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Greek Translation Thread


First of all I should apologize for the lack of updates, I went through a very rough year.

I am still committed to translating Kabbalah Exposed, I estimate I will have finished working on it by the end of July.
OphidianBlade said:

First of all I should apologize for the lack of updates, I went through a very rough year.

I am still committed to translating Kabbalah Exposed, I estimate I will have finished working on it by the end of July.

You should join the Greek official translation project. Just send me an e-mail to [email protected] and I will forward you to the translators. You will only have to do translations as your time permits, on the official Joy of Satan website.
The Alchemist7 said:
Greekflame666 said:
I will send them with the mega as soon as I finish them I will also send the Greek NS books (such as Mein Kampf and many more), videos, pdf that I would prefer to upload in JoS's Greek library and that are relatively empty I would like to I ask will the translations I send be uploaded to (satanismos.gr)? if yes i would like to help develop this site that wants work and some fixes.
I am not sure if there will be an individual website for all JoS Sites but surely they should all be listed in the main JoS for every language, and there will be a website for the main JoS in any language. That is where all other websites will probably be either hosted as individual websites, either linked in PDF format. So most likely yes your translations should definitely be included in the Main JoS in Greek once translations all finalized and the main website is finalized as well.

There will be, yes. The satanismos.gr website will have it's exclusive library and subdomain for all the other projects, like Kabbalah Exposed etc etc.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
OphidianBlade said:

First of all I should apologize for the lack of updates, I went through a very rough year.

I am still committed to translating Kabbalah Exposed, I estimate I will have finished working on it by the end of July.

You should join the Greek official translation project. Just send me an e-mail to [email protected] and I will forward you to the translators. You will only have to do translations as your time permits, on the official Joy of Satan website.

HP Cobra check your emails when you can please, i just re-forward you the email about the translations
Greetings, I apologize that I could not start the translations, I have not had time yet, but I promise that I will start after June 15, when I can. I also promise to translate The Third Reich and Christianity and 666 Black Sun.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
OphidianBlade said:

First of all I should apologize for the lack of updates, I went through a very rough year.

I am still committed to translating Kabbalah Exposed, I estimate I will have finished working on it by the end of July.

You should join the Greek official translation project. Just send me an e-mail to [email protected] and I will forward you to the translators. You will only have to do translations as your time permits, on the official Joy of Satan website.

Very well, I will make a new Protonmail account and notify you soon.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
OphidianBlade said:

First of all I should apologize for the lack of updates, I went through a very rough year.

I am still committed to translating Kabbalah Exposed, I estimate I will have finished working on it by the end of July.

You should join the Greek official translation project. Just send me an e-mail to [email protected] and I will forward you to the translators. You will only have to do translations as your time permits, on the official Joy of Satan website.

I have recovered access to my Protonmail account and contacted you from there.
About Astarte's page in Greek.
I'm reading about her, and there are a few issues that would be nice if you could correct them (whoever is responsible for it).


In the English page:
All mentions of Astarte's name as "Astaroth" have been replaced as "Astarte". It would be nice if it happened in the Greek page, as well. :)

Also, the beginning of it (about Astarte's being Beelzebul's "granddaughter") is changed in English (about her being Satan's daughter), so it would be nice if it changed in Greek as well.

Also, in the advanced information:
In the "Θεϊκά Σύμβολα" there is a "Green" (remain from the English "Green fields") that should be deleted.

I haven't finished reading the whole thing yet, but if I see anything else, I will respond here. It'd be nice if these corrections took place, as it's sad for one of our Goddesses to have false or confusing information.
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=457557 time=1691530857 user_id=1057]

Hello. Is anyone still active in translating in Greek? I haven't heard back at least from PromitheusS88 and OphidianBlade in ages. @Yagami Light I am not sure if you have been translating as well?

