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  1. Serbon

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

  2. Serbon

    Healind diabetes-1

    Below is a traditional Serbian recipe for helping with diabetes, maybe you can try it; 100g each of Icelandic lichen, black mulberry, birch, blackberry, blueberry and bilberry leaves 50g eacg of heath speedwell and raspberry leaf 200g each of nettle leaves, nettle roots and dry bean husks 150g...
  3. Serbon

    Question #2033: My negative emotions consume me

    You can invoke fire, yes, did you read the meditation section?
  4. Serbon

    Question #2035: School

    Go to sleep earlier, eat better food
  5. Serbon

    Question #2039: planetary hour advise the site

    I'm not pretty sure what your question is, but there's an app called "Astro Clock" where you can see when which planetary hour occurs
  6. Serbon

    Breathing exercises???

    It meanx what it says, use online translator if you aren't sure what the words mean
  7. Serbon

    Question #2000: Ritual advice

    U can do the RTRs daily instead
  8. Serbon

    Question #1991: enemy angels

    the methods given in the RTR are more effective
  9. Serbon

    Question #1987: 6th Chakra Wont Open and Zero Success with Meditations

    If that mantra does not work for you, maybe try another one? Did you try using some runes that are connected to the power of the chakras, or maybe Sanskrit mantras such as Munka?
  10. Serbon

    Help regarding my love spell

    I will share a pagan slavic ritual that could maybe help with your situation; If several generations of women in your family have had problems with their personal life, there may be a feeling of the effects of a wreath of celibacy or curse of solitude. This should be diagnosed by an experienced...
  11. Serbon

    9 as the Satan's number

    Take a look at the post above; "Nine is the greatest German number of power and is also a number of Satan, as it equals the number of the main chakras." from https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html
  12. Serbon

    9 as the Satan's number

    Yeah, I've found this "Nine is the greatest German number of power and is also a number of Satan, as it equals the number of the main chakras." here https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html I have also been researching angular magic recently, the number 9 is...
  13. Serbon

    New Email Address

    Hey, can you please email me from your new email address?
  14. Serbon

    Question about the Demons

    From my experience with rituals involving Demons, I've found it much easier to feel the strong Demonic energy and their presence when doing a ritual for a more high-ranking God, than for low-ranking Ones. Why is this? Is it because the low-ranking Demons have less power than the high-ranking...
  15. Serbon

    Question #1964: Why is Islam false?

    Making a "Exposing Islam" site is actually planned. Can you please email me what mistakes the current sites have? My email is in ny signature
  16. Serbon

    Question #1969: Racism, anti-white, anti-black

  17. Serbon

    Question #1962: Annunaki

    The story about Noah's ark didn't really happen, just an allegory. This literal flood and noah's ark has been debunked many times, take a look at Exposing Christianity links at the bottom of the page
  18. Serbon

    Question #1964: Why is Islam false?

    Take a look at this https://radostsatane.com/Don%27t_Translate2/Exposing_Islam.html
  19. Serbon

    9 as the Satan's number

    What do you think about this? "Despite others' attempts to identify a certain number with Satan, it will be known that Nine is His number. Nine is the number of the Ego, for it always returns to itself. No matter what is done through the most complex multiplication of Nine by any other number...
  20. Serbon

    Hello, I'm new here

    Welcome to the forums, there is no official JoS telegram group, those are run by individuals
  21. Serbon

    6th chakra problem

    Thanks I have no headaches, and I don't think anything that could negatively influence the focus on my head. It may be because in the last 1-2 months I've been pretty neglecting meditation and yoga, I have been doing only void meditation because I was under much stress and I had mentally no...
  22. Serbon

    The color of the soul's wings

    No, not imaginary.
  23. Serbon

    Final rtr

    Blitzkreig is right, you need healing and treatment
  24. Serbon


    idk, never used it. I recommend the one I sent, since it is of JoS
  25. Serbon

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    When you finish the 40 day program (https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf), just start doing meditations from https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Meditation.html
  26. Serbon


