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Question On Magick

Apr 18, 2024
Hey so this is a particular question regarding black magick.

I've done it before and got familiar with My own style, but I want to try something new I haven't done before to grow and expand on this horizon. I usually ask the gods for help, but this time i want to try doing it without as much help from them.

I know runes like thurisaz can break down, dull things and more. Haglz and Isa can stop something from occurring and can be used with other runes to bring extreme hardships and even natural disasters too ive noticed.

What's a good rune combination for causing sudden death to a target? Could I also get an explanation on why those specific runes are good as well?

I've noticed understanding the combination also helps in utilizing them.
It's like having a tool in your hand but not knowing what it does. The tool is used more effectively when you understand its purpose, how its used, why its used and why it has that shape.

If anyone can accurately help me, you have my word. Ill also be using this combination to curse our enemies. Picking them one by one. aiming at the wicked nasty people destroying satans world who have no intention of stopping. I have people right now who are interested to help me on cursing our enemies too with this kind of magick. I came out to a few friends this morning hoping to strike a movement and managed to actually pull it off. Started off exposing the lies, talked about spirituality a bit and showed them some small "magick" tricks like getting them to feel energy and stuff. That it was all real lol Just working on getting them on the forums so they can get more help.

I just want to practice it on someone who deserves it for now though. Until I'm successful and see for myself I can do it. You do have my word though.. if i can do it on this one person. You will see promising results when our enemy starts falling into their grave from sudden deaths. I swear on satans name even if i do gotta do it by myself tbh

Yes, you can use these runes, because the power of these runes can manifest death, for your goal.

You seem a little confused, honestly. You should not tell others that you are an SS, and the enemy should be fought as the gods indicate.
I just want to practice it on someone who deserves it for now though. Until I'm successful and see for myself I can do it. You do have my word though.. if i can do it on this one person. You will see promising results when our enemy starts falling into their grave from sudden deaths. I swear on satans name even if i do gotta do it by myself tbh
As suggested :
the enemy should be fought as the gods indicate
For example, because you can cumulate negative karma for being subjective in your methodology

We have efficient protecting and strengthening methods here and a way to destroy the mondial jewish curse in a clean way, without bad karmic feedback, with the approval of the Gods.

But, to improve your aggressive usage of Runes, you can try to dismantle drug trafficking in your region :
- teenagers are more and more confronted with drugs
- other teenagers sell that instead to learn a vocation <- a kind of prostitution, they are flunkies
- this networks are generally setup by the guys you would like to kill, and it always finances things that put people at risk

The karmic feedback is better like this !

Now, if a mature and experienced satanist attacks on his own initiative dangerous people in his area, it seems acceptable for me.
But killing people... it's reserved for the serial rapers/killers class, but "sudden death" is too sweet for them.

Think to the very experienced wise, who is really strong and able to use his own bioelectricity to instantly hurt someone, in front of him after having declared why he deserves that.
This one knows what he does, while you are experimenting with Runes... become this terrifying witch first !
Yes, you can use these runes, because the power of these runes can manifest death, for your goal.

You seem a little confused, honestly. You should not tell others that you are an SS, and the enemy should be fought as the gods indicate.
I understand the concern. I can assure you I promise I am being careful. I've been an SS for 10+years, I've been keeping it a secret since. I had this feeling inside that I should tell them and that good things would come from it. Actually, believe it or not..it is indeed actually working out pretty well.

I know during this time period, it's dangerous to come out as ss. I know and understand many will mean harm. That is something that isn't a problem with these people I told. They're very open people who were already deprogrammed from the churches. For years ive been already actively working on this in a sense. We first met when we were all into spirituality. They didnt have a religion though. They would just practice their own form of void meditation because that was all they knew. Yet they still wanted to try what ever they could to better themselves. We would have talks about religions and eventually they came to understanding on their own and brought it up one day how fucked up the churches were while we were talking. I know things about them that others don't too so I trust them. They trust me.

It's just been awhile since I've seen them... because their life went in for a little turbulence themselves. They made some mistakes while we were younger and it caused us to part ways. Ironically the shifts that occurred in the end actually played out better for them. They are way healthier now and at this point I wouldn't be surprised if the Gods had a role in getting them in better shape. I would talk to the Gods about them and their potential one day.

Regarding to what you said last about the enemy being fought as the Gods indicate. I am also aware. It is total war upon the enemy, war was never meant to be pretty and after the crimes our enemy has committed they deserve everything coming their way...
Many say war is ugly and dont like it but
.. It does have its purpose it is beautiful to some degrees. War is a necessity sometimes in a world where wickedness coexist. It is good to fight for justice while defending your peace, life etc. By wickedness I mean pure evil. People who have done us wrong and have no clear intentions of stopping specifically.

The beings who cursed humanity, attack and slander the Gods and Goddesses while plaguing this very earth I love. Damaging and breaking the people, treating us like slaves. They deserve everything that's coming back to them. They have blood on their hands, the blood of my ancestors and many innocent people who didn't deserve to die or be tortured. It's the reality we face. A harsh one. which is why I'm here seeking out more solutions to add more work to my schedule. Maxine did say on JOS we have magick to utilize for this very war and its legal in my area. Both light and darkness rest within your palms don't be afraid to use them. Understand and get to know their nature and then work to become a master yourself. 🤘

As suggested :

For example, because you can cumulate negative karma for being subjective in your methodology

We have efficient protecting and strengthening methods here and a way to destroy the mondial jewish curse in a clean way, without bad karmic feedback, with the approval of the Gods.

