people are not obligated to have sex with you, and they can still hire a sex worker),
Feminists who believe they must wage wars over perceived problems that men are all swine and worthless or evil by definition (whether or not these exist in the present time, many don't care, it's the militant stance and cucking men they enjoy), GBLTQAI can pretend there is a witch-hunt to kill them all, while they are widely accepted in the Western World and have open parades,
MGTOW can pretend that since you got your heart broken two times by a low level woman, all of them suck and they are to be like pigs or objectified forever, misogyny is now justified, then we have
Fake fat Christian Traditionalists that believe women should have no rights and want to bruise the eye of the woman instead of conversing with them and believe their eternal life should be inside a kitchen, and so on.

We could list all sorts of other imbalanced situations here, but I digress.

Sometimes, these "gatherings" also have at least a couple correct beliefs or sensible beliefs. For example:

Incels - Yes, it's difficult to compete for a sexual partner in this day and age (But you have to get your fatass up and start improving as a male because procreation was never for granted in the history of the planet)
Feminists - Yes, it's not always a good idea to legislate about disallowing abortion (But it's not good to institutionalize whoredom for a society because it can collapse)
MGTOW - Yes, there are toxic and narcissistic women in this world who are dangerous (But one should up their game and stay away from serial narcissistic hoes, instead)
Xian Traditionalists - Yes, the family unit can be important (But it's not by enforcing your wife and beating her that this will be achieved, nor by state force)

But points like the above are generally incomplete, or surrounded by a thousand more insane ideas around them, which extend into chaos after a point.

All of the above is imbalanced and clearly not sane, and it should be seen if a person is taking a logical stance on these matters. All of these fronts consequently have the same outcome, less conversation, less understanding, less social cohesion and more pain.

All of the above beliefs are trauma based beliefs, and trauma that perpetuates itself and maintains it's position, extending itself by causing more social dismay and damage. Long after problems are resolved, or even if the real world is not that bad, these people will always see the world as being horrific and evil, perpetuating it to be horrific.

Each of these sides is also always biased to defend it's own "rights", ie, women will likely flock to the feminist women and pretend men are doing imaginary beatings on them and raping them all day, men will likely be biased to talk about how women have become "whores", it's a game of taking sides all the time. This is based upon division.

Even if these movements started with some "reasonable complaints", as very traumatized people get in them, they want to drag it further.

Eventually when logic and measure is lost, then chaos ensues. Those who have fetishes about these subjects, also flock in, to defend their positions, such as narcissists, abusers and other dredges of society who want to defend their respective drudgery. That's because they find convenient means to rationalize their actions.

For example, the hoe that specializes in breaking the hearts of people on the daily for no reason other than narcissistic satisfaction, will certainly find her home in feminism where this is justified or even glorified. The abuser who dreamed to be a pimp, will find a better place in an anti-woman hating group. So they each go their way, and then fight it out.

The fat feminist will derive her pleasure and happiness from stopping beautiful women from healthy relationships and recreating by telling her all men are monsters, the angry MGTOW boy will be happy he teaches objectification, the "eternally persecuted" GBLTQAI member will enjoy the fact he feels like he is fighting to defend his sexuality by putting twerking kids in parades, Incels will flock on a forum about how they should torture women because they are obese, make minimum wage, cannot even speak or provide anything to a woman even to talk to her and they cannot accept this reality that they have to take a long way to find a partner.

Каждый берет оружие и начинает сражаться друг с другом, чтобы оправдать свою позицию и из-за разумности того, что они считают злом. Все это фрагментирует и разрушает общество и создает все больше и больше проблем.

Во всех этих крыльях есть умеренные члены, а также чистые террористы, такие как феминистки, которые пишут диалектику об истреблении мужчин, или такие, как MGTOW, которые утверждают, что все женщины по определению бесправны и их можно сутенерствовать.

