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Question #1656: Questions


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
"Satan intended to make us like the Gods, but was prevented from doing so and cursed by some of the other Gods who wanted us to be destroyed."

1)Why did this happen? Who are these Gods?

2) Why haven't the Gods come to earth yet and put an end to all this?
We have been living this Jewish lie for two thousand years now, why haven't the Gods come and put an end to this charade? Where are the Gods now?

Sorry if I was a bit arrogant, it's just some doubts that have been wandering around in my mind for a while
There was a time when a lot of humans managed to reach godhood, and it was a golden society. However, we haven't got that stabel that our gods, meaning that our god's society can't be enslaved, but Humanity got enslaved unfortunately.

However this enslavement was long work, and it won't last long.
It happened because of bad planetary influence, and naivety.

Our gods are working on this, but mainly they let us solve our own problems. They are not saviors! This is a lesson for humanity, and we will be very strong when we defeat them.

Two thousand years is a glance to the gods.

The "other gods" aren't gods, they are reptilians. Jews are descended from them. They use us as energy source.
AskSatanOperator said:
"Satan intended to make us like the Gods, but was prevented from doing so and cursed by some of the other Gods who wanted us to be destroyed."

1)Why did this happen? Who are these Gods?

By that it means enemy angels.

AskSatanOperator said:
2) Why haven't the Gods come to earth yet and put an end to all this?
We have been living this Jewish lie for two thousand years now, why haven't the Gods come and put an end to this charade? Where are the Gods now?

It's been explained on JoS that they lost a battle with the enemy and most of the Demons were bound until recently so they couldn't do much. It's not like the enemy targeted humanity while the Gods did nothing, it's more like the enemy ET's defeated and bound our Gods and forced them to leave first and then targeted humanity. The JoS mentions numerous times the Demons being freed in 2002-2003 by HP Maxine and 3 other people using sex magick, so all that time they were bound.


There was a "war in heaven" meaning outer space. Satan and the Elder Gods lost a battle in this war because they were outnumbered. In more advanced worlds, warfare is spiritual and involves the use of psychic energy and the soul. Satan and the Elder Gods were cursed by the ETs who hate and want to destroy humanity.


When we freed the Demons in 2002-03, they all bolted their wings, indicating their power was restored to them.
Shadowmage said:
AskSatanOperator said:
"Satan intended to make us like the Gods, but was prevented from doing so and cursed by some of the other Gods who wanted us to be destroyed."

1)Why did this happen? Who are these Gods?

By that it means enemy angels.

AskSatanOperator said:
2) Why haven't the Gods come to earth yet and put an end to all this?
We have been living this Jewish lie for two thousand years now, why haven't the Gods come and put an end to this charade? Where are the Gods now?

It's been explained on JoS that they lost a battle with the enemy and most of the Demons were bound until recently so they couldn't do much. It's not like the enemy targeted humanity while the Gods did nothing, it's more like the enemy ET's defeated and bound our Gods and forced them to leave first and then targeted humanity. The JoS mentions numerous times the Demons being freed in 2002-2003 by HP Maxine and 3 other people using sex magick, so all that time they were bound.


There was a "war in heaven" meaning outer space. Satan and the Elder Gods lost a battle in this war because they were outnumbered. In more advanced worlds, warfare is spiritual and involves the use of psychic energy and the soul. Satan and the Elder Gods were cursed by the ETs who hate and want to destroy humanity.


When we freed the Demons in 2002-03, they all bolted their wings, indicating their power was restored to them.
The Gods were not literally bound, this is from our perspective. In reality, the earth was bound, in a meaning of us not being able to communicate as well with them as we now can
Serbon said:
The Gods were not literally bound, this is from our perspective. In reality, the earth was bound, in a meaning of us not being able to communicate as well with them as we now can

Except that the excerpt I posted clearly said that the Gods were literally bound. A God "bolting wings" indicating their power being restored can't mean anything else other than literal restoration of power after being weak for a long time. It clearly says their power was restored, not merely the communication. Read it again:

When we freed the Demons in 2002-03, they all bolted their wings, indicating their power was restored to them.

There are many other from JoS and posts by HP Maxine which go into more detail about how they were restored to power:


HP Maxine said:
Back in late 2002 and through the early months of 2003, myself and several others freed over 100+ Demons, [ALL of the Goetic Demons, and many more].