  27. Serbon

    How to properly perform the ritual

    You do not "give" your soul to anyone, you dedicate it. https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html
  28. Serbon

    6th chakra problem

    Firstly, it has happened very often that I just felt my 6th chakra closed for some reason, so I had to spend more time on working on it than other chakras. In the recent time it has become very big struggle to spin it. I've got no problems with other chakras, just this one. It feels just as if...
  29. Serbon

    Question #1941: Don’t recall if I started meditation on void of course moon or not

    Don't worry, when it comes to just meditating the moon is not important. It is important only if you do workings
  30. Serbon

    Spread JoS through mystery YouTubers

    basically, he just read the wikipedia page and then he showed a website for a bit and read some good passages, he mentioned there is also Exposing Christianity and Exposing Islam, but he called them "the so called Exposing Christianity and Islam". He also said he is very shocked about the...
  31. Serbon

    Spread JoS through mystery YouTubers

    So, one Serbian YouTuber made a video about JoS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP16eCUZDKM All in all, it is completely okay if we take into consideration that he is christian.
  32. Serbon

    is it okay to add words when performing rituals??

    Henu is right, you cannot generalize and de-generalize like this. Not all Buddhist and Hindus are getting negative energies on our Gods, but I would say to the contrary! Also, de-generalizing is bad, since many atheists also use Names of the Gods in bad ways, and others as well. Just keep it as...
  33. Serbon

    Should we translate everything, really?

    Count me in when it comes to Orthodox Christianity, I have some interesting videos and texts when it comes to this.
  34. Serbon

    Question #1923: Racial aid

    I wouldn't worry that much if I were you
  35. Serbon

    Question #1914: what is your approach ti slavs?

    We have a role as any other whites, I don't see the point of your question? Slav doesn't mean "slave", it comes from "slavan"/"slavjan", meaning "glorious". The Slavic/Vedic connection - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=308953#p308953
  36. Serbon

    Question #1915: Registration

    Did you read the website? https://joyofsatan.org/
  37. Serbon

    Question #1916: Jos date

    This isn't dating forum
  38. Serbon

    Question #1920: Question about your leaders

  39. Serbon

    Question #1906: When I masturbate my breath dies

    Do you have an illness related to the lungs?
  40. Serbon

    About Serpent Hissing breath

    Inhale with nose, exhale with mouth, the step 2 where it says that is about exhaling
  41. Serbon

    Family Ties And Spiritual Satanism & Salvation Of Relatives

    Hello, I have a question about your signature. How can Osiris be the "serpent Sata" if he's not Satan?
  42. Serbon

    Want Help Understanding a Experience from long ago

    Did you dedicate and start meditating?
  43. Serbon

    Question #1899: Doubt regarding power meditations

    This doesn't happen, don't worry
  44. Serbon

    Question #1900: race mixing

    If she had a black boyfreind that doesn't mean she is racemixed. Racemixed means if she hersekf is not fully of one race
  45. Serbon

    Question #1902: What should I do

    You can do this safely online, doing it in the public places is dangerous. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=15142 Also, advance spiritually, did you already dedicate and start meditating?
  46. Serbon

    Question #1908: Aspects Between Planets

  47. Serbon


    Did you even read the link you posted? It says "NOTE* YOU ONLY SIGN YOUR NAME IN BLOOD, NOT ANYTHING ELSE ON THE PAPER." And only a drop of blood is enough, when I did the dedication I just put blood after I've written my name. Just a drop of blood on the name is enough.
  48. Serbon

    Question #1911: something embarrassing

    The color of the sun
  49. Serbon


    Use the search function
  50. Serbon

    Guardian spirit

    did you dedicate?
  51. Serbon

    Question #1893: me or gods

    Through communication with them
  52. Serbon


    example for health; Perfect Health Working by Lydia START: Full Moon in Virgo, waxing or full moon in Sagittarius, Aquarius, Taurus or Leo. Start and do in the planetary hours of Sun, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter. Never start this during the Void of Course moon. Waxing moon is for increasing...
  53. Serbon