По сути, все это основано на ненависти, замешательстве и блудливости внимания. Представители всех этих категорий, по сути, делают это для социального признания и внимания, а также для поддержания несбалансированного образа действий в своей жизни и жизни других.

У всех этих людей есть одна общая черта: вместо того, чтобы разрешить хаотическую ситуацию внутри себя путем улучшения, они начинают обвинять общество и других людей и продолжают нападать на всех остальных. Это только воссоздает то же самое.

Вот почему Духовный Сатанизм сделает существование любого из них неуместным, потому что по мере того, как люди исцеляются, развиваются и учатся общению, порядок вещей будет восстановлен. Инцел поднимет задницу и пойдет в спортзал, феминистка поймет, что не все мужчины преступники, когда она хорошо пообщается с мужчиной высокого уровня, жертва MGTOW найдет лучшую жену, чем предыдущая, которая их сделала При этом GBLTQAI больше не будут думать, что во Флориде на каждом углу происходят воображаемые преследования, и притворяться, будто они живут в Саудовской Аравии.

Духовным сатанистам следует избегать всего этого, поскольку они представляют собой крайности безумия, которые только увековечивают вечные проблемы общества без конца, а также проклинают человека менталитетом жертвы, который парализует его в решении любой проблемы.

Удовлетворение статуса жертвы и гнев, который обеспечивают эти группы, на самом деле не дают фундаментального решения никому, ни людям в них, ни обществу в целом. Духовным сатанистам не нужен менталитет жертвы, как членам этих «идеологий». Им нечего дать развивающемуся человеческому существу, стремящемуся продвигать и решать эти проблемы, которые, как утверждают эти места, всегда должны быть частью идентичности людей.

-Кобра с капюшоном Верховного Жреца 666
This is the base, we love you Cobra!)
Ok tiny emotinal venting here that is related to this topic. I'll explain my vent. I'm on a discord though i doubt i'll be on it much longer that has several people who say they are nonbinary or trans or what ever. twice i've managed to piss someone off in this disocrd because of this. the second time is the reason for my vent today.

the discord is owned by a person who writes books and one of her characters is nonbianry which is something I don't understand by todays terms. unfortinertly i brought this up. when i was growing up we used the term androgenous and i got told that term is wrong and things explained to me but when i told her that i was too logical to understand it and apologied for pissing anyone off and asked for the subject to be dropped everyone else got mad at me.

from what i understand of the truest term of this going back as afar as we can and i'm bases all of this from the jos. androgeny or nonbinary is more than what it is thought of today it is a spiritual term- suppose to be-. you are balanced in male and female energies in your soul and this reflects in your body- in varying dregress of physical terms though mostly expressed in clothing- people who were this way tended to be shamens or spirit guides for others- in the native american tribes.
so for me when i hear of all these terms it doesn't make sense because they are lying. they are not balanced they are denying the physical body they are in for the other imbalanced energy or socital pressure. whatever the reason it is but i can't say it or i'll be shouted down which i can't stand.

Part of me is pretty sure i'm under some sort of generational curse cause making and keeping human friends is damn near impossible- thank you mom for saying such stupid shit to a highly impressionable young child who at the time adored you.
cause of pissing off the second person and now possibly being kicked out of a channel where i was having fun and could talk to people that i liked talking to i ended up having a short hard cry along with some nice chest pains. it's never fun getting rejected as a kid by everyone around you cause when your an adult it's even worse.
it makes my heart sore.
i don't want to end up alone with several cats but at this rate thats my only option cause cats are the best beings that i have.
i know i have issues and a bit of a broken brain. i try to understand things i really do. i try to connect to people in all kinds of ways but nothing sticks for long. i give and give and get tossed away like trash. i close up and get yelled at for being too cold.

i hope i am understanding the androgeny subject by jos standards at least. the way they put it it makes perfect sense to me. logical without all of this oh it's how i feel bull.
feelings do change and are influenced hard by society and you microbiome and your childhood and a thousand other things including your subconcious. which is why a truly balanced person can flow from one to the other as needed without confuion and be a guiding light. none of these i've seen are any kind of guide at all.

thank you for letting me vent.

