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Taking Responsibility: Aligning with the Gods and Overcoming Misplaced Blame


Active member
Sep 22, 2017
Yogic Supreme
There’s a common assumption among new members, or members who have not yet done consistent work upon their soul, that coming to Satanism entitles them to immediate favors from the Gods or guarantees sudden, unparalleled development. Some individuals have a tendency to act impulsively, where they become upset when things don’t turn out as they hoped. Sometimes, this creates a sense of entitlement that leads them to make certain demands, and when those demands aren’t met, they throw angry tantrums, harbor resentment, and develop misplaced hatred. This creates a self-perpetuating cycle where their own mentality becomes the root cause of their very problems.

For example, someone might feel impatient and believe that instantly meeting the Gods via astral projection will solve all their issues. While this is undoubtedly a grand event in one’s life, it will not inherently resolve all obstacles in your life. Astral projection is crucial in many respects, but it will not instantly fix your life, as there are many layers that need to be addressed due to the complexity of human nature. However, instead of granting such instant results, the Gods provide the tools and guidance for us to learn how to achieve such skills and goals independently, on our own. Some people even become frustrated by the need and demand for effort, of having to actually do things, leading them to grow angry with the Gods, blaming them for their own unwillingness to take responsibility. This is akin to someone living in a messy and dirty room, refusing to clean it themselves, and instead, demanding their own family members to clean it for them. Where is the pride and dignity in that?

This behavior is no different from those who pray non-stop to win the lottery, spending big bucks on lottery tickets instead of saving that money, and then blame the Gods when they don’t succeed. I’ve observed this pattern for over a decade, and it never changes - it gets old. Blaming the Gods for our shortcomings, instead of addressing the real source of our struggles on our own, is counterproductive and foolish.

What many fail to recognize is that such misplaced hatred stems from the programming and negative influences inflicted upon us by Xianity, Islam and Judaism. These curses, rooted in the manipulations of our enemies, cloud our perception. This prevents us from growth. Our Gods, on the other hand, have done nothing wrong. They have reached out to us to help us rise and evolve, to become like them. Why, then, direct all this anger and hatred toward them? It is the Enemy Jews and its destructive ilk that deserve condemnation, not our kind, loving, and supportive Gods.

Instead of blaming the Gods, why not sincerely ask them for guidance? Ask how you can grow, improve, and make meaningful changes in your life. Ask them how you can take responsibility for your own progress. This proactive and humble approach is highly favored by the Gods. They are always willing to help and guide us by providing the tools we need. Yet, too often, people reject these tools because they find them too challenging or time-consuming. They quit, fall back into anger, and repeat the same cycle of blame, a cycle of stagnation. This cycle of stagnation must be avoided.

The truth is, we all come from different backgrounds, but the core principle remains the same: we must address the root causes of our issues and work to clean and strengthen ourselves from within. This means clearing the "mess" in our lives - whether it’s our home, or our soul, or whatever that needs rectification. Cleaning our chakras, aura, and spiritual body takes time, dedication, and effort. As we gradually clear out negativity and empower our souls, we begin to uncover our true selves. Our innate gifts and abilities, once dormant, start to flourish. We grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, developing the strength and confidence to transform our lives.

As you progress, you’ll realize that superficial desires, such as winning the lottery, instantly astral projecting to please an egoistical void, or seeking revenge on trivial matters, are not as important as they once seemed. You’ll understand that through consistent effort, you can achieve wealth, spiritual growth, and self-fulfillment in due time. You’ll set new, more meaningful goals and build a life that you can truly be proud of.

The best way forward is to use the teachings of JoS and resources available to improve your life holistically. Focus on becoming powerful not just spiritually, but also materially. Cultivate meaningful relationships, excel in your pursuits, and live a life of joy and fulfillment. Life is meant to be enjoyed. The difficulties you face are often the result of external programming, curses from the Torah, negative karmic seeds stored in our chakras, negative planetary transits and other negative influences meant to hinder you. The Gods, however, want us to thrive and express our true, unique selves to the fullest.