    Music and meditation

    Yes, but not any serious/advanced meditation. This would be good just to relax
  54. Serbon


    Take a look at the Runes page https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html
  55. Serbon


    I think this is bad affirmation and working, since you are doing it for multiple things. You should do a working for one thing, only health or only strength, or only whatever other things you mentioned
  56. Serbon

    Question #1885: how to know a god/godess visited or helped you?

    Read the joyofsatan.org website. In the part about Demons this is explained
  57. Serbon

    Question #1874: Chakras outside of the main 7?

  58. Serbon

    Question #1875: Questions about fluoride in water

    You can get yourself a water filter, that filters these out from the water you drink. As I know, Zepter has great water filters, at least in my country they are the number one when it comes to this.
  59. Serbon


    Are you talking about one runic working? It depends on what the working is about if you can use 2 different runes together. If you vibrated one rune 9 times, you should do the oder 9 times too. But usually when doing a working with 2 runes, you should not vibrate one 9 times and then the other 9...
  60. Serbon

    Question #1839: Letter the Devil

    Use the search function on the forums, people have often wrote about this card
  61. Serbon

    Question #1855: I want to improve my health (no time for magic work)

    Yoga can't do you harm, just do not over-do anything
  62. Serbon

    Question #1858: Getting negative emotions after meditation

    These are your suppressed emotions from your past lives coming out of you, this will free you from these. Be patient and keep meditating
  63. Serbon

    Question #1864: Im in a diffrent situation

    It doesn't seem that you don't feel anything about her, but she may have done some kind of love magick, are you keeping your Aura of Protection up? Are you dedicated?
  64. Serbon

    Question #1861: Hi what is your opinion

    Mostly nonsense, if you pay attention to red cars on the streets, you will think that you are seeing them more and that it's some kind of a sign
  65. Serbon

    Question #1852: hi all ..

    https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf Here you have a meditation programme for newbies
  66. Serbon

    Satanists around my area?

    And to answer your question on the "Temple of Pride" "organisation", they were affiliated with the "Demonic_Realm" groups. These were groups from the early to late 2000s that just looked at the JoS as a "one way" of Satanism. Most of these people from the groups were wiccans etc, promoting...
  67. Serbon

    Satanists around my area?

    Zdravo, ja sam glavni za Srpsko-Hrvatski JoS trenutno. Možeš mi poslati mejl pa da se dogovorimo ako želiš da pomogneš direktno oko sajta (radostsatane.com) i slično. Inače, imam ja u mojoj arhivi još dosta zanimljivih stvari što se tiče tog starijeg Ex-Yu JoSa
  68. Serbon

    Question #1831: Please answer

    Continue opening chakras, when you come to the opening of the chakras on the feet and legs, the energy will flow better through your body
  69. Serbon

    Not blind positivity, but...!

    This is very true. Only words can be used for magic too. I was reading the other day a book from Dejan Lucic, he is Serbian occultist and political activist, he was writing about how in a village people hated this one man. The people from the village, because of their bad intentions for the man...
  70. Serbon

    The Wisdom Of Saturn

    Why is the enemy so obsessed with Saturn (for example, the Black Cube of Saturn they use etc)? How does for example muslims worshipping of Kaaba (Black Cube/Saturn) tie in to the jewish agenda?
  71. Serbon

    Celebrating 2 Years of Expansion and Progress (List Updated)

    Hello, I just wanted to correct this image. We actually have archived the Serbo-Croatian JoS from 2009 (https://web.archive.org/web/20120503020353/https://exyujos.110mb.com/) and also the Arabic from 2008 (https://web.archive.org/web/20120415140657/http://luciferi666.angelfire.com/HOME.html)
  72. Serbon

    Question #1813: genetic memory

    Advance spiritually
  73. Serbon

    Question #1814: Hitler supported Islam?

