AskSatanOperator said:
I want to know, if Satan is real and you people can talk with him, it shouldn't be a problem for him to know something about me. I wonder, is possible to ask him about my name? Or maybe year of my birth? If yes, let me someone know. I just want proof.
First of all, you don't want other people knowing information about you or sharing that online.
Secondly, anyone can talk to Father Satan. Even you, all you need is to meditate and focus on his sigil. You don't have to go through other people to speak to him, because there are no mediators here. Unlike xianity there's no "pope" or "jewsus" equivalent that you have to speak through to talk to our God.
Father Satan isn't going to speak to someone else on your behalf in order to prove he is real. If you want to know for yourself then the best thing for you to do is ask him in meditation to help you understand this.
You can find the answers you seek but it has to come with effort and understanding on your part. By your own efforts and being serious about this you will find out and realize Father Satan is very much real.
Also do understand that when you are new, when you Speak to Father and the Gods, you may not be able to hear their answers, This doesn't mean you're being ignored or not heard, they very much hear you. Until you've done work on your soul in order to open yourself up for astral communication you may not be open enough to hear them on your end.
But even so, they will show you answers to things you really need to know, but sometimes the answers may come in different ways than you'd expect. Just be open and willing to look out for any signs. Don't obsess over it but just be aware.
Good luck, if you need to ask anything else don't hesitate to post more questions.