Spiritual Satanism is about living life to the fullest and realizing our potential through our own power. By following a path of spiritual discipline and self-improvement, you can achieve this. If you’ve been practicing for a year without significant results, it may be the time to reassess your approach. Consider the following checklist:

  1. Void Meditation: Are you practicing this daily? This will enhance the quality of your meditations by improving your focus.

  2. Chakra Work: Are you working on your chakras every day using words of power/mantra vibrations, asanas, and visualization? This helps to open and expand your mind and soul, energizing and nurturing it. For example, Yoga (the Eight-Fold Path) accelerates spiritual development, as it unites the body and soul through spiritual alchemy.

  3. Spiritual Cleansing: Do you regularly clean your chakras and aura? Maintaining spiritual hygiene is essential for a healthy soul and body.

  4. Energy Work: Are you raising and directing your energies effectively, such as through power breathing techniques, or other methods? Learning to harness, feel and direct energy is crucial for manifesting your desires, and overall spiritual development.

  5. Practical Workings: Do you perform workings such as Freeing the Soul/Munka, using Runes, and/or Satan's Magickal Squares to improve your life circumstances? These tools are invaluable for creating a better life altogether.

  6. God Rituals and RTRs: Are you doing rituals to remove curses from your soul and send them back to the Enemy Jews? Or are you doing other rituals to foster a deeper connection with our Gods? This is vital for breaking free from harmful programming, while also rectifying and empowering the soul and mind, which is imperative for your advancement.

  7. Study and Reflection: Are you regularly studying the teachings of JoS? This will help you in building knowledge, wisdom, independence, and confidence in you as a person and your Satanic path.
When these steps are being consistently applied every single day, you will clean and empower your soul, gain great clarity, and transform your life. Over time, you’ll notice that negativity dissolves, your gifts awaken, and your true potential comes to light. This is the path to personal and spiritual growth, and it leads to a fulfilling, empowered life. To True Liberation.

Further reading:

False Sense Of Entitlement In Spiritual Satanism

36 Virtues Ethical Values of Spiritual Satanism
Hail Satan!!!
This is truly a superb sermon brother or sister!
I find it helpful to myself even having some experience, and it is surely very easy to understand and very helpful to new people. I recently noticed this pattern myself and was able to break out of it. I thank the Gods for this! May every SS truly following the path of Maat flourish and live forever in a abundance! Hail Satanas!! And hail you and I too, SS!
Focus on becoming powerful not just spiritually, but also materially. Cultivate meaningful relationships, excel in your pursuits, and live a life of joy and fulfillment. Life is meant to be enjoyed.

This in particular. Cultivate meaningful and happy relationships and friendships. I see so many of us here possess a very negative view of people around them in their normal lives; "outsiders", "andrapoda", not wanting to interact with anybody just because they're non-SS. Complete us vs. them mentality. We are not a high school goth clique; we're here to improve humanity and the world, and bring the light of the Gods back. With the amount of spiritual advancement and enlightenment that JoS brings us, we actually become the rare shining light in the lives of the people around us that inspires them and reinstates their faith in life, bringing out the best of them and incentivizing them to grow into someone just like you.

I have experienced relationships with wonderful good-natured non-SS individuals who actively strive to grow and only wish for a better life, and I dare say with potential controversy that some of these so-called "those without" work harder for themselves than the same aforementioned SS who only complain about lowly "outsiders" and muh andrapoda. Apologies but I haven't yet seen anybody exhibit the courage to touch upon this bitter fact here so far. The Gods guide humans with potential, even if they aren't directly SS yet. Who's to say they're not already on the path unofficially? I know many of us used to be someone similar before we came here.