Hello im still active if there is anything to be done. Lasts translations from Abrasax123 was at 22 May
Greetings. Has there been any progress regarding the translations? If not, I would like to translate the deathofcommunism.com site. I have almost zero coding skills, meaning I can not create a new language option or a new site, but I can surely translate everything accurately and effectively. I can then send it to someone who can implement the articles in the existing site (or in an entirely new one). If anyone can fill that spot, please reply and let me know.
Hellenic SS said:
Greetings. Has there been any progress regarding the translations? If not, I would like to translate the deathofcommunism.com site. I have almost zero coding skills, meaning I can not create a new language option or a new site, but I can surely translate everything accurately and effectively. I can then send it to someone who can implement the articles in the existing site (or in an entirely new one). If anyone can fill that spot, please reply and let me know.
Greetings Hellenic SS. Yes this is certainly welcomed. You can translate the site and send the translations to me on [email protected]

There are 2 Greek members currently translating JoS into Greek, Prometheus and Akis, we are working on the sites as time allows. If you would be interested to learn on how the sites are being edited you can email me, there aren't a lot of skills needed as the process is simple for the most part.
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=478299 time=1703024422 user_id=1057]
Greetings Hellenic SS. Yes this is certainly welcomed. You can translate the site and send the translations to me on [email protected]

There are 2 Greek members currently translating JoS into Greek, Prometheus and Akis, we are working on the sites as time allows. If you would be interested to learn on how the sites are being edited you can email me, there aren't a lot of skills needed as the process is simple for the most part.

Thank you for the openness, Guardian Alchemist7! I will start translating this Sunday, the day after Satan's Day. I will make sure to email you for questions and for the translated articles, probably 10 articles per email (if possible).
Thank you for the openness, Guardian Alchemist7! I will start translating this Sunday, the day after Satan's Day. I will make sure to email you for questions and for the translated articles, probably 10 articles per email (if possible).
For those wondering, I have cancelled the translation of Death of Communism, but I am translating various articles and images from the main Jo
Hi, can anyone update the content list for Exposing christianity?

Content list:
Παλαιά Διαθήκη

Καινή Διαθήκη και χριστιανική πίστη

Σύνδεση του “Ιησού” με τον εβραϊκό Μεσσία

Τορά και αιματοθυσία

Ο Χριστός ως σκεπτομορφή

Γιαχβέ: “Εξαρχής ήταν ανθρωποκτόνος και δεν μπόρεσε να σταθεί μέσα στην αλήθεια”

Η αλήθεια για τον “Ιησού Χριστό”

Η αλήθεια για τον “Γιαχβέ” και η σχέση του με τον Χριστιανισμό


Θεία Λειτουργία: Προσομοίωση ανθρώπινης αιματοθυσίας

Η Αγία Γραφή ως βιβλίο εβραϊκής μαγείας: Εκθέτοντας την τραγωδία της 11ης Σεπτεμβρίου

ΑΠΟΔΕΙΞΗ: Η Αγία Γραφή γράφτηκε για εβραϊκή μαγεία

Οι Εβραίοι παριστάνουν τον “Θεό”

Η Βίβλος ως πρόγραμμα ελέγχου του νου

Χριστιανισμός, Κομμουνισμός, οι Εβραίοι και η Βίβλος

Οι χριστιανικές ρίζες του κομμουνισμού


Η αλήθεια για την Βίβλο

Η αλήθεια για τον “δαιμονισμό”

Φώτιση επί των “Πεφωτισμένων”

Η αλήθεια για την “Νέα Τάξη Πραγμάτων”

Ομολογίες ενός Εβραίου

Εβραϊκές ρίζες και δημιουργία του Χριστιανισμού

Εκθέτοντας την χριστιανική “φιλανθρωπία”: Δισεκατομμύρια πηγαίνουν στην προώθηση του κομμουνισμού