Hail Father Satan
Ok tiny emotinal venting here that is related to this topic. I'll explain my vent. I'm on a discord though i doubt i'll be on it much longer that has several people who say they are nonbinary or trans or what ever. twice i've managed to piss someone off in this disocrd because of this. the second time is the reason for my vent today.

the discord is owned by a person who writes books and one of her characters is nonbianry which is something I don't understand by todays terms. unfortinertly i brought this up. when i was growing up we used the term androgenous and i got told that term is wrong and things explained to me but when i told her that i was too logical to understand it and apologied for pissing anyone off and asked for the subject to be dropped everyone else got mad at me.

from what i understand of the truest term of this going back as afar as we can and i'm bases all of this from the jos. androgeny or nonbinary is more than what it is thought of today it is a spiritual term- suppose to be-. you are balanced in male and female energies in your soul and this reflects in your body- in varying dregress of physical terms though mostly expressed in clothing- people who were this way tended to be shamens or spirit guides for others- in the native american tribes.
so for me when i hear of all these terms it doesn't make sense because they are lying. they are not balanced they are denying the physical body they are in for the other imbalanced energy or socital pressure. whatever the reason it is but i can't say it or i'll be shouted down which i can't stand.

Part of me is pretty sure i'm under some sort of generational curse cause making and keeping human friends is damn near impossible- thank you mom for saying such stupid shit to a highly impressionable young child who at the time adored you.
cause of pissing off the second person and now possibly being kicked out of a channel where i was having fun and could talk to people that i liked talking to i ended up having a short hard cry along with some nice chest pains. it's never fun getting rejected as a kid by everyone around you cause when your an adult it's even worse.
it makes my heart sore.
i don't want to end up alone with several cats but at this rate thats my only option cause cats are the best beings that i have.
i know i have issues and a bit of a broken brain. i try to understand things i really do. i try to connect to people in all kinds of ways but nothing sticks for long. i give and give and get tossed away like trash. i close up and get yelled at for being too cold.

i hope i am understanding the androgeny subject by jos standards at least. the way they put it it makes perfect sense to me. logical without all of this oh it's how i feel bull.
feelings do change and are influenced hard by society and you microbiome and your childhood and a thousand other things including your subconcious. which is why a truly balanced person can flow from one to the other as needed without confuion and be a guiding light. none of these i've seen are any kind of guide at all.

thank you for letting me vent.

Hail Father Satan

Your idea about nonbinary stuff is correct, although it doesn't necessarily mean they are "shamans" or anything. It just has to do with the expression of energies in the soul, masculine or female.

The way in which you convey your questions or messages, even if true, can still possibly offend people. Further, as you learned, sometimes people don't want to hear it, anyway. At the same time, are they really your friends for getting so angry at you, even after I assume you tried to resolve this with them? Are these people worthy of your friendship if they act like this over a misunderstanding?

One bad social event is not going to make you alone with cats, so there is no need to stoop that low, although I can understand the feeling. Instead of closing down and feeling fear (especially thinking you are cursed), keep trying socially and you will learn what gives you success, and this will help you grow. Workings can certainly accelerate this, like the Wunjo or Ehwaz runes, as well as upcoming Mercury in Gemini square/energies.