Some of us seriously require some emotional freeing, because I understand this kind of self-alienation from society comes from heavy trauma with enemy religion 9 out of 10 times, coming from a rebellious spirit which is a good thing in itself, but we can't close out every potential relationship with people as a result of that. Learn to appreciate the positive qualities in others. Don't invest effort in the people who actually are unwilling to change; focus on the ones who truly do their best to evolve but face their own struggles, who you inspire with the personal qualities of an advanced human soul that you've attained through the JoS's teachings.

Plenty of "normal people" out there already exhibit the willingness to evolve and develop akin to a JoS member, but one wouldn't know most of the time becase they refuse to interact with them. Those people are just lost and misguided on some fronts, but who wasn't at some point in life? Have faith in others, and you become their faith in return.
Thank you for a very valuable input @OhNoItsMook ! I can only say the same. Oftentimes, cultivating relationships or friendships can be beneficial for gaining various forms of stimulation, whether through meaningful communication, social gatherings, feeling understood and supported, exploring hobbies, outdoor activities, or engaging in other stimulating activities that may meet one’s individual needs.

The responsibility of spiritual advancement, as you rightly put it, isn't to isolate but to illuminate and inspire others. Those who truly embody wisdom serve as beacons of hope and guidance, which ultimately help others find their way in life. This is a humanitarian mindset where enlightenment isn't restricted to one group, but is a beacon meant to inspire all Gentiles.

This does not mean one should go out of their way to overextend or exhaust themselves, as it is indeed wise to avoid toxic or unwilling individuals. Some individuals, such as psychic vampires, overly negative or excessively nagging individulas, are best to be avoided entirely, as they tend to drain your energy, leaving you dry and depleted. However, one must also not allow prejudice, fear of being hurt, or fear of misunderstanding, to obstruct the formation of genuine bonds.

Many relationships, particularly friendships, have the potential to be profoundly uplifting. I have encountered many Gentiles who are kindhearted, sincere, and genuinely committed to their own personal growth, as well as my own. It is worth remembering that we all started our journeys from somewhere - and for many, that beginning was a place of struggle and/or darkness.

Relationships, be they friendships or otherwise, aren't merely about sharing common beliefs, but about nurturing qualities such as kindness, resilience, and the willingness to evolve. Many people struggle quietly where they yearn for betterment. A kind and supportive presence in this case, can be the spark that helps them to rise above in many respects. Which is why your point about seeing the potential in others, rather than dismissing them for failing to meet arbitrary standards for not being "SS enough" (or whatever specific criteria they may have), serve as a critical reminder.
أجد صعوبة في التواصل مع مجتمع فرح الشيطان أريد مشاركة المعرفة أنا لست عبدًا جديدًا لقد أمضيت ست سنوات في إيقاظ الكونداليني، لكنني لا أستطيع توصيلها إلى شقرا التاج
There’s a common assumption among new members, or members who have not yet done consistent work upon their soul, that coming to Satanism entitles them to immediate favors from the Gods or guarantees sudden, unparalleled development. Some individuals have a tendency to act impulsively, where they become upset when things don’t turn out as they hoped. Sometimes, this creates a sense of entitlement that leads them to make certain demands, and when those demands aren’t met, they throw angry tantrums, harbor resentment, and develop misplaced hatred. This creates a self-perpetuating cycle where their own mentality becomes the root cause of their very problems.

For example, someone might feel impatient and believe that instantly meeting the Gods via astral projection will solve all their issues. While this is undoubtedly a grand event in one’s life, it will not inherently resolve all obstacles in your life. Astral projection is crucial in many respects, but it will not instantly fix your life, as there are many layers that need to be addressed due to the complexity of human nature. However, instead of granting such instant results, the Gods provide the tools and guidance for us to learn how to achieve such skills and goals independently, on our own. Some people even become frustrated by the need and demand for effort, of having to actually do things, leading them to grow angry with the Gods, blaming them for their own unwillingness to take responsibility. This is akin to someone living in a messy and dirty room, refusing to clean it themselves, and instead, demanding their own family members to clean it for them. Where is the pride and dignity in that?