Η Νέα Τάξη Πραγμάτων και οι Εκκλησίες

Δολοφόνοι, κλέφτες, ψεύτες: Ο Χριστιανισμός δεν έχει τίποτα αυθεντικό

Το κλεμμένο έτος

Γιατί ο Χριστιανισμός αντιτίθεται στην ανθρώπινη σεξουαλικότητα

Ιερά Εξέταση: Βασανιστήρια, μαζικοί φόνοι, καταστροφή της ανθρώπινης φύσης

Εκθέτοντας τον πραγματικό σκοπό του Χριστιανισμού

Βίβλος: Εβραϊκή απάτη και συνωμοσία

Το υποσυνείδητο μήνυμα της Βίβλου: Εβραϊκή ανωτερότητα υπέρ των Ευγενών

Εκθέτοντας την πνευματική διαφθορά της Βίβλου: Πνευματική αλχημεία και απόδειξη ότι ο Σατανάς είναι ο Δημιουργός μας

Ο απανταχού παρών Ναζωραίος

Ιησούς, ο χειρότερος αμαρτωλός: Αποφθέγματα της Βίβλου που αποδεικνύουν ότι λήστευε, ήταν ψεύτης και προωθούσε τον ΦΟΝΟ

Ιησουίτες: Οργανωμένα εγκλήματα και φόνοι

Οι 10 Εντολές: Απόδειξη ότι ο Γιαχβέ δολοφονούσε και έκλεβε ασταμάτητα

Άγγελοι: Η άσχημη αλήθεια για τα εχθρικά, εξωγήινα όντα

Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά: 100 χρόνια ψεμάτων περί “τέλους του κόσμου”

Χριστός: Το εβραϊκό αρχέτυπο

Ναός του Σολομώντα

Μαρτίνος Λούθηρος: Χριστιανική αντι-λογική

Η χριστιανική σύγχυση

Εκθέτοντας την χριστιανική προσευχή

Καθολικό αλφαβητάρι εξομολόγησης: Μίσος του εξωγήινου χριστιανικού “θεού” για την ανθρώπινη φύση

Αρχεία MP3


I also suggest, if you find some free time, that the title/name of the main site be changed to "Χαρά του Σατανά" instead of staying as "Joy of Satan". The same could be done with Exposing christianity, which should be "Εκθέτοντας τον χριστιανισμό".

I know I may be a bit overactive here lately, but I want the translations to be done correctly and professionally, I don't want them to be half-done.
I also suggest, if you find some free time, that the title/name of the main site be changed to "Χαρά του Σατανά" instead of staying as "Joy of Satan". The same could be done with Exposing christianity, which should be "Εκθέτοντας τον χριστιανισμό".

I know I may be a bit overactive here lately, but I want the translations to be done correctly and professionally, I don't want them to be half-done.
Thanks. No worries at all this will get done soon together with the homepage update. I have the translated Greek pentagram that I will add then, there are just some minor issues at the moment with the platform used for that but it should get fixed soon.
Thanks. No worries at all this will get done soon together with the homepage update. I have the translated Greek pentagram that I will add then, there are just some minor issues at the moment with the platform used for that but it should get fixed soon.

I know you have other work to do as well, but I have some more recommendations. You can apply them whenever you can and want to, so don't feel pressured in any way. I'm just putting them here so you can find them later on:

1) " Our Past is Being Systematically Destroyed To Keep the LIE of Christianity Going. Expose the Conspiracy!! Click Here!! " should be translated as " Το παρελθόν μας καταστρέφεται συστηματικά για να συνεχιστεί το ΨΕΜΑ του Χριστιανισμού. Εκθέστε την συνωμοσία! Κάντε κλικ εδώ! "