Those kikes used angels to spiritually abuse Demons, not just one or two, but if you read that filthy jewish solomonic trash, you will find many angels summoned during one of those coercings, using the nine-foot circle.

Many people have asked me how we freed the Demons. I will tell you again: we used sex magick, during the short time of orgasm, we connected souls with them and gave them energy at each of the chakras and they then bolted wings. Some Demons such as Horus were accompanied by attendant Demons. I, myself freed well over 40..


Be careful here. As far as I know, the Demons [Those of Satan] were all freed. During that time, there was a planetary alignment and signs in the sky that I saw, one which was extremely rare- the astrological sun glyph symbol in the full moon. The full moon had a very bright full ring around it, which I never saw before and it was right over my backyard in December of 2002. Both Azazel and Thoth worked with me, bringing Demons to me who needed to be freed. We worked from December 2002 through mid-April of 2003 and that was the end. Neither Thoth nor Azazel mentioned any others. The High Ranking Demons were brought in first and as the weeks progressed, the lesser Demons. Clistheret was one of the last ones I freed. Both Thoth and Azazel were very thorough, precise, and organized when working with us. This was not done haphazard. I worked nearly every single day, except when the energy drain was so intense I got physically ill and had to take a break and even then, Thoth worked with me to get me well and back up again in short time. Be careful here, as you may be opening yourself to other entities that you do not know, and they may not be of Satan.

HP Maxine said in the previous hacked groups that the Demons had their kundalini knocked back to the base of their spine after they lost the battle with the enemy, and that's how they were bound and why they need to use sex magick.

Just FYI, HP Maxine said that the kikes abusing the Demons using the Demons using the grimoires only worked because they were bound. Now they are free and it doesn't work any more.

From the main JoS page:

The Demons who were bound and compelled to do the bidding of the sorcerers are now free and anyone using the nine-foot circle methods and "Jehova" names is inviting personal disaster.

All of the above indicates that they were literally bound, not merely having their communication cut off. There's no post by HP Maxine (who was part of the freeing team to suggest otherwise. Besides, HP Maxine always said what she means and never speaks vaguely: If she merely restored the communication she would say "we restored the communication" not "freed over 100 demons". You can clearly see her reply to the question "how and when were the demons trapped by the enemy. She didn't say "well, they were not trapped, the enemy merely cut off the communication" but she just went on to explain how it was done:


HP Maxine said:
In other more advanced worlds, guns, bombs and rockets are not used- they use spiritual warfare. They attack at the soul. The Powers of Hell were bound and worse. All I know in answer to your last question is Satan appeared to me where I was working 3rd shift, doing stocking. I was alone and it was quiet. This was after I freed a few Demons, and agreed to free them all [four other people were working with me on this]. He pulled me to him and he hugged me, saying that no one ever even bothered in all those centuries.

Also, the communication was never cut off. People could still communicate with the Demons when they were bound.
Here you have a whole thread made by HPHC on this topic, explaining that indeed Demons WERE NOT literally bound, and explaining the statements of Maxine you quoted
I'm shocked. After all the knowledge that has been revealed here, there are still madmen who are still asking about this.

Have you not read this thread or do you not realize for yourselves just by default that no being exists in one single form? Even an ordinary human being has many parts of the Soul, or in other words, several "Souls" as it is worded in various Ancient texts. Even the objects we own carry a part of our Soul, not to mention those that we ourselves have put it into consciously and through magic. Don't you all know, or haven't you read on the site, that any such objects can be put, say, in your own Astral Temple or other astral place, and you can put your own and other people's Soul somewhere, for example, in the three-dimensional world, or distribute it in different worlds? And these are just insignificant examples of the lowest magic. What mad blasphemy some speak here out of ignorance, and what monstrous slander against our High Priest! Who one is to judge where he was when he had come? ONE IS HIMSELF NOT THERE to comprehend this in the first place.