    As Egon explained, Hitler only wanted to get sympathy from muslim leaders to use them.
  74. Serbon

    May I be the first to say "Hello!"

  75. Serbon

    Satanic temple

    We do not have them because of security reasons, but most probably in the future
  76. Serbon

    Infernal Geometry and the LHP

    When I finish reading it I will write my thoughts here :D
  77. Serbon

    JoS Arts Website

    https://joy-of-satan-arts.jimdosite.com/ This is an older website created by TalGonDon
  78. Serbon

    Question #1807: Why back my job?

    Demons are no servants, "requesting" something from them means you need to have a pact with Him, so what was your duty in that pact? You say "He granted it", how do you know?
  79. Serbon

    Question #1808: Suche ein PDF

    Have you looked on Satan's Library website? I may try to find it in my digital library, please email me so I can send you ot if I manage to find it (if not I'll send u other similar books :D )
  80. Serbon

    Questions about the validity of the reverse Torah ritual.

    https://radostsatane.com/DefendingJoS/frtr.html Here you have these anti-RTR arguments debunked
  81. Serbon

    Infernal Geometry and the LHP

    Toby Chappell is a high-ranking member of ToS, their occult practice mostly bases on the runes. They do similar stuff like us actually, they did the "race awakening rituals" with runes in the Wewelsburg castle, where Himmler was doing the runic magic
  82. Serbon

    Infernal Geometry and the LHP

    Anyone read this book? If yes, what are your thoughts? It seems very interesting, I thought of buying it when I finish the book I'm reading now. Here is its description: A comprehensive guide to the history and practice of Angular Magic • Details the development of the magical system of the...
  83. Serbon

    Going away

    Congrats and good luck to you!
  84. Serbon

    Question #1777: send links

  85. Serbon

    Odin Is Osiris, Satan And The Vedic Period

    Why is Osiris called a separate diety in the Demons Section of JoS?
  86. Serbon

    Happy Vidovdan (Day of Vid)

    Sorry for being late, happy Vidovdan to you as well!
  87. Serbon

    Question #1735: orgonite

    The scientific research on healing crystals has been held back by the enemy. Dr. Wilhelm Reich, the Austrian doctor of medicine and a psychoanalyst who discovered orgonite, was raided by the FBI and they arrested him. I think this is enough of the proof about orgonite actually working
  88. Serbon

    improve my kundalini session

  89. Serbon

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Blitz, what do you think? You know about this topic more than me
  90. Serbon

    Question #1735: orgonite

    I wouldn't agree with this
  91. Serbon

    Question #1757: I want to be like this

    This is a fake video tho :roll: Don't you notice the cut when he punches?
  92. Serbon

    Question #1753: Lost items

    How spiritually advanced are you? Did you dedicate to Satan? My advise is to do this https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Banishing.html and ask the Gods for help
  93. Serbon

    Question #1750: hi ..searching for the right path

    Welcome! Of course you'll be accepted, did you read our website? https://joyofsatan.org/ I recommend you research about the Gods, and you can ask Satan for a sign. Concentrate on his sigil and ask him to guide you.
  94. Serbon

    Demon manifests with smell?

    It couldn't have been the ashes. Not only do I always hold big dustance from the incense, but the ashes never fly around, they always just fall down, as this time.
  95. Serbon

    The Tarot: Article Series

    Hello brother, I am very happy to see you on the forums again! I have a question, which tarot deck do u recommend? I have the "Wildwood" tarot
  96. Serbon

    Demon manifests with smell?