But, to improve your aggressive usage of Runes, you can try to dismantle drug trafficking in your region :
- teenagers are more and more confronted with drugs
- other teenagers sell that instead to learn a vocation <- a kind of prostitution, they are flunkies
- this networks are generally setup by the guys you would like to kill, and it always finances things that put people at risk

The karmic feedback is better like this !

Now, if a mature and experienced satanist attacks on his own initiative dangerous people in his area, it seems acceptable for me.
But killing people... it's reserved for the serial rapers/killers class, but "sudden death" is too sweet for them.

Think to the very experienced wise, who is really strong and able to use his own bioelectricity to instantly hurt someone, in front of him after having declared why he deserves that.
This one knows what he does, while you are experimenting with Runes... become this terrifying witch first !
I'm not really worried about the karmic feed back because there is a way to do it somehow tbh I just wanted to do something on my own while participating in RTRs and rituals to the gods. I do a bunch of work and have grown very exprienced in magick already, im just not a master myself yet which is why i asked instead of playing around right away. I don't have master level knowledge on every rune and I won't pretend I do. Magick isnt something to just play with it is serious. Youre manipulting substance that holds key to life, death and preservation i was made aware. I figured it was better to ask before trying, but either way I have made up my mind it is still something I do want to learn even if I have to "expirement" a little. I've already started doing stuff similiar to what you recommended. The amount of raids in my area have increased after a bunch of satya workings, they siezed lots of drugs recently and been cracking down on Cases. Ill take into consideration practicing cursing these guys as practice for sure. I want to master all forces of nature myself too. Ive held off on black magick when i first started because i was new and finally just recently since 2019-2020 started practicing it out of my 10+ years being an SS. Ive considered the caution already.

The person I wanted to "practice" on is someone who has done me wrong harshly and still trying to fuck me over. They keep trying to hurt me. In the process they are destroying something i care most about as well. Every night I feel the destruction it is causing and it is not fair one bit. The damage it is doing... this person made it clear they have no intentions of stopping. I figured it would also be good to practice first before going agaisnt people who do magick themselves. So I can get familiar.

I may be very good already... but im still far from mastering which is normal. I am aware the rituals are powerful already that is why I partake in them tbh I feel the vibrations from everyone of them deeply, but I'm ready to expand my horizon too and try new strategies myself as well. This is something I wanna do on my own time and accord in this war we are fighting.

When facing battles death is obviously expected. Whether it be combat or even symbolically for going through hardship etc. It's the natural role of things. Unless one day it isn't a rule of nature anymore. I can bare that weight tbh..I have already seen, some of the most beautiful aspects of creation and some of the most darkest and fell in love with the scale at the natural balance.

Far too long that balance was over thrown in a sense needing to be restored. There is a lot we have done already together through JOS, but there is also a lot more that NEEDS to get done too. That is also why I am looking into these things to pick up on some more extra work myself while we also get it done.

Maybe when I was a kid it would've been a dream to become a terrifying witch. It does sound bad ass doesnt it? Lol Unfortunately respect built from fear in the end leads to failure, at least thats what ive observed within life tbh. It is better to gain respect through love from the people... defending them for example and taking extra weight and measures is one of them if youre looking for the attention too, or to be a leader.

It can be unwise sometimes to let serious criminals and people who do serious wrong with no intention of stopping..free if they know what you can do to them while you are alive. if they decide to plot agaisnt you. Its harder to see it coming next time. They get smarter and move wiser themselves. It is the nature of what they have become, fighting to still exist and grow stronger... unless they didn't know who you were.

up above is not within my interest Much though. I dont really want the attention I am a shy person myself.. but i mean hey if people do see someone doing magick and the success rate somehow sparks motivation in other people to start committing more too because they see its real themselves then maybe some positive things could spark from it tbh

Helping rebuild this world and making something beautiful out of it is what I want. We could have been there by now tbh. I'll take what ever extra weight using magick if it means we win this war and our enemies fall sooner. I want to make sure every corrupt priest and anyone participating in the manipulation of the masses, destroying humanity etc.. falls for good into depths they cannot climb from to put a final end to it since they had no intention of stopping. I want to see every church removed off the face of the earth and replaced with something full of life with that being said too.

With how far I've gotten so far, I've been ready to test my limits again and again and grow even more. I'm ready for this new beautiful world to be born fully. A house filled with garbage needs to be cleaned before you can fill it with treasure and beautiful things. Same concept with this world. Unfortunately as of right now we got parasites thats been attempting to hijack this world 🤘 ill expirement with a few runes and see what I can do. I'll ask the Gods as well for some further guidance on the knowledge of the runes too.

Thank you both for your time and responses.

Leaving aside the emotionality expressed. Not listening to the Gods is not very smart, but everyone does what they want, the important thing is that, then, everyone takes responsibility and does not blame others.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