Have you ever tried turning a sphere inside out? Have you ever heard of a four-dimensional sphere? If so, you understand that it means a sphere glued to another sphere, and that sphere is turned inside out, i.e., its center is at the point of infinity. The fourth dimension is connected directly with infinity, and its sphere occupies the whole infinity and is not limited by a globular surface. As such Gods are infinite. They have no end or beginning, and even if they had them once when they were not yet Gods, that doesn't mean they have them now. And, since time and space are connected, it means that they exist in the past and in the future, as we understand these notions, and in general everywhere and in all times. And you can see that depictions of our Gods have existed in all times and will exist, but the existence of the depictions themselves are bound in time by our own existence, because our mind has these frames and for us our worship of them is limited to the epochs of our own existence. For them to exist in our world and for us, we have to see them, and we see them for only a few tens of thousands of years, no more. How can you imagine that some brainless kike could bind such a being? How can it successfully curse what it does not see, does not comprehend, and cannot comprehend, no matter how much it tries. Kikes live in their own delusion collectively, in vast delusion.

Every being has myriad aspects, including us. Have you ever done a Soul split (meditation on the Joy of Satan website)? For example, you do a God ritual and you feel his energies, his presence. Because he is basically present in the universe and his energies can be felt stronger and weaker depending on many, many factors. For example, if you look from a two-dimensional world at a sphere passing through it, you will see a circle gradually expanding and also gradually contracting, but it does not mean the sphere is the circle. HPS Maxine says what she says because it is true, for the immeasurably small part it concerns. This is extremely allegorical and the only way certain realities such as those in myths can be passed down this world is the allegorical way.
Serbon, Cobra joined JoS in 2010 as a teenager. He has no idea what happened 7-8 years earlier when the HPs freed the Demons. I don't even know if he was born at that time. So his opinions should be discarded and you should find posts from people who actually freed the Demons. He is trying to fit all to his interpretation of Greek mythology and philosophy and not actual contact with the Gods, that's why the JoS worldview changed so much after HP Maxine left.

I'll repeat what I said about other topics, for those who want to prove me wrong: show me a post where HP Maxine denies that the Demons were literally bound, because there is none. She always describes the binding as literal. Even the newbie's question posted above shows that even when she was asked if the Demons are literally bound or just communication was cut off, she didn't deny it. She would reply "no, it's not literal", but she didn't.

HP Hoodedcobra has also been known to post incorrect things in the past and one time he was even banned by HP Maxine for doing so in 2010 when he said jews don't have kundalini.

Another incorrect statement, she has never really banned me. When she noticed me I immediately became Clergy, to the dislike of the person who banned me, whom she later on removed from JoS herself.

The reasons are verified obviously years later.

In your need to demean or downplay, I will just say that I am mostly silent on subjects that I must be silent about, especially to avoid reckless reasoning coming from people like yourself.
Another incorrect statement, she has never really banned me. When she noticed me I immediately became Clergy, to the dislike of the person who banned me, whom she later on removed from JoS herself.

The reasons are verified obviously years later.

In your need to demean or downplay, I will just say that I am mostly silent on subjects that I must be silent about, especially to avoid reckless reasoning coming from people like yourself.
The pattern is always the same with these "accounts". Show up, write some posts here to pretend they are with us and that they are long term members and at the first opportunity they try to cause confusion by spreading their nonsense. Happened so many times.
Serbon, Cobra joined JoS in 2010 as a teenager. He has no idea what happened 7-8 years earlier when the HPs freed the Demons. I don't even know if he was born at that time. So his opinions should be discarded and you should find posts from people who actually freed the Demons. He is trying to fit all to his interpretation of Greek mythology and philosophy and not actual contact with the Gods, that's why the JoS worldview changed so much after HP Maxine left.

I was of course told everything in detail, such as for example, how the genius of HPS Maxine was the only meaningful thing in the operation, with the rest people just be crackheads who simply at least followed orders, which was good for them as they didn't do anything more in their existence after this. One might have died from crack and another literally tried to betray HPS Maxine a few years later, for example. Good times and exemplary people, the types which I later on decided can't be around the LHP circus for very long, of course. My bad.

I have to further inform you that the reason I am overall, is because of my extreme knowledge and capacity that HPS Maxine would write in my correspondence with her as "Genius level" and that "She has never seen anything like that before".

There is no "my interpretation of Greek Mythology", I am the incarnation of this and other disciplines. The JoS worldview has thankfully improved from being a bunch of crackheads lead by one super advanced soul at the top when she was carrying that alone, and it's going to improve even more.

The unknown aspects of this discipline explain everything, way more than it can even be fathomed. I explained in my topic, so you could play around with terms to try to verify bias and nonsense on your behalf. Lastly, another lie from you, that HPS Maxine "left". She never left.