2)" Οι Χριστιανικές εκκλησίες έχουν δισεκατομμύρια και δισεκατομμύρια δολάρια. Για να προχωρήσει ο Σατανισμός, χρειάζονται χρήματα. Το Υπουργείο της Χαράς του Σατανά μπορεί να κάνει πολλά περισσότερα με τους πόρους.Κάντε μία δωρεά για την προώθηση και την πρόοδο του Σατανισμού σήμερα! " sounds very unprofessional. A better translation is " Οι Χριστιανικές εκκλησίες έχουν άφθονο πλούτο. Για να προοδεύσει ο Σατανισμός, χρειαζόμαστε χρήματα. Η Διακονία της Χαράς του Σατανά μπορεί να πετύχει πολλά περισσότερα με τους κατάλληλους πόρους. Κάντε μια δωρεά σήμερα για την πρόοδο του Σατανισμού! "

is poorly written. A better translation is " Πατήστε το “ΧΑΙΡΕ ΣΑΤΑΝΑ” παρακάτω για να επισκεφτείτε τα Forums μας, όπου μπορείτε να μάθετε περισσότερα για τον Πνευματικό Σατανισμό. "

4) "
New suggestions:
  1. The page/tab name should be translated into "Χαρά του Σατανά"
  2. "ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΕΙΣ - 18/Ιούλιος/2023" should be "ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΕΙΣ - 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2024" and should redirect to
  3. " "Το σκότος είναι φως αντιστραμμένο μέσα έξω" - Beelzebul " should be " "Το σκότος είναι αντεστραμμένο φως" - Ζευς "
  4. "Καλώς ήρθατε" should be "Καλώς Ήρθατε"
  5. "Δαίμονες: Οι Αρχαίοι προ-χριστιανικοί Θεοί" should be "Δαίμονες: Οι Αρχαίοι Θεοί μας"
  6. "Σατανική μαγεία" should be "Σατανική Μαγεία"
  7. "ΣΑΤΑΝΙΚΆ ΔΌΓΜΑΤΑ" should be "Σατανικά Δόγματα"
  8. "ΣΑΤΑΝΙΚΗ ΗΘΙΚΗ" should be "Σατανική Ηθική"
  9. "Εκθέτοντας τον Χριστιανισμό" The red "ΕΚΘΕΣΗ" on the image should be removed, as its current meaning in Modern Greek is "essay". It can be replaced with "ΨΕΜΑ" (=lie)
  10. "Θάνατος, & Μεταθάνατος ζωή και Κόλαση" should be "Θάνατος & Μεταθάνατος Ζωή"
  11. "Σατανικά σύμβολα" should be "Σατανικά Σύμβολα"
  12. "Σατανικές εορτές" should be "Σατανικές Εορτές"
The copyright claims should also be updated to 2024 at the bottom of the home page.
  1. "Διαβάστε περισσότερα για τον σατανισμό" should be "Διαβάστε περισσότερα για τον Σατανισμό" (capitalised Σ)
  2. "ΧΑΡΆ ΤΟΥ ΣΑΤΑΝΆ ΤΕΛΕΤΟΥΡΓΊΕΣ" should be "Τελετουργίες"
  1. "Διαβάστε περισσότερα για τον σατανισμό" should be "Διαβάστε περισσότερα για τον Σατανισμό" (capitalised Σ)
  2. "ΧΑΡΆ ΤΟΥ ΣΑΤΑΝΆ ΤΕΛΕΤΟΥΡΓΊΕΣ" should be "Τελετουργίες"
Hello. I saw the message now, will update shortly.
New suggestions:
  • "ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΕΙΣ - 18/Ιούλιος/2023" should be "ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΕΙΣ - 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2024" and should redirect to
I see the point in directing that to the English site updates but those updates should be implemented in all the other sites as well.
  • "Εκθέτοντας τον Χριστιανισμό" The red "ΕΚΘΕΣΗ" on the image should be removed, as its current meaning in Modern Greek is "essay". It can be replaced with "ΨΕΜΑ" (=lie)
The word was expected to mean "Exposed" as in Christianity Exposed (being just one simple word, I am surprised DeepL provided a different translation). Please let me know the correct translation for "exposed" so I can fix it. I've done all the other edits suggested, thanks a lot for raising them
I see the point in directing that to the English site updates but those updates should be implemented in all the other sites as well.