This behavior is no different from those who pray non-stop to win the lottery, spending big bucks on lottery tickets instead of saving that money, and then blame the Gods when they don’t succeed. I’ve observed this pattern for over a decade, and it never changes - it gets old. Blaming the Gods for our shortcomings, instead of addressing the real source of our struggles on our own, is counterproductive and foolish.

What many fail to recognize is that such misplaced hatred stems from the programming and negative influences inflicted upon us by Xianity, Islam and Judaism. These curses, rooted in the manipulations of our enemies, cloud our perception. This prevents us from growth. Our Gods, on the other hand, have done nothing wrong. They have reached out to us to help us rise and evolve, to become like them. Why, then, direct all this anger and hatred toward them? It is the Enemy Jews and its destructive ilk that deserve condemnation, not our kind, loving, and supportive Gods.

Instead of blaming the Gods, why not sincerely ask them for guidance? Ask how you can grow, improve, and make meaningful changes in your life. Ask them how you can take responsibility for your own progress. This proactive and humble approach is highly favored by the Gods. They are always willing to help and guide us by providing the tools we need. Yet, too often, people reject these tools because they find them too challenging or time-consuming. They quit, fall back into anger, and repeat the same cycle of blame, a cycle of stagnation. This cycle of stagnation must be avoided.

The truth is, we all come from different backgrounds, but the core principle remains the same: we must address the root causes of our issues and work to clean and strengthen ourselves from within. This means clearing the "mess" in our lives - whether it’s our home, or our soul, or whatever that needs rectification. Cleaning our chakras, aura, and spiritual body takes time, dedication, and effort. As we gradually clear out negativity and empower our souls, we begin to uncover our true selves. Our innate gifts and abilities, once dormant, start to flourish. We grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, developing the strength and confidence to transform our lives.

As you progress, you’ll realize that superficial desires, such as winning the lottery, instantly astral projecting to please an egoistical void, or seeking revenge on trivial matters, are not as important as they once seemed. You’ll understand that through consistent effort, you can achieve wealth, spiritual growth, and self-fulfillment in due time. You’ll set new, more meaningful goals and build a life that you can truly be proud of.

The best way forward is to use the teachings of JoS and resources available to improve your life holistically. Focus on becoming powerful not just spiritually, but also materially. Cultivate meaningful relationships, excel in your pursuits, and live a life of joy and fulfillment. Life is meant to be enjoyed. The difficulties you face are often the result of external programming, curses from the Torah, negative karmic seeds stored in our chakras, negative planetary transits and other negative influences meant to hinder you. The Gods, however, want us to thrive and express our true, unique selves to the fullest.

Spiritual Satanism is about living life to the fullest and realizing our potential through our own power. By following a path of spiritual discipline and self-improvement, you can achieve this. If you’ve been practicing for a year without significant results, it may be the time to reassess your approach. Consider the following checklist:

  1. Void Meditation: Are you practicing this daily? This will enhance the quality of your meditations by improving your focus.

  2. Chakra Work: Are you working on your chakras every day using words of power/mantra vibrations, asanas, and visualization? This helps to open and expand your mind and soul, energizing and nurturing it. For example, Yoga (the Eight-Fold Path) accelerates spiritual development, as it unites the body and soul through spiritual alchemy.

  3. Spiritual Cleansing: Do you regularly clean your chakras and aura? Maintaining spiritual hygiene is essential for a healthy soul and body.

  4. Energy Work: Are you raising and directing your energies effectively, such as through power breathing techniques, or other methods? Learning to harness, feel and direct energy is crucial for manifesting your desires, and overall spiritual development.

  5. Practical Workings: Do you perform workings such as Freeing the Soul/Munka, using Runes, and/or Satan's Magickal Squares to improve your life circumstances? These tools are invaluable for creating a better life altogether.