    I just finished a standard ritual to Satan and all other Gods I'm connected with/worked with. During the meditation after the prayer, I suddenly feel a very strong presence behind me. Of course, I thought, it doesn't mean anything, I could just be tripping. Everyone's mind likes playing a bit...
  97. Serbon

    Question #1709: Stock market

    I don't know, you should maybe ask on a stock forum? This is a forum to discuss spirituality etc..
  98. Serbon

    Question #1741: Runes and Sigils

    Vibration of the runes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urR_lbo9toA&list=PLK0QOxn85sT9dsJe0B485Osfc1iGGzmwb You cannot vibrate sigils, you can vibrate names of the Gods
  99. Serbon

    Question #1744: False Satanists

    They have an agenda against Satan
  100. Serbon

    Question #1747: Any Idea why horrific animal and human mutilations by extraterrestrials

    I don't know where you've heard of this, but if it was done by ETs, it has not been done by the ETs that are on Satan's side.
  101. Serbon

    Question #1723: Questions on various topics

    1) mayan calendar was misunderstood and it doesn't claim the end of the world in 2012 actually 2) Well, what should I think? It is bad. 3) Why would he not? If you found undeveloped species you can help develop, would you not help them develop? 4) Hidden messages, these are subliminal in most...
  102. Serbon

    Link about satanic sins and rules

    I think you misunderstood something, the Joy of Satan does not say this.
  103. Serbon

    Question #1731: Titanic Submarine

    I don't know, but did you research on the Titanic and the Rothschild link to the sinking of it?
  104. Serbon

    Question #1730: a new person here

    This is very subjective, I for example do this, do not generalize what the relationship between all the JoS members to the Gods is, as this is a subjective matter.
  105. Serbon

    Question #1730: a new person here

  106. Serbon

    Question #1729: a new satanist here..

    1) You need to deprogram yourself from enemy programs. Learn more about the various mistakes in the bible and quran, so you can be sure 100% that they make no sense. They are books of confusion and cotnradiction. Having fear from Satan means you still don't have enough knowledge. Satan is called...
  107. Serbon

    My Absence and Grief

    Thank you, I'm happy my response meant to you.
  108. Serbon

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    You should avoid all artificial light in the nighttime actually, but this is nearly impossible in this time. What I've actually done is, I bought the Hyperlight Glasses from the company Zepter, by using Fullerene lens they transform all kinds of light to a very beneficial and healthy one that...
  109. Serbon

    My Absence and Grief

    I hope you get through this situation well and strong, I wish you all the blessings!
  110. Serbon

    Finnish Translation Thread

    Hey! Can you please email me?
  111. Serbon

    opening the chakras

    Yes, you can. But it would be best if you did this in the morning and in the evening. For me personally, I am much more concentrated in the evening, so I meditate more in the evening
  112. Serbon

    NATO quasi-state "Kosovo" trying to create a conflict for over a year!

    I believe neutrality to be the way, as much time as it can save until getting involved is important.
  113. Serbon

    opening the chakras

    After you've opened it, you don't need to do the opening process again, if you are advancing with your spirituallity and are spinning your chakras every day
  114. Serbon

    Temple of Set

    Maxine also spoke positively about Aquino, but I don't understand one thing. Aquino claims that when he evoked Satan, Satan told him that he is Set. But this Aquino's Satan also instructed Aquino to do satanic rituals in Wewelsburg?
  115. Serbon

    Question #1697: Chakras and meditation

  116. Serbon

    Serbo-Croatian Translation Thread

    Oh, alright
  117. Serbon

    Serbo-Croatian Translation Thread

    Hey! Just wanted to remind you that we have "Exposing Kabbalah" website in Serbo-Croatian https://razotkrivanjekabale.wordpress.com/ so it can be added to your multilingual domain for Exposing Kabbalah https://cabalaexpusa.blogspot.com/p/multilingv.html
  118. Serbon

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Are you taking meds? If not, you should just continue to work on your visualization, it will get better by time.
  119. Serbon

    Question #1695: Evil eye?