I'll repeat what I said about other topics, for those who want to prove me wrong: show me a post where HP Maxine denies that the Demons were literally bound, because there is none. She always describes the binding as literal. Even the newbie's question posted above shows that even when she was asked if the Demons are literally bound or just communication was cut off, she didn't deny it. She would reply "no, it's not literal", but she didn't.

What "she would say" and what "she wouldn't" say, is an imposter level argument based on merely your feelings. While you want to claim this as "literal", you are talking of a subject that clearly has spiritual connotations and is not literal. Soon, in order to seek defaming me or discarding me, you will readily write about how HPS Maxine freed the demons with a chainsaw when they arrived at her backyard in a UFO, being literally literal of course.

Nobody ever said it was not literal or a real event, only you. The only thing that was explained later was the supernal mechanics of this procedure, which you deceitfully try to argue are anything but an explanation of this.

It is literal if it's happening on the astral, and the astral is layers and realms of levels of abstraction. To the detriment of my time, I have explained these procedures [on posts obvious HPS Maxine approved to be here] and that's unfortunately another obvious fact you fail to mention, because it doesn't support your deceptive nonsense.

HP Hoodedcobra has also been known to post incorrect things in the past and one time he was even banned by HP Maxine for doing so in 2010 when he said jews don't have kundalini.

Another incorrect lie, where HPS Maxine elevated me into Clergy, and on top of this, told me to immediately return on the forums back then, after I was banned by one loonie named HPS Atheron who isn't even remembered in history, and the other jealous inferior "Mageson". To their misfortune, she immediately took me back in, explained to me my errors like a leader would do, and we spent the rest decade+ happily ever after, teaching me on numerous things which I contributed equally in, developing what we love the most, mutually.

Even more funny is the fact that in all these years, we never compared once, that's what friendship is basically.

After approximately 15 years I dwarf myself from that time, which is of course normal.

By your consequential thinking, don't use HPS Maxine as a barrier to deceive and to lie to pretend more of the things you do, you can blame her too for taking obsolete pages down from the JoS and updating them, so the likes of your animal and deceitful jealous asses could advance spiritually instead of bogging humanity with this behavior you display there. But you can do this after you are done with trying to demean me, you little smart meanie.

I will include one more thing in the lines of jews not having a kundalini [They don't, of the Gentile type], maybe you don't either, or you would have understood a few things stated in the explanations of topics. That makes two mistakes in 15+ years, but maybe I am correct about this statement, so that still makes one mistake.

Keep digging for more and let me know. Keep us informed on what is literal and what is not, and don't forget to discredit me like a pussy on every corner of the groups you can find, to make out of yourself more of a mockery, and out of me a better High Priest in explaining complex subjects. Thank you.
Another incorrect lie, where HPS Maxine elevated me into Clergy, and on top of this, told me to immediately return on the forums back then, after I was banned by one loonie named HPS Atheron who isn't even remembered in history, and the other jealous inferior "Mageson". To their misfortune, she immediately took me back in, explained to me my errors like a leader would do, and we spent the rest decade+ happily ever after, teaching me on numerous things which I contributed equally in, developing what we love the most, mutually.
This is an example for young people here who just give up at the first hurdle.

There is no advancement in anything whatsoever without hostile occurrences, setbacks or misunderstandings, PERIOD, including envious vermin in this case.

Imagine if our High Priest had just left forever because of this incident. Or HPS Maxine herself giving up because of too many things to mention, many of which are on the site or on her audio sermons.

Any good force meets opposing force.
It seems this thread deviated from original question.
I think that, when a change occurs at high levels/powers in a strong organization like JoS, some minor problems happen. This is due to high energies at work in a change of leadership.
I would not bother too much with digging past minor misunderstandings, in favour of focusing on progress with our leader HP as a well recognized guide.
"Satan intended to make us like the Gods, but was prevented from doing so and cursed by some of the other Gods who wanted us to be destroyed."

1)Why did this happen? Who are these Gods?

2) Why haven't the Gods come to earth yet and put an end to all this?
We have been living this Jewish lie for two thousand years now, why haven't the Gods come and put an end to this charade? Where are the Gods now?

Sorry if I was a bit arrogant, it's just some doubts that have been wandering around in my mind for a while
You need to focus on the present and develop.

You have all the tools here at JoS to become a God.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