  6. طقوس الله وRTRs : هل تقوم بطقوس لإزالة اللعنات من روحك وإرسالها مرة أخرى إلى اليهود الأعداء؟ أم أنك تقوم بطقوس أخرى لتعزيز اتصال أعمق مع آلهتنا؟ هذا أمر حيوي للتحرر من البرمجة الضارة، وفي الوقت نفسه تصحيح وتمكين الروح والعقل، وهو أمر ضروري لتقدمك.

  7. الدراسة والتأمل : هل تدرس تعاليم جوس بانتظام؟ سيساعدك هذا في بناء المعرفة والحكمة والاستقلال والثقة في نفسك كشخص وفي مسارك الشيطاني.
عندما تطبق هذه الخطوات باستمرار كل يوم، فإنك ستنظف روحك وتقويها، وتكتسب وضوحًا كبيرًا، وتحول حياتك. وبمرور الوقت، ستلاحظ أن السلبية تتلاشى، وتستيقظ مواهبك، وتظهر إمكاناتك الحقيقية إلى النور. هذا هو الطريق إلى النمو الشخصي والروحي، ويؤدي إلى حياة مُرضية ومُتمكنة. إلى التحرير الحقيقي.

قراءة إضافية:

الشعور الزائف بالاستحقاق في الشيطانية الروحية

36 فضيلة وقيم أخلاقية للشيطانية الروحانية
مرحبا بالشيطان!!!
أجد صعوبة في التواصل مع مجتمع فرح الشيطان أريد مشاركة المعرفة أنا لست عبدًا جديدًا لقد أمضيت ست سنوات في إيقاظ الكونداليني، لكنني لا أستطيع توصيلها إلى شقرا التاج
أجد صعوبة في التواصل مع مجتمع فرح الشيطان أريد مشاركة المعرفة أنا لست عبدًا جديدًا لقد أمضيت ست سنوات في إيقاظ الكونداليني، لكنني لا أستطيع توصيلها إلى شقرا التاج

أجد صعوبة في التواصل مع مجتمع فرح الشيطان أريد مشاركة المعرفة أنا لست عبدًا جديدًا لقد أمضيت ست سنوات في إيقاظ الكونداليني، لكنني لا أستطيع توصيلها إلى شقرا التاج

The difficulty you’re experiencing in connecting with the community might be related to your username. Moloch is a distortion, perversion, and corruption of Baal, and is a reptilian entity tied to Abrahamic sacrificial worship, particularly involving child and blood sacrifices. You should consider changing your username to avoid the negative connotations it carries.

Raising the Kundalini can be a long process, and often it takes more than six years and, for some, even multiple lifetimes. What matters most is establishing a strong foundation and maintaining consistency in your spiritual practices.

It’s beneficial to observe each of the witches' Esbats and Sabbats annually to purify your soul from curses and negative energies. Regular purification is vital for a "squeaky clean" soul, which will enable greater empowerment and reducing restrictions that may hold you back in life. Incorporating Yoga into your routine, preferably practiced daily, can further support your spiritual development and overall well-being.

Important links:

Deep Cleaning the Soul: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/deep-cleaning.57615/

Advanced knowledge regarding deep cleaning and witches sabbath: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/...urification-circle-updated.58191/#post-257348

Kundalini and Hatha Yoga: https://satanslibrary.org/Yoga_Routine.html
Also, you should not be using a profile picture of yourself, if that is you, change it. It could pose a safety risk with the potential threats present, as here are enemies lurking.

Never share your personal information with anyone here.
There’s a common assumption among new members, or members who have not yet done consistent work upon their soul, that coming to Satanism entitles them to immediate favors from the Gods or guarantees sudden, unparalleled development. Some individuals have a tendency to act impulsively, where they become upset when things don’t turn out as they hoped. Sometimes, this creates a sense of entitlement that leads them to make certain demands, and when those demands aren’t met, they throw angry tantrums, harbor resentment, and develop misplaced hatred. This creates a self-perpetuating cycle where their own mentality becomes the root cause of their very problems.