    Energetic vampire doesn't mean you have "vampiric genes", but that you annoy people and drain their energy. I think the above are just "accidents", as you mentioned, nothing to do with your eyes.
  120. Serbon

    Question #1698: More information

    Here are CIA documents talking about literally controlling the physical world with your own mind, it even has meditation techniques in it. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210023-7.pdf Here they wrote about the consciousness energy grid, astral projection, and a lot of...
  121. Serbon

    Question #1700: insects

    It's because in the summer time there's more insects than in the colder parts of the year, this is only a sign that the weather is getting warmer
  122. Serbon

    Question #1696: Question for someone who talks to satan

    Ask Satan himself for a sign, concentrate on his sigil and ask
  123. Serbon

    Question #1701: how did you all realize christianity is a total lie

    I was very religious christian before, even helping with translation of some christian books into Serbian. Well, to anwer your question, I just researched more on the topic. Research and critical thinking - that's the way!
  124. Serbon

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Do the 6th chakra after the third eye, we have been planning to create a new version where 6th chakra would be after the 3rd eye, as Azazel instructed
  125. Serbon

    NATO quasi-state "Kosovo" trying to create a conflict for over a year!

    Serbia is actually not aligned with Russia, but is neutral, and doesn't have plans to join BRICS. The government has been really trying to play on time, as you can see. Imagine if a NATO country arrested 3 foreign fully armed policemen on their territory, and if their civilians were endangered...
  126. Serbon

    NATO quasi-state "Kosovo" trying to create a conflict for over a year!

    Here is a list of some of the incidents that the "kosovar" government (illegal according to the UN resolution 1244, but of course legality doesn't interest NATO) caused, trying to provoke a military response from Serbia: August 19, 2022 - Kosovar Albanians are concentrating their forces in the...
  127. Serbon

    Sun Square Thread! + additional information

    Could a solar working be done for improvement in school too, or would you advise some other working for that?
  128. Serbon

    Question #1656: Questions

    Here you have a whole thread made by HPHC on this topic, explaining that indeed Demons WERE NOT literally bound, and explaining the statements of Maxine you quoted https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=305508#p305508
  129. Serbon

    About breathing exercises

    Yes, nose is designed for breathing, not mouth. Exhale always through your nose when doing breathing exercises. Only if it specifically says in the text of the exercise to use mouth, then use mouth
  130. Serbon

    Question #1656: Questions

    The Gods were not literally bound, this is from our perspective. In reality, the earth was bound, in a meaning of us not being able to communicate as well with them as we now can
  131. Serbon

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I've been active in the community, just not on the forums so much. Great, thanks for asking!
  132. Serbon

    About breathing exercises

  133. Serbon

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    It is important to do the RTRs in the hours of Saturn, eventually Mars. The best day for this, astrologically seen, is Saturday (Saturn-day)
  134. Serbon

    Wealth/Money working on 08.11.2022

    Sorry, I don't think so. Astrology is something that really needs much time and energy invested, I've done it for a few people but it is really something that needs investment into it, and I am not really ready to put that much time and energy invested into Astrology as of now
  135. Serbon

    Wealth/Money working on 08.11.2022

    Hey brother, please look at your email
  136. Serbon

    Bangla Translation Thread

    Please email me [email protected]
  137. Serbon

    Filipino Translation Thread

    Hello, please send me an email [email protected] We need one Filipino translator
  138. Serbon

    Maxine is a day Demoness and love Dogs

    No and I don't care. You are creating negative karma for yourself by not caring about health of your dog
  139. Serbon

    Maxine is a day Demoness and love Dogs

    A child would eat poison that tastes good. Feed your child with good tasting poison then
  140. Serbon

    Dedicated but don't know what to do next, a little bit confused

    Welcome! Gradually start with the third eye as indicated in the list, follow the list. Migraine in the forehead is a good sign, yes. You should also do other meditations like Void Meditation, cleaning aura and spinning chakras every day
  141. Serbon