The word was expected to mean "Exposed" as in Christianity Exposed (being just one simple word, I am surprised DeepL provided a different translation). Please let me know the correct translation for "exposed" so I can fix it. I've done all the other edits suggested, thanks a lot for raising them
Thanks for taking the time to implement my suggestions.

The word for "EXPOSED" is "ΕΚΤΕΘΕΙΜΕΝΟΣ", but it doesn't make sense when used alone without being part of a sentence. This is why I suggested "ΨΕΜΑ" (=lie).

I also noticed some more things that should be fixed. I think these should be the final changes for the home page, excluding the Pentagram and the top bar which you are already working on.
  1. The tab title/name should be "Χαρά του Σατανά"
  2. The "ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΕΙΣ - 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2024" link at the top of the page should redirect to
  3. Σατανική Ηθική has an unnecessary "
  4. The footnote should be: © Πνευματικά Δικαιώματα 2002 - 2024, Joy of Satan Ministries; Αριθμός Βιβλιοθήκης του Κογκρέσου: 12-16457

    *Σημείωση: Τα περισσότερα κείμενα αυτού του ιστότοπου προστατεύονται από δικαιώματα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας. Ο συγγραφέας επιτρέπει την εκτύπωσή τους για προσωπική μελέτη αρκεί να μην παραλλαχθούν.
  5. " Χαρά του Σατανά Τελετουργίες Παλιά μορφή " at the bottom right corner of the page should be " Τελετουργίες [Παλιό] "
Changelog 7/5/24
  1. Updated “Joy of Satan Updates” and renamed it to “Ενημερώσεις” (Hyperlinks to be fixed) Joy of Satan Updates (satanismos.gr)
  2. Updated “Donate” and renamed it to “Δωρεές” (To be translated, hyperlinks to be fixed) Donate (satanismos.gr)
  3. Updated the hyperlink in “Latest post from our online Forums” (Home Page) https://www.ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/happy-new-satanic-year-2024.96147/
  4. Fixed the title in “Σατανική Ηθική” (Home Page)
  5. Fixed the title in “Old JoS Rituals” (Home Page)
  6. Fixed the title in “Θάνατος & Μεταθάνατος Ζωή” (Home Page)
  7. Fixed the Copyright notice (Home Page)
  8. Translated “Διακονία” (Ministry) Joy of Satan Ministry (satanismos.gr)
Changelog 7/5/24
  1. Updated “Joy of Satan Updates” and renamed it to “Ενημερώσεις” (Hyperlinks to be fixed) Joy of Satan Updates (satanismos.gr)
  2. Updated “Donate” and renamed it to “Δωρεές” (To be translated, hyperlinks to be fixed) Donate (satanismos.gr)
  3. Updated the hyperlink in “Latest post from our online Forums” (Home Page) https://www.ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/happy-new-satanic-year-2024.96147/
  4. Fixed the title in “Σατανική Ηθική” (Home Page)
  5. Fixed the title in “Old JoS Rituals” (Home Page)
  6. Fixed the title in “Θάνατος & Μεταθάνατος Ζωή” (Home Page)
  7. Fixed the Copyright notice (Home Page)
  8. Translated “Διακονία” (Ministry) Joy of Satan Ministry (satanismos.gr)
Hellenic SS, thank you very much for the work that you're doing. 🙏🙏

I have two small suggestions if you don't mind.

Shouldn't μεταθάνατος ζωή be μεταθανάτια ζωή?

Also, would Ιερατείο be better than Διακονία;

I am in great doubt about the second suggestion, but quite positive about the first one.
Hellenic SS, thank you very much for the work that you're doing. 🙏🙏

I have two small suggestions if you don't mind.

Shouldn't μεταθάνατος ζωή be μεταθανάτια ζωή?