For example, someone might feel impatient and believe that instantly meeting the Gods via astral projection will solve all their issues. While this is undoubtedly a grand event in one’s life, it will not inherently resolve all obstacles in your life. Astral projection is crucial in many respects, but it will not instantly fix your life, as there are many layers that need to be addressed due to the complexity of human nature. However, instead of granting such instant results, the Gods provide the tools and guidance for us to learn how to achieve such skills and goals independently, on our own. Some people even become frustrated by the need and demand for effort, of having to actually do things, leading them to grow angry with the Gods, blaming them for their own unwillingness to take responsibility. This is akin to someone living in a messy and dirty room, refusing to clean it themselves, and instead, demanding their own family members to clean it for them. Where is the pride and dignity in that?

This behavior is no different from those who pray non-stop to win the lottery, spending big bucks on lottery tickets instead of saving that money, and then blame the Gods when they don’t succeed. I’ve observed this pattern for over a decade, and it never changes - it gets old. Blaming the Gods for our shortcomings, instead of addressing the real source of our struggles on our own, is counterproductive and foolish.

What many fail to recognize is that such misplaced hatred stems from the programming and negative influences inflicted upon us by Xianity, Islam and Judaism. These curses, rooted in the manipulations of our enemies, cloud our perception. This prevents us from growth. Our Gods, on the other hand, have done nothing wrong. They have reached out to us to help us rise and evolve, to become like them. Why, then, direct all this anger and hatred toward them? It is the Enemy Jews and its destructive ilk that deserve condemnation, not our kind, loving, and supportive Gods.

Instead of blaming the Gods, why not sincerely ask them for guidance? Ask how you can grow, improve, and make meaningful changes in your life. Ask them how you can take responsibility for your own progress. This proactive and humble approach is highly favored by the Gods. They are always willing to help and guide us by providing the tools we need. Yet, too often, people reject these tools because they find them too challenging or time-consuming. They quit, fall back into anger, and repeat the same cycle of blame, a cycle of stagnation. This cycle of stagnation must be avoided.

The truth is, we all come from different backgrounds, but the core principle remains the same: we must address the root causes of our issues and work to clean and strengthen ourselves from within. This means clearing the "mess" in our lives - whether it’s our home, or our soul, or whatever that needs rectification. Cleaning our chakras, aura, and spiritual body takes time, dedication, and effort. As we gradually clear out negativity and empower our souls, we begin to uncover our true selves. Our innate gifts and abilities, once dormant, start to flourish. We grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, developing the strength and confidence to transform our lives.

As you progress, you’ll realize that superficial desires, such as winning the lottery, instantly astral projecting to please an egoistical void, or seeking revenge on trivial matters, are not as important as they once seemed. You’ll understand that through consistent effort, you can achieve wealth, spiritual growth, and self-fulfillment in due time. You’ll set new, more meaningful goals and build a life that you can truly be proud of.

The best way forward is to use the teachings of JoS and resources available to improve your life holistically. Focus on becoming powerful not just spiritually, but also materially. Cultivate meaningful relationships, excel in your pursuits, and live a life of joy and fulfillment. Life is meant to be enjoyed. The difficulties you face are often the result of external programming, curses from the Torah, negative karmic seeds stored in our chakras, negative planetary transits and other negative influences meant to hinder you. The Gods, however, want us to thrive and express our true, unique selves to the fullest.

Spiritual Satanism is about living life to the fullest and realizing our potential through our own power. By following a path of spiritual discipline and self-improvement, you can achieve this. If you’ve been practicing for a year without significant results, it may be the time to reassess your approach. Consider the following checklist:

  1. Void Meditation: Are you practicing this daily? This will enhance the quality of your meditations by improving your focus.

  2. Chakra Work: Are you working on your chakras every day using words of power/mantra vibrations, asanas, and visualization? This helps to open and expand your mind and soul, energizing and nurturing it. For example, Yoga (the Eight-Fold Path) accelerates spiritual development, as it unites the body and soul through spiritual alchemy.

  3. Spiritual Cleansing: Do you regularly clean your chakras and aura? Maintaining spiritual hygiene is essential for a healthy soul and body.