    Persian Translation Thread

    Hello, I please need you to email me [email protected]
  142. Serbon

    Chinese Translation Thread

    Hello, please email me [email protected] I need a Chinese translator for a projet we're doing
  143. Serbon

    Nepali Translation Thread

    Hello, please email me [email protected]
  144. Serbon

    Greek Translation Thread

    I need you two to please email me [email protected]
  145. Serbon

    ORION'S BELT and Samhain/Halloween: My experience

    Look at your email
  146. Serbon

    ORION'S BELT and Samhain/Halloween: My experience

    Hey, nice to see you on the forums again!
  147. Serbon

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    Hello, can you please email me? I want to translate the Astrology website to Serbo-Croatian. My email is in my signature
  148. Serbon

    French Translation Thread

    Please email me, I need French translators for another JoS project [email protected]
  149. Serbon

    Are 108 repetitions bad ?

    What did Maxine say?
  150. Serbon

    Samhain - 31st October or 7th November

    Some people say the true date of Samhain is 7th of November because the Sun is at 15° Scorpio at this day, which would make 7th of November astrologically more correct date than 31th of October as I've understood this. There's even a small note about this in JoS astrological calender
  151. Serbon

    Spread JoS through mystery YouTubers

    1. Not really, anyone can suggest anything 2. For what, for suggesting an idea for a video? And how, is he gonna report my protonmail address? 3. Of course, but it would be an advertisement for us 4. Yes, and all of these are included here 5. Yes 6. They have been taken down, Cobra has an...
  152. Serbon

    Spread JoS through mystery YouTubers

    This is an idea that came to my mind. We could suggest YouTubers that make videos about some mysteries and such stuff to make a video on JoS, by sending them an email of JoS wikipedia page and telling them it's a good idea for a video. Sending wikipedia page is better than official website...
  153. Serbon

    Are 108 repetitions bad ?

    There are 33 vertebrae, not 26. I didn't say 26 is better than 36, I was just asking why 36 is a better number to use
  154. Serbon

    Are 108 repetitions bad ?

    Hm, the Kundalini PDF says there are 26 vertebrae. But this is inaccurate. I will ask HPC about this, we have planned to update the Kundalini Yoga PDF anyways
  155. Serbon

    Are 108 repetitions bad ?

    Why did you use 36 instead of 26?
  156. Serbon

    Number of days for chakra meditation

    It doesn't say on the website, but it says in the meditation program. Cobra, the days should also be added on website I think
  157. Serbon

    Nice song for this time of the year

    Absurd - Colors of Autumn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdPt9hFzZVA [Hook 1] Fiery woods and golden trees Are glittering beneath clear sky. Silver mist at every morning And lonely ravens scream up high. [Hook 2] Beholding the great vast forest. I can see the colours of autumn. Nightly frost...
  158. Serbon

    Temple of Solomon article link is not working

    There's something wrong with the HTML, it doesn't work for me either and I'm using Brave
  159. Serbon

    Some of LaVey's spells

    Go here https://ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=3 and you have the option "New Topic" written in red, on the top left
  160. Serbon

    Strange redirecting when trying to reach the JOS main www.joyofsatan.com

    Most of (not all) of our sites are linked on https://satanisgod.org/ Some of the not-included are for example "Holocaust Exposed" (http://www.holocaustexposed.org/)
  161. Serbon

    Strange redirecting when trying to reach the JOS main www.joyofsatan.com

    kabbalahexposed.com expired too
  162. Serbon

    Strange redirecting when trying to reach the JOS main www.joyofsatan.com

    According to archive.org, we had joyofsatan.com since 2003, and joyofsatan.org since 2005
  163. Serbon

    Necronomicon Meditations For The Year

    If it says not to do the crown meditation if you haven't done the ones that are supposed to be done before, then don't. You should start as it says.
  164. Serbon