Try to find people who share your interests, as we can see the 11th house deals with friends, but also groups, which to me implies that group associations and other mutual interests are what stimulate friendships to occur. Maybe these trans people had some mutual things, but we can also see a bit of a clash here, too.
Ok tiny emotinal venting here that is related to this topic. I'll explain my vent. I'm on a discord though i doubt i'll be on it much longer that has several people who say they are nonbinary or trans or what ever. twice i've managed to piss someone off in this disocrd because of this. the second time is the reason for my vent today.

the discord is owned by a person who writes books and one of her characters is nonbianry which is something I don't understand by todays terms. unfortinertly i brought this up. when i was growing up we used the term androgenous and i got told that term is wrong and things explained to me but when i told her that i was too logical to understand it and apologied for pissing anyone off and asked for the subject to be dropped everyone else got mad at me.

from what i understand of the truest term of this going back as afar as we can and i'm bases all of this from the jos. androgeny or nonbinary is more than what it is thought of today it is a spiritual term- suppose to be-. you are balanced in male and female energies in your soul and this reflects in your body- in varying dregress of physical terms though mostly expressed in clothing- people who were this way tended to be shamens or spirit guides for others- in the native american tribes.
so for me when i hear of all these terms it doesn't make sense because they are lying. they are not balanced they are denying the physical body they are in for the other imbalanced energy or socital pressure. whatever the reason it is but i can't say it or i'll be shouted down which i can't stand.

Part of me is pretty sure i'm under some sort of generational curse cause making and keeping human friends is damn near impossible- thank you mom for saying such stupid shit to a highly impressionable young child who at the time adored you.
cause of pissing off the second person and now possibly being kicked out of a channel where i was having fun and could talk to people that i liked talking to i ended up having a short hard cry along with some nice chest pains. it's never fun getting rejected as a kid by everyone around you cause when your an adult it's even worse.
it makes my heart sore.
i don't want to end up alone with several cats but at this rate thats my only option cause cats are the best beings that i have.
i know i have issues and a bit of a broken brain. i try to understand things i really do. i try to connect to people in all kinds of ways but nothing sticks for long. i give and give and get tossed away like trash. i close up and get yelled at for being too cold.

i hope i am understanding the androgeny subject by jos standards at least. the way they put it it makes perfect sense to me. logical without all of this oh it's how i feel bull.
feelings do change and are influenced hard by society and you microbiome and your childhood and a thousand other things including your subconcious. which is why a truly balanced person can flow from one to the other as needed without confuion and be a guiding light. none of these i've seen are any kind of guide at all.

thank you for letting me vent.

Hail Father Satan

Most liberals are not very nice people. They are all "nice" as long as you follow their endless rules but when you make a simple mistake (a mistake actually meaning the truth) on their 'codes' they will kick you out and accuse you of being 'cold' or 'abusive' because you don't play up to their megalomania. They prey on people like you to grind your emotions into dust.

'Non-binary' doesn't mean anything and you are right that it is just lying. It doesn't even mean physically androgynous, as a man with a beard and a fat stomach covered in hair can decide he is 'non-binary'. People exclusively decide they are 'non-binary' just to constantly update their 'pronouns' and instigate witch-hunts at anyone who gets their 'pronouns' wrong. It's an extremely childish and stupid 'identity', a lot like contentions of xian belief that boil down to toddler tantrums.
Incels - Yes, it's difficult to compete for a sexual partner in this day and age (But you have to get your fatass up and start improving as a male because procreation was never for granted in the history of the planet)
I feel there might be some aspect of current 'Andrew Tate'-macho-culture within the "Incel" term; a view on women being some form of obvious human right for men to have sex with on a regular basis.

"Incel" is overall a weird term, having to do with the ideal of getting laid here and there - instead of trying to build something serious with someone (a life partner, family etc.).

I've mentioned before that the most famous of all "Incels" is Elliot Rodger. He thought women should approach him and not the other way around; thus arguing like a woman. Many "Incels" are feminine men I think (similar to hardcore man-hating feminist women who often are manly themselves), and need to build up character and inner strength enough to be independent (thus not relying on a girlfriend for happiness).

It's first when having accomplished this inner strength and independence - that attraction also is high enough to attract a woman, or friends for that matter. Going around blaming women and feeling sorry for oneself, calling oneself "Incel", is the opposite of attractive.