  4. Energy Work: Are you raising and directing your energies effectively, such as through power breathing techniques, or other methods? Learning to harness, feel and direct energy is crucial for manifesting your desires, and overall spiritual development.

  5. Practical Workings: Do you perform workings such as Freeing the Soul/Munka, using Runes, and/or Satan's Magickal Squares to improve your life circumstances? These tools are invaluable for creating a better life altogether.

  6. God Rituals and RTRs: Are you doing rituals to remove curses from your soul and send them back to the Enemy Jews? Or are you doing other rituals to foster a deeper connection with our Gods? This is vital for breaking free from harmful programming, while also rectifying and empowering the soul and mind, which is imperative for your advancement.

  7. Study and Reflection: Are you regularly studying the teachings of JoS? This will help you in building knowledge, wisdom, independence, and confidence in you as a person and your Satanic path.
When these steps are being consistently applied every single day, you will clean and empower your soul, gain great clarity, and transform your life. Over time, you’ll notice that negativity dissolves, your gifts awaken, and your true potential comes to light. This is the path to personal and spiritual growth, and it leads to a fulfilling, empowered life. To True Liberation.

Further reading:

False Sense Of Entitlement In Spiritual Satanism

36 Virtues Ethical Values of Spiritual Satanism
Hail Satan!!!
Thank you for making this post

It was a great read
كذلك، لا ينبغي لك استخدام صورة شخصية لك، وإذا كانت هذه الصورة لك، فغيّرها. وقد يترتب على ذلك خطر على السلامة بسبب خيارها، حيث يتربص بك جيمس.

لا تشارك معلوماتك الشخصية مع أي شخص هنا لتبادل المعلومات.
شكرا جزيلا لك اخي على مساعدتي اما بالنسبة للاسم احس نطق مولوك روش مصطلح معناه في اللغة المصرية رائع ليس اكثر اعتذر عن التأخير في الرد
أما بالنسبة للتعاليم فأشعر أنها متقدمة مني.
أعني فقط. لا أستطيع التواصل مع حارس الشيطان الشمس السوداء، الصمداهي
وأشعر أنه يجب علينا تطوير تعاليم المبتدئين في فرح الشيطان ولهذا السبب عقدت اجتماعًا طارئًا معك. هل يجوز استخدام اللاوعي الجماعي = شجرة الحياة أعني التصوف والأساسيات وأفلاطون وبلوتينوس وبروكلس وامتدادهم ووليام جيمس والسحر الاحتفالي. الخيمياء سي جيه يونج رحلة البطل أم الأحمق أما بالنسبة لاستخدامي لصورتي فأنا أعترف للمجتمع بأنني شيطاني وأعترف أن هذا يتعارض أحيانًا مع مصالحي وغير عقلاني ولكن شمسي وقمري في برج الحوت.
شكرا جزيلا لك اخي على مساعدتي اما بالنسبة للاسم احس نطق مولوك روش مصطلح معنا في اللغة المصرية الرائعة ليس اكثر اعتذر عن التعبير في الرد
أما بالنسبة للتعاليم فأشعر أنها متقدمة مني.
أعني فقط. لا تسمح بالتواصل مع لاعب الشيطان الأسود، الصمداهي
وشعر أنه يجب علينا تطوير المبتدئين في فرح الشيطان ولهذا السبب مجتمعاً طارئاً معك. هل يجب عليه استخدام اللاوعي الجماعي = شجرة الحياة أعني التصوف والأساسيات وأفلاطون وبلوتينوس وبروكلس وامتدادهم ووليام جيمس والسحر الاحتفالي. الخيمياء سي جيه يونج رحلة البطل أم الأحمق أما لاستخدامي لصورتي فأنا أعترف بتمكينني شيطاني وأعترف أن هذا يتعارض أحيانًا مع مصالحي وغير عقلاني ولكن شمسي وأكري في برج الحوت.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