    Some of LaVey's spells

    [Jayne Mansfield's six year old son Zoltan was attacked by a lion at a zoo]. "Now as he held his cape out like great leathery wings against the raging wind, the rain beat hard on his face, and, summoning all the power within himself, LaVey called upon his brother Satan to spare Zoltan's life. In...
  165. Serbon

    Venus square question

    Yes, but Gebo has nothing to do with Venus, right?
  166. Serbon

    Venus square question

    Why green? Is red also a possibility?
  167. Serbon

    Venus square question

    Start to meditate firstly
  168. Serbon

    Emergency!! Please help

  169. Serbon

    Consecrating Non-ritual Items

    I want to consecrate a present (a book by Nietzsche) that I will give to my partner. How do I consecrate a non-ritual item?
  170. Serbon

    7 Satan's Sons

    I am not psychically open enough to ask Set himself. Temple of Set claims Satan said it himself to Aquino
  171. Serbon

    Am I supposed to feel heat when I open the base chakra?

    Don't start with base chakra, start as it's on the website
  172. Serbon

    can somebody explain this?

    Read here for debunking these christian arguments about Hitler being christian https://joswiki.org/index.php/Adolf_Hitler
  173. Serbon

    7 Satan's Sons

    Maxine was speaking very very positively of him, calling him a Satanist. He's even a national socialist. I think tho that he really did speak with Satan, since he also got instructed to go to Wewelsburg and do eugenics rituals there. I wonder then why the being told him Satan is Set
  174. Serbon

    experiences with Buer

    His energy is joyful and healing
  175. Serbon

    7 Satan's Sons

    "The thing about Satan having 5 wives is from common grimoire, and "Sekhmet" being his wife I have already explained. The Five Wives is a nod to the five elements, and the 5 regions of "Hell" these lead are the 5 regions of the soul in which each of the five elements is present." From HPHC...
  176. Serbon

    Assistance: Pinklotus into pdf?

    I'll do it
  177. Serbon

    7 Satan's Sons

    How would we explain the revelation of Satan to Aquino?
  178. Serbon

    7 Satan's Sons

    If the 5 wifes of Satan are allegory of 5 elements, are the 7 Satan's sons also an allegory of the 7 chakras? If yes, here comes another question. What about Set? According to Temple of Set's founder, Satan revealed him that he's actually the Egyptian Set. So according to Aquino Satan is Set...
  179. Serbon

    A Secret About Satan's Name : Satan Is God

    72 goetic Demons aren't all Demons, there are many that aren't in Goetia.
  180. Serbon

    Arabic Translations Thread

    I didn't translate this, but you can fix it in the WebWord of arabic website if you have it. About your RTR translation, do it with the program below, and then send the HTML file to Soaring Eagle and HPC https://satanslibrary.org/tspaintable_template.html
  181. Serbon

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

  182. Serbon

    I'm making a decision

    Their goal is to spread negative energy
  183. Serbon

    What to do with smoke during rituals?

    Have your windows open
  184. Serbon

    Radost Satana - Joy Of Satan Bosna i Hercegovina [websites]

    Novi domen je https://www.radostsatane.com/
  185. Serbon

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    No, it's not a problem. At the beginning, I experienced the same thing
  186. Serbon

    Slavic Gods and Satanism

    Hello brother, welcome here :) The pagan Gods must not necessary be a real entity, but an allegory too. Ever heard of a story of Perun (sky, thunder) fighting Veles (earth, nature)? Dogodine u Prizrenu!
  187. Serbon

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Clean yourself
  188. Serbon

    Someone claiming to be Serbon contacted me

    Yes. Using discord is just like using WhatsApp, Viber or Instagram, all are controlled by the enemy but come on, they can be used in our purpose
  189. Serbon

    Using Candle

  190. Serbon

    Hang ups ?

    Just stop gambling
  191. Serbon

    New Website - "Exposing Joy of Satan" EXPOSED

    I've checked it out, most of these arguments are just debunked by just learning a bit more about JoS literally. I think these kinds of "arguments" are just a waste of time even to respond to

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