The problem though is that they don't know how to get this true inner strength.
They have never tried any serious yoga/meditation over a longer period of time, just like the rest of the clown-movements mentioned.
None of them show any form of real independence or inner peacefullness.
That's why they act this way - blaming everyone else instead of finding out what they need to fix within themselves, and fixing it for real.

Being in the know of the True spiritual knowledge is what makes Spiritual Satanists shine with independence, harmony and strength,
while making those clown people look pathetic in comparison.

But besides pathetic - it's most of all a shame about these people and their lack of knowledge on how to grow.
Spiritual-wise (" spiritual ") they are offered shit like Shitianity and Pisslam from the mainstream - fueling the fire. I feel sad for them.

“Poor souls. I feel so sorry for them.”
― August Strindberg
How many men view marriage today:


Not just MGTOW or Incel men, but men in general.

But no woman can ever destroy a true dedicated SS man.

Intuitively he will walk away before it happens - thus perhaps destroying her a bit instead.
Not with the purpose of destroying anyone though, but because of indepedence enough to walk his own way.

Both men and women should walk their own way.

The nasty thing about the name MGTOW ("Men going their own way") is that it's not about generally speaking going ones own way,
but rather specifically about men going away from women (regardless of what woman), and thus away from marriage/serious engagement with women.

The term "Feminism" is nasty in a similar way - sounding like a movement being in favour of women and womens rights,
while in truth being in favor of mass-immigration, gender denial, man-hate and promoting a "sex and the city" lifestyle.

Since feminists claim to work for womens rights (and partly do so) - being against feminism becomes percieved as being against women and their rights.

Similar to how being against Christianity becomes percieved as being against love and kindness, peace etc.

It's all very Jewish and manipulative.
thank you
Your idea about nonbinary stuff is correct, although it doesn't necessarily mean they are "shamans" or anything. It just has to do with the expression of energies in the soul, masculine or female.

The way in which you convey your questions or messages, even if true, can still possibly offend people. Further, as you learned, sometimes people don't want to hear it, anyway. At the same time, are they really your friends for getting so angry at you, even after I assume you tried to resolve this with them? Are these people worthy of your friendship if they act like this over a misunderstanding?

One bad social event is not going to make you alone with cats, so there is no need to stoop that low, although I can understand the feeling. Instead of closing down and feeling fear (especially thinking you are cursed), keep trying socially and you will learn what gives you success, and this will help you grow. Workings can certainly accelerate this, like the Wunjo or Ehwaz runes, as well as upcoming Mercury in Gemini square/energies.

Try to find people who share your interests, as we can see the 11th house deals with friends, but also groups, which to me implies that group associations and other mutual interests are what stimulate friendships to occur. Maybe these trans people had some mutual things, but we can also see a bit of a clash here, too.
. I didn't try to explain any of my understanding of the word nonbianry to then- i used the word androengy and cited an episode from star trek as my example. they were literal mad at me because I literal told them I was too logical to understand it and apologized for pissing anyone off and asked for the subject to be dropped. then i got banned from the group with the mod citing that i "refused to learn" her words though i could dm her at a later time if i was ready to reconsider thing. Also this isn't the first time i've had problems keeping friends. it happens to me all the damn time. even here. people talk to me for a bit then drop me like a hot rock and never talk to me again. it started back in elementray school when my only friend told me to stay away from her cause I was too clingy- her words. it's not something you forget. so the rejection hurt a lot. i still try though i do talk to people obviously.
maybe i should stick a bit more with writing groups i've had decent chats there.
Again thank you for replying.

Hail Father Satan
Jews and Freaks on discord are not friends. There are other ways to find friends, but Discord is not it.

Discord is named after confusion and inability to communicate. "1 a: lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas)" Why would it be named this? Because this is what it is for.

Discord is mostly used as a weapon against humanity by working to spread confusion, lies, nonsense, and insanity, and banning all people who tell the truth. Its purpose is to spread so many lies and confusion into humanity, that nobody will agree anymore what is real or what is lies. Discord's purpose is to make discord.
Jews and Freaks on discord are not friends. There are other ways to find friends, but Discord is not it.