Also, would Ιερατείο be better than Διακονία;

I am in great doubt about the second suggestion, but quite positive about the first one.
You're welcome.

I changed it to "Θάνατος & Μεταθανάτια Ζωή" (https://satanismos.gr/)
As for "Διακονία", it is a valid term, regardless of the fact that it has been stolen by xians.
Changelog 8/5/24
  1. Changed “Σατανικά Δόγματα” to “Σατανικές Διδαχές” (Home Page)
  2. Changed “Θάνατος & Μεταθάνατος Ζωή” to “Θάνατος & Μεταθανάτια Ζωή” (Home Page)
  3. Fixed errors regarding wording, grammar, syntax, and typos in the Home Page
  4. Changed “Forums” (to be translated)
  5. Translated the whole “Συνάξεις” section (Covens) Satanic Covens (satanismos.gr)
Changelog 9/5/24
  1. Updated the Greek JoS logo in the Home Page
  2. Removed the “Updates” hyperlink from the Home Page
  3. Changed the “Latest post from our online forums” text and hyperlink (Home Page)
  4. Added EU Copyright number (Home Page)
  5. Fixed a typo in the Home Page
  6. Fixed the title and some structural errors in “Beelzebub” satanismos.gr/Beelzebub.html
  7. Updated “Links” Joy of Satan Links (satanismos.gr)
  8. Translated “Donate” Donate (satanismos.gr)
  9. Translated the entire “Tips for Teens” subsection Tips for Teens (satanismos.gr)
  10. Translated the title in “Kids and Teens for Satan” and the hyperlinks at the bottom of the page Kids and Teens for Satan (satanismos.gr)
Changelog 9/5/24
  1. Updated the Greek JoS logo in the Home Page
  2. Removed the “Updates” hyperlink from the Home Page
  3. Changed the “Latest post from our online forums” text and hyperlink (Home Page)
  4. Added EU Copyright number (Home Page)
  5. Fixed a typo in the Home Page
  6. Fixed the title and some structural errors in “Beelzebub” satanismos.gr/Beelzebub.html
  7. Updated “Links” Joy of Satan Links (satanismos.gr)
  8. Translated “Donate” Donate (satanismos.gr)
  9. Translated the entire “Tips for Teens” subsection Tips for Teens (satanismos.gr)
  10. Translated the title in “Kids and Teens for Satan” and the hyperlinks at the bottom of the page Kids and Teens for Satan (satanismos.gr)
Very good work brother I will continue with the translations after a break I had due to some personal difficulties
Changelog 10/5/24
  1. Changed HTML title to “Χαρά του Σατανά” (Home Page)
  2. Set Lucifer’s Sigil as the tab icon / favicon of the Home Page (Dimensions and colour tone were altered, to be fixed)
  3. Removed the broken “Read more about Satanism” function and pasted the rest of the text (Home Page)
  4. Changed the format in “Satanic Covens” Satanic Covens (satanismos.gr)
  5. Increased the size of the header and of the hyperlinks in “Links” Joy of Satan Links (satanismos.gr)
Changelog 11/5/24

  • Translated the HTML titles of the following pages:
    • Welcome
    • Groups
    • Origins_of_Satanism
    • Satanism_Sanskrit
    • Satan
    • CovenGuidelines
    • Covens666
    • Initiation
    • Sabbats
    • Meditations4Covens
    • Satanic_Coven
    • Cone
    • Kids
    • JoSClergy
    • Jlinks
    • Satanic_Doctrines
    • Satanic_Sermons
    • SatanicRites
    • Resources
    • Testamonials_Essays
    • Essays
    • Eulogies
    • Yezidis
    • Al_Jilwah
    • QuretAlYezid
    • PEACE
    • SatansPoem
    • SatansPoem2
    • SatansPoem3
    • Yoga
    • ASHTAR
    • Spiritual_Code_Words
    • S_Resources

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