Discord is named after confusion and inability to communicate. "1 a: lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas)" Why would it be named this? Because this is what it is for.

Discord is mostly used as a weapon against humanity by working to spread confusion, lies, nonsense, and insanity, and banning all people who tell the truth. Its purpose is to spread so many lies and confusion into humanity, that nobody will agree anymore what is real or what is lies. Discord's purpose is to make discord.
Every word hit like a hammer on a nail. I would recommend to the OP to stop using this jewish psyop and find real friends, in the real world. True friends are hard to find, but one true friend is worth more than 1000 jews and liberals on discord.
trust me when i say, that these "men" i have talked to for a long time, are some of the most insufferable, useless, laziest and DUMBEST people i have ever met. its like they are all following the same exact pattern for their personality, no originality at all.... for fucks sake grow up...

Almost always, all these eccentric, overly dramatic and extreme types of behavior, can be either traced back to jews, or jewish ideas and opinions.
Let me rephrase this part. What I meant here was not that men wearing makeup or wanting to beautify themselves in a more feminine or masculine way is bad, not at all. That is their expression. The group I was referring to here are the specific "drag queen" individuals, or people who simply turn themselves disgusting and unfashionable for attention (regardless of what kind of attention it might be which they dont care) who for the most part are not even attempting to genuinely make themselves more beautiful, or even to convey a character such as in theaters or in stories or just for the sake of entertainment or whatnot.

The drag queens can be regarded as "fine", however a portion of them are known for being legitimate pedophiles and people with mental issues, if not most. Or at least, with an imbalanced character.

I personally have no problem with a man dressing up as a certain character, I believe that there is much more to a human that says about them other than how they express themselves. Sure there are some similarities between them, but that does not mean they are all the same.

Oh, and trust me when I tell you, most of these "evil gays" (not all) have a more or less better moral perspective than most "alpha male super straight men" out there. I have been mistreated and abused much worse by these "masculine (below animal in reality)" straight males, but I prefer not to generalize too much, in order to not state a fallacy.

At the end of it all what I want to say is, that being gay or bi or queer and different expressions, should only go insofar into politics as making sure that they are not treated lesser just because they are gay or queer, or because of their personal self expression, whether that be through makeup or clothing (healthy channels of course, not for example mutilating your own body or drowning in drugs), or through even nuances of behavior, or sexual preference (again, healthy ones. not things like bestiality and pedophilia.)

I felt safe in the LGBT community for a while and felt represented. But the more time passed, the more ugliness I saw. To the point that Ironically, I do not even want to be associated too much with the LGBT community and their flag or whatever. Seriously, instead of making efforts to enlighten people, especially xians and maybe the muslims that listen, on why homosexuality is not wrong or unnatural, they go out dressed in very weird attire suited only for the bedroom and not the streets, and they wear fursuits with their "fursona", and twerk in front of kids... This is NOT a good representation. It only arouses more anger, disgust, and provides further confirmation for the already hate-based opinions and beliefs against us. There are many people who are not even too much into politics, and are gay, who are tired of this community and have literally declared publicly that they do not wish to be with them anymore.

Of course, some places have more tame pride festivals, but still , the corruption can nevertheless, be seen especially in parts of the US.

This reeks of an inner corruption and infestation, that is made to make sure any movement hoping to provide safety, security and equality (don't get triggered, pay attention to the context I'm using) for queer people, to fall face flat unto the ground.

Its pride month now, I hope this year I see less insanity and more promise instead... although I doubt it.
The anti-woman, anti-man stuff is just a massive psyop to destroy the relations between the sexes, same as communist class warfare being a psyop to destroy relations between different groups of gentiles of the same race.

"Lol! You SIMP for women".

REAL Traditionalists, and REAL MEN:


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